Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

SIMS Version 2.0 Data Standards Handbook

for the

Massachusetts Student Information Management System

Reference Guide Version 3.1

May 27, 2003

SIMS Version 2.0 Data Standards Handbook

for the Massachusetts Student Information Management System

Reference Guide Version 3.0

Table of Contents

Reference Guide Version 3.0 1–2

Section 1 Overview 1–3

Student Information Management System 1–3

Section 2 State Student Registration System 2–4

State Student Registration System 2–4

System Design 2–4

Locally Assigned Student Identifier 2–5

District Responsibility 2–5

Section 3 Legal Advisory 3–6

I. Purposes and Goals of the Student Information Management System 3–6

II. General Description of How the System Is Designed 3–6

III. Relevant Statutory Provisions 3–8

The Department’s Authority to Establish Student IMS 3–8

Confidentiality of Student Records 3–8

IV. Questions and Answers 3–10

The Department’s Legal Authority to Establish and Implement the System 3–10

Confidentiality of the Student Information Management System 3–10

The Student Identifier 3–12

Race and National Origin 3–13

Income Information 3–13

Data Correction 3–14

Additional Questions 3–15

Section 4 Data Standards 4–16

Selection Process 4–16

Reporting Districts 4–16

Data Standards Description 4–18

List of SIMS Version 2.0 Data Elements 4-19

Section 5 Section 5 Appendices 1

Appendix A Codes for Massachusetts Cities and Towns 1

Appendix B Language Codes 4

Appendix C Country Codes 6

Appendix D Public School Codes 1

Appendix E-Private School and Collaborative Codes 25

Appendix E2-Private School and Collaborative Codes – Alpahbetized by Name 1

Appendix F Chapter 74 Program Codes 1

Appendix G Non Chapter 74 Program Codes 1

Appendix H Advanced Placement Course Codes 2

Appendix I Change in Reporting Race and Ethnicity 3

Appendix J Development of Student Data Standards 6

Appendix K Acceptable ASCII Characters 10

Appendix L Special Education Definitions 11


The Massachusetts Department of Education is developing a comprehensive, web-based system to replace the paper-based data collection and information exchange system between the Department and school districts. The new system is being designed, in part, to reduce the administrative burden of data collection and reporting for both the Department and districts while improving the timeliness and accuracy of information.

The new system will consist of four strands - student, educator, school/district and internal Department of Education. The strands represent different parts of the education system in Massachusetts and each has particular requirements that will be addressed by the development of software applications.

1 Student Information Management System

The cornerstone of this project is the Student Information Management System (SIMS) that will support Education Reform requirements for student assessment and evaluation of school programs. The most significant of these requirements - the student assessment program - creates the need to collect information about individual students since assessment results will be used to certify each student's eligibility for a high school diploma. In addition, the Education Reform requirements that focus on accountability and evaluation of program effectiveness can be met only with information on each student and the program in which the student is involved.

Consequently, the SIMS must be able to track individual students across the state over time in order to match students with tests scores accurately and must collect the information necessary to meet the requirements of Education Reform and mandated state and federal reporting. These requirements of the SIMS presented two major questions to address in the design and development process:

□ How will each student's information be identified over time in order to match records accurately?

□ What data elements should be collected for each student in Massachusetts Public Schools?

The Department of Education has been working on the design and development of the SIMS since May 1996. The approval of the Category 1 Data Standards represents the first step in the implementation of SIMS in all districts in Massachusetts.

The Massachusetts Student Information Management System Data Standards Handbook is intended to provide public school districts in Massachusetts with the information needed to implement the SIMS Data Standards.

Section 2 describes the design of the State Student Registration System that will be used to track students across the state over time.

Section 3 presents a legal advisory that addresses legal issues involved in the development of the Student Information Management System, in particular, confidentiality and privacy.

Section 4 provides a detailed description of the required data elements and the standards for collecting, maintaining and reporting them within the SIMS.

Section 5 provides appendices that contain code values for data elements and additional information relevant to the SIMS.

State Student Registration System

The Student Information Management System requires a “student identifier” in order to track students within and across districts over time. An identifier is “a set of characters used as a proxy for name to identify an individual uniquely.” Using an identifier:

• Allows an individual’s record from one submission of data to be linked to the student’s record in other submissions.

• Enables the data to be stored and searched efficiently.

• Helps to maintain necessary confidentiality and security of student information.

In order to meet the requirements of the Education Reform Act, the Student Information Management System must be designed such that an unduplicated, unique and permanent student identifier is assigned to each student in Massachusetts public schools. Further, the records of an individual student must be matched accurately over time while keeping each student’s information confidential and secure.

Two different student identifiers will be used to provide accurate matching of student data over time and to ensure that student information at both the state and local level will be secure and confidential. One identifier will be assigned and managed at the state level (SASID); the other will be created and managed at the district level (LASID). Each student record submitted to the Department of Education by a school district must contain both identifiers. The identifiers must have different values.

1 State Student Registration System

The State Student Registration System will manage the assignment and verification of the State-Assigned Student Identifiers (SASID). This system is described below and in Diagrams 1 and 2.

1. The Department of Education will be responsible for assigning state unique student identifiers to all students in Massachusetts public schools.

2. The unique student identifier assigned to each student will be a new number to be used for the Student Information Management System.

3. Districts must maintain individual student records with a locally assigned student identifier that is unique within the district over time. The local student identifier is required for the initial assignment of the state student identifier, to allow matching of 1999 MCAS data with scores from subsequent years and to provide security for the state assigned student identifier at the local district.

4. After the initial assignment of student identifiers to all students enrolled in Massachusetts public schools, districts will be responsible for verifying the state student identifier for each new student who enrolls in the district, using the web-based, State Student Registration System. Students will need to provide their State Assigned Student Identifier when they register in a new district. (Diagram 1, State Student Registration System, describes the process of verifying/assigning a student identifier to a new student.)

1 System Design

1. The State Student Registration System will provide a secure and confidential approach to assigning identification numbers and will prevent unnecessary access to student information. Student data will be separated into four databases – the Student Directory Database, the CrossWalk Database, the Central Student Database and the District Database (containing aggregate information only). No single database will have complete information on students. Diagram 2 (Student Information Management System) illustrates the design of the system.

2. The Student Directory database will contain a minimum set of information for each student that is necessary to verify and/or assign an identifier. Appropriate district staff will have secured access to this database.

3. The central student database will contain the student information transmitted by school districts. This database will not contain the state-assigned student identifier and, therefore, the data will be anonymous. A crosswalk file will allow authorized users to link student information with the student identifier. No access outside the Department of Education to either the crosswalk database nor the central student database will exist.

4. Student data will be aggregated to the school, district and state levels. The school and district data will be available to the public.

2 Locally Assigned Student Identifier

The Education Reform Act and the Category 1 Data Standards require that districts must have a Locally Assigned Student Identifier (LASID) for each student in the district. The Locally Assigned Student Identifier must be created and maintained by the district to provide a unique identifier for students within the district over time and be submitted with all individual data submitted to the Department of Education.

The LASID and the State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID) combine to increase the accuracy of matching student records over time. In addition, the use of a local identifier allows the state identifier to be held secure, as appropriate, at the local district and allows local districts to maintain control of their own student information systems without depending on the state assigned student identifier.

1 District Responsibility

The Student Information Management System requires school districts to:

□ Create a Locally Assigned Student Identifier (LASID) for each student in the district that is unique across district, across programs and, over time, is unduplicated and permanent (See Appendix F). The LASID must have the following characteristics:

1. The identifier must identify one and only one student

2. A student must have only one local identifier

3. The identifier must exist for that student as long as the student's records are maintained by the district

□ Maintain the LASID on all student records that will be submitted to the Department of Education.

□ Match the State Assigned Student Identification number (SASID) with the LASID.

□ Include both the SASID and LASID in each student’s record that is submitted to the Department of Education. The values of these two identifiers must be different.

The following Category 1 Data Elements will be used to create the Student Directory database that will be the basis of the assignment and verification of the State Assigned Student Identifier:

|Data Element |

|DOE001 |Locally Assigned Student Identifier |

|DOE003 |First Name |

|DOE004 |Middle Name |

|DOE005 |Last Name |

|DOE006 |Date of Birth |

|DOE008 |City/Town of Birth |

|DOE009 |Gender |

|DOE014 |City/Town of Residence |

Legal Advisory

1 I. Purposes and Goals of the Student Information Management System

The Education Reform Act of 1993 requires the Board of Education to adopt a system for evaluating the performance of public school districts and the individual schools within them on an annual basis. The system must include a mechanism for measuring whether student performance is or is not improving from year to year. In addition, the Department of Education is regularly called upon to collect data from schools for other purposes, such as awarding grants, conducting studies to determine the effectiveness of our educational systems, reporting to the U.S. Department of Education on uses of federal funds, and measuring compliance with federal and state education laws.

The Department of Education is developing a Student Information Management System (SIMS) that will enable it to track the educational performance of each public school student in the Commonwealth and to fulfill many of its reporting and oversight functions. The system, as presently designed, requires each school district to supply to the Department individual student information on 35 data elements several times each year. The data elements are set forth in Section 4 of this Handbook.

The system is fully automated, which will allow schools to send the required information to the Department electronically and reduce the administrative burden on the schools of responding to requests for information. SIMS will make it possible to use information for legitimate educational purposes, while at the same time complying with the state and federal legal requirements for protecting the confidentiality of individual student data. The purpose of this advisory is to review those requirements as they apply to SIMS, and to answer common questions concerning their application to the system.

2 II. General Description of How the System Is Designed

Under SIMS, public school districts will be responsible for inputting the data element information for each student within their district. Almost all of the information required under this system is currently collected and retained by schools in a paper or electronic format for each student. Hence, the new system does not materially change local school district data collection responsibilities.

The rules concerning what information school officials may or may not ask or require students to provide remain the same under the new system. Some of those rules are discussed below. Local schools have always been the primary repository of individualized student records. This will not change under the new system.

Under both state and federal law, school districts have a responsibility under the new electronic system to protect individual student records from unwarranted or unauthorized disclosure, just as they had under the old paper system. Restricted access to the system can and must be achieved through the use of electronic security systems which allow those persons with a legitimate educational purpose to have access to the records.

Under the old system, school districts were annually required to provide some individual student data, and a great amount of aggregated data concerning all students, to the Department. With or without an electronic system, demands for individual student data are increasing under the requirements of Education Reform. Under SIMS, schools will be required only to input responses for each data element for each student. The system will then automatically aggregate the information as needed.

Once the individual student information is entered into the system by local school officials, the system will be able to verify whether any formatting errors have occurred and provide local officials with an opportunity to correct them.

Once this process is completed, the information will be ready for transmission to the Department over the Internet. The system will encrypt (i.e., disguise) the information before it is sent over the Internet, so as to protect it from access by unauthorized persons. The encrypted information will be unrecognizable as student information.

When the encrypted data reaches the Department, it will be loaded into the Department’s system and converted into three separate databases. One, the “Student Directory database,” will contain only identifying information, such as the student identification number, name, date of birth, city/town of birth and gender of each student. The second, the “central student database,” will contain an internal reference number that has been produced by the crosswalk database and the other data elements for each student. It will not include the name contained in the Student Directory database nor the student identification number. The third, the “cross-walk” or “cross-reference table,” will contain the student identification number matched to the internal reference number. The central student database will contain responses to each data element for each student, but will not allow anyone who has access to that database actually to identify the student to whom those data elements apply. Authorized personnel at the Department and in the school districts will be able to access data in only the student directory database and not the data in the central student database, except on a specific “need to know” basis. For instance, Department personnel assigned to ensure that an individual student does not receive more than one student identification number or that more than one student does not have the same identification number will be granted access to the Student Directory database.

Access to the Student Directory database will not in and of itself allow personnel to identify the information applicable to an individual student that is located in the central student database. This is because the internal reference numbers in the central student database cannot be matched with the student identification numbers in the Student Directory database through simple, visual comparison. A student’s identity cannot be known without access to all three databases. Such access will be granted on a case-by-case basis by the Commissioner, only on a strict “need to know” basis.

Only under very limited circumstances will any personnel at the Department need to access the crosswalk table and thereby be able to identify the information in the central database that is applicable to an identified student. Examples of such circumstances include an administrator required to respond to parental requests for access to their children’s records (see Part IV, Question 3); personnel responsible for verifying the current location of state wards for financing purposes; and personnel responsible for tracking students in the school choice or charter school programs to verify data in the case of disputes over which school districts are financially responsible for which students.

There are several advantages to sending individual student data to the Department electronically in an unaggregated form. First and foremost, it will allow the Department to aggregate the data in different ways to determine progress under Education Reform more precisely. Through this process, the Department will be able to measure student performance across school districts and according to different demographic factors. For instance, the Department will be able to determine whether test scores are lower for students with a certain primary language and, if necessary, to work with schools to design programs to address that issue, as is required by Education Reform. In addition, the system using unique student identifiers will enable the Department to track the educational progress of a student who moves from one district to another, even if the student has the same name as another student in the state. Also, since school districts no longer will have to aggregate student data in order to provide reports to the Department, local educators will be able to focus more of their time and energy on providing educational services to the students.

3 III. Relevant Statutory Provisions

1 The Department’s Authority to Establish Student IMS

G.L. c. 69, section 1I authorizes the Department of Education to establish SIMS. It requires the Board to “adopt a system for evaluating on an annual basis the performance of both public school districts and individual public schools.” This “system shall include instruments designed to assess the extent to which schools and districts succeed in improving or fail to improve student performance.” G.L. c. 69, section 1I, paragraph 1. “The system shall be designed both to measure outcomes and results regarding student performance, and to improve the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction. ...” Section 1I, paragraph 2.

In order to facilitate this evaluation process, each school district is required to maintain “records on every student and employee. Each student record shall contain a unique and confidential identification number, basic demographic information, program and course information, and such other information as the department shall determine necessary. Said records shall conform to the parameters established by the department.” Section 1I, paragraph 6.

As part of this evaluation process, “[t]he commissioner [of education] is authorized and directed to gather information, including the information specified herein and such other information as the board shall require, for the purposes of evaluating individual public schools, school districts, and the efficacy and equity of state and federal mandated programs. All information filed pursuant to this section shall be filed in the manner and form prescribed by the department.” Section 1I, paragraph 5. The statute also provides that “[e]ach school district shall furnish to the department in a timely manner such additional information as the department shall request.” Section 1I, paragraph 8.

In short, the Department is expressly authorized and directed by state statute to collect from schools information about the performance of individual students, in the format prescribed by the Department. In addition, federal law requires the Department to report to the U.S. Secretary of Education on uses of federal education funds by the State. Federal law allows the Department of Education to receive student-specific information from local schools for the purpose of auditing, evaluating and enforcing the legal requirements associated with state and federally funded education programs. See 20 U.S.C. section 1232g(b)(3) and (5).

2 Confidentiality of Student Records

Confidentiality of student records is required by both state and federal law. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires state and local education agencies to protect the privacy of education records that contain “information directly related to a student” and which are “maintained by an educational agency or institution.” See 20 U.S.C. section 1232g. The entries in SIMS for individual students therefore qualify as education records within the meaning of FERPA. Absent written consent from the parent or student, or a valid court order, FERPA generally prohibits the release of education records to anyone other than local school officials, or federal and state education agencies with legitimate educational interests in the information. Limited exceptions apply and are discussed below in Part IV. Federal and state educational agencies, as well as organizations conducting studies on behalf of educational agencies, generally must maintain student information in a manner that will not allow others to identify the students or their parents. 20 U.S.C. section 1232g (b)(3).

On the state level, Massachusetts General Laws c. 71, section 34D delegates to the Board of Education the duty and authority to adopt regulations governing the maintenance of student records.[1] In accordance with this section, the Board has adopted the regulations codified at 603 CMR 23.00. These are commonly referred to as the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations.

The term “student record” is defined at 603 CMR 23.02 as consisting of “the transcript and the temporary record, including all information -- recording and computer tapes, microfilm, microfiche, or any other materials -- regardless of physical form or characteristics concerning a student that is organized on the basis of the student’s name or in a way that such student may be individually identified, and that is kept by the public schools of the Commonwealth. The term as used shall mean all such information and materials regardless of where they are located, except for the information and materials specifically exempted by 603 CMR 23.04.”[2]

The information to be included in SIMS therefore falls within the definition of “student record” in 603 CMR 23.02 and must be kept confidential in accordance with those regulations.

Confidentiality of student records under the Massachusetts regulations is governed by 603 CMR 23.07. The general rule is that, other than local school officials who need access to such records in the performance of their official duties, the student or the student’s parent or guardian, no third party may have access to information in or from a student record without the written consent of the student (if he or she is age 14 or older or has entered the 9th grade, i.e., is an eligible student), or the student’s parent or guardian.

As under federal law, the state regulations permit limited exceptions, which allow release of some or all of such information without written consent. See 603 CMR 23.04 (4). These exceptions include release to federal, state or local education officials as necessary to audit, evaluate or enforce federal or state education laws or programs. Such officials are generally required, however, to protect the information so that other parties cannot identify the students or their parents, and to destroy data that would allow individual students or their parents to be identified after the data are no longer needed for the audit, evaluation or enforcement action. In addition, such education officials may receive the information only on condition that they will not release the information to any other third party without the written consent of the parent or the student.

Although the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations apply only to schools and school districts, the Department is also subject to stringent confidentiality requirements pursuant to the Massachusetts Fair Information Practices Act (FIPA), G.L. c. 66A. Under that statute, state agencies which are in possession of “personal data” from which an individual may be identified, including individual student records, may not release that information to third parties in the absence of a federal or state statute requiring disclosure, consent from the “data subject,” or a court order. Release pursuant to a court order is not allowed until the data subject has been given sufficient notice to allow him or her to seek to overturn the court order.

Accordingly, schools are authorized and required to release the data requested through SIMS to the Department of Education. However, except where specifically authorized by law, neither the schools nor the Department may release individually identifiable student data to any other third parties, without the written consent of the parent or the eligible student.

4 IV. Questions and Answers

1 The Department’s Legal Authority to Establish and Implement the System

1. Does the Department have the legal authority to require public school districts to provide information through SIMS?

A. Yes. See the discussion in Part III. A, above. The Department has clear legal authority to require each school district (including charter schools) to provide the requested information in this format.

2. Must a school or school district obtain parental consent to release individual student data, including information in SIMS, to the Department of Education?

A. No. The Massachusetts Student Records Regulations, as well as federal law, authorize school districts to release student records to the Department of Education without the prior consent of the parent or student.

3. May a parent prevent a school district from participating in SIMS with respect to an individual student?

A. No. However, parents have a legal right to review their child’s education records to ensure accuracy of the information contained in them.

2 Confidentiality of the Student Information Management System

4. May parents obtain access to the information the Department maintains and collects regarding their children?

A. Yes. Federal law requires state educational agencies, including the Department, to allow parents to inspect and review any educational records the agency collects and maintains regarding their children. Under the federal law, students who are eighteen or older have the right to inspect and review their own educational records.

5. May any person working within the school district have access to student records, including the information in SIMS?

A. No. Federal and state law both require that access to student records be limited to those persons who, in the performance of their official duties, have a legitimate educational reason for accessing individual student records. It is the responsibility of superintendents and principals to ensure that this restriction is honored.

6. May someone obtain access under the Public Records Law to individual student data maintained by the Department or by local school districts?

A. No. Individual student data is not subject to disclosure under the Public Records Law, G.L. c. 66, §10. The mandatory disclosure provisions of the Public Records Law do not apply to records that are exempt from disclosure by statute, or the disclosure of which may constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Individual student data is protected from disclosure by federal statute, as well as the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations and the Fair Information Practices Act (FIPA), G.L. c. 66A. Disclosure of individual student data, other than that which falls within the definition of “directory information” under FERPA, may also constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Thus it is not subject to disclosure under the Public Records Law.

7. May the Department share personally identifiable student data, including information in SIMS, with state or local agencies without the written consent of the parent or the eligible student?

A. No. Because of the restrictions contained in FIPA, which are not applicable to school districts, the Department may not share such information with other state or local agencies, except under the very limited circumstances authorized by FIPA discussed in Part III.B, above.

8. May school officials share personally identifiable student data, including information in SIMS, with state or local agencies, other than the Department of Education, without the written consent of the parent or eligible student?

A. As a general matter the answer is no. However, there are certain exceptions to this rule:

1) As discussed in question 1 above, no written consent is required to release student record information to the Department of Education.

2) Basic information that falls within the scope of “directory information” under FERPA, may be disclosed to third parties, including other state or local agencies.[3] This is reflected in the state regulations at 603 CMR 23.07(4)(a). However, under both state and federal law, even this information cannot be disclosed to third persons or agencies, except as discussed below, unless and until the local school or the Department gives public notice of the types of information to be released and eligible students and parents have been given a reasonable time after such notice to inform the school or the Department that such information should not be released without their consent. Note: This process of public notice does not have to be undertaken prior to releasing any student specific information to the Department, to officials within the student’s school district who have a legitimate educational reason for access, to officials within another school district in which the student is seeking to enroll who have a legitimate educational reason for access, or to the other specific persons or agencies referenced in FERPA. See 20 U.S.C. section 1232g(b).

3) FERPA allows disclosure of student records to state or local officials to whom a state statute allows such disclosure in connection with juvenile justice proceedings. Hence, student records may be disclosed to probation officers conducting an investigation pursuant to G.L. c. 119, section 57, to a judge who requests such information concerning a student who will be appearing before the court as provided in G.L. c. 119, section 69, and to the Department of Youth Services when a student has been committed to that Department’s care, pursuant to G.L. c. 119, section 69A. See 603 CMR 23.07(4)(c).

4) FERPA also allows disclosure upon receipt of a subpoena from a court of law, provided that the parents and the student are notified of the subpoena before documents are provided in response to it. See 603 CMR 23.07(4)(b).

5) FERPA also allows disclosure to appropriate persons in an emergency situation if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons. For this reason, student information, where relevant, may be released to law enforcement authorities or to the Department of Social Services investigating a report of abuse or neglect pursuant to G.L. c. 71, section 37L and G.L. c. 119, section 51A or 51B. See 603 CMR 23.07(4)(e).

6) If a governmental agency, such as the Department of Social Services, has been made the legal guardian of a student, that agency may receive the student records. See 603 CMR 23.02 (definition of parent). However, the provision of services to a student by a state or local agency does not in and of itself justify disclosure of student records to that agency without parental or eligible student consent.

7) FERPA and the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations also allow disclosure without parental or student consent to officials of other schools or school systems in which the student is enrolling or seeking to enroll, and to authorized representatives of the U.S. Department of Education and the Massachusetts Department of Education.

9. May third parties who receive student-specific information from either the Department or the schools disclose that information to others?

A. No. Under the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations, personally identifiable information from a student record may “only be released to a third party on the condition that he/she will not permit any other third party to have access to such information without the written consent of the eligible student or parent.” In addition, FERPA requires that “personal information shall only be transferred to a third party on the condition that such party will not permit any other party to have access to such information without the written consent of the parents of the student.” In other words, even a third party who is authorized to receive student record information, must safeguard the confidentiality of that information.

10. Are there any penalties for unauthorized access to the Student Information Management System?

A. Yes. State law was amended in 1994 to impose criminal penalties against anyone who gains unauthorized access to any computer system. See G.L. c. 266, section 120F.

3 The Student Identifier

11. Why is the Department gathering names of students when each student will have a unique student identifier?

A. Both the identifier and the name, as well as other demographic data such as gender and date of birth, are needed in order to ensure a reliable system to track students’ educational progress, as required by Education Reform. If a student leaves one school district and later enrolls in another, a central repository of both name and identifier is needed to be sure the student is reassigned the original identifier. Likewise, the identifier is needed to differentiate students in the same or different districts with the same name, or to identify students who may use different names at different times.

4 Race and National Origin

12. What is the Department’s authority to require school districts to collect and maintain individualized information regarding a student’s race or national origin?

A. G. L. c. 69, §1I requires school districts to collect and maintain basic demographic data for each student. This includes information regarding gender, age, ethnicity, national origin and race. The Department uses this information to track demographic trends, to carry out its responsibilities under state law (for example, under the state racial imbalance law) and to ensure that students are receiving equal opportunities. In addition, federal law requires the Department to report such information to the U.S. Department of Education for purposes of monitoring enforcement of civil rights laws.

13. Is it legal for a school district to ask parents or students to identify themselves by race, ethnicity or national origin?

A. Yes. The law does not prohibit school officials from asking parents or students to identify themselves by race, ethnicity or national origin, so long as this information is not required as a condition of admission to school. School districts may not require parents or students to identify themselves on the basis of race, ethnicity or national origin. If a parent declines to provide this information, local school officials must make their own good faith determination as to the race, ethnicity or national origin of the student.

14. What ethnicity and race categories are used in SIMS?

A. SIMS uses the federal reporting categories described in Statistics Policy Directive 15, Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting. The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently issued a new directive revising the race and ethnicity criteria to be used for census and other federal reporting purposes. SIMS has been designed to comply with that new directive; however, districts will continue to use the existing reporting categories until the Department of Education's reporting requirements change.

5 Income Information

15. May schools ask students about their family income without parental consent?

A. No. The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment to FERPA expressly provides that, in the absence of parental consent, no student shall be required to answer questions that would reveal information about income. The only exception is if the student is applying to an education program for which income status determines eligibility for participation or financial assistance. See 20 U.S.C. section 1232h. Therefore, in the absence of parental consent, students cannot be asked or required to disclose their family’s income or their eligibility for food stamps or other welfare benefits, unless they are applying for free or reduced price lunches or other school benefits based on income eligibility.

16. May a school district rely on a student’s income eligibility for free or reduced price lunches under the National School Lunch Act in order to respond to the low income data element in SIMS?

A. Yes. Federal law was amended in 1994 to allow use and disclosure of such information to persons directly connected with federal or state education programs.[4] School districts are not being asked to state specifically whether a student is eligible for free or reduced price lunches, but only whether the student meets one or more of the criteria for being low income, one of which is eligibility for free or reduced price lunches. Aggregated data as to the number of students eligible for free or reduced price lunches may still be provided to the public and others.

17. May a school district that has learned, based on disclosures by DTA as part of the Learnfare program, that a student is eligible for transitional assistance or AFDC benefits, rely on that eligibility status to answer the low income questions in SIMS?

A. Yes. Neither federal nor state law prohibits transmitting that eligibility information to the Department or relying on it t o answer the low income questions. However, neither schools nor the Department should release that information to any third party without written consent of the parent or eligible student.

18. How else may a school district determine whether a student meets the definition of a low income student for purposes of the low income and Perkins eligibility data elements in the SIMS?

A. Schools may ask parents whether their child meets any of the definitions of low income status. Schools should also continue to use whatever other legal means they have historically used to gather such information for purposes of calculating their foundation budgets under Education Reform, determining the district’s eligibility for Title I funds, and determining teacher eligibility for reductions in Perkins loan repayments.

6 Data Correction

19. What procedures should a school district follow if it determines through parental input or otherwise that a piece of information already transmitted to the Department in SIMS is inaccurate?

A. If a district learns that any piece of information concerning an individual student is inaccurate, it should simply record the correct data in its next submission to the Department. The more current and accurate information will automatically replace the old, inaccurate information in the

Department’s databases. Since these transmissions will generally occur at least four times per year, the records will be updated on a regular basis.

7 Additional Questions

20. What is the legal minimum and maximum age for which Massachusetts is responsible for educating children?

A. The compulsory school attendance law, G.L. c. 76, § 1, requires every child between the ages of 6 to 16 to attend school. Each school committee may establish the permissible ages for school attendance, as long as the minimum age is not older than age 6, nor the maximum younger than age 16. However, because federal and state law requires school districts to provide special education services to students with disabilities who are ages 3 through 21 (unless the students have a high school diploma or its equivalent), we advise school officials to set the maximum age limit at no lower than 22nd birthday.

21. Can school districts require a birth certificate to confirm the student’s identity?

A. Massachusetts law does not require presentation of a birth certificate for school entry. However, a school district may request a birth certificate or a baptismal certificate showing the date of birth, as proof that a child meets its minimum school entry age.

22. May a school district use the State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID) on student identification


No. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires state and

local education agencies and institutions to protect the privacy of education records, which it

broadly defines to include any “information directly related to a student” which is

“maintained by an educational agency or institution.” See 20 U.S.C. section 1232g. In

addition, the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations require school districts to protect

the confidentiality of student records, which are defined as “including any information

concerning a student that is organized on the basis of the student’s name or in a way that

such student may be individually identified, and that is kept by the public schools.” See

603 CMR 23.00. Since the SASID is information that is directly related to a student, is

organized in a way that the student may be individually identified and is kept or maintained

by the schools, the SASID qualifies as an education record within the meaning of FERPA

and as a student record within the meaning of the Massachusetts Student Records


Both FERPA and the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations, with certain limited

exceptions, generally prohibits school districts from releasing education or student records to

third parties, without the written consent of the student, or the student’s parent or guardian.

Since school districts are required by both state and federal laws to protect the confidentiality

of student records and the SASID is a student record, school districts are required to protect

the confidentiality of the SASID. It would be impossible for a school district to ensure the

confidentiality of the SASID if it were to be placed on a student identification card or used

any other type of identification system that would allow the SASID to be displayed.

Therefore, it is our opinion that the placement of the SASID on a student identification card

is prohibited by FERPA and the Massachusetts Student Record Regulations.

Data Standards

The Category 1 Data Standards define the information that districts are required to maintain and submit to the Department of Education for each student. The Category 1 Data Standards specify common definitions, formats and reporting categories for 35 data elements for the first phase of the implementation of the Student Information Management Systems (SIMS). Other data elements may be identified in the future as the system expands or as reporting requirements change.

1 Selection Process

The Department of Education has been developing the Data Standards for two years. This process is described in Appendix G. The Data Elements selected for the first phase of SIMS implementation were those data elements that

□ would replace as much existing paper-based reporting as possible.

□ were required for federal or state reporting.

□ would be reasonable to require from districts in the first phase of implementation.

The following paper-based data collection forms are represented in the Category 1 Data Elements:

□ Individual School Report

← Enrollment by Grade

← Enrollment by Gender

← Enrollment by Race

← Enrollment by First Language

← Enrollment by Limited English Proficiency

← Enrollment by Residence

← Migrant Student Enrollment

← Low Income Student Enrollment

□ Foundation Enrollment Report

← Enrollment by grade

← Low Income Student Enrollment

□ School System Summary Report - Special Education Tables

□ Transitional Bilingual Annual Report

□ Special Education December 1 Count

□ Year End School Indicator Report

← Attendance

← Plans of High School Graduates

← Drop Out

□ Returned Drop Out Report

□ Emergency Immigrant Assistance Program Report

2 Reporting Districts

In order to fulfill the Department's reporting requirements (and, consequently, eliminate paper-based, aggregate reporting), every student who is educated with public funds during the current school year must be counted. The Department of Education is required to collect data on students, depending on the particular statutory or regulatory requirements, from both:

□ The district that pays for the student's education (sending district or the district with fiscal responsibility); and

□ The district that provides the student's education directly (receiving district or enrolling district)

For most students, the district that pays for a student’s education is the district that provides the education directly. (The student resides in the district and attends the district’s public schools.) The sending and receiving district are the same. In some instances, one district pays for the student’s education and a second district provides the education services directly. (tuitioned students, school choice students, charter school students, etc.)

Districts are required to submit data for each student enrolled in the district at any time during the current school year, and for each student for whom the district is financially responsible at any time during the current school year.

When two districts are involved in a student’s education, each district must submit a student record to the Department of Education. The Data Standards specify which data elements should be submitted by the sending and which by the receiving district.

Districts having out-placed SPED students (enrolled in private facilities or collaboratives) who are the financial responsibility of the reporting district must report all 52 data elements for these students.

3 Data Standards Description

This section of the Handbook specifies the standard definition, format, code descriptions and values for each of the 52 Category 1 Data Elements that districts must provide. The record for each student must meet the following requirements:

□ Include all 35 data elements

□ Contain No Blank Values

□ Use appropriate codes to indicate either the sending district is not required to report a particular data element (code=555) or the receiving district has determined the data element does not apply to a student (code=500). The code 00 is used to indicate a receiving district has determined that the student does not participate in a particular program or does not meet the definition of eligibility defined by the data element.

The following information is provided for each Data Element:

|Name |Name of the Data Element |

|Definition |A brief definition of the element |

|Data Type |Alphanumeric, Integer, or Decimal |

|Maximum Length |The maximum number of characters allowed |

|Minimum Length |The minimum number of characters allowed |

|Reporting District |Specification of whether the sending and/or receiving district is required to submit the |

| |data element. |

|Code Descriptions |The code values and a definition of each value that should be used |

|Use |A description of how the Massachusetts Department of Education uses the information |

| |represented by the data elements |

|Instructions |Detailed information about how the district should collect and report the data element |

|Acceptable Values |A list of the values that are acceptable to be submitted to the Department of Education. |

| |Codes = Only codes specified by the Department of Education can be submitted |

| |Map = District codes can be mapped to the standard codes in the consolidation function of|

| |the student filter |

| |No values listed = Any value of the proper type and length is acceptable |

|Format Requirements |Specification of any format requirements that exist for the values of the data element |

|Dependency |Specification of other data elements and values on which the data element is dependent |

4 List of SIMS Version 2.0 Data Elements

DOE001 Locally Assigned Student Identifier (LASID)

A code, assigned and maintained by the local school district, that is unique for each student in the district over time.

DOE002 State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID)

A unique number assigned to an individual by the Massachusetts Department of Education.

DOE003 First Name

A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change.

DOE004 Middle Name

A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change.

DOE005 Last Name

The name borne in common by members of a family.

DOE006 Date of Birth

The month, day, and year on which an individual was born.

DOE007 Date of Birth Format

A code that indicates the format of the value of Data Element DOE006 - Date of Birth.

DOE008 City/Town of Birth

The name of the city (or comparable unit) in which an individual was born.

DOE009 Gender

The classification of a student as male or female.

DOE010 Race

The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies.

DOE011 Reason for Reporting

An indication of the basis on which a district is reporting a student - financial responsibility, enrollment or both. If the student is not enrolled at the time of reporting, or if the Reason for Enrollment has changed over time, the indication should represent the most recent reason for reporting.

DOE012 Enrollment Status at Time of Data Collection

An indication, as of the specified time of data collection (e.g., October 1), of the enrollment status of each student who has been enrolled or for whom the district paid for education services at any time during the current school year.

DOE013 Reason for Enrollment

An indication of the reason for a student's enrollment in the receiving school district. The indication should represent the reason for the most recent enrollment, if the student is not enrolled at the time of reporting or the current Reason for Enrollment if the reason has changed over time.

DOE014 City/Town of Residence - Student

The 3-digit code for the city or town where the student lives at the time of reporting or the student's last known city or town of residence if the reporting district is no longer sending or receiving the student.

DOE015 School Identification Number

Each school in Massachusetts has a 4-digit code assigned by DOE. In combination with the 4-digit district code, each school in MA has a unique, 8-digit code number. Each student's record must contain the 8-digit code of the school in which the student is enrolled at the time of reporting or the code for the student's last known school of enrollment if the reporting district is no longer sending or receiving the student.

DOE016 Grade Level

Grade in which student is enrolled as of most recent enrollment.

DOE017 Days in Attendance

Cumulative number of days a member student has been present in the district from the beginning of the current school year to the time of reporting (e.g., October 1).

DOE018 Days in Membership

Cumulative number of days a student has been enrolled in the district from the beginning of the current school year to the time of reporting (e.g., October 1).

