Lesson Plan Template

Gay-Lussac’s Law or P α T

Name: Kellie Gentile

Class/Subject: Chemistry/Gas Laws

Date: November 10, 2012

Content Standards/Performance expectations

Overall NGSS: “develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can be accounted for as a combination of energy associated with the motions of particles (objects) and energy associated with the relative positions of particles (objects)”.

Cause and Effect: In a system of fixed mass and constant volume, what is the relationship between Temperature and Pressure? Temperature is proportional to Pressure.

Main Idea: PV=nRT Gay Lussac’s Law stems from ideal gas law

Student Objective: Students will derive the relationship between temperature and pressure under constant volume and fixed mass. The relationship students deduce is pressure directly proportional to temperature.

Assessment Criteria: To assist student’s derivation of the Gay Lussac’s Gas Law I have created a ‘Rationale Worksheet’. The Rationale worksheet has two specific parts. The first part focuses on the introductory can crushing experiment and the second part focuses on the birthday candle lab. The labs model the concept pressure α temperature. Both parts contain an identical table presenting the variables within the ideal gas law. Students will work together in groups of four to identify whether or not variables are constant or varying. They will provide explanations/evidence to explain their decision-makings. Based on their observations they can predict a variable relationship. The actual relationship will be discussed after the completion of the lab during some note taking.

Where in the lesson is this addressed: The first example ‘Can Crushing Demo’ I will perform to introduce the lesson. It will occur directly after the bellringer. The birthday candle demo will happen in their lab groups consisting of four people. They will perform the lab after finishing their first example (Can crushing demo) on the Rationale worksheet.

Prior Knowledge:

-Students know the definition of temperature. Temperature is a measurement of heat.

-Students know characteristics of Pressure. For example as a person travels farther under water, the pressure increases.

- in depth look at pressure under the topic of work later on

Materials/Resources/Technology: ice bath, aluminum can, hot plate, candle, beaker, water, petroleum jelly and lid

Time : 50 minute class period

| |Start of Class: |

| |Bellringer: Review Boyles and Charles’s law |

| |Ms. Coleman educated the students on Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law. To assess the student’s ability to apply |

| |the two gas laws individually, I have formulated a couple of questions for today’s bellringer. The students |

| |have the choice of either choosing Boyle or Charles. |

|5-10 min |1) Squeezing a balloon will cause the balloon to pop. Which law explains this phenomenon? Using scientific |

| |jargon (pressure, volume, temperature, etc) |

| |2) A Helium balloon inflated inside then taken into the cold weather shrinks, corresponding law? Explain? |

| |Using scientific jargon (pressure, volume, temperature, etc) Think about Kinetic molecular theory too! |

| |3) With a partner think of another real life example utilizing either Charles’s or Boyle’s Law. |

| |The three questions cover real-life demonstrations of the gas laws. |

| |Answers |

| |Boyle’s Law. Pressure is inversely proportional to volume. Squeezing the balloon decreases the volume and |

| |increasing the pressure. Therefore POP! |

| |Charles Law. As you heat a gas the molecules gain more energy and move. Since you are taking the balloon from|

| |hot to cold the gas molecules slow down and the temperature decreases. Since the molecules are condensing |

| |less volume is needed and the balloon shrinks. Charles’s Law stating volume is proportional temperature |

| |explains this phenomenon. |

| |Student’s responses! Examples they might think of are an exploding beer or soda can. |

| |* As students begin answering bellringer questions start prepping for Can Crushing Demonstration |

| |- Fill bowl with cold water |

| |- Put 15mL of water into soft drink can |

| |- Heat can with water on hot plate |

|3 minutes |Introduction of Lesson: |

| |Allow discussion of examples to continue until you see vapor emerging from the can then: |

| |- Allow can to boil for 30 seconds |

| |- Grasping the can with tongs invert it into the bowl of cold water |

| |- The can will condense instantaneously. |

| |* If you need more references below is a website with additional directions |

| |Crushing Can Demonstration |

| | |

| |Website states directions of set-up |

| |Overall, the crushing can experiment focuses mostly on the relationship between temperature and pressure |

| |Lesson Instruction: This should arouse the class and have students contemplate what just occurred? Announce |

| |that this phenomenon occurs because of two specific variables. Today’s class will focus on identifying these |

|15 minutes |two unknowns and their relationship. To assist their quest, there is a Rationale Worksheet. The students will|

| |work together in lab groups of four (The students already are aware of their lab groups). The point of the |

| |worksheet is to rationalize why this phenomenon occurred. Since it was a short demo students have the |

| |opportunity today to complete a second demo within their groups titled “Happy Birthday Candle”. This demo |

| |parallels the same concepts modeled in the can-crushing demo. The students are allowed to perform this demo |

| |after analyzing the can-crushing demo. |

| |Instruction Rules |

| |-In Lab Groups (4 ppl) work together on the Rationale worksheet (Each person has their own copy though) |

| |-Fill in before and after columns of Pressure, volume, temperature, and gas’s mass |

| |-If an element changed explain how you know? |

| |Second model students perform at lab table w/ group “Happy Birthday” Candle |

| |Formal instructions PDF Demonstration of Gas Laws. There will be a print out of specific procedure at each |

| |table but here is a brief over view |

| |Put a small glob of petroleum jelly in the center of a petri dish. Stand the birthday candle upright in the |

| |jelly. |

| |Add 1-2 cm of water to the dish. You may add one or two drops of water to make the water more visible. Do not|

| |get the wick of the candle wet |

| |Light the birthday candle |

| |Place the Erlenmeyer flask mouth down over the candle. Diagram on instruction handout. |

