Schedule of Talks:

13th CACR Information Security Workshop & 5th Annual Privacy and Security Workshop

Privacy & Security: Seeking the Middle Path

October 28-29, 2004, The University of Toronto, Canada

Schedule of Talks:

Speaker's Only Kick-off Dinner: October 27, 2004

Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

78 Queen's Park Crescent

|6:00-7:00pm |Refreshments & Dinner |

| |(For Cast and Crew Only) |

| |Hosted by the Centre for Innovation, Law and Policy |

|7:00-8:00pm |Address to Speakers |

| |Nart Villeneuve, Citizens Lab, University of Toronto |

| |(Flavelle House, Faculty of Law) |

Day 1: October 28, 2004

Faculty Club, University of Toronto, 41 Willcocks Street

|8:00-8:50am |Breakfast |

|8:50-9:00am |Introduction to Conference Themes and Objectives (Main Room) |

| |Mike Gurski, Conference Chair, IPC/Ontario |

|9:00-9:30am |Exposing the myths, exploring the solutions (Main Room) |

| |Introduction: Ken Anderson, IPC/Ontario |

| |Ann Cavoukian, Commissioner, IPC/Ontario |

|9:30-10:30am |National Security Technology: Canadian & U.S. Privacy Assessments and Solutions (Main Room) |

| |Moderator: Ann Cavoukian |

| |Bruce Schneier, CTO, Counterpane Internet Security Inc., author of Beyond Fear |

| |Barry Steinhardt, Director, Technology and Liberty Program, ACLU, U.S.A. |

| |Peter Sand, Director of Privacy Technology, Department of Homeland Security, U.S.A. |

| |Bill O’Brien, Security Architect, Bell Canada |

|10:30-10:45am |Discussion Break |

|10:45-12:00pm |Security & Privacy Hot Button panel (Main Room) |

| |Continued… |

|12-12:30pm |LUNCH |

|12:30-1:30pm |Privacy in British Columbia and the USA Patriot Act: Risks and Responsibilities (Main Room) |

| |Introductions: Ken Anderson, IPC/Ontario |

| |David Loukidelis, Information and Privacy Comissioner for British Columbia |

|1:30-2:30pm |Managing risk in times of uncertainty (Main Room) |

| |Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario |

| |Doug Randall, Senior Practitioner, Global Business Network |

|2:30-2:45pm |Discussion Break |

|2:45-4:00pm |Session 1: (Main Room) |Session 2: (Virtual Room) |

| |Identity Management Projects |New Developments and Privacy issues in Biometrics |

| |Introductions: Jason Young, Deeth Williams Wall LLP |Moderator: Peter Hope-Tindall, dataPrivacy Partners |

| |PRIME (Privacy and Identity Management for Europe) |Jim Alexander, University of Pennsylvania |

| |Henry Krasemann, Team Member, PRIME |Sharathchandra Pankanti, IBM/USA |

| |Len Sassaman, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |Peter Sand, Department of Homeland Security |

|4:00-4:15pm |Discussion Break |

|4:15-5:20pm |Session 3:(Main Room) |Session 4: (Virtual Room) |

| |Private Sector ID Management |On the Identity Trail: Understanding the Importance and Impact Anonymity and |

| |initiatives |Authentication have within a Networked World |

| |Introductions: Mike Gurski, |Stefan Brands, Credentica |

| |IPC/Ontario |Andrew Clement, University of Toronto (Me and my Nyms: Personal identity management from|

| |John Sabo, Computer Associates |a citizens perspective) |

| |John Weigelt, Chief Security |Ian Kerr, Canada Research Chair in Ethics, Law and Technology, University of Ottawa |

| |Advisor, Microsoft Canada |Stephanie Perrin, Digital Discretion |

|5:20 pm - onwards |Reception, Dinner and Talk (Lounge / Main Room) |

| |Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario |

| |Quantum Computing and the Future |

| |Michele Mosca, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |


Day 2: October 29, 2004

Faculty Club, University of Toronto, 41 Willcocks Street

|8:00-8:50am |Breakfast |

|8:50-9:00am |Opening Remarks |

| |Mike Gurski, Conference Chair, IPC/Ontario |

|9:00-10:30am |Projects from the Data Privacy Lab (Main Room) |

| |Introduction: Ken Anderson, IPC/Ontario |

| |LaTanya Sweeney, Director of the Privacy Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University |

|10:30-11:00am |Discussion Break |

|11:00am- 12:00pm |Privacy and Security: Market Failures (Main Room) |

| |Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario |

| |Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University |

| |Jean Camp, Harvard University |

|12-12:30pm |LUNCH |

|12:30-1:30pm |Lunch Talk |

| |Identity Theft and Solutions Research for the Future (Main Room) |

| |Introductions: Ann Cavoukian, IPC/Ontario |

| |Dr. Milena Head, McMaster eBusiness Research Centre |

|1:30-2:45pm |Session 5: (Main Room) |Session 6: (Virtual Room) |

| |The User Experience in ID Management |Identity Management and Privacy Languages |

| |Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario |Introductions: Ken Anderson, IPC/Ontario |

| |InfoCard: New ID Management Platform |Anne Anderson, Sun Microsystems |

| |Caspar Bowden, Microsoft EMEA Technology Office | |

| |Ari Schwartz, Center for Democracy and Technology |Stefan Brands, Credentica |

| | |(Non-intrusive electronic health record |

| | |Management) |

|2:45-3:00pm |Discussion Break |

|3:00-4:30pm |Session 7: (Main Room) |Session 8: (Virtual Room) |

| |PETs and ID Management |Privacy-preserving trust negotiations |

| |Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario |Introductions: Jason Young, Deeth Williams Wall|

| |JC Cannon, Manager, Privacy Technologies, Microsoft USA |LLP |

| |Clare-Marie Karat, IBM TJ Watson Research Center |Elisa Bertino, CERIAS and CS Department, Purdue|

| |Brenda Watkins, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) the|University |

| |ins and outs of E-Pass |Anna Squicciarini, Universita degli Studi di |

| | |Milano |

|4:30-5:30pm |Keynote Closing Address (Main Room) |

| |John Borking, LawIDSs |

| |Decompression for the Diehards! |


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