MARK SCHULLER, Ph. D,CURRICULUM VITAEDepartment of Anthropology and Center for Nonprofit and NGO StudiesNorthern Illinois University181 Stevens BuildingDeKalb, IL 60115mschuller@niu.eduACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT2023 – presentActing Director, Center for Nonprofit and NGO Studies (NNGO, formerly NGOLD)Northern Illinois University 2022 – presentPresidential Research Professor, Northern Illinois University 2020 – presentProfessor, Anthropology and NNGO, Northern Illinois University 2015-2020Associate Professor, Anthropology and NNGO, Northern Illinois University 2012-2015Assistant Professor, Anthropology and NGO Leadership and DevelopmentNorthern Illinois University2008-2012Assistant Professor, African American Studies and AnthropologyYork College, City University of New York 2007-2008Adjunct Assistant Professor, AnthropologyVassar CollegeEDUCATIONPh.D 2007 Anthropology, Global Studies and Women’s Studies Emphases University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)MA2000-2002AnthropologyUCSBBA 1996Anthropology, Sociology and Philosophy (with honors and distinction)University of Minnesota, Morris (UMM) PUBLICATIONSSingle-authored books2021Humanity’s Last Stand: Confronting Global Catastrophe. Foreword by Cynthia McKinney. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.2016Humanitarian Aftershocks in Haiti. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.2012 Killing with Kindness: Haiti, International Aid, and NGOs. Foreword by Paul Farmer. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. French edition published 2015. Winner of the Margaret Mead Award.Co-edited Volumes2016Gregory Button and Mark Schuller, eds. Contextualizing Disaster. New York: Berghahn Books. 2016Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken, Kaiama Glover, Mark Schuller, and Jhon Picard Byron, eds. The Haiti Exception: Anthropology and the Predicament of Narrative. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, Francophone Postcolonial Studies, vol. 7.2012Mark Schuller and Pablo Morales, eds. Tectonic Shifts: Haiti since the Earthquake. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press. Haitian Creole edition published 2013. 2008Nandini Gunewardena and Mark Schuller, eds. Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction. Lanham, MD: Alta Mira Press. 2006marilyn thomas-houston and Mark Schuller, eds. Homing Devices: the Poor as Targets of Public Housing Policy and Practice. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.Documentary2009Renée Bergan and Mark Schuller. Poto Mitan: Haitian Woman, Pillars of the Global Economy. Watertown, MA: Documentary Educational Resources. Peer-Reviewed Articles Online 2023“Dilemmas of Anthropological Activism, Solidarity, and Human Rights: Lessons from Haiti.” American Anthropologist. : 1-14.2023Mark Schuller and Christina Abreu. “Reproducing the ‘White Public Space’ in Anthropology Faculty Searches.” American Anthropologist, Volume 125, Issue 1: 186-193.2022Darlène Dubuisson and Mark Schuller. “Beyond Poto Mitan: Challenging the ‘Strong Black Woman’ Archetype and Leaving Space for Tenderness.” Feminist Anthropology, Volume 3, Issue 1: 60-74. 2020Maldonado, Julie, Mark Schuller, Lacey Benedick, Halle Boddy, Katelyn Kramer, Evan Blankenberger, Ardyn Cieslak, and Christine Jenkins. “‘Imagining a More Just World’: Interview with Julie Maldonado. Annals of Anthropological Practice, Volume 44, Issue 1: 6-13.2020K. Jessica Hsu and Mark Schuller. “Humanitarian Aid and Local Power Structures: Lessons from Haiti’s ‘Shadow Disaster.’” Disasters, Volume 44, Issue 4: 641-665.2020 Scott Freeman and Mark Schuller. “Aid Projects: the Effects of Commodification and Exchange.” World Development, Volume 126: 1-9. 2019“Entwodiksyon: Rechèch sou Teren apre Siklòn Matyè,” Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 25, Number 2: 94-96.2019Mark Schuller, Bette Gebrian, and Judy Lewis. “Yon Lòt Ayiti Posib: Glimmers of Another Haiti Following the 2010 Earthquake and 2016 Hurricane Matthew.” Human Organization, Volume 78, Issue 4: 267-277. 2018“Editoryal: les ONG.” Chantiers: Revue des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de l’UEH, Volume 4: 11-20.2018“Fè ONG: Yon Nouvo Granmè ONG.” Chantiers, Volume 4: 231-244.2017David Lewis and Mark Schuller. “Engagements with a Productively Unstable Category: Anthropologists and Nongovernmental Organizations,” Current Anthropology, Volume 54, Number 5: 634-651. 2017Kendall Thu, Mark Schuller, Tiara Huggins and Valarie Redmond. “Intersections of Tea Partyism, Racism, and Classism in a Low-Income Housing Struggle in DeKalb, Illinois.” Human Organization, Volume 76, Number 4: 348-357. 2016Mark Schuller and Julie Maldonado. “Disaster Capitalism.” Annals of Anthropological Practice, Volume 40, Number 1: 56-66. 2015“Introduction to Special Issue, Seeing Obama’s Election through the Black Americas: Ethnographic Perspectives as a Mirror,” Transforming Anthropology. Volume 23, Number 2: 63-67.2015“Pa Manyen Fanm Nan Konsa: Intersectionality, Structural Violence, and Vulnerability Before and After Haiti’s Earthquake.” Feminist Studies, Volume 41, Number 1: 184-210. 2014“Being an Insider Without: Activist Anthropological Engagement in Haiti after the Earthquake.” American Anthropologist, Volume 116, Number 2 (June): 409-412.2014Mark Schuller and Tania Levey. “Kabrit Ki Gen Twòp Mèt: Understanding Persistent Gaps in Water and Sanitation Services in Haiti’s IDP Camps.” Disasters. Volume 38, issue s1 (April): S1-S24. 2013“Archiving Violence: A Conversation between Mark Schuller and Deborah Thomas on the Making of Poto Mitan and Bad Friday.” Transition. Volume 112: 153-168.2013“Enpak ?d Entènasyonal sou Enfrastrikti Sivik: ONG nan Kan pou Deplase Yo.” Ha?ti Perspectives. Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer): 38-45.2012 “Challenges to Solidarity across Multiple Borders: Haiti’s Free Trade Zone.” Caribbean Quarterly. Volume 58, Number 4 (December): 87-110.2012“Genetically Modified Organizations? Understanding and Supporting Local Civil Society in Urban Haiti.” Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring): 50-73.2011Elizabeth Currans, Mark Schuller, and Tiffany Willoughby-Herard. “Negotiating Treacherous Terrain: Disciplinary Power, Security Cultures, and Affective Ties in a Local Anti-War Movement.” Social Justice, Volume 38, Issue 3: 1-24.2011“‘They Have Forgotten about Us!’ Gender and Haiti’s IDP Camps.” meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism, Volume 11, Issue 1: 149-157.2011“Rasin Neyoliberal Kriz Lavi Chè a” (the neoliberal roots of Haiti’s food crisis). Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 17, Issue 1: 140-154.2010“Haiti’s Disaster after the Disaster: the IDP Camps and Cholera.” Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, “Gluing Globalization: NGOs as Intermediaries in Haiti.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Volume 32, Issue 1 (May): 84-104. Republished on online issue, new postscript.2008“Participation, More than Add Women and Stir? A Comparative Case Analysis in Post-Coup Haiti.” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, issue 2: 1-34.2007“Invasion or Infusion? Understanding the Roles of NGOs in Contemporary Haiti.” Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 13, Issue 2: 61-85. 2007“Haiti’s 200-Year Ménage-à-Trois: Globalization, the State, and Civil Society.” Caribbean Studies, Volume 35, Issue 1 (January – June 2007): 141-179.2007“Seeing Like a ‘Failed’ NGO: Globalization’s Impacts on State and Civil Society in Haiti.