
Scholarship Application InstructionsThis scholarship has been established by The Josh Reddick Foundation. The Josh Reddick Foundation’s mission is to be an advocate for the youth of the community of Effingham County. It is the hope of The Josh Reddick Foundation that this scholarship will assist two senior athletes, one male and one female, in pursuing his/her goal of becoming a successful college student. The scholarship will be sent directly to the college as soon as the recipient provides proof of enrollment.While scholastic achievement and financial need will be considered, it is not required that the applicant be one of the top scholars or be in financial distress.RequirementsIn order to be considered for The Josh Reddick Foundation Student Athlete Scholarship, ALL of the following items must be submitted to the student’s high school counselor’s office no later than May 8, 2018. The evaluation committee reserves the right to reject any application that is not submitted by the deadline or does not include ALL of the following: A completed scholarship application form The form must be neatly and highly legible. It is recommended that the student type the application. The application must be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors and cross-outs. It should be indicative of the best work that the student is capable of producing. A brief summary explaining why the student should be considered for this scholarshipThe summary should discuss how being a student athlete has influenced his/her life. The summary must be neat and legible. It is recommended that the student type the summary. It should be grammatically correct and free or spelling errors and cross-outs. It should be indicative of the best work that the student is capable of producing. _____Activities pageThis page should include community service activities, club memberships, student government, and any leadership roles held._____Essay (minimum of 200 words): What would you do with one million dollars? An official copy of the student’s most recent academic transcript, signed by the appropriate school official, and stamped with the seal of the school. Two letters of recommendation from non-family members One of the letters should be from Effingham County High School personnel.Scholarship ApplicationDate of Birth: //Personal Data Name: ___________________________________________________(Last, First, MI) Date of Birth: ______________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ Gender: Male_____ Female _____ Phone Number: ____________________________________________488378538862000574040038862000Educational/Career PlansCollege of choice: _________________________I have:AppliedBeen AcceptedWhat are your motivating factors for choosing this school?What are your career plans? How has your high school athletic experience helped you to determine these plans? Brief SummaryUse this page (should be approximately one page in length) to tell us how being a student-athlete has influenced your life?Activities PageUse this page (should be approximately one page in length) to tell us what other significant things you have done during your high school career. Please include community service activities, club memberships, student government, etc. Identify any leadership roles that you have held. You may attach additional pages if necessary.Essay QuestionWhat would you do with one million dollars?Please type your response in a minimum of 200 words. The essay should be on a separate page.Signature of Applicant:_ Date: Parent Signature: Date: Before you submit this application to your Guidance Office, review it to be sure that it represents the best work of which you are capable. Review the checklist on the cover to be sure that you have submitted ALL of the required materials.If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Mimi Hayes.The Josh Reddick Foundation thanks you for your time and effort. We wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of this scholarship and all of your future educational endeavors. ................

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