Windsor Public Library

Records of the Mayor’s Office1963 - 1992, predominant 1975 - 1992RG 11Municipal Archives - Windsor Public LibraryAcc. Nos.1985/17 1987/44 1990/5 1990/111990/251991/201991/321992/131992/231992/261992/371993/21993/51993/81993/18 1993/30Robert BelangerProject Archivist5.216 m/17 linear feetSummer 1999RG 11TABLE OF CONTENTSBox and Unit ListingContent NoteHistorical NoteList of Windsor’s MayorsSummary of the RecordsSeries DescriptionsAppendix I - Newspaper Clippings Removed from the CollectionRAD EntriesRG 11Box and Unit ListingBox 1RG 11 A-I/1 - /2RG 11 A-II/1 - /14Box 2RG 11 A-II/15 - /24RG 11 A-III/1 - /22RG 11 A-IV/1Box 3RG 11 A-IV/2 - /3RG 11 B-I/1 - /8RG 11 B-II/1 - /3RG 11 B-III/1 - /7Box 4RG 11 B-III/8 - /26Box 5RG 11 B-III/27 - /50Box 6RG 11 B-III/51 - /52RG 11 B-IV/1RG 11 B-V/1 - /7RG 11 B-VI/1 - /7Box 7RG 11 B-VII/1 - /4RG 11 B-VIII/1 - /8RG 11 B-IX/1 - /5Box 8RG 11 B-IX/6 - /9RG 11 C-I/1 - /14Box 9RG 11 C-I/15 - /30RG 11 C-II/1 - /12Box 10RG 11 C-II/13 - /19RG 11 C-III/1 - /8RG 11 C-IV/1 - /10Box 11RG 11 C-V/1 - /4RG 11 C-VI/1 - /22RG 11BOX AND UNIT LISTING - cont’dBox 12RG 11 C-VI/23 - /24RG 11 C-VII/1 - /4RG 11 C-VIII/1 - /6RG 11 C-IX/1 - /8Box 13RG 11 C-IX/9 - /10RG 11 D-I/1 - /2RG 11 D-II/1 - /3RG 11 D-III/1 - /5Box 14RG 11 D-III/6 - /13RG 11 D-IV/1 - /7RG 11 D-V/1 - /2Box 15RG 11 D-V/3 - /4RG 11 E-I/1 - /2RG 11 E-II/1 - /11RG 11 E-III/1 - /2RG 11 E-IV/1 - /3RG 11 E-V/1 - /5Box 16RG 11 E-V/6 - /17RG 11 E-VI/1 -/6Box 17RG 11 E-VI/7 - /22RG 11 E-VII/1 - /3Box 18RG 11 E-VII/4 - /8RG 11 E-VIII/1RG 11 F-I/1 - /20Box 19RG 11 F-I/21 - /38Box 20RG 11 F-I/39 - /60Box 21RG 11 F-I/61 - /76RG 11 F-II/1 - /4RG 11 F-III/1 - /3RG 11 G-I/1 -/6Box 22RG 11 G-I/7 - /41RG 11BOX AND UNIT LISTING - cont’dBox 23RG 11 G-I/42 - /61Box 24RG 11 G-I/62 - /93RG 11 H-I/1 - /5Box 25RG 11 H-I/6 - /32Box 26RG 11 H-I/33 - /56Box 27RG 11 H-I/57 - /76Box 28RG 11 H-I/77 - /102Box 29RG 11 H-I/103 - /123Box 30RG 11 H-I/124 - /150Box 31RG 11 H-I/151 - /176Box 32RG 11 H-I/177 - /199RG 11 H-II/1 - /7Box 33RG 11 H-II/8 - /18RG 11 H-III/1 - /8RG 11 I-I/1 - /6Box 34RG 11 I-I/7 - /27Box 35RG 11 I-I/28 - /60Box 36RG 11 I-I/61 - /89Box 37RG 11 I-I/90 - /107RG 11 I-II/1 -/16Box 38RG 11 I-II/17 - /25RG 11 I-III/1 - /4RG 11 J-I/1 - /21Box 39RG 11 J-I/22 - /28RG 11CONTENT NOTEThe Records of the Mayor’s Office are divided into eleven subgroups which document mayoral duties and responsibilities encompassing the years 1963 to 1992. The bulk of the records span the years 1975 to 1992. Aspects of the mayoral administrations of Albert H. Weeks (1975 - 1982), Elizabeth Kishkon (1983 - 1985), David A. Burr (1986 - 1988), John Millson (1989 - 1991), and Michael D. Hurst (1992 - ) are included in the record group.The record group’s eleven subgroups are: Administrative Records 1978 - 1992; Records of the Mayor’s Committees 1979 - 1992; Windsor’s Twin Cities 1976 - 1991; Mayoral Memberships 1979 - 1989; Public Functions 1963 - 1992; Albert H. Weeks - Operational Records 1974 - 1982; Elizabeth Kishkon - Operational Records 1982 - 1985; David A. Burr - Operational Records 1982 - 1988; John Millson - Operational Records 1988 - 1991; Michael D. Hurst - Operational Records 1991 - 1993; and Photographic Material [between 1976 and 1977] - 1991.The first subgroup, spanning 1978 to 1992, details activities involved in the management and administration of the mayor’s office and its relationship with other departments of Windsor’s municipal government. The records consist of City Hall correspondence, joint City-County and Windsor-Detroit Council records, financial records, and records of Windsor’s economic development office in Toronto.The second subgroup reflects the office’s involvement in various councils, committees and task forces. Documents within this subgroup encompass the years 1979 to 1992. The Mayor’s Committees exist for various reasons: to improve and enhance the economic and cultural condition of Windsor, or to deal with such pressing social issues as the area’s high unemployment rates, the closure of manufacturing plants, and the provision of children’s services.The third subgroup chronicles the city’s ‘twinning’ efforts with eight other cities between 1976 and 1991. Windsor is ‘twinned’ with these cities for cultural, educational, and sports exchanges; peace initiatives; and occasionally, economic aid. The records contain numerous examples of these types of exchange between Windsor and its twin cities.The fourth subgroup includes documents regarding various regional, provincial, and national pan-municipal associations and committees the Mayor participates in as the representative of the city of Windsor. Spanning 1979 to 1989 the records include examples of how these bodies provide municipalities an arena to discuss common issues, and enable cities to deal with the provincial and federal levels of government as a single unit.Public Functions 1963 - 1992, predominant 1975 - 1992, comprise the fifth subgroup, and provide insight into the ceremonial facet of the mayor’s office, such as delivering speeches and issuing proclamations. The records also demonstrate how the office is occasionally a forum for citizens to voice their concerns and complaints. RG 11CONTENT NOTE cont’dSubgroups six to ten are the largest of the fonds, each containing the correspondence and subject files of Windsor Mayors Weeks, Kishkon, Burr, Millson, and Hurst between 1974 and 1993. In addition to the correspondence, the subgroup contains any reports used by the Mayor’s Office during the these years.The last subgroup, subgroup eleven is comprised of photographs and negatives dated [between 1976 and 1977] and 1991. All photographic material is removed to the Photographic Collection of the Municipal Archives.RG 11HISTORICAL NOTEAs Head of Council and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation of the City of Windsor, the Mayor is an integral component of the administration of municipal government. Through the Ontario Municipal Act, the Mayor is given several rights and responsibilities: to preside at all meetings of Council; to expel or exclude any persons guilty of improper conduct at Council Meetings; to ensure the laws governing the municipality are properly executed and obeyed; to supervise the conduct and performance of all officials of the municipality to ensure that any negligence, carelessness, or violation of duty is prosecuted and punished; to communicate to Council any information or recommendations necessary for the good of the municipality; and to sign all by-laws, debentures, and promissory notes on behalf of the municipality. Additionally, the Mayor is responsible for directing municipal spending priorities, and overseeing the functions of municipal government to ensure all actions taken by the administration are consistent with Council policies.Occasionally, the Mayor also participates in standing or special committees, serving as ex-officio. Standing committees are responsible for specific municipal activities such as finance, fire, public works, housing, and streets and roads. Consulting with municipal officials, these committees report their findings and recommendations to Council for action. Special committees, struck to investigate and report on a particular municipal problem, are often administered through the Mayor’s Office. Examples of these special committees include Working for a Better Windsor Committee, the Mayor’s Committee on Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed, and the Mayor’s Committee on Children’s Services.As the Records of the Mayor’s Office (RG 11) encompass the mayoral administrations of Albert H. Weeks, Elizabeth Kishkon, David A. Burr, John Millson, and Michael D. Hurst, biographical sketches of each follow:Albert H. Weeks - Born in Montreal on 1 July, [1919?], Albert H. Weeks came to Windsor in 1946 and established a jewellery business on Ouellette Avenue. He was first elected to City Council for a two year term in 1954, eventually serving a total of 14 years as alderman. Political aspirations prompted Bert Weeks to run as a CCF candidate in the 1959 provincial election, and as an NDP candidate in the 1968 federal election. On both occasions, Weeks was unsuccessful. He was also defeated in his first two mayoral races, in 1962 to Michael Patrick, and in 1964 to John Wheelton. As alderman, Albert H. Weeks became the watchdog of the city’s budget, and opposed commercial development on Windsor’s waterfront. One such example was his staunch opposition to the Holiday Inn development on the waterfront, despite the strong backing of the of \RG 11HISTORICAL NOTE cont’dCity Council Mayors Patrick and Wheelton enjoyed for the project, as well as the Windsor Star’s endorsement. On his third mayoral attempt, Albert H. Weeks became Mayor of Windsor in 1974 in one of the closest mayoral races in Windsor’s history. Arguing against the sale of land and a proposed Valhalla Inn hotel development at the foot of Ouellette Avenue overlooking Windsor’s riverfront, Weeks narrowly defeated the incumbent Mayor Frank Wansbrough. Serving four two year terms, defeating Alderman Huntley Farrow in 1976 and acclaimed in 1978, Bert Weeks is one of Windsor’s longest serving mayors. An outspoken left-wing politician, Weeks was quite active as mayor in pursuing fiscal conservatism and industrial growth. Among Mayor Weeks most memorable accomplishments are his tireless efforts to preserve Windsor’s waterfront as parkland, and his struggles for Windsor to receive a greater share of its Resource Equalization Grant assessment from the province of Ontario. Bert Weeks is credited with being one of the first mayors in Canada to accept a city-wide movement to accept Vietnamese boat people. In 1982, at the age of 64 and citing health problems, Mayor Weeks decided not to seek another term as mayor. Retiring from municipal politics in 1982, Albert H. Weeks continued to be involved in public service, holding the Chair of the Windsor Utilities and sitting on the board of Heritage Windsor. Albert H. Weeks died in Windsor on 10 December, 1990.Elizabeth Kishkon - Elizabeth Kishkon was born in Oshawa in the early 1930s, where her father worked on the General Motors production line. Hoping to escape the Depression, Elizabeth’s family moved to the working class district of Tottenham in London, England. In 1948, Elizabeth Kishkon returned to Canada, living with relatives in Windsor and working at clerical and secretarial jobs. Two years later, she married Nicholas Kishkon. Kishkon’s “political awakening” occurred in the mid-1960s when she began attending Ontario Municipal Board and Planning Committee meetings as a result of her opposition to proposed commercial development on Pêche Island and the Holiday Inn development on the waterfront. Her first taste of municipal politics occurred in 1967 which resulted in an unsuccessful bid for city alderman. During the 1969 civic election, Elizabeth Kishkon ran, and won a seat on City Council. That same year, she joined the New Democratic Party. In 1971, lured by the prospect of a new challenge and a substantial pay raise, Elizabeth Kishkon quit politics to participate in CBE radio’s “Information Windsor” morning show, and contribute stories to Radio Canada International. Returning to civic politics in 1981, Kishkon served as alderman for Ward 4 for two years before deciding to run for Windsor Mayor. In 1982, Elizabeth Kishkon became Windsor’s first woman Mayor. Her three year term proved quite difficult for Kishkon, as she was unable to win the support of a divided City Council, which oftentimes was quite vocal in its oopposition to the Mayor’s positions. Tired of the constant battles for support, Mayor Kishkon decided not to seek a second term, despite her popularity among the citizens of Windsor. Among the notable accomplishments of Mayor Kishkon are her efforts to curb the proliferation of the city’s adult night clubs, examining the state of the city’s services to its children, getting City Council’s first freedom of information by-law drafted and passed, her involvement in the establishment of a family planning clinic at the Metro Windsor-Essex Health Unit, and continuing the negotiations with the Canadian National Railways for the transfer of their riverfront lands to the city.RG 11HISTORICAL NOTE cont’dDavid A. Burr - Growing up in South Walkerville, David Burr attended Hugh Beaton Public School and Walkerville Collegiate. In 1970 Burr went to New Zealand on an accountants exchange programme, where he decided to run for public office upon his return to Canada. Public service was nothing new to David Burr, as his father, Fred Burr, served as an MPP for Riverside. In 1971, at the age of 30, David A. Burr won a seat on council in his first attempt at public office. Running as an NDP candidate, Burr lost in the 1975 provincial and 1979 federal elections. In 1985, after 14 