Mental Health Counseling and Psychiatric Agencies

|Organization Name/ |Hours of Operation |Eligibility Criteria and Referral Process |Cost/ |Services |

|Telephone | | |Payment Options | |

| |Monday |Eligibility Criteria |Intake Appointment is $25 |Mental health and substance abuse |

|El Futuro |9:00am to 5:00pm |Adults and children 4 and older |$20 for a screening appointment |Mental health assessment |

|136 E Chapel Hill Street |Tuesday |Does not have to be a Durham county resident |Additional services cost is |Individual therapy and family therapy |

|Durham , NC 27701 |9:00am to 7:00pm |Referral Process |determined from screening visit |Medication management |

| |Wednesday & Thursday |Patient must contact El Futuro directly to | |Substance abuse assessment and treatment |

|(919) 688-7101 |9:00am to 5:00pm |schedule appointment | | |

|Toll Free 1 (877) 235-6809 |Friday | | | |

| |9:00am to 2:00pm | | | |

| | | | |Spanish-speaking Staff |

| |Monday |Eligibility Criteria |Intake Appointment is $25 |Mental health and substance abuse |

|El Futuro |10:00am to 7:00pm |Adults and children 4 and older |$20 for a screening appointment |Mental health assessment |

|110 W. Main Street. Suite 2H | |Does not have to be a Durham county resident |Additional services cost is |Individual therapy and family therapy |

|Carrboro, NC 27510 |Tuesday, Wednesday, |Referral Process |determined from screening visit |Administration of medicines |

| |Thursday |Patient must contact El Futuro directly to | |Evaluation, classes, and treatment related to DWIs |

|(919) 338-1939 ext. 501 |10:00am to 4:00pm |schedule appointment | |Substance abuse assessment and treatment |

|Toll Free 1 (877) 235-6809 | | | | |

| |Friday | | |Spanish-speaking Staff |

| |9:00am to 2:00pm | | | |

|Lincoln Community Health Center |Monday, Wednesday, |Eligibility Criteria |Sliding scale* |Bilingual therapy |

|Behavioral Health Clinic |Thursday, Friday |Patients have to be registered LCHC patients | |Psychiatric services |

|1301 Fayetteville Street |8:00am to 5:00pm |Durham county residents only | | |

|Durham NC 27707 | |Referral Process | | |

| |Tuesday |Patient must call the clinic to schedule an | | |

|(919) 956-4068 |8:00am to 8:00pm |appointment | | |

| | | | | |

| |Saturday | | | |

| |8:00am to 12:30pm | | | |

| | | | |Spanish-speaking Staff |

|Triumph |Monday to Friday |Eligibility Criteria |No cost if patient qualifies for |Psychological and Psychiatric care |

|3708 Mayfair Street |8:30am to 5:00pm |Children and Adults with no insurance have to |IPRS funding |Outpatient therapy |

|Durham, NC 27707 | |go through the Durham Center to do a screening | |Community Support |

| | |Referral Process | | |

|(919) 683-1800 | |Referrals go through the Durham Center if they | | |

| | |don’t they have insurance. Referrals also can | | |

| | |be made with Tremaine Sawyer (919)683-1800 | | |

| | |(Medicaid clients) | |English Only |


Mental Health Counseling and Psychiatric Agencies

|Organization Name/ |Hours of Operation |Eligibility Criteria and Referral Process |Cost/ |Services |

|Telephone | | |Payment Options | |

| |Monday to Friday |No eligibility Criteria |Sliding scale* for uninsured |Confidential bilingual counseling regarding family |

|Catholic Charities |9:00am to 3:30pm |Referral Process |patients |issues, relationships, emotional stress, substance |

|902 Broad Street | |Patients must contact Sarah Jensen directly to |Insurance, Medicaid or Medicare |issues |

|Durham NC 27705 | |schedule an appointment | | |

|(919) 286-1964 | | | |Spanish-speaking Staff |

|Easter Seals (ASAP) |Monday to Friday |Eligibility Criteria |No cost if patient qualifies for |Case management and life skills development for |

|433 West Main St |9:00am to 5:00pm |Patient needs a qualified diagnosis |IPRS funding |severe diagnosed mental disease (schizophrenia, |

|Durham, NC 27701 | |Has to be a Durham County resident only for |Medicaid |bipolar disease, etc.) |

| | |certain services | | |

|(919) 433-0170 | |Referral Process | |Some Spanish |

| | |Referrals go through the Durham Center | | |

|Easter Seals (ASAP) |Monday to Friday |Eligibility Criteria |No cost if patient qualifies for |Case management and life skills development for |

|Mary Roughton |8:30am to 5:00pm |Patient needs a qualified diagnosis |IPRS funding |severe diagnosed mental disease (schizophrenia, |

|134 Wind Chime Court | |Has to be a Durham County resident only for |Medicaid |bipolar disease, etc.) |

|Raleigh, NC 27615 | |certain services | | |

| | |Referral Process | |Some Spanish |

|(919) 861-0033   ext 107 | |Referrals go through The Durham Center | | |

|The Durham Center |Clients can call 24 hours a day|Eligibility Criteria |Free |Manages mental health, developmental disability and |

|501 Willard Street |7 days a week, 365 days of the |Durham County residents only | |substance |