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Volume 30, Issue 1 (Spring): 67-89. Republished on online issue, new postscript.Book Forewords 2015Ilionor Louis. Pertes Capitales. Port-au-Prince: ?ditions Université d’?tat d’Ha?ti.Book Chapters / Encyclopedia Articles2023“Mòd Leta: Haitian Understandings of Crises, Past and Present.” In Vincent Joos, Martin Munro, and John Ribo, eds. From Katrina to Michael: Understanding Disasters in the Circum-Caribbean. New York: Berghahn Books, 27-49. 2022“Dear Little Mothers: Governing the ‘Republic of NGOs.’” In Andria Timmer and Elizabeth Wirtz, eds. Gender, Power, and Non-Governance: Is Female to Male as NGO Is to State? New York: Berghahn Books, 193-216. Forthcoming “Challenges and Challengers: Haiti, Petrocaribe, International Aid, and NGOs.” In Henry Carey, ed. Unmasking Haiti and International Crises. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 2020“Conclusion – Rewriting the Disaster Narrative: the Archaeological Imagination.” In Felix Riede and Payson Sheets, eds. Going Forward by Looking Back: Archaeological Perspectives on Socio-Ecological Crisis, Response, and Collapse. New York: Berghahn Books, 425-433.2020“Challenges of ‘Communiversity’ Organizing in Trumplandia.” In Anna J. Willow and Kelly A. Yotebieng, eds. Anthropology and Activism: New Contexts, New Conversations.? New York: Routledge Press, 175-189.2019“‘Haitians Need to Be Patient:’ Notes on Policy Advocacy in Washington following Haiti’s Earthquake.” In Roberto Barrios and Susanna Hoffman, eds. Disaster Upon Disaster: Exploring the Gap between Risk and Disaster Knowledge and What Enters Policy and Practice. New York: Berghahn Books, 241-263. 2017“Dilemmas of Dual Roles, Studying NGOs, and Donor Driven ‘Democracy.’” In Amanda Lashaw, Stephen Sampson, and Christian Vannier, eds. Cultures of Doing Good: Anthropologists and NGOs. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 21-25. 2016“The Tremors Felt Round the World: Haiti’s Earthquake as Global Imagined Community.” In Gregory V. Button and Mark Schuller, eds. Contextualizing Disaster, 66-88. 2016“The Anthropological Uses of Haiti: a Long Durée Approach.” In Alessandra Benedicty, Jhon Picard Byron, Kaiama Glover, and Mark Schuller, eds The Haiti Exception, 15-32.2015“Pa Manyen Fanm Nan Konsa: Understanding Violence against Women after Haiti’s Earthquake.” In Jennifer Wies and Hillary Haldane, eds. Applying Anthropology to Gender Based Violence. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 107-118.2014Mark Schuller and David Lewis. “Anthropology of NGOs.” In John L. Jackson, ed. Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. New York: Oxford University Press.2014“Spotlights and Mirrors: Media and the Humanitarian Community in Haiti’s Disaster.” In Michele Acuto, ed. Negotiating Relief: The Dialectics of Humanitarian Aid. London: Hurst, 99-109.2013“Cholera and the Camps: Reaping the Republic of NGOs.” In Millery Polyné, ed. The Idea of Haiti: History, Development and the Creation of New Narratives. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 181-201. 2012“Haiti’s Bitter Harvest: the NGOization of Humanitarian Aid.” In Antonio Donini, ed. The Golden Fleece: Manipulation and Independence in Humanitarian Action. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press, 171-193.2010“Mister Blan, or the Incredible Whiteness of Being an Anthropologist.” In Erin Taylor, ed. Fieldwork Identities in the Caribbean. Coconut Creek, FL: Caribbean Studies Press, 125-150.2008“Deconstructing the Disaster after the Disaster: Conceptualizing Disaster Capitalism.” In Gunewardena and Schuller, eds. Capitalizing on Catastrophe, 17-27.2008“Haiti Is Finished! Haiti’s ‘End of History’ meets Ends of Capitalism.” In Gunewardena and Schuller, eds. Capitalizing on Catastrophe, 191-214.2006“Jamming the Meatgrinder World: Lessons Learned from Tenants Organizing in St. Paul.” In thomas-houston and Schuller, eds. Homing Devices, 159-180.2006Mark Schuller and marilyn thomas-houston. “Introduction: No Place Like Home, No Time Like the Present.” In thomas-houston and Schuller, eds. Homing Devices, 1-19.Editor-reviewed articles2022“Haiti: What Does Solidarity Really Mean?” Anthropology Now, Volume 13, Number 3: 31-41.2022“Building Back Bitter.” Hot Spots: Society for Cultural Anthropology. May 3. Dougé-Prosper and Mark Schuller. “End of Empire? A View from Haiti.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume 53, issue 1 (March): 1-6.2020“Humanity’s Last Stand: Confronting Global Catastrophe.” Anthropology Now, Volume 12, Issue 3 (December): 136-145.2020Mamyrah Dougé-Prosper and Mark Schuller. “Haiti’s Petro-Realité.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume 52, issue 1 (March): 20-25.2017“Haiti’s Republic of NGOs.” Current History. Volume 116, number 787 (February): 68-73.2015“Humanitarian Occupation in Haiti.” NACLA Report on the Americas, July 28.2013“Working with Students on a Mixed-Methods, Social Justice Approach to Understanding Haiti’s IDP Camps,” Practicing Anthropology, Volume 35, Issue 3 (Summer 2013): 3-7. 2010“Shattered and Scattered: Haiti’s Earthquake within the Lens of Human Rights.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume 43, issue 5: (July-August 2010): 20-27.2010“Trauma and Solidarity in the New Haiti.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume 43, issue 2 (March-April 2010): 4. 2010“From Activist to Applied Anthropologist to Anthropologist? On the Politics of Collaboration.” Practicing Anthropology, Volume 32, issue 1 (Winter 2010), 43-47. 2008“Haiti’s Food Riots: an Early Warning Sign of the World’s Food Crisis.” International Socialist Review, issue 59 (May-June 2008), 3-5. Book Reviews2023Island Futures: Caribbean Survival in the Anthropocene, Mimi Sheller. NWIG, Volume 97: 128-129. 2018Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthquake Haiti, Ralph R. Frerichs. NWIG, Volume 92, Issue 1-2: 41-42.2015Theorizing NGOs: States, Feminisms, and Neoliberalism, edited by Victoria Bernal and Inderpal Grewal. Anthropos, Volume 110: 598-600.2015“Organic Intellectuals: Los Angeles Community Action Network’s Defense of ‘Skid Row’ and the Right to Housing,” National Political Science Review. Volume 17, Issue 1: 123-125.2013Fault Lines: Views across Haiti’s Divide by Beverly Bell (2013). Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 19, Issue 2: Fall: 208-211.2013 Driven from New Orleans: How Nonprofits Betray Public Housing and Promote Privatization by John Arena (2012). Working USA: the Journal of Labor and Society, Volume 16, Issue 2: 312-316. 2011“Five Decades of Anthropological Engagement in the Caribbean: Sidney Mintz’ Three Ancient Colonies (2010).” Anthropology Now, Volume 3, Issue 2: 78-83. 2008Twinning Faith and Development: Catholic Parish Partnering in the US and Haiti by Tara Hefferan (2007). Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Volume 13, Issue 2: November, 478-480.2003When the Hands Are Many by Jennie Smith (2001) Journal of Haitian Studies, Volume 9, Issue 1, spring 2003.Other Publications2012Homeward Bound? Assessing Progress of Relocation from Haiti’s IDP Camps. Report published on November 16 by NIU and Université d’?tat d’Ha?ti: it Time for MINUSTAH to Leave? Popular Perceptions of the UN Stabilization Mission in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, report published on February 14 by York College: èt Kò Veye Kò: Foreign Responsibility in the Failure to Protect against Cholera and Other Man-Made Disasters, report published on January 22 by CUNY and Université d’?tat d’Ha?ti: Foundations: Impacts of NGOs on Human Rights for Port-au-Prince’s Internally Displaced People, report published on October 4 by CUNY and the Faculté d’Ethnologie, Université d’?tat d’Ha?ti: for Huffington Post. Over forty articles published since 2010, re-published elsewhere with permission.2010“Uncertain Ground: Haiti’s Earthquake and its Aftermath,” published on Counterpunch, February 10. 