years on City Council, David A. Burr was elected Mayor of Windsor. Like his predecessor Mayor Kishkon, he found himself in constant battles with a city council unwilling to support his ideas. Constant media criticism also took its toll on Mayor Burr, and after serving his three year term, Burr decided not to run for re-election. Among the notable accomplishments of Mayor David A. Burr are his involvement in pursuing a twin city relationship for Windsor with Las Vueltas, El Salvador; continuing the negotiations with the Canadian National Railways for the transfer of their riverfront property to the city; arguing Windsor receive a fair portion of its assessed Resource Equalization Grants; his attempt to bring the 1994 Commonwealth Games to Windsor; and establishing a committees to study the water levels of the Great Lakes and examine the impact of the automotive industry on local economies.John Millson - Born and raised in Windsor, John Millson attended Prince of Wales public school, Forster Collegiate, and the University of Windsor. Actively involved in service clubs such as the Easter Seals, Muscular Dystrophy, and Rotary, John Millson was successful in his first attempt for a seat on City Council in 1982. As a rookie Councillor, he co-chaired the committee planning Queen Elizabeth’s 1984 visit to Windsor. Re-elected in 1985, John Millson became viewed as a maverick Councillor, often failing to have his motions seconded by other Councillors. In 1986 he purchased his father’s flower shop and turned it into an award winning operation. In 1988, at the age of 36, Millson decided to run for Mayor of Windsor, proclaiming he would be the best salesman Windsor ever had. Mayor Millson’s three year term can be considered a success. Giving each Councillor a responsibility or portfolio meant greater harmony on Council. Councillors were more willing than in the past to support other Council member’s ideas, hoping that support would be reciprocated. John Millson opened up a development office in Toronto, in an attempt to lure investment to Windsor. He hoped industries would relocate to Windsor and escape the high costs and congestion of Toronto. Among the other notable accomplishments of Mayor Millson’s term include the development of an industrial park in Sandwich South, the “Last Spike” Event, celebrating the transfer of waterfront land from the Canadian National Railway to the City of Windsor, and the expansion of the Cleary International Centre. Despite enjoying a more cordial relationship with the local media than previous mayors, the demand of the Mayor’s Office and an economic downturn persuaded John Millson not to seek a second mayoral term and left office in 1991.RG 11HISTORICAL NOTE cont’dMichael D. Hurst - Michael Hurst attended W.C. Kennedy Collegiate and the University of Windsor, eventually graduated from the School of Law. After failing to gain a seat on City Council in 1982, he entered civic politics in 1987, winning a by-election for Ward One. Re-elected to Council during the next city election, Michael Hurst served one full term before deciding to seek mayoral office. In November, 1991, Michael Hurst was successful in his bid for the Mayor’s Office. After a three year term, Mayor Hurst was re-elected in November, 1994 by a wide majority, largely due to his successful “Fiscal Fitness Policy.” As Mayor of Windsor, Michael Hurst sits on the Windsor Utilities Commission, the Windsor Police Services Board, the Windsor-Essex County Waste Management Authority, the Windsor-Essex County Development Commission, the City of Windsor Budget Steering Committee, and the City/County Liaison Committee. Mayor Hurst also chairs the City Centre Revitalization Task Force and the Windsor Tunnel Commission.RG 11LIST OF WINDSOR’S MAYORS11854 - 1858Samuel Smith Macdonell1859 - 1861James Dougall1862 - 1863Mark Richards Sr.1864 - 1867Samuel Smith Macdonell1868 - 1869James Dougall1870 - 1874Donald Cameron1875William Scott1876Robert McGregor1877 - 1879Charles Robert Horne1880 - 1882John Coventry1883 - 1885Francis Cleary1886 - 1888Joseph Hall Beattie1889Michael Twomey1890Solomon White1891 - 1893Oscar Ernest Fleming Sr.1894Joseph Hall Beattie1895 - 1896Daniel Willis Mason1897 - 1901John Davis1902 James Farrar Smyth1903 - 1904John Welsford Drake1905 - 1909Ernest Solomon Wigle1910 - 1912John Wesley Hanna1912Euclide Jacques1912James H. Shepherd1913 - 1914Henry Clay1914Frederick Lawson Howell1915 - 1916Arthur W. Jackson1917 - 1918Charles Roger Tuson1919 - 1920Edward Blake Winter1921 - 1923Herbert Walter Wilson1924 - 1926Frank J. Mitchell1927 - 1930Cecil Egermont Jackson1931 - 1934David Arnold Croll1935 - 1936George Bennett1937 - 1938Ernest Solomon Wigle1939 - 1940David Arnold Croll1940 - 1950Arthur John ReaumeRG 11LIST OF WINDSOR’S MAYORS - cont’d1951Thomas Richardson Brophey1951 - 1954Arthur John Reaume1955 - 1964Michael John Patrick1965 - 1969Wilfred John Wheelton1969William Charles Riggs1970 - 1974Frank Wansbrough1975 - 1982Albert H. Weeks1983 - 1985Elizabeth Kishkon1986 - 1988David A. Burr1989 - 1991John Millson1992 - 2003Michael D. Hurst2004 - 2014Eddie Francis2014 - Drew DilkinsRG 11RECORDS OF THE MAYOR’S OFFICESummary of the RecordsA.ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS 1978 - 1992I. Joint Council Records 1987 - 1990II. City Hall Records 1981 - 1992III. Financial Records 1978 - 1990IV. Records of the Toronto Office 1990 - 1991B.RECORDS OF THE MAYOR’S COMMITTEES 1979 - 1992I. Downtown Action Task Force Minutes and Correspondence 1980 - 1991II. Working for a Better Windsor Committee Minutes and Correspondence 1981 - 1982III. Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed Records 1979 - 1991IV. Mayor’s Committee on Pêche Island Records 1986 - 1989V. 1994 Commonwealth Games Task Force Records 1980 - 1987VI. Task Force on Free Trade Records 1985 - 1990VII. Mayor’s Committee on Children’s Services Records 1989 - 1991VIII. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Task Force Records 1990 - 1992IX. Ontario Border Communities Mayors’ Task Force Records 1989 - 1992C.WINDSOR’S TWIN CITIES 1976 - 1991I. Twin Cities/International Relations Committee Records 1976 - 1990II. Granby, Quebec Records 1976 - 1989III. Coventry, England Records 1977 - 1990IV. Udine, Italy Records 1977 - 1987V. Ohrid, Macedonia, Yugoslavia Records 1977 - 1989VI. Mannheim, Germany Records 1979 - 1990VII. Saint-Etienne, France Records 1980 - 1991VIII. Las Vueltas, El Salvador Records 1984 - 1988IX. Fujisawa, Japan Records 1983 - 1990D.MAYORAL MEMBERSHIPS 1979 - 1989I. Association of Municipalities of Ontario Records 1979 - 1988II. Automotive Mayors’ Committee Records 1986 - 1987III. Federation of Canadian Municipalities Records 1983 - 1989IV. Great Lakes Mayors’ Committee Records 1986 - 1989V. Ontario Municipal Management Development Board Records 1985 - 1987RG 11E.PUBLIC FUNCTIONS 1963 - 1992, predominant 1975 - 1992I. Governor-General’s Visit Records 1981 - 1982II. Records of the 1984 Royal Visit 1983 - 1985III. Royal Visit Request Correspondence 1985 - 1992IV. Proclamations 1976 - 1990V. Speeches 1975 - 1991VI. Complaints 1988 - 1992VII. Irrational Complaints 1981 - 1991VIII. Miscellaneous Telegrams 1963 - [1982?]F.ALBERT H. WEEKS - OPERATIONAL RECORDS 1974 - 1982I. Subject Files and General Correspondence 1974 - 1982II. Inter-Governmental Correspondence 1975 - 1981III. Reports 1979 - 1982G.ELIZABETH KISHKON - OPERATIONAL RECORDS 1982 - 1985I. Subject Files and General Correspondence 1982 - 1985H.DAVID A. BURR - OPERATIONAL RECORDS 1982 - 1988I. Subject Files and General Correspondence 1982 - 1988II. Inter-Governmental Correspondence 1986 - 1988III. Reports 1986 - 1988I.JOHN MILLSON - OPERATIONAL RECORDS 1988 - 1991 I. Subject Files and General Correspondence 1988 - 1991II. Inter-Governmental Correspondence 1988 - 1991III. Reports 1989 - [before 1991]J.MICHAEL D. HURST - OPERATIONAL RECORDS 1991 - 1993I. Subject Files and General Correspondence 1991 - 1993K.PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991RG 11 AADMINISTRATIVE RECORDSSubgroup NoteDocuments within this first subgroup span the years 1978 to 1992, and illustrate aspects of the administration of the Office of the Mayor, as well as its relationship with other departments within City Hall. The records consist of internal correspondence and memoranda, photographic material, and budget related documents such as spreadsheets, vouchers, and invoices.The subgroup is divided into four series: Joint Council Records 1987 to 1990, City Hall Records 1981 to 1992, Financial Records 1978 to 1990, and Records of the Toronto Office 1990 to 1991.JOINT COUNCIL RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans the years 1987 to 1990, and contains two units, the Joint Meeting of City Council and County Council and Windsor-Detroit Council Meetings. The documents consist of correspondence files, internal memoranda, and agendas and minutes.Among the topics discussed at the joint council meetings are: waste management, access to municipal services, tourism, dual funding of the area’s educational system, international trade, the Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel traffic, and the Customs 2000 programme. RG 11 A IJOINT COUNCIL RECORDS 1987 - 1990UnitDescriptionDate 1- Joint Meeting of City Council and County Council1987 2- Windsor - Detroit Council Meetings1990CITY HALL RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans the years 1981 to 1992, and includes internal memoranda among various departments within Windsor’s City Hall and Windsor City Councillors, as well as correspondence regarding the Employee Assistance Programme (E.A.P.) for City Hall employees. Also found among the records are agendas and minutes, photographic material, and newspaper clippings.Departments and individuals in correspondence with the Mayor’s Office include: Chief Administrative Officer; Building Department; City Clerk’s Department; Finance Department; Personnel and Human Resources; Legal Department; Parks and Recreation; Police Department; Public Works; Traffic and Engineering; and Councillors Donna Gamble, Tom Toth, Tom Porter, and John Millson.The majority of the correspondence and memoranda revolve around complaints received by the Mayor’s Office, which are then forwarded to their respective departments within City Hall. Other topics of interest include, but are not limited to: the city’s settlement with former Finance Commissioner Edward Agnew, applications for building permits, and the hiring process at City Hall.Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives. Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library. For more information on how complaints are processed by the Mayor’s Office, see the two series Complaints (RG 11 E VI) and Irrational Complaints (RG 11 E VII) in the sub-group Public Functions.RG 11 A IICITY HALL 1981 - 1992UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Chief Administrative Officer1982- 1987 2- Chief Administrative Officer1988 -1989 3- Chief Administrative Officer1990Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 4- Chief Administrative Officer1992 5- Building Department1990Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 6- City Clerk’s Department1992 7- Finance Department : Fiscal1989 - 1991Transfer 8- Finance Department : General1990 - 1992UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 9- Personnel1986 - 1988 10- Human Resources1992 11- Legal Department1986 12- Parks and Recreation1992 13- Police Department1991 - 1992 14- Public Works1992 15- Traffic and Engineering1991 - 1992 16- Employee Assistance Programme1982 - 1988(E.A.P.) : Agenda and Minutes 17- Employee Assistance Programme1981 - 1986(E.A.P.) : Financial Statements 18- Employee Assistance Programme1981 - 1989(E.A.P.) : Correspondence 19- City Hall : Correspondence1987 - 1990Photographs Removed, See PC/7138, /7139 20- Councillors : General1989 - 1990 21- Councillors : Donna Gamble1988 22- Councillors : Tom Toth1986 - 1988 23- Councillors : Tom Porter1986 - 1988 24- Councillors : John Millson1987 - 1990FINANCIAL RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1978 to 1990 and includes financial records pertaining to the Mayor’s Office annual budget, invoices for gifts given by the Mayor or the Mayor’s representative, and accounts payable vouchers and invoices for office supplies and equipment. The records are comprised of spreadsheets, correspondence, accounts payable vouchers and invoices, and receipts.Budget files include requested, recommended, and actual budget figures; salary recommendations for employees in the Mayor’s Office; and instructions on preparing the annual budget. Gift invoices include documentation of gifts given to visiting dignitaries or in appreciation of Windsor citizens’ deeds or outstanding accomplishments.RG 11 A IIIFINANCIAL RECORDS 1978 - 1990UnitDescriptionDate 1- Budget1978 2- Budget1979 