DOE019 Low Income Status

An indication of whether the student meets ANY ONE of the following definitions of low income:

1. The student is eligible for free or reduced price lunch; or

2. The student receives Transitional Aid to Families benefits; or

3. The student is eligible for food stamps

DOE020 Title 1 Participation

An indication of the type of Title I Services in which a student is enrolled at the specified time of reporting (e.g. October 1)

DOE021 Migrant Status

An indication of whether an individual or a parent/guardian accompanying an individual maintains primary employment in one or more agricultural or fishing activities on a seasonal or other temporary basis and establishes a temporary residence for the purposes of such employment.

DOE022 Emergency Immigration Education Program Status

An indication of whether a student is eligible for the Emergency Immigrant Education Program. To be eligible for this program, a student must

1. Not have been born in any State*; AND

2. Not have completed 3 full academic years of school in any state

If a student is eligible, Data Element DOE023, Country of Origin must be provided.

DOE023 Country of Origin

Country of Origin is the country from which immigrant children have emigrated.

DOE024 First (Native) Language

Native language is the specific language or dialect first learned by an individual or first used by the parent/guardian with a child. This term is often referred to as primary language.

DOE025 Limited English Proficiency

Limited English Proficient Students are defined as children who were:

1) Not born in the US whose native tongue is a language other than English and who are incapable of performing ordinary classwork in English


2) Born in the United States of non-English speaking parents and who are incapable of performing ordinary classwork in English.

DOE026 English Language Learners Program Status

An indication of the type of English Language Learners Program a student is enrolled as of the time of reporting (e.g., October 1).






DOE032 Special Education - Private Placement

The Enrolled in Private Schools Not Placed or Referred by Public Agency is defined as those students "who have been enrolled by their parents or guardians in regular parochial or other private schools and whose basic education is paid through private resources and who receive special education and related services at public expense from a local educational agency or intermediate educational unit under a service plan." "A private institution or school is a school NOT under Federal or public supervision or control and may be non-profit or proprietary." (See 34CFR 300.452).

DOE033 Post-Graduate Plans

An indication of what a student plans to do after graduation from high school.

DOE034 SPED Placement Information

An indication of the Special Education status of a student at the specified time of reporting (e.g. October 1).

DOE035 Career & Technical - Type of Program

An indication of the category of Chapter 74 Career & Technical Program in which a student is enrolled at the specified time of reporting (e.g. October 1).

DOE036 Special Education - Nature of Primary Disability

The major or overriding disability condition that has been identified by a Team of people pursuant to federal and state special education law. The identified disability is known to be causal to an inability to make effective progress in education and requires special education services in order to access the general curriculum or specially designed curriculum.

DOE037 Special Education - Nature of Services

An indication of the service needs of the student, e.g. whether the student requires only related service(s) to access the general curriculum or specially designed instruction and services.

DOE038 Special Education - Level of Need

The degree of service that the student receives as determined by the school district upon review of the student's IEP.

DOE039 Special Education - Cost-Share Placement

An indication of the source of funding for special education students receiving special education services.

DOE040 Special Education - IEP Goals - Reason for Exit from Special Education

An indication of the number of students who continue to be enrolled in the district but who are no longer receiving special education services and whether or not those students met the goals on their last IEP.

DOE041 Special Education - Reason for Leaving School District

An indication of the number of students who left the school district during the school year and who have been receiving special education services prior to leaving the district.

DOE042 Career & Technical - Chapter 74 Special Population

An indication of the status of a student enrolled in a Career and Technical Education program who meets the following definition(s) for: Educationally Disadvantaged or Single Parent.

DOE043 Career & Technical - Chapter 74 Program Participation

A career and technical education program that meets the ten approval factors in the Chapter 74 regulations. An approval letter including the assigned six-digit CIP code has been issued by the Department of Education for the program.

DOE044 Career & Technical - Non-Chapter 74 Program Participation

Organized educational activities that offer a sequence of courses that provides individuals with the academic and technical knowledge and skills the individuals need to prepare for further education and for careers (other than for careers requiring a baccalaureate, master's, or doctoral degree) in current or emerging employment sectors; and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, and occupational-specific skills, of an individual. The programs are reported at the two-digit CIP code level.

DOE045 Number of In-School Suspensions - by Student

The number of disciplinary actions imposed by school officials that remove the student from academic classes and places them in a separate environment. The student remained in school during the suspension period.

DOE046 Number of Out-of-School Suspensions - by Student

The number of disciplinary actions imposed by school officials to remove the student from participation in school activities.

DOE047 Advanced Placement Course 1

The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES)

DOE048 Advanced Placement Course 2

The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES)

DOE049 Advanced Placement Course 3

The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES)

DOE050 Advanced Placement Course 4

The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES)

DOE051 Advanced Placement Course 5

The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES)

DOE052 Student Truancy

The number of school days a student was recorded as truant.

|DOE001 Locally Assigned Student Identifier (LASID) |

|A code, assigned and maintained by the local school district, that is unique for each student in the district over time. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 32 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Use: |

| |

|The Education Reform Act of 1993 requires each school district to maintain student records that "shall contain a unique and |

|confidential identification number." In addition, the Act requires school districts to file reports with the Department of |

|Education that include information requiring an unique student identification number - for example, in order to report the academic|

|progress of students who have completed a program in Transitional Bilingual Education, students must be followed within and across |

|districts over time. An unique identification number is essential for this reporting. In order to track students within and across |

|districts over time and to keep student information secure and confidential at both the state and local levels, two student |

|identifiers will be used - one assigned by the district in which the student is enrolled and one assigned by the Department of |

|Education. Districts need to assign a unique local identifier for each student in order to have a state student identification |

|number assigned, to provide an additional matching field to ensure records are matched accurately over time and to keep student |

|information secure and confidential . The Locally Assigned Student Identifier (LASID) will be used as directory information in the |

|State Student Registration System to verify and assign State Student Identifiers. |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Standard ASCII Character Set | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|The Locally Assigned Student Identifier is the unique number used by the district to identify students. The Locally |

|Assigned Student Identifier must be created and maintained by the district to provide a unique identifier for students |

|within the district over time and be submitted with all individual data submitted to the Department of Education. |

|DOE002 State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID) |

|A unique number assigned to an individual by the Massachusetts Department of Education. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 10 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 10 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Use: |

| |

|The Education Reform Act of 1993 requires each school district to maintain student records that "shall contain a unique and |

|confidential identification number." In addition, the Act requires school districts to file reports with the Department of |

|Education that include information requiring an unique student identification number - for example, in order to report the academic|

|progress of students who have completed a program in Transitional Bilingual Education, students must be followed within and across |

|districts over time. An unique identification number is essential for this reporting. In order to track students within and across |

|districts over time and to keep student information secure and confidential at both the state and local levels, two student |

|identifiers will be used - one assigned by the district in which the student is enrolled (LASID) and a State Assigned number |

|(SASID). All students enrolled in Massachusetts public schools will be assigned a 10-digit number to track students within and |

|across districts over time. After the initial assignment of identification numbers, districts will be required to verify or obtain |

|an identification number whenever a new student enrolls in the district. |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|10 digit state-assigned identification | | |

|number | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|The State Assigned Student Identifier will be a new number assigned by the State Student Registration System. An initial |

|batch assignment of student identification numbers will occur using the Locally Assigned Student Identifier, First Name, |

|Middle Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, City/Town of Birth and City/Town of Residence to build the Student |

|Directory database. After the initial assignment of numbers to students, State Assigned Student Identifiers will be |

|assigned through the State Student Registration System. Districts will need to use the State Assigned Student Identifier |

|and the Locally Assigned Student Identifier on all individual data submitted to the Department of Education. |

|DOE003 First Name |

|A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 32 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Use: |

| |

|A student identifier is needed in the statewide database if any analysis or report is to use data from more than one submission. |

|There must be a way to link an individual's record from each submission to the student's record in each of the other submissions. |

|To verify that the student identifier is correct and to verify that the proper records are linked, the most beneficial data element|

|is the student name. All other data elements combined (e.g., birthdate, birthplace, gender, etc.) do not definitively identify an |

|individual without the use of name. Name is essential, but not sufficient by itself to verify a student's record. Other data |

|elements are also essential, but are equally insufficient. |

| |

|The First Name will be used as directory information in the State Student Directory to verify and assign State Student Assigned |

|Identifiers. |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Standard ASCII Character Set |First name, middle name and last name must | |

| |be reported as three separate fields | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Student's first name as recorded on a legal document, such as a birth certificate, should be used. |

|DOE004 Middle Name |

|A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 32 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Use: |

| |

|A student identifier is needed in the statewide database if any analysis or report is to use data from more than one submission. |

|There must be a way to link an individual's record from each submission to the student's record in each other submission. To verify|

|that the student identifier is correct and to verify that the proper records are linked, the most beneficial data element is the |

|student name. All other data elements combined (e.g., birthdate, birthplace, gender, etc.) do not definitively identify an |

|individual without the use of name. Name is essential, but not sufficient by itself to verify a student's record. Other data |

|elements are also essential, but are equally insufficient. |

| |

|The Middle Name will be used as directory information in the State Student Directory to verify and assign State Student Assigned |

|Identifiers. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Students with no middle name must be |First name, middle name and last name must | |

|reported with NMN as the middle name. |be reported as three separate fields | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Student's middle name as recorded on a legal document, such as a birth certificate, should be used. |

|DOE005 Last Name |

|The name borne in common by members of a family. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 50 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Use: |

| |

|A student identifier is needed in the statewide database if any analysis or report is to use data from more than one submission. |

|There must be a way to link an individual's record from each submission to the student's record in each other submission. To verify|

|that the student identifier is correct and to verify that the proper records are linked, the most beneficial data element is the |

|student name. All other data elements combined (e.g., birthdate, birthplace, gender, etc.) do not definitively identify an |

|individual without the use of name. Name is essential, but not sufficient by itself to verify a student's record. Other data |

|elements are also essential, but are equally insufficient. |

| |

|The Last Name will be used as directory information in the State Student Directory to verify and assign State Student Assigned |

|Identifiers. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Standard ASCII Character Set |First name, middle name and last name must | |

| |be reported as three separate fields | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Student's last name as recorded on a legal document, such as a birth certificate, should be used. |

|DOE006 Date of Birth |

|The month, day, and year on which an individual was born. |

|Type |Date |Length |Minimum 8 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 10 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|Preferred Date Format is mm/dd/yyyy |

|Use: |

| |

|Federal and state statutes require reporting enrollment by age for special education and early childhood students and for |

|monitoring the delivery of an appropriate education to all school-age children. |

| |

|Date of Birth will also be used as directory information in the State Student Directory to verify and assign State Student |

|Identifiers. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

| |Dates must be in one of the following | |

| |formats: | |

| |mm/dd/yyyy | |

| |mm/dd/yy | |

| |yy/mm/dd | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |

|DOE007 Date of Birth Format |

|A code that indicates the format of the value of Data Element DOE006 - Date of Birth. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|D10 mm/dd/yyyy |

|D8M mm/dd/yy |

|D8Y yy/mm/dd |

|Use: |

| |

|The specified format will be used to convert the value of Data Element- DOE006 - Date of Birth to the standard format of |

|mm/dd/yyyy. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Date of Birth format field must be included in each student's record. |

|DOE008 City/Town of Birth |

|The name of the city (or comparable unit) in which an individual was born. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 50 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Use: |

| |

|City of Birth will be used as directory information in the State Student Directory to verify and assign State Student Identifiers. |

|Information on a student's city of birth will not be used for reporting or analysis and will not be included in the Central Student|

|Database. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Data in this field should include the |The value for this field cannot include the| |

|name of only the city or town of birth |state or country of birth. It must not | |

|(or comparable unit if the student was |contain any punctuation marks or | |

|born in a country other than the US) |abbreviations (ex. St. Louis should be | |

| |entered as Saint Louis). | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|City/Town of Birth as recorded on a legal document, such as a birth certificate, should be used. |

|DOE009 Gender |

|The classification of a student as male or female. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 1 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|F Female--A girl or a woman. |

|M Male--A boy or a man. |

|Use: |

| |

|Student gender is required for the federal Common Core of Data reporting as well as many state and federal equity monitoring |

|reports. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|1. Department of Education codes | | |

|specified in data standards; and/or | | |

| | | |

|2. District codes can be mapped to | | |

|standard codes | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |

|DOE010 Race |

|The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the |

|individual most identifies. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|American Indian or Alaskan Native--A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintains |

|cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment. |

|Asian or Pacific Islander --A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian |

|subcontinent or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Samoa.|

|Black -- A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. |

|White --A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. |

|Hispanic --A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of |

|race. |

|Use: |

| |

|Race and ethnicity are collected under the authority of state and federal laws, including Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 69, |

|Sections 1A, 1B and 1I; Chapter 71, Section 37D; Chapter 71A and Chapter 72. The data is used for educational equity monitoring, as|

|well as statistical analysis, reporting and planning. The Office of Management and Budget has issued a revision of Statistical |

|Policy Directive 15, Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting. The revised standards will have|

|five minimum categories for data on race and two categories for data on ethnicity. More than one race category may be reported for |

|an individual. All federal agencies are required to conform to the new directive no later than 2004. Districts will continue using |

|the existing reporting categories until the reporting requirements for the DOE are changed by the US DOE. (See Appendix G) |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|A district may use additional racial categories in maintaining its data; however, these categories must be reported using|

|the standard race reporting categories and codes for race data. For example, a district may include values for |

|Vietnamese, Chinese, and Cambodian to identify students' race/ethnicity. These values must be reported using the code, 02|

|Asian or Pacific Islander |

|DOE011 Reason for Reporting |

|An indication of the basis on which a district is reporting a student - financial responsibility, enrollment or both. If the |

|student is not enrolled at the time of reporting, or if the Reason for Enrollment has changed over time, the indication should |

|represent the most recent reason for reporting. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|District is/has been financially responsible for the student and the student is/has been enrolled in the district during the |

|current school year. (RESIDENT AND ENROLLED) |

|District is/has been financially responsible for the student and the student is/has been enrolled in another School district during|


|The district is not/has not been financially responsible for the student and the student is/has been enrolled in the district |

|during the current school year. (NOT RESIDENT/ENROLLED) |

|Use: |

| |

|An indication of a district's responsibility for a student - reason for reporting - provides data to determine whether the student |

|should be counted for the paying district or the enrolling district for a particular reporting requirement; e.g., a school choice |

|student is counted by the enrolling district if enrollment is being reported and by the fiscally responsible district for reporting|

|Foundation Budget enrollment. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |

|DOE012 Enrollment Status at Time of Data Collection |

|An indication, as of the specified time of data collection (e.g., October 1), of the enrollment status of each student who has been|

|enrolled or for whom the district paid for education services at any time during the current school year. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|Enrolled |

|Transferred |

|Dropped Out |

|Graduate with Competency Determination |

|Permanent Exclusion |

|Deceased |

|09 **Reached maximum age, did not graduate or receive Certificate of Attainment |

|*Certificate of Attainment. |

|Use: |

| |

|Enrollment data are required for the October 1 enrollment count, annual reports on dropouts, plans of high school graduates, |

|attendance and determination of grant allocations |

| |

|NOTE: Permanent Exclusion is used when the student is ineligible to return to school. A student whose exclusion is not permanent |

|should be coded as 01. |

| |

|* Certificate of Attainment as defined by the Board of Education: |

|** Reached maximum age for 20 years old or greater. |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Report data as of the specified time of reporting (e.g., October 1) for every student for whom the district has either |

|paid for and/or provided education services at any time during the current school year. |

|DOE013 Reason for Enrollment |

|An indication of the reason for a student's enrollment in the receiving school district. The indication should represent the reason|

|for the most recent enrollment, if the student is not enrolled at the time of reporting or the current Reason for Enrollment if the|

|reason has changed over time. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| | |



|01 Resident/Member | |

|02 School Choice (DOE-School Choice Program) |06 Tuitioned - Out-of-State |

|03 Charter School |Tuitioned - Private School or Collaborative School |

|04 METCO |Program |

|05 Tuitioned in - Chapter 74 | |

|08 Tuitioned in - Paid by parent/guardian | |

|09 Tuitioned in - Waived by local agreement | |

|10 Tuitioned in - Agreement with another in-state district | |

|Foreign Exchange student | |

|Use: |

| |

|NOTE: Districts need only report those students for whom the district is financially responsible and who are attending private |

|schools, collaboratives or out of state schools at the district expense. Tuition status data is required to compute financial |

|allocations to school districts. |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Report data for every student that the district either was financially responsible for and/or provided education services|

|directly for at any time during the current school year. The Reason for Enrollment should represent the most recent |

|enrollment, if the student is not enrolled at the time of reporting. If the reason for a student's enrollment in the |

|receiving district has changed over time, the current reason for enrollment should be reported. |

|DOE014 City/Town of Residence – Student |

|The 3-digit code for the city or town where the student lives at the time of reporting or the student's last known city or town of |

|residence if the reporting district is no longer sending or receiving the student. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|Codes for municipalities in Massachusetts are provided in Appendix A. |

|Use: |

| |

|Enrollment by residence data is used to allocate state and federal aid and to determine tuition payments for charter school and |

|school choice students. |

| |

|NOTE: For students who live in another state and attend your district use 888 for the town of Residence. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|1. Districts must use the 001-352 codes| | |

|for cities and towns in Massachusetts. | | |

|(See Appendix A) | | |

| | | |

|2. For out-of-state residences, use | | |

|code 888. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Communities and villages within the 352 cities and towns in Massachusetts should be reported with the code for the |

|appropriate city or town. |

|DOE015 School Identification Number |

|Each school in Massachusetts has a 4-digit code assigned by DOE. In combination with the 4-digit district code, each school in MA |

|has a unique, 8-digit code number. Each student's record must contain the 8-digit code of the school in which the student is |

|enrolled at the time of reporting or the code for the student's last known school of enrollment if the reporting district is no |

|longer sending or receiving the student. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 8 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 8 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|School Codes are provided in Appendix D and Appendix E. |

|Use: |

| |

|The school identification number is necessary to identify students, in particular, to match assessment data with other student |

|information. Enrollment by school is needed for fund allocation, monitoring, reports and analyses. |

| |

|NOTE: For sending to Private School or out of state students ONLY. If the school code is not in Appendix E then use 08880000 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Districts must use the Department of | | |

|Education assigned school | | |

|identification number. The first four | | |

|digits of this number represent the | | |

|district code; the second four digits | | |

|are the school code. (See Appendix D | | |

|and Appendix E). | | |

| | | |

|For any Out of State, Private School or| | |

|Collaborative School Program not listed| | |

|in Appendix E use code 08880000 | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |

|DOE016 Grade Level |

|Grade in which student is enrolled as of most recent enrollment. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| | |

|Code Descriptions | |

| |Grade 11 |

|Grade 1 |Grade 12 |

|Grade 2 |PK Pre - Kindergarten |

|Grade 3 |KP Part Time Kindergarten |

|Grade 4 |KF Full Time Kindergarten |

|Grade 5 |KT Kindergarten Tuitioned |

|Grade 6 |SP Special Education beyond Grade 12 |

|Grade 7 | |

|Grade 8 | |

|Grade 9 | |

|Grade 10 | |

|Use |

| |

|Enrollment by grade data is used for statistical purposes, including making school enrollment projections and completing |

|federal and state reports. |

| |

|PK Pre-Kindergarten - child must be at least 3 years old and not enrolled in KP or KF |

|KF Full-time Kindergarten - child attends school or school related activities over 25 hours per week |

|KP Part-time Kindergarten - child attends school or school related activities 25 hours or less per week |

|KT Full-time kindergarten, tuitioned - child attends school or school related activities at least 25 hours per week, and pays |

|tuition. |

|SP Beyond grade 12 special education student. |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |

|DOE017 Days in Attendance |

|Cumulative number of days a member student has been present in the district from the beginning of the current school year to the |

|time of reporting (e.g., October 1). |

|Type |Integer |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Number of days |

| |

|Use: |

| |

|Attendance data are used to fulfill requirements of Education Reform, to prepare annual attendance report and for end-of-year |

|fiscal reporting. |

|Attendance is defined as: A student must be at school, or at a school related activity (e.g. field trip) for at least half of the |

|school day to be counted as present. |

| |

|NOTE: Attendance should be reported as the cumulative number of days the student was present in your district and SHOULD NOT |

|reflect their attendance in each individual school while in your district. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|For receiving district, value must be | | |

|greater than or equal to 0 and less | | |

|than 261 | | |

| | | |

|Days in Attendance cannot be greater | | |

|than Data Element DOE018 - Days in | | |

|Membership. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Report the cumulative number of days in attendance in the district from the beginning of the school year to the specified|

|time of reporting (e.g., October 1). Include all days in which a student was in attendance at least half of the school |

|day. A student who was not in attendance for at least one half of the school day should not be counted as in attendance |

|for that day. Do not count days of excused or unexcused absences as days in attendance. |

|DOE018 Days in Membership |

|Cumulative number of days a student has been enrolled in the district from the beginning of the current school year to the time of |

|reporting (e.g., October 1). |

|Type |Integer |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|1-261 Number of Days |

|Use: |

| |

|Membership data are used to fulfill requirements of Education Reform, to prepare annual attendance report and for end-of-year |

|fiscal reporting. |

| |

|Membership: Pupil is a member of a school district from the date of entry to and including the date of withdrawal without regard to|

|presence of absence. Membership ends when it becomes known that a pupil had withdrawn with the intention of not returning during |

|the school year (to enter another school district, to go to work, to live in another town, expulsion, ect.) but not to remain at |

|home temporarily on account of illness. |

| |

|NOTE: Membership should be reported as the cumulative number of days the student was enrolled in your district and SHOULD NOT |

|reflect their enrollment in each individual school while in your district. |

| |

| |

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| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|For receiving district, value must be | | |

|greater than 0 and less than 261 | | |

| | | |

|Days in Membership CANNOT be less than | | |

|Data Element DOE017 - Days in | | |

|Attendance | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Report the cumulative number of days in membership in the district from the beginning of the school year to the specified|

|time of reporting (e.g., October 1). |

|DOE019 Low Income Status |

|An indication of whether the student meets ANY ONE of the following definitions of low income: |

|1. The student is eligible for free or reduced price lunch; or |

|2. The student receives Transitional Aid to Families benefits; or |

|3. The student is eligible for food stamps |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Student is not eligible for free or reduced price lunch |

|Student is eligible for free lunch |

|Student is eligible for reduced price lunch |

|Use: |

| |

|Low income status is used for |

|1. Foundation budget allocations |

|2. Title I allocations |

|3. Technology grant allocations (e.g., e-rate) |

|4. Other grant allocations |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Report the last known Low Income Status for students who are not enrolled in the district at the time of reporting or |

|whose Low Income Status has changed over time. |

|DOE020 Title 1 Participation |

|An indication of the type of Title I Services in which a student is enrolled at the specified time of reporting (e.g. October 1) |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| | |

|Code Descriptions | |

|Not Title 1 |Targeted assistance/science and social studies |

|School-wide |Targeted assistance/science and vocational career |

|Targeted assistance/reading |Targeted assistance/social studies and vocational career |

|Targeted assistance/math |Targeted assistance/reading, math and science |

|Targeted assistance/reading and math |Targeted assistance/reading, math and social studies |

|Targeted assistance/science |Targeted assistance/reading, math and vocational career |

|Targeted assistance/social studies |Targeted assistance/reading, science and social studies |

|Targeted assistance/vocational career |Targeted assistance/reading, science and vocational career |

|Targeted assistance/reading and science |Targeted assistance/reading, math, science and social studies |

|Targeted assistance/reading and social studies |Targeted assistance/reading, math science and vocational career |

|Targeted assistance/reading and vocational career |Targeted assistance/math, science and social studies |

|Targeted assistance/math and science |Targeted assistance/math, science and vocational career |

|Targeted assistance/math and social studies |Targeted assistance/science, social studies and vocational career |

|Targeted assistance/math and vocational career |Other |

|Use: |

| |

|Enrollment data is used for Title I programs and is required for annual federal reporting. |

| |

|Note: This will significantly reduce the amount of information collected in the Annual Title I Performance and Achievement Report |

| |

|For October reporting, districts may count students for whom they are planning to provide services, but the program has not begun yet, as |

|participating in Title 1. March and EOY reporting periods should only include students who are participating in Title 1 services at the |

|time of reporting. |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |

|DOE021 Migrant Status |

|An indication of whether an individual or a parent/guardian accompanying an individual maintains primary employment in one or more |

|agricultural or fishing activities on a seasonal or other temporary basis and establishes a temporary residence for the purposes of|

|such employment. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Not a migratory child - A child whose parents/guardians are not migrant workers. |

|Currently a migratory child: |

|A child "who is, or whose parent, spouse, or guardian is, a migratory agricultural worker, including a migratory dairy worker, or a|

|migratory fisher, and who, in the preceding 36 months, in order to obtain, or accompany such parent, spouse, or guardian in order |

|to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work |

|A. Has moved from one school district to another; |

|B. In a state that is comprised of a single school district, has moved from one administrative area to |

|another within such district; |

|C. Resides in a school district of more than 15,000 square miles, and migrates a distance of 20 miles |

|or more to a temporary residence to engage in a fishing activity |

|Use: |

| |

|Participation information is required for children who receive instructional or support services funded totally or in part with |

|Migrant Education Program Funds. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Report the last known Migrant Status for students who are not enrolled in the district at the time of reporting or whose |

|Migrant Status has changed over time. |

|DOE022 Emergency Immigration Education Program Status |

|An indication of whether a student is eligible for the Emergency Immigrant Education Program. To be eligible for this program, a |

|student must |

|1. Not have been born in any State*; AND |

|2. Not have completed 3 full academic years of school in any state |

|If a student is eligible, Data Element DOE023, Country of Origin must be provided. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Student is not eligible for the Emergency Immigrant Education Program |

|Student is eligible for the Emergency Immigrant Education Program |

|Use: |

| |

|The Emergency Immigrant Education Program Public Law 103-382, Title VII, Part C requires districts to report the numbers of |

|eligible immigrant children and youth enrolled. This information is necessary in order for DOE to determine eligibility for EIAP |

|funds and are subject to audit by the federal government. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|* State means "any of the 50 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, the|

|Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, or the Trust territory of the Pacific Islands." (34CFR Part 58.11) Report |

|the last known Immigrant Status for students who are not enrolled in the district at the time of reporting or whose |

|Immigrant Status has changed over time. Foreign Exchange students are not considered Eligible for the Emergency Immigrant|

|Education Program. Foreign Exchange students should be counted as regular students. |

|DOE023 Country of Origin |

|Country of Origin is the country from which immigrant children have emigrated. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Country Codes are provided in Appendix C |

|Receiving District - Country of Origin does not apply to this student at this time |

|Use: |

| |

|The Emergency Immigrant Education Program Public Law 103-382, Title VII, Part C requires districts to report the numbers of |

|eligible immigrant children and youth enrolled. This information is necessary in order for DOE to determine eligibility for EIAP |

|funds and are subject to audit by the federal government. If a student is eligible for the Immigrant Education Program, Country of |

|Origin must be provided. |

|NOTE: |

|If student was born in the US code equals 500 |

|If student was born to Embassy personnel who are citizens of the US code equals 500 |

|If student was born to Military personnel who are citizens of the US code equals 500 |

|If student was born to parents who are US citizens while travelling abroad code equals 500 |

|If Student is a Foreign Exchange student code equals 500 |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards (See Appendix C) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|A specific country of origin is required for all students who are eligible for the Emergency Immigrant Education Program |

|in order to identify the country from which the student emigrated. For students who were born in the United States or who|

|are otherwise not eligible for this program, a specific country of origin is not required. The code, 500, should be |

|reported for these students. |

|DOE024 First (Native) Language |

|Native language is the specific language or dialect first learned by an individual or first used by the parent/guardian with a |

|child. This term is often referred to as primary language. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|First Language Codes are provided in Appendix B. |

|Use: |

| |

|Native language is collected to determine which school districts should offer transitional bilingual education programs and for |

|federal and state reporting, educational equity monitoring and statistical purposes. Data are provided to the Office of Refugee and|

|Immigrant Assistance. |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |

|DOE025 Limited English Proficiency |

|Limited English Proficient Students are defined as children who were: |

|1) Not born in the US whose native tongue is a language other than English and who are incapable of performing ordinary classwork |

|in English |

|or |

|2) Born in the United States of non-English speaking parents and who are incapable of performing ordinary classwork in English. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|Student who is capable of performing ordinary classwork in English |

|Student who is not capable of performing ordinary classwork in English |

|Use: |

| |

|Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71A require that school districts ascertain the number of limited English Proficient students |

|enrolled in the district. The data are required for state and federal reporting and educational equity monitoring. |

| |

| |

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| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

|Districts should report the last known Limited English Proficiency for students who are not currently enrolled. Report |

|the last known Limited English Proficiency Status for students who are not enrolled in the district at the time of |

|reporting or whose Limited English Proficiency Status has changed over time |

|DOE026 English Language Learners Program Status |

|An indication of the type of English Language Learners Program a student is enrolled as of the time of reporting (e.g., October 1).|

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|Not enrolled in an English language learner program |

|Enrolled in sheltered English immersion |

|Enrolled in two-way bilingual education |

|Enrolled in transitional bilingual education (for waivered students only) |

|Receiving English as a second language service (for waivered students only) |

|Use: |

| |

|Pending finalization of regulations |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Report data as of the specified time of reporting (e.g., October 1) |


| |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |


|Use: |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|500 | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |


|Use: |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|500 | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |


|Use: |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|500 | | |

| | | |

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| |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |


|Use: |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|500 | | |

| | | |

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|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

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|Use: |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|500 | | |

| | | |

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|DOE032 Special Education - Private Placement |

|The Enrolled in Private Schools Not Placed or Referred by Public Agency is defined as those students "who have been enrolled by |

|their parents or guardians in regular parochial or other private schools and whose basic education is paid through private |

|resources and who receive special education and related services at public expense from a local educational agency or intermediate |

|educational unit under a service plan." "A private institution or school is a school NOT under Federal or public supervision or |

|control and may be non-profit or proprietary." (See 34CFR 300.452). |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Child with disabilities enrolled in a private school placed by public agency |

|Child with disabilities enrolled in a private school placed by parent or guardian |

|Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

| |

|Federal Child Count, Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Implementation of FAPE requirements |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE033 Post-Graduate Plans |

|An indication of what a student plans to do after graduation from high school. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|Four-Year Public College |

|Two-Year Public College |

|Four-Year Private College |

|Two-Year Private College |

|Other Post Secondary (Trade School) |

|Work |

|Military |

|Other (e.g., travel, family) |

|Plans Unknown |

|Receiving district - Post-Graduate Plans does not apply to this student at this time |

|Use: |

| |

|Information on post-graduation plans is collected for statistical purposes, for educational equity monitoring and for annual report|

|on plans of graduates. |

| |

|NOTE: All PK - Grade 11 students must be reported as 500 by the Receiving District |

|NOTE: All Grade 12 students must be reported as 500 by the Receiving District until they graduate. Then the proper code should be |

|assigned (Refer to DOE012 Enrollment Status at Time of Data Collection) |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

| | | |

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|DOE034 SPED Placement Information |

|An indication of the Special Education status of a student at the specified time of reporting (e.g. October 1). |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|00 Not a Special Education Student |

|01 Not currently a Special Education student, but was previously a Special Education student during the current school year |

|05 3-5 year olds, General Education student serving as a role model student in preK classes |

|08 3-5 year olds, 100% services in the general education classroom |

|09 3-5 year olds, 100% Separate Classroom |

|10 All ages, Full Inclusion Program-services outside the general education classroom less than 21% of the time |

|20 All ages, Partial Inclusion Program - services outside the general education classroom 21% to 60% of the time |

|40 All ages, Substantially Separate Classroom - services outside the general education classroom more than 60% of the time |

|41 (Formerly 4i) All ages, Public Separate Day School |

|50 All ages, Private Separate Day School |

|60 All ages, Residential School |

|70 All ages, Homebound/Hospital Environments |

|90 All ages, Public Residential Institutional Facilities |

|Use: |

| |

|A count of Special Education students by educational environment (as of December 1) for the federal special education reporting. |

| |

|NOTE: The old 20 and 30 have been combined in 20. |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards. | | |

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|Report data as of the specified time of reporting (e.g., October 1); If a student has a diagnostic prototype, report the |

|code for the most appropriate prototype for that student. |

|DOE035 Career & Technical - Type of Program |

|An indication of the category of Chapter 74 Career & Technical Program in which a student is enrolled at the specified time of |

|reporting (e.g. October 1). |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 2 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|00 Not enrolled in an Career & Technical Program |

|01 Not currently enrolled in an Career & Technical Program, but was previously enrolled during the current school year |

|02 Chapter 74 - Secondary Coop |

|03 Chapter 74 - Secondary Tech Prep |

|04 Chapter 74 - Secondary Regular |

|05 Chapter 74 - Secondary - Coop and Tech Prep |

|06 Chapter 74 - Post Secondary Coop |

|07 Chapter 74 - Post Secondary Regular |

|08 Chapter 74 - Post Secondary - Tech Prep |

|09 Chapter 74 - Post Secondary - Coop and Tech Prep |

|10 Chapter 74 - Post-Graduate - Coop |

|11 Chapter 74 - Post-Graduate - Regular |

|13 Non-Chapter 74 - Secondary Tech Prep |

|Non-Chapter 74 - Secondary Regular |

|Use: |

| |

|Enrollment data for Occupation Education Programs is required for annual federal reports. |

| |

|NOTE: Non Chapter 74 means the program is not approved by the Department of Education as a Career & Technical Chapter 74 program. |

| |


|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Department of Education codes specified| | |

|in data standards | | |

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|Report data as of the specified time of reporting (e.g., October 1) |

|DOE036 Special Education - Nature of Primary Disability |

|The major or overriding disability condition that has been identified by a Team of people pursuant to federal and state special |

|education law. The identified disability is known to be causal to an inability to make effective progress in education and requires|

|special education services in order to access the general curriculum or specially designed curriculum. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| | |

|Code Descriptions | |

|Intellectual | |

|Sensory/Hearing |Autism |

|Communication |Neurological |

|Sensory/Vision |Developmental Delay |

|Emotional |Does not apply to student |

|Physical | |

|Health | |

|Specific Learning Disabilities | |

|Sensory/Deaf - Blindness | |

|Multiple Disabilities | |

|Use: | |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE037 Special Education - Nature of Services |

|An indication of the service needs of the student, e.g. whether the student requires only related service(s) to access the general |

|curriculum or specially designed instruction and services. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|01 Related services only |

|02 SPED & Related services or SPED only |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE038 Special Education - Level of Need |

|The degree of service that the student receives as determined by the school district upon review of the student's IEP. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|01 Low -- Less than 2 hours of services per week |

|02 Low -- 2 hours or more services per week |

|03 Moderate |

|04 High |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|Information on level of need is used for statistical purposes and to inform policy decisions. |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE039 Special Education - Cost-Share Placement |

|An indication of the source of funding for special education students receiving special education services. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|00 District shares cost with one or more districts |

|01 District(s) shares cost with DOE |

|02 District(s) shares cost with DSS |

|03 District(s) shares cost with DMH |

|04 District(s) shares cost with DMR |

|05 District(s) shares cost with another agency, not DOE, DSS, or DMH or DMR |

|06 District(s) shares cost with two or more agencies |

|500 Does not apply to student (district absorbs all costs) |

|Use: |

|Information on cost share placement is used for statistical purposes and to inform policy decisions. |

|NOTE: Use 500 if district absorbs all costs. |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE040 Special Education - IEP Goals - Reason for Exit from Special Education |

|An indication of the number of students who continue to be enrolled in the district but who are no longer receiving special |

|education services and whether or not those students met the goals on their last IEP. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|01 Student met goals of IEP and returned to general education |

|02 Student did not meet goals of IEP but returned to general education |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|Special Education Exit data, Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Implementation of FAPE requirements |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE041 Special Education - Reason for Leaving School District |

|An indication of the number of students who left the school district during the school year and who have been receiving special |

|education services prior to leaving the district. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|01 Moved (a) known to be continuing in Special Educational Services |

|02 Moved (b) not known to be continuing in Special Educational Services |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|Special Education Exit data, Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Implementation of FAPE requirements |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE042 Career & Technical - Chapter 74 Special Population |

|An indication of the status of a student enrolled in a Career and Technical Education program who meets the following definition(s)|

|for: Educationally Disadvantaged or Single Parent. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|01 Educationally Disadvantaged |

|02 Single Parent |

|03 Educationally Disadvantaged and Single Parent |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998, 20 U.S.C. §§ 2301 et seq. as amended by P.L. 105-332 (Perkins |

|III) requires information on career and technical education students for the purpose of state grants and tech-prep grant funding. |

| |

|NOTE: Students who meet the following definition(s): Educationally Disadvantaged - students who DO NOT have an Individual Education|

|Plan (IEP) and have performed below grade level on a standardized test (such as the Stanford Diagnostic and California or |

|Metropolitan Achievement Test) have failed a grade or are enrolled in a remedial reading or mathematics program. Learning disabled |

|students are not educationally disadvantaged. |

| |

|Single Parent - a student who (a) is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse and (b) has a minor child or children for which |

|the parent has either custody or joint custody. |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE043 Career & Technical - Chapter 74 Program Participation |

|A career and technical education program that meets the ten approval factors in the Chapter 74 regulations. An approval letter |

|including the assigned six-digit CIP code has been issued by the Department of Education for the program. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 6 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|6 digit program code |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998, 20 U.S.C. §§ 2301 et seq. as amended by P.L. 105-332 (Perkins |

|III) requires information on career and technical education students for the purpose of state grants and tech-prep grant funding. |

|In addition, state aid for Chapter 74 students will be calculated based upon Department approved vocational technical education |

|programs. |

| |

|NOTE: Contact your liaison in the CTE unit if you need to discuss which programs meet these definitions. |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Codes found in Appendix F | | |