2010“Starfish and Seawalls: Responding to Haiti’s Earthquake, Now and Long-Term,” published on Common Dreams, January 14. 2009“Haiti’s Elections: ‘Beat the Dog Too Hard,’” published on Counterpunch, Common Dreams, and others: June. 2009Report: “Haiti Needs New Development Approaches, not More of the Same,” published on , Commonwealth Institute, and others: June.2008“Gluing Globalization: NGOs as Intermediaries in Haiti.” Anthropology News: vol. 49, no. 2: February, 40.2007“Sex, Lies, and International Aid: a Tale of Two Scandals.” Anthropology News: vol. 48, no. 6: September, 44.2007-2013 Columnist, SfAA Newsletter 2006“Break the Chains of Haiti’s Debt.” Report for Jubilee USA, May 20. 2006“‘Privatizing the State’ in Haiti.” Anthropology News: vol. 47, no. 4: April, 41.2006“Assessing Participation in Haitian Health NGOs.” Within Reach: vol. 4, no. 4. 2000Will the Real Superman Please Stand Up? Original play, directed by JB Becker, debuted at Minnesota Fringe Festival.2000Davis, Laura, Laura Jelinek, Melissa Manderschied, and Mark Schuller. 2000. “CDBG Workbook.” Minneapolis: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, January 2000.FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTSExtramural Awards2017National Science Foundation RAPID Grant # 1722749 ($38,026)2015National Science Foundation CAREER Grant # 1455142 ($425,460)2014Bellagio Center Resident Scholar Program, Rockefeller Foundation2013Illinois Council on Humanities ($5,000 – co-PI with Jennifer Kirker-Priest)2013Fondasyon Konesans ak Libète (FOKAL) ($6,000)2012National Science Foundation, Supplementary Award ($12,505)2012Fondasyon Konesans ak Libète (FOKAL) ($5,000)2011Reaching Up ($2,000)2011National Science Foundation Senior Research Grant # 1122704 ($98,498)2011Haiti Education on Displacement Issues Project (HEDIP) ($9,500)2010John F. Kennedy Junior Institute ($2,726.30)2008Puffin Foundation ($1,000)2002-7Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation ($105,000)2004Finalist, IIE-Fulbright Student Research Competition (State Department prohibited student research in Haiti during field tenure)2001GLBA scholarship, Santa Barbara, CA ($1,000)Systemwide Awards2011Stewart Travel Award, CUNY ($500)2011Faculty Research Grant, Professional Staff Congress-CUNY ($5,998.45)2010Faculty Research Grant, Professional Staff Congress-CUNY ($3,000)2009Faculty Research Grant, Professional Staff Congress-CUNY ($4,000)2007Mini Grant, Labor and Employment Research Fund ($4,000)2004Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation Dissertation Fellowship ($15,969)Campus Awards2022Center for Latino and Latin American Studies / Research and Innovation Partnerships2019NIU Foundation Faculty Engagement Grant2007Travel Grant, Faculty Senate, UCSB2003-6Albert Spaulding Fellowship, Department of Anthropology, UCSB (declined 2004)2004Fee fellowship, Department of Anthropology, UCSB 2003Humanities and Social Science Research Grant, UCSB2002Pre-Dissertation Site Visit Grant, Department of Anthropology, UCSB HONORS AND AWARDS2023Distinguished Alumni, University of California, Santa Barbara2022Presidential Research, Scholarship, and Artistry Professor, NIU2021Award for Excellence, Haitian Studies Association2017Honorable Mention, Barbara Christian Prize for Best Book in Humanities, for Humanitarian Aftershocks in Haiti, Caribbean Studies Association2016Anthropology in Media Award, American Anthropological Association2016Outstanding Alumni Award, University of Minnesota, Morris2015Margaret Mead Award, Society for Applied Anthropology and American Anthropological Association 2014Superior Achievement Award, Illinois Association of Museums, for Fragments2012Nomination, Elizabeth M. Eddy Endowed Professorship in Applied Anthropology, University of Florida2011President’s Award for Faculty Scholarship, York College 2007Association for Political and Legal Anthropology (APLA), Student Paper Award2002Community Service Award, Lavender Graduation, UCSB2002Dixon/ Levy Award, Graduate Students Association, UCSB2000Streetworker of the Year Award, St. Paul Area Coalition for the HomelessLECTURES/ PRESENTATIONSInvited Presentations Keynote AddressesOctober 2020Moderator, “Nou La Pi Rèd! Embodying a New Praxis,” Haitian Studies Association. Zoom.February 2020“Haiti’s Humanitarian Occupation, 10 Years On: NGOing the Country,” From Katrina to Michael: Disaster in the 21st-Century Circum-Caribbean, Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, Florida State University. October 2017“New Minimum Standards for Aid,” Nonprofit and NGO Summit: the Effectiveness of Aid, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.May 2012“Tectonic Shifts: Haiti since the Earthquake,” Haitian Flag Day, University of California, Santa Barbara.February 2011 “Mèt Kò Veye Kò: Impact of NGOs on Haiti’s IDP Camps.” 2011 Columbia University Program of International Affairs conference, Internal Displacement: Unsettled, Uncertain, Unseen conference, Columbia University.Congressional BriefingsMarch 2012“Update on Haiti’s IDP Camps: Research from Haitian Students and Affiliates”January 2012“Haiti: Where Did the Money Go?”March 2011“Update on Haiti’s IDP Camps”Discussions of Humanitarian AftershocksApril 2017University of Illinois, Urbana ChampaignMay 2016African American Resource Center, York College April 2016Haitian American Museum of ChicagoMarch 2016Northern Illinois UniversityJanuary 2016Faculté d’Ethnologie, Port-au-Prince, HaitiDiscussions of Killing with KindnessMarch 2017University of RedlandsApril 2013Northern Illinois University Alumni Center March 2013 New York University November 2012City Lights Bookstore, San FranciscoNovember 2012Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, BostonNovember 2012 Haiti Liberté / Grenadier Bookstore, BrooklynNovember 2012 Bluestockings Bookstore, ManhattanNovember 2012 Inquiring Minds Bookstore, New PaltzOctober 2012David A Walsh ’67 Arts and Sciences Seminar Series, Clarkson UniversityOctober 2012African American Resource Center, York CollegeDiscussions of Tectonic ShiftsFebruary 2012John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard UniversityJanuary 2012Brecht Forum, New YorkJanuary 2012Haitian Embassy, Washington, DCJanuary 2012Busboys and Poets, Washington, DCJanuary 2012Faculté d’Ethnologie, Port-au-Prince, HaitiUniversity discussions of Poto Mitan and Haiti’s earthquakeApril 2021Vassar College March 2017University of RedlandsOctober 2015Smith CollegeMarch 2014Eastern Michigan University January 2014 Vassar College November 2013Illinois Council on HumanitiesMarch 2013Northern Illinois UniversityMarch 2012Lehman CollegeJanuary 2012University of Cincinnati November 2011Bowdoin College October 2011Bowling Green State University September 2011California State University, Los Angeles September 2011California Lutheran UniversitySeptember 2011University of Missouri April 2011Harvard UniversityMarch 2011Seattle UniversityFebruary 2011University of Texas, Austin November 2010Tulane University November 2010Pace University November 2010New York UniversityOctober 2010University of TorontoSeptember 2010Claremont University April 2010Hamline UniversityApril 2010Denver UniversityApril 2010University of Virginia April 2010College of William and Mary April 2010Virginia Commonwealth University March 2010Wesleyan University March 2010George Washington UniversityFebruary 2010American University February 2010Louisiana