3- Budget1980 4- Budget1981 5- Budget1982 6- Budget1983 7- Budget1984 8- Budget1985 9- Budget1986 10- Budget1987 11- Budget1988 12- Refurbishing of Mayor’s Office1983 - 1984 13- Invoices of Gifts1984 - 1985 14- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1983 15- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1984 16- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1985 17- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1986 18- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1987 19- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1988 20- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1989 21- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1990 22- Accounts Payable Vouchers and Invoices1991RG 11 AIVRECORDS OF THE TORONTO OFFICESeries DescriptionThe series spans only two years, 1990 - 1991, but includes important information on Mayor John Millson’s efforts to establish an office in the city of Toronto to attract new investment to the city of Windsor. In his remarks to City Council, Mayor Millson justified the existence of such an office, claiming a trade office would “renew enthusiasm in our growing industrial and commercial development, our excellent cultural and educational facilities, our prosperous agricultural community, and our close connections with the United States” (see RG 11 A IV/2). The records are comprised of correspondence, internal memoranda, newspaper clippings, invoices, receipts, and spreadsheets.Among the correspondence are letters from real estate agents, advertising companies, and industries willing to relocate or establish branch plants in Windsor. Memoranda include records between the various departments of City Hall, the Windsor Development Commission, the Visitors and Convention Bureau, and the Chamber of Commerce. The budget records of the Toronto Office are comprised mainly of spreadsheets, along with some correspondence and receipts.RG 11 A IVTORONTO OFFICE 1990 - 1991UnitDescriptionDate 1- Correspondence1990 - 1991 2- Public Relations Material1990 3- Budget1990 - 1991RG 11 B 11RECORDS OF THE MAYOR’S COMMITTEESSubgroup NoteDocuments within this second subgroup span the years 1979 to 1992, and illustrate the involvement of the Mayor’s Office in a number of committees, councils, and task forces. The records consist of internal correspondence and memoranda, agendas and minutes, statistics, pamphlets and reports, photographic material, and newspaper clippings.The subgroup is divided into nine series: Downtown Action Task Force Minutes and Correspondence 1980 - 1991, Working for a Better Windsor Committee Minutes and Correspondence 1981 - 1982, Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed Records 1979 - 1991, Mayor’s Committee on Pêche Island Records 1986 - 1989, 1994 Commonwealth Games Task Force Records 1980 - 1987, Task Force on Free Trade Records 1985 - 1990, Mayor’s Committee on Children’s Services Records 1989 - 1991, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Task Force Records 1990 - 1992, and Ontario Border Communities Mayors’ Task Force Records 1989 - 1992. RG 11 BDOWNTOWN ACTION TASK FORCESeries DescriptionThe series spans 1980 to 1991 and includes documentation on the city’s efforts to improve Windsor’s downtown area through revitalization programmes, inducing commercial development, and advocating downtown shopping. The records consist of correspondence, internal memoranda, minutes and agendas, and reports.Selected topics within the series include, but are not limited to: the Ouellette Avenue Mall development and subsequent improvements, Pelissier Street revitalization, parking considerations, various campaigns promoting downtown shopping, the opening of sidewalk cafés, potential downtown development, and correspondence related to downtown shopping.Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives. Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.RG 11 B IDOWNTOWN ACTION TASK FORCE 1980 - 1991UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Agendas and Minutes1980 - 1985 2- Agendas and Minutes1986 - 1990 3- Correspondence1980 - 1986 4- Correspondence1988 - 1991Photographs Removed,See PC/7140 - /7143;Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 5- Downtown Business Association :1990 - 1991Agendas and Minutes 6- Downtown Business Association :1990Promotion Committee Minutes 7- “Cause Report” and Related1980Correspondence 8- Downtown Core Revitalization1990WORKING FOR A BETTER WINDSOR COMMITTEE MINUTES AND CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionThe series spans two years 1981 to 1982, and documents the activities of Mayor Albert H. Weeks and the Working for a Better Windsor Committee. According to the terms of reference, the committee’s purpose was to provide a forum where matters of interest to labour, management and the community at large may be considered in a positive light with a view toward the economic betterment of Windsor. The records consist of the terms of reference, agendas and minutes, and correspondence.Among the organizations and bodies in correspondence with the committee are the Windsor-Essex County Development Commission and the Chamber of Commerce. Of interest in the records are early discussions on a “Pride in Windsor” programme (eventually occurring in 1987); and a “Ten Year Plan” for Windsor’s future, a revitalization plan developed to include both private and public initiative in the economic development of the city, consistent with the cultural and social well-being of the city’s citizens.For more information on the “Pride in Windsor” programme, consult the subject files of Mayor David A. Burr, in the series Subject Files and General Correspondence (RG 11 H I/118 - /126).RG 11 B IIWORKING FOR A BETTER WINDSOR COMMITTEE MINUTES AND CORRESPONDENCE 1981 - 1982UnitDescriptionDate 1- Terms of Reference[1982?] 2- Agendas and Minutes1982 3- Correspondence1981 - 1982EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES/SERVICES TO THE UNEMPLOYED RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1979 to 1991 and documents the activities of the Mayor’s Committee on Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed. According to the committee’s terms of reference, the purpose of the body is two-fold. The committee is to identify employment opportunities and promote job creation, and identify the needs of unemployed persons and their families to ensure the necessary services are available. The records consist of terms of reference, agendas and minutes, correspondence, statistics, working papers, reports, and newspaper clippings.The Mayor’s Committee on Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed struck a number of task forces and sub-committees. Included in this series are documents from the committee’s Auto Industry Task Force, Sub-Committee on Poverty, Youth Employment Sub-Committee, and Task Force on Youth Unemployment. Some of the topics addressed by the committee include skills training for the unemployed, the impact of unemployment on social services, the status of women and work in Windsor, the impacts of plant closures on the community, and issues and strategies for industry and education.Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.RG 11 B IIIEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES/SERVICES TO THE UNEMPLOYED1979 - 1991UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Terms of Reference[1984?] 2- Agendas and Minutes1984 - 1986 3- Agendas and Minutes1987 4- Agendas and Minutes1988 5- Agendas and Minutes1989 6- Agendas and Minutes1990 7- Agendas and Minutes1991 8- Correspondence1979 9- CorrespondenceJan - Jun 1980 10- CorrespondenceJul - Dec 1980 11- Correspondence1982 12- Correspondence1983 13- Correspondence1984Newspaper ClippingsRemoved, See Appendix IUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 14- Correspondence1985 15- Correspondence1986Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 16- Correspondence1987Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 17- Correspondence1988Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 18- Correspondence1989 - 1990Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 19- Correspondence1991Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 20- Auto Industry Task Force :1987Agendas and Minutes 21- Auto Industry Task Force :1983 - 1987Correspondence 22- Sub- Committee on Poverty :1984Agendas and Minutes 23- Sub- Committee on Poverty :1985Agendas and Minutes 24- Sub- Committee on Poverty :1986Agendas and Minutes 25- Sub- Committee on Poverty :1988Agendas and Minutes 26- Sub- Committee on Poverty :1989Agendas and Minutes 27- Sub- Committee on Poverty :1985Correspondence 28- Sub- Committee on Poverty :1987Correspondence 29- Skills Training for the1986Unemployed 30- Task Force on Youth1989Unemployment 31- Unemployment Statistics1978 - 1983 32- Unemployment Statistics1984 - 1987 33- Unemployment Statistics1988 - 1991UnitDescriptionDate 34- Bert Weeks’ Working Paper on Automotive Cities1980 35- Report of the Mayor’s Committee on Services for1980the Unemployed 36- Report : “A Pilot Study on the Impact of Unemployment on1983Social Services in Windsor” 37- Poverty Sub-Committee of the Mayor’s Committee on 1984Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed :“Poverty Report” 38- Report : “A Survey on the Long Term Effects of Unemployment1984in Windsor - Essex County” 39- The Youth Employment Sub-Committee of the Mayor’s1986Committee on Employment Opportunities/Services to theUnemployed : “Final Report” 40- The Youth Employment Sub-Committee of the Mayor’s1986Committee on Employment Opportunities/Services to theUnemployed : “Working More Effectively With Youth” 41- The Youth Employment Sub-Committee of the Mayor’s1986Committee on Employment Opportunities/Services to theUnemployed : “Major Trends Among Youth” 42- Report : “A Brief Overview on the Mayor’s Committee on1986Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed” 43- Report : “Resources for the Laid- Off/Unemployed”1987 44- “Report of the Auto Parts Task Force of the Mayor’s Committee1988on Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed” 45- The Poverty Task Force of the Mayor’s Committee on1988Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed :“Response to Provincial-Municipal Social Services Review” 46- Windsor-Essex Skills Training Advisory Committee : “Closing1988the Skilled Trades Gap : Issues and Strategies for Industryand Education” 47- The Poverty Task Force of the Mayor’s Committee on1989Employment Opportunities : “Response to the Report of theSocial Assistance Review Committee” 48- Report : “Status of Women and Work in Windsor”1989 49- Report : “A Preliminary Proposal for the Study of the Socio-1990Economic Impact of Plant Closings and Layoffs in Windsor-EssexCounty”UnitDescriptionDate50- Report : “Plant Closure Focus Groups for Mayor’s Committee1990on Employment Opportunities/Services to the Unemployed” 51- Report : “Building Community Support for People Affected by1991Plant Closure” 52- Report: “A Pilot Study of the Socio- Economic Impact of Plant1991Closures and Lay Offs in Windsor-Essex County Region”MAYOR’S COMMITTEE ON P?CHE ISLAND RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1986 to 1989, and is comprised of one correspondence file. Efforts to turn the Provincial Park into a regional park or alternate tourism facility is documented by the records.The correspondence file includes letters from a number of organizations and bodies, such as the Ontario Parks Association, The Essex County Four Seasons Nature Club, The Essex Region Conservation Authority, and Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources.Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.RG 11 B IVMAYOR’S COMMITTEE ON P?CHE ISLAND 1986 - 1989UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1986 - 1989Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I1994 COMMONWEALTH GAMES TASK FORCE RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1980 to 1988, and documents the City of Windsor’s unsuccessful bid to host the 1994 Commonwealth Games. Included in the series are internal memoranda, correspondence, financial statements, booklets, presentation material, and pamphlets.Some topics of interest include, but are not limited to: bid procedure instructions, the 1994 Commonwealth Games Task Force presentation material for the Games’ selection committee, Windsor’s 1994 Commonwealth Games Presentation Booklet, the city’s legacy plan for Commonwealth Games sporting venues, the 1994 Commonwealth Games’ official logo contest, and the expenses incurred by the city as a result of its bid proposal. Among the correspondence files are letters of support from various organizations and individuals in Windsor, including the Windsor & District Labour Council, Sandwich Secondary School, and the Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity.Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.RG 11 B V1994 COMMONWEALTH GAMES TASK FORCE 1980 - 1987UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Memoranda1986 - 1987 2- Background Information and Bid1980 - [1986?]Procedure 3- Windsor’s Presentation Booklet1987 4- Correspondence1987Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 5- Correspondence1988 6- Financial Statements1987 7- Commonwealth Games Logo1987ContestTASK FORCE ON FREE TRADE RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1985 to 1990, and provides information on the activities of the Mayor’s Task Force on Free Trade. According to the terms of reference, the task force was established to examine all relevant documents on the free trade agreement between Canada and the United States, and to assess the potential impact of the proposed agreement, both positive and negative, on the local economy. The records include terms of reference, agendas and minutes, correspondence, and a report.The task force corresponded with several bodies and organizations, including other municipal governments, the provincial and federal government, the Windsor & District Labour Council, and various manufacturers in Windsor. Also of interest are newsletters from the firm of Clarkson Gordon Woods Gordon, which explained the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement, monitored free trade developments, and provided trade strategies for its clients. Included in the series is a report assessing the impact of the U.S.-Canadian Free Trade Agreement upon the behaviour of U.S. industrial subsidiaries in Canada.Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.RG 11 B VITASK FORCE ON FREE TRADE 1985 - 1990UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Terms of Reference, Meeting[1985?] - 1990Agendas and Minutes 2- Report : “Assessment of Likely1985Impact of a U.S.-Canadian FreeTrade Agreement Upon the Behaviour of the U.S. IndustrialSubsidiaries in Canada” 3- Correspondence1986Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 4- Correspondence1987 5- Correspondence1988 6- Correspondence1989Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 7- Correspondence1990Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix IMAYOR’S COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN’S SERVICES RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1989 to 1991, and provides documentation on the activities of the Mayor’s Committee on Children’s Services in response to Windsor City Council’s declaration of 1990 as the “Year of the Child.” The committee had three objectives: to identify the range of programmes and services available in the community for children; to promote awareness of these programmes in order to maximize their utilization; and to identify future trends in order to suggest possible directions for the community to follow in order to meet the needs of children. The Mayor’s Committee on Children’s Services also struck a task force to examine the area’s homeless youth, the minutes and correspondence of which are included in the series. The records are comprised of agendas and minutes, correspondence, and reports.Included in the correspondence files are letters from the Roman Catholic Children’s Aid Society for the County of Essex, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, the Children’s Achievement Centre, Windsor Western Hospital, and the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services.RG 11 B VIIMAYOR’S COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN’S SERVICES 1989 - 1991UnitDescriptionDate 1- Agendas and Minutes1990 2- Correspondence1989 - 1991 3- Report (and Summary) : “Report of the Advisory Committee1990on Children’s Services” 4- Task Force on Homeless Youth : Minutes and Correspondence1989CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION TASK FORCE RECORDSSeries DescriptionSpanning the years 1990 to 1992, the series documents the activities of the task force in response to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s decision to end local television broadcasting in Windsor, and the subsequent cancellation of local news programming. The task force was struck with the purpose of restoring CBC local programming, or, in the event of an outside body taking over the operation of the station or production of the news, to ensure the establishment and maintenance of standards acceptable to the community. The records consist of terms of reference, agendas and minutes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographic material.Among the records are documents pertaining to the “Save Our Station Public Rally” held in support of CBC local programming; the “One Hundred Days of Action” protesting the federal government’s reduction in funding for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; and a fundraising campaign to pay for legal action against the CBC, as the city believed the corporation failed to live up to the obligations of its license.Photographic material included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives.RG 11 B VIIICANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION TASK FORCE 1990 - 1992UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Terms of Reference and Minutes1991 2- “Save Our Station” Rally1990 3- 100 Hundred Days of Action1991 4- Media Committee Releases and1990 - 1991Photographic Material CorrespondenceRemoved, See PC/7144 - /7147;PC-N /1827 - /1828 5- Letters of Support and Related1990Correspondence 6- Letters of Support and Related1991Correspondence 7- Task Force Correspondence1992 8- Newspaper Clippings1991 - 1992RG 11 B IXONTARIO BORDER COMMUNITIES MAYORS’ TASK FORCE RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1989 to 1992, and documents Mayor Millson’s efforts to establish the Ontario Border Communities Task Force in order to alleviate the negative impact of cross-border shopping on border communities in Ontario. The Ontario Border Communities Mayors’ Task Force invited participation from all border communities throughout Ontario, including Welland, Sarnia, Thunder Bay, Cornwall, Fort Erie, Sault Ste. Marie, Kingston, St. Catherines, Niagara Falls, and Port Colbourne. The records are comprised of agendas and minutes, correspondence, and newspaper clippings.Discussed within the records are a number of strategies to combat the negative economic impact of cross-border shopping. Some of these strategies include demanding the provincial and federal governments act upon a number of issues, such as a discussion of the Canada-U.S. exchange rate, reexamining the Goods and Services Tax, investigating the effect of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement on cross-border shopping, implementing express lanes at border crossings, the improved collection of provincial tax, and a review of the Sunday shopping laws in Ontario.RG 11 B IXONTARIO BORDER COMMUNITIES MAYORS’ TASK FORCE 1989 - 1992UnitDescriptionDate 1- Agendas and Minutes1991 2- Correspondence1989 - 1990 3- CorrespondenceJan - Mar 1991 4- CorrespondenceApr 1991 5- CorrespondenceMay 1991 6- CorrespondenceJun 1991 7- CorrespondenceJul - Dec 1991 8- Correspondence1992 9- Newspaper Clippings1991WINDSOR’S TWIN CITIESSubgroup NoteDocuments within this third subgroup span the years 1976 to 1991, and illustrate Windsor’s involvement in the twinning movement. Aspects of the twin city relationship enjoyed by Windsor includes cultural, educational, and sporting exchange, increased trade links, economic aid, official visits, and gift exchange. The records consist of agendas and minutes, correspondence, itineraries, presentation material, reports, financial records, photographic material, and newspaper clippings.The subgroup is divided into nine series: Twin Cities/International Relations Committee Minutes 1976 - 1990; Granby, Quebec Records 1976 - 1989; Coventry, England Records 1977 - 1990; Udine, Italy Records 1977 - 1987; Ohrid, Macedonia, Yugoslavia Records 1977 - 1989; Mannheim, Germany Records 1979 - 1990; Saint-Etienne, France Records 1980 - 1991; Las Vueltas, El Salvador Records 1984 - 1988; and Fujisawa, Japan Records 1983 - 1990.TWIN CITIES/INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1976 to 1990 and includes documentation on the efforts of Windsor to twin with other cities, the administration of the twinning committee, and the various exchanges between Windsor and its twin cities. The records are comprised of agendas and minutes, correspondence, newsletters, itineraries, budget material, and photographic ics addressed by the Twin Cities/International Relations Committee includes fostering a twin relationship, formulating and organizing the “Twinning Charter” with each twin city, student exchanges, gift exchanges, planning official visits and hosting twin city dignitaries, organizing sporting events, considering future twin city relationships, promoting trade links, organizing relief efforts, naming parks and streets in honour of Windsor’s twin cities, and ceremonial tree plantings.Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives. Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library. For more information on the donation of the Udine Fountain to Windsor, see the series Udine, Italy (RG 11 C IV).RG 11 C ITWIN CITIES/INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE RECORDS 1976 - 1990UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Agendas and Minutes1979 - 1984 2- Agendas and Minutes1985 - 1990 3- Student Exchange Programme : Minutes1980 4- Italian Twinning Sub-Committee : Minutes1979 5- Mannheim Visit Sub-Committee : Agendas1980and Minutes 6- Udine Fountain Committee : Minutes1981See also RG 11 C IV/8 7- Twin City Newsletters1980 - 1981 8- Twin City Committee : Correspondence1978 - 1982 9- Twin City Committee : Correspondence1983 - 1985 10- Twin City Committee : Correspondence1986 - 1990 11- Japan-Hong Kong Visit1983 - 1984 12- Far East Trade Mission : Correspondence1986UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 13- Far East Trade Mission : Correspondence1987Newspaper Clippings Removed, SeeAppendix I 14- Far East Trade Mission : Correspondence1988 15- Far East Trade Mission : Itineraries1987 16- Far East Trade Mission : Presentation1987 - 1988Photographs MaterialRemoved, See PC/7148 - /7189 17- Far East Trade Mission : Budget1987 18- Far East Trade Mission : Final Report1988 19- Twin Cities Soccer Tournament : 1988Correspondence 20- Twin Cities Soccer Tournament : 1988Itineraries 21- Letters of Introduction1980 - 1986 22- Proposed Twinning with Hawkesbury1983Shire, Australia : Correspondence 23- Proposed Twinning with Cities in China :1984 - 1989Correspondence 24- Windsor and Maidenhead, England :1976 - 1982Correspondence 25- India1985 - 1987 26- Thailand1987 27- Taiwan1989 28- Hong Kong1988 - 1989 29- Financial Records1981 - 1988 30- Twin Cities Soccer Tournament : Budget1988GRANBY, QUEBEC RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1976 to 1989, and provides information on several facets of the Windsor-Granby twin city relationship. The records consist of several correspondence files, internal memoranda, itineraries, and photographic material.As the Granby-Windsor twinning relationship is Windsor’s longest, and since Granby is the only city in North America twinned with Windsor, several visits between city officials have occurred - many of which are well documented in the series. Other topics of interest include the ceremonial signing of the Twinning Charter, soccer tournaments involving both cities, musical exchange programmes, Granby’s donation to the Peace Fountain fund, and the construction of a rose garden in Granby named in honour of Windsor.Photographic material included in the series is removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives.RG 11 C IIGRANBY, QUEBEC RECORDS 1976 - 1989UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1976 2- Correspondence1977 3- Correspondence1978 4- Correspondence1979 5- Correspondence1980 6- Correspondence1981Photographs Removed,See PC/7190 - /7196 7- Correspondence1982 8- Correspondence1983 - 1984 9- Correspondence1985 - 1989Photographic Material Removed, See PC/7197 - /7201;PC-N/1829 - /1830 10- Official Visit1976 11- Official Visit1977 12- Official Visit (Cancelled)1978 13- Official Visit1980 14- Official Visit1981WINDSOR’S TWIN CITIESRG 11 C III GRANBY, QUEBEC RECORDS 1976 - 1989 - cont’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 15- Official Visit (26th Anniversary1982Photographic Materialand Signing of Twin City Charter)Removed, SeePC/7202 - 7216;PC-N/1831 - /1834 16- Twin Cities Soccer and Granby1979 - 1981Photographs Removed,Sports TournamentSee PC/7217 - /7219 17- Musician Exchange Programme1982 18- Granby Wine Club1984 19- Granby Soccer Exchange1984 - 1985COVENTRY, ENGLAND RECORDSSeries DescriptionSpanning 1977 to 1990, the series documents Windsor’s twin city relationship with Coventry, England. The records consist of correspondence files, internal memoranda, itineraries, postcards, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, and photographic material.Some topics of interest within the series include, but are not limited to: official visits by dignitaries from both cities; the University of Windsor School of Dramatic Arts’ visits and performances in Coventry; sports tournaments and student exchanges involving the twin cities; the development of Windsor’s Coventry Gardens Park; ‘pen pal’ programmes; and the “Coventry Peace Project,” commemorating the bombing of Coventry during the Second World War through the exchange of peace messages on postcards.Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives.RG 11 C IIICOVENTRY, ENGLAND RECORDS 1977 - 1990UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1977 - 1979Photograph Removed,See PC/7220 2- Correspondence1980 - 1982 3- Correspondence1983 - 1984 4- Correspondence1985 - 1990Photographs Removed,See PC/7221 - /7222, /7403 5- Official Visit1981 - 1982 6- University of Windsor Students’1983 - 1985Photographs Removed,Visit to CoventrySee PC/7223 - /7227 7- Coventry Peace Project1985 - 1987 8- Coventry’s Participation in Twin1988Cities Soccer TournamentUDINE, ITALY RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1977 to 1987, and documents Windsor’s twin city relationship with Udine, Italy. The records are comprised of correspondence files, booklets, and plans.Of note in the series are records documenting the establishment of the twin city relationship; the donation of the Udine Fountain Windsor received from Udine in appreciation of Windsor’s economic relief given to northern Italy following an earthquake in 1980; official visits to Windsor by Udine dignitaries; several student exchanges between Windsor and Udine; Windsor’s gift to Udine of an obelisk; and Windsor’s participation in an Udine soccer tournament.For more information on the Udine Fountain, see the minutes of the Udine Fountain Committee in the series Twin Cities/International Relations Committee Records (RG 11 C I/6).RG 11 C IVUDINE, ITALY RECORDS 1977 - 1987UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1977 2- Correspondence1979 3- Correspondence1980 4- Correspondence1981 5- Correspondence1983 6- Correspondence1984 - 1987 7- Student Exchange Programme1980 - 1983 8- Fountain Donation to Windsor1981 - 1984See also RG 11 C I/6 9- Udine Soccer Tournament1982 10- Obelisk Gift to Udine1983 - 1984Includes two plansOHRID, MACEDONIA, YUGOSLAVIA RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1977 to 1989, and documents Windsor’s twin city relationship with Ohrid, in the former Yugoslav Socialist Republic of Macedonia. The records are comprised of correspondence files, internal memoranda, itineraries, and photographic material.Of note in the series are documents on the establishment of the twin city relationship with Ohrid, official visits by delegates from both Windsor and Ohrid, the ceremonial signing of the Twinning Charter, a history of Ohrid, Ohrid’s participation in Windsor’s Twin City Soccer Tournaments, and a trade mission to Macedonia by Hilary Payne and Development Commission representatives.Photographic material included in the series is removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives.RG 11 C VOHRID, MACEDONIA, YUGOSLAVIA RECORDS 1977 - 1989UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1977 - 1979 2- Correspondence1980 - 1981Photographic Material Removed,See PC/7228 - /7237; PC-N/1835 - /1842 3- Correspondence1983 - 1989 4- Ohrid’s Participation in the1988Twin Cities Soccer TournamentMANNHEIM, GERMANY RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1979 to 1990 and documents Windsor’s twin city relationship with Mannheim, Germany. The records are comprised of correspondence files, internal memoranda, itineraries, financial records, newspaper clippings, and photographic material.Some topics of interest in the series include, but are not limited to: the establishment of the Windsor - Mannheim twin city relationship; histories of Mannheim, Germany; numerous official visits by delegates from both Windsor and Mannheim; student exchange programmes, musical performances by bands and musicians from both cities; gift exchanges; Mannheim’s participation in the Windsor Twin City Soccer Tournament; ceremonial tree plantings at Windsor’s City Hall and Mannheim’s “Windsor-Grounds” Park; and the staging of “Canada Days” in Mannheim, to discuss Canadian native peoples, the country’s agricultural and industrial development, and displaying Canadian handicraft, art, and exhibits.Photographic material included in the series is removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives.RG 11 C VIMANNHEIM, GERMANY RECORDS 1979 - 1990UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1979 2- Correspondence1980Photographic Material Removed, SeePC/7238 - /7252;PC-N/1843 - /1883 3- Correspondence1981 4- Correspondence1982Photographs Removed, See PC/7253 - /7258, /7397 5- Correspondence1983 6- Correspondence1984 7- Correspondence1985 8- Correspondence1986 9- Correspondence1987 - 1990 10- Official Visit1979 11- Official Visit1980 12- Official Visit : Financial Records1980 13- “Canada Days in Mannheim”1980 14- “Canada Days in Mannheim”Jan - Jun 1981 15- “Canada Days in Mannheim”Jul - Dec 1981UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 16- “Canada Days in Mannheim”1982 17- Mannheim-Rheinau Carnival 1984Photograph Removed, SeeBand : VisitPC/7260 - /7261 18- Student Exchange1985 19- Disabled Student Exchange1985 20- Luncheon for German Consulate1986 21- Abendakademie Visit1986 22- Sample Itineraries for German1985 - 1986Visitors 23- Mannheim Youth Symphony : Visit1987 24- Mannheim Youth Symphony :1987 - 1988Financial Records of VisitSAINT-ETIENNE, FRANCE RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1980 to 1991 and documents Windsor’s twin city relationship with Saint-Etienne, France. The records are comprised of correspondence files, internal memoranda, itineraries, and photographic material.Among the topics addressed in the series are various student exchange and summer work programmes, sporting exchanges, official visits by Windsor and Saint-Etienne dignitaries, and Windsor’s participation in Saint-Etienne’s economic fairPhotographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives.RG 11 C VIISAINT-ETIENNE, FRANCE RECORDS 1980 - 1991UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1980 - 1983 2- Correspondence1988 - 1991Photographs Removed, SeePC/7262 - /7266 3- Foire Economique de Saint-1989Photographs Removed, SeeEtiennePC/7267 - /7268; /7404 - /7407 4- Saint-Etienne’s Participation in1988Twin Cities Soccer TournamentLAS VUELTAS, EL SALVADOR RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1984 to 1988 and documents Windsor’s twin city relationship with Las Vueltas, El Salvador. The records are comprised of correspondence, internal memoranda, booklets, news releases, and newspaper clippings.The unique Windsor-Las Vueltas twinning relationship originated from humanitarian principles. Aspects of Windsor’s moral and economic support is well documented in the series. Areas of interest include documentation on SalvAide’s efforts to raise awareness of the situation in war-torn El Salvador, extensive correspondence urging the city of Windsor to establish a twinning relationship with Las Vueltas and subsequent letters of support, Mayor David Burr’s mission to El Salvador, and the 1984 El Salvador election.Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library. Several newspaper clippings and media releases in the series are in Spanish and have not been translated into English.RG 11 C VIIILAS VUELTAS, EL SALVADOR RECORDS 1984 - 1988UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1986 2- CorrespondenceJan - Jun 1987 3- CorrespondenceJul - Dec 1987 4- Correspondence1988 5- El Salvador Election : Clippings1984and New Releases 6- Newspaper Clippings1986 - 1988Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix IRG 11 C IXFUJISAWA, JAPAN RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1983 to 1990 and documents Windsor’s twin city relationship with Fujisawa, Japan. The records are comprised of correspondence, internal memoranda, booklets, financial records, itineraries, newspaper clippings, and photographsOf note in the series are documents on the establishment of the twin city relationship between Windsor and Fujisawa; official visits by delegates from both Windsor and Fujisawa; student exchange programmes; gift exchanges; and Fujisawa’s participation in the Windsor Twin Cities Soccer Tournament.Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives.RG 11 C IXFUJISAWA, JAPAN RECORDS 1983 - 1990UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1983 - 1986 2- Correspondence1987 - 1990Photographs Removed,See PC/7269 - /7283 3- Fujisawa Host Committee : 1987Minutes 4- Japanese Delegation to Windsor1987 5- Windsor Delegation to Fujisawa1987 6- Windsor Delegation to Fujisawa :1987Financial Records 7- Student Exchange1987 - 1989 8- Canada-Japan Twinning1988Conference 9- Windsor Delegation to Fujisawa1989 10- Fujisawa’s Participation in Twin1988Cities Soccer TournamentRG 11 DMAYORAL MEMBERSHIPSSubgroup NoteDocuments within this fourth subgroup span the years 1979 to 1989, and illustrate the activity and level of involvement of Windsor’s mayors in a number of pan-municipal associations and committees. The records consist of correspondence, agendas and minutes, reports, publications, communiqués, and newspaper clippings.The subgroup is divided into five series: Association of Municipalities of Ontario Records 1979 - 1988, Automotive Mayors’ Committee Records 1986 - 1987, Federation of Canadian Municipalities Records 1983 - 1989, Great Lakes Mayors’ Committee Records 1986 - 1989, and Ontario Municipal Management Board Records 1985 - 1987.ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1979 to 1988, and although only two units form the series, a great deal of information is provided on the activities of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO). The AMO produces regular publications and reports, conducts workshops, hosts conferences, and is in active correspondence with both the provincial and federal government regarding important municipal issues. The records are comprised of correspondence, internal memoranda, reports, and conference programmes and itineraries.Among the numerous issues addressed by the AMO are: community and social services, children’s aid societies, homes for the aged, tax reform, arbitration proceedings, and policing. Also of note in the series is a report of funding arrangements, authored by a committee which included Windsor Councillor and future Mayor, John Millson. RG 11 D IASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO RECORDS 1979 - 1988UnitDescriptionDate 1- Correspondence1979 - 1988 2- Report of the Funding Arrangements Committee1986AUTOMOTIVE MAYORS’ COMMITTEE RECORDSSeries DescriptionSpanning two years, 1986 and 1987, the series contains a number of reports dealing with the automotive industry and its impact on local economies. Among the more active members of the committee are the cities of Windsor, St. Thomas, Brampton, Brantford, St. Catherines, Niagara Falls, Oshawa, Oakville, Barrie, Sault Ste. Marie, Ajax, Tillsonburg, Stratford, and Kitchener. The records are comprised of correspondence, agendas and minutes, reports, and newspaper clippings.Issues faced by the committee include: maintaining and improving the “Auto Pact,” the continuance of import limits on foreign automobiles entering Canada, and preserving the “Canadian content” quota on automobiles sold in Canada.Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.RG 11 D IIAUTOMOTIVE MAYORS’ COMMITTEE RECORDS 1986 - 1987UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Correspondence1986Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 2- Correspondence1987Newspaper Clippings Removed,See Appendix I 3- Report : “Report of the1986Automotive Industry HumanResources Task Force”FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1983 to 1989, and includes documents on Federation of Canadian Municipalities (F.C.M.) activities. The F.C.M. is a national organization of Canadian municipalities, which provides cities with a forum to discuss issues of national and municipal concern. The records are comprised of correspondence files, publications, newsletters, communiqués, and newspaper clippings.The Federation of Canadian Municipalities produces regular publications and reports, conducts workshops, hosts conferences, and is in active correspondence with both the provincial and federal governments regarding important municipal issues. The F.C.M. also holds a Big City Mayor’s Caucus to discuss municipalities’ role in economic development and analyse the condition of larger cities’ infrastructure. In 1985 Windsor met the membership criteria and became a member of the Big City Mayor’s Caucus.Several issues discussed in the series include, but are not limited to: infrastructure, housing, equalization payments, municipal services, sales tax and property tax reform, economic development and the environment, and liability insurance. Also of note is the Federation’s professional exchange programme, where municipal staff in Canada are exchanged with their counterparts from municipalities in developing countries.More information on Windsor’s involvement in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Big City Mayor’s Caucus can be found in Mayor John Millson’s subject files, located in the series Subject Files and General Correspondence (RG 11 I I/11) in the subgroup John Millson - Operational Records.RG 11 D IIIFEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES RECORDS 1983 - 1989UnitDescriptionDate 1- Correspondence1983 2- Correspondence1984 3- Correspondence1985 4- Correspondence1986 5- Correspondence1987 6- Correspondence1988 7- Correspondence1989 8- Municipal Professional Exchange Programmes1987 - 1988 9- Communiqués1984 10- F.C.M. Publications and Communiqués1985 11- F.C.M. Publications and Communiqués1986MAYORAL MEMBERSHIPSRG 11 D IIIFEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES RECORDS 1983 - 1989 cont’dUnitDescriptionDate 12- F.C.M. Publications and Communiqués1987 13- F.C.M. Publications and Communiqués1988GREAT LAKES MAYORS’ COMMITTEE RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1986 to 1989, and provides information on the activity of the Great Lakes Mayors’ Committee, chaired by Mayor David Burr. The committee included representatives from communities around the Great Lakes, such as Windsor, Scarborough, Sault Ste. Marie, Oakville, Burlington, Amherstburg, Owen Sound, Port Stanley, Mississauga, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Thunder Bay, Sarnia, Belleville, Trenton, Hamilton, and Fort Erie among others. The records consist of correspondence, agendas, minutes, pamphlets, reports, and newspaper clippings.The main concerns of the Great Lakes Mayors’ Committee were high water levels; shoreline management; the threat of water diversion to municipalities in the United States; sewage and pollution; and the maintenance of existing and construction of new locks along the Great Lakes.Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.RG 11 D IVGREAT LAKES MAYORS’ COMMITTEE RECORDS 1986 - 1989UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Minutes1987 2- CorrespondenceJan - Jun 1986Newspaper Clippings Removed,See Appendix I 3- CorrespondenceJul - Dec 1986Newspaper Clippings Removed,See Appendix I 4- CorrespondenceJan - Jun 1987Newspaper Clippings Removed,See Appendix I 5- CorrespondenceJul - Dec 1987Newspaper Clippings Removed,See Appendix I 6- Correspondence1988 - 1989 7- Windsor Meeting on High1987Water LevelsRG 11 D VONTARIO MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT BOARD RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1985 to 1987 and documents the activities of the Ontario Municipal Management Development Board (OMMDB) as it provides municipal officials with educational and professional development services through training workshops and publications. The records consist of correspondence files, agendas and minutes, newsletters, financial records, reports, pamphlets, and quarterly reports.Among the OMMDB’s objectives are the administration of professional development programmes for the improvement of municipal management; promoting effective relationships with educational institutions to ensure a basic understanding of local government; preparing publications on municipal management topics; acting as a clearing house concerning management policies in Ontario municipalities; and providing a data base on training, developmental and educational opportunities for those pursuing a career in municipal management.RG 11 D VONTARIO MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT BOARDRECORDS 1985 - 1987UnitDescriptionDate 1- Agenda and MinutesDec 1985 2- Agenda and MinutesJan 1987 3- Agenda and MinutesJun 1987 4- Correspondence1987PUBLIC FUNCTIONSSubgroup NoteDocuments within this fifth subgroup span the years 1963 to 1992, predominant 1975 to 1992, and illustrate the public aspect of the Mayor’s Office. The office is asked on numerous occasions to deliver speeches, issue proclamations, or act as host to visiting dignitaries. As the office often acts as a forum for citizens to voice their complaints, the process of handling these complaints is also reflected in the records. The documents consist of correspondence, internal memoranda, minutes, itineraries, financial records, invitations, proclamations, speeches, reports, photographic material, newspaper clippings, newspaper clippings, and commemorative coins.The subgroup is divided into eight series: Governor-General’s Visit Records 1981 - 1982, Records of the 1984 Royal Visit 1983 - 1985, Royal Visit Request Correspondence 1985 - 1992, Proclamations 1976 - 1990, Speeches 1975 - 1991, Complaints 1988 - 1992, Irrational Complaints 1981 - 1991, Miscellaneous Telegrams 1963 - [1982?].GOVERNOR-GENERAL’S VISIT RECORDSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1981 to 1982, and documents the extensive planning involved in hosting Governor-General Edward Schreyer on the occasion of his visit to Windsor in January 1982. The records are comprised of correspondence files, internal memoranda, agendas and minutes, mailing lists, and an itinerary.Documented in the series are events scheduled during the visit of the Governor-General, such as the welcoming ceremony; the civic reception honouring His Excellency; the School Patrol function; a tour of Essex County; and the Jaycees’ Annual Young Citizen Award Banquet, where the Governor-General was the guest of honour. The records of the Governor-General’s Visit sub-committee, itinerary drafts, extensive mailing list, and correspondence is atypical of the enormous energy extended during the planning stage of an official visit.RG 11 E IGOVERNOR-GENERAL’S VISIT RECORDS 1981 - 1982UnitDescriptionDate 1- Correspondence1981 2- Itinerary1982RECORDS OF THE 1984 ROYAL VISITSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1983 to 1985, and documents all aspects of Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Windsor in 1984. The records consist of correspondence, agendas and minutes, itineraries, invitations, financial records, photographs, newspaper clippings, and Commemorative Royal Visit Coins.The records include the invitation given to the Queen on behalf of the City of Windsor by Mayor Elizabeth Kishkon as well as the Queen’s royal acknowledgement. The Royal Visit Task Force Committee’s minutes provides information on the activities surrounding the planning of the royal visit as well as protocol procedures. The invitation lists and related correspondence provides an indication of the enormous amount of interest the Queen’s visit garnered among the population of Windsor. Financial records document the costs associated with hosting Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, gifts given to the monarchs, and Royal Visit Commemorative Coins.Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives. Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library. The 1984 Royal Visit Commemorative Coins are removed to the Ephemera Collection at the Municipal Archives. The Municipal Archives Photograph Collection also contains photographs documenting the 1984 Royal Visit (see PC/7398 - /7402.)RG 11 E IIRECORDS OF THE 1984 ROYAL VISIT 1983 - 1985UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Invitation to the Queen and Related1983 - 1984Correspondence 2- Royal Task Force Committee : Minutes1984 3- Royal Task Force Committee : Requests1984 4- Participants in the Royal Visit :1984Correspondence 5- General Correspondence1984 - 1985Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 6- Itinerary and Dry Run Operation1984 7- Royal Luncheon : Sample Invitations1984 8- Royal Luncheon : Master Invitation List1984 9- Royal Luncheon : Replies and1984Correspondence 10- Commemorative Royal Visit Coin 1984Coins Removed 11- Financial Records1984Photograph RemovedSee PC/7284ROYAL VISIT REQUEST CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionThe series spans 1985 to 1992 and documents requests made by the City of Windsor for visits by the Prince of and Princess of Wales in 1985 and by Queen Elizabeth II in 1992 to celebrate the centennial of Windsor. The records consist entirely of correspondence.Included in the correspondence are letters to Governors General Jeanne Sauve and Ray Hnatyshyn and Ontario Premier Bob Rae. Unfortunately, the invitations were declined by members of the Royal Family, but acting as the Queen’s representative in Canada, Governor General Hnatyshyn did visit Windsor during the 1992 Centennial Celebration.Researchers should also consult the files of the Royal Visit Task Force, of the 1992 Centennial Celebration Committee (RG 2 D VIII-2.6.)RG 11 E IIIROYAL VISIT REQUEST CORRESPONDENCE 1985 - 1992UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Prince of Wales Visit1985 2- Windsor Centennial Visit1990 - 1992See also RG 2 D VIII-2.6PROCLAMATIONSSeries DescriptionSpanning the years 1976 to 1990, the series includes a number of proclamations issued by the Mayors of Windsor. Mayoral proclamations are public declarations given on behalf of the city, celebrating the achievements of groups or individuals, or to raise awareness for specific causes. The documents also include samples used by the office as a guide when issuing proclamations, and correspondence files.Proclamations were issued by the Mayors of Windsor on a number of occasions. Examples of proclamations include Mental Health Week, Better Speech and Hearing Week, Hungarian Freedom Day, and Jaycee Week. Correspondence in the series includes requests for proclamations from the Mayor’s Office, some of which were not always successful in having a proclamation issued.RG 11 E IVPROCLAMATIONS 1976 - 1990UnitDescriptionDate 1- Sample Proclamations and Correspondence1976 - 1985 2- Proclamations and Related Correspondence1983 - 1987 3- Proclamations and Related Correspondence1988 - 1990SPEECHESSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1975 to 1991 and includes the text of speeches delivered by Mayors Albert H. Weeks, Elizabeth Kishkon, and John Millson, as well as City Administrator Hilary Payne. The records consist of programmes, correspondence, and both the rough drafts and final copies of speeches.The Mayors of Windsor were asked on several occasions to speak. Events where the mayor spoke which are documented in the series include inaugural and “state of the city” addresses; dedications and official openings; meetings of the Royal Canadian Legion or clubs such as Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis; United Way fundraising events; memorials and Remembrance Day ceremonies; and conferences and seminars. Some topics addressed by Hilary Payne in his speeches include productivity improvement, the media and the credibility of newspapers, and the council-administration form of government in Windsor.RG 11 E VSPEECHES 1975 - 1991UnitDescriptionDate 1- Albert Weeks1975 2- Albert Weeks1976 3- Albert Weeks1977 4- Albert Weeks1978 5- Albert Weeks1979 6- Albert Weeks1980 7- Albert Weeks1981 8- Albert Weeks1982 9- Albert Weeks[between 1975 and 1982] 10- Hilary Payne1981 11- Elizabeth Kishkon1985 12- John Millson1988 13- John Millson1989 14- John MillsonJan - May 1990 15- John MillsonSep - Dec 1990 16- John Millson1991 17- John Millson[between 1988 and 1991]COMPLAINTSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1988 to 1992 and documents the process through which complaints received by the Mayor’s Office are administered. While not the official channel for citizen complaints, for various reasons citizens choose to voice their complaints to the Mayor’s Office. The records consist of internal memoranda and correspondence.Upon receiving a complaint, the Mayor’s Office notifies the proper department in City Hall and requests action. The files reflect this process, and are organized alphabetically by complainant. They contain the original complaint, internal memoranda, and correspondence, which in some cases include an official response from the city. Complaints received by the Mayor’s Office are varied, some of which include: the condition of sidewalks, roads, and parks; noise and rowdy behaviour in residential areas; parking violations or problems; social service complaints; and general criticisms regarding the administration of the municipal government.RG 11 E VICOMPLAINTS 1988 - 1992UnitDescriptionDate 1- Complaints - A1991 2- Complaints - B1990 - 1992 3- Complaints - C1991 4- Complaints - D1990 - 1991 5- Complaints - E1991 6- Complaints - F1990 - 1991 7- Complaints - G1988 - 1991 8- Complaints - H1991 - 1992 9- Complaints - J1991 - 1992 10- Complaints - K1990 - 1991 11- Complaints - L1990 - 1992 12- Complaints - M1989 - 1991 13- Complaints - N1991 14- Complaints - O1990 - 1991 15- Complaints - P1990 - 1992 16- Complaints - R1991 17- Complaints - S1990 - 1991 18- Complaints - T1991 19- Complaints - V1991 20- Complaints - W1990 - 1991 21- Complaints - Z1991 22- Complaints - Anonymous1991IRRATIONAL COMPLAINTSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1981 to 1991, and contain complaints from citizens the city cannot address, since many are considered irrational and beyond the scope of municipal government. The records are comprised primarily of the original complaints, correspondence, and internal memoranda.RG 11 E VIIIRRATIONAL COMPLAINTS 1981 - 1991UnitDate 1- 1981 - 1983 2- 1984 - 1985 3- 1986 4- 1987 5- 1988 6- 1989 7- 1990 8- 1991RG 11 E VIIIMISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAMSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1963 to [1982?] and contains telegrams sent from Windsor Mayors Michael J. Patrick, John Wheelton, and Albert H. Weeks to various levels of the Canadian and United States governments. The records consist of the City of Windsor’s telegraph receipts.The City of Windsor sent telegrams on a number of occasions. The series contains telegrams sent after the assassinations of both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, the death of Sir Winston Churchill, and the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan.RG 11 E VIIIMISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAMS 1963 - [1982?]UnitDate1- 1963 - [1982?]RG 11 FALBERT H. WEEKS - OPERATIONAL RECORDSSubgroup DescriptionDocuments within this sixth subgroup span the years 1974 to 1982, and includes records received and used by Mayor Albert H. Weeks during his term in office. The records reflect the more important issues affecting Windsor during Mayor Weeks’ administration. The subgroup consists of correspondence, subject files, internal memoranda, reports, photographic material, and newspaper clippings.The subgroup is divided into three series: Subject Files and General Correspondence 1974 - 1982; Inter-Governmental Correspondence 1975 - 1981; and Reports 1979 - 1982.SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionThe series spans 1974 to 1982 and consists of subject files maintained by the Mayor’s Office and correspondence sent and received by Mayor Albert H. Weeks during his administration. The records are comprised of correspondence, internal memoranda, photographic material and newspaper clippings.The records reflect the numerous issues faced by Mayor Weeks, such as: annexation, Windsor’s Resource Equalization Grants (R.E.G.) from the province of Ontario, the construction of the Peace Fountain in Coventry Gardens, developing a multi-use facility for Windsor, property tax reform, the acquisition of the Canadian National Railways riverfront property for parkland, the Transit Windsor bus strike 1981, establishing a casino in the city, and the revitalization of Windsor’s downtown.Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives. Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library. Documents relating to Windsor’s Resource Equalization Grants (R.E.G.) also appear in Mayor Weeks’ correspondence with Ontario Premier William Davis, located in the series Inter-Governmental Correspondence (RG 11 F II/4).RG 11 F ISUBJECT FILES AND CORRESPONDENCE 1974 - 1982UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Aerial Tramway for Windsor-1977 - 1981Photograph Removed, SeeDetroitPC/7285 2- Ambulance Service1975 3- Annexation1979 - 1980 4- Brooks, Charlie1980 - 1982 5- Cable Television1982 6- Canadian Mortgage and Housing1975 - 1982Corporation (C.M.H.C.) 7- Conventions1977 - 1982 8- Department of Regional Economic1981Expansion 9- “Disabled” Persons1975 - 1982 10- “Disabled” Persons : Reports1982 11- Elections1982 12- Electric Automobile Corporation1980 - 1981 13- Employment Statistics : Windsor1982 UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 14- Emergency Measures Organization1981 - 1982(E.M.O.) 15- Ford Motor Company of Canada1981 16- Freedom Festival1979 - 1982 17- Gambling/Casino Proposal1981Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 18- Grants : General1975 - 1978 19- Grants : General1979 - 1982 20- Grants : Resource Equalization1975 - 1980See also RG 11 F II/4Grants (R.E.G.) 21- Halas, Edward1975 - 1982 22- Heritage Day1976 - 1977 23- Heritage Houses1979 - 1981 24- Heritage : Windsor (England)1982Heritage Committee 25- Holiday Inn1980 26- Hospitals1979 - 1980 27- Housing1975 - 1982 28- Kitchener Auditorium1982 29- Letters Sent : Congratulations1975 - 1982 30- Letters Sent : Greetings1975 - 1982 31- Letters Sent : “People”1975 - 1982 32- Letters Sent : Religious1977 - 1979 33- Letters Sent : Sports1976 - 1982 34- Letters Sent : “Support” and1975 - 1982Related Correspondence 35- Letters Sent : “Thank-You”1976 - 1982 36- Letters Sent : “Welcome” and1976 - 1982Related Correspondence 37- Little River Golf Course1977 - 1982 38- Mackenzie Hall1978 - 1982 39- Mayor’s Testimonial Dinner1982 40- McGregor Cowan Residence1977 - 1979 41- Multi-Use Facility1983 42- Nursing and Lodging Homes1979 - 1981 43- Ouellette Avenue Mall1980 - 1982 44- Parks : Coventry1976 - 1981Photographs Removed, SeePC/7286, /7287UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 45- Parks : Dieppe1980 46- Peace Fountain : General1975 - 1982Photograph Removed, SeePC/7288 47- Peace Fountain : Fact Sheet[between 1975 and 1982] 48- Peace Fountain : Operating Costs1976 - 1979 49- Peace Fountain : Donations1976 - 1978 50- Peace Fountain : Campaign1976Committee Minutes and News 51- Peace Fountain : Dedication and1977 - 1978Photographs Removed, SeePlaquePC/7408 - /7411 52- Pêche Island1980 53- Planning : General1980 - 1982 54- Project Pride1979 - 1980 55- Property Tax Reform1976 - 1978 56- Property Tax Reform1979 - 1982 57- Railways : General1975 - 1982 58- Railways : Canadian National1974 - 1982Railway 59- Railways : Canadian Pacific1976 - 1982Railway - General 60- Railways : Canadian Pacific1975 - 1978Railway - Crossings 61- Railways : Canadian Pacific1977 - 1981Railway - Tecumseh Rd. WestGrade Separation 62- Railways : VIA Rail - General1981 - 1982 63- Railways : VIA Rail - Complaints1981 64- Requests1977 - 1980 65- Save Old Sandwich Committee1977 - 1979 66- Transit Windsor : Contract1981Negotiations 67- Transit Windsor : Negotiations,1979 - 1981Reports and Labour Agreement 68- Tri-Level Meetings : Minutes and1981 - 1982Corrrespondence 69- Tunnel : Detroit-Windsor1981 - 1982 70- Union Gas : General1976 - 1982 71- Union Gas : Rate Increase[1975?] - 1977UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 72- United States Citizens Residing1980in Canada 73- Waterpark1980 - 1981 74- Windsor Housing Company1975 75- Windsor Market1982 76- Windsor Waterfront1982INTER-GOVERNMENTAL CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionSpanning 1975 to 1981, the series is comprised entirely of correspondence between Mayor Albert H. Weeks and members of the federal and provincial governments. Among the correspondents in the series are Opposition Leader Joe Clark, the federal Minister of Employment and Immigration, and the Minister of State for Small Business and Tourism. Mayor Weeks also kept a correspondence file with Ontario Premier William Davis.Among the issues discussed between the three levels of government are: the settlement of refugees in Windsor, the promotion of the “International Peace Fountain” as a tourist attraction, and Windsor’s Resource Equalization Grants (R.E.G.) from the province of Ontario.Documents relating to Windsor’s Resource Equalization Grants (R.E.G.) also appear in Mayor Weeks’ subject files, located in the series Subject Files and General Correspondence (RG 11 F I/20).RG 11 F IIINTER-GOVERNMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE 1975 - 1981UnitDescriptionDate 1- Federal : Minister of Employment and Immigration - Bud Cullen1978 2- Federal : Opposition Leader - Joe Clark1980 3- Federal : Minister of State for Small Business and Tourism -1981Charles Lapointe 4- Provincial : Premier William Davis1975 - 1979See RG 11 F I/20RG 11 F-IIIREPORTSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1979 to 1982, and contains published reports used by Mayor Albert H. Weeks. Although filed separately from the subject files and correspondence, the material contained in the reports often complement topics contained in those files.Among the issues considered in the reports are: the United Way’s Social Planning Committee Report on Rest and Lodging Homes, municipal property tax reassessment, and the remuneration of non-union city employees.RG 11 F IIIREPORTS 1979 - 1982UnitDescriptionDate 1- “Report of the Rest and Lodging Home Committee”1979 2- “Section 63 Reassessment - Program Information[1979?] 3- “City of Windsor Compensation Study”1982 RG 11 G ELIZABETH KISHKON - OPERATIONAL RECORDSSubgroup DescriptionDocuments within this seventh subgroup span the years 1982 to 1985, and include records received and used by Mayor Elizabeth Kishkon during her term in office. The records reflect some of the important issues faced by Windsor during Mayor Kishkon’s term in office. The subgroup consists of correspondence, subject files, internal memoranda, reports, and newspaper clippings.The subgroup contains the series Subject Files and General Correspondence 1982 - 1985.SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionThe series spans 1982 to 1985, and is comprised of subject files maintained by the Mayor’s Office and correspondence sent and received by Mayor Elizabeth Kishkon during her administration. Correspondence files, internal memoranda, and newspaper clippings constitute the records.The records reflect the numerous issues faced by Mayor Kishkon, such as: the Bovey Commission on Education, children’s services, the Ouellette Avenue and Ottawa Street Malls, air pollution, the proliferation of adult night clubs in Windsor, the city of Windsor’s acquisition of the Canadian National Railway’s riverfront property, the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways’ purchase of Conrail’s property, services for the disabled, taxation, promoting tourism, and the Windsor Research Data Bank.Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.RG 11 G ISUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1982 - 1985UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Advertising1983 - 1984 2- American Wind Symphony : General1984 - 1985 3- American Wind Symphony : Contributions1984 4- American Wind Symphony : Disposition1985of Funds 5- Art Gallery1983 - 1985 6- Board of Education1984 - 1985 7- Bovey Commission : Report and Related1984Correspondence 8- Cable Television1985 9- Chamber of Commerce[1982?] - 1985 10- Children’s Services1982 - 1985 11- C.M.H.C. (Central Mortgage and Housing1983 - 1985Corporation) 12- Convenience Stores1985 13- Conventions1982 - 1985 14- Courthouse1985Newspaper Clippings Removed,See Appendix I RG 11 G IELIZABETH KISHKON – OPERATIONAL RECORDRG 11 G I SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1982 -1985 con’tUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 15- Disabled : Advisory Committee on the1982Disabled 16- Disabled : General1982 - 1985 17- Disabled : Sporting Events1982 - 1985 18- Distress Centre1985 19- Drouillard Road1982 - 1984 20- Drunk Driving1985 21- Economic Development1982 22- Elections1982 - 1985 23- Emergency Measures Organization (E.M.O.)1983 24- Extender Products1984 - 1985 25- Fire Department1982 - 1985 26- Ford Motor Company of Canada1985 27- Freedom Festival1983 - 1985 28- Freedom of the City1984 - 1985 29- Grants1983 - 1985 30- Halas, Edward1982 - 1985 31- Heritage Windsor1985 32- Hiatus House1983 - 1984 33- Hiram Walker & Sons, Limited1983 34- Hiram Walker Historical Museum1982[Windsor’s Community Museum] 35- Holiday Inn1985 36- Housing1985 37- Huron Lodge1983 - 1985 38- Letters Sent : Congratulations1983 39- Letters Sent : Congratulations1984 40- Letters Sent : Congratulations1985 41- Letters Sent : Greetings and Related1983 - 1985Correspondence 42- Letters Sent : “People” and Related1983 - 1985Correspondence 43- Letters Sent : Religious1984 - 1985 44- Letters Sent : Sports and Related1983 - 1985Correspondence 45- Letters Sent : “Support” and Related1983 - 1985Correspondence RG 11 G IELIZABETH KISHKON – OPERATIONAL RECORDRG 11 G I SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1982 -1985 con’tUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 46- Letters Sent : “Thank You” and Related[1982?] - 1985Correspondence 47- Letters Sent : Welcome1983 - 1985 