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|DOE044 Career & Technical - Non-Chapter 74 Program Participation |

|Organized educational activities that offer a sequence of courses that provides individuals with the academic and technical |

|knowledge and skills the individuals need to prepare for further education and for careers (other than for careers requiring a |

|baccalaureate, master's, or doctoral degree) in current or emerging employment sectors; and includes competency-based applied |

|learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general |

|employability skills, and occupational-specific skills, of an individual. The programs are reported at the two-digit CIP code |

|level. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 4 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|4 digit program code |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998, 20 U.S.C. §§ 2301 et seq. as amended by P.L. 105-332 (Perkins |

|III) requires information on career and technical education students for the purpose of state grants and tech-prep grant funding. |

| |

|NOTE: Contact your liaison in the CTE unit if you need to discuss which programs meet these definitions. |

| |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Codes found in Appendix G | | |

| | | |

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|DOE045 Number of In-School Suspensions - by Student |

|The number of disciplinary actions imposed by school officials that remove the student from academic classes and places them in a |

|separate environment. The student remained in school during the suspension period. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 1 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|0-50 Number of suspensions |

|Use: |

|Used for Year End School Indicator Report |

| |

|Note: Suspensions are cumulative. If the student was suspended twice by October 1 and 2 more times in December, March reporting |

|should show 4. |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE046 Number of Out-of-School Suspensions - by Student |

|The number of disciplinary actions imposed by school officials to remove the student from participation in school activities. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 2 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 1 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|0-50 Number of suspensions |

|Use: |

|Used for Year End School Indicator Report |

| |

|Note: Suspensions are cumulative. If the student was suspended twice by October 1 and 2 more times in December, March reporting |

|should show 4. |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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|DOE047 Advanced Placement Course 1 |

|The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign|

|languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain|

|courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES) |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|000-300 Three digit AP course code |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|Data is provided as part of No Child Left Behind, Title 1 Part G. |

| |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Codes found in Appendix H | | |

| | | |

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|DOE048 Advanced Placement Course 2 |

|The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign|

|languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain|

|courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES) |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|000-300 Three digit AP course code |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|Data is provided as part of No Child Left Behind, Title 1 Part G. |

| |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Codes found in Appendix H | | |

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|DOE049 Advanced Placement Course 3 |

|The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign|

|languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain|

|courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES) |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|000-300 Three digit AP course code |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|Data is provided as part of No Child Left Behind, Title 1 Part G. |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Codes found in Appendix H | | |

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|DOE050 Advanced Placement Course 4 |

|The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign|

|languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain|

|courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES) |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|000-300 Three digit AP course code |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|Data is provided as part of No Child Left Behind, Title 1 Part G. |

| |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Codes found in Appendix H | | |

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|DOE051 Advanced Placement Course 5 |

|The program includes a demanding academic course of study in college-level subjects such as physics, biology, calculus, and foreign|

|languages, among others. A student who performs above a specified level on the assessment may be awarded college credit for certain|

|courses upon entry to the institution. (NCES) |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 3 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

|000-300 Three digit AP course code |

|500 Does not apply to student |

|Use: |

|Data is provided as part of No Child Left Behind, Title 1 Part G. |

| |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

|Codes found in Appendix H | | |

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|DOE052 Student Truancy |

|The number of school days a student was recorded as truant. |

|Type |Alphanumeric |Length |Minimum 1 |Reporting District |Receiving |

| | | |Maximum 3 | | |

| |

|Code Descriptions |

| |

|0-261 Number of times Truant |

|Use: |

|Truancy rates are reported annually as required under the No Child Left Behind Act. |

| |

|Note: Truancy should be reported using the local school district definition. |

|Truancy is cumulative throughout the school year. If the student had 4 days by October 1 and accumulated 4 more in January, March |

|reporting should show 8 days. |

|TruTt |

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|Acceptable Values |Format |Dependency |

