Human Goods

Intrinsic Human Goods

Indicate which human goods are being pursued in the following.

1. Felix decides to fix his car on a Saturday morning just because he enjoys doing it.


2. Michelle beats Maria in a game of chess.


3. After throwing the chess pieces on the floor in anger, Maria feels guilty and apologizes.


4. Our class asks a priest to say Mass for us.


5. Nadir rushes Kristen to the hospital after she complains of severe abdominal pains.


6. Donna climbs a mountain one fall morning just to see the sunrise.


7. On her 40th birthday, Jim enrols in a philosophy course at the U of T.


8. Jeff goes to Confession for his dirty thoughts.


9. Poncho Blubbergut decides he is going to get control over his eating disorder. He joins Fatso's Anonymous.


10. Rose asks a speculative question.


11. Delon visits the Art Museum.


12. Melissa “does her tomatoes” because she just loves being an Italian.


Indicate which human good is being directly attacked (or neglected, impeded, etc.,.) in the following.

1. A cop takes a criminal in handcuffs out to a field and shoots him dead.


2. A combatant shoots a non-combatant during a war.


3. A person commits adultery.


4. A married person fantasizes about having an affair with someone not his/her spouse.


5. A person refuses to forgive.


6. A student asks the teacher to go to the washroom, but really intends to go to the Cafeteria to buy something. -

7. A person chooses to eat only high fat junk food, because it tastes good.


8. A person who is a workaholic and makes no time in his life for the contemplation of the highest things.


9. A person never bothers to control his passions, but indulges always.


10. A person spreads a rumour about someone, just because she is bored and needs excitement.


11. A person engages in fraud (that will hurt hundreds of employees in the long run) because he envisions all sorts of good things for himself.


12. A person who thinks it is below him to grovel on his knees before a supposed deity to petition favors.


13. A married couple considers having sex, realizes that a child would result, so they choose to take steps to prevent that child from becoming an actual baby (i.e., the pill), and then engages in the sexual act.


14. A person schemes and lies in order to prevent two people from getting to know one another.


15. A person acts contrary to reason.



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