State UniversityDecember 2009Drew University November 2009Indiana University /Purdue University of Indianapolis October 2009Fairfield University October 2009Dickinson College October 2009University of MiamiApril 2009Minnesota Journalism Center, University of MinnesotaApril 2009University of Minnesota, MorrisApril 2009University of FloridaApril 2009Florida Community College of JacksonvilleApril 2009Department of International Affairs, Columbia UniversityApril 2009Film and Culture Series, Medgar Evers College, CUNYFebruary 2009Florida International UniversityFebruary 2009Provost Lecture Series, York CollegeFebruary 2009Middle Tennessee State University January 2009University of Southern CaliforniaJanuary 2009University of California, Los AngelesMarch 2008St. Ambrose UniversityOther May 2023With Mamyrah Dougé Prosper, “PetroPolitics and Popular Revolts in Contemporary Haiti,” Fossil Capitalism in the Global South, Neubauer Collegium, University of Chicagp.April 2023“Anthropolitics versus the Anthropocene,” University of Pittsburgh.October 2022“Anthropolitics: Surviving the Anthropocene, Surviving Right Now,” International Justice Lab Nexus Series, College of William and Mary.October 2022“Anthropolitics: Surviving the Anthropocene, Surviving Right Now,” Reiff Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution, Christopher Newport University.June 2022Plenary session, “Beyond Lessons Learned: Coordination for Disaster Response,” Haiti Response Coalition / Haiti Development Institute, Les Cayes, Haiti.February 2022“Roundtable on Haiti: A Dialogue on Current Political Conditions and the Demands of Haitian Social Movements,” Charlas con Café, University of Arizona. April 2021Discussant, “A Revelatory Pandemic? Disaster Social Science and COVID-19 in Latin America,” University of New Orleans. January 2021“Reconstruction of the World,” Medico International. October 2017 “Humanity’s Last Stand? Why the World Needs an Anthropological Imagination Now More than Ever,” State University of New York at New Paltz.April 2017 “CultureShocks: Cultures of Aidland,” International Studies Public Forum, University of California, Irvine. April 2017“Humanity’s Last Stand: Reviving an Anthropological Imagination,” University of Illinois.February 2017“An Anthropological Imagination,” Anthropology colloquium series, University of Pittsburgh.February 2017“Beyond Poto Mitan: Voicing the Silences of Women's Experiences in Research and Activism in Haiti,” with Darlene Dubuisson. Caribbean Women’s Socio-Political Activism Symposium, University of Pittsburgh. April 2016 Margaret Mead Award Discussion, Society for Applied Anthropology.October 2015“Haiti’s Earthquake: Lessons (not) Learned,” University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.October 2015“Humanitarian Aftershocks in Haiti,” Smith College. May 2015“NGOing: Aid Aftershocks to Haiti’s Social Movements after the Earthquake,” Symposium on Social Movements and Globalization, Northwestern University.March 2015 Workshops in Multidisciplinary Philanthropic Studies, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.March 2015“Disaster Capitalism: A View from Haiti,” Graduate Colloquium Series, Political Science and International Relations, Florida International University.November 2014“Governance and Accountability: Lessons (not) Learned,” Fooling the Sun, not Fooling the Rain: Housing and Shelter in Haiti 5 Years after the Earthquake, Elliot School for International Affairs, George Washington University. August 2014“CultureShocks: Humanitarian Ruptures in Post-Quake Port-au-Prince, Haiti,” Médecins Sans Frontières Germany, Berlin. February 2014“Pa Manyen Fanm Nan Konsa: Gender, Aid, and Violence after Haiti’s Earthquake,” University of Iowa, Department of Anthropology Colloquium Series.January 2014 “Displaced Cultures: Humanitarian Ruptures in Post-Quake Port-au-Prince, Haiti,” London School of Economics.January 2014“Kabrit Ki Gen Twòp Mèt: Explaining Gaps in WASH coverage in Haiti’s IDP Camps,” School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London.January 2014 “Pa Manyen Fanm Nan Konsa: Aid and Gender Based Violence in Haiti’s IDP Camps,” Royal Holloway University of London.November 2013 Konferans Deba sou ?d Imanitè, Fondasyon Konesans ak Libète (FOKAL), Port-au-Prince.October 2013Government of Haiti, Ministère de Planification et Co?pération Extèrne. Première Forum National des ONG. September 2013After the Earthquake: Haiti and the Failure of International Aid. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.September 2013Global Policy Forum: Humanitarian Aid Accountability: Expectations and Realities in Haiti. Elliot School for International Affairs, George Washington University. April 2013 Humanitarianism in Haiti: Visions and Practice. Duke University. December 2012“Enpak ?d Entènasyonal sou Enfrastrikti Sivik: ONG nan Kan pou Deplase Yo,” Colloque sur les Conditions de Vie dans les Camps, l’Université d’?tat d’Ha?ti.November 2012Invited Roundtable Participant, “Activism, Advocacy, and Academia: Undoing the Borders in Feminist Anthropology?” American Anthropological Association.November 2012 Plenary speaker, “Rethinking Haitian Women’s Rights,” Haitian Studies Association. March 2012“Building Up Walls, Tearing Down Tents: Applied Anthropology in Haiti,” Coppin State University, Baltimore. January 2012 “Building Up Walls, Tearing Down Tents: Haiti’s IDP Camps Two Years Later,” History’s Hauntings: The Future of Haiti’s Sovereign Sustainability, University of Cincinnati.October 2011“Intersectionality, Structural Violence, and Vulnerability Before and After Haiti’s Earthquake,” University of California, Santa Barbara.May 2011Participant, Haiti: Beyond the Headlines. New York University School of Law.April 2011 “Unstable Foundations: Impacts of NGOs on Human Rights of Port-au-Prince’s Internally Displaced.” Fletcher School, Tufts University.April 2011 “Mèt Kò Veye Kò: Failures of International Aid following Haiti’s Earthquake.” Freie Universit?t, Berlin.April 2011 Participant, “Learning the Lessons: A Historical Perspective on Humanitarianism and Politics,” Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy.April 2011“Mèt Kò Veye Kò: Foreign Responsibilities in Haiti’s Camps.” State University of New York, New Paltz.March 2011 “Human Rights in the ‘Republic of NGOs’ in Post-Quake Haiti,” Hunter Faculty Human Rights Seminar, Hunter College, CUNY.February 2011 “Unstable Foundations: Whither Haiti’s Million-Plus Internally Displaced a Year after the Earthquake?” for 2011 Lozano Long conference, From Natural Events to Social Disasters, University of Texas-Austin.February 2011 “Thirsting for Justice: Human Rights, Cholera, and Port-au-Prince’s IDP camps a year following the earthquake,” for Caribbean Cityscapes conference, LHCS, Rutgers University.February 2011 “Pawòl Fanm: Narratives and Realities of Haitian Women, before and after the Earthquake,” for Children, Families, and Disaster in Haiti: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Immediate and long-term Responses to Catastrophic Events conference, IHDSC, New York University.November 2010Organizer / panelist, “Haiti’s ‘Unthinkable’ Earthquake and the Nightmare of History.” Presidential Session, American Studies Association, San Antonio.October 2010Invited panelist, “CariBBeing Talks,” Flatbush Film Fest, Brooklyn College.April 2010“Fault Lines: Haiti’s Earthquake, Perspectives from the Ground,” Macalester College.April 2010“Rumblings: Human Rights Aspects of Haiti’s Earthquake.” Human Rights: Theory and Practice symposium, City College of New York.March 2010“Ayiti: Lit la ap Vanse,” CUNY School of Law.February 