| |Observations (water travels up and candle is goes out). |

| |Students begin to fill out the same variable chart as seen in part I. |

| |-Fill in before and after columns of Pressure, volume, temperature, and mass of air |

| |-If an element changed explain how you know? |

| |If a group finishes ahead state: |

| |The can crushing demo and birthday candle demo are modeling the same concept. Try to propose an overall gas |

| |law to explain the phenomenon. This can represent as their predicted law. The predicted law space is at the |

| |top of the rationale worksheet. |

|20 minutes |Assessments/Checks for Understanding: |

| |Open discussion about Cause and effect relationships between the scientific variables |

| |As the students finish their prediction ask the groups to return to their seats. Begin to Pass out I |

| |clickers, which will help stimulate discussion. Start with identifying the varying variables. |

| |There will be three options for students to choose from. The students are answering the question, Which |

| |variables did not vary? |

| |Pressure and Temperature |

| |Mols and Volume |

| |Temperature and Volume |

| |Have the class be able to see the final results. The correct answer is A. For the groups who concluded |

| |correctly ask how they could inference the relationship based off the two experiments. |

| |The student should lead the reviewing of the lab. Make sure the class touches on how mass and volume remained|

| |constant and only temperature and pressure adjusted. |

| |The worksheet is a good note sheet, remind students to mark corrections in red. This worksheet is for |

| |completion points only. No penalty for red marks. |

| |For formal notes there is a quick PowerPoint slide illustrating the formal Gay Lussac’s Law P1T1=P2T2 and |

| |the sign for directly proportional. |

|2-5 minutes |Closure/Wrap-Up/Review: |

| |As finishing thoughts are being written in student’s notebooks. Introduce the homework. Their homework is to |

| |research a real life example of Gay Lussac’s Law. Random students will be selected to share their examples in|

| |class tomorrow in place of bellringer. |

| |Self-Assessment (optional): |

| |Were students able to identify held constants and changing variables? |

| |Did it clarify after model 2 “Birthday Candle” |

| |If neither…did open discussion clarify any misconceptions |

Rationale for the activity, activity structure, planning etc needs to go here

Prior to the Gay Lussac’s lesson plan, Ms. Coleman will educate the students on Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT), Boyles Law, and Charles Law. To briefly assess the digestion of the three topics I plan to start the class with a bell ringer. The bell ringer focuses on conceptual rationales of both Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law. Two realistic scenarios pertaining to either gas law is presented to the students. The students will need to correctly correlate real world example to gas law. Accompanying the correct match, students must also explain the scenario while keeping the gas law in mind. Possibly, students could explicitly note before and after states and walk through whether a variable increases or decreases. Overall, students need to apply these mathematical statements to functioning systems. From an engineer’s perspective students should recognize how the gas laws correlate to a system. Such a system could be as simple as a balloon popping because of a squeezing force. Both Boyle’s and Charles’s Law involve constant and manipulated variables. Gay Lussac’s Law exhibits the same pattern.

Since students are seeing trends within the gas laws, I want them to derive Gay Lussac’s Law in small groups. Initiating the thought process I will demonstrate the Crushing Can demonstration as illustrated within . Students will be given a Gay Lussac rationale worksheet. Based on the can demonstration they must conclude which variables are held constant and which variables change. The debatable variables include pressure, volume, temperature, and gas mass. These are the same variables illustrated in the ideal gas law. Students may struggle concluding the first scenario because it happened quickly and it’s just one example. Therefore, at each lab group I’ll structure a second demo for the students to conduct. The experiment is entitled “Happy Birthday” and it can be referenced within the PDF entitled Demonstration of Gas Laws. The rationale worksheet accounts for this experiment as well. The goal is that students will recognize both experiments involve only the variables temperature and pressure. For example, the cooling of the can (decrease in temperature) caused the low internal pressure to be crushed by the higher surrounding pressure. The low pressure directly correlates to low temperature.

In general, the worksheet presents a significant scenario and asks for evidential support and a follow-up explanation. This format follows an inquiry-based instruction format as depicted in chapter 8 of Science instruction in the Middle and Secondary Schools. Students are focusing on two modeled phenomena and are dissecting the process within their lab groups. This allows students to engage and explore a new circumstance incorporating gasses.

To ensure students recognize temperature and pressure are the only variables involved, I want to bring the classroom back together for open discussion. I want to hear the different rationales of why students believe temperature or pressure adjusted. If some students thought otherwise, I would like peers to correct misconceptions. Also, I want to hear if students determine temperature and pressure as directly proportional. I feel this thoroughly covers many areas of the term explanation. The students individually explain to lab group, lab group forms an overall explanation, and I address any misconceptions amongst the lab groups.

After discussion of the rationale worksheet, I will have students write down the formal interpretation of Gay Lussac’s Law P1T1=P2T2. This is just elaborating and reinforcing their investigation findings via the lab activity.

For homework, I will assign students to research a real world example involving Gay Lussac’s Law. The examples will be shared during tomorrows lesson in replacement of a bellringer. This form of evaluation will assist in me realizing if students can depict real systems utilizing this gas law.


Name Date .

Gay Lussac’s Law : Predicted Actual

Two models present the application of the Gay Lussac’s Ideal Gas Law. The “Can Crushing” demonstration and the “Happy Birthday” mini lab activity illustrate two altering and two constant variables. Provide explanations of your conclusions via inferences from the two visual aids. Remember to reference all variables.

I. Can Crushing Demonstration

| |Pressure |Volume |Temperature |Mols of Gas |

|Constant | | | | |

|Varied | | | | |


II. Birthday Candle Mini lab

| |Pressure |Volume |Temperature |Mols of Gas |

|Constant | | | | |

|Varied | | | | |



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