School Board Lynn L. Gray, Chair Stacy A. Hahn, Ph.D., Vice Chair Nadia T. Combs Karen Perez Melissa Snively Jessica Vaughn Henry "Shake" Washington

Superintendent of Schools Addison G. Davis


August 10, 2021

Dear Parents:

Welcome to Bellamy Elementary School. This packet of materials contains general information about Bellamy and forms that must be completed by you and returned to school.

We ask that you carefully read the enclosed materials and share the appropriate information with your child. Please complete the following and return to school tomorrow:

EMERGENCY CARD (complete and verify ALL information). Make sure you have two (2) working emergency phone numbers.

Application for free/reduced meals. Applications for all households are available online at Click on the green bar to complete your application. If you have not completed an application, it is very important that you do this as soon as possible. Our school funding depends on your completion of this form. Assistance in completing the form is also available in the school office.

Complete and return ALL colored forms.

All other information you may keep for reference.

The Bellamy faculty & staff are eager to work with you and your child(ren). Because parent involvement directly correlates to student achievement, you play an important role in the success of your child. We consider you an essential member of our school HEART.

Thank you for returning the enclosed forms to your child's teacher by the next school day. We are looking forward to a great year together.


Mrs. Hessler

Jessica Hessler Principal

Connect with Us P.O. Box 3408 Tampa, FL 33601-3408 (813) 272-4000 Raymond O. Shelton School Administrative Center 901 East Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33602-3507

Bellamy Elementary School 2021 ? 2022

Student's Name ______________________________________________________

Dismissal Procedure

Bicycle Rules

Children may be dismissed in a number of ways. Please notate the way your child is to be dismissed.

__ 1. My child will ride bus #/color________________ to school and bus #/color_________________ home.

__ 2. Parent will pick up child in front of school in car. __ 3. Parent will walk from south (Pinehurst) to pick up


__ 4. Parent will walk from north (Town Park) to pick up child.

__ 5. Day care pick-up. (Name: ___________________)

__ 6. Babysitter pick-up. (Name: __________________) (must be on emergency card)

__ 7. My child goes to the Bellamy After-School Program (HOST).

__ 8. My child walks or rides a bike. __ 9. Other: ___________________________________


Walkers and Bike Riders Only

The rainy day plan for my child is (walkers and bike riders only):

Students must be at least 8 years old to ride a bike to school. Skates, skate shoes, skateboards and scooters are not allowed.

1. Students must walk beside bike while on school grounds.

2. All bikes must have a lock and be secured to the school bike rack.

3. All riders are to abide by traffic rules which apply to bicycles.

4. All students must wear a bicycle helmet, in accordance with the Bicycle Helmet Law.

5. The school does not assume responsibility for damage or loss of bicycle.

My child, _________________________________, is _________ years old, has a bicycle helmet and lock. I give my permission for him/her to ride his/her bicycle to and from school. I assume complete responsibility.

Parent's Signature _________________________

__ 1. I will pick up my child in a car in the front pick up line.

__ 2. I will walk from south (Pinehurst) to pick up my child.

__ 3. I will walk from north (Town Park) to pick up my child.

__ 4. My child should walk or ride bike home in the rain. (All students must be picked up if lightning is present or rain is severe.)

__ 5. Other (please state): _______________________ ______________________________________

ALL Students need to carry a rain poncho in their backpacks at ALL times.

Students are NOT permitted to bring umbrellas to school.


Parent's Signature _____________________________________ Date ____________________


Important! Call 872-5387 and press 1 to report any absence!


August 10, 2021

Excused Absence/Tardy Policy

Dear Parents/Guardians:

To fully benefit from the instructional program, students are expected to attend school regularly and be on time for classes. Poor attendance or excessive tardiness & early pick-ups will negatively impact your child's academic progress. Consistent absences/tardies will be referred to the Child Study Team and/or the School Social Worker. Early pick-ups must be signed out no later than 12:25

p.m. on Mondays & 1:25 p.m. Tuesday-Friday in the front office.

In accordance with the Hillsborough County School District's attendance policy, the reason for each student absence must be reported to the school. For your convenience, a separate attendance phone extension has been designated with a 24-hour access recorder. Please call 872-5387 and

press 1 for attendance prior to 8:40 a.m. on the day of the absence to report the reason for your child's absence.

The policy regarding excused absences and tardies is as follows:

1. An illness of the student or a medical/dental appointment that cannot be scheduled after school hours. (A doctor's statement may be required.)

2. An accident resulting in an injury to the student. 3. A death in the immediate family of the student. 4. An observance of an established religious holiday. (Documentation of the religious affiliation

of the student may be required.) 5. A subpoena by a law enforcement agency or a required court appearance.

Please help your child by having him/her arrive on time and be in attendance every day.


Mrs. Hessler

Jessica Hessler Principal

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Please return this portion to your child's teacher tomorrow.

I have read and understand the school's Excused Absence/Tardy policy. I am aware of my role as parent/guardian to ensure my child is in attendance regularly and on time for class.

Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________ Student Name: _______________________________________________________________


2021-2022 Health Information

Dear Parents,

I would like to welcome all the students back to school. It is time to update student's health information. If your child has any medical conditions, please fill out the Health History information sheet and return it to the school clinic. Also write any health conditions on the emergency card.

If your child needs to take any medication while at school, please come to the school clinic and speak with the clinic's LPN or RN.

If your child has a food allergy or a special diet, please request a diet prescription form that must be filled out each school year and speak with the school nurse. If your child has a potentially life threatening allergy of condition, notify both the teacher and the nurse.

Your child's health and safety are our priority! We are asking for your continued cooperation in assisting us to control the spread of communicable diseases. Our goal is to make our school a healthy, safe place for both students and staff. We will call you immediately if your child becomes ill during school hours. You are expected to arrange for your child to be picked up AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE after receiving our call. Our school clinic is not equipped or staffed to handle ill children for long periods of time. WE ASK YOU NOT TO SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL IF ANY SIGNS/SYMPTOMS LISTED BELOW ARE PRESENT:


Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours


Fever within the past 24 hours


Sore/red throat


Persistent cough or sneezing


Red watery eyes




Ear ache, drainage from the ear


Excessive mucus from nose (runny nose), particularly greenish-yellow mucus

Guidelines for Administration of Medication

It is recognized that medications may be essential for some students. When possible, all medications should be administered at home. If medication must be given at school, the following procedures must be followed:

1) An official authorization form must be signed by the parent/guardian requesting the administration of the


2) Medication should be sent to school via a responsible adult.


Medication must be in the prescription container with the date, dosage, name of the drug, and student's and

physician's names.

4) Parents should arrange for a separate supply of medication for school.

5) Nonprescription (over-the-counter) or sample drugs will be dispensed only when accompanied by written

orders from a physician.

6) The clinic has a nebulizer machine for asthma treatment. The parents just have to bring the medication,

tubing, and a mask. If you have any questions, please contact the clinic.


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