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Section 5 Appendices

Appendix A Codes for Massachusetts Cities and Towns

|Code |Name |

|001 |Abington |

|002 |Acton |

|003 |Acushnet |

|004 |Adams (non-op) |

|005 |Agawam |

|006 |Alford (non-op) |

|007 |Amesbury |

|008 |Amherst |

|009 |Andover |

|010 |Arlington |

|011 |Ashburnham (non-op) |

|012 |Ashby (non-op) |

|013 |Ashfield (non-op) |

|014 |Ashland |

|015 |Athol (non-op) |

|016 |Attleboro |

|017 |Auburn |

|018 |Avon |

|019 |Ayer |

|020 |Barnstable |

|021 |Barre (non-op) |

|022 |Becket (non-op) |

|023 |Bedford |

|024 |Belchertown |

|025 |Bellingham |

|026 |Belmont |

|027 |Berkley |

|028 |Berlin |

|029 |Bernardston (non-op) |

|030 |Beverly |

|031 |Billerica |

|032 |Blackstone (non-op) |

|033 |Blandford (non-op) |

|034 |Bolton (non-op) |

|035 |Boston |

|036 |Bourne |

|037 |Boxborough |

|038 |Boxford |

|039 |Boylston |

|040 |Braintree |

|Code |Name |

|041 |Brewster |

|042 |Bridgewater (non-op) |

|043 |Brimfield |

|044 |Brockton |

|045 |Brookfield |

|046 |Brookline |

|047 |Buckland (non-op) |

|048 |Burlington |

|049 |Cambridge |

|050 |Canton |

|051 |Carlisle |

|052 |Carver |

|053 |Charlemont (non-op) |

|054 |Charlton (non-op) |

|055 |Chatham |

|056 |Chelmsford |

|057 |Chelsea |

|058 |Cheshire (non-op) |

|059 |Chester (non-op) |

|060 |Chesterfield (non-op) |

|061 |Chicopee |

|062 |Chilmark (non-op) |

|063 |Clarksburg |

|064 |Clinton |

|065 |Cohasset |

|066 |Colrain (non-op) |

|067 |Concord |

|068 |Conway |

|069 |Cummington (non-op) |

|070 |Dalton (non-op) |

|071 |Danvers |

|072 |Dartmouth |

|073 |Dedham |

|074 |Deerfield |

|075 |Dennis (non-op) |

|076 |Dighton (non-op) |

|077 |Douglas |

|078 |Dover |

|079 |Dracut |

|080 |Dudley (non-op) |

|081 |Dunstable (non-op) |

|082 |Duxbury |

|083 |East Bridgewater |

|084 |East Brookfield (non-op) |

|085 |Eastham |

|086 |Easthampton |

|087 |East Longmeadow |

|088 |Easton |

|089 |Edgartown |

|Code |Name |

|090 |Egremont (non-op) |

|091 |Erving |

|092 |Essex (non-op) |

|093 |Everett |

|094 |Fairhaven |

|095 |Fall River |

|096 |Falmouth |

|097 |Fitchburg |

|098 |Florida |

|099 |Foxborough |

|100 |Framingham |

|101 |Franklin |

|102 |Freetown |

|103 |Gardner |

|104 |Aquinnah (non-op) |

|105 |Georgetown |

|106 |Gill (non-op) |

|107 |Gloucester |

|108 |Goshen (non-op) |

|109 |Gosnold |

|110 |Grafton |

|111 |Granby |

|112 |Granville |

|113 |Great Barrington (non-op) |

|114 |Greenfield |

|115 |Groton (non-op) |

|116 |Groveland (non-op) |

|117 |Hadley |

|118 |Halifax |

|119 |Hamilton (non-op) |

|120 |Hampden (non-op) |

|121 |Hancock |

|122 |Hanover |

|123 |Hanson (non-op) |

|124 |Hardwick (non-op) |

|125 |Harvard |

|126 |Harwich |

|127 |Hatfield |

|128 |Haverhill |

|129 |Hawley (non-op) |

|130 |Heath (non-op) |

|131 |Hingham |

|132 |Hinsdale (non-op) |

|133 |Holbrook |

|134 |Holden (non-op) |

|135 |Holland |

|136 |Holliston |

|137 |Holyoke |

|138 |Hopedale |

|Code |Name |

|139 |Hopkinton |

|140 |Hubbardston (non-op) |

|141 |Hudson |

|142 |Hull |

|143 |Huntington (non-op) |

|144 |Ipswich |

|145 |Kingston |

|146 |Lakeville |

|147 |Lancaster (non-op) |

|148 |Lanesborough |

|149 |Lawrence |

|150 |Lee |

|151 |Leicester |

|152 |Lenox |

|153 |Leominster |

|154 |Leverett |

|155 |Lexington |

|156 |Leyden (non-op) |

|157 |Lincoln |

|158 |Littleton |

|159 |Longmeadow |

|160 |Lowell |

|161 |Ludlow |

|162 |Lunenburg |

|163 |Lynn |

|164 |Lynnfield |

|165 |Malden |

|166 |Manchester (non-op) |

|167 |Mansfield |

|168 |Marblehead |

|169 |Marion |

|170 |Marlborough |

|171 |Marshfield |

|172 |Mashpee |

|173 |Mattapoisett |

|174 |Maynard |

|175 |Medfield |

|176 |Medford |

|177 |Medway |

|178 |Melrose |

|179 |Mendon (non-op) |

|180 |Merrimac (non-op) |

|181 |Methuen |

|182 |Middleborough |

|183 |Middlefield (non-op) |

|184 |Middleton |

|185 |Milford |

|186 |Millbury |

|187 |Millis |

|Code |Name |

|188 |Millville (non-op) |

|189 |Milton |

|190 |Monroe (non-op) |

|191 |Monson |

|192 |Montague (non-op) |

|193 |Monterey (non-op) |

|194 |Montgomery (non-op) |

|195 |Mount Washington (non-op) |

|196 |Nahant |

|197 |Nantucket |

|198 |Natick |

|199 |Needham |

|200 |New Ashford (non-op) |

|201 |New Bedford |

|202 |New Braintree (non-op) |

|203 |Newbury (non-op) |

|204 |Newburyport |

|205 |New Marlborough (non-op) |

|206 |New Salem (non-op) |

|207 |Newton |

|208 |Norfolk |

|209 |North Adams |

|210 |Northampton |

|211 |North Andover |

|212 |North Attleborough |

|213 |Northborough |

|214 |Northbridge |

|215 |North Brookfield |

|216 |Northfield (non-op) |

|217 |North Reading |

|218 |Norton |

|219 |Norwell |

|220 |Norwood |

|221 |Oak Bluffs |

|222 |Oakham (non-op) |

|223 |Orange |

|224 |Orleans |

|225 |Otis (non-op) |

|226 |Oxford |

|227 |Palmer |

|228 |Paxton (non-op) |

|229 |Peabody |

|230 |Pelham |

|231 |Pembroke |

|232 |Pepperell (non-op) |

|233 |Peru (non-op) |

|234 |Petersham |

|235 |Phillipston (non-op) |

|236 |Pittsfield |

|Code |Name |

|237 |Plainfield (non-op) |

|238 |Plainville |

|239 |Plymouth |

|240 |Plympton |

|241 |Princeton (non-op) |

|242 |Provincetown |

|243 |Quincy |

|244 |Randolph |

|245 |Raynham (non-op) |

|246 |Reading |

|247 |Rehoboth (non-op) |

|248 |Revere |

|249 |Richmond |

|250 |Rochester |

|251 |Rockland |

|252 |Rockport |

|253 |Rowe |

|254 |Rowley (non-op) |

|255 |Royalston (non-op) |

|256 |Russell (non-op) |

|257 |Rutland (non-op) |

|258 |Salem |

|259 |Salisbury (non-op) |

|260 |Sandisfield (non-op) |

|261 |Sandwich |

|262 |Saugus |

|263 |Savoy |

|264 |Scituate |

|265 |Seekonk |

|266 |Sharon |

|267 |Sheffield (non-op) |

|268 |Shelburne (non-op) |

|269 |Sherborn |

|270 |Shirley |

|271 |Shrewsbury |

|272 |Shutesbury |

|273 |Somerset |

|274 |Somerville |

|275 |Southampton |

|276 |Southborough |

|277 |Southbridge |

|278 |South Hadley |

|279 |Southwick (non-op) |

|280 |Spencer (non-op) |

|281 |Springfield |

|282 |Sterling (non-op) |

|283 |Stockbridge (non-op) |

|284 |Stoneham |

|285 |Stoughton |

|Code |Name |

|286 |Stow (non-op) |

|287 |Sturbridge |

|288 |Sudbury |

|289 |Sunderland |

|290 |Sutton |

|291 |Swampscott |

|292 |Swansea |

|293 |Taunton |

|294 |Templeton (non-op) |

|295 |Tewksbury |

|296 |Tisbury |

|297 |Tolland (non-op) |

|298 |Topsfield |

|299 |Townsend (non-op) |

|300 |Truro |

|301 |Tyngsborough |

|302 |Tyringham (non-op) |

|303 |Upton (non-op) |

|304 |Uxbridge |

|305 |Wakefield |

|306 |Wales |

|307 |Walpole |

|308 |Waltham |

|309 |Ware |

|310 |Wareham |

|311 |Warren (non-op) |

|312 |Warwick (non-op) |

|313 |Washington (non-op) |

|314 |Watertown |

|315 |Wayland |

|316 |Webster |

|317 |Wellesley |

|318 |Wellfleet |

|319 |Wendell (non-op) |

|320 |Wenham (non-op) |

|321 |Westborough |

|322 |West Boylston |

|323 |West Bridgewater |

|324 |West Brookfield (non-op) |

|325 |Westfield |

|326 |Westford |

|327 |Westhampton |

|328 |Westminster (non-op) |

|329 |West Newbury (non-op) |

|330 |Weston |

|331 |Westport |

|332 |West Springfield |

|333 |West Stockbridge (non-op) |

|334 |West Tisbury (non-op) |

|Code |Name |

|335 |Westwood |

|336 |Weymouth |

|337 |Whately |

|338 |Whitman (non-op) |

|339 |Wilbraham (non-op) |

|340 |Williamsburg |

|341 |Williamstown |

|342 |Wilmington |

|343 |Winchendon |

|344 |Winchester |

|345 |Windsor (non-op) |

|346 |Winthrop |

|347 |Woburn |

|348 |Worcester |

|349 |Worthington (non-op) |

|350 |Wrentham |

|351 |Yarmouth (non-op) |

|352 |Devens (non-op) |






















23 Appendix B Language Codes

|Code |Language |



|115 |ALBANIAN |


|125 |ALTAIC |

|130 |AMHARIC |

|135 |ARABIC |

|140 |ARMENIAN |

|145 |AYMARA |


|155 |BAMBARA |

|160 |BANTU |

|165 |BASQUE |

|170 |BENGALI |

|175 |BERBER |

|180 |BRENTON |


|190 |BURMESE |




|205 |CATALAN |


|215 |CHECHUTO |

|220 |CHICHEWA |

|002 |CHINESE |


|230 |CRIOULO |

|235 |CZECH |

|240 |DANISH |


|250 |DIVEHI |

|255 |DJERMA |

|260 |DUTCH |


|270 |FANG |

|275 |FARSI |

|280 |FIJIAN |

|290 |FINNISH |

|295 |FLEMISH |

|003 |FRENCH |



|310 |FRISIAN |

|315 |FUKIEN |

|320 |GALICIAN |

|325 |GALLA |

|Code |Language |

|330 |GERMAN |


|340 |GOLLATO |

|004 |GREEK |

|345 |GUARANI |

|347 |GUJARATI |



|360 |HAUSA |

|365 |HEBREW |

|370 |HINDI |

|375 |HMONG |


|385 |IBO |


|395 |INDIAN |



|005 |ITALIAN |


|415 |JAPANESE |

|420 |JAVANESE |


|430 |KHMER |


|440 |KIRUNDI |

|445 |KOREAN |

|450 |KRIO |

|455 |KURDISH |

|460 |KURKISH |


|470 |LAO |

|475 |LAPP |

|480 |LATIN |

|483 |LATVIAN |

|485 |LESOTHO |


|490 |LUGANDA |




|510 |MALAY |

|515 |MALTESE |


|525 |MAORI |




|Code |Language |

|545 |MERINA |


|551 |MORE |

|560 |NAHUATL |


|570 |NAURAUN |

|575 |NDEBELE |

|580 |NEPALI |

|585 |NEWARI |



|600 |PAPUAN |

|605 |PATOIS |

|610 |PERSIAN |


|620 |PILIPINO |


|630 |POLISH |


|635 |PUSHTU |


|645 |QUECHUA |


|655 |ROMANIAN |


|665 |RUSSIAN |

|670 |SAMOAN |

|675 |SANGHO |

|680 |SEOUL |


|690 |SETSWANA |


|700 |SHONA |


|710 |SINHALA |

|715 |SISWATI |

|725 |SLOVAK |

|730 |SLOVENE |

|735 |SOMALI |

|007 |SPANISH |



|750 |SWAHILI |

|755 |SWEDISH |

|760 |TAIWAN |

|765 |TAMIL |

|770 |THAI |

|775 |TIBETAN |

|780 |TIGRE |

|785 |TONGAN |

|790 |TURKISH |

|Code |Language |

|795 |TUVALUAN |

|800 |UKRANIAN |

|805 |URALIAN |

|810 |URDU |

|815 |UZBEC |



|830 |VIGUS |

|835 |WELSH |

|840 |WEST ASIAN |

|845 |YIDDISH |

|850 |YORUBA |

|888 |[OTHER] |

|267 |ENGLISH |

|633 |PUNJABI |

|759 |TAGALOG |

|767 |TELUGU |


24 Appendix C Country Codes


|Afghanistan |AF |

|Albania |AL |

|Algeria |DZ |

|American Samoa |AS |

|Andorra |AD |

|Angola |AO |

|Anguilla |AI |

|Antarctica |AQ |

|Antigua And Barbuda |AG |

|Argentina |AR |

|Armenia |AM |

|Aruba |AW |

|Australia |AU |

|Austria |AT |

|Azerbaijan |AZ |

|Bahamas |BS |

|Bahrain |BH |

|Bangladesh |BD |

|Barbados |BB |

|Belarus |BY |

|Belgium |BE |

|Belize |BZ |

|Benin |BJ |

|Bermuda |BM |

|Bhutan |BT |

|Bolivia |BO |

|Bosnia And Herzegowina |BA |

|Botswana |BW |

|Bouvet Island |BV |

|Brazil |BR |

|British Indian Ocean Territory |IO |

|Brunei Darussalam |BN |

|Bulgaria |BG |

|Burkina Faso |BF |

|Burundi |BI |

|Cambodia |KH |

|Cameroon |CM |

|Canada |CA |

|Cape Verde |CV |

|Cayman Islands |KY |


|Central African Republic |CF |

|Chad |TD |

|Chile |CL |

|China |CN |

|Christmas Island |CX |

|Cocos (Keeling) Islands |CC |

|Colombia |CO |

|Comoros |KM |

|Congo |CG |

|Congo, The Democratic Republic Of |CD |

|Cook Islands |CK |

|Costa Rica |CR |

|Cote D'ivoire |CI |

|CROATIA (Local Name: Hrvatska) |HR |

|Cuba |CU |

|Cyprus |CY |

|Czech Republic |CZ |

|Denmark |DK |

|Djibouti |DJ |

|Dominica |DM |

|Dominican Republic |DO |

|East Timor |TP |

|Ecuador |EC |

|Egypt |EG |

|El Salvador |SV |

|Equatorial Guinea |GQ |

|Eritrea |ER |

|Estonia |EE |

|Ethiopia |ET |

|Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |FK |

|Faroe Islands |FO |

|Fiji |FJ |

|Finland |FI |

|France |FR |

|France, Metropolitan |FX |

|French Guiana |GF |

|French Polynesia |PF |

|French Southern Territories |TF |

|Gabon |GA |


|Gambia |GM |

|Georgia |GE |

|Germany |DE |

|Ghana |GH |

|Gibraltar |GI |

|Greece |GR |

|Greenland |GL |

|Grenada |GD |

|Guadeloupe |GP |

|Guam |GU |

|Guatemala |GT |

|Guinea |GN |

|Guinea-Bissau |GW |

|Guyana |GY |

|Haiti |HT |

|Heard And Mc Donald Islands |HM |

|Holy See (Vatican City State) |VA |

|Honduras |HN |

|Hong Kong |HK |

|Hungary |HU |

|Iceland |IS |

|India |IN |

|Indonesia |ID |

|Iran (Islamic Republic Of) |IR |

|Iraq |IQ |

|Ireland |IE |

|Israel |IL |

|Italy |IT |

|Jamaica |JM |

|Japan |JP |

|Jordan |JO |

|Kazakhstan |KZ |

|Kenya |KE |

|Kiribati |KI |

|Korea, Democratic People's |KP |

|Republic Of | |

|Korea, Republic Of |KR |

|Kuwait |KW |

|Kyrgyzstan |KG |

|Lao People's Democratic Republic |LA |

|Latvia |LV |


|Lebanon |LB |

|Lesotho |LS |

|Liberia |LR |

|Libyan Arab Jamahiriya |LY |

|Liechtenstein |LI |

|Lithuania |LT |

|Luxembourg |LU |

|Macau |MO |

|Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav |MK |

|Republic Of | |

|Madagascar |MG |

|Malawi |MW |

|Malaysia |MY |

|Maldives |MV |

|Mali |ML |

|Malta |MT |

|Marshall Islands |MH |

|Martinique |MQ |

|Mauritania |MR |

|Mauritius |MU |

|Mayotte |YT |

|Mexico |MX |

|Micronesia, Federated States Of |FM |

|Moldova, Republic Of |MD |

|Monaco |MC |

|Mongolia |MN |

|Montserrat |MS |

|Morocco |MA |

|Mozambique |MZ |

|Myanmar (Burma) |MM |

|Namibia |NA |

|Nauru |NR |

|Nepal |NP |

|Netherlands |NL |

|Netherlands Antilles |AN |

|New Caledonia |NC |

|New Zealand |NZ |

|Nicaragua |NI |

|Niger |NE |

|Nigeria |NG |

|Niue |NU |

|Norfolk Island |NF |


|Northern Mariana Islands |MP |

|Norway |NO |

|Oman |OM |

|Pakistan |PK |

|Palau |PW |

|Panama |PA |

|Papua New Guinea |PG |

|Paraguay |PY |

|Peru |PE |

|Philippines |PH |

|Pitcairn |PN |

|Poland |PL |

|Portugal |PT |

|Puerto Rico |PR |

|Qatar |QA |

|Reunion |RE |

|Romania |RO |

|Russian Federation |RU |

|Rwanda |RW |

|Saint Kitts And Nevis |KN |

|Saint Lucia |LC |

|Saint Vincent And The Grenadines |VC |

|Samoa |WS |

|San Marino |SM |

|Sao Tome And Principe |ST |

|Saudi Arabia |SA |

|Senegal |SN |

|Seychelles |SC |

|Sierra Leone |SL |

|Singapore |SG |

|Slovakia (Slovak Republic) |SK |

|Slovenia |SI |

|Solomon Islands |SB |

|Somalia |SO |

|South Africa |ZA |

|South Georgia And The South |GS |

|Sandwich Islands | |

|Spain |ES |

|Sri Lanka |LK |

|St. Helena |SH |

|St. Pierre And Miquelon |PM |


|Sudan |SD |

|Suriname |SR |

|Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands |SJ |

|Swaziland |SZ |

|Sweden |SE |

|Switzerland |CH |

|Syrian Arab Republic |SY |

|Taiwan, Province Of China |TW |

|Tajikistan |TJ |

|"Tanzania, United Republic Of" |TZ |

|Thailand |TH |

|Togo |TG |

|Tokelau |TK |

|Tonga |TO |

|Trinidad And Tobago |TT |

|Tunisia |TN |

|Turkey |TR |

|Turkmenistan |TM |

|Turks And Caicos Islands |TC |

|Tuvalu |TV |

|Uganda |UG |

|Ukraine |UA |

|United Arab Emirates |AE |

|United Kingdom |GB |

|United States Minor Outlying |UM |

|Islands | |

|Uruguay |UY |

|Uzbekistan |UZ |

|Vanuatu |VU |

|Venezuela |VE |

|Viet Nam |VN |

|Virgin Islands (British) |VG |

|Virgin Islands (U.S.) |VI |

|Wallis And Futuna Islands |WF |

|Western Sahara |EH |

|Yemen |YE |

|Yugoslavia |YU |

|Zambia |ZM |

|Zimbabwe |ZW |

|Burma (Myanmar) |MM |

Appendix D Public School Codes

|Abington |Abington ECC |00010003 |

|Abington |Center |00010005 |

|Abington |North |00010010 |

|Abington |Woodsdale |00010015 |

|Abington |Frolio Jr Hs |00010405 |

|Abington |Abington High |00010505 |

|Acton |Merriam |00020010 |

|Acton |McCarthy-Towne |00020015 |

|Acton |Douglas |00020020 |

|Acton |Gates |00020025 |

|Acton |Luther Conant |00020030 |

|Acushnet |Acushnet Elementary Sch |00030025 |

|Acushnet |Albert F Ford Middle Sch |00030305 |

|Agawam |Agawam ECC |00050003 |

|Agawam |Clifford M Granger |00050010 |

|Agawam |Benjamin J Phelps |00050020 |

|Agawam |Robinson Park |00050025 |

|Agawam |James Clark School |00050030 |

|Agawam |Agawam Middle School |00050303 |

|Agawam |Agawam Junior High |00050405 |

|Agawam |Agawam High |00050505 |

|Amesbury |Amesbury Elementary |00070005 |

|Amesbury |Charles C Cashman El |00070010 |

|Amesbury |Amesbury Middle |00070013 |

|Amesbury |Amesbury High |00070505 |

|Amherst |Crocker Farm Elementary |00080009 |

|Amherst |Fort River Elementary |00080020 |

|Amherst |Marks Meadow Laboratory |00080030 |

|Amherst |Wildwood Elementary |00080050 |

|Andover |Bancroft Elementary |00090003 |

|Andover |High Plain Elementary |00090004 |

|Andover |Shawsheen School |00090005 |

|Andover |Henry C Sanborn Elem |00090010 |

|Andover |South Elementary |00090020 |

|Andover |West Elementary |00090025 |

|Andover |Doherty Middle |00090305 |

|Andover |Andover West Middle |00090310 |

|Andover |Wood Hill Middle School |00090350 |

|Andover |Andover High |00090505 |

|Arlington |John A Bishop |00100005 |

|Arlington |Brackett |00100010 |

|Arlington |Cyrus E Dallin |00100025 |

|Arlington |Hardy |00100030 |

|Arlington |Menotomy Preschool |00100038 |

|Arlington |Peirce |00100045 |

|Arlington |Thompson |00100050 |

|Arlington |M Norcross Stratton |00100055 |

|Arlington |Ottoson Middle |00100410 |

|Arlington |Arlington High |00100505 |

|Ashland |William Pittaway Elem |00140005 |

|Ashland |Henry E Warren Elem |00140010 |

|Ashland |David Mindess |00140015 |

|Ashland |Ashland Middle |00140405 |

|Ashland |Ashland High |00140505 |

|Attleboro |A. Irvin Studley Elementary |00160001 |

| |School | |

|Attleboro |Early Childhood Center |00160008 |

|Attleboro |Thomas E. Willett School |00160035 |

|Attleboro |Hyman Fine Elementary School|00160040 |

|Attleboro |Hill-Roberts Elementary |00160045 |

| |School | |

|Attleboro |Peter Thacher Elementary |00160050 |

| |School | |

|Attleboro |Robert J. Coelho Middle |00160305 |

| |School | |

|Attleboro |Cyril K. Brennan Middle |00160315 |

| |School | |

|Attleboro |Wamsutta Middle School |00160320 |

|Attleboro |Attleboro High |00160505 |

|Attleboro |Attleboro Voc Tech High |00160605 |

|Auburn |Julia Bancroft |00170005 |

|Auburn |Bryn Mawr |00170010 |

|Auburn |Pakachoag |00170015 |

|Auburn |Mary D Stone |00170025 |

|Auburn |Auburn Middle |00170305 |

|Auburn |Auburn Senior High |00170505 |

|Avon |Ralph D Butler |00180010 |

|Avon |Avon Middle High School |00180510 |

|Ayer |Page-Hilltop |00190025 |

|Ayer |Ayer Middle |00190305 |

|Ayer |Ayer High |00190510 |

|Barnstable |West Barnstable Elem |00200005 |

|Barnstable |Centerville Elementary |00200010 |

|Barnstable |Cotuit Elem |00200015 |

|Barnstable |Hyannis Elementary |00200020 |

|Barnstable |Hyannis West Elementary |00200025 |

|Barnstable |Marstons Mills Elem |00200030 |

|Barnstable |Marstons Mills East |00200032 |

|Barnstable |Osterville Elementary |00200035 |

|Barnstable |Osterville Bay Elementary |00200040 |

|Barnstable |Middle School/Hyannis |00200305 |

|Barnstable |Middle Sch/Marstons Mills |00200310 |

|Barnstable |Barnstable High |00200505 |

|Bedford |Lt Elezer Davis |00230010 |

|Bedford |Lt Job Lane School |00230012 |

|Bedford |John Glenn Middle |00230305 |

|Bedford |Bedford High |00230505 |

|Belchertown |Berkshire Avenue School |00240002 |

|Belchertown |Chestnut Hill Community |00240004 |

|Belchertown |Cold Spring |00240005 |

|Belchertown |Swift River Elem |00240018 |

|Belchertown |Tadgell Hall |00240020 |

|Belchertown |Belchertown High |00240505 |

|Bellingham |Bellingham ECC |00250003 |

|Bellingham |Clara Macy Elementary |00250009 |

|Bellingham |South Elem |00250020 |

|Bellingham |Stall Brook |00250025 |

|Bellingham |Bellingham Memorial Middle |00250315 |

| |School | |

|Bellingham |Bellingham High School |00250505 |

|Bellingham |Primavera Jr/Sr H S |00250510 |

|Belmont |Winn Brook |00260005 |

|Belmont |Mary Lee Burbank |00260010 |

|Belmont |Daniel Butler |00260015 |

|Belmont |Roger E Wellington |00260035 |

|Belmont |Winthrop L Chenery Middle |00260305 |

|Belmont |Belmont High |00260505 |

|Berkley |Berkley Community School |00270010 |

|Berkley |Berkley Middle School |00270305 |

|Berlin |Berlin Memorial |00280005 |

|Beverly |Centerville Elementary |00300010 |

|Beverly |Cove Elementary |00300015 |

|Beverly |Hannah Elementary |00300033 |

|Beverly |McKeown Elementary |00300037 |

|Beverly |North Beverly Elementary |00300040 |

|Beverly |Ayers/Ryal Side Sch |00300055 |

|Beverly |Briscoe Middle |00300305 |

|Beverly |Memorial Middle |00300310 |

|Beverly |Beverly High |00300505 |

|Billerica |Thomas Ditson |00310005 |

|Billerica |Frederick J Dutile |00310007 |

|Billerica |John F Kennedy |00310012 |

|Billerica |Parker |00310015 |

|Billerica |Hajjar Elementary |00310026 |

|Billerica |Eugene C Vining |00310030 |

|Billerica |Marshall Middle School |00310305 |

|Billerica |Locke Middle |00310310 |

|Billerica |Billerica Mem High Sch |00310505 |

|Boston |ELC - North Zone |00350003 |

|Boston |Mary Lyon |00350004 |

|Boston |ELC - East Zone |00350005 |

|Boston |ELC - West Zone |00350006 |

|Boston |Agassiz |00350007 |

|Boston |Mattapan ECC |00350008 |

|Boston |East Boston ECC |00350009 |

|Boston |Blue Hill Ave ECC |00350010 |

|Boston |Alexander Hamilton |00350011 |

|Boston |Jackson Mann |00350013 |

|Boston |Beethoven |00350021 |

|Boston |Carter Develop Day Care |00350036 |

|Boston |Charles Sumner |00350052 |

|Boston |Charles H Taylor |00350054 |

|Boston |Curtis Guild |00350062 |

|Boston |Dante Alighieri |00350066 |

|Boston |David A Ellis |00350072 |

|Boston |Dearborn |00350074 |

|Boston |Dennis C Haley |00350077 |

|Boston |Donald Mckay |00350080 |

|Boston |Edward Everett |00350088 |

|Boston |Elihu Greenwood |00350094 |

|Boston |Eliot Elementary |00350096 |

|Boston |Ellis Mendell |00350100 |

|Boston |Emily A Fifield |00350102 |

|Boston |Farragut |00350108 |

|Boston |Frank V Thompson Middle |00350114 |

|Boston |Franklin D Roosevelt |00350116 |

|Boston |George H Conley |00350122 |

|Boston |Harriet A Baldwin |00350129 |

|Boston |Henry Grew |00350135 |

|Boston |Henry L Higginson |00350137 |

|Boston |O W Holmes |00350138 |

|Boston |Phyllis Wheatley Middle |00350139 |

|Boston |Hugh Roe O'Donnell |00350141 |

|Boston |James Condon Elem |00350146 |

|Boston |James A Garfield Elem |00350152 |

|Boston |James W Hennigan |00350153 |

|Boston |James J Chittick |00350154 |

|Boston |James Otis |00350156 |

|Boston |John F Kennedy |00350166 |

|Boston |John P Holland |00350167 |

|Boston |John D Philbrick |00350172 |

|Boston |John Marshall |00350178 |

|Boston |John W McCormack |00350179 |

|Boston |John Winthrop |00350180 |

|Boston |Joseph P Tynan |00350181 |

|Boston |Joseph J Hurley |00350182 |

|Boston |Joseph Lee |00350183 |

|Boston |Joseph P Manning |00350184 |

|Boston |Joyce Kilmer |00350190 |

|Boston |Harvard-Kent |00350200 |

|Boston |Lucy Stone |00350211 |

|Boston |Manassah E Bradley |00350215 |

|Boston |Margaret Fuller |00350217 |

|Boston |Mattahunt |00350226 |

|Boston |Mather |00350227 |

|Boston |Maurice J Tobin |00350229 |

|Boston |Michael J Perkins |00350231 |

|Boston |Mozart |00350237 |

|Boston |Richard J Murphy |00350240 |

|Boston |Nathan Hale |00350243 |

|Boston |Oliver Hazard Perry |00350255 |

|Boston |William H Ohrenberger |00350258 |

|Boston |Lyndon |00350262 |

|Boston |Patrick J Kennedy |00350264 |

|Boston |Patrick O'Hearn |00350266 |

|Boston |Paul A Dever |00350268 |

|Boston |Pauline Agassiz Shaw |00350270 |

|Boston |Phineas Bates |00350278 |

|Boston |Quincy E Dickerman |00350284 |

|Boston |Josiah Quincy |00350286 |

|Boston |Ralph Waldo Emerson |00350288 |

|Boston |Roger Clap |00350298 |

|Boston |Samuel Adams |00350302 |

|Boston |Samuel W Mason |00350304 |

|Boston |Sarah Greenwood |00350308 |

|Boston |Thomas Gardner |00350326 |

|Boston |Thomas J Kenny |00350328 |

|Boston |Warren-Prescott |00350346 |

|Boston |William Ellery Channing |00350360 |

|Boston |Wm E Endicott |00350362 |

|Boston |William McKinley |00350363 |

|Boston |William E Russell |00350366 |

|Boston |William Monroe Trotter |00350370 |

|Boston |Winship Elementary |00350374 |

|Boston |Young Achievers |00350380 |

|Boston |Mission Hill School |00350382 |

|Boston |James M Curley |00350384 |

|Boston |Blackstone |00350390 |

|Boston |Umana/Barnes Middle |00350405 |

|Boston |Martin Luther King Jr Mid |00350410 |

|Boston |Boston Middle School Academy|00350413 |

|Boston |Grover Cleveland |00350415 |

|Boston |Mary E Curley Middle |00350420 |

|Boston |Thomas A Edison Jr High |00350425 |

|Boston |Harbor School |00350426 |

|Boston |Clarence R Edwards Middle |00350430 |

|Boston |Patrick F Gavin Middle |00350435 |

|Boston |Washington Irving Middle |00350445 |

|Boston |Solomon Lewenberg Middle |00350450 |

|Boston |Lewis Middle School |00350455 |

|Boston |Wm B Rogers Middle |00350470 |

|Boston |Robert Gould Shaw Middle |00350475 |

|Boston |William H Taft Middle |00350480 |

|Boston |James P Timilty Middle |00350485 |

|Boston |Woodrow Wilson Middle |00350490 |

|Boston |Brighton High |00350505 |

|Boston |Charlestown High |00350515 |

|Boston |Community Academy |00350518 |

|Boston |Dorchester High |00350520 |

|Boston |Jeremiah E Burke High |00350525 |

|Boston |East Boston High |00350530 |

|Boston |The English High |00350535 |

|Boston |Madison Park High |00350537 |

|Boston |Tech Boston Academy |00350539 |

|Boston |Fenway High School |00350540 |

|Boston |Another Course To College |00350541 |

|Boston |New Mission High School |00350542 |

|Boston |Egleston Comm High School |00350543 |

|Boston |Boston Latin Academy |00350545 |

|Boston |Boston Arts Academy |00350546 |

|Boston |Boston Adult Academy |00350548 |

|Boston |Hyde Park High School |00350550 |

|Boston |Boston Community Leadership |00350558 |

| |Academy | |

|Boston |Boston Latin |00350560 |

|Boston |Quincy Upper School |00350565 |

|Boston |South Boston High |00350570 |

|Boston |West Roxbury Sch |00350573 |

|Boston |O'Bryant Sch Math/Science |00350575 |

|Boston |Expulsion Alt School |00350580 |

|Boston |Young Adult Center |00350588 |

|Boston |Snowden Int'l High |00350690 |

|Boston |Rafael Hernandez |00350691 |

|Boston |Horace Mann |00350750 |

|Bourne |James F Peebles Elem |00360010 |

|Bourne |Ella F Hoxie School |00360015 |

|Bourne |Otis Memorial |00360020 |

|Bourne |Bourne Middle School |00360325 |

|Bourne |Bourne High |00360505 |

|Boxborough |Blanchard Memorial |00370005 |

|Boxford |Harry Lee Cole |00380005 |

|Boxford |Spofford Pond |00380013 |

|Boylston |Boylston Elementary |00390005 |

|Braintree |Hollis |00400005 |

|Braintree |Alberto Eldridge |00400010 |

|Braintree |Highlands |00400015 |

|Braintree |Mary E Flaherty School |00400020 |

|Braintree |Liberty |00400025 |

|Braintree |Monatiquot |00400030 |

|Braintree |Archie T Morrison |00400033 |

|Braintree |Donald Ross |00400050 |

|Braintree |East Middle School |00400305 |

|Braintree |South Middle School |00400310 |

|Braintree |Braintree High |00400505 |

|Brewster |Stony Brook Elementary |00410005 |

|Brewster |Eddy Elementary |00410010 |

|Brimfield |Brimfield Elementary |00430005 |

|Brockton |Dr W Arnone Comm Sch |00440001 |

|Brockton |Ashfield |00440004 |

|Brockton |Belmont Street Elementary |00440006 |

|Brockton |Brookfield |00440010 |

|Brockton |Goddard |00440015 |

|Brockton |John F Kennedy |00440017 |

|Brockton |Edgar B Davis |00440023 |

|Brockton |Franklin |00440030 |

|Brockton |Gilmore |00440035 |

|Brockton |Hancock |00440045 |

|Brockton |Howard Center |00440050 |

|Brockton |Huntington |00440055 |

|Brockton |Louis F Angelo Elem |00440065 |

|Brockton |Oscar F Raymond |00440078 |

|Brockton |B B Russell |00440080 |

|Brockton |Eldon B. Keith Center |00440095 |

|Brockton |Whitman |00440100 |

|Brockton |Downey |00440110 |

|Brockton |Joseph F Plouffe Elem |00440120 |

|Brockton |Ithaka/Lincoln |00440400 |

|Brockton |East Junior High |00440405 |

|Brockton |North Junior High |00440410 |

|Brockton |South Junior High |00440415 |

|Brockton |West Junior High |00440420 |

|Brockton |Brockton High |00440505 |

|Brookfield |Brookfield Elementary |00450005 |

|Brookline |Edith C Baker |00460005 |

|Brookline |Edward Devotion |00460015 |

|Brookline |Michael Driscoll |00460020 |

|Brookline |Heath |00460025 |

|Brookline |Lawrence |00460030 |

|Brookline |William H Lincoln |00460035 |

|Brookline |Pierce |00460040 |

|Brookline |John D Runkle |00460045 |

|Brookline |Brookline High |00460505 |

|Burlington |Fox Hill |00480007 |

|Burlington |Memorial |00480015 |

|Burlington |Pine Glen Elementary |00480020 |

|Burlington |Francis Wyman Elem |00480035 |

|Burlington |Marshall Simonds Middle |00480303 |

|Burlington |Burlington High |00480505 |

|Cambridge |Maria L. Baldwin |00490005 |

|Cambridge |Amigos School |00490006 |

|Cambridge |Cambridgeport |00490007 |

|Cambridge |M E Fitzgerald |00490010 |

|Cambridge |Haggerty |00490020 |

|Cambridge |Charles G Harrington |00490025 |

|Cambridge |King |00490030 |

|Cambridge |King Open |00490035 |

|Cambridge |Longfellow |00490040 |

|Cambridge |Morse |00490045 |

|Cambridge |Peabody |00490050 |

|Cambridge |Robert F Kennedy |00490055 |

|Cambridge |John M Tobin |00490065 |

|Cambridge |Graham and Parks |00490080 |

|Cambridge |Fletcher/Maynard Academy |00490090 |

|Cambridge |Camb Rindge and Latin |00490506 |

|Canton |Lt Peter M Hansen |00500012 |

|Canton |John F Kennedy |00500017 |

|Canton |Dean S Luce |00500020 |

|Canton |Wm H Galvin Middle |00500305 |

|Canton |Canton High |00500505 |

|Carlisle |Carlisle School |00510025 |

|Carver |Gov John Carver Primary |00520005 |

|Carver |Gov John Carver Elem |00520010 |

|Carver |Carver Middle |00520305 |

|Carver |Carver High School |00520505 |

|Chatham |Chatham Elementary |00550005 |

|Chatham |Chatham Middle School |00550305 |

|Chatham |Chatham High |00550505 |

|Chelmsford |Center Elementary School |00560005 |

|Chelmsford |South Row |00560015 |

|Chelmsford |Westlands Elementary |00560020 |

|Chelmsford |Charles D Harrington |00560025 |

|Chelmsford |Byam School |00560030 |

|Chelmsford |Col Moses Parker Schl |00560305 |

|Chelmsford |McCarthy Middle School |00560310 |

|Chelmsford |Chelmsford High |00560505 |

|Chelsea |Shurtleff Early Childhood |00570003 |

|Chelsea |William A Berkowitz Elem |00570025 |

|Chelsea |Edgar A Hooks Elem |00570030 |

|Chelsea |George D Kelly Elem |00570035 |

|Chelsea |Frank M Sokolowski Elem |00570040 |

|Chelsea |Clark Avenue School |00570050 |

|Chelsea |Williams Middle School |00570325 |

|Chelsea |Chelsea High |00570505 |

|Chelsea |Tudor Hill School |00570510 |

|Chicopee |Szetela ECC |00610001 |

|Chicopee |Barry |00610003 |

|Chicopee |Belcher |00610010 |

|Chicopee |Bowe |00610015 |

|Chicopee |Bowie |00610020 |

|Chicopee |Horizon Academy |00610021 |

|Chicopee |Litwin |00610022 |

|Chicopee |Chapin |00610025 |

|Chicopee |Lambert-Lavoie |00610040 |

|Chicopee |Selser |00610050 |

|Chicopee |Streiber Memorial School |00610065 |

|Chicopee |Gen John J Stefanik |00610090 |

|Chicopee |Bellamy Middle |00610305 |

|Chicopee |Fairview Middle |00610310 |

|Chicopee |Chicopee High |00610505 |

|Chicopee |Chicopee Comprehensive HS |00610510 |

|Clarksburg |Clarksburg Elementary |00630010 |

|Clinton |Parkhurst |00640035 |

|Clinton |Clinton Elem |00640050 |

|Clinton |Clinton Middle School |00640305 |

|Clinton |Clinton Senior High |00640505 |

|Cohasset |Deer Hill |00650005 |

|Cohasset |Joseph Osgood |00650010 |

|Cohasset |Cohasset Middle/High School |00650505 |

|Concord |Alcott |00670005 |

|Concord |Thoreau |00670020 |

|Concord |Willard |00670030 |

|Concord |Concord Middle |00670305 |

|Conway |Conway Grammar |00680005 |

|Danvers |Highlands |00710010 |

|Danvers |Great Oak |00710015 |

|Danvers |Riverside |00710030 |

|Danvers |Ivan G Smith |00710032 |

|Danvers |Willis E Thorpe |00710045 |

|Danvers |Dunn Middle |00710305 |

|Danvers |Danvers High |00710505 |

|Dartmouth |Andrew B Cushman |00720010 |

|Dartmouth |Joseph Demello |00720015 |

|Dartmouth |Job S Gidley |00720020 |

|Dartmouth |George H Potter |00720030 |

|Dartmouth |Dartmouth Middle |00720050 |

|Dartmouth |Dartmouth High |00720505 |

|Dedham |Early Childhood Center |00730005 |

|Dedham |Avery |00730010 |

|Dedham |Greenlodge |00730025 |

|Dedham |Oakdale |00730030 |

|Dedham |Riverdale |00730045 |

|Dedham |Dedham Middle School |00730305 |

|Dedham |Dedham High |00730505 |

|Deerfield |Deerfield Elem |00740015 |

|Douglas |Douglas Early Childhood |00770003 |

|Douglas |Douglas Elementary |00770010 |

|Douglas |Douglas Middle High |00770505 |

|Dover |Chickering |00780005 |

|Dracut |Joseph A Campbell Elem |00790020 |

|Dracut |Parker Avenue |00790025 |

|Dracut |Greenmont Avenue |00790030 |

|Dracut |Brookside Elementary |00790035 |

|Dracut |George H. Englesby |00790040 |

| |Intermediate | |

|Dracut |Lakeview Junior High |00790410 |

|Dracut |Dracut Senior High |00790505 |

|Duxbury |Alden School |00820004 |

|Duxbury |Chandler Elementary |00820006 |

|Duxbury |Duxbury Middle |00820305 |

|Duxbury |Duxbury High |00820505 |

|East Bridgewater |Central |00830005 |

|East Bridgewater |Gordon W Mitchell |00830010 |

|East Bridgewater |East Bridgewater High |00830505 |

|Eastham |Eastham Elementary |00850005 |

|Easthampton |Center School |00860005 |

|Easthampton |Maple |00860010 |

|Easthampton |Parsons |00860015 |

|Easthampton |Neil A Pepin |00860020 |

|Easthampton |White Brook Middle School |00860305 |

|Easthampton |Easthampton High |00860505 |

|East Longmeadow |Mapleshade |00870010 |

|East Longmeadow |Meadow Brook |00870013 |

|East Longmeadow |Mountain View |00870015 |

|East Longmeadow |Birchland Park |00870305 |

|East Longmeadow |East Longmeadow High |00870505 |

|Easton |Center School |00880003 |

|Easton |Parkview Elementary |00880015 |

|Easton |Moreau Hall |00880020 |

|Easton |H H Richardson School |00880025 |

|Easton |F L Olmsted |00880030 |

|Easton |Easton Junior High |00880405 |

|Easton |Oliver Ames High |00880505 |

|Edgartown |Edgartown Elementary |00890005 |

|Erving |Erving Elementary |00910030 |

|Everett |Adams ECC |00930003 |

|Everett |Sumner G. Whittier School |00930010 |

|Everett |Devens |00930011 |

|Everett |Lafayette School |00930038 |

|Everett |Albert W Lewis |00930040 |

|Everett |Parlin School |00930058 |

|Everett |Webster |00930060 |

|Everett |Everett High |00930505 |

|Fairhaven |East Fairhaven |00940010 |

|Fairhaven |Oxford |00940015 |

|Fairhaven |Rogers |00940020 |

|Fairhaven |Leroy Wood |00940030 |

|Fairhaven |Hastings Middle |00940305 |

|Fairhaven |Fairhaven High |00940505 |

|Fall River |Hector L Belisle |00950010 |

|Fall River |N B Borden |00950012 |

|Fall River |Charles V Carroll |00950020 |

|Fall River |William Connell |00950025 |

|Fall River |Coughlin |00950030 |

|Fall River |Davol |00950040 |

|Fall River |John J Doran |00950045 |

|Fall River |Hugo A Dubuque |00950050 |

|Fall River |Boys Club Alt |00950055 |

|Fall River |Fowler Elementary School |00950060 |

|Fall River |William S Greene |00950065 |

|Fall River |Harriet T Healy |00950070 |

|Fall River |Laurel Lake |00950080 |

|Fall River |A S LeTourneau |00950085 |

|Fall River |Leontine Lincoln |00950090 |

|Fall River |Osborn Street |00950100 |

|Fall River |Slade |00950120 |

|Fall River |Ralph M Small |00950125 |

|Fall River |Spencer Borden |00950130 |

|Fall River |Stone |00950135 |

|Fall River |James Tansey |00950140 |

|Fall River |Samuel Watson |00950145 |

|Fall River |Westall |00950150 |

|Fall River |William J Wiley |00950155 |

|Fall River |Susan H Wixon |00950160 |

|Fall River |Edmond P Talbot Middle |00950305 |

|Fall River |Henry Lord Middle |00950310 |

|Fall River |Morton Middle |00950315 |

|Fall River |Matthew J Kuss Middle |00950320 |

|Fall River |Fall River Alt |00950330 |

|Fall River |B M C Durfee High |00950505 |

|Falmouth |East Falmouth Elem |00960005 |

|Falmouth |Teaticket |00960015 |

|Falmouth |Mullen-Hall |00960020 |

|Falmouth |North Falmouth Elem |00960030 |

|Falmouth |Morse Pond School |00960305 |

|Falmouth |Lawrence |00960405 |

|Falmouth |Falmouth High |00960505 |

|Fitchburg |Crocker Elementary |00970016 |

|Fitchburg |Goodrich Kindergarten |00970025 |

|Fitchburg |McKay Campus-FSC |00970030 |

|Fitchburg |Reingold Elementary |00970043 |

|Fitchburg |Memorial Intermediate |00970048 |

|Fitchburg |South Fitchburg ELC |00970055 |

|Fitchburg |South Street Elementary |00970060 |

|Fitchburg |B F Brown Arts Vision School|00970305 |

|Fitchburg |Academy Middle School |00970320 |

|Fitchburg |Fitchburg High |00970505 |

|Florida |Abbott Memorial |00980005 |

|Foxborough |Mabelle M Burrell |00990015 |

|Foxborough |Vincent M Igo Elem |00990020 |

|Foxborough |Charles Taylor Elem |00990050 |

|Foxborough |John J Ahern |00990405 |

|Foxborough |Foxborough High |00990505 |

|Framingham |Blocks Pre-School @ King |01000003 |

|Framingham |Brophy |01000006 |

|Framingham |Charlotte A Dunning |01000007 |

|Framingham |Hemenway |01000015 |

|Framingham |Juniper Hill |01000020 |

|Framingham |Barbieri Elem |01000035 |

|Framingham |Potter Road |01000039 |

|Framingham |Mary E Stapleton Elem |01000045 |

|Framingham |Miriam F McCarthy Sch |01000050 |

|Framingham |Woodrow Wilson |01000055 |

|Framingham |Cameron Middle School |01000302 |

|Framingham |Fuller Middle |01000305 |

|Framingham |Walsh Middle |01000310 |

|Framingham |Framingham H S |01000515 |

|Franklin |Franklin ECDC |01010003 |

|Franklin |Jefferson Elementary |01010010 |

|Franklin |Helen Keller Elementary |01010012 |

|Franklin |J F Kennedy Memorial |01010013 |

|Franklin |Oak Street Elementary |01010030 |

|Franklin |Parmenter |01010032 |

|Franklin |Davis Thayer |01010035 |

|Franklin |Remington Middle |01010310 |

|Franklin |Horace Mann |01010405 |

|Franklin |Franklin High |01010505 |

|Freetown |Freetown Elementary |01020005 |

|Gardner |Elm Street School |01030001 |

|Gardner |Prospect |01030010 |

|Gardner |Helen Mae Sauter Elem |01030015 |

|Gardner |Waterford Street |01030020 |

|Gardner |Gardner Middle School |01030405 |

|Gardner |Gardner High |01030505 |

|Georgetown |Perley Elementary |01050005 |

|Georgetown |Penn Brook |01050010 |

|Georgetown |Georgetown Middle/High |01050505 |

|Gloucester |Beeman Memorial |01070010 |

|Gloucester |East Gloucester Elem |01070020 |

|Gloucester |Milton L Fuller Elem |01070025 |

|Gloucester |Plum Cove School |01070042 |

|Gloucester |Veterans Memorial |01070045 |

|Gloucester |West Parish |01070050 |

|Gloucester |Ralph B O'Maley Middle |01070305 |

|Gloucester |Gloucester High |01070505 |

|Gosnold |Cuttyhunk Elem |01090005 |

|Grafton |South Grafton Elementary |01100005 |

|Grafton |North Grafton Elementary |01100025 |

|Grafton |Grafton Elementary |01100200 |

|Grafton |Grafton Middle |01100305 |

|Grafton |Grafton Memorial Senior |01100505 |

|Granby |East Meadow |01110004 |

|Granby |West St |01110010 |

|Granby |Granby Jr Sr High Sch |01110505 |

|Granville |Granville Village |01120005 |

|Greenfield |Federal |01140010 |

|Greenfield |Four Corners |01140025 |

|Greenfield |Green River |01140030 |

|Greenfield |Newton School |01140035 |

|Greenfield |North Parish |01140040 |

|Greenfield |Greenfield Middle |01140305 |

|Greenfield |Greenfield High |01140505 |

|Hadley |Hadley Elem |01170015 |

|Hadley |Hopkins Academy |01170505 |

|Halifax |Halifax Elementary |01180005 |

|Hancock |Hancock Elementary |01210005 |

|Hanover |Cedar Elementary |01220004 |

|Hanover |Center Elementary |01220005 |

|Hanover |Sylvester |01220015 |

|Hanover |Hanover Middle |01220305 |

|Hanover |Hanover High |01220505 |

|Harvard |Harvard Elementary |01250005 |

|Harvard |Bromfield |01250505 |

|Harwich |Harwich Elementary |01260005 |

|Harwich |Harwich Middle |01260305 |

|Harwich |Harwich High |01260505 |

|Hatfield |Dorothy M Breor Elem |01270005 |

|Hatfield |Smith Academy |01270505 |

|Haverhill |Bartlett |01280005 |

|Haverhill |Bradford Elementary |01280008 |

|Haverhill |Burnham Elementary |01280010 |

|Haverhill |Cogswell |01280015 |

|Haverhill |Crowell |01280020 |

|Haverhill |Golden Hill |01280026 |

|Haverhill |Greenleaf |01280027 |

|Haverhill |Haverhill Alternative School|01280033 |

|Haverhill |Caleb Dustin Hunking |01280035 |

|Haverhill |Knipe |01280040 |

|Haverhill |Moody |01280045 |

|Haverhill |Dr Paul Nettle |01280050 |

|Haverhill |Pentucket Lake Elem |01280054 |

|Haverhill |Silver Hill |01280067 |

|Haverhill |TEACH |01280073 |

|Haverhill |Tilton |01280075 |

|Haverhill |Walnut Square |01280080 |

|Haverhill |John G Whittier |01280085 |

|Haverhill |Consentino |01280100 |

|Haverhill |Haverhill High |01280505 |

|Hingham |Wm L Foster Elem |01310010 |

|Hingham |Plymouth River |01310019 |

|Hingham |South Elem |01310020 |

|Hingham |Hingham Middle School |01310410 |

|Hingham |Hingham High |01310505 |

|Holbrook |John F Kennedy |01330018 |

|Holbrook |South |01330025 |

|Holbrook |Holbrook Jr Sr High |01330505 |

|Holland |Holland Elementary |01350005 |

|Holliston |Miller School |01360007 |

|Holliston |Placentino Elementary |01360010 |

|Holliston |Robert H. Adams Middle |01360305 |

