Behavior Support Plan

| |[pic] |Marin |


| | |IEP |

|For behavior interfering with the student’s learning or the learning of his/her peers. | |Pages 8, 9, and 10 |

|Complete a Behavior Intervention Plan for each target behavior identified. | |1/11 |

| | | |

|Student: Student A |Date: 10/15/13 |


|1. The behavior impeding learning is: |

|(description of what the behavior looks like) |

|1.) Verbal and physical aggression toward peers. Behaviors may include swearing, making threats, using hands or body in an aggressive way such as pushing, |

|shoving, and punching. |

|2.) Task Initiation: Behavior includes Student A not initiating task when first asked to by teachers. With additional prompting, Student A will initiate the |

|task. |

|2. It impedes learning because: 1.) Missing instruction 2.)Missing time for practice of skill |

|3. The need for a Behavior Support Plan is: Early Intervention Moderate Serious Extreme |

|4. Frequency or intensity or duration of behavior 1.) Incident of pulling a peer’s pants down during recess, James reported to the Principal immediately. |

|Frequency: once every few weeks, and duration: few minutes. Intensity: moderate. 2.) Initiating undesired tasks 2-4 times daily, lasting a few minutes, |

|intensity: mild |

|reported by Campus Support, Ed Specialist, Admin and/or observed by Campus Support. |


|5. What are the predictors for the behavior? |

|(Situations in which the behavior is likely to occur: people, time, place, subject, etc) |

|1.) Less structure times of the day, including lunch, recess, free time in classroom, transitions, peers in close proximity, when adult is not attending to him|

|2.) Grade level work including undesired activities (i.e. writing) |

|6. What supports the student using the problem behavior? |

|(What is missing in the environment/curriculum or what is the environment/curriculum that needs changing?) |

|Lacks appropriate strategies to deal with escalated feelings |

|Academic skills are below grade level |

|Remove student’s need to use the behavior |

|7. What environmental changes, structures, and supports are needed to remove the student’s need to use the behavior? |

|(Changes in Time/Space/Materials/Interactions to remove likelihood of behavior) |

|Additional support during recess times, social lunch groups, pro-social strategies |

|Accommodated class work, shortened assignments, small group intervention support |

|Who will established? |General Education and Special Education Teachers |

|Who will monitor? |General Education and Special Education Teachers |

|Frequency? |daily |

|Alternatives: Part 2 - Functional Factors and new behaviors to teach and support |

|8. Team believes the behaviors occur because: |

|(Function of behavior in terms of getting, protest, or avoiding something) |

|To gain attention |

|To avoid work |

|Accept a replacement behavior that meets same need |

|9. What team believes the student should do INSTEAD of the problem behavior? |

|(How should the student escape/protest/avoid or get his/her need met in an acceptable way?) |

|1.) Initiate appropriate conversation and activities with peers, get an adult when feeling escalated |

|2.) Use strategies to initiate task; ask for help, graphic organizer, writing prompt |

|10. What teaching strategies/necessary curriculum materials are needed? |

|(List successive teaching steps for student to learn replacement behavior(s) and/or curriculum materials needed) |

|1.) Teach pro-social skills by modeling, role-play, performance feedback; social lunch group. Check in/Check out system- make sure rules are followed all day, |

|identify expected behaviors/unexpected behaviors |

|2.) graphic organizer for writing, writing prompts, support provided in small group intervention and push in services |

|11. What are reinforcement procedures to use for establishing, maintaining, and generalizing the replacement behavior(s)? |

|- Increased social reinforcement (positive attention & interaction) will follow Student A’s use of the replacement behavior |

|- Additional positive reinforcement: each rule followed during day, Student A’s earns 10 minutes of screen time at home (enforced by guardian) |

|- Additional positive reinforcement: Student A will earn a dime for initiating and completing tasks during small group intervention. Spending of money on |

|prizes each week. |

|Selection of reinforcer based on: Student interests |

| reinforcer for using replacement behavior reinforcer for general increase in positive behaviors |

|By whom: |General Education and Special Education |Frequency? | daily |

| |Teachers | | |

|effective Reaction: Part 3 – Reactive strategies |

|12. What strategies will be employed if the problem behavior occurs again? |

|1. Prompt Student A to use his replacement behaviors |

|2. Reflection on behavior with principal |

|3. Any further classroom or school consequences |

|4. Discussion with Special Ed teacher at check out at end of day |

|5. Parent notification |

|1. Prompt student to switch to the replacement behavior Follow rules: hands/body to self, use kind words, follow directions |

|2. Describe how staff should handle the problem behavior if it occurs again He loses 10 minutes of screen time at home for each rule not followed |

|3. Positive discussion with student after behavior ends Reflection with principal and special ed teacher |

| Optional |

|4. Any necessary further classroom or school consequences Parent notification |

|Personnel? Principal |

|Outcome: part 4 – Behavioral goals |

|Use the following charts as a guide and transfer the information to a Marin SELPA Annual Goal form |

|13. Behavioral Goal(s) |

|Required: Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behavior (FERB) Goal |

|By When |Who |Will do X |For the purpose |Instead of Z |For the purpose |Under what |At what level of |As measured by |

| | |behavior |of Y |behavior |of Y |conditional |proficiency |whom and how |

| | | | | | |conditions | | |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

| |

|Option 1: Increase General Positive or Decrease Problem Behavior |

|By When |Who |Will do what, or will not do what |At what level of |Under what conditional |As measured by whom and |

| | | |proficiency |conditions |how |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |

| |

|Option 2: Increase General Positive or Decrease Problem Behavior |

|By When |Who |Will do what, or will not do what |At what level of |Under what conditional |As measured by whom and |

| | | |proficiency |conditions | |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |

| The above behavioral goal(s) are to: increase use of replacement behavior and may also include: |

|Reduce frequency of problem behavior Develop new general skills that remove student’s need to use the problem behavior |

| |

|Observation and Analysis Conclusion: |

|Are curriculum accommodations or modifications also necessary? Where described: in IEP | Yes No |

|Are environmental supports/changes necessary? | Yes No |

|Is reinforcement of replacement behavior alone enough (no new teaching is necessary)? | Yes No |

|Are both teaching of new replacement behavior AND reinforcement needed? | Yes No |

|This BSP to be coordinated with other agency’s service plans? | Yes No |

|Person responsible for contact between agencies       |

| | |

|Communication: Part 5 – communication provisions |

|Manner and content of communication |

|1. Who? |2. Under what conditions? |3. Delivery method? |4. Expected |5. Content? |6. How will this |

| |(contingent/continuous) | |Frequency? | |be a two-way communication? |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |

| |

|1. Who? |2. Under what conditions? |3. Delivery method? |4. Expected |5. Content? |6. How will this |

| |(contingent/continuous) | |Frequency? | |be a two-way communication? |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |

| |

|1. Who? |2. Under what conditions? |3. Delivery method? |4. Expected Frequency?|5. Content? |6. How will this |

| |(contingent/continuous) | | | |be a two-way communication? |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |

| |


| Student       |

| Parent/Guardian       |

| Parent/Guardian       |

| Educator and Title       |

| Educator and Title       |

| Educator and Title       |

| Administrator       |

| Other       |


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