|Durham, NC 27701 |year |Referral Process | | |

| | |A phone screening only service | | |

|(919) 560-7200 | |Patients should call hotline for phone | | |

|Hotline: 1 800 510 9132 | |screening | | |

| | |Patients are referred to different agencies | | |

| | |Appointments will be made for clients | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Bilingual Hotline |

|CAARE Clinic |Monday-Friday | |Free |Social Work Counseling |

|214 Broadway Street |5:00pm-8:00pm |Eligibility Criteria | |Relaxation Therapy |

|Durham, NC 27701 |1 Saturday per month |Uninsured and within income limits | | |

|(919) 687-0793 | |18 years old and older | | |

| | |Referral Process | | |


Mental Health Counseling and Psychiatric Agencies

|Organization Name/ |Hours of Operation |Eligibility Criteria and Referral Process |Cost/ |Services |

|Telephone | | |Payment Options | |

| |Monday to Friday |Referral Process |No cost if patient qualifies for |Mental health services for people with daily life |

|Securing Resources for Consumers Inc. |And weekends |Referrals go through The Durham Center |IPRS funding |issues |

|3209 Yorktown Ave Ste 171 | | |Medicaid |Marriage counseling |

|Durham NC 27713 |Therapy hours are flexible | |Support groups are free |Children with emotional problems |

| | | | |Elderly that have lost interest in life |

|Evelyn Cordero | | | |Patients have a 6 month period of treatment, |

|Evelyn.cordero@ | | | |medication and therapy |

|(919)405-2757 | | | |Support groups |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Spanish-speaking Staff |

|Mental Health Association in Orange County | | |Pro bono therapy |Counseling |

| | | |Minimum 8 sessions a year | |

|Michelle Johnson | | | | |

|michelle@ | | | | |

|(919) 942-8083 Ext 5 | | | | |


Family Support and Child Development Organizations

|Organization Name/ |Hours of Operation |Services |Eligibility Criteria & Referral Process |Cost/ |

|Telephone | | | |Payment Options |

|Exchange Club’s Family Center of Durham | |Family Support: provided in a family’s home, |Eligibility Criteria |Free to Durham County |

|County |Monday to Friday |helps parents who need additional support to |County: Durham |Residents |

|3708 Lyckan Pkwy, Ste 103 |9:00am to 6:00pm |understand their children's behavior and learn |Ages: No requirement | |

|Durham, NC 27707 | |more effective parenting skills. |Other: Open to families | |

| |Flexible hours for clients |Spanish-speaking Staff |Referral Process | |

|(919) 403-8249 | | |Agencies or individuals call 919-403-8249, Ext 231 | |

| | | | | |

|Caring Hands |Monday to Friday |For profit agency that case manages severe |Eligibility Criteria |Medicaid |

|3209 Guess Rd |8:30am to 5:00pm |child development disorders and provides some |County: Many northern piedmont counties |For uninsured clients |

|Suite 204 | |family support |Ages: Children and adults |services are provided by |

|Durham NC 27705 | | |Referral Process |special funding but clients |

| | | |Referrals should go through The Durham Center |have to go through the Durham|

|(919) 479-6806 | | | |Center |

| | | | | |

| | |Spanish-speaking Staff | | |

|BieneSTAR |During the School year |attends to newly immigrated children early in |Eligibility Criteria |Free |

|a program of Duke’s Division of Community | |their orientation to school to provide | |If referral is given, the |

|Health (DCH) |Glenn Elementary |culturally and developmentally appropriate |Ages: Elementary age |cost will be dependent upon |

|411 West Chapel Hill Street 3rd Floor |Monday-Friday |activities that support a child's resilience |Open to students at EK Powe, George Watts, and Glenn |the agency and their source |

|Durham, NC 27701 |9am-1pm |and innate strength |Elementary Schools and their parents only. |of health care. |

|(919)419-3474 ext 268 Office |EK Powe Elementary |Prevention a and early intervention |Referral Process | |

|(919) 450-7200 Cell |Monday-Friday |Direct mental health service |Contact Kathy Logan at | |

| |12:30pm-3:30pm | |Fill out form at the School Wellness Center | |

| |George Watts Elementary | | | |

| |Monday-Friday | | | |

| |8:30am-12pm | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Spanish-speaking Staff | | |


Child Mental Health Support

|Organization Name/ |Hours of |Services |Eligibility Criteria & |Cost/ |

|Telephone |Operation | |Referral Process |Payment Options |

Alcohólicos Anónimos |

Grupo Vivir sin Beber Phoenix Square Shopping Center

901 Fayetteville Street, Suite 103,

Durham, NC 27707

Spanish-speaking Staff |Monday – Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

7:30pm – 10:00 pm

|Eligibility Criteria

• County: Any

• Ages: Over 18

Referral Process

• Patient should contact group contact information:

Jorge: (919) 225–4746

Oscar: (919) 225–0325

(919) 423–3880

|Free | | |Grupo Durham

201 West Main Street

Durham, NC 27701 |Wednesday – Sunday

8:00pm – 10:00 pm

|Eligibility Criteria

• County: Any

• Ages: Over 18

Referral Process

• Patient should contact group

contact information:

(919) 286–3370

(919) 572–1732

Spanish only |

Free | |Narcóticos Anónimos

1109 S Roxboro St

Durham, NC 27701

|Group Meetings |Monday and Wednesday

7:00pm to8:00pm |Eligibility Criteria

• County: Any

• Ages: Any

Referral Process

• Patient should contact group

contact information

(919) 485-9226 Ernesto L. |Free | |



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