CVP_RAIL_STATS.doc - Travelport

Succeeding with Corporate travel –

Rail Participants

|Railway Operator |Product Name; service |Deployed in |Access through |Fulfillment |PNR Integration |Back Office |

| |coverage | | | | |Handoff/MIR |

|Eurostar |n/a – integrated |US, AsiaPac |Principal |Standard air ATB. |As per air |As per air. Uses |

|9F |airline-style in principal |  |display; API as|Satellite ticket printing | |standard MIR. |

| |display. Trains between | |per air. |as per air. | | |

| |London and Paris/Brussels. | | | | | |

|SNCF |RailMaster for France. |France, UK, |Secondary |Through Galileo Print |Planned |Generated by SNCF. |

|French Railways |Covers all trains in France|Ireland, |application on |Delivery System (GPDS) on | | |

| |and appr. 60% of services |Switzerland |FP. No API |proprietary SNCF ATB | | |

| |in neighbouring European | | |stock. STP and e-ticketing| | |

| |countries | | |planned. | | |

|DB |RailMaster for Germany. |Germany, UK, |Secondary |Through GPDS on |Only possible |Galileo XML MIR |

|German Railways |Covers all trains in |Holland, France, |application on |proprietary DB stock. |within the same | |

| |Germany and appr. 80% of |Estonia, |FP and FPN. No |Requires Siemens Nixdorf |Pcc | |

| |services in neighbouring |Switzerland |API |HPR 4901 printer. STP | | |

| |European countries. | | |possible. | | |

|Eurostar, |UK RailMaster. Covers all |UK/Ireland |Secondary |Through GPDS on |No |Yes – Galileo |

|ATOC (UK Domestic |trains in the UK including | |application on |proprietary ATB stock. STP| |national vendor MIR |

|Rail Companies) |Eurostar services through | |FP. No API |possible. | |(NVMIR) |

| |the Channel Tunnel to | | | | | |

| |Belgium and France. | | | | | |

|Railway Operator |Product Name; service |Deployed in |Access through |Fulfillment |PNR Integration |Back Office |

| |coverage | | | | |Handoff/MIR |

|SBB |Ecort. Covers all Swiss |Switzerland, UK |Through e-Agent |Through GPDs on neutral ATB|NO |Galileo XML MIR|

|Swiss Railways |trains. | |on VP. No API. |stock. STP possible. | | |

|Renfe |No name. Covers all |Spain |Through e-Agent |Through GPDS on neutral ATB|No |No |

|Spanish Railways |Spanish trains. | |on VP. No API. |stock. No STP. | | |

|NS |@lantis. Covers inter |The Netherlands |Through e-Agent |Through GPDS on neutral ATB|No. |Supplier |

|Dutch Railways |city trains in the | |on VP. No API. |stock. No STP. | |generates MIR |

| |Netherlands. | | | | | |

|Trenitalia |Trenitalia. Covers all |Italy |Through fat |Through dedicated print |No |No |

|Italian Railways |services in Italy. | |client on |module in the fat client on| | |

| | | |terminal. |proprietary rail stock. | | |

|Amtrak | Amtrak. Amtrak services |US/Canada |Principal | Standard air ticketing |As per air  |Yes |

| |in the US | |display | | | |

|VIA Rail | Via Rail. Selected |US/Canada |Principal | Standard air ticketing | As per air | Yes |

| |services in Canada. | |display | | | |

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