Review Sheet: The Rise of Islam (Chapters 8,9, &10)

Name_______________________________________ Period______

Review Sheet: The Rise of Islam

Due: Thursday 1/19/12

** Our Islam test will cover material from worksheets #41-48 (Chapters 8-10) **

Chapter 8: The Life of Muhammad

Directions: Number the following events in Muhammad’s life in the correct order. The first and last ones have been done for you. (Use textbook pgs. 85-88 or Worksheet 41 for help)

_____ Became a trader and married Khadijah

_____ Developed a new Muslim community in Madinah

8 Died

_____ Received messages from God through the angel Gabriel

_____ Began to preach his beliefs in Mecca

1 Born in Mecca

_____ Came under attack

_____ Made a pilgrimage back to Mecca

Chapter 9: The Teachings of Islam

Directions: For each pillar of Islam, fill in what the pillar means (in English) and write three facts about the practices that fall under that pillar. The first pillar has been done for you.

(Use textbook pages 96-100 and worksheets 42, 44, & 45 for help)

|The First Pillar of Islam |

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|Means: Belief in God |

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|Fact 1: Muslims believe in a single God. |

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|Fact 2: Muslims refer to God as Allah. |

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|Fact 3: Muslims believe that angels watch over people and that everyone’s actions will be judged. |

|The Second Pillar of Islam |

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|The Third Pillar of Islam |

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|The Fourth Pillar of Islam |

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|The Fifth Pillar of Islam |

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Directions: Use worksheets 46 or textbook pages 102-103 to answer the following questions.

Muslims are not allowed to eat _____________________, drink ______________________ or _______________________.

The holy book of Islam is called the _______________________________.

Islam is the (circle one) 1st 2nd 3rd most popular religion in the world.

Directions: Draw a line connecting each pillar of Islam to its correct meaning. (Worksheet 46).

Pillar 1 fasting Pillar 2 pilgrimage

Pillar 3 prayer

Pillar 4 belief in God

Pillar 5 almsgiving (charity)

Directions: Under each picture below, label Pillar 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. (Worksheets 42, 44, 45).

________________ _________________ ______________

_______________________ ______________________

Parts of a Mosque

Directions: Label the parts of a mosque on the diagram below. Then, add a dome to the mosque.

(Use Worksheet 43 for help)

mihrab minaret minbar fountain

Directions: Explain the purpose of each part of a mosque below. Use worksheets 42-43 for help.

Fountain: ____________________________________________________________________


Mihrab: ______________________________________________________________________


Minbar: ______________________________________________________________________


Minaret: _____________________________________________________________________


Chapter 10: Muslim Contributions to the World

Directions: In each box below, list 3 examples of things that Muslims invented or improved upon. (example: astrolabe) Use Worksheet 47-48 or textbook pages 109-112 for help.

Which single invention/contribution do you think is the most important? Why do you feel this way?



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