2010“Haiti’s Current Humanitarian Crisis: What Is Happening, and What Can We Do?” Department of Anthropology and Center for Space, Place, and Politics, CUNY Graduate Center.February 2010“Haiti’s Current Humanitarian Crisis: What Is Happening, and What Can We Do?” York College. November 2009“Killing with Kindness: Participation and Autonomy within NGOs in Post-Coup Haiti.” Department of Anthropology, Purdue University.October 2009“Women and Structural Violence: the Gender of HIV/AIDS in Haiti,” Gender and Society Colloquium Series, Columbia University.January 2009“Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction.” Department of International Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.November 2008“The Hell of High Water: Recent Hurricane Destruction in Haiti, Cuba, and Other Caribbean Countries.” York College Office of the Provost and African American Resource Center.April 2008“Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction.” Feinstein International Center, Tufts University.May 2007 “Killing with Kindness? The Role of Foreign Assistance in Haitian NGOs.” California State University, Los Angeles.May 2006“Cancel Haiti’s Debt: Pave the Way for Haiti’s Third Independence” and panelist on Southern social movements, Jubilee USA Roots Conference, Portland, OR.May 2006“Killing with Kindness? Notes on the Roles of U.S. Assistance in Contemporary Haiti,” Multi-Cultural Center student speaker series, UCSB.March 2004“An Anthropological View of the Last Days of the First Democratically Elected Leader of Haiti,” for African American Studies Program, Anthropology, and Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville. June 2002“What Makes an NGO Grassroots?” At International Shrimp Action Network conference, Santa Barbara.Media Interviews (selected)May 2023Federal RegisterAugust 2021Washington Post August 2021Associated PressAugust 2021Christian Science MonitorJuly 2021Washington PostJuly 2021Christian Science MonitorJanuary 2020Al JazeeraFebruary 2018New York TimesJanuary 2017National Public RadioOctober 2016National Public RadioOctober 2016Financial TimesOctober 2016Christian Science MonitorApril 2016National Public RadioJanuary 2012PBS: Haiti: Where Did the Money Go?January 2012Boston GlobeJanuary 2012New Internationalist January 2011Al Jazeera August 2010Democracy Now!March 2010Al Jazeera EnglishAugust 2009Documentary on HIV/AIDS in Haiti, Unsociables Films.November 2008Korea Today: Korean Broadcasting Systems TVDiscussant for Peer Reviewed SessionsNovember 2022(double panel) “Unsettling the Politics of Care: the Anthropologist as Participant in Disaster Relief,” American Anthropological Association.November 2021Executive Session: “Organizing as Anthropological Method: Toward a Critical Disciplinary Praxis for Our Time,” American Anthropological Association.June 2020 (canceled)“Local and Foreign Approaches to Development in Southern Haiti,” Caribbean Studies Association?March 2020 (canceled)“Politics and Nature: Issues on Risk and Disaster in the Global South,” Society for Applied Anthropology November 2019 “Critical Disaster Studies,” American Anthropological Association.November 2018 “Utopianism Reconsidered: Envisioning Progressive Futures through an Interdisciplinary Lens,” American Anthropological Association.November 2018 “Apwòch Antwopo-Sosyo-Sikolojik sou Entèvansyon ONG Yo nan Zòn Sid ak Grandans Apre Siklòn Matye,” Haitian Studies Association. April 2018“Innovation Diffusion for Building Safety in the “Informal Sector”: Can Anthropology Help?” Society for Applied Anthropology.April 2017“Collaborative Ethnographies: Bridging and Bringing Ourselves to Ongoing Research in Haiti,” Society for Applied Anthropology.November 2016“Unanticipated Distortions: Deciphering Post-Disaster Discourses among Activists, Experts, and Survivors,” American Anthropological Association.November 2016 “Reimagining Ethnographic Research Methods in Haiti: A Collaborative Research Model for Studying the Impacts of NGOs in Haiti,” Haitian Studies Association.November 2016 “Exploitation and Environmental Impacts of Mining,” Haitian Studies Association.March 2016 Michael Kearney Memorial Lecture, Society for Applied Anthropology.December 2014 “Development Politics: The Ethics of Grassroots Organizing,” American Anthropological Association.March 2014“Navigating Landscapes of Disaster,” Society for Applied Anthropology.November 2013 “Author Meets Critics: Feminist Activist Anthropology,” American Anthropological Association.March 2013 “Disaster and the State,” Society for Applied Anthropology. November 2012“Governmentality and Biopolitics in the Wake of Disaster,” American Anthropological Association.November 2012 “Early Twentieth Century Ethnographies on Haiti: Interdisciplinary Roundtable,” Haitian Studies Association.January 2012“Haiti in Other Cultural Spaces,” Roots and Branches: New Directions in Haitian Studies conference, NYU.November 2011 “Culture: the Critical Factor in Disaster Research and Practice,” American Anthropological Association. December 2009“The End of Blackness? Notes from the Field on U.S. Racial Politics.” American Anthropological Association.December 2009“Neoliberalism’s Ever After: Disaster, Culture, and Social Alternatives,” American Anthropological Association.Peer-Reviewed PresentationsMarch 2023“Disaster Futures: A Roundtable on Critical Disaster Studies,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Cincinnati.March 2023“Gender, Power, and Non-Governance: Is Female to Male as NGO Is to State?” Society for Applied Anthropology. November 2022With Mamyrah Dougé-Prosper and Nixon Boumba, “Non-NGO Solidarity in and on Haiti,” American Anthropological Association, Seattle.October 2022“Mawonnaj in Local Disaster Response,” Haitian Studies Association, Washington, DC.October 2022“Haiti, the Anthropocene, and the Kriz Konjonktirèl,” Haitian Studies Association.March 2022“Community Guides for Humanitarian Aid in Haiti,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Salt Lake City.March 2022“Humanity’s Last Stand: Confronting Global Catastrophe,” Society for Applied Anthropology.November 2021 “Embodying Praxis: Everyday Work Toward a Liberatory Anthropology,” American Anthropological Association, Baltimore. October 2021 “Rechèch Aksyon pou chanje sistèm ONG- Gid pou èd imanitè,” Haitian Studies Association, Washington.October 2020“Praxis beyond Theory: Local Evaluation of Research on NGOs,” Haitian Studies Association, Zoom.June 2020 (cancelled)“Toward a Caribbean Epistemology of Disaster,” Caribbean Studies Association, Georgetown, Guyana.March 2020 (cancelled)“Toward a Caribbean Epistemology of Disaster,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque.November 2019 “Failures of Solidarity Human Rights Activism in/on Haiti,” American Anthropological Association, Vancouver, BC. November 2019 “Challenges and Challengers: NGOs and the Structural Crisis,” Haitian Studies Association, Gainesville, FL.June 2019 “Climate Change and Disasters: Beyond Vulnerability and Resilience,” Caribbean Studies Association, Santa Marta, Colombia March 2019“Challenges of ‘Communiversity’ Organizing in Trumplandia,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Portland, OR.November 2018Nixon Boumba, Mamyrah Dougé Prosper, and Mark Schuller, “NGOization of Social Movements in Haiti: Between Solidarity and Bourgeois Charity,” American Anthropological Association, San Jose.November 2018“Eksperyans Dekolonize Rechèch ann Ayiti,” Haitian Studies Association, Port-au-Prince.June 2018“Rethinking NGOs, Social Movements, and Solidarity,” Caribbean Studies Association, Havana. May 2018“Haiti and Cuba: Two Island Nations, Two