Sophomore English Bell Ringers Set A

Sophomore English Bell Ringers Set A


Write 6 different words about this picture. They should be about feeling rather than what you see. Now take one of those words an construct a short sentence about this picture that includes that word.

Bell Ringer 2

Imagine you are writing an autobiography or a book of memoirs. What would the title be?

Why? Use a title that sums up your life in just a matter of a few words! Be sure to describe WHY you chose this title.

BelL riNgER 3

Describe 3 things you did this weekend, using ONLY 6 words for each description

(example: I went on a Netflix binge) -do this for 3 different activities you did this week

Bell Ringer 4

Write a short story based off this 6 word memoir:


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