| |School | |

|Holliston |Holliston High |01360505 |

|Holyoke |Joseph Metcalf Preschool |01370003 |

|Holyoke |Lawrence Elem |01370010 |

|Holyoke |Lt Elmer J McMahon Elem |01370015 |

|Holyoke |Morgan Elem |01370025 |

|Holyoke |Kelly Elem |01370040 |

|Holyoke |E N White Elem |01370045 |

|Holyoke |Lt Clayre Sullivan Elem |01370055 |

|Holyoke |Maurice A Donahue Elem |01370060 |

|Holyoke |Magnet Middle For Arts |01370305 |

|Holyoke |Dr Wm R Peck Middle |01370310 |

|Holyoke |John J Lynch Middle |01370315 |

|Holyoke |Holyoke High |01370505 |

|Holyoke |Holyoke Alternative Program |01370520 |

|Holyoke |Wm J Dean Voc Tech High |01370605 |

|Hopedale |Memorial |01380010 |

|Hopedale |Hopedale Jr Sr High |01380505 |

|Hopkinton |Center |01390005 |

|Hopkinton |Elmwood |01390010 |

|Hopkinton |Hopkins Elementary School |01390015 |

|Hopkinton |Hopkinton Middle School |01390305 |

|Hopkinton |Hopkinton High |01390505 |

|Hudson |Mulready Elementary |01410007 |

|Hudson |C R Hubert |01410011 |

|Hudson |Forest Avenue Elementary |01410015 |

|Hudson |C A Farley |01410030 |

|Hudson |John F Kennedy |01410410 |

|Hudson |Hudson High |01410505 |

|Hull |Lillian M Jacobs |01420015 |

|Hull |Memorial Middle |01420305 |

|Hull |Hull High |01420505 |

|Ipswich |Paul F Doyon Memorial |01440007 |

|Ipswich |Winthrop |01440015 |

|Ipswich |Ipswich Middle School |01440305 |

|Ipswich |Ipswich High |01440505 |

|Kingston |Kingston Elementary |01450005 |

|Kingston |Kingston Intermediate |01450020 |

|Lakeville |Assawompset |01460005 |

|Lanesborough |Lanesborough Elementary |01480005 |

|Lawrence |Lawlor ECC |01490002 |

|Lawrence |John Breen School |01490003 |

|Lawrence |General Donovan |01490005 |

|Lawrence |Saunders School |01490006 |

|Lawrence |Arlington |01490007 |

|Lawrence |Alexander B Bruce |01490015 |

|Lawrence |Robert Frost |01490018 |

|Lawrence |Haverhill St School |01490019 |

|Lawrence |James F Hennessey |01490020 |

|Lawrence |Gerard A. Guilmette |01490022 |

|Lawrence |Francis M Leahy |01490040 |

|Lawrence |James F Leonard |01490045 |

|Lawrence |Henry K Oliver |01490050 |

|Lawrence |Edward F. Parthum |01490053 |

|Lawrence |John R Rollins |01490055 |

|Lawrence |South Lawrence East Sch |01490065 |

|Lawrence |Charles S Storrow |01490070 |

|Lawrence |John K Tarbox |01490075 |

|Lawrence |Emily G Wetherbee |01490080 |

|Lawrence |Lawrence High |01490505 |

|Lawrence |Academy of |01490520 |

| |Journalism/Communications | |

|Lee |Lee Elementary |01500025 |

|Lee |Lee Middle/High School |01500505 |

|Leicester |Leicester Memorial Elem |01510005 |

|Leicester |Leicester Primary School |01510010 |

|Leicester |Leicester Middle |01510015 |

|Leicester |Leicester High |01510505 |

|Lenox |Morris |01520015 |

|Lenox |Lenox Memorial High |01520505 |

|Leominster |Bennett |01530003 |

|Leominster |Fall Brook |01530007 |

|Leominster |Johnny Appleseed |01530025 |

|Leominster |Northwest |01530030 |

|Leominster |Priest Street |01530040 |

|Leominster |Samoset School |01530045 |

|Leominster |Southeast Middle School |01530050 |

|Leominster |Leominster Senior High |01530505 |

|Leominster |Leominster Ctr Tech Educ |01530605 |

|Leverett |Leverett Elementary |01540005 |

|Lexington |Bridge |01550006 |

|Lexington |Bowman |01550008 |

|Lexington |Joseph Estabrook |01550010 |

|Lexington |Fiske |01550015 |

|Lexington |Harrington |01550030 |

|Lexington |Maria Hastings |01550035 |

|Lexington |Jonas Clarke Middle |01550305 |

|Lexington |Wm Diamond Middle |01550310 |

|Lexington |Lexington High |01550505 |

|Lincoln |Hanscom Primary |01570006 |

|Lincoln |Lincoln School |01570025 |

|Lincoln |Hanscom Middle |01570305 |

|Littleton |Shaker Lane Elementary |01580005 |

|Littleton |Russell St Elementary |01580015 |

|Littleton |Littleton Middle School |01580305 |

|Littleton |Littleton High School |01580505 |

|Longmeadow |Blueberry Hill |01590005 |

|Longmeadow |Center |01590010 |

|Longmeadow |Glenbrook Middle |01590017 |

|Longmeadow |Wolf Swamp Road |01590025 |

|Longmeadow |Williams Middle |01590305 |

|Longmeadow |Longmeadow High |01590505 |

|Lowell |Cardinal O'Connell |01600001 |

|Lowell |Dr Gertrude Bailey |01600002 |

|Lowell |Demonstration School |01600004 |

|Lowell |Joseph McAvinnue |01600010 |

|Lowell |Greenhalge |01600015 |

|Lowell |Pyne Arts |01600018 |

|Lowell |Laura Lee Alternative |01600019 |

|Lowell |Abraham Lincoln |01600020 |

|Lowell |Moody Elem |01600027 |

|Lowell |Charles W Morey |01600030 |

|Lowell |Pawtucketville Memorial |01600036 |

|Lowell |Peter W Reilly |01600040 |

|Lowell |John J Shaughnessy |01600050 |

|Lowell |Varnum Arts |01600054 |

|Lowell |Washington |01600055 |

|Lowell |McDonough City Magnet Sch |01600070 |

|Lowell |S Christa MacAuliffe Elem |01600075 |

|Lowell |Charlotte M Murkland Elem |01600080 |

|Lowell |Bartlett Middle Sch |01600305 |

|Lowell |B.F.Butler Middle Sch |01600310 |

|Lowell |James S Daley Middle Sch |01600315 |

|Lowell |Henry J Robinson Middle |01600330 |

|Lowell |E N Rogers |01600335 |

|Lowell |James Sullivan Middle Sch |01600340 |

|Lowell |Dr An Wang School |01600345 |

|Lowell |Lowell High |01600505 |

|Ludlow |Chapin Elementary |01610005 |

|Ludlow |East Street |01610015 |

|Ludlow |Ludlow ECC |01610018 |

|Ludlow |Veterans Park Elem |01610023 |

|Ludlow |Paul R Baird Middle |01610305 |

|Ludlow |Ludlow Senior High |01610505 |

|Lunenburg |Thomas C Passios Elem |01620015 |

|Lunenburg |Turkey Hill Middle |01620020 |

|Lunenburg |Lunenburg High |01620505 |

|Lynn |Aborn |01630011 |

|Lynn |A Drewicz Elem |01630016 |

|Lynn |Brickett Elementary |01630020 |

|Lynn |Julia F Callahan |01630030 |

|Lynn |Cobbet Elementary |01630035 |

|Lynn |Wm P Connery |01630040 |

|Lynn |E J Harrington |01630045 |

|Lynn |Robert L Ford |01630050 |

|Lynn |Hood |01630055 |

|Lynn |Ingalls |01630060 |

|Lynn |Lincoln-Thomson |01630070 |

|Lynn |Lynn Woods |01630075 |

|Lynn |William R Fallon |01630080 |

|Lynn |Sewell-Anderson |01630085 |

|Lynn |Capt William G Shoemaker |01630090 |

|Lynn |Edward A Sisson |01630095 |

|Lynn |Tracy |01630100 |

|Lynn |Washington Community |01630105 |

|Lynn |Welcoming Alternative Sch |01630115 |

|Lynn |Fecteau-Leary Middle School |01630303 |

|Lynn |Thurgood Marshall Mid |01630305 |

|Lynn |Welcoming Middle School |01630330 |

|Lynn |Breed Middle School |01630405 |

|Lynn |Pickering Middle |01630420 |

|Lynn |Career Development Center |01630503 |

|Lynn |Classical High |01630505 |

|Lynn |Lynn English High |01630510 |

|Lynn |Lynn Alternative HS |01630520 |

|Lynn |Environmental School |01630530 |

|Lynn |Lynn Voc Tech Institute |01630605 |

|Lynnfield |Huckleberry Hill |01640010 |

|Lynnfield |Summer Street |01640020 |

|Lynnfield |Lynnfield Middle School |01640405 |

|Lynnfield |Lynnfield High |01640505 |

|Malden |Beebe |01650003 |

|Malden |Ferryway |01650013 |

|Malden |Forestdale |01650027 |

|Malden |Linden |01650047 |

|Malden |Salemwood |01650057 |

|Malden |Malden High |01650505 |

|Mansfield |Roland Green School |01670003 |

|Mansfield |Everett W Robinson |01670007 |

|Mansfield |Jordan/Jackson Elementary |01670014 |

|Mansfield |Harold L Qualters Middle |01670035 |

|Mansfield |Mansfield High |01670505 |

|Marblehead |Malcolm L Bell |01680005 |

|Marblehead |L H Coffin |01680010 |

|Marblehead |Elbridge Gerry |01680015 |

|Marblehead |Glover |01680020 |

|Marblehead |Dr Samuel C Eveleth |01680025 |

|Marblehead |Marblehead Middle School |01680305 |

|Marblehead |Marblehead High |01680505 |

|Marion |Sippican |01690005 |

|Marlborough |Early Childhood Center |01700006 |

|Marlborough |Francis J Kane |01700008 |

|Marlborough |Richer |01700025 |

|Marlborough |Charles Jaworek School |01700030 |

|Marlborough |Intermediate Elementary |01700040 |

|Marlborough |Marlborough Middle |01700305 |

|Marlborough |Marlborough High |01700505 |

|Marshfield |Eames School |01710005 |

|Marshfield |South River |01710010 |

|Marshfield |Daniel Webster |01710015 |

|Marshfield |Gov Edward Winslow |01710020 |

|Marshfield |Martinson Elementary |01710025 |

|Marshfield |Furnace Brook Middle |01710310 |

|Marshfield |Marshfield High |01710505 |

|Mashpee |Kenneth Coombs School |01720005 |

|Mashpee |Quashnet School |01720035 |

|Mashpee |Mashpee High |01720505 |

|Mattapoisett |Center |01730005 |

|Mattapoisett |Old Hammondtown |01730010 |

|Maynard |Green Meadow |01740010 |

|Maynard |Fowler School |01740305 |

|Maynard |Maynard High |01740505 |

|Medfield |Memorial School |01750003 |

|Medfield |Dale Street |01750005 |

|Medfield |Ralph Wheelock School |01750007 |

|Medfield |Thomas Blake Middle |01750305 |

|Medfield |Medfield Senior High |01750505 |

|Medford |Lorin L Dame |01760020 |

|Medford |George Davenport |01760025 |

|Medford |Forest Park |01760030 |

|Medford |Franklin |01760035 |

|Medford |Gleason |01760045 |

|Medford |Hervey |01760055 |

|Medford |Kennedy/Lincoln |01760062 |

|Medford |John J McGlynn |01760068 |

|Medford |Swan Elementary |01760075 |

|Medford |Madeleine Dugger Andrews |01760315 |

|Medford |Medford High |01760505 |

|Medford |Curtis-Tufts |01760510 |

|Medford |Medford Voc Tech High |01760605 |

|Medway |Francis J Burke Elem |01770010 |

|Medway |John D Mc Govern Elem |01770013 |

|Medway |Memorial Elementary |01770015 |

|Medway |Medway Middle |01770305 |

|Medway |Medway High |01770505 |

|Melrose |Decius Beebe |01780005 |

|Melrose |Herbert Clark Hoover |01780017 |

|Melrose |Lincoln |01780020 |

|Melrose |Horace Mann |01780025 |

|Melrose |Roosevelt |01780035 |

|Melrose |Winthrop |01780050 |

|Melrose |Melrose Middle |01780305 |

|Melrose |Melrose High |01780505 |

|Methuen |Pleasant Valley School |01810004 |

|Methuen |Marsh Grammar School |01810030 |

|Methuen |Comprehensive Grammar School|01810050 |

|Methuen |Tenney Grammar School |01810055 |

|Methuen |Donald P Timony Grammar |01810060 |

|Methuen |Methuen High |01810505 |

|Middleborough |Henry B Burkland Intermed |01820008 |

|Middleborough |Lincoln D Lynch School |01820020 |

|Middleborough |Mayflower |01820025 |

|Middleborough |School Street Sch |01820035 |

|Middleborough |John T. Nichols Middle |01820305 |

|Middleborough |Middleborough High |01820505 |

|Middleton |Fuller Meadow |01840003 |

|Middleton |Howe-Manning |01840005 |

|Milford |Memorial |01850010 |

|Milford |Brookside |01850065 |

|Milford |Shining Star ECC |01850075 |

|Milford |Woodland |01850090 |

|Milford |Stacy Middle |01850305 |

|Milford |Milford Middle East |01850310 |

|Milford |Milford High |01850505 |

|Millbury |Elmwood Street |01860017 |

|Millbury |Shaw Memorial Elem |01860025 |

|Millbury |Millbury Jr/Sr High |01860505 |

|Millis |Clyde F Brown |01870005 |

|Millis |Millis Middle |01870020 |

|Millis |Millis High School |01870505 |

|Milton |Collicot |01890005 |

|Milton |Cunningham School |01890007 |

|Milton |Glover |01890010 |

|Milton |Tucker |01890020 |

|Milton |Charles S Pierce Middle |01890410 |

|Milton |Milton High |01890505 |

|Monson |Quarry Hill Comm |01910025 |

|Monson |Granite Valley Middle |01910310 |

|Monson |Monson High School |01910505 |

|Nahant |Johnson |01960010 |

|Nantucket |Nantucket Elementary |01970005 |

|Nantucket |Cyrus Peirce |01970010 |

|Nantucket |Nantucket High |01970505 |

|Natick |Bennett-Hemenway |01980005 |

|Natick |Brown |01980010 |

|Natick |Johnson |01980031 |

|Natick |Lilja Elementary |01980035 |

|Natick |Memorial |01980043 |

|Natick |J F Kennedy Middle Sch |01980305 |

|Natick |Wilson Middle |01980310 |

|Natick |Natick High |01980505 |

|Needham |Broadmeadow |01990005 |

|Needham |John Eliot |01990020 |

|Needham |Hillside Elementary |01990035 |

|Needham |William Mitchell |01990040 |

|Needham |Newman Elem |01990050 |

|Needham |Pollard Middle |01990405 |

|Needham |Needham High |01990505 |

|New Bedford |Ingraham Pre-School Ctr |02010001 |

|New Bedford |Charles S Ashley |02010010 |

|New Bedford |Elizabeth Carter Brooks |02010015 |

|New Bedford |Elwyn G Campbell |02010020 |

|New Bedford |James B Congdon |02010040 |

|New Bedford |Sgt Wm H Carney Acad |02010045 |

|New Bedford |John B Devalles |02010050 |

|New Bedford |George H Dunbar |02010060 |

|New Bedford |Alfred J Gomes |02010063 |

|New Bedford |John Hannigan |02010070 |

|New Bedford |Ellen R Hathaway |02010075 |

|New Bedford |Hayden/McFadden |02010078 |

|New Bedford |Horatio A Kempton |02010085 |

|New Bedford |Abraham Lincoln |02010095 |

|New Bedford |Mt Pleasant |02010105 |

|New Bedford |Sarah D Ottiwell |02010110 |

|New Bedford |John Avery Parker |02010115 |

|New Bedford |Phillips Avenue |02010120 |

|New Bedford |Casmir Pulaski |02010123 |

|New Bedford |Thomas R Rodman |02010125 |

|New Bedford |Jireh Swift |02010130 |

|New Bedford |William H Taylor |02010135 |

|New Bedford |Betsey B Winslow |02010140 |

|New Bedford |Keith Jr High |02010405 |

|New Bedford |Normandin Jr High |02010410 |

|New Bedford |Roosevelt Middle School |02010415 |

|New Bedford |New Bedford High |02010505 |

|New Bedford |West Side Jr-Sr Hs |02010510 |

|Newburyport |Francis T Bresnahan Elem |02040005 |

|Newburyport |George W Brown |02040010 |

|Newburyport |Kelley |02040020 |

|Newburyport |Rupert A Nock Middle |02040305 |

|Newburyport |Newburyport High |02040505 |

|Newton |A E Angier |02070005 |

|Newton |Bowen |02070015 |

|Newton |C C Burr |02070020 |

|Newton |Cabot |02070025 |

|Newton |Countryside |02070040 |

|Newton |Franklin |02070055 |

|Newton |Lincoln-Eliot |02070070 |

|Newton |Horace Mann |02070075 |

|Newton |Mason-Rice |02070080 |

|Newton |Peirce |02070100 |

|Newton |Memorial Spaulding |02070105 |

|Newton |Newton Early Childhood |02070108 |

| |Center | |

|Newton |Underwood |02070115 |

|Newton |John Ward |02070120 |

|Newton |Williams |02070125 |

|Newton |Zervas |02070130 |

|Newton |Bigelow Middle |02070305 |

|Newton |Charles E Brown Middle |02070310 |

|Newton |F A Day Middle |02070315 |

|Newton |Oak Hill Middle |02070320 |

|Newton |Newton North High |02070505 |

|Newton |Newton South High |02070510 |

|Norfolk |Freeman-Centennial |02080005 |

|Norfolk |H Olive Day |02080015 |

|North Adams |J S Sullivan |02090008 |

|North Adams |Greylock |02090015 |

|North Adams |Brayton |02090035 |

|North Adams |Silvio O Conte Middle |02090305 |

|North Adams |Drury High |02090505 |

|Northampton |Bridge Street |02100005 |

|Northampton |Jackson Street |02100020 |

|Northampton |Leeds |02100025 |

|Northampton |Robert K Finn |02100029 |

|Northampton |John F Kennedy Jr High |02100410 |

|Northampton |Northampton High |02100505 |

|North Andover |Atkinson |02110001 |

|North Andover |Bradstreet |02110005 |

|North Andover |Franklin |02110010 |

|North Andover |Kittredge |02110015 |

|North Andover |Annie L Sargent School |02110018 |

|North Andover |Thomson |02110020 |

|North Andover |North Andover Middle |02110305 |

|North Andover |North Andover High |02110505 |

|North Attleborough |Allen Avenue |02120005 |

|North Attleborough |Amvet Boulevard |02120007 |

|North Attleborough |Falls |02120010 |

|North Attleborough |Joseph W Martin Jr Elem |02120013 |

|North Attleborough |Roosevelt Avenue |02120015 |

|North Attleborough |North Attleborough ELC |02120020 |

|North Attleborough |Community |02120030 |

|North Attleborough |North Attleborough Middle |02120305 |

|North Attleborough |North Attleboro High |02120505 |

|Northborough |Lincoln Street |02130003 |

|Northborough |Marguerite E Peaslee |02130014 |

|Northborough |Fannie E Proctor |02130015 |

|Northborough |Marion E Zeh |02130020 |

|Northborough |Robert E. Melican Middle |02130305 |

| |School | |

|Northbridge |W Edward Balmer |02140001 |

|Northbridge |Aldrich School |02140010 |

|Northbridge |Northbridge Primary Sch |02140020 |

|Northbridge |Northbridge Middle |02140305 |

|Northbridge |Northbridge High |02140505 |

|North Brookfield |North Brookfield Elem |02150015 |

|North Brookfield |North Brookfield High |02150505 |

|North Reading |E Ethel Little School |02170003 |

|North Reading |L D Batchelder |02170005 |

|North Reading |J Turner Hood |02170010 |

|North Reading |North Reading Middle |02170305 |

|North Reading |North Reading High |02170505 |

|Norton |L G Nourse Elementary |02180010 |

|Norton |J C Solmonese |02180015 |

|Norton |Henri A. Yelle |02180060 |

|Norton |Norton Middle |02180305 |

|Norton |Norton High |02180505 |

|Norwell |Grace Farrar Cole |02190005 |

|Norwell |William G Vinal |02190020 |

|Norwell |Norwell Middle School |02190405 |

|Norwell |Norwell High |02190505 |

|Norwood |Balch |02200005 |

|Norwood |Cornelius M Callahan |02200010 |

|Norwood |F A Cleveland |02200015 |

|Norwood |John P Oldham |02200020 |

|Norwood |Charles J Prescott |02200025 |

|Norwood |George F. Willett |02200075 |

|Norwood |Norwood Jr High South |02200305 |

|Norwood |Norwood High |02200505 |

|Oak Bluffs |Oak Bluffs Elementary |02210005 |

|Orange |Butterfield |02230003 |

|Orange |Dexter Park |02230010 |

|Orange |Fisher Hill |02230015 |

|Orleans |Orleans Elementary |02240005 |

|Oxford |Clara Barton/Woodward |02260005 |

|Oxford |Alfred M Chaffee |02260010 |

|Oxford |Oxford Middle |02260405 |

|Oxford |Oxford High |02260505 |

|Palmer |Old Mill Pond |02270008 |

|Palmer |Converse Middle |02270305 |

|Palmer |Palmer High |02270505 |

|Peabody |Samuel Brown |02290005 |

|Peabody |John E Burke |02290007 |

|Peabody |Thomas Carroll |02290010 |

|Peabody |Center |02290015 |

|Peabody |William A Welch Sr |02290027 |

|Peabody |Kiley Bros Memorial |02290030 |

|Peabody |South Memorial |02290035 |

|Peabody |West Memorial |02290045 |

|Peabody |J Henry Higgins Middle |02290305 |

|Peabody |Veterans Memorial High |02290510 |

|Pelham |Pelham Elementary |02300005 |

|Pembroke |Bryantville Elementary |02310003 |

|Pembroke |Hobomock Elementary |02310010 |

|Pembroke |North Pembroke Elem |02310015 |

|Petersham |Petersham Center |02340005 |

|Pittsfield |Allendale |02360010 |

|Pittsfield |Egremont |02360035 |

|Pittsfield |Robert T. Capeless |02360045 |

| |Elementary School | |

|Pittsfield |Morningside Comm Sch |02360055 |

|Pittsfield |Crosby |02360065 |

|Pittsfield |Stearns |02360090 |

|Pittsfield |Williams |02360100 |

|Pittsfield |Silvio O Conte Community |02360105 |

|Pittsfield |John T Reid Middle |02360305 |

|Pittsfield |Theodore Herberg Middle |02360310 |

|Pittsfield |Pittsfield High |02360505 |

|Pittsfield |Taconic High |02360510 |

|Pittsfield |Hibbard Alternative |02360515 |

|Plainville |Beatrice H Wood Elem |02380005 |

|Plainville |Anna Ware Jackson |02380010 |

|Plymouth |Mount Pleasant |02390003 |

|Plymouth |Cold Spring |02390005 |

|Plymouth |Hedge |02390010 |

|Plymouth |Federal Furnace Sch |02390011 |

|Plymouth |Indian Brook |02390012 |

|Plymouth |Manomet Elementary |02390015 |

|Plymouth |Nathaniel Morton Elem |02390030 |

|Plymouth |South Elementary |02390046 |

|Plymouth |West Elementary |02390047 |

|Plymouth |Plymouth South Middle |02390305 |

|Plymouth |Plymouth Commun Intermed |02390405 |

|Plymouth |Plymouth North High |02390505 |

|Plymouth |Plymouth South High |02390515 |

|Plymouth |Plymouth South Technical |02390605 |

|Plympton |Dennett Elementary |02400010 |

|Provincetown |Veterans Memorial Elem |02420010 |

|Provincetown |Provincetown High |02420505 |

|Quincy |Beechwood Knoll Elem |02430020 |

|Quincy |Charles A Bernazzani Elem |02430025 |

|Quincy |Lincoln-Hancock Comm Sch |02430035 |

|Quincy |Atherton Hough |02430040 |

|Quincy |Clifford H Marshall Elem |02430055 |

|Quincy |Merrymount |02430060 |

|Quincy |Montclair |02430065 |

|Quincy |Francis W Parker |02430075 |

|Quincy |Snug Harbor Comm School |02430090 |

|Quincy |Squantum |02430095 |

|Quincy |Wollaston School |02430110 |

|Quincy |Atlantic Middle |02430305 |

|Quincy |Broad Meadows Middle |02430310 |

|Quincy |Central Middle |02430315 |

|Quincy |Reay E Sterling Middle |02430320 |

|Quincy |Point Webster Middle |02430325 |

|Quincy |Quincy High |02430505 |

|Quincy |North Quincy High |02430510 |

|Randolph |Charles G Devine |02440010 |

|Randolph |Margaret L Donovan |02440015 |

|Randolph |J F Kennedy Elem |02440018 |

|Randolph |Elizabeth G Lyons Elem |02440020 |

|Randolph |Tower Hill Ecc |02440035 |

|Randolph |Martin E Young Elem |02440040 |

|Randolph |Randolph Community Middle |02440410 |

|Randolph |Randolph High |02440505 |

|Reading |Alice M Barrows |02460002 |

|Reading |Birch Meadow |02460005 |

|Reading |Joshua Eaton |02460010 |

|Reading |J Warren Killam |02460017 |

|Reading |Arthur W Coolidge Middle |02460305 |

|Reading |Walter S Parker Middle |02460310 |

|Reading |Reading Memorial High |02460505 |

|Revere |Augustine C Whelan Mem |02480003 |

|Revere |Beachmont |02480012 |

|Revere |Abraham Lincoln |02480025 |

|Revere |William McKinley |02480035 |

|Revere |Paul Revere |02480050 |

|Revere |Garfield Magnet |02480055 |

|Revere |Revere High |02480505 |

|Revere |Seacoast School |02480520 |

|Richmond |Richmond Consolidated |02490005 |

|Rochester |Rochester Memorial |02500005 |

|Rockland |Memorial Park |02510020 |

|Rockland |R Stewart Esten |02510025 |

|Rockland |Jefferson Elementary School |02510060 |

|Rockland |John W Rogers Middle |02510305 |

|Rockland |Rockland Senior High |02510505 |

|Rockport |Rockport Elementary |02520005 |

|Rockport |Rockport Middle |02520305 |

|Rockport |Rockport High |02520510 |

|Rowe |Rowe Elem |02530005 |

|Salem |Salem Early Childhood |02580001 |

|Salem |Bates |02580003 |

|Salem |Bentley |02580005 |

|Salem |Carlton |02580015 |

|Salem |Nathaniel Bowditch |02580025 |

|Salem |Horace Mann Laboratory |02580030 |

|Salem |Saltonstall School |02580050 |

|Salem |Witchcraft Heights |02580070 |

|Salem |Collins Middle |02580305 |

|Salem |Salem High |02580505 |

|Sandwich |Henry T Wing |02610005 |

|Sandwich |Forestdale |02610010 |

|Sandwich |Oak Ridge |02610025 |

|Sandwich |Sandwich High |02610505 |

|Saugus |Ballard |02620010 |

|Saugus |Evans |02620015 |

|Saugus |Lynnhurst |02620040 |

|Saugus |Oaklandvale |02620050 |

|Saugus |Veterans Memorial |02620065 |

|Saugus |Douglas Waybright |02620067 |

|Saugus |Belmonte Saugus Middle |02620305 |

|Saugus |Saugus High |02620505 |

|Savoy |Savoy Elem |02630010 |

|Scituate |Cushing Elementary |02640007 |

|Scituate |Hatherly Elementary |02640010 |

|Scituate |Wampatuck Elementary |02640020 |

|Scituate |Gates Intermediate School |02640305 |

|Scituate |Scituate High School |02640505 |

|Seekonk |George R Martin |02650007 |

|Seekonk |Mildred Aitken School |02650015 |

|Seekonk |North |02650020 |

|Seekonk |Seekonk Middle School |02650405 |

|Seekonk |Seekonk High |02650505 |

|Sharon |Cottage Street |02660005 |

|Sharon |East Elementary |02660010 |

|Sharon |Heights Elementary |02660015 |

|Sharon |Sharon Middle |02660305 |

|Sharon |Sharon High |02660505 |

|Sherborn |Pine Hill |02690010 |

|Shirley |Center |02700005 |

|Shirley |Lura A White |02700010 |

|Shrewsbury |Beal School |02710005 |

|Shrewsbury |Calvin Coolidge |02710015 |

|Shrewsbury |Floral Street School |02710020 |

|Shrewsbury |Walter J Paton |02710025 |

|Shrewsbury |Spring Street |02710035 |

|Shrewsbury |Parker Road Preschool |02710040 |

|Shrewsbury |Shrewsbury Middle |02710305 |

|Shrewsbury |Shrewsbury Sr High |02710505 |

|Shutesbury |Shutesbury Elementary |02720005 |

|Somerset |Chace Street |02730005 |

|Somerset |North Elementary |02730008 |

|Somerset |South |02730015 |

|Somerset |Wilbur |02730025 |

|Somerset |Somerset Middle School |02730305 |

|Somerset |Somerset High |02730505 |

|Somerville |Edgerly |02740005 |

|Somerville |Benjamin G Brown |02740015 |

|Somerville |Cummings |02740040 |

|Somerville |Arthur D Healey |02740075 |

|Somerville |Powder House Community |02740081 |

|Somerville |John F Kennedy |02740083 |

|Somerville |Lincoln Park Community |02740087 |

|Somerville |E Somerville Community |02740111 |

|Somerville |West Somerville Neighborhood|02740115 |

|Somerville |Winter Hill Community |02740120 |

|Somerville |Next Wave Junior High |02740410 |

|Somerville |Somerville High |02740505 |

|Somerville |Full Circle High School |02740510 |

|Southampton |William E Norris |02750005 |

|Southborough |Mary E Finn School |02760008 |

|Southborough |Margaret A Neary |02760020 |

|Southborough |P Brent Trottier |02760305 |

|Southbridge |Charlton Street |02770005 |

|Southbridge |Eastford Rd |02770010 |

|Southbridge |West Street |02770020 |

|Southbridge |Mary E Wells Jr High |02770305 |

|Southbridge |Southbridge High |02770505 |

|South Hadley |Plains Elementary |02780015 |

|South Hadley |Mosier |02780020 |

|South Hadley |Michael E. Smith Middle |02780305 |

| |School | |

|South Hadley |South Hadley High |02780505 |

|Springfield |Island Pond Pre-K Center |02810002 |

|Springfield |Boland School |02810010 |

|Springfield |Thomas M Balliet |02810015 |

|Springfield |Samuel Bowles |02810020 |

|Springfield |Milton Bradley School |02810023 |

|Springfield |Brightwood |02810025 |

|Springfield |Elias Brookings |02810030 |

|Springfield |Daniel B Brunton |02810035 |

|Springfield |William N Deberry |02810045 |

|Springfield |Hiram L Dorman |02810050 |

|Springfield |Rebecca M Johnson |02810055 |

|Springfield |Margaret C Ells |02810060 |

|Springfield |Glenwood |02810065 |

|Springfield |Glickman Elementary |02810068 |

|Springfield |Frank H Freedman |02810075 |

|Springfield |Frederick Harris |02810080 |

|Springfield |Homer Street |02810085 |

|Springfield |Alfred G Zanetti |02810095 |

|Springfield |Indian Orchard Elem |02810100 |

|Springfield |Kensington Avenue |02810110 |

|Springfield |Liberty |02810115 |

|Springfield |Lincoln |02810120 |

|Springfield |Dryden Memorial |02810125 |

|Springfield |Mary M Lynch |02810140 |

|Springfield |Mary O Pottenger |02810145 |

|Springfield |Mary M Walsh |02810155 |

|Springfield |Sumner Avenue |02810160 |

|Springfield |Arthur T Talmadge |02810165 |

|Springfield |Alice B Beal Elem |02810175 |

|Springfield |Warner |02810180 |

|Springfield |Washington |02810185 |

|Springfield |White Street |02810190 |

|Springfield |Gerena |02810195 |

|Springfield |Chestnut Street Middle |02810310 |

|Springfield |John J Duggan Middle |02810320 |

|Springfield |Forest Park Middle |02810325 |

|Springfield |John F Kennedy Middle |02810328 |

|Springfield |M Marcus Kiley Middle |02810330 |

|Springfield |Van Sickle Middle School |02810340 |

|Springfield |Springfield Central High |02810500 |

|Springfield |High School Of Commerce |02810510 |

|Springfield |Bridge Academy |02810520 |

|Springfield |S.A.G.E. |02810522 |

|Springfield |High School/Science-Tech |02810530 |

|Springfield |Springfield Academy |02810535 |

|Springfield |Springfield H S |02810540 |

|Springfield |Mass Career Dev Institute |02810600 |

|Springfield |Putnam Voc Tech High Sch |02810620 |

|Springfield |Shriners Hospital |02810670 |

|Stoneham |Central |02840003 |

|Stoneham |Colonial Park |02840005 |

|Stoneham |Robin Hood |02840025 |

|Stoneham |South |02840030 |

|Stoneham |Stoneham Middle School |02840405 |

|Stoneham |Stoneham High |02840505 |

|Stoughton |Helen Hansen Elementary |02850010 |

|Stoughton |Edwin A Jones |02850012 |

|Stoughton |Joseph R Dawe Jr Elem |02850014 |

|Stoughton |South Elementary |02850015 |

|Stoughton |West Elementary |02850020 |

|Stoughton |Joseph H Gibbons |02850025 |

|Stoughton |O'Donnell Middle School |02850405 |

|Stoughton |Stoughton High |02850505 |

|Sturbridge |Burgess Elementary |02870005 |

|Sudbury |Josiah Haynes |02880010 |

|Sudbury |Israel Loring School |02880015 |

|Sudbury |General John Nixon Elem |02880025 |

|Sudbury |Peter Noyes |02880030 |

|Sudbury |Ephraim Curtis Middle |02880305 |

|Sunderland |Sunderland Elementary |02890005 |

|Sutton |Sutton Early Learning |02900003 |

|Sutton |Sutton Elementary |02900005 |

|Sutton |Sutton Middle School |02900305 |

|Sutton |Sutton High School |02900510 |

|Swampscott |Clarke |02910005 |

|Swampscott |Hadley |02910010 |

|Swampscott |Machon |02910015 |

|Swampscott |Stanley |02910020 |

|Swampscott |Swampscott Middle |02910305 |

|Swampscott |Swampscott High |02910505 |

|Swansea |Elizabeth S Brown |02920006 |

|Swansea |Gardner |02920015 |

|Swansea |Mark G Hoyle Elem |02920017 |

|Swansea |Joseph G Luther |02920020 |

|Swansea |Joseph Case Jr High |02920305 |

|Swansea |Joseph Case High |02920505 |

|Taunton |Summer Street School |02930003 |

|Taunton |Caleb Barnum |02930005 |

|Taunton |Edmund Hatch Bennett |02930007 |

|Taunton |Joseph C Chamberlain |02930008 |

|Taunton |East Taunton Elem |02930010 |

|Taunton |Elizabeth Pole |02930027 |

|Taunton |Hopewell |02930035 |

|Taunton |Joseph H Martin |02930042 |

|Taunton |Lowell M Maxham |02930045 |

|Taunton |James L Mulcahey |02930050 |

|Taunton |Edward F Leddy |02930056 |

|Taunton |H H Galligan |02930057 |

|Taunton |Walker |02930065 |

|Taunton |John F Parker Middle |02930305 |

|Taunton |Benjamin Friedman Middle |02930315 |

|Taunton |Taunton High |02930505 |

|Tewksbury |L F Dewing |02950001 |

|Tewksbury |Ella Fleming |02950003 |

|Tewksbury |Heath-Brook |02950010 |

|Tewksbury |North Street |02950020 |

|Tewksbury |John F. Ryan |02950023 |

|Tewksbury |Louise Davy Trahan |02950025 |

|Tewksbury |Wynn Middle |02950305 |

|Tewksbury |Tewksbury Memorial High |02950505 |

|Tisbury |Tisbury Elementary |02960005 |

|Topsfield |Proctor Elementary |02980005 |

|Topsfield |Steward Elementary |02980010 |

|Truro |Truro Central |03000005 |

|Tyngsborough |Tyngsborough ECC |03010015 |

|Tyngsborough |Tyngsborough Elementary |03010020 |

|Tyngsborough |Tyngsborough Middle |03010305 |

|Tyngsborough |Tyngsborough High School |03010505 |

|Uxbridge |Earl D Taft |03040005 |

|Uxbridge |Whitin Intermediate |03040015 |

|Uxbridge |Uxbridge High |03040505 |

|Wakefield |Dolbeare |03050005 |

|Wakefield |Doyle |03050010 |

|Wakefield |Franklin |03050015 |

|Wakefield |Greenwood |03050020 |

|Wakefield |Walton |03050040 |

|Wakefield |Yeuell |03050055 |

|Wakefield |Galvin Middle School |03050310 |

|Wakefield |Wakefield Memorial High |03050505 |

|Wales |Wales Elementary |03060005 |

|Walpole |Elm Street School |03070005 |

|Walpole |Boyden |03070010 |

|Walpole |Fisher |03070015 |

|Walpole |Old Post Road |03070018 |

|Walpole |Bird Middle |03070305 |

|Walpole |Eleanor N Johnson Middle |03070310 |

|Walpole |Walpole High |03070505 |

|Waltham |Phineas Lawrence |03080003 |

|Waltham |William F. Stanley |03080005 |

| |Elementary School | |

|Waltham |Jonathan Bright Elementary |03080010 |

| |School | |

|Waltham |The Annex at Fitch School |03080015 |

|Waltham |Douglas MacArthur Elementary|03080032 |

| |School | |

|Waltham |Northeast Elementary School |03080040 |

|Waltham |Thomas R Plympton Elementary|03080050 |

| |School | |

|Waltham |James Fitzgerald Elementary |03080060 |

| |School | |

|Waltham |Henry Whittemore Elementary |03080065 |

| |School | |

|Waltham |John F Kennedy Middle |03080404 |

|Waltham |South Middle |03080415 |

|Waltham |Waltham Sr High |03080505 |

|Ware |Stanley M Koziol Elem Sch |03090020 |

|Ware |Ware Middle School |03090305 |

|Ware |Ware High |03090505 |

|Wareham |John William Decas |03100003 |

|Wareham |Minot Forest |03100017 |

|Wareham |Ethel E Hammond |03100020 |

|Wareham |East Wareham Elem |03100025 |

|Wareham |West Wareham School |03100030 |

|Wareham |Wareham Middle |03100305 |

|Wareham |Wareham Senior High |03100505 |

|Watertown |Cunniff |03140015 |

|Watertown |Hosmer |03140020 |

|Watertown |James Russell Lowell |03140025 |

|Watertown |Watertown Middle |03140305 |

|Watertown |Watertown High |03140505 |

|Wayland |Claypit Hill School |03150005 |

|Wayland |Happy Hollow School |03150015 |

|Wayland |Loker School |03150020 |

|Wayland |Wayland Middle School |03150305 |

|Wayland |Wayland High School |03150505 |

|Webster |Park Avenue Elementary |03160015 |

|Webster |Anthony J Sitkowski |03160305 |

|Webster |Bartlett Jr Sr High Sch |03160505 |

|Wellesley |Katharine Lee Bates |03170005 |

|Wellesley |Joseph E Fiske |03170015 |

|Wellesley |John D Hardy |03170020 |

|Wellesley |Hunnewell |03170025 |

|Wellesley |Schofield |03170045 |

|Wellesley |Sprague Elementary School |03170048 |

|Wellesley |Ernest F Upham |03170050 |

|Wellesley |Wellesley Middle |03170305 |

|Wellesley |Wellesley Sr High |03170505 |

|Wellfleet |Wellfleet Elementary |03180005 |

|Westborough |J Harding Armstrong |03210005 |

|Westborough |Annie E Fales |03210010 |

|Westborough |Elsie A Hastings Elem |03210025 |

|Westborough |Mill Pond School |03210045 |

|Westborough |Sarah W Gibbons Middle |03210305 |

|Westborough |Westborough High |03210505 |

|West Boylston |Major Edwards Elementary |03220005 |

|West Boylston |West Boylston Jr-Sr High |03220505 |

|West Bridgewater |Rose L Macdonald |03230003 |

|West Bridgewater |Spring Street School |03230005 |

|West Bridgewater |Howard School |03230305 |

|West Bridgewater |W Bridgewater Jr-Sr |03230505 |

|Westfield |Fort Meadow ECC |03250003 |

|Westfield |East Mountain Road School |03250011 |

|Westfield |Franklin Ave |03250015 |

|Westfield |Abner Gibbs |03250020 |

|Westfield |Highland |03250025 |

|Westfield |Moseley |03250030 |

|Westfield |Munger Hill |03250033 |

|Westfield |Paper Mill |03250036 |

|Westfield |Southampton Road |03250040 |

|Westfield |Juniper Park |03250055 |

|Westfield |North Middle School |03250305 |

|Westfield |South Middle School |03250310 |

|Westfield |Westfield High |03250505 |

|Westfield |Westfield Voc Tech High |03250605 |

|Westford |Abbot Elem |03260004 |

|Westford |Day Elementary |03260007 |

|Westford |Millennium Elementary |03260013 |

|Westford |Nabnasset |03260015 |

|Westford |Col John Robinson |03260025 |

|Westford |John A. Crisafulli |03260045 |

| |Elementary School | |

|Westford |Rita E. Miller Elementary |03260055 |

| |School | |

|Westford |Blanchard Middle |03260310 |

|Westford |Westford Academy |03260505 |

|Westhampton |Westhampton Elem School |03270005 |

|Weston |Country |03300010 |

|Weston |Field Elem School |03300012 |

|Weston |Woodland |03300015 |

|Weston |Weston Middle |03300305 |

|Weston |Weston High |03300505 |

|Westport |Alice A Macomber |03310015 |

|Westport |Westport Elementary |03310030 |

|Westport |Westport Middle |03310305 |

|Westport |Westport High |03310505 |

|West Springfield |John Ashley |03320005 |

|West Springfield |Philip G Coburn |03320007 |

|West Springfield |John R Fausey |03320010 |

|West Springfield |Memorial |03320025 |

|West Springfield |Mittineague |03320030 |

|West Springfield |Tatham |03320040 |

|West Springfield |West Springfield Middle |03320305 |

|West Springfield |West Springfield High |03320505 |

|Westwood |Deerfield School |03350010 |

|Westwood |Downey |03350012 |

|Westwood |Paul Hanlon |03350015 |

|Westwood |Martha Jones |03350017 |

|Westwood |William E Sheehan |03350025 |

|Westwood |E W Thurston Middle |03350305 |

|Westwood |Westwood High |03350505 |

|Weymouth |Johnson ECC |03360003 |

|Weymouth |Academy Avenue |03360005 |

|Weymouth |Alice B. Fulton School |03360035 |

|Weymouth |Frederick C Murphy |03360050 |

|Weymouth |Thomas V Nash |03360060 |

|Weymouth |Lawrence W Pingree |03360065 |

|Weymouth |William Seach |03360080 |

|Weymouth |Ralph Talbot |03360085 |

|Weymouth |Union Street |03360105 |

|Weymouth |Wessagusset |03360110 |

|Weymouth |Abigail Adams Intermed |03360310 |

|Weymouth |Weymouth High/Commercial St |03360505 |

|Weymouth |Weymouth High/Pleasant St |03360515 |

|Whately |Whately Elementary |03370005 |

|Williamsburg |Anne T Dunphy |03400005 |

|Williamsburg |Helen James |03400015 |

|Williamstown |Williamstown Elementary |03410010 |

|Wilmington |Boutwell |03420005 |

|Wilmington |Wildwood |03420015 |

|Wilmington |Woburn Street |03420020 |

|Wilmington |Shawsheen Elem |03420025 |

|Wilmington |North Intermediate |03420060 |

|Wilmington |West Intermediate |03420080 |

|Wilmington |Wilmington Middle School |03420330 |

|Wilmington |Wilmington High |03420505 |

|Winchendon |Memorial |03430040 |

|Winchendon |Toy Town Elem |03430050 |

|Winchendon |Murdock Middle/High |03430505 |

|Winchester |Lincoln |03440005 |

|Winchester |Lynch Elementary |03440020 |

|Winchester |Vinson-Owen |03440025 |

|Winchester |Muraco |03440040 |

|Winchester |Ambrose Elementary |03440045 |

|Winchester |McCall Middle |03440305 |

|Winchester |Winchester High School |03440505 |

|Winthrop |Arthur W Dalrymple |03460010 |

|Winthrop |Fort Banks Elementary |03460015 |

|Winthrop |Winthrop Middle School |03460305 |

|Winthrop |Winthrop Sr High |03460505 |

|Woburn |George I Clapp |03470005 |

|Woburn |Goodyear |03470015 |

|Woburn |Daniel P Hurld |03470020 |

|Woburn |Linscott-Rumford |03470025 |

|Woburn |Clyde Reeves |03470040 |

|Woburn |Shamrock |03470043 |

|Woburn |Malcolm White |03470055 |

|Woburn |Wyman |03470060 |

|Woburn |Mary D Altavesta |03470065 |

|Woburn |John F Kennedy Middle School|03470405 |

|Woburn |Daniel L Joyce Middle School|03470410 |

|Woburn |Woburn High |03470505 |

|Worcester |Adams Street |03480010 |

|Worcester |Belmont Street Community |03480020 |

|Worcester |Wawecus Road School |03480026 |

|Worcester |Burncoat Street |03480035 |

|Worcester |Canterbury |03480045 |

|Worcester |Chandler Elem Community |03480050 |

|Worcester |Chandler Magnet |03480052 |

|Worcester |City View |03480053 |

|Worcester |Clark St Community |03480055 |

|Worcester |Columbus Park |03480060 |

|Worcester |Multiple Intelligences |03480065 |

|Worcester |Flagg Street |03480090 |

|Worcester |Elm Park Community |03480095 |

|Worcester |Goddard Sch/Science Tech |03480100 |

|Worcester |Gates Lane |03480110 |

|Worcester |Grafton Street |03480115 |

|Worcester |Granite Street |03480120 |

|Worcester |Greendale |03480125 |

|Worcester |Harlow Street |03480130 |

|Worcester |Heard Street |03480136 |

|Worcester |Jacob Hiatt Magnet |03480140 |

|Worcester |Lake View |03480145 |

|Worcester |Lincoln Street |03480160 |

|Worcester |New Ludlow |03480165 |

|Worcester |May Street |03480175 |

|Worcester |Francis J McGrath Elem |03480177 |

|Worcester |Midland Street |03480185 |

|Worcester |Mill Swan |03480190 |

|Worcester |Nelson Place |03480200 |

|Worcester |Norrback Avenue |03480202 |

|Worcester |Quinsigamond |03480210 |

|Worcester |Rice Square |03480215 |

|Worcester |Roosevelt |03480220 |

|Worcester |Worcester Arts Magnet Sch |03480225 |

|Worcester |Tatnuck |03480230 |

|Worcester |Thorndyke Road |03480235 |

|Worcester |Union Hill School |03480240 |

|Worcester |West Tatnuck |03480260 |

|Worcester |Accelerated Learning Lab |03480275 |

|Worcester |Vernon Hill School |03480280 |

|Worcester |University Pk Campus Sch |03480285 |

|Worcester |Burncoat Middle School |03480405 |

|Worcester |Forest Grove Middle |03480415 |

|Worcester |Worcester East Middle |03480420 |

|Worcester |Sullivan Middle |03480423 |

|Worcester |Burncoat Senior High |03480503 |

|Worcester |Doherty Memorial High |03480512 |

|Worcester |North High |03480515 |

|Worcester |South High Community |03480520 |

|Worcester |Worcester Voc High |03480605 |

|Wrentham |Delaney |03500003 |

|Wrentham |Vogel |03500005 |

|Wrentham |Charles E Roderick |03500010 |

|Institutional Schools |Central/West District |03700012 |

|Institutional Schools |Tri-County District |03700015 |

|Institutional Schools |Mass Hospital School |03700026 |

|Institutional Schools |East District |03700040 |

|Northampton-Smith |Smith Voc and Agr High |04060705 |

|Excel Academy Charter |Excel Academy Charter School|04100205 |

|Academy Of the Pacific |Academy Of the Pacific Rim |04120530 |

|Rim Charter |Charter School | |

|Four Rivers Charter |Four Rivers Charter School |04130505 |

|Academy of Strategic |Academy of Strategic |04150505 |

|Learning HMCS |Learning HMCS School | |

|Framingham Community |Framingham Community Charter|04180305 |

|Charter |School | |

|Smith Leadership Academy|Smith Leadership Academy |04190305 |

|Charter |Charter School | |

|Benjamin Banneker |Benjamin Banneker Charter |04200205 |

|Charter |School | |

|Roxbury Charter |Roxbury Charter High School |04220505 |

|Barnstable Grade Five |Barnstable Grade Five HMCS |04230010 |

|HMCS |School | |

|Boston Evening Academy |Boston Evening Academy HMCS |04240505 |

|HMCS |School | |

|Edward Brooke Charter |Edward Brooke Charter School|04280305 |

|Cape Cod Lighthouse |Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter |04320530 |