Revolutions, Two Sides of NGOs,” Canadian Anthropology Society, Santiago, Cuba.April 2018“A First Look at Cuba’s Response to Hurricane Irma,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Philadelphia.December 2017 Roundtable participant, “Empathy Matters: Teaching Interventions in a Time of Intensive Inequality and Division,” American Anthropological Association, Washington.November 2017Roundtable participant, “Activisting: Rethinking the Borders between Critical and Applied, NGOs and Social Movements, a Conversation from Haiti,” Thinking Beyond the Critical-Applied Dichotomy: 3rd Biennial NGOs and Non-Profits Interest Group Conference, American University. November 2017 Roundtable participant, “Hurricane Matthew: One Year Later,” Haitian Studies Association, New Orleans.March 2017“Anthropological Writing: Engaging Various Audiences,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe.November 2016“Familiar Fruit, Strange Fruit: Echoes of Plantation Slavery in Contemporary Haiti,” American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis.June 2016Mark Schuller and Ilionor Louis. “Displaced Governance,” Caribbean Studies Association, Port-au-Prince.April 2016Kendall Thu, Mark Schuller, and Tiara Huggins, “Intersections of Tea Partyism, Racism, and Classism: Low Income Housing Clashes in DeKalb, Illinois,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver. March 2016“‘Yon Lòt Ayiti Posib’: Glimmers of Another Haiti following the Earthquake,” Society for Applied Anthropology.November 2015 “Dear Little Mothers” – Governing the “Republic of NGOs,” American Anthropological Association, Denver.October 2015 “NGO-ing: Aid Aftershocks to Haitian Social Movements after the Earthquake,” Haitian Studies Association, Montréal.May 2015 “Haiti’s Humanitarian Occupation, Then and Now,” Caribbean Studies Association, New Orleans.March 2015 “Plenary: Continuity and Change in the Anthropology of Risk, Hazards, and Disasters,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Pittsburgh.March 2015 Jennifer Kirker-Priest, Mark Schuller, Laura McDowell-Hopper, and Rachel Drochter, “Activist Anthropology in the Museum,” Society for Applied Anthropology.December 2014 Mark Schuller and David Lewis. “Nongovernmentalizing Anthropology? On the Ethics and Politics of Institutionalization of ‘NGO Studies,’” American Anthropological Association, Washington. November 2014“SekouSekous: Humanitarian Ruptures in Postquake Port-au-Prince, Haitian Studies Association, South Bend.March 2014“Pa Manyen Fanm Nan Konsa: Intersectionality, Structural Violence, and Vulnerability before and after Haiti’s Earthquake,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque.November 2013 Roundtable participant: “The Future of NGO Studies,” American Anthropological Association, Chicago. November 2013“Ayiti nan Imajinè Antwopolojik,” Journée d’Etude?- Ethnologie ha?tienne et ethnologie d’Ha?ti: histoire et mémoires d’une discipline, Port-au-Prince. November 2013 “Enpak ?d Imanitè sou Enfrastrikti Sivik nan Kan pou Deplase nan Pòtoprens,” Haitian Studies Association, Port-au-Prince. November 2013Roundtable Participant: “Lessons from the ground: NGOs, the Haitian Government, and the new hospital in Mirebalais (H?pital Universitaire de Mirebalais/HUM).” Haitian Studies Association.June 2013 “Who Speaks for Haiti? Notes on Policy Advocacy in Washington following Haiti's Earthquake,” Caribbean Studies Association, Grand Anse, Grenada.March 2013“‘Haitians Need to Be Patient’: Notes on Policy Advocacy in Washington Following Haiti’s Earthquake,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver.May 2012“Building Walls, Tearing Down Tents: Haiti’s IDP Camps Two Years On,” Caribbean Studies Association, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe.April 2012“Solidarity Lessons Not Learned: Haiti’s Free Trade Zone,” Transnational Hispaniola II, Rutgers University. March 2012 “Impacts of Earthquake Aid on Haiti’s Civic Infrastructure: the Case of IDP Camps,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore.March 2012 Roundtable participant, “Human Rights Advocacy and IRB Research,” Society for Applied Anthropology.March 2012 “Accountability in Post-Earthquake Haiti: Reconstruction Failures and the UN's Cholera Problem,” Left Forum, New York.November 2011 “Trickle-Down Imperialism: Insights of Studying NGOs for Understanding Power,” American Anthropological Association, Montréal.November 2011 “Inclusion of IDPs in Haiti’s Reconstruction,” Haitian Studies Association, Kingston, Jamaica.May 2011 “‘Kolera ak Blan se Marasa’ – Haiti’s Blan-Made Disaster,” Caribbean Studies Association, Willemstad, Cura?ao.March 2011“The Tremors Felt ‘round the World: Haiti’s Earthquake as a Global Imagined Community,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle.March 2011“Unstable Foundations: Remapping the Civic Infrastructure among Haiti’s 1.5 million IDPs,” Society for Applied Anthropology.March 2011Panelist, “Helping Haiti rebuild with dignity, sovereignty and justice.” Left Forum, Pace University, New York.November 2010“Fault Lines: the Haitian Earthquake through Many Perspectives,” American Anthropological Association, New Orleans.November 2010 Special Event: “Conversations Across the Americas: The Political Economy of Natural Disasters in the Americas,” American Anthropological Association. November 2010 “Sowing Seeds of Hope or Seeds of Dependency: NGOs and the Camp Committees,” Haitian Studies Association, Providence, RI.October 2010 “‘Beautiful T-Shirts Aren’t Development:’ NGOs and Turf Struggles in Post-Coup Haiti,” Latin American Studies Association, Toronto.May 2010“Starfish and Seawalls: Making Sense of Haiti’s Earthquake and Relief Efforts,” Caribbean Studies Association, St. Peter, Barbados.April 2010“The Earthquake through Haitian Women’s Eyes,” Society for the Anthropology of North America / Association for Black Anthropologists, Denver.April 2010Film screening, Poto Mitan, Society for the Anthropology of North America / Association for Black Anthropologists.March 2010‘Beautiful T-shirts Aren’t Development’ – NGOs and Turf Struggles in Haiti’s Popular Neighborhoods,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Mérida, Mexico.February 2010“Killing with Kindness: Impacts of Foreign Assistance on Women’s NGOs in Post-Coup Haiti,” International Studies Association, New Orleans.February 2010Panel discussion – Poto Mitan: Haitian Women, Pillars of the Global Economy, International Studies Association.December 2009“‘We Are Prisoners!’ Neoliberalism and Daily Practice in Haitian NGOs,” American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia. November 2009“Tout Blan Se Blan, Men Tout Blan Pa Menm: An Outline of a Haitian Sociology of Blan,” Haitian Studies Association, Bloomington, IN. November 2009Panel discussion – Poto Mitan: Haitian Women, Pillars of the Global Economy, Haitian Studies Association.October 2009“From Activist to Public Anthropologist: Lessons Learned about Collaboration.” Public Anthropology Conference, Washington, DC.October 2009Filmmaker panel discussion and screening of Poto Mitan: Haitian Women, Pillars of the Global Economy, Public Anthropology Conference.June 2009Panel discussion – Poto Mitan: Haitian Women, Pillars of the Global Economy, Caribbean Studies Association, Kingston, Jamaica.June 2009“Decoding the Disaster: Haiti, Hurricanes and Human Rights,” Caribbean Studies Association.March 2009“From Activist to Applied Anthropologist to Anthropologist? On the Politics of Collaboration.