The Future of Workplace Optimization Technology in Smart ...

The Future of Workplace Optimization Technology

in Smart Buildings


1. Introduction a. Defining Workplace Optimization b. Insights into the Multi-Generational Workplace, Facility Utilization and Security

2. Benefits of Location Services for Workplace Optimization a. RFID vs WiFi vs UWB vs GPS

3. The Global Workplace Optimization Market 2017 to 2021 4. Workplace Applications

a. Improved Access Control Within Buildings b. Space Utilization c. Room Location and Improved Collaboration d. Car Parking 5. Life Safety Applications a. Real-Time Person Location Services for Emergency Evacuation 6. Security of Connected Devices in Buildings and Privacy Issues 7. Conclusion

The Future of Workplace Optimization Technology in Smart Buildings Introduction


a. Defining Workplace Optimization

Connected workplace solutions are being adopted globally as digitalization and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms transform commercial real estate, campuses, hospitals, government buildings and industrial facilities.

Memoori defines Workplace Optimization as connected workplace solutions, which provide real-time and proximity location analytics for optimizing the movement of personnel throughout commercial and industrial buildings.

b. Insights into the Multi-Generational Workplace, Facility Utilization and Security

Organizations are profiting from the increased digitization of the workplace. Improved productivity, cost savings and a more mobile workforce are all leading to greater flexibility and adaptability in meeting client needs.

With Millennials (the generation, born between the early 1980's and early 2000's) predicted to make up 50% of the workforce by 2020, workplace connectivity, mobility and flexibility have come to the fore.


Individuals based at home or in remote offices, scattered anywhere in the world, are part of a rising phenomenon known as distributed working. To meet the expectations of the next generation and boost the productivity of those using the office, a greater variety of spaces are needed with increased connectivity and more personalization.

Activity based working (ABW) is an approach to creating workplaces that provide users with shared access to spaces for individual and collaborative work. It is starting to be adopted by many businesses in order to reduce the inefficient use of space and real estate costs.

of the workforce will be Millennials by 2020, workplace

connectivity, mobility and flexibility have come to the fore.

The Future of Workplace Optimization Technology in Smart Buildings Introduction

Most offices worldwide are around 50% under-utilized on any given day, due to changing work styles, mobile technologies and shifting business needs.


With these trends, however, come challenges. A more mobile workforce demands easier collaboration and a flexible working environment, so facility and security managers must constantly implement new efficiency protocols. Organizations attempt to balance employee retention and satisfaction with the obligation that buildings operate more efficiently--all without compromising security. As a result, companies strive to embed trusted identification technologies more deeply into everyday activities to both enhance the user experience and improve access control within buildings and workspaces. Proactive reporting can provide predictive analytics based on real-time location data to optimize building space and room utilization within a single building or campus.

Most offices worldwide are around

under-utilized on any given day, due to changing work styles, mobile technologies and shifting business needs.


The HID Global Location Services Platform. HID Location Services are enabled by Bluvision, a company recently acquired by HID, providing numerous capabilities based on an organization's requirements. Its real-time location services are useful for monitoring and providing deeper analytics around the movement of personnel in a building. Leading to better insights into optimized usage of facilities, common areas and individual rooms.

The proximity-based services verify when personnel are nearby a given area for use cases such as monitoring employee check in and check out. It also helps organizations meet health and safety regulations by monitoring room occupancy.

The solution leverages Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and delivers unprecedented accuracy, even in large, open spaces and areas in which it has historically been challenging to implement RFID technologies. HID Location Services include a cloud service, portals and Bluetooth beacons in the form of HID smart cards, providing a one-card solution for both indoor positioning services and physical access control.

Its cloud-based model and minimal hardware requirements also eliminate the expensive infrastructure setup of antennas, servers and wired infrastructure to further reduce total cost of ownership. The installation simply entails plugging in AC powered BLE / WiFi gateways and providing personnel with the smart card beacon.

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The Future of Workplace Optimization Technology in Smart Buildings Benefits of Location Services for Workforce Optimization

Benefits of Location Services for Workplace Optimization

Such solutions can aid building owners, facility and security managers to understand how space is used in a facility, improve access control within a building, locate people in emergency situations and provide a smoother experience for the workforce through room location guidance, location mapping and real-time visibility into the occupancy of office spaces. These new capabilities leverage the power of trusted identities to provide a new level of visibility for customers to better understand how buildings are used, help quickly find people in emergency situations and deliver a great user experience.

VIEW FROM THE VENDOR "HID Location Services extends HID's leadership in physical access control with a cutting-edge Internet of Things offering for workplace optimization solutions that can be easily integrated into existing systems."

Harm Radstaak, Vice President and Managing Director of Physical Access Control Solutions with HID Global.

