Throughout the Bible, the most dynamic principle demonstrated is that to receive from God you must believe. In the New Testament, the Word 'faith' is almost always the Greek word 'pistis' and it means to believe. Believing is an action verb. Believing always involves action. We can think about the promises of God and even feel good about the promises of God, but unless we believe the promises of God and walk out on them we will not experience the manifestation of the promises into reality. The bible states that faith without action is worthless. (James 2: 17) Faith without action is worthless because if there is no action, what we thought was faith was just hollow words and thoughts. The concept of faith does not produce anything except mental gymnastics. True faith or believing comes from the deep inner part of your being where your mind and spirit meld. Again, believing is an action verb.

Jesus said that He came to give life more than abundant. Do you believe that you have life more than abundant? A more than abundant life is a life full of thanksgiving and gratitude. Can you say that you have all that you need with extra to share with others? If you answered yes, then you have more than abundance. Or are you unsatisfied with what you have and want more, better or different? Unthankfulness is evidence of negative believing.

We never rise beyond where our believing takes us. This applies in every realm of life: physical, mental, material, and spiritual. If we want the more than abundant life that God has promised, we must believe, act and expect the manifestation. The key to receiving answers to prayer is to expect that your prayers are answered even as you pray them. You must expect results and then act on your positive believing. Jesus said: "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11: 24

Jesus further defines the principle of believing in Mark 11:23: "...whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Jesus states that we are not to doubt. Doubt is negative believing. The 'heart" is used figuratively to mean the innermost part of our mind. Your "heart" is what makes you, you. You either have God's thoughts in your heart or you have carnal, worldly thoughts in your heart. Proverbs 4: 23 instructs us to: "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Believing emanates from the heart; the innermost part of a person's mind. If you flood your heart with God's Word and act on His Word in a positive manner expecting positive results, you will then receive answers to prayer and manifest the more than abundant life.

You can't believe a promise you don't know about: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Rom 10:17) The more of the Word of God that you know and apply, the more answers to your prayers will manifest.

This is a simple principle; don't make it complicated. The world is full of complications and organized confusion. God expects us to persevere and not to quit when our personal adversary roars in our face. He can't bite you when he's roaring. One believer standing on the Word of God has the authority and power to defeat every devil spirit on earth.

Our lives are molded by our believing. There are two sides to this principle: Positive and Negative. You can believe the positive promises of God and receive positive results or you can believe in a negative manner and receive negative results. God's Word teaches us the positive side and the world teaches us the negative side.

Doubt, worry, and fear are forms of believing. They result in negative results. If you constantly fear something in your heart, you will eventually bring it to pass in your life. Never forget that fear is a very destructive emotion; it is believing in reverse. Fear does not come from God: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2Tim 1:7)

The world instills fear into a person while God instills faith. We choose who's thoughts we put into our heart which results in what we believe. We always have free will. Both Gods want worship. There's no in between. You either live for the true God or you worship the god of this world. The true God has given us the Bible as a blueprint for living and believing. The other "god" hides behind the scenes hoping no one even knows he exists. The secret to his success is the secrecy of his moves.

By believing to operate the nine manifestations of Holy Spirit, you can detect the devil's influence and presence when you need to. That's why God included discerning of spirits as one of the nine manifestations along with word of knowledge and word of wisdom. They enable us as believers to be aware of spiritual occurrences that we could never know by our 5 senses. God has every possibility covered for us enabling us to live the more than abundant life. All he asks is that we believe his word and live it.

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10: 10


|Positive |Negative |

|Confidence |Doubt |

|Trust |Worry |

|Faith |Fear |

|Peace |Turmoil |

|Thankfulness |Unthankfulness |




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