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe.March 2009Beth Currans, Mark Schuller, and Tiffany Willoughby-Herard. “Between Creativity and Conformity: Citizenship and Space in Santa Barbara’s Anti-War Movement.” Society for Applied Anthropology.November 2008 “‘Suddenly AIDS is the Great Craze:’ How ‘Partnerships’ Become Donor Mandates in a Recipient Haitian Women’s NGO,” American Anthropological Association, San Francisco. November 2008 “‘Enfrastrikti Sivik:’ Yon Zouti pou Konprann Jwèt ONG a nan Peyi Dayiti,” Haitian Studies Association, Montrouis, Haiti.June 2008“An Anthropology of Disaster Capitalism: the Case of Haiti.” Global Studies Association, New York.May 2008“Racialized Implications of Haiti’s ‘Regime Change,’” Caribbean Studies Association, San Andres, Colombia. March 2008“The Road to the Spread of HIV/AIDS Is Paved with Good Intentions,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis.November 2007“Trickle-Down Imperialism: Global/Local Power and Inequality within the NGO/ International Aid Complex,” American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.October 2007“Tectonic Shifts and the Political Tsunami: the Case of Haiti,” Haitian Studies Association, Boca Raton.May 2007“Capitalizing on Borderlands Xenophobia: Haiti’s Free Trade Zone,” Caribbean Studies Association, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. May 2007“Gluing Globalization: NGOs as Intermediaries in Haiti,” Global Studies Association, Irvine. March 2007“What’s in a Name? Suggestions for the Applied/Public Anthropology Debate,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa.November 2006 “NGOs as Intermediaries: Gluing Globalization in Haiti,” American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA. October 2006“Haiti, 2003-6: A Successfully Failed State?” for “The Idea of a Failed State” Conference, Westfield, MA. October 2006“Reconstructing the Renaissance: Impacts of International Assistance on Participation and Autonomy in Women’s NGOs in Post-Coup Haiti,” Haitian Studies Association, Charlottesville, VA.March 2006“NGO Implementation in a Successfully Failed State,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, BC. December 2005“Directing Democracy, or the Uses of NGOs in Haiti,” American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.October 2005“Learning from Haiti’s 200-Year-Old Ménage-à-Trois: Globalization, the State and Civil Society,” Haitian Studies Association, Boston. October 2003“Globalization and Other Challenges to Developing Haiti’s Human Capital,” Haitian Studies Association, Miami.November 2002“Mèsi Desalin: Notes on Race, Color and Deliberative Space in Present-Day Haiti,” American Anthropology Association, New Orleans.October 2002“Understanding Haiti’s ‘Cold War:’ Impressions of Civil Society and NGOs in Haiti,” Haitian Studies Association, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.December 2001“Jamming the Meatgrinder World: The Making and Unmaking of a Tenant Movement in St. Paul,” American Anthropology Association, Washington, DC. Organized Peer Reviewed Sessions November 2022With David Lewis, “NGO Afterlives,” American Anthropology Association.? March 2022“Community Guides for Humanitarian Aid in Haiti,” Society for Applied Anthropology.October 2021“Rechèch Aksyon pou chanje sistèm ONG- Gid pou èd imanitè,” Haitian Studies Association.March 2020 (canceled)“Citizenship in Times of Crisis: Rural Communities’ Perception of the State in Post-Disaster Haiti,” Society for Applied Anthropology. November 2018With Mamyrah Prosper, “Reimagining Solidarity, Acting on an Anthropological Imagination,” American Anthropological Association. May 2018“Development and Cooperation as Contrapunteo.” Canadian Anthropology Society.April 2017 “Applying Anthropology in Haiti Following Hurricane Matthew.” Society for Applied Anthropology.June 2016“The Haiti Exception: Anthropology and the Predicament of Narrative.” Caribbean Studies Association.June 2016“Haiti, Unresolved Postcolonial Contradictions: Contemporary Struggles,” with Fran?ois Pierre-Louis, Caribbean Studies Association.April 2016“Black Communities Matter: Exploring the Intersections of Housing, Civil Rights, and Neighborhood Development,” Society for Applied Anthropology.March 2016“Valuing Local Communities as First Responders to Disasters,” Society for Applied Anthropology. November 2015 “Is Female to Male as NGO Is to the State?” American Anthropological Association.November 2015 “NGOing: NGOs as a Verb,” NGOgraphies conference, Denver. December 2014“What’s in a name? Tracing anthropology’s uneasy ethnographic engagement with NGOs,” with David Lewis, American Anthropological Association.March 2012 Roundtable: “Mic Check! Implications of #Occupy on Social Justice Organizing and Activist Anthropology,” Society for Applied Anthropology.March 2012 “Building Walls, Tearing Down Tents: Applied Research in Haiti’s IDP Camps,” Society for Applied Anthropology.November 2011 “Thinking Through NGOs: How NGO Studies Contribute to Anthropological Theory,” American Anthropological Association.November 2011 “Unfinished Business of Haiti’s Relief and Reconstruction,” Haitian Studies Association.May 2011 “One Year Later, Whither Haiti’s Relief and Reconstruction?” Caribbean Studies Association.March 2011“Thinking Globally, (re)Acting Locally: Toward New Approaches to Disasters,” with Gregory Button, Society for Applied Anthropology.November 2010Roundtable: “Haiti, the Republic of 10,000 NGOs?” Haitian Studies Association. October 2010“Claiming Community and Constituency: NGO Struggles for Grassroots Legitimacy in Latin America and the Caribbean,” with Benjamin Junge, Latin American Studies Association. March 2010“Getting the Word Out: Working with the Media” workshop, Human Rights and Social Justice Committee, Society for Applied Anthropology.December 2009“NGOs in an Age of Neoliberal (Non)Governmentality,” American Anthropological Association.December 2009Special Event: “The Global Financial Crisis and the Federal Bailout: Views from the Grassroots” with Susan Hyatt, American Anthropological Association.March 2009“A Two-Way Street: What Can Anthropologists Learn from Nonprofits/ NGOs?” Society for Applied Anthropology. November 2008 Special Event, “Collaborations for Human Security in Disaster Assistance and Reconstruction: Anthropological engagement beyond neoliberal strategies” with Nandini Gunewardena, American Anthropological Association.November 2008 “Yon Brase Lide sou Kriz Lavi Chè a: Kòz, Konsekans, ak Solisyon,” Haitian Studies Association.May 2007“One Island, Two Peoples, Many Experiences of Globalization: Trans-nationalization of Haiti and the Dominican Republic” with Kiran Jayaram, Caribbean Studies Association.November 2006Invited session, “Locating the Global: NGOs as Agents of Globalization,” American Anthropological Association.March 2006“Stemming the Rise of Disaster Capitalism,” Society for Applied Anthropology.November 2002“Spaces of Contest: Race and the Public Sphere,” American Anthropological Association.December 2001Invited session, “Public Housing in the New Millennium,” with marilyn thomas-houston, American Anthropological Association.TEACHING EXPERIENCENIUAfricas in the AmericasAnthropology and Contemporary World Problems Contemporary Culture TheoryDisasters without Borders Dismantling Global RacismInternational NGOs and GlobalizationIntroduction to Research in NGOs and CommunitiesMethods in EthnographyNonprofits and Community Engagement Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean York College, CUNYAnthropology of the Caribbean The Black Experience in the CaribbeanIntroduction to African American Studies Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (including online)Haiti and the WorldGlobal Inequalities Political