|Charter |School | |

|Champion HMCS |Champion HMCS School |04340505 |

|Murdoch Middle Public |Murdoch Middle Public |04350305 |

|Charter |Charter School | |

|City On A Hill Charter |City On A Hill Charter |04370505 |

| |School | |

|Codman Academy Charter |Codman Academy Charter |04380505 |

| |School | |

|Conservatory Lab Charter|Conservatory Lab Charter |04390050 |

| |School | |

|Community Day Charter |Community Day Charter School|04400205 |

|Sabis International |Sabis International Charter |04410505 |

|Charter |School | |

|Frederick Douglass |Frederick Douglass Charter |04420050 |

|Charter |School | |

|Neighborhood House |Neighborhood House Charter |04440205 |

|Charter |School | |

|Abby Kelley Foster |Abby Kelley Foster Regional |04450105 |

|Regional Charter |Charter School | |

|Sabis Foxboro Regional |Sabis Foxboro Regional |04460550 |

|Charter |Charter School | |

|Benjamin Franklin |Benjamin Franklin Classical |04470205 |

|Classical Charter |Charter School | |

|So.Boston Harbor Academy|So.Boston Harbor Academy |04490305 |

|Charter |Charter School | |

|Hilltown Cooperative |Hilltown Cooperative Charter|04500105 |

|Charter |School | |

|Robert M. Hughes Academy|Robert M. Hughes Academy |04510550 |

|Charter |Charter School | |

|Health Careers Academy |Health Careers Academy HMCS |04520505 |

|HMCS |School | |

|Lawrence Family |Lawrence Family Development |04540205 |

|Development Charter |Charter School | |

|Lowell Community Charter|Lowell Community Charter |04560050 |

| |School | |

|Lowell Middlesex Academy|Lowell Middlesex Academy |04580505 |

|Charter |Charter School | |

|Marblehead Community |Marblehead Community Charter|04640305 |

|Charter |School | |

|Martha's Vineyard |Martha's Vineyard Charter |04660550 |

|Charter |School | |

|Ma Academy for Math and |Ma Academy for Math and |04680505 |

|Science |Science School | |

|Media and Technology |Media and Technology Charter|04690505 |

|Charter |School | |

|Mystic Valley Regional |Mystic Valley Regional |04700105 |

|Charter |Charter School | |

|New Leadership HMCS |New Leadership HMCS School |04710405 |

|New Bedford Global HMCS |New Bedford Global Learning |04720515 |

| |HMCS | |

|North Central Charter |North Central Charter |04740505 |

|Essential School |Essential School | |

|Francis W. Parker |Francis W. Parker Charter |04780505 |

|Charter |School | |

|Pioneer Valley |Pioneer Valley Performing |04790505 |

|Performing Arts Charter |Arts Charter School | |

|Boston Renaissance |Boston Renaissance Charter |04810550 |

|Charter |School | |

|River Valley Charter |River Valley Charter School |04820050 |

|Rising Tide Charter |Rising Tide Charter School |04830305 |

|Roxbury Preparatory |Roxbury Preparatory Charter |04840505 |

|Charter |School | |

|Seven Hills Charter |Seven Hills Charter School |04860105 |

|Prospect Hill Academy |Prospect Hill Academy |04870550 |

|Charter School |Charter School | |

|South Shore Charter |South Shore Charter School |04880550 |

|Sturgis Charter |Sturgis Charter School |04890505 |

|Uphams Corner Charter |Uphams Corner Charter School|04900305 |

|Atlantis Charter |Atlantis Charter School |04910550 |

|Acton-Boxborough |Raymond J Grey JH |06000405 |

|Acton-Boxborough |Acton-Boxborough Reg High |06000505 |

|Adams-Cheshire |Cheshire Elementary |06030004 |

|Adams-Cheshire |Plunket Elementary |06030020 |

|Adams-Cheshire |Adams Middle |06030305 |

|Adams-Cheshire |Hoosac Valley High |06030505 |

|Amherst-Pelham |Amherst Regional MS |06050405 |

|Amherst-Pelham |Amherst Regional High |06050505 |

|Ashburnham-Westminster |Westminster Elem |06100005 |

|Ashburnham-Westminster |Meetinghouse School |06100010 |

|Ashburnham-Westminster |Briggs Elem |06100025 |

|Ashburnham-Westminster |Overlook Middle School |06100305 |

|Ashburnham-Westminster |Oakmont Regional H S |06100505 |

|Athol-Royalston |Ellen Bigelow |06150005 |

|Athol-Royalston |Pleasant St |06150016 |

|Athol-Royalston |Riverbend |06150020 |

|Athol-Royalston |Sanders Street |06150025 |

|Athol-Royalston |Silver Lake |06150030 |

|Athol-Royalston |Royalston Community Sch |06150050 |

|Athol-Royalston |The Learning Center |06150060 |

|Athol-Royalston |Athol-Royalston Middle |06150305 |

| |School | |

|Athol-Royalston |Athol High |06150505 |

|Berkshire Hills |William Cullen Bryant |06180005 |

|Berkshire Hills |Housatonic Grammar |06180015 |

|Berkshire Hills |Village |06180025 |

|Berkshire Hills |Stockbridge Plain |06180030 |

|Berkshire Hills |Searles Middle |06180305 |

|Berkshire Hills |Monument Mt Reg High |06180505 |

|Berlin-Boylston |Tahanto Reg High |06200505 |

|Blackstone-Millville |John F Kennedy Elem |06220008 |

|Blackstone-Millville |Millville Elem |06220010 |

|Blackstone-Millville |A F Maloney |06220015 |

|Blackstone-Millville |Blackstone Millville RMS |06220405 |

|Blackstone-Millville |Blackstone Millville RHS |06220505 |

|Bridgewater-Raynham |Burnell Campus School |06250005 |

|Bridgewater-Raynham |South |06250030 |

|Bridgewater-Raynham |William J Sullivan |06250035 |

|Bridgewater-Raynham |Bridgewater Elem |06250045 |

|Bridgewater-Raynham |Dr. E.J. La Liberte |06250050 |

| |Elementary School | |

|Bridgewater-Raynham |Williams Middle |06250310 |

|Bridgewater-Raynham |Raynham Middle School |06250315 |

|Bridgewater-Raynham |Bridgewater-Raynham Reg |06250505 |

|Chesterfield-Goshen |New Hingham Regional Elem |06320025 |

|Central Berkshire |Becket Washington School |06350005 |

|Central Berkshire |Berkshire Trail Elem |06350010 |

|Central Berkshire |Craneville |06350025 |

|Central Berkshire |Kittredge |06350035 |

|Central Berkshire |Nessacus Regional Middle |06350305 |

| |School | |

|Central Berkshire |Wahconah Regional High |06350505 |

|Concord-Carlisle |Concord Carlisle High |06400505 |

|Dennis-Yarmouth |Ezra H Baker |06450005 |

|Dennis-Yarmouth |John Simpkins |06450010 |

|Dennis-Yarmouth |Marguerite E Small Elem |06450015 |

|Dennis-Yarmouth |Laurence C MacArthur Elem |06450020 |

|Dennis-Yarmouth |Station Avenue Elem |06450025 |

|Dennis-Yarmouth |Mattacheese Middle Sch |06450305 |

|Dennis-Yarmouth |N H Wixon Middle |06450310 |

|Dennis-Yarmouth |Dennis-Yarmouth Reg High |06450505 |

|Dighton-Rehoboth |Dighton Elementary |06500005 |

|Dighton-Rehoboth |Palmer River /Anawan |06500010 |

|Dighton-Rehoboth |Dighton Middle School |06500305 |

|Dighton-Rehoboth |Dorothy L Beckwith |06500310 |

|Dighton-Rehoboth |Dighton-Rehoboth Rhs |06500505 |

|Dover-Sherborn |Dover-Sherborn Reg Jr H S |06550405 |

|Dover-Sherborn |Dover-Sherborn Reg High |06550505 |

|Dudley-Charlton Reg |Dudley Elementary |06580005 |

|Dudley-Charlton Reg |Mason Rd School |06580010 |

|Dudley-Charlton Reg |Charlton Elementary |06580020 |

|Dudley-Charlton Reg |Heritage School |06580030 |

|Dudley-Charlton Reg |Dudley Middle School |06580305 |

|Dudley-Charlton Reg |Charlton Middle School |06580310 |

|Dudley-Charlton Reg |Shepherd Hill Reg High |06580505 |

|Nauset |Nauset Reg Middle |06600305 |

|Nauset |Nauset Regional High |06600505 |

|Farmington River Reg |Farmington River Elem |06620020 |

|Freetown-Lakeville |Freetown-Lakeville Middle |06650305 |

| |School | |

|Freetown-Lakeville |Apponequet Reg High |06650505 |

|Frontier |Frontier Reg |06700505 |

|Gateway |Blandford Elementary |06720033 |

|Gateway |Chester Elementary |06720059 |

|Gateway |Murrayfield Elementary |06720143 |

|Gateway |Russell Elementary |06720256 |

|Gateway |Russell H Conwell |06720349 |

|Gateway |Gateway Reg Middle |06720380 |

|Gateway |Gateway Reg High |06720505 |

|Groton-Dunstable |Boutwell School |06730001 |

|Groton-Dunstable |Swallow/Union School |06730005 |

|Groton-Dunstable |Florence Roche School |06730010 |

|Groton-Dunstable |Prescott Elem |06730040 |

|Groton-Dunstable |Groton/Dun Reg'l Middle |06730305 |

|Groton-Dunstable |Groton Dunstable Regional |06730505 |

|Gill-Montague |Gill Elem |06740005 |

|Gill-Montague |Hillcrest |06740015 |

|Gill-Montague |Montague Center |06740020 |

|Gill-Montague |Sheffield Elementary |06740050 |

|Gill-Montague |Great Falls Middle |06740310 |

|Gill-Montague |Turners Fall High |06740505 |

|Hamilton-Wenham |Bessie Buker Elementary |06750007 |

|Hamilton-Wenham |Cutler School |06750010 |

|Hamilton-Wenham |Winthrop School |06750015 |

|Hamilton-Wenham |Miles River Middle |06750310 |

|Hamilton-Wenham |Hamilton-Wenham Reg High |06750505 |

|Hampden-Wilbraham |Green Meadows Elem |06800005 |

|Hampden-Wilbraham |Memorial Elementary |06800015 |

|Hampden-Wilbraham |Mile Tree Elementary |06800025 |

|Hampden-Wilbraham |Soule Road |06800030 |

|Hampden-Wilbraham |Stony Hill School |06800050 |

|Hampden-Wilbraham |Thornton Burgess |06800305 |

|Hampden-Wilbraham |Wilbraham Middle |06800310 |

|Hampden-Wilbraham |Minnechaug Reg High |06800505 |

|Hampshire |Hampshire Reg High |06830505 |

|Hawlemont |Hawlemont Reg |06850005 |

|King Philip |King Philip Reg High |06900505 |

|King Philip |King Philip Reg Sch North |06900510 |

|Lincoln-Sudbury |Lincoln-Sudbury Reg High |06950505 |

|Manchester Essex |Manchester Memorial |06980010 |

|Regional |Elementary | |

|Manchester Essex |Essex Elementary/Middle |06980020 |

|Regional | | |

|Manchester Essex |Manchester Jr-Sr High |06980510 |

|Regional | | |

|Marthas Vineyard |Marthas Vineyard Reg High |07000505 |

|Masconomet |Masconomet RMS |07050405 |

|Masconomet |Masconomet Regional HS |07050505 |

|Mendon-Upton |Memorial School |07100001 |

|Mendon-Upton |Miscoe Hill Elem |07100015 |

|Mendon-Upton |Henry P Clough |07100179 |

|Mendon-Upton |Nipmuc Regional Middle/HS |07100510 |

|Mount Greylock |Mt Greylock Reg High |07150505 |

|Mohawk Trail |Buckland-Shelburne Reg |07170005 |

|Mohawk Trail |Colrain Central |07170010 |

|Mohawk Trail |Heath Elementary |07170015 |

|Mohawk Trail |Sanderson Academy |07170020 |

|Mohawk Trail |Mohawk Trail Reg High |07170505 |

|Narragansett |Phillipston Memorial |07200003 |

|Narragansett |Baldwinville Elementary |07200005 |

|Narragansett |East Templeton |07200010 |

|Narragansett |Templeton Center |07200020 |

|Narragansett |Narragansett Middle |07200305 |

|Narragansett |Narragansett Reg High |07200505 |

|Nashoba |Mary Rowlandson Elementary |07250010 |

|Nashoba |Pompositticut |07250015 |

|Nashoba |Center School |07250020 |

|Nashoba |Florence Sawyer Sch |07250025 |

|Nashoba |Luther Burbank Middle School|07250305 |

|Nashoba |Hale |07250310 |

|Nashoba |Nashoba Regional |07250505 |

|New Salem-Wendell |Swift River |07280015 |

|Northboro-Southboro |Algonquin Reg High |07300505 |

|North Middlesex |Spaulding Memorial |07350005 |

|North Middlesex |Ashby Elementary |07350010 |

|North Middlesex |Peter Fitzpatrick |07350015 |

|North Middlesex |Squannacook |07350020 |

|North Middlesex |Hawthorne Brook |07350030 |

|North Middlesex |Varnum Brook |07350035 |

|North Middlesex |Nissitissit Middle School |07350310 |

|North Middlesex |North Middlesex Reg |07350505 |

|Old Rochester |Old Rochester Reg Jr High |07400405 |

|Old Rochester |Old Rochester Reg High |07400505 |

|Pentucket |Elmer S Bagnall |07450005 |

|Pentucket |Helen R Donaghue School |07450010 |

|Pentucket |Dr John C Page School |07450015 |

|Pentucket |Dr Frederick N Sweetsir |07450020 |

|Pentucket |Pentucket Reg Middle |07450405 |

|Pentucket |Pentucket Reg Sr High |07450505 |

|Pioneer Valley |Bernardston Elem |07500006 |

|Pioneer Valley |Pearl E Rhodes Elem |07500007 |

|Pioneer Valley |Northfield Elementary |07500008 |

|Pioneer Valley |Warwick Community School |07500009 |

|Pioneer Valley |Pioneer Valley Reg |07500505 |

|Quabbin |Hardwick Elem |07530005 |

|Quabbin |Hubbardston Center |07530010 |

|Quabbin |New Braintree Grade |07530020 |

|Quabbin |Oakham Center |07530025 |

|Quabbin |Ruggles Lane |07530030 |

|Quabbin |Quabbin Regional Mid/HS |07530505 |

|Ralph C Mahar |Ralph C Mahar Reg |07550505 |

|Silver Lake |Silver Lake Reg Jr High |07600405 |

|Silver Lake |Silver Lake Reg High |07600505 |

|Southern Berkshire |Monterey |07650015 |

|Southern Berkshire |New Marlborough Central |07650018 |

|Southern Berkshire |South Egremont |07650030 |

|Southern Berkshire |Undermountain |07650035 |

|Southern Berkshire |Mt Everett Regional |07650505 |

|Southwick-Tolland |Woodland Elementary |07660010 |

|Southwick-Tolland |Powder Mill |07660305 |

|Southwick-Tolland |Southwick High |07660505 |

|Spencer-E Brookfield |East Brookfield Elementary |07670008 |

|Spencer-E Brookfield |Lake Street |07670010 |

|Spencer-E Brookfield |Maple St |07670020 |

|Spencer-E Brookfield |West Main Street |07670025 |

|Spencer-E Brookfield |David Prouty Intermediate |07670030 |

|Spencer-E Brookfield |Knox Trail Junior High |07670415 |

|Spencer-E Brookfield |David Prouty High |07670505 |

|Tantasqua |Tantasqua Reg Jr High |07700405 |

|Tantasqua |Tantasqua Reg Sr High |07700505 |

|Tantasqua |Tantasqua Reg Voc |07700605 |

|Triton |Salisbury Elementary |07730015 |

|Triton |Newbury Elementary |07730020 |

|Triton |Pine Grove |07730025 |

|Triton |Triton Middle School |07730405 |

|Triton |Triton High School |07730505 |

|Up-Island Regional |Chilmark Elementary |07740010 |

|Up-Island Regional |West Tisbury Elem |07740020 |

|Wachusett |Davis Hill Elementary |07750018 |

|Wachusett |Dawson |07750020 |

|Wachusett |Houghton Elementary |07750027 |

|Wachusett |Leroy E.Mayo |07750032 |

|Wachusett |Naquag Elementary |07750035 |

|Wachusett |Paxton Center |07750040 |

|Wachusett |Thomas Prince |07750045 |

|Wachusett |Mountview Middle |07750305 |

|Wachusett |Central Tree Middle |07750310 |

|Wachusett |Chocksett Middle School |07750315 |

|Wachusett |Wachusett Regional High |07750505 |

|Quaboag Regional |Warren Elementary |07780005 |

|Quaboag Regional |West Brookfield Elem |07780010 |

|Quaboag Regional |Quaboag Regional High |07780505 |

|Whitman-Hanson |Park Avenue ECC |07800003 |

|Whitman-Hanson |Louise A Conley |07800010 |

|Whitman-Hanson |Maquan Elementary |07800025 |

|Whitman-Hanson |John H Duval |07800030 |

|Whitman-Hanson |Indian Head |07800035 |

|Whitman-Hanson |Whitman Middle |07800310 |

|Whitman-Hanson |Hanson Middle School |07800315 |

|Whitman-Hanson |Whitman Hanson Regional |07800505 |

|Assabet Valley |Assabet Valley Voc H S |08010605 |

|Blackstone Valley Reg |Blackstone Valley |08050605 |

|Blue Hills Voc |Blue Hills Reg Voc Tech |08060605 |

|Bristol-Plymouth Voc |Bristol-Plymouth Voc Tech |08100605 |

|Tech | | |

|Cape Cod Region Voc Tech|Cape Cod Region Voc Tech |08150605 |

|Franklin County |Franklin County Tech |08180605 |

|Greater Fall River |Diman Reg Voc Tech High |08210605 |

|Greater Lawrence RVT |Gr Lawrence Reg Voc Tech |08230605 |

|Greater New Bedford |Gr New Bedford Voc Tech |08250605 |

|Greater Lowell Voc Tec |Gr Lowell Reg Voc Tech |08280605 |

|So Middlesex Voc Tech |Joseph P Keefe Tech HS |08290605 |

|Reg | | |

|Minuteman Voc Tech |Minuteman Regional High |08300605 |

|Montachusett Voc Tech |Montachusett Voc Tech |08320605 |

|Reg | | |

|Northern Berkshire Voc |Charles McCann Voc Tech |08510605 |

|Nashoba Valley Tech |Nashoba Valley Tech H S |08520605 |

|Northeast Metro Voc |Northeast Metro Reg Voc |08530605 |

|North Shore Reg Voc |North Shore Reg Voc |08540605 |

|Old Colony Reg Voc Tech |Old Colony Reg Voc Tech |08550605 |

|Pathfinder Voc Tech |Pathfinder Voc Tech |08600605 |

|Shawsheen Valley Voc |Shawsheen Valley Voc Tech |08710605 |

|Tech | | |

|Southeastern Reg Voc |Southeastern Reg Voc Tech |08720605 |

|Tech | | |

|South Shore Reg Voc Tech|So Shore Voc Tech High |08730605 |

|Southern Worcester Cty |Bay Path Reg Voc Tech H S |08760605 |

|VT | | |

|Tri County |Tri County Reg Voc Tech |08780605 |

|Upper Cape Cod Voc Tech |Upper Cape Cod Voc Tech |08790605 |

|Whittier Voc |Whittier Reg Voc |08850605 |

|Bristol County Agr |Bristol County Agr High |09100705 |

|Essex Agr Tech |Essex Agr and Tech Inst |09130705 |

|Norfolk County Agr |Norfolk County Agr |09150705 |

|DYS |Dept. of Youth Services |09200300 |

|DSS |Dept. of Social Services |09200400 |

|Correctional Facilities |State jail or correctional |09200500 |

| |facility | |

|SPED Services only | |08990000 |

27 Appendix E-Private School and Collaborative Codes

|Abington |St Bridget |00010815 |

|Acton |The Victor School |00020830 |

|Acushnet |St Francis Xavier |00030810 |

|Adams (non-op) |St Stanislaus Kostka |00040810 |

|Amesbury |Harbor |00070830 |

|Amesbury |Sparhawk School |00070865 |

|Amherst |Amherst Montessori School |00080805 |

|Amherst |The Common |00080850 |

|Andover |Andover Sch of Montessori |00090805 |

|Andover |Phillips Academy |00090820 |

|Andover |The Pike School Inc |00090825 |

|Andover |Saint Augustine |00090835 |

|Andover |Prof Ctr for Hand Childrn |00090850 |

|Arlington |Arlington Catholic HS |00100805 |

|Arlington |St Agnes Elementary |00100810 |

|Arlington |Dearborn Academy |00100815 |

|Arlington |Germaine Lawrence |00100820 |

|Arlington |May Institute |00100835 |

|Arlington |Ecole Bilingue |00100838 |

|Arlington |Lesley Ellis |00100842 |

|Ashburnham (non-op) |Cushing Academy |00110805 |

|Ashland |MetroWest Christian Acad |00140830 |

|Ashland |Pincushion Hill Mont |00140860 |

|Attleboro |Bishop Feehan High School |00160805 |

|Attleboro |Dayspring Christian |00160806 |

|Attleboro |Hamilton Country Day |00160807 |

|Attleboro |St John The Evangelist |00160810 |

|Attleboro |Grace Baptist Christian Academy |00160812 |

|Barnstable |Academy of Early Learning |00200805 |

|Barnstable |Bayberry Christian School |00200810 |

|Barnstable |Faith Christian School |00200825 |

|Barnstable |Cape Cod Academy |00200830 |

|Barnstable |St Francis Xavier Prep |00200840 |

|Barnstable |Southeast Alternative School-Cape |00200850 |

| |Cod | |

|Barnstable |Veritas Academy |00200870 |

|Barre (non-op) |Stetson School Inc |00210810 |

|Bellingham |Tender Loving Care ELC |00250850 |

|Belmont |Arlington |00260805 |

|Belmont |Bartlett School |00260808 |

|Belmont |Belmont Day |00260810 |

|Belmont |Belmont Hill |00260815 |

|Belmont |Cornerstone Christian Acd |00260860 |

|Berkley |Southeast Alternative |00270880 |

| |School-Berkley | |

|Bernardston (non-op) |Full Circle |00290805 |

|Beverly |Beverly Sch for the Deaf |00300805 |

|Beverly |Bright Horizons |00300807 |

|Beverly |Shore Country Day |00300810 |

|Beverly |Children's Montessori |00300812 |

|Beverly |St John the Evangelist |00300815 |

|Beverly |Cape Ann Waldorf School |00300822 |

|Beverly |St Mary Star of the Sea |00300825 |

|Beverly |Waring School |00300835 |

|Beverly |Covenant Christian Sch |00300840 |

|Beverly |Glen Urquhart |00300850 |

|Beverly |Landmark |00300920 |

|Billerica |NE Pediatric Care |00310805 |

|Boston |Advent |00350702 |

|Boston |Berea SDA Acad |00350705 |

|Boston |Blessed Sacrament Elem |00350706 |

|Boston |Boston College High |00350710 |

|Boston |Cathedral Elementary |00350714 |

|Boston |Cathedral High |00350716 |

|Boston |Catholic Memorial |00350718 |

|Boston |Children's Learning Ctr |00350720 |

|Boston |Commonwealth |00350724 |

|Boston |Compass Inc. |00350725 |

|Boston |Crittenton Hastings House |00350726 |

|Boston |Epiphany School |00350729 |

|Boston |E Boston Central Catholic |00350732 |

|Boston |Gate Of Heaven Elementary |00350736 |

|Boston |Holden School Inc |00350738 |

|Boston |Hollow Reed School |00350740 |

|Boston |Holy Name Elementary |00350746 |

|Boston |Italian Home For Children |00350749 |

|Boston |Kennedy Day School |00350758 |

|Boston |Kids Are People |00350759 |

|Boston |The Kingsley |00350760 |

|Boston |Lang and Cognitive Dev Ctr |00350763 |

|Boston |The Learning Project |00350765 |

|Boston |Lt Joseph Kennedy Jr Mem |00350766 |

|Boston |Manville |00350768 |

|Boston |O L Perpetual Help Elem |00350770 |

|Boston |Monsignor Ryan Memorial High |00350774 |

|Boston |Most Precious Blood Elem |00350776 |

|Boston |Mother Caroline Academy |00350778 |

|Boston |Nativity Prep School |00350782 |

|Boston |Neighborhood School |00350785 |

|Boston |Dr. Frederick H. Knight Children's |00350791 |

| |Center | |

|Boston |Newman Preparatory |00350794 |

|Boston |New Beginnings Academy |00350795 |

|Boston |Our Lady Of Lourdes |00350800 |

|Boston |O L Presentation |00350804 |

|Boston |Roxbury Latin |00350808 |

|Boston |Seaport Campus |00350809 |

|Boston |Sacred Heart Elementary |00350810 |

|Boston |Shaloh House Day |00350811 |

|Boston |Paige Academy |00350812 |

|Boston |Boston University Academy |00350813 |

|Boston |St Ambrose Elementary |00350816 |

|Boston |St Andrew the Apostle Elementary |00350818 |

|Boston |St Angela Elementary |00350820 |

|Boston |St Ann Elementary |00350822 |

|Boston |St Anne Elementary |00350824 |

|Boston |St Anthony |00350826 |

|Boston |St Augustine Elementary |00350831 |

|Boston |St Brendan Elementary |00350834 |

|Boston |St Brigid Elementary |00350836 |

|Boston |St Columbkille Elem |00350844 |

|Boston |Savio Prep |00350848 |

|Boston |St Gregory Elementary |00350856 |

|Boston |St John Elementary |00350862 |

|Boston |St Joseph Elementary |00350866 |

|Boston |St Kevin Elementary |00350868 |

|Boston |St Matthew Elementary |00350872 |

|Boston |St Margaret Elementary |00350874 |

|Boston |St Mary Of Czestochowa |00350882 |

|Boston |St Mary Star of the Sea |00350884 |

|Boston |St Patrick Elementary |00350886 |

|Boston |St Peter Elementary |00350890 |

|Boston |St Peter Elementary |00350892 |

|Boston |St Theresa Elementary |00350894 |

|Boston |St William Elementary |00350900 |

|Boston |The Winsor |00350910 |

|Boston |Mt St Joseph Academy |00350914 |

|Boston |St Mark Elementary |00350920 |

|Boston |Charlestown Catholic Elem |00350944 |

|Boston |Parkside Christian |00350947 |

|Boston |NFI Center |00350966 |

|Boston |Little House Altern |00350972 |

|Bourne |Waldorf School - Cape Cod |00360802 |

|Bourne |St Margaret Regional |00360830 |

|Braintree |Archbishop Williams High |00400805 |

|Braintree |Cardinal Cushing Centers/Braintree |00400807 |

|Braintree |St Francis Of Assisi |00400810 |

|Braintree |May Center/Voc Training |00400812 |

|Braintree |Thayer Academy |00400821 |

|Braintree |Pilgrim Center |00400825 |

|Braintree |South Shore SDA School |00400830 |

|Braintree |Massasoit School Inc |00400840 |

|Brewster |Family School |00410805 |

|Brewster |Latham School |00410810 |

|Brewster |The Laurel School |00410825 |

|Bridgewater (non-op) |The Southbrook School |00420810 |

|Brockton |Brockton Christian |00440803 |

|Brockton |Cardinal Spellman High |00440805 |

|Brockton |Mathoms/Lovering School |00440813 |

|Brockton |Sacred Heart Elementary |00440815 |

|Brockton |St Casimir Elementary |00440820 |

|Brockton |St Edward Elementary |00440830 |

|Brockton |Keys to the Kingdom Chr |00440840 |

|Brockton |May Center for Educ and Neurorehab |00440860 |

|Brockton |South Shore Christian |00440870 |

|Brookline |Beaver Country Day |00460800 |

|Brookline |Gan Torah Acad |00460805 |

|Brookline |Maimonides |00460810 |

|Brookline |Ivy Street School |00460811 |

|Brookline |NE Hebrew Acad Elem and Sec |00460812 |

|Brookline |The Park |00460814 |

|Brookline |St Mary of the Assumption |00460830 |

|Brookline |Southfield |00460840 |

|Brookline |Bay Cove Academy |00460850 |

|Brookline |Beacon High School |00460875 |

|Brookline |Dexter School |00460890 |

|Burlington |Mount Hope Christian School |00480815 |

|Burlington |Open Bible Academy |00480820 |

|Cambridge |Buckingham Browne Nichols |00490810 |

|Cambridge |Castle School |00490811 |

|Cambridge |Farr Academy |00490815 |

|Cambridge |Fayerweather Street |00490840 |

|Cambridge |German School Boston |00490855 |

|Cambridge |Matignon High |00490865 |

|Cambridge |N Cambridge Catholic High |00490875 |

|Cambridge |St John The Evangelist |00490895 |

|Cambridge |Boston Arch Choir |00490915 |

|Cambridge |St Peter Elem |00490917 |

|Cambridge |Shady Hill |00490925 |

|Cambridge |Cambridge Montessori |00490960 |

|Cambridge |Cambridge Friends |00490995 |

|Canton |St John Elementary |00500805 |

|Canton |Early Beginning Ctr |00500815 |

|Canton |Judge Rotenberg Educ Ctr |00500825 |

|Charlemont (non-op) |The Academy at Charlemont |00530825 |

|Chatham |May Institute |00550805 |

|Chelmsford |The Paul Center |00560835 |

|Chelmsford |Lighthouse School |00560845 |

|Chelsea |St Rose Elementary |00570815 |

|Chicopee |Holy Name |00610810 |

|Chicopee |St Joan Of Arc/St George |00610825 |

|Chicopee |St Patricks Elem |00610830 |

|Chicopee |St Stanislaus |00610835 |

|Chicopee |Valley West School |00610845 |

|Clinton |St Mary's Elem School |00640805 |

|Concord |Walden Street School for Girls |00670802 |

|Concord |Concord Academy |00670810 |

|Concord |Middlesex |00670820 |

|Concord |Nashoba Brooks |00670825 |

|Concord |Fenn |00670850 |

|Cummington (non-op) |Academy At Swift River |00690805 |

|Dalton (non-op) |St Agnes |00700815 |

|Danvers |Clark Creative Learn |00710810 |

|Danvers |Inst Family Life and Learn |00710825 |

|Danvers |St John's Prep |00710845 |

|Danvers |St Mary Of Annunciation |00710850 |

|Dartmouth |Friends Academy |00720810 |

|Dartmouth |Bishop Stang High |00720850 |

|Dedham |Dedham Country Day |00730805 |

|Dedham |Noble and Greenough |00730810 |

|Dedham |Ursuline Academy |00730820 |

|Deerfield |Deerfield Academy |00740805 |

|Deerfield |Eaglebrook |00740810 |

|Deerfield |Bement School |00740815 |

|Dover |Charles River |00780805 |

|Duxbury |Bay Farm Montessori Acad |00820830 |

|Duxbury |Good Shepherd Academy |00820840 |

|Easthampton |Calvary Baptist School |00860805 |

|Easthampton |Notre Dame-Immac Conceptn |00860807 |

|Easthampton |Tri-County Youth Programs |00860817 |

|Easthampton |Williston Northampton |00860820 |

|East Longmeadow |Baptist Village Academy |00870807 |

|East Longmeadow |New Life Baptist Acad |00870810 |

|East Longmeadow |Montessori Children's Cor |00870812 |

|Everett |Immaculate Conception |00930810 |

|Everett |Our Lady Of Grace Elem |00930815 |

|Everett |Pope John XXIII Central |00930820 |

|Everett |St Anthony Elementary |00930825 |

|Fairhaven |St Joseph |00940815 |

|Fall River |Antioch |00950810 |

|Fall River |Bishop Connolly High |00950815 |

|Fall River |Fall River Deaconess Home |00950820 |

|Fall River |East Gate Christian Academy |00950828 |

|Fall River |Espirito Santo |00950830 |

|Fall River |Holy Name |00950840 |

|Fall River |Notre Dame |00950870 |

|Fall River |Seton Academy for Girls |00950878 |

|Fall River |St Anne |00950880 |

|Fall River |St Jean Baptiste |00950890 |

|Fall River |St Michael |00950915 |

|Fall River |Ss Peter + Paul |00950925 |

|Fall River |St Stanislaus |00950935 |

|Fall River |St Vincent |00950940 |

|Falmouth |Falmouth Academy |00960805 |

|Falmouth |Heritage Christian Acad |00960807 |

|Falmouth |Penikese Island School |00960810 |

|Fitchburg |Applewild |00970805 |

|Fitchburg |Notre Dame Jr-Sr High Inc |00970825 |

|Fitchburg |St Anthony Elem |00970835 |

|Fitchburg |St Bernard's Cent Cath HS |00970840 |

|Fitchburg |St Bernard Elementary |00970845 |

|Fitchburg |St Joseph Elem |00970855 |

|Foxborough |The Sage School |00990825 |

|Framingham |Marian High |01000805 |

|Framingham |St Bridget Elementary |01000810 |

|Framingham |St Tarcisius Elementary |01000815 |

|Framingham |Sudbury Valley |01000825 |

|Framingham |Learning Center For Deaf |01000845 |

|Framingham |Reed Academy |01000860 |

|Framingham |Summit Montessori School |01000868 |

|Framingham |Wayland Academy Of Fram. |01000875 |

|Freetown |Crystal Springs |01020805 |

|Freetown |Whitney Academy |01020825 |

|Gardner |Wachusett Hills Christian School |01030805 |

|Gardner |Our Lady Of Holy Rosary |01030810 |

|Gardner |Sacred Heart |01030815 |

|Gardner |Masters Christian Academy |01030825 |

|Gill (non-op) |Mariamante Academy |01060850 |

|Gloucester |St Ann Elementary |01070805 |

|Gloucester |St Mel Day |01070815 |

|Gloucester |Faith Christian |01070825 |

|Grafton |Touchstone Community Sch |01100830 |

|Granby |Children First |01110815 |

|Granby |Holyoke Catholic High School |01110825 |

|Great Barrington (non-op)|Berkshire Meadows |01130803 |

|Great Barrington (non-op)|Rudolph Steiner |01130805 |

|Great Barrington (non-op)|Eagleton |01130810 |

|Great Barrington (non-op)|Hillcrest-Brookside |01130812 |

|Great Barrington (non-op)|John Dewey Academy |01130820 |

|Greenfield |Eagle Mountain School |01140803 |

|Greenfield |Greenfield Center |01140805 |

|Greenfield |Holy Trinity |01140845 |

|Greenfield |Stoneleigh Burnham |01140846 |

|Greenfield |Cornerstone Christian Sch |01140850 |

|Groton (non-op) |Children's Extended Care |01150805 |

|Groton (non-op) |Country Day Of Holy Union |01150810 |

|Groton (non-op) |Groton |01150815 |

|Groton (non-op) |Lawrence Academy |01150820 |

|Hadley |Hartsbrook School |01170860 |

|Hamilton (non-op) |Pingree |01190805 |

|Hanover |Cardinal Cushing Centers at Hanover|01220805 |

|Hanson (non-op) |Hope Christian School |01230825 |

|Hardwick (non-op) |Eagle Hill |01240810 |

|Harvard |Immaculate Heart Of Mary |01250810 |

|Harwich |Holy Trinity |01260810 |

|Haverhill |Sacred Hearts Elementary |01280805 |

|Haverhill |St Joseph Elementary |01280820 |

|Haverhill |Solomon Schechter Day |01280880 |

|Hingham |Derby Academy |01310810 |

|Hingham |Notre Dame Academy |01310815 |

|Hingham |Old Colony Montessori Sch |01310817 |

|Hingham |St Paul Elementary |01310820 |

|Holbrook |St Joseph Elementary |01330830 |

|Holden (non-op) |Holden Christian Acad |01340810 |

|Holyoke |Blessed Sacrament |01370805 |

|Holyoke |First Lutheran |01370815 |

|Holyoke |Mater Dolorosa |01370820 |

|Holyoke |N.E.A.R.I. |01370825 |

|Holyoke |Holyoke Street School Inc |01370835 |

|Holyoke |RFK/EWT School |01370840 |

|Holyoke |Center School/Crisis Interv & |01370865 |

| |Assessment | |

|Hudson |Hudson Catholic High |01410810 |

|Hudson |St Michael Elem |01410820 |

|Ipswich |Cornerstones |01440815 |