The Future of Workplace Optimization Technology in Smart Buildings Benefits of Location Services for Workforce Optimization

a. RFID vs WiFi vs UWB vs GPS

Many of the location based monitoring solutions available in the market today come with a high cost of ownership, sometimes also requiring a significant amount of new infrastructure. However with the right balance of technologies it is possible to have a more affordable solution without compromising on accuracy or range.

Below is a short comparison of some competing location based service technologies;


ACCURACY (Best Expected)






RFID (Passive)

1 meter (3 ft)

5 meters



~20 meters (60 ft)

50 meters nLOS


Ultra Wideband

0.1 meters (4 inches)

50 meters nLOS



5 meters (15 ft)

OUTDOOR ONLY + Cellular Contract

$80 - $200


$1,000 - $5,000

Very Small Areas

Max 1 Year (Ping once / 15 sec) 1 - 3 years (Ping once / 30 sec) Max 1 Year (Ping once / 30 min)

$300 - $1,500 $1,000 - $3,000 N/A

Large Indoor Areas Large Indoor Areas Outdoor

As with many decisions it's often a blend of technologies that can provide the best outcome. Bluetooth in combination with cloud based advanced location algorithms, has been shown to get location accuracy to under one-meter.

Given that last year over a billion Bluetooth devices were sold, you can get impressive on-chip capabilities at a cost effective price point. And with a good understanding of Bluetooth technology, it is possible to get up to 30m to 45m triangulation between access points (Bluetooth-WiFi gateways).

Bluetooth can also work with mobile phones. So you can detect Bluetooth beacon signals from a phone or a phone can be a Bluetooth beacon that you are tracking. And because the Bluetooth chip comes with decent CPU power, you can mount an array of different sensors and run machine learning algorithms on the actual beacon sensor.

The Future of Workplace Optimization Technology in Smart Buildings The Global Workplace Optimization Market

The Global Workplace Optimization Market

The Workplace Optimization market is growing rapidly, but is still in its infancy relative to other building automation and building IoT solutions. A broad range of rapidly evolving technologies and increasing value generation potential of Workplace Optimization in Commercial Real Estate will lead to impressive market growth of 24.5% CAGR from 2017 to 2021.

The market value for total global systems sales of Workplace Optimization Solutions will rise from $1.58 Billion in 2017 to $4.45 Billion in 2021.

Global sales of cloud-based software and analytics services for Commercial Real Estate will grow from a relatively small base of $0.98 Billion in 2017 to $2.29 Billion by 2021 which represents 30.9% CAGR, outpacing the growth rate in the wider Workplace Optimization Market.

Global Occupancy Analytics Market GColombmaleOrcicaulpRaenaclyEAsntaatley2t0ic17s-M202a1r(k$Bent)Commercial Real Estate 2017-2021 ($Bn)



Occupancy Analytics for Commercial Real Estate - Product Sales ($Bn) OOccccuuppaannccyyAAnnaallyyttiiccssffoorrCCoommmmeerrcciiaallRReeaallEEssttaattee--TPortoadluScytsStaelmess S($aBlnes) (Ex. Service and Maintenance) ($Bn) Occupancy Analytics for Commercial Real Estate - Total Systems Sales (Ex. Service and Maintenance) ($Bn)

8 8

6 6

4 4




0.98 1.58






2.08 1.23 2.08 1.23

2018 2018

2.73 2.73 1.54 1.54

2019 2019

3.56 3.56 1.92 1.92

2020 2020

4.45 4.45

2.29 2.29

2021 2021

The Future of Workplace Optimization Technology in Smart Buildings The Global Workplace Optimization Market

The changing nature and usage patterns of office space puts new demands on building managers to improve space utilization efficiency, whilst at the same time reducing operating costs and retaining a pleasant and flexible working environment for staff.

Workplace Optimization solutions are being used as effective tools to deliver direct economic benefits to the Commercial Real Estate market. Our research indicates that the main driver for building owners adoption is the integration of BMS with occupancy data to deliver cost savings and energy savings from more efficient and dynamic HVAC and lighting systems operation. Building owners have identified significant opportunity for system upgrades related to LED and smart lighting retrofits in existing buildings.

Another trend we have noted is for the integration of various motion sensor and location awareness technology into devices with other sensors monitoring indoor environmental factors such as noise, air quality, temperature, humidity.

Occupancy data is also being used by some clients for related business processes such as work and building systems schedules and to help manage daylight harvesting. As well as cutting energy costs, such changes can also cut maintenance and replacement expenditure for the business.

Although the benefits of flexible and customizable working environments are often more intangible and challenging to measure and quantify, businesses are reporting positive results in areas including ease of recruitment and reduction in staff turnover.


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