AnthropologyVassar CollegeApplied Anthropology The Caribbean SUNY-New PaltzEcological AnthropologyUniversité d’?tat d’Ha?ti, Faculté d’EthnologieAntwopoloji ONG (Anthropology of NGOs)Seminè – Antwopoloji ONG (Seminar – Anthropology of NGOs)Research Methods SeminarUniversité de Fondwa-2004Entwodiksyon ONG (Introduction to NGOs)PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING1998-2000Community Organizer, St. Paul Tenants Union1998-9Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota1997Community Organizer, Corcoran Neighborhood Organization1996Community Organizer, City Parents United/ Pillsbury Neighborhood Services1996-7Associate Editor, Lavender MagazineSERVICE2023 – presentCo-chair, Risk and Disasters Topical Interest Group, Society for Applied Anthropology2022 – presentSecretary, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology2022 – presentChair, APLA Student Paper Prize Committee2021 – presentExecutive Committee, NNGO, NIU2021 – presentInternship coordinator, Anthropology, NIU 2021College Council, NIU2021Co-chair, APLA Book Prize in Critical Anthropology 2021 President, United Faculty Alliance, NIU2020-23Convenor, Antiracist and Social Justice Committee, United Faculty Alliance, NIU2020-22Curriculum Committee, NNGO, NIU2019Faculty Senate, NIU2019 – presentPelto Award Committee, SfAA2019 – presentPersonnel committee, Anthropology, NIU2019-20Search committee, Anthropology, NIU2019-20Search committee, NNGO, NIU2019-21President, Haitian Studies Association 2018 – presentFaculty Affiliate, Center for Latino and Latin American Studies, NIU 2018 – presentAdvisory Committee, Center for Black Studies, NIU2018-19Curriculum Committee, Anthropology, NIU2018-21 Exam Committee, Anthropology, NIU2018-19Search Committee, Anthropology, NIU2018-20Advisory Committee, NNGO, NIU2018-9Vice President, Haitian Studies Association2018 – presentEditorial Board, Political and Legal Anthropology Review2018 – presentBoard member, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology2018-20Vice President, United Faculty Alliance, NIU2018-20Advisory Board, DeKalb County Community Gardens2017-21Board member, Haitian Studies Association2016-17Search committee, NGOLD, NIU2016-17Advisory committee, NGOLD, NIU2016-17Executive committee, Anthropology, NIU2015 – presentCo-editor, NGOgraphies: a Series of Ethnographic Reflections on NGOs2015Planning committee, “NGOgraphies” conference 2014, 16Review panel, NSF Program on International Research and Education, NIU2014Chair, APLA student paper prize committee2014-17Chair, Lambi Fund of Haiti2013 – present Co-editor, Catastrophes in Context: a Series of Engaged Social Science on Disasters, Berghahn Books2013-15Curriculum committee, Anthropology, NIU2013-14Guest Curator, “Fragments: Haiti Four Years after the Earthquake” exhibit, NIU Anthropology Museum2013-15Curriculum committee, NGOLD, NIU2013 Planning committee, “the Future of NGO Studies”2013 APLA student paper prize committee2012-13Sociology/NGOLD Search Committee, NIU 2012-18Board member, Lambi Fund of Haiti2012 Member, Faculty Senate, York College2011-12Co-Chair, Haitian Studies Association host committee2011-12Provost Lecture Series committee, York College2011Board member, Honor and Respect Foundation2013-20Chair, Graduate Thesis Committees, outside NIU – Djems Olivier, Ph. D (Geography, Université Paris 8 – co-chair)2015 – presentChair, Graduate Thesis Committees, NIU – Kristen Amstutz, Luis Chavez, Rachel Davis, Hope Macdonald, Heather Prentice-Walz, Yuda Rasyadian, Lorraine Smith, Shannon Thomas, Saidouri Zomaya2013 – presentMember, Graduate Thesis Committees, NIU – Robert Bulanda, Anna Chitwood, Dee Dee Downing, Rachel Drochter, Sinta Febrina, Karla Findley, Andres Florez (Geography), Colleen Gray, Jeremy Lobbezoo, Alexxandra Salazar, Jesteen Schaetz, Myriam Souffrant (Foreign Languages), Charles Stapleton, Maria Stapleton, Eric Sterling, Cameron Thomas, Anthonie Tumpag, Milsy Westendorff2010 – presentMember, Graduate Thesis Committees, outside NIU – Margarett Alexandre, Ph.D (CUNY); Irene Brisson (Michigan); Isabeau Doucet, MA (SOAS), Darlene Dubuisson, Ph.D (Columbia University); Scott Freeman, Ph.D (Columbia University); Stéphanie Jean-Baptiste, Ph.D (Loyola University of Chicago); Philippe Marius, Ph.D (CUNY); John McGreevy, Ph.D (University of Georgia); Fanel Merville, EdD (Northeastern University); Deepa Panchang, MA (Harvard University); Heather Prentice-Walz, PhD (UC-Santa Barbara); Andrea Steinke, Ph.D (Freie Universit?t Berlin); Jennifer Vansteenkiste, Ph.D (University of Guelph)2010-12CUNY Haiti Initiative 2010-13Chair, Human Rights and Social Justice Committee, Society for Applied Anthropology2010-12Honors’ Advisory Council, York College2009-12Coordinator, African American Resource Center, York College2009-12Coordinator, African American Studies, York College2009-10Search committee member, Anthropology / African American Studies, York College2009 – presentAdvisory board, My Country Haiti Project, Thimbleberry Press2009-11Department Captain, CUNY Campaign2009 Convener, Caribbean Studies exploratory committee, York College2008-12Member, African American Resource Center advisory board, York College2007 – presentManuscript reviewer: American Anthropologist, Anthropology and Humanism, Anthropology of Work Review, British Journal of Sociology, Cornell University Press, Disasters, Duke University Press, Economic Anthropology, European Journal of Development, Focaal, Health and Place, Human Organization, Journal of Extreme Events, Journal of Haitian Studies, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Review of International Political Economy, Routledge, Stanford University Press, Transforming Anthropology, United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction Global Assessment Report, University of Georgia Press, University of Mississippi Press, Vanderbilt University Press, World Development2007Member, Voices for Global Justice collective, KCSB (community radio station)2006-13Human Rights and Social Justice Committee, Society for Applied Anthropology2006-7PUEBLO Isla Vista organizing team (member of PUEBLO since 2001)2006Reviewer/ editorial consultant for Culture Grams, ProQuest2006Sociocultural hire search committee, Department of Anthropology, UCSB2006 – presentAdvisory board, the Haiti Connection / Koneksyon Ayiti2005 – presentBoard member, For My People Productions2005 – present Course guest lectures: UCSB, American University, Simmons College, CSU-Los Angeles, St. Ambrose University, SUNY-New Paltz, UM-Morris, York College, Fairfield University, CUNY Graduate Center, Bowdoin College, Colorado State University-Pueblo, CSU-Long Beach, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, NIU, Indiana University/ Purdue University at Indianapolis, Smith College, Towson University, Quinnipiac University, University of Chicago, University of Redlands, University of Illinois, Lehigh University, San Jose State University, Vassar College, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chris Newport University2003-4Member, Voices for Global Justice collective, KCSB2002-3Co-chair, Anthropology Graduate Student Association, UCSB2002-3Graduate student representative, Faculty Senate, UCSB2001-3Co-Facilitator, Bi-Centric, Women’s Center, UCSB2001-2Lead Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, UCSB2001-2Graduate Student Association constitution committee, UCSB2000-2Departmental Representative, Graduate Student Association, UCSB1998-9Treasurer, West Bank Community Coalition, Minneapolis, MN1997-9Board member, West Bank Community Coalition ................

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