|Kingston |Sacred Heart Elem |01450815 |

|Kingston |Sacred Heart High |01450820 |

|Lakeville |Bishop Ruocco House |01460805 |

|Lancaster (non-op) |Browning Elementary |01470805 |

|Lancaster (non-op) |Dr Franklin Perkins |01470810 |

|Lancaster (non-op) |S Lancaster Academy |01470816 |

|Lancaster (non-op) |R F Kennedy Action Corps |01470830 |

|Lancaster (non-op) |Living Stones Christian |01470835 |

|Lancaster (non-op) |Trivium School |01470850 |

|Lanesborough |Berkshire Hills SDA Sch |01480805 |

|Lawrence |Central Catholic High |01490810 |

|Lawrence |Holy Trinity Elementary |01490825 |

|Lawrence |Sacred Heart Elementary |01490830 |

|Lawrence |St Augustine Elementary |01490850 |

|Lawrence |St Patrick Elementary |01490870 |

|Lawrence |St Mary/Immac Concpt Elem |01490875 |

|Lee |St Mary |01500805 |

|Leicester |Archway |01510805 |

|Leicester |McAuley Nazareth Home |01510810 |

|Lenox |Hillcrest |01520805 |

|Lenox |Hillcrest-High Point |01520810 |

|Lenox |Valleyhead School |01520840 |

|Leominster |Julie Country Day |01530805 |

|Leominster |St Ann |01530810 |

|Leominster |St Leo |01530820 |

|Leominster |Lipton Academy |01530840 |

|Leverett |Robin Crest Learner Ctr |01540805 |

|Lexington |Armenian Sisters Academy |01550801 |

|Lexington |Lexington Christn Academy |01550805 |

|Lexington |Comm Therapeutic Day Sch |01550806 |

|Lexington |Cotting School |01550810 |

|Lexington |Pelham Academy |01550815 |

|Lexington |Lexington Montessori |01550820 |

|Lexington |Waldorf |01550830 |

|Lincoln |The Carroll School |01570805 |

|Littleton |Alpha Omega |01580805 |

|Littleton |Oak Meadow Montessori |01580820 |

|Longmeadow |Heritage Academy |01590803 |

|Longmeadow |St Mary |01590805 |

|Longmeadow |Willie Ross Sch For Deaf |01590815 |

|Longmeadow |Yeshiva Acad |01590820 |

|Lowell |Community Christian Acad |01600805 |

|Lowell |Franco American Elem |01600810 |

|Lowell |Hellenic American |01600815 |

|Lowell |Immaculate Conception |01600835 |

|Lowell |Merrimack Valley Hebrew |01600850 |

|Lowell |Sacred Heart Elementary |01600855 |

|Lowell |St Jeanne D'Arc Elem |01600860 |

|Lowell |Lowell Catholic |01600870 |

|Lowell |St Louis Elementary |01600880 |

|Lowell |St Margaret Elementary |01600885 |

|Lowell |St Michael Elementary |01600890 |

|Lowell |St Patrick Elementary |01600895 |

|Lowell |St Stanislaus Elementary |01600905 |

|Lowell |Riverside School |01600920 |

|Ludlow |St John The Baptist |01610805 |

|Lunenburg |Twin City Christian |01620820 |

|Lynn |North Shore Christian |01630855 |

|Lynn |Sacred Heart Elementary |01630865 |

|Lynn |St Mary Reg Jr-Sr High |01630885 |

|Lynn |St Pius V Elementary |01630900 |

|Lynnfield |Our Lady Of Assumption |01640820 |

|Malden |Cheverus Elementary |01650805 |

|Malden |Immaculate Concept Elem |01650825 |

|Malden |Malden Catholic High |01650830 |

|Manchester (non-op) |Brookwood |01660805 |

|Mansfield |Amego |01670815 |

|Mansfield |St Mary's School |01670850 |

|Marblehead |Cohen Hillel Academy |01680800 |

|Marblehead |Devereux |01680805 |

|Marblehead |Tower |01680820 |

|Marion |Tabor Academy |01690815 |

|Marlborough |Wayside BTR |01700803 |

|Marlborough |Hillside |01700805 |

|Marlborough |Immaculate Conception |01700810 |

|Marlborough |Meadowridge/Glenhaven Campus |01700820 |

|Marlborough |New Covenant Christian |01700850 |

|Maynard |The Imago School |01740810 |

|Medford |St Francis Of Assisi Elem |01760810 |

|Medford |St Joseph Elementary |01760820 |

|Medford |St Raphael Elementary |01760825 |

|Medford |St Clement Elementary |01760827 |

|Medford |St Clement Jr/Sr High |01760830 |

|Melrose |St Mary Elementary |01780805 |

|Mendon (non-op) |Bethany Christian Acad |01790805 |

|Mendon (non-op) |Mendon Mennonite School |01790830 |

|Merrimac (non-op) |Harbor |01800810 |

|Methuen |Our Lady Of Mount Carmel |01810805 |

|Methuen |St Ann's Home |01810812 |

|Methuen |St Monica Elementary |01810815 |

|Methuen |Fellowship Christian Acad |01810820 |

|Methuen |Presentation of Mary Acad |01810825 |

|Middleborough |Chamberlain School |01820805 |

|Middleborough |Southeast Alternative |01820830 |

| |School-Middleborough | |

|Middleton |Wreath School |01840805 |

|Middleton |Meritor Academy |01840815 |

|Milford |Evergreen Center |01850805 |

|Milford |Milford Bible Baptist |01850815 |

|Milford |Milford Catholic Elem Sch |01850820 |

|Millbury |Assumption |01860805 |

|Millbury |McGrath Education Ctr |01860820 |

|Milton |Delphi Academy |01890803 |

|Milton |Fontbonne Academy |01890805 |

|Milton |St Agatha Elementary |01890825 |

|Milton |St Mary of the Hills Elem |01890830 |

|Milton |Milton Academy |01890835 |

|Milton |Thacher Montessori |01890846 |

|Montague (non-op) |Jonathan Edwards Academy |01920820 |

|Nantucket |Nantucket New School |01970815 |

|Natick |Brandon |01980805 |

|Natick |Walnut Hill |01980810 |

|Natick |Eliot Montessori |01980815 |

|Natick |Montrose |01980850 |

|Needham |St Joseph Elementary |01990810 |

|Needham |Monsignor Haddad Middle |01990812 |

|Needham |Walker Home School |01990820 |

|Needham |St Sebastian Country Day |01990860 |

|New Bedford |Early Learning Child Care |02010803 |

|New Bedford |Holy Family-Holy Name |02010805 |

|New Bedford |Kennedy Center |02010820 |

|New Bedford |Little People's College |02010823 |

|New Bedford |Nativity Prep School |02010828 |

|New Bedford |Nazarene Christian Academy |02010829 |

|New Bedford |Our Lady Mt Carmel |02010830 |

|New Bedford |Schwartz Day School |02010845 |

|New Bedford |St Anthony Elem |02010850 |

|New Bedford |St James-St John |02010865 |

|New Bedford |St Joseph-St Therese |02010875 |

|New Bedford |St Mary |02010880 |

|New Bedford |West End Day Nursery |02010885 |

|Newbury (non-op) |Governor Dummer Academy |02030805 |

|Newburyport |Immaculate Conception |02040805 |

|Newburyport |Newburyport Montessori |02040815 |

|New Marlborough (non-op) |Kolburne |02050810 |

|New Salem (non-op) |North New Salem Christian |02060805 |

|Newton |Clearway School |02070801 |

|Newton |B C Campus Day School |02070802 |

|Newton |Edco Secondary Ed Prog |02070807 |

|Newton |Jackson School |02070810 |

|Newton |Trinity Catholic High |02070815 |

|Newton |The Rashi School |02070818 |

|Newton |Chestnut Hill School |02070825 |

|Newton |Jewish Community Day School |02070832 |

|Newton |Montessori Educare |02070835 |

|Newton |Mount Alvernia Elem |02070836 |

|Newton |Mount Alvernia High |02070837 |

|Newton |Newton Country Day School |02070845 |

|Newton |Fessenden School |02070855 |

|Newton |Solomon Schechter Day Sch |02070859 |

|Newton |Learning Prep School |02070867 |

|Newton |Brimmer + May |02070871 |

|Newton |Walnut Park Montessori |02070880 |

|North Adams |Mt. Greylock Christian Academy |02090820 |

|Northampton |Clarke Sch for the Deaf |02100810 |

|Northampton |New Directions |02100818 |

|Northampton |Smith College Campus |02100820 |

|Northampton |Northampton Developmental |02100823 |

|Northampton |Valley Christian |02100830 |

|North Andover |Brooks |02110805 |

|North Andover |St Michael Elementary |02110835 |

|North Attleborough |St Mary Sacred Heart |02120810 |

|Northborough |Cornerstone Academy |02130803 |

|Northborough |Al-Hamra Academy |02130810 |

|Northborough |St Bernardette's Elem |02130820 |

|Northborough |YMCA Center for Child Care |02130830 |

|Northbridge |Whitinsville Christian |02140820 |

|North Brookfield |Valleyview |02150805 |

|North Brookfield |Mad Brook Academy |02150810 |

|Northfield (non-op) |Linden Hill |02160805 |

|Northfield (non-op) |Northfield Mt Hermon |02160810 |

|Norton |New Testament |02180825 |

|Norwood |St Catherine Of Siena |02200805 |

|Norwood |Phoenix |02200810 |

|Palmer |Faith Baptist Chr Acad |02270815 |

|Peabody |Bishop Fenwick High |02290805 |

|Peabody |Lakeside |02290815 |

|Peabody |St John the Baptist Elem |02290820 |

|Pepperell (non-op) |Mapledene Elem |02320805 |

|Pittsfield |Miss Hall's |02360805 |

|Pittsfield |Sacred Heart |02360820 |

|Pittsfield |St Mark's Middle |02360825 |

|Pittsfield |St Joseph Central High |02360830 |

|Pittsfield |Sinai Acad/Berkshires |02360835 |

|Plainville |Hill Crest Academy |02380815 |

|Plymouth |The Baird Center |02390805 |

|Plymouth |Mayflower House |02390815 |

|Quincy |Sacred Heart Elementary |02430805 |

|Quincy |St Ann Elementray |02430807 |

|Quincy |St Joseph Elementary |02430820 |

|Quincy |St Mary Elementray |02430825 |

|Quincy |Mass CP-South Shore |02430826 |

|Quincy |Woodward School for Girls |02430840 |

|Quincy |Al-Noor Academy |02430850 |

|Randolph |Boston Higashi School |02440810 |

|Reading |Austin Prep |02460805 |

|Rehoboth (non-op) |Cedar Brook SDA School |02470805 |

|Revere |Immac Conception Elem |02480810 |

|Revere |Parkway Christian Academy |02480815 |

|Rockland |Holy Family School |02510815 |

|Rowley (non-op) |Solstice |02540810 |

|Royalston (non-op) |The Village School |02550850 |

|Rutland (non-op) |Devereaux |02570805 |

|Salem |St Joseph |02580825 |

|Salem |Phoenix |02580855 |

|Salem |The Greenhouse School |02580870 |

|Sandwich |Riverview |02610805 |

|Saugus |Gtr Grace Christian Acad |02620805 |

|Saugus |Christian Learning Center |02620810 |

|Scituate |Montessori Community |02640815 |

|Sharon |Chabad Day School |02660815 |

|Sharon |Islamic Academy of N.E. |02660820 |

|Sharon |New Life Christian Acad |02660830 |

|Sharon |Striar Hebrew Academy |02660840 |

|Sheffield (non-op) |Berkshire |02670805 |

|Sherborn |Life Experience School |02690805 |

|Shirley |Seven Hills Academy |02700850 |

|Shrewsbury |Lilliput School |02710812 |

|Shrewsbury |Montessori Elementary |02710815 |

|Shrewsbury |St John's High |02710820 |

|Shrewsbury |St Mary |02710825 |

|Somerville |Little Flower Elementary |02740805 |

|Somerville |St Ann Elementary |02740815 |

|Somerville |St Anthony Elementray |02740820 |

|Somerville |St Catherine Of Genoa |02740825 |

|Southborough |Fay |02760805 |

|Southborough |N. E. Center for Children |02760820 |

|Southborough |St Mark |02760825 |

|Southbridge |Southbridge Chr Acad |02770825 |

|Southbridge |Trinity Catholic Academy |02770830 |

|South Hadley |Hampshire Christian Acad |02780815 |

|Southwick (non-op) |Southwick Baptist School |02790810 |

|Springfield |Cathedral High |02810815 |

|Springfield |Mill Pond |02810816 |

|Springfield |Holy Cross |02810825 |

|Springfield |Holy Name |02810835 |

|Springfield |Immaculate Conception |02810840 |

|Springfield |Kathleen Thornton School |02810845 |

|Springfield |Curtis Blake Day School |02810850 |

|Springfield |The MacDuffie |02810855 |

|Springfield |Mount Carmel |02810863 |

|Springfield |Our Lady of Hope |02810865 |

|Springfield |Orchard Children's Corner |02810868 |

|Springfield |Our Lady Sacred Heart |02810880 |

|Springfield |Pioneer Valley Christian |02810883 |

|Springfield |Sacred Heart Elem |02810885 |

|Springfield |Springdale Education Center |02810887 |

|Springfield |St Matthew |02810905 |

|Springfield |Pioneer Valley Montessori |02810975 |

|Stockbridge (non-op) |Bershire Country Day Sch |02830803 |

|Stockbridge (non-op) |DeSisto School |02830805 |

|Stoneham |Edgewood/Gtr Boston Acad |02840815 |

|Stoneham |St Patrick Elementary |02840830 |

|Stow (non-op) |Steppingstones School |02860805 |

|Sudbury |Willow Hill |02880805 |

|Sudbury |Broccoli Hall |02880810 |

|Swansea |N E Christian Academy |02920805 |

|Swansea |Steven's Children's Home |02920810 |

|Swansea |Meadowridge Behavior Ctr |02920813 |

|Swansea |Swansea Wood School |02920820 |

|Taunton |Coyle And Cassidy High |02930805 |

|Taunton |Taunton Catholic Middle |02930815 |

|Taunton |Our Lady Of Lourdes |02930820 |

|Taunton |St Mary Primary |02930850 |

|Templeton (non-op) |Cottage Hill Academy |02940820 |

|Tewksbury |Burke Country Day School |02950810 |

|Tisbury |Vineyard Montessori |02960825 |

|Tyngsborough |Acad of Notre Dame Elem |03010804 |

|Tyngsborough |Academy of Notre Dame H S |03010805 |

|Uxbridge |Our Lady Of The Valley |03040805 |

|Wakefield |Acad Our Lady of Nazareth |03050805 |

|Wakefield |St Joseph Elementary |03050810 |

|Wakefield |New River Academy |03050815 |

|Wakefield |Odyssey Day School |03050820 |

|Walpole |Blessed Sacrament Elem |03070805 |

|Walpole |Longview Farm and Clifford School |03070830 |

|Walpole |League School |03070840 |

|Waltham |Chapel Hill Chauncy Hall |03080805 |

|Waltham |Protestant Guild Learning Center |03080815 |

|Waltham |St Jude Elementary |03080825 |

|Waltham |Our Lady Comforter |03080840 |

|Ware |St Mary |03090805 |

|Ware |Woodland Academy |03090810 |

|Warren (non-op) |Warren SDA School |03110830 |

|Watertown |Atrium |03140810 |

|Watertown |St Stephen's Armenian |03140830 |

|Watertown |Orchard Home and School |03140850 |

|Watertown |Perkins Sch for Blind |03140890 |

|Webster |St Anne |03160805 |

|Webster |St Joseph |03160815 |

|Webster |St Louis |03160820 |

|Wellesley |Dana Hall |03170815 |

|Wellesley |St John the Evangelist |03170820 |

|Wellesley |St Paul Elementary |03170825 |

|Wellesley |Tenacre Country Day |03170830 |

|Wendell (non-op) |Lake Grove/Maple Valley |03190805 |

|Wenham (non-op) |Notre Dame Childrns Class |03200815 |

|West Bridgewater |N E Baptist Academy |03230825 |

|Westfield |Holy Trinity |03250805 |

|Westfield |St Mary |03250810 |

|Westfield |St Mary High |03250815 |

|Westfield |The White Oak School |03250840 |

|Weston |Cambridge |03300805 |

|Weston |The Meadowbrook |03300810 |

|Weston |The Rivers School |03300815 |

|Weston |Margaret Gifford |03300840 |

|Westport |St Vincent's |03310825 |

|Westport |Montessori Sch of Angels |03310883 |

|West Springfield |Brightside |03320805 |

|West Springfield |St Thomas The Apostle |03320810 |

|West Springfield |Pace |03320815 |

|West Springfield |Bible Baptist Academy |03320820 |

|West Springfield |Montessori Children's |03320840 |

|West Tisbury (non-op) |Island Montessori School |03340820 |

|Westwood |Xaverian Brothers High |03350805 |

|Weymouth |First Baptist Christian |03360815 |

|Weymouth |Sacred Heart Elementary |03360885 |

|Weymouth |South Shore Christian |03360887 |

|Weymouth |St Francis Xavier |03360890 |

|Weymouth |St Jerome Elementary |03360895 |

|Wilbraham (non-op) |Wilbraham + Monson Acdmy |03390850 |

|Williamstown |Pine Cobble |03410830 |

|Williamstown |Buxton School Inc |03410890 |

|Wilmington |Abundant Life Chr School |03420805 |

|Winchendon |Winchendon |03430810 |

|Winchester |Agape Christian Academy |03440801 |

|Winchester |Childrens Own School |03440805 |

|Winchester |St Mary Elementary |03440825 |

|Woburn |St Charles Elementary |03470805 |

|Woburn |Melmark New England |03470830 |

|Worcester |First Assembly Chr Acad |03480810 |

|Worcester |Bancroft School |03480815 |

|Worcester |G Stanley Hall School/The Bridge of|03480820 |

| |Central MA | |

|Worcester |Happy Day Child Care Ctr |03480825 |

|Worcester |Holy Name Cen Cath High |03480830 |

|Worcester |Solomon Schechter Day |03480840 |

|Worcester |St Peter Marian |03480850 |

|Worcester |Notre Dame Academy |03480855 |

|Worcester |Our Lady of the Angels |03480860 |

|Worcester |Mercy Ctr for Devpl Dis |03480865 |

|Worcester |St Peter Central Catholic |03480875 |

|Worcester |St Mary's Central Elem |03480895 |

|Worcester |St Mary's Central Cath HS |03480896 |

|Worcester |St Stephen Elem |03480919 |

|Worcester |Venerini Academy |03480930 |

|Worcester |Worcester SDA School |03480945 |

|Worcester |Yeshiva Hebrew Day Acad |03480950 |

|Worcester |Worcester Academy |03480955 |

|Worcester |Kathleen Burns Prep |03480960 |

|Yarmouth (non-op) |Trinity Christian Academy |03510815 |

|Collaboratives |Assabet Valley Collaborative |05020000 |

| |Bicounty Collaborative (BICO) |05040000 |

| |Blackstone Valley Collaborative |05060000 |

| |Cape Cod Collaborative |05120000 |

| |CAPS Educational Collaborative |05140000 |

| |C.A.S.E. Concord Area SPED |05160000 |

| |Collaborative | |

| |Central Massachusetts SPED |05180000 |

| |Collaborative | |

| |CHARMSS Collaborative |05200000 |

| |South Coast Educational |05220000 |

| |Collaborative | |

| |EDCO Collaborative |05230000 |

| |FLLAC Collaborative |05240000 |

| |Greater Lawrence Educational |05280000 |

| |Collaborative (GLEC) | |

| |Coastal Educational Collaborative |05300000 |

| |Hampshire Educational Collaborative|05320000 |

| |LABB Collaborative |05340000 |

| |Lower Pioneer Valley Educational |05360000 |

| |Collaborative | |

| |Merrimack Educational Collaborative|05400000 |

| |NEED Collaborative |05420000 |

| |North River Collaborative |05440000 |

| |North Shore Education Consortium |05460000 |

| |Pilgrim Area Collaborative (PAC) |05480000 |

| |ACCEPT Metrowest Education |05500000 |

| |Collaborative | |

| |Project SPOKE Collaborative |05560000 |

| |READS Collaborative |05580000 |

| |SEEM Collaborative |05620000 |

| |Shore Educational Collaborative |05640000 |

| |SMARTS Collaborative |05660000 |

| |South Berkshire Educational |05680000 |

| |Collaborative | |

| |Southeastern Mass. Educational |05700000 |

| |Collaborative (SMEC | |

| |Southern Worcester County |05720000 |

| |Educational Collaborativ | |

| |South Shore Educational |05740000 |

| |Collaborative | |

| |The Education Cooperative (TEC) |05760000 |

|Unkown |Unknown Private School Code |08880000 |

| | | |

28 Appendix E2-Private School and Collaborative Codes – Alpahbetized by Name

|Abundant Life Chr School |03420805 |Bershire Country Day Sch |02830803 |

|Acad of Notre Dame Elem |03010804 |Bethany Christian Acad |01790805 |

|Acad Our Lady of Nazareth |03050805 |Beverly Sch for the Deaf |00300805 |

|Academy At Swift River |00690805 |Bible Baptist Academy |03320820 |

|Academy of Early Learning |00200805 |Bicounty Collaborative (BICO) |05040000 |

|Academy of Notre Dame H S |03010805 |Bishop Connolly High |00950815 |

|ACCEPT Metrowest Education Collaborative |05500000 |Bishop Feehan High School |00160805 |

|Advent |00350702 |Bishop Fenwick High |02290805 |

|Agape Christian Academy |03440801 |Bishop Ruocco House |01460805 |

|Al-Hamra Academy |02130810 |Bishop Stang High |00720850 |

|Al-Noor Academy |02430850 |Blackstone Valley Collaborative |05060000 |

|Alpha Omega |01580805 |Blessed Sacrament |01370805 |

|Amego |01670815 |Blessed Sacrament Elem |00350706 |

|Amherst Montessori School |00080805 |Blessed Sacrament Elem |03070805 |

|Andover Sch of Montessori |00090805 |Boston Arch Choir |00490915 |

|Antioch |00950810 |Boston College High |00350710 |

|Applewild |00970805 |Boston Higashi School |02440810 |

|Archbishop Williams High |00400805 |Boston University Academy |00350813 |

|Archway |01510805 |Brandon |01980805 |

|Arlington |00260805 |Bright Horizons |00300807 |

|Arlington Catholic HS |00100805 |Brightside |03320805 |

|Armenian Sisters Academy |01550801 |Brimmer + May |02070871 |

|Assabet Valley Collaborative |05020000 |Broccoli Hall |02880810 |

|Assumption |01860805 |Brockton Christian |00440803 |

|Atrium |03140810 |Brooks |02110805 |

|Austin Prep |02460805 |Brookwood |01660805 |

|B C Campus Day School |02070802 |Browning Elementary |01470805 |

|Bancroft School |03480815 |Buckingham Browne Nichols |00490810 |

|Baptist Village Academy |00870807 |Burke Country Day School |02950810 |

|Bartlett School |00260808 |Buxton School Inc |03410890 |

|Bay Cove Academy |00460850 |C.A.S.E. Concord Area SPED Collaborative |05160000 |

|Bay Farm Montessori Acad |00820830 |Calvary Baptist School |00860805 |

|Bayberry Christian School |00200810 |Cambridge |03300805 |

|Beacon High School |00460875 |Cambridge Friends |00490995 |

|Beaver Country Day |00460800 |Cambridge Montessori |00490960 |

|Belmont Day |00260810 |Cape Ann Waldorf School |00300822 |

|Belmont Hill |00260815 |Cape Cod Academy |00200830 |

|Bement School |00740815 |Cape Cod Collaborative |05120000 |

|Berea SDA Acad |00350705 |CAPS Educational Collaborative |05140000 |

|Berkshire |02670805 |Cardinal Cushing Centers at Hanover |01220805 |

|Berkshire Hills SDA Sch |01480805 |Cardinal Cushing Centers/Braintree |00400807 |

|Berkshire Meadows |01130803 |Country Day Of Holy Union |01150810 |

|Cardinal Spellman High |00440805 |Covenant Christian Sch |00300840 |

|Castle School |00490811 |Coyle And Cassidy High |02930805 |

|Cathedral Elementary |00350714 |Crittenton Hastings House |00350726 |

|Cathedral High |00350716 |Crystal Springs |01020805 |

|Cathedral High |02810815 |Curtis Blake Day School |02810850 |

|Catholic Memorial |00350718 |Cushing Academy |00110805 |

|Cedar Brook SDA School |02470805 |Dana Hall |03170815 |

|Center School/Crisis Interv & Assessment |01370865 |Dayspring Christian |00160806 |

|Central Catholic High |01490810 |Dearborn Academy |00100815 |

|Central Massachusetts SPED Collaborative |05180000 |Dedham Country Day |00730805 |

|Chabad Day School |02660815 |Deerfield Academy |00740805 |

|Chamberlain School |01820805 |Delphi Academy |01890803 |

|Chapel Hill Chauncy Hall |03080805 |Derby Academy |01310810 |

|Charles River |00780805 |DeSisto School |02830805 |

|Charlestown Catholic Elem |00350944 |Devereaux |02570805 |

|CHARMSS Collaborative |05200000 |Devereux |01680805 |

|Chestnut Hill School |02070825 |Dexter School |00460890 |

|Cheverus Elementary |01650805 |Dr Franklin Perkins |01470810 |

|Children First |01110815 |Dr. Frederick H. Knight Children's Center |00350791 |

|Children's Extended Care |01150805 |E Boston Central Catholic |00350732 |

|Children's Learning Ctr |00350720 |Eagle Hill |01240810 |

|Children's Montessori |00300812 |Eagle Mountain School |01140803 |

|Childrens Own School |03440805 |Eaglebrook |00740810 |

|Christian Learning Center |02620810 |Eagleton |01130810 |

|Clark Creative Learn |00710810 |Early Beginning Ctr |00500815 |

|Clarke Sch for the Deaf |02100810 |Early Learning Child Care |02010803 |

|Clearway School |02070801 |East Gate Christian Academy |00950828 |

|Coastal Educational Collaborative |05300000 |Ecole Bilingue |00100838 |

|Cohen Hillel Academy |01680800 |EDCO Collaborative |05230000 |

|Comm Therapeutic Day Sch |01550806 |Edco Secondary Ed Prog |02070807 |

|Commonwealth |00350724 |Edgewood/Gtr Boston Acad |02840815 |

|Community Christian Acad |01600805 |Eliot Montessori |01980815 |

|Compass Inc. |00350725 |Epiphany School |00350729 |

|Concord Academy |00670810 |Espirito Santo |00950830 |

|Cornerstone Academy |02130803 |Evergreen Center |01850805 |

|Cornerstone Christian Acd |00260860 |Faith Baptist Chr Acad |02270815 |

|Cornerstone Christian Sch |01140850 |Faith Christian |01070825 |

|Cornerstones |01440815 |Faith Christian School |00200825 |

|Cottage Hill Academy |02940820 |Hill Crest Academy |02380815 |

|Cotting School |01550810 |Hillcrest |01520805 |

|Fall River Deaconess Home |00950820 |Hillcrest-Brookside |01130812 |

|Falmouth Academy |00960805 |Hillcrest-High Point |01520810 |

|Family School |00410805 |Hillside |01700805 |

|Farr Academy |00490815 |Holden Christian Acad |01340810 |

|Fay |02760805 |Holden School Inc |00350738 |

|Fayerweather Street |00490840 |Hollow Reed School |00350740 |

|Fellowship Christian Acad |01810820 |Holy Cross |02810825 |

|Fenn |00670850 |Holy Family School |02510815 |

|Fessenden School |02070855 |Holy Family-Holy Name |02010805 |

|First Assembly Chr Acad |03480810 |Holy Name |00610810 |

|First Baptist Christian |03360815 |Holy Name |00950840 |

|First Lutheran |01370815 |Holy Name |02810835 |

|FLLAC Collaborative |05240000 |Holy Name Cen Cath High |03480830 |

|Fontbonne Academy |01890805 |Holy Name Elementary |00350746 |

|Franco American Elem |01600810 |Holy Trinity |01140845 |

|Friends Academy |00720810 |Holy Trinity |01260810 |

|Full Circle |00290805 |Holy Trinity |03250805 |

|G Stanley Hall School/The Bridge of Central MA |03480820 |Holy Trinity Elementary |01490825 |

|Gan Torah Acad |00460805 |Holyoke Catholic High School |01110825 |

|Gate Of Heaven Elementary |00350736 |Holyoke Street School Inc |01370835 |

|Germaine Lawrence |00100820 |Hope Christian School |01230825 |

|German School Boston |00490855 |Hudson Catholic High |01410810 |

|Glen Urquhart |00300850 |Immac Conception Elem |02480810 |

|Good Shepherd Academy |00820840 |Immaculate Concept Elem |01650825 |

|Governor Dummer Academy |02030805 |Immaculate Conception |00930810 |

|Grace Baptist Christian Academy |00160812 |Immaculate Conception |01600835 |

|Greater Lawrence Educational Collaborative (GLEC) |05280000 |Immaculate Conception |01700810 |

|Greenfield Center |01140805 |Immaculate Conception |02040805 |

|Groton |01150815 |Immaculate Conception |02810840 |

|Gtr Grace Christian Acad |02620805 |Immaculate Heart Of Mary |01250810 |

|Hamilton Country Day |00160807 |Inst Family Life and Learn |00710825 |

|Hampshire Christian Acad |02780815 |Islamic Academy of N.E. |02660820 |

|Hampshire Educational Collaborative |05320000 |Island Montessori School |03340820 |

|Happy Day Child Care Ctr |03480825 |Italian Home For Children |00350749 |

|Harbor |00070830 |Ivy Street School |00460811 |

|Harbor |01800810 |Jackson School |02070810 |

|Hartsbrook School |01170860 |Jewish Community Day School |02070832 |

|Hellenic American |01600815 |John Dewey Academy |01130820 |

|Heritage Academy |01590803 |Marian High |01000805 |

|Heritage Christian Acad |00960807 |Mass CP-South Shore |02430826 |

|Jonathan Edwards Academy |01920820 |Massasoit School Inc |00400840 |

|Judge Rotenberg Educ Ctr |00500825 |Masters Christian Academy |01030825 |

|Julie Country Day |01530805 |Mater Dolorosa |01370820 |

|Kathleen Burns Prep |03480960 |Mathoms/Lovering School |00440813 |

|Kathleen Thornton School |02810845 |Matignon High |00490865 |

|Kennedy Center |02010820 |May Center for Educ and Neurorehab |00440860 |

|Kennedy Day School |00350758 |May Center/Voc Training |00400812 |

|Keys to the Kingdom Chr |00440840 |May Institute |00100835 |

|Kids Are People |00350759 |May Institute |00550805 |

|Kolburne |02050810 |Mayflower House |02390815 |

|LABB Collaborative |05340000 |McAuley Nazareth Home |01510810 |

|Lake Grove/Maple Valley |03190805 |McGrath Education Ctr |01860820 |

|Lakeside |02290815 |Meadowridge Behavior Ctr |02920813 |

|Landmark |00300920 |Meadowridge/Glenhaven Campus |01700820 |

|Lang and Cognitive Dev Ctr |00350763 |Melmark New England |03470830 |

|Latham School |00410810 |Mendon Mennonite School |01790830 |

|Lawrence Academy |01150820 |Mercy Ctr for Devpl Dis |03480865 |

|League School |03070840 |Meritor Academy |01840815 |

|Learning Center For Deaf |01000845 |Merrimack Educational Collaborative |05400000 |

|Learning Prep School |02070867 |Merrimack Valley Hebrew |01600850 |

|Lesley Ellis |00100842 |MetroWest Christian Acad |00140830 |

|Lexington Christn Academy |01550805 |Middlesex |00670820 |

|Lexington Montessori |01550820 |Milford Bible Baptist |01850815 |

|Life Experience School |02690805 |Milford Catholic Elem Sch |01850820 |

|Lighthouse School |00560845 |Mill Pond |02810816 |

|Lilliput School |02710812 |Milton Academy |01890835 |

|Linden Hill |02160805 |Miss Hall's |02360805 |

|Lipton Academy |01530840 |Monsignor Haddad Middle |01990812 |

|Little Flower Elementary |02740805 |Monsignor Ryan Memorial High |00350774 |

|Little House Altern |00350972 |Montessori Children's |03320840 |

|Little People's College |02010823 |Montessori Children's Cor |00870812 |

|Living Stones Christian |01470835 |Montessori Community |02640815 |

|Longview Farm and Clifford School |03070830 |Montessori Educare |02070835 |

|Lowell Catholic |01600870 |Montessori Elementary |02710815 |

|Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative |05360000 |Montessori Sch of Angels |03310883 |

|Lt Joseph Kennedy Jr Mem |00350766 |Montrose |01980850 |

|Mad Brook Academy |02150810 |Most Precious Blood Elem |00350776 |

|Maimonides |00460810 |Mother Caroline Academy |00350778 |

|Malden Catholic High |01650830 |Mount Alvernia Elem |02070836 |

|Manville |00350768 |Mount Alvernia High |02070837 |

|Mapledene Elem |02320805 |Mount Carmel |02810863 |

|Margaret Gifford |03300840 |Oak Meadow Montessori |01580820 |

|Mariamante Academy |01060850 |Odyssey Day School |03050820 |

|Mount Hope Christian School |00480815 |Old Colony Montessori Sch |01310817 |

|Mt St Joseph Academy |00350914 |Open Bible Academy |00480820 |

|Mt. Greylock Christian Academy |02090820 |Orchard Children's Corner |02810868 |

|N Cambridge Catholic High |00490875 |Orchard Home and School |03140850 |

|N E Baptist Academy |03230825 |Our Lady Comforter |03080840 |

|N E Christian Academy |02920805 |Our Lady Mt Carmel |02010830 |

|N. E. Center for Children |02760820 |Our Lady Of Assumption |01640820 |

|N.E.A.R.I. |01370825 |Our Lady Of Grace Elem |00930815 |

|Nantucket New School |01970815 |Our Lady Of Holy Rosary |01030810 |

|Nashoba Brooks |00670825 |Our Lady of Hope |02810865 |

|Nativity Prep School |00350782 |Our Lady Of Lourdes |00350800 |

|Nativity Prep School |02010828 |Our Lady Of Lourdes |02930820 |

|Nazarene Christian Academy |02010829 |Our Lady Of Mount Carmel |01810805 |

|NE Hebrew Acad Elem and Sec |00460812 |Our Lady of the Angels |03480860 |

|NE Pediatric Care |00310805 |Our Lady Of The Valley |03040805 |

|NEED Collaborative |05420000 |Our Lady Sacred Heart |02810880 |

|Neighborhood School |00350785 |Pace |03320815 |

|New Beginnings Academy |00350795 |Paige Academy |00350812 |

|New Covenant Christian |01700850 |Parkside Christian |00350947 |

|New Directions |02100818 |Parkway Christian Academy |02480815 |

|New Life Baptist Acad |00870810 |Pelham Academy |01550815 |

|New Life Christian Acad |02660830 |Penikese Island School |00960810 |

|New River Academy |03050815 |Perkins Sch for Blind |03140890 |

|New Testament |02180825 |Phillips Academy |00090820 |

|Newburyport Montessori |02040815 |Phoenix |02200810 |

|Newman Preparatory |00350794 |Phoenix |02580855 |

|Newton Country Day School |02070845 |Pilgrim Area Collaborative (PAC) |05480000 |

|NFI Center |00350966 |Pilgrim Center |00400825 |

|Noble and Greenough |00730810 |Pincushion Hill Mont |00140860 |

|North New Salem Christian |02060805 |Pine Cobble |03410830 |

|North River Collaborative |05440000 |Pingree |01190805 |

|North Shore Christian |01630855 |Pioneer Valley Christian |02810883 |

|North Shore Education Consortium |05460000 |Pioneer Valley Montessori |02810975 |

|Northampton Developmental |02100823 |Pope John XXIII Central |00930820 |

|Northfield Mt Hermon |02160810 |Presentation of Mary Acad |01810825 |

|Notre Dame |00950870 |Prof Ctr for Hand Childrn |00090850 |

|Notre Dame Academy |01310815 |Project SPOKE Collaborative |05560000 |

|Notre Dame Academy |03480855 |Protestant Guild Learning Center |03080815 |

|Notre Dame Childrns Class |03200815 |R F Kennedy Action Corps |01470830 |

|Notre Dame Jr-Sr High Inc |00970825 |READS Collaborative |05580000 |

|Notre Dame-Immac Conceptn |00860807 |Reed Academy |01000860 |

|O L Perpetual Help Elem |00350770 |South Shore Educational Collaborative |05740000 |

|O L Presentation |00350804 |South Shore SDA School |00400830 |

|RFK/EWT School |01370840 |Southbridge Chr Acad |02770825 |

|Riverside School |01600920 |Southeast Alternative School-Berkley |00270880 |

|Riverview |02610805 |Southeast Alternative School-Cape Cod |00200850 |

|Robin Crest Learner Ctr |01540805 |Southeast Alternative School-Middleborough |01820830 |

|Roxbury Latin |00350808 |Southeastern Mass. Educational Collaborative (SMEC |05700000 |

|Rudolph Steiner |01130805 |Southern Worcester County Educational Collaborativ |05720000 |

|S Lancaster Academy |01470816 |Southfield |00460840 |

|Sacred Heart |01030815 |Southwick Baptist School |02790810 |

|Sacred Heart |02360820 |Sparhawk School |00070865 |

|Sacred Heart Elem |01450815 |Springdale Education Center |02810887 |

|Sacred Heart Elem |02810885 |Ss Peter + Paul |00950925 |

|Sacred Heart Elementary |00350810 |St Agatha Elementary |01890825 |

|Sacred Heart Elementary |00440815 |St Agnes |00700815 |

|Sacred Heart Elementary |01490830 |St Agnes Elementary |00100810 |

|Sacred Heart Elementary |01600855 |St Ambrose Elementary |00350816 |

|Sacred Heart Elementary |01630865 |St Andrew the Apostle Elementary |00350818 |

|Sacred Heart Elementary |02430805 |St Angela Elementary |00350820 |

|Sacred Heart Elementary |03360885 |St Ann |01530810 |

|Sacred Heart High |01450820 |St Ann Elementary |00350822 |

|Sacred Hearts Elementary |01280805 |St Ann Elementary |01070805 |

|Saint Augustine |00090835 |St Ann Elementary |02740815 |

|Savio Prep |00350848 |St Ann Elementray |02430807 |

|Schwartz Day School |02010845 |St Anne |00950880 |

|Seaport Campus |00350809 |St Anne |03160805 |

|SEEM Collaborative |05620000 |St Anne Elementary |00350824 |

|Seton Academy for Girls |00950878 |St Ann's Home |01810812 |

|Seven Hills Academy |02700850 |St Anthony |00350826 |

|Shady Hill |00490925 |St Anthony Elem |00970835 |

|Shaloh House Day |00350811 |St Anthony Elem |02010850 |

|Shore Country Day |00300810 |St Anthony Elementary |00930825 |

|Shore Educational Collaborative |05640000 |St Anthony Elementray |02740820 |

|Sinai Acad/Berkshires |02360835 |St Augustine Elementary |00350831 |

|SMARTS Collaborative |05660000 |St Augustine Elementary |01490850 |

|Smith College Campus |02100820 |St Bernard Elementary |00970845 |

|Solomon Schechter Day |01280880 |St Bernardette's Elem |02130820 |

|Solomon Schechter Day |03480840 |St Bernard's Cent Cath HS |00970840 |

|Solomon Schechter Day Sch |02070859 |St Brendan Elementary |00350834 |

|Solstice |02540810 |St Bridget |00010815 |

|South Berkshire Educational Collaborative |05680000 |St Bridget Elementary |01000810 |

|South Coast Educational Collaborative |05220000 |St Brigid Elementary |00350836 |

|South Shore Christian |00440870 |St Casimir Elementary |00440820 |

|South Shore Christian |03360887 |St Margaret Elementary |00350874 |

|St Catherine Of Genoa |02740825 |St Margaret Elementary |01600885 |

|St Catherine Of Siena |02200805 |St Margaret Regional |00360830 |

|St Charles Elementary |03470805 |St Mark |02760825 |

|St Clement Elementary |01760827 |St Mark Elementary |00350920 |

|St Clement Jr/Sr High |01760830 |St Mark's Middle |02360825 |

|St Columbkille Elem |00350844 |St Mary |01500805 |

|St Edward Elementary |00440830 |St Mary |01590805 |

|St Francis Of Assisi |00400810 |St Mary |02010880 |

|St Francis Of Assisi Elem |01760810 |St Mary |02710825 |

|St Francis Xavier |00030810 |St Mary |03090805 |

|St Francis Xavier |03360890 |St Mary |03250810 |

|St Francis Xavier Prep |00200840 |St Mary Elementary |01780805 |

|St Gregory Elementary |00350856 |St Mary Elementary |03440825 |

|St James-St John |02010865 |St Mary Elementray |02430825 |

|St Jean Baptiste |00950890 |St Mary High |03250815 |

|St Jeanne D'Arc Elem |01600860 |St Mary Of Annunciation |00710850 |

|St Jerome Elementary |03360895 |St Mary Of Czestochowa |00350882 |

|St Joan Of Arc/St George |00610825 |St Mary of the Assumption |00460830 |

|St John Elementary |00350862 |St Mary of the Hills Elem |01890830 |

|St John Elementary |00500805 |St Mary Primary |02930850 |

|St John The Baptist |01610805 |St Mary Reg Jr-Sr High |01630885 |

|St John the Baptist Elem |02290820 |St Mary Sacred Heart |02120810 |

|St John The Evangelist |00160810 |St Mary Star of the Sea |00300825 |

|St John the Evangelist |00300815 |St Mary Star of the Sea |00350884 |

|St John The Evangelist |00490895 |St Mary/Immac Concpt Elem |01490875 |

|St John the Evangelist |03170820 |St Mary's Central Cath HS |03480896 |

|St John's High |02710820 |St Mary's Central Elem |03480895 |

|St John's Prep |00710845 |St Mary's Elem School |00640805 |

|St Joseph |00940815 |St Mary's School |01670850 |

|St Joseph |02580825 |St Matthew |02810905 |

|St Joseph |03160815 |St Matthew Elementary |00350872 |

|St Joseph Central High |02360830 |St Mel Day |01070815 |

|St Joseph Elem |00970855 |St Michael |00950915 |

|St Joseph Elementary |00350866 |St Michael Elem |01410820 |

|St Joseph Elementary |01280820 |St Michael Elementary |01600890 |

|St Joseph Elementary |01330830 |St Michael Elementary |02110835 |

|St Joseph Elementary |01760820 |St Monica Elementary |01810815 |

|St Joseph Elementary |01990810 |St Patrick Elementary |00350886 |

|St Joseph Elementary |02430820 |St Patrick Elementary |01490870 |

|St Joseph Elementary |03050810 |St Patrick Elementary |01600895 |

|St Joseph-St Therese |02010875 |St Patrick Elementary |02840830 |

|St Jude Elementary |03080825 |St Patricks Elem |00610830 |

|St Kevin Elementary |00350868 |St Paul Elementary |01310820 |

|St Leo |01530820 |St Paul Elementary |03170825 |

|St Louis |03160820 |The MacDuffie |02810855 |

|St Louis Elementary |01600880 |The Meadowbrook |03300810 |

|St Peter Central Catholic |03480875 |The Park |00460814 |

|St Peter Elem |00490917 |The Paul Center |00560835 |

|St Peter Elementary |00350890 |The Pike School Inc |00090825 |

|St Peter Elementary |00350892 |The Rashi School |02070818 |

|St Peter Marian |03480850 |The Winsor |00350910 |

|St Pius V Elementary |01630900 |Touchstone Community Sch |01100830 |

|St Raphael Elementary |01760825 |Tower |01680820 |

|St Rose Elementary |00570815 |Tri-County Youth Programs |00860817 |

|St Sebastian Country Day |01990860 |Trinity Catholic Academy |02770830 |

|St Stanislaus |00610835 |Trinity Catholic High |02070815 |

|St Stanislaus |00950935 |Trinity Christian Academy |03510815 |

|St Stanislaus Elementary |01600905 |Trivium School |01470850 |

|St Stanislaus Kostka |00040810 |Twin City Christian |01620820 |

|St Stephen Elem |03480919 |Unknown Private School Code |08880000 |

|St Stephen's Armenian |03140830 |Ursuline Academy |00730820 |

|St Tarcisius Elementary |01000815 |Valley Christian |02100830 |

|St Theresa Elementary |00350894 |Valley West School |00610845 |

|St Thomas The Apostle |03320810 |Valleyhead School |01520840 |

|St Vincent |00950940 |Valleyview |02150805 |

|St Vincent's |03310825 |Venerini Academy |03480930 |

|St William Elementary |00350900 |Veritas Academy |00200870 |

|Steppingstones School |02860805 |Vineyard Montessori |02960825 |

|Stetson School Inc |00210810 |Wachusett Hills Christian School |01030805 |

|Steven's Children's Home |02920810 |Walden Street School for Girls |00670802 |

|Stoneleigh Burnham |01140846 |Waldorf |01550830 |

|Striar Hebrew Academy |02660840 |Waldorf School - Cape Cod |00360802 |

|Sudbury Valley |01000825 |Walker Home School |01990820 |

|Summit Montessori School |01000868 |Walnut Hill |01980810 |

|Swansea Wood School |02920820 |Walnut Park Montessori |02070880 |

|Tabor Academy |01690815 |Waring School |00300835 |

|Taunton Catholic Middle |02930815 |Warren SDA School |03110830 |

|Tenacre Country Day |03170830 |Wayland Academy Of Fram. |01000875 |

|Tender Loving Care ELC |00250850 |Wayside BTR |01700803 |

|Thacher Montessori |01890846 |West End Day Nursery |02010885 |

|Thayer Academy |00400821 |Whitinsville Christian |02140820 |

|The Academy at Charlemont |00530825 |Whitney Academy |01020825 |

|The Baird Center |02390805 |Wilbraham + Monson Acdmy |03390850 |

|The Carroll School |01570805 |Worcester SDA School |03480945 |

|The Common |00080850 |Wreath School |01840805 |

|The Education Cooperative (TEC) |05760000 |Xaverian Brothers High |03350805 |

|The Greenhouse School |02580870 |Yeshiva Acad |01590820 |

|The Imago School |01740810 |Yeshiva Hebrew Day Acad |03480950 |

|The Kingsley |00350760 |YMCA Center for Child Care |02130830 |

|The Laurel School |00410825 |Willie Ross Sch For Deaf |01590815 |

|The Learning Project |00350765 |Williston Northampton |00860820 |

|The Rivers School |03300815 |Willow Hill |02880805 |

|The Sage School |00990825 |Winchendon |03430810 |

|The Southbrook School |00420810 |Woodland Academy |03090810 |

|The Victor School |00020830 |Woodward School for Girls |02430840 |

|The Village School |02550850 |Worcester Academy |03480955 |

|The White Oak School |03250840 | | |

| | | | |

29 30 Appendix F Chapter 74 Program Codes

|Name of Program |CODE |

|AGRIC BUS & PROD, OTHER |019999 |











|CARPENTER |460201 |







|COSMETOLOGY |120403 |









|ELECTRICIAN |460302 |









|Name of Program |CODE |

















|MASON & TILE SETTER |460101 |





















31 Appendix G Non Chapter 74 Program Codes

|Name of Program |Code |










|EDUCATION |1300 |


|FINANCE |5208 |



|MARKETING |0800 |











32 Appendix H Advanced Placement Course Codes

|Course |Code |

|Art History |113 |

|Art Studio Art: 2_D Design Portfolio |115 |

|Art Studio Art: 3-D Design Portfolio |116 |

|Art Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio |114 |

|Biology |120 |

|Calculus AB |166 |

|Calculus BC |168 |

|Chemistry |125 |

|Computer Science A |131 |

|Computer Science AB |133 |

|Economics Macroeconomics |135 |

|Economics Microeconomics |134 |

|English Language and Composition |136 |

|English Literature and Composition |137 |

|Environmental Science |140 |

|French Language |148 |

|French Literature |151 |

|Geography Human Geography |153 |

|German Language |155 |

|Government and Politics Comparative |158 |

|Government and Politics United States |157 |

|History European |143 |

|History United States |107 |

|History World |193 |

|Latin Literature |161 |

|Latin Vergil |160 |

|Music Theory |175 |

|Physics B |178 |

|Physics C: Electricity and Magenitism |182 |

|Physics C: Mechanics |180 |

|Psychology |185 |

|Spanish Language |187 |

|Spanish Literature |189 |

|Statistics |190 |

33 Appendix I Change in Reporting Race and Ethnicity

Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity

This classification provides a minimum standard for maintaining, collecting, and presenting data on race and ethnicity for all Federal reporting purposes. The categories in this classification are social-political constructs and should not be interpreted as being scientific or anthropological in nature. They are not to be used as determinants of eligibility for participation in any Federal program. The standards have been developed to provide a common language for uniformity and comparability in the collection and use of data on race and ethnicity by Federal agencies.

The standards have five categories for data on race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White. There are two categories for data on ethnicity: "Hispanic or Latino," and "Not Hispanic or Latino."

1. Categories and Definitions

The minimum categories for data on race and ethnicity for Federal statistics, program administrative reporting, and civil rights compliance reporting are defined as follows:

-- American Indian or Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.

-- Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

-- Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or African American."

-- Hispanic or Latino. A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term, "Spanish origin," can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino."

-- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

-- White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Respondents shall be offered the option of selecting one or more racial designations. Recommended forms for the instruction accompanying the multiple response question are "Mark one or more" and "Select one or more."

2. Data Formats

The standards provide two formats that may be used for data on race and ethnicity. Self-reporting or self-identification using two separate questions is the preferred method for collecting data on race and ethnicity. In situations where self-reporting is not practicable or feasible, the combined format may be used.

In no case shall the provisions of the standards be construed to limit the collection of data to the categories described above. The collection of greater detail is encouraged; however, any collection that uses more detail shall be organized in such a way that the additional categories can be aggregated into these minimum categories for data on race and ethnicity.

With respect to tabulation, the procedures used by Federal agencies shall result in the production of as much detailed information on race and ethnicity as possible. However, Federal agencies shall not present data on detailed categories if doing so would compromise data quality or confidentiality standards.

* * *

3. Use of the Standards for Record Keeping and Reporting

The minimum standard categories shall be used for reporting as follows:

a. Statistical reporting

These standards shall be used at a minimum for all federally sponsored statistical data collections that include data on race and/or ethnicity, except when the collection involves a sample of such size that the data on the smaller categories would be unreliable, or when the collection effort focuses on a specific racial or ethnic group. Any other variation will have to be specifically authorized by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) through the information collection clearance process. In those cases where the data collection is not subject to the information collection clearance process, a direct request for a variance shall be made to OMB.

b. General program administrative and grant reporting

These standards shall be used for all Federal administrative reporting or record keeping requirements that include data on race and ethnicity. Agencies that cannot follow these standards must request a variance from OMB. Variances will be considered if the agency can demonstrate that it is not reasonable for the primary reporter to determine racial or ethnic background in terms of the specified categories, that determination of racial or ethnic background is not critical to the administration of the program in question, or that the specific program is directed to only one or a limited number of racial or ethnic groups.

c. Civil rights and other compliance reporting

These standards shall be used by all Federal agencies in either the separate or combined format for civil rights and other compliance reporting from the public and private sectors and all levels of government. Any variation requiring less detailed data or data which cannot be aggregated into the basic categories must be specifically approved by OMB for executive agencies. More detailed reporting which can be aggregated to the basic categories may be used at the agencies' discretion.

4. Presentation of Data on Race and Ethnicity

Displays of statistical, administrative, and compliance data on race and ethnicity shall use the categories listed above. The term "nonwhite" is not acceptable for use in the presentation of Federal Government data. It shall not be used in any publication or in the text of any report.

In cases where the standard categories are considered inappropriate for presentation of data on particular programs or for particular regional areas, the sponsoring agency may use:

a. The designations "Black or African American and Other Races" or "All Other Races" as collective descriptions of minority races when the most summary distinction between the majority and minority races is appropriate;

b. The designations "White," "Black or African American," and "All Other Races" when the distinction among the majority race, the principal minority race, and other races is appropriate; or

c. The designation of a particular minority race or races, and the inclusion of "Whites" with "All Other Races" when such a collective description is appropriate.

In displaying detailed information that represents a combination of race and ethnicity, the description of the data being displayed shall clearly indicate that both bases of classification are being used.

When the primary focus of a report is on two or more specific identifiable groups in the population, one or more of which is racial or ethnic, it is acceptable to display data for each of the particular groups separately and to describe data relating to the remainder of the population by an appropriate collective description.

5. Effective Date

The provisions of these standards are effective immediately for all new and revised record keeping or reporting requirements that include racial and/or ethnic information. All existing record keeping or reporting requirements shall be made consistent with these standards at the time they are submitted for extension, or not later than January 1, 2003.

34 Appendix J Development of Student Data Standards

The student information management system requires the establishment of data standards to ensure that the information collected about each student will be consistent across the over 400 school districts in Massachusetts. The development of data standards involved two tasks:

00) Selecting the specific information that districts must maintain and report to the Department

Establishing common definitions, formats and reporting categories for each data element

The data standards development process is described in detail below:

May-September, 1996

Identified individual data elements of existing DOE reporting requirements

Reviewed DOE reporting mandates – state, federal, monitoring

The first step of the process of developing data standards involved reviewing the aggregate data collection forms currently used by the Department of Education. The Department was assisted by Glynn Ligon of Evaluation Software Publishing, Inc., who has extensive experience working with other states who have developed student information management systems as well as with the National Center for Education Statistics. The individual data elements on which the data collection forms were based were identified and classified by reporting mandate and linked to existing national data standards (NCES Student Data Handbook, SPEEDExpress, etc.).

The state and federal reporting mandates that require the existing data collection were researched and analyzed to identify the specific reporting requirements that the Department must meet.

October, 1996-March, 1997

Reviewed existing data elements handbooks – for example, NCES, California

Developed 5 categories to classify the universe of data elements

The Department identified additional lists of all possible data elements that could be collected as appropriate. Resources from the National Center for Educational Statistics as well as the data standards from other states were examined. Five categories by which to sort data elements were identified:

Category I Data elements that districts must maintain about each student and submit to the DOE

Category II Data elements that districts may be required to submit to the DOE in the future

Category III Data elements that districts are required to maintain, but not submit to the DOE

Category IV Data elements that districts are not required to maintain

Category V Data elements that districts are legally prohibited from maintaining

The process focused on selecting Category I data elements and establishing standards for maintaining and reporting them. The selection criteria consisted of:

Data elements that would replace existing paper-based reporting

Data elements that were required for federal or state reporting;

Data elements that would be reasonable to require from districts in the first phase of implementation.

The Data Standards Workgroup was established to provide broad-based input into the development of the student data standards. An initial meeting of the Data Standards Workgroup was held on March 27, 1997.

March-August, 1997

Developed draft list of Category I data elements and reviewed/revised with

Partner Districts May 14, 1997

MASBO May 23, 1997

ET Advisory Committee May 28, 1997

Data Standards Work Group June 24, 1997

Advanced Systems (assessment contractor)

District Site Visits (Began in summer 1997 and completed in December, 1997)

A draft list of Category I data elements was identified and reviewed internally for technical, policy and legal issues. The need to determine how a student identifier would be assigned and managed emerged as the major issue in the development of data standards. The Department began a review of the legal issues that were involved and decided to contract with Glynn Ligon and Barbara Clements of Evaluation Software Publishing, Inc. to assist in the data standards development process.

September - February, 1998

Internal review and revision of data standards with development and implementation teams.

Review of data standards with Evaluation Software Publishing

Development of recommendation for the student identifier needed to accomplish system goals

Development of legal advisory

March - May, 1998

Disseminate Draft to Data Standards Workgroup for comment

Pilot Draft Category I data standards

Review comments and revise as appropriate

Finalize data standards and disseminate to districts

Review comments and revise as appropriate

Submit for final approval

1 June -November, 1998

Meet with Administrative Software Vendors

Disseminate Student Information Management System Handbook

2 January, 2000

Complete and disseminate Data Standards Handbook, Version 1.1

|Organization |Representative |

|Administrators of Special Education | MaryAnn Byrnes |

| |Valerie Ardi |

|American Civil Liberties Union |John Roberts |

| |Ralph Clifford |

|Athol-Royalston Public Schools |Janet Latour |

| |Ned Pratt |

|Chelsea Health Department |Frank Singleton |

|Department of Mental Health |Judith Rygiel |

| |Larry R. Hookey |

|Department of Mental Retardation |Janet George |

| |Ron Sanfield |

| |Sarah Davidon |

|Department of Social Services |Pat Mastrangelo |

| |Patricia S. Wada |

|Department of Transitional Assistance |Lynne A. Mooney |

| |Rosemary D. McCrohan |

|Department of Youth Services |John T. Vasily |

|Executive Office for Administration and Finance |Jane Henchey |

|LEA Representative |Jay Ritter |

| |Rob Reilly |

|Learning Disabilities Association |Jane Derman-Kilgallon |

| |Ruth Glazerman |

|MASCD |Mary Forte Hayes |

|MISER |Dick Wagner |

| |Johanna Sharp |

|Mass Advocacy Center |John Mudd |

|Mass Association for Bilingual Education |Maria Perez |

|Mass Association of Business Officials |Lincoln Lynch |

| |Roger Young |

| |Sandra Guryan |

|Mass Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation |Mary Campbell |

|Mass Association of School Committees |Mary Anne Smith |

| |Michael Gilbert |

|Mass Association of School Superintendents |Peter Finn |

| |William Ryan |

|Mass Association of Vocational Admin |Robert McArdle |

|Mass Computer Using Educators |Nancy Vose |

|Mass Counseling Association |Laura Hendsbee |

|Mass Department of Public Health |Anne Sheetz |

| |Sion Harris |

|Mass Developmental Disabilities |Daniel Shannon |

| |Michael Dorsey |

| |Yoang Hoon Jung |

|Mass Elementary School Principal Association |Nadya Higgins |

| |Richard Burchill |

|Mass Federation of Teachers |Edward Sapienza |

| |Kathleen Kelley |

| |Steven Amrock |

|Mass Jobs Council |Kim Gelerman |

|Mass Law Reform |Alan Rodgers |

|Mass Org of Educational Collaboratives |Kevin O'Grady |

|Mass Parent/Teacher Association |Barbara Bailey |

| |Jennifer Olivieri |

|Mass School Food Service Association |Cynthia Wilson |

|Mass School Nurses Association |Marsha Buckminster |

| |Margaret Burton |

|Mass Secondary School Administrators Association |Paul Grueter |

| |Robert Gardner |

|Mass Teachers Association |Fred Andelman |

| |Ralph Devlin |

| |Robert Murphy |

|Mass Telecommunications Coalition |Beth Lowd |

| |James A. Warner |

|Mass Telecommunications Council |Steven Levy |

|MassCue |Earle Hancock |

|Massachusetts Legislature |Representative Harold M. Lane |

| |Representative Linda E. Harkins |

| |Senator Cheryl A. Jacques |

| |Senator David P. Magnani |

| |Senator Robert A. Antonioni |

|National Coalition for Patient Rights |Denise Nagel |

| |Margo Goldman |

|Newton Public Schools |Richard J. Anderson |

|OSE/BFCH/DPH |Karen Adler |

|Office for Children |Dan Walsh |

|Parent/Student Representative |Leslie and Michael Fleischer |

|Plymouth Public Schools |John Souza |

| |Dr. Bernard Sidman |

|Saugus Public Schools |Charlotte Sciola |

| |Judith Masucci |

|School Nurse |Mitsy Beyer |

|Springfield Public Schools |Donna Boivin |

| |Robert G. Hamel |

|Stoughton Public Schools |Kathleen A. Silva |

| |Kathleen I. Tyrell |

|Town of Westwood MIS |Beth Ahern |

35 Appendix K Acceptable ASCII Characters

36 Appendix L Special Education Definitions

Privately Enrolled

This category includes students who have been:

Enrolled by the public agency in private schools.

Enrolled by the parents or guardians in private schools, whose basic education is paid through private resources, and who is receiving special education and related services at the public expense from a school district according to an IEP.

(500) Does not apply.


3-5 year olds ONLY

05 - 3-5 year olds without disabilities in the general education classroom serving as peers in the preK classes

This category includes regular education students who are serving as peers in a pre-kindergarten class with Special Education students.

08 - 3-5 year olds with disabilities, 100% Services in the General Education Classroom

Students 3 to 5 years of age who receive all of their special education and related services in educational programs designed primarily for students without disabilities. No education or related services are provided in separate special education settings. This may include, but is not limited to:

Regular kindergarten classes;

Head start centers;

Child care facilities; or

Public preschool classes offered to an eligible pre-kindergarten population.

09 - 3-5 year olds with disabilities, 100% Separate Class

Students 3 to 5 years of age who receive all of their special education and related services in educational programs designed primarily for students with disabilities housed in regular school buildings. This may include but is not limited to:

Special education classrooms in child care facilities, or other community-based settings; or

Special education classrooms in trailers or portables outside regular school buildings.

All Ages 3-21 years of age

00 - Not a Special Education Student

This category includes students who do not have a valid IEP and who are not receiving Special Education services.

01 - Not currently a Special Education student, but was previously a Special Education student during the current school year

This category includes students who were receiving during the current school year but who are no longer receiving services.

10 - All ages, Full Inclusion Program – services outside the general education classroom for less than 21% of the time

Students 3 to 21 years of age who receive services outside the general education classroom for less than 21% of the time. This may include students with disabilities placed in:

Public preschools, head start, child care, nursery school facilities, or other community-based settings with Special Education provided outside of the regular class for less than 21% of the time;

Separate school/early childhood combinations;

Regular class with special/related services provided outside the regular class for less than 21% of the time;

Home-schooled and receiving Special Education services outside the general education classroom for less than 21% of the time; or

Students in a correctional facility/DYS and receiving Special Education services outside the general education classroom for less than 21% of the time.

20 - All ages, Partial Inclusion Program – services outside the general education classroom 21% to 60% of the time

Students 3 to 21 years of age who receive services outside the general education classroom for at least 21% and no more than 60% of the time. This may include students placed in:

Public preschools, head start, child care, nursery school facilities, or other community-based settings with special education provided outside of the regular class for 21% to 60% of the time;

Regular classes with special education provided outside of the regular class for 21% to 60% of the time;

Home-schooled and receiving Special Education services outside the general education classroom for at least 21% and no more than 60% of the time; or

Students in a correctional facility/DYS and receiving Special Education services outside the general education classroom for at least 21% and no more than 60% of the time.

40 - All ages, Substantially Separate Classroom – services outside the general education classroom for more than 60% of the time

Students 3 to 21 years of age who receive services outside the general education classroom for more than 60% of the time. Do not include students who receive education programs in public or private day or residential facilities. This category may include students placed in:

Public preschools, head start, child care, nursery school facilities, or other community-based settings with special education provided outside of the regular class for more than 60% of the time;

Regular classes with special education provided outside of the regular class for more than 60% of the time;

Self-contained special classrooms for more than 60% of the time with instruction in a regular class;

Collaborative programs within a public school building that provide educational services primarily to students with disabilities;

Home-schooled and receiving Special Education services outside the general education classroom for more than 60% of the time; or

Students in a correctional facility/DYS and receiving Special Education services outside the general education classroom for more than 60% of the time.

41 - All ages, Public Separate Day School

Students 3 to 21 years of age who receive special education and related services for the majority of the school day in a public separate day school. The separate day school must be a special education day program located in a building or facility outside of the general education environment that provides educational services primarily to students with disabilities and is approved under 603 CMR 28.09. This includes students placed in:

Public day schools that provide educational services primarily to students with disabilities; or

Collaborative programs in separate buildings that provide educational services primarily to students with disabilities.

50 - All ages, Private Separate Day School

Students 3 to 21 years of age who receive special education and related services in a private separate day school. The private separate facility must be a special education program located in a building or facility outside of the general education environment that provides educational services primarily to students with disabilities is approved under 603 CMR 28.09.

60 - All ages, Residential School

Students 3 to 21 years of age who receive special education and related services, at public expense, in a public or a private residential facility. The residential facility must be a special education program located in a building or facility outside of the general education environment that provides educational services primarily to students with disabilities and is approved under 603 CMR 28.09.

70 - Homebound/Hospital

Students 3 to 21 years of age who rare at home or in a hospital pursuant to a doctor’s order and who are receiving all of their special education and related services in the principal residence of the students’ family or caregivers or at hospital facilities.

90- All ages, Public Residential Institutional Facilities

Students 3 to 21 years of age who receive their special education and related services in public residential institutional facilities. This category is limited to those students attending Tri-County Hospital (Taunton, 370015), Mass Hospital School (Canton, 370026), East District (Belmont, 370040), and Central/West (Westborough, 970012).


Students should be counted in the categories that reflect the primary disability.

Intellectual Impairment - The permanent capacity for performing cognitive tasks, functions, or problem solving is significantly limited or impaired and is exhibited by more than one of the following: a slower rate of learning; disorganized patterns of learning; difficulty with adaptive behavior; and/or difficulty understanding abstract concepts. Such term shall include students with mental retardation.

Sensory Hearing - The capacity to hear, with amplification, is limited, impaired, or absent and results in one or more of the following: reduced performance in hearing acuity tasks; difficulty with oral communication; and/or difficulty in understanding auditorally-presented information in the education environment. The term includes students who are deaf and students who are hard-of -hearing.

01) Communication Impairment - The capacity to use expressive and/or receptive language is significantly limited, impaired, or delayed and is exhibited by difficulties in one or more of the following areas: speech, such as articulation and/or voice; conveying, understanding, or using spoken, written, or symbolic language. The term may include a student with impaired articulation, stuttering, language impairment, or voice impairment if such impairment adversely affects the student's educational performance.

02) Sensory Vision - The capacity to see, after correction, is limited, impaired, or absent and results in one or more of the following: reduced performance in visual acuity tasks; difficulty with written communication; and/or difficulty with understanding information presented visually in the education environment. The term includes students who are blind and students with limited vision.

03) Emotional Impairment - As defined under federal law at 34 CFR §300.7, the student exhibits one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects educational performance: an inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors; an inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers; inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances; a general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; or a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. The determination of disability shall not be made solely because the student's behavior violates the school's discipline code, because the student is involved with a state court or social service agency, or because the student is socially maladjusted, unless the Team determines that the student has a serious emotional disturbance.

04) Physical Impairment - The physical capacity to move, coordinate actions, or perform physical activities is significantly limited, impaired, or delayed and is exhibited by difficulties in one or more of the following areas: physical and motor tasks; independent movement; performing basic life functions. The term shall include severe orthopedic impairments or impairments caused by congenital anomaly, cerebral palsy, amputations, and fractures if such impairment adversely affects a student's educational performance.

05) Health Impairment - A chronic or acute health problem such that the physiological capacity to function is significantly limited or impaired and results in one or more of the following: limited strength, vitality or alertness including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli resulting in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment. The term shall include health impairments due to asthma, attention deficit disorder or attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder, diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition, hemophilia, lead poisoning, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, and sickle cell anemia, if such health impairment adversely affects a student's educational performance.

06) Specific Learning Disability - The term means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations. Use of the term shall meet all federal requirements given in federal law at 34 C.F.R. §§300.7(c)(10) and 300.541.

07) Sensory/Deaf-Blind - Concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes severe communication and other developmental and educational needs.

08) Multiple Disabilities – This category should be selected only if the child has multiple primary disabilities.

09) Autism - A developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction. The term shall have the meaning given it in federal law at 34 CFR 300.7.

10) Neurological Impairment - The capacity of the nervous system is limited or impaired with difficulties exhibited in one or more of the following areas: the use of memory, the control and use of cognitive functioning, sensory and motor skills, speech, language, organizational skills, information processing, affect, social skills, or basic life functions. The term includes students who have received a traumatic brain injury.

11) Developmental Delay - The learning capacity of a young child (3-9 years old) is significantly limited, impaired, or delayed and is exhibited by difficulties in one or more of the following areas: receptive and/or expressive language; cognitive abilities; physical functioning; social, emotional, or adaptive functioning; and/or self-help skills.

500) Does not apply to student – This category is used for a child who is not eligible for special education services.


[1]Section 34D provides that “[t]he board of education shall adopt regulations relative to the maintenance, retention, duplication, storage and periodic destruction of student records by the public elementary and secondary schools of the commonwealth.” The only substantive requirement imposed by the statute is that such regulations must allow the parent or guardian of any pupil to inspect the student’s school records. See also G.L. c. 71, section 34A (establishing student’s right to receive copy of transcript); G.L. c. 71, section 34E (establishing right of parent or guardian, and of student age eighteen or older, to inspect school records).

[2]“The transcript,”as used in the definition of “student record,” is narrowly defined as “administrative records that constitute the minimum data necessary to reflect the student’s educational progress and to operate the educational system. These data shall be limited to the name, address, and phone number of the student; his/her birth date; name, address, and phone number of the parent or guardian; course titles, grades (or the equivalent when grades are not applicable), course credit, grade level completed, and the year completed.” In contrast, “the temporary record” is broadly defined to “consist of all the information in the student record which is not contained in the transcript.”

[3]"Directory information,” within the meaning of FERPA, includes the student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in recognized school activities, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent educational institution attended. It may be disclosed to third parties without written consent or court order, provided that the school district has followed the notice requirements set forth in the regulations. However, according to the federal regulations, “directory information” is only that information contained in an education record “which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.” 34 CFR 99.3. See 603 CMR 23.07(4)(a) (also authorizing release of information consistent with the definition of “directory information”).

[4]As amended, the law allows the disclosure of income eligibility for free and reduced price lunches to certain persons, including a person “directly connected with the administration or enforcement of (aa) a federal education program, (bb) a State health or education program administered by a State or local educational agency ...; or (cc) a Federal, State, or local means-tested nutrition program with eligibility standards comparable to” the National School Lunch program. 42 U.S.C. section 1758(b)(2)(C)(iii). Criminal penalties apply to persons who receive such income eligibility information pursuant to this section and then improperly use it for purposes unrelated to the educational program or improperly disclose it to third parties. Section 1758(b)(2)(C)(v).


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