48- Mackenzie Hall1982 - 1985 49- Nude Dancing1984See alsoRG 11 G I/50, /61Newspaper Clippings Removed,See Appendix I 50- Nude Dancing1985See alsoRG 11 G I/49, /61 51- Ottawa Street Mall1983 52- Ouellette Avenue Mall1983 53- Parks and Recreation : General1985 54- Pêche Island1984 55- Planning1984 - 1985 56- Police Commission1984 - 1985 57- Police1982 - 1983 58- Police1984 59- Police1985 60- Pollution : Air1985 61- Pornography Committee1984See alsoRG 11 G I/49 - /50 62- Railways : General1982 - 1985 63- Railways : Canadian National/Canadian1982Pacific Railways - Conrail Purchase 64- Railways : Canadian National/Canadian1983Pacific Railways - Conrail Purchase 65- Railways : Canadian National/Canadian1984Pacific Railways - Conrail Purchase 66- Railways : Canadian National/Canadian1985Pacific Railways - Conrail Purchase 67- Railways : Riverfront Property1983 - 1984 68- Railways : Riverfront Property1985 69- Railways : VIA - General1982 - 1984 70- Railways : VIA - Complaints1982 - 1984 71- Roseland1983 72- Saturn Plant1985 RG 11 G IELIZABETH KISHKON – OPERATIONAL RECORDRG 11 G I SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1982 -1985 con’tUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 73- Schools1984 74- Senior Citizens1983 - 1985 75- Street Lighting1984 76- Steinberg Building1983 - 1985 77- Taxation1982 - 1984 78- Tourism1984 - 1985 79- Toyota1985 80- Transit Windsor1983 - 1985 81- Tri-Level Meetings1982 - 1985 82- Union Gas1982 - 1985 83- University of Windsor1984 84- Wellington Underpass1983 85- Willistead Manor1983 - 1985 86- Windsor City Market1984 - 1985 87- Windsor Coalition for Development1983 88- Windsor Image Committee : Minutes1985and Correspondence 89- Windsor Research Data Bank1984 - 1985 90- Windsor Spitfires1984 91- Windsor Symphony1985 92- Zalev Brothers1985 93- Zikov, Zika1983 - 1985RG 11 HDAVID A. BURR - OPERATIONAL RECORDSSubgroup NoteDocuments within this eighth subgroup span the years 1982 to 1988, and includes records received and used by Mayor David A. Burr during his term in office. The records reflect some of the important issues faced by Windsor during Mayor Burr’s term in office. The subgroup consists of correspondence, subject files, internal memoranda, reports, photographic material, and newspaper clippings.The subgroup is divided into three series: Subject Files and General Correspondence 1982 - 1988; Inter-Governmental Correspondence 1988 - 1991; and Reports 1989 - [before 1991].SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionThe series spans 1982 to 1988, and is comprised of subject files maintained by the Mayor’s Office and correspondence sent and received by Mayor David A. Burr during his administration. Constituting the records are correspondence files, internal memoranda, photographic material, and newspaper clippings.Reflected in the records are numerous issues faced by Mayor Burr such as: a new arena or multi-use facility for downtown Windsor, the Great Lakes’ high water levels, funding arrangements and Resource Equalization Grants (R.E.G.) from the province of Ontario, the integration of social services, the city’s infrastructure, pollution levels, the “Pride in Windsor” Programme, the acquisition of the Canadian National Railway riverfront property, the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, and the Sheller-Globe “sit-in.”Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives. Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library. For more information on the “Pride in Windsor Programme,” consult the series Working for a Better Windsor Committee (RG 11 B II) in the subgroup Mayor’s Committees. A report studying the impact of trucks on Sandwich Street and alternate routes is found in the series Reports (RG 11 H III/2) of the subgroup David A. Burr - Operational Records.RG 11 H ISUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1982 - 1988UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Advertising1985 - 1986 2- Air Canada1986 3Air Force Club of Windsor1988 4- Arena/Stadium1986See also RG 11 H I/93 5- Art Gallery1986 - 1988 6- Auto Design1986 7- Awards1986 - 1988 8- Barge Transport1987 - 1988 9- Bell Canada1988 10- Board of Education1987 - 1988 11- Boblo Island1988 12- Cable Television1986 - 1987Photographs Removed,See PC/7373, /7374 13- Canadian Auto Workers (CAW)1987 14- Catholic Family Service Bureau1988UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 15- Chamber of Commerce1986 - 1987 16- Children’s Services1986 - 1988 17- Cleary Auditorium1987 - 1988 18- Convention Bureau1985 - 1986 19- Courthouse1986 - 1988Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 20- Customs User Fees1986 21- Detroit Incinerator : General1985 - 1986 22- Detroit Incinerator : Newspaper1986 - 1988Clippings 23- Development Commission :1986 - 1988General 24- Development Commission : Annual1986 - 1988and Board of Directors Agendas andMinutes 25- Development Commission :[between 1985 and 1988]Promotional Material 26- Disabled : Advisory Committee1986 - 1987on the Disabled 27- Disabled : General Correspondence1985 - 1988 28- Discharged Psychiatric Patients1986 - 1988 29- Distiller’s Tax1988 30- Drunk Driving1985 - 1988 31- Economic Development1986 - 1988 32- Emergency Measures Organization1986 - 1988(E.M.O.) 33- Essex-Kent Scottish Regiment1988 34- Essex Region Conservation1986Authority 35- Fire Department1986 - 1987 36- Flooding/High Water Levels1985 - 1987 37- Ford Motor Company of Canada,1986Limited 38- Forum Africa1985 39- Freedom Festival1986 - 1987 40- Freedom of the City1988 41- Funding Arrangements1986 42- Gay Community1986 - 1987UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 43- Grants : Resource Equalization1985 - 1987Grants (R.E.G.) 44- Grants : General1986 - 1988 45- Ghermezian, Nader1986 - 1987 46- Great Lakes United1986 - 1988 47- Greater Windsor Foundation1986 48- Green Shield Prepaid Services Inc.1987 49- Halas, Edward1986 - 1988 50- Hazardous Substances1986 - 1988 51- Heritage Windsor1987 - 1988 52- Health Council1985 - 1988 53- Hiatus House1986 54- Hiram Walker & Sons, Ltd.1986 - 1988 55- Hospital : Chronic Care1986 - 1987 56- Housing1985 - 1986 57- Housing1987 58- Housing1988 59- Humane Society1988 60- “Human Rights Now!”1988 61- Immigration1987 - 1988 62- Incinerator (Detroit)1986 63- Incinerator (Detroit)1987 64- Infrastructure1985 65- Infrastructure1986 66- Infrastructure1987 67- Infrastructure1988 68- Insurance1985 - 1988 69- Integration of Social Services1985 70- Integration of Social Services1986 71- Landfill #31986 72- Landfill #31987 - 1988 73- Letters Sent : Congratulations and1986Related Correspondence 74- Letters Sent : Congratulations and1987Related Correspondence 75- Letters Sent : Congratulations and1988Related CorrespondenceUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 76- Letters Sent : Greetings and1986 - 1988Related Correspondence 77- Letters Sent : “People” and1986 - 1988Related Correspondence 78- Letters Sent : Sports and Related1985 - 1986Correspondence 79- Letters Sent : “Support” and1986 - 1988Related Correspondence 80- Letters Sent : “Thank You” and1985 - 1986Related Correspondence 81- Letters Sent : “Thank You” and1987 - 1988Related Correspondence 82- Letters Sent : Plaques and Related1987 - 1988Correspondence 83- Letters Sent : “Welcome” and1986 - 1988Related Correspondence 84- Licences/Zoning1985 85- Liquor Licence Board of Ontario1986 - 1987(L.L.B.O.) 86- Long, Richard1986 - 1987 87- Mackenzie Hall1986 - 1988 88- Mady, Charles1985 - 1988 89- Massey High School : Exchange1988Students 90- McAiney, Philip1986 91- Mental Health1986 - 1987 92- Multicultural Council of Windsor1986 - 1987and Essex County 93- Multi-Use Facility1985 - 1986See also RG 11 H I/4 94- Norwich Block 1986 - 1987 95- Nude Dancing1986 96- Nude Dancing1987 - 1988 97- Olympic Torch Drive1986 - 1987 98- Omerod Property1987 99- Ontario Home Renewal1986Programme (O.H.R.P.)100- Ontario Home Ownership Savings1988Plan (O.H.O.S.P.)UnitDescriptionDateRemarks101- Order of Canada1988102- Parks and Recreation : General1985103- Parks and Recreation : General1986104- Parks and Recreation : General1987105- Parks and Recreation : General1988106- Parks and Recreation : Peace1987 - 1988Fountain107- Parking1985 - 1987108- “A Peal for Peace”1986109- “A Peal for Peace”1987110- Pêche Island1985 - 1988111- Planning1986 - 1988112- Police Commission1986 - 1988113- Police : General1985 - 1986114- Police : General1987 - 1988115- Pollution : Downriver Air1985 - 1988See also RG 11 H I/167116- Pollution : Water1986117- Population1987118- Pride in Windsor Programme :1985See also RG 11 B IIGeneral119- Pride in Windsor Programme :1986See also RG 11 B IIGeneral120- Pride in Windsor Programme :1987See also RG 11 B II GeneralPhotographs Removed,See PC/7375 - /7378121- Pride in Windsor Programme :1986 - 1987See also RG 11 B II“Clean Sweep Committee” - Agendas and Minutes122- Pride in Windsor Programme :1987See also RG 11 B IIWeekly Report123- Pride in Windsor Programme :1987See also RG 11 B IIFinal Report124- Pride in Windsor Programme :1987See also RG 11 B IIPersonnel125- Pride in Windsor Programme :1987See also RG 11 B IIBudget126- Pride in Windsor Programme :1987See also RG 11 B IIPublic Relations MaterialUnitDescriptionDateRemarks127- Property Taxation Task Force :1986 - 1987Agendas and Minutes128- Property Tax1985 - 1986129- Property Tax1987130- Property Tax1988131- Public Works : General1982 - 1986132- Public Works : General1987133- Public Works : General1988134- Public Works : Roads1986135- Public Works : Roads1987136- Public Works : Roads1988137- Public Works : Sidewalks1985138- Public Works : Sidewalks1986139- Public Works : Sidewalks1987140- Railways : Canadian National1986Railways - General141- Railways : Canadian National1985Railways - Riverfront Property142- Railways : Canadian National1986See also RG 11 H I/151Railways - Riverfront Property143- Railways : Canadian National1987 - 1988See also RG 11 H I/151Railways - Riverfront Property144- Railways : Rail Crossings1986Photographs Removed,See PC/7379 - /7388145- Railways : VIA - General1986 - 1987146- Railways : VIA - Complaints1986 - 1988Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I147- Recycling1987148- Refuse1986 - 1987149- Requests for Souvenirs1987 - 1988150- River Queen Charters1987 - 1988151- Riverfront Property1986 - 1988See alsoRG 11 H I/142 - /143152- Salvation Army1987 - 1988153- Sandhu, Gurpal1986 - 1987154- Senior Citizens1987 - 1988155- Sewers1985 - 1988156- Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue1987 - 1988UnitDescriptionDateRemarks157- Sheller Globe “Sit-In” : General1987158- Sheller Globe “Sit-In” : Police1987Reports159- Sheller Globe “Sit-In” : Newspaper1987Clippings160- Sludge Removal : General1986 - 1988161- Sludge Removal Proposal : Report1988162- Snow Removal1986 - 1988163- Social Services1985 - 1986164- Social Services1987165- Social Services1988166- Spirit of Windsor1986 - 1988167- St. Mary’s Peerless Cement1986 - 1988See also RG 11 H I/115Company168- Surf City Water Park1986169- Tourism1986 - 1988Photographs Removed,See PC/7389 - /7390170- Traffic1985171- Traffic1986172- Traffic1987173- Traffic1988174- Transit Windsor1986 - 1987175- Transportation1988176- Trucks on Sandwich Street1986 - 1987See also RG 11 H III/2177- Tunnel (Detroit-Windsor)1986178- Tunnel (Detroit-Windsor)1987179- Tunnel (Detroit-Windsor)1988180- Turkey Creek1985 - 1987181- Twin Oaks Golf Course1987182- Ukrainian Community1988183- University of Windsor1986 - 1987184- Water Park (Mic Mac)1986185- Willistead Manor1986 - 1988186- Windsor Coalition for1986 - 1987Development187- Windsor Coalition for1985 - 1988Disarmament188- Windsor Harbour Commission1986 - 1988UnitDescriptionDateRemarks189- Windsor Housing Authority1986 - 1988190- Windsor Housing Company :1985 - 1987Board of Directors’ Minutes191- Windsor Housing Company :1985 - 1986General Correspondence192- Windsor Public Library1986 - 1987193- Windsor Star Civic Beautification1987Programme194- Windsor Symphony1986 - 1988195- Windsor Utilities Commission1986196- Windsor Utilities Commission1987197- Windsor Utilities Commission1988198- Windsor-Essex Water Quality1987 - 1988Liaison Committee : Minutes199- Zikov, Zika1987INTER-GOVERNMENTAL CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionSpanning 1986 to 1988, the series is comprised of correspondence between Mayor David A. Burr and members of the federal and provincial governments. Among the correspondents in the series are Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; External Affairs Minister Joe Clark; the federal Ministers of Municipal Affairs, Regional Industrial Expansion, and Transportation and Communication; local Members of Parliament; Ontario Premier David Peterson; provincial Ministers of Energy, Environment, Government Services, Community and Social Services, and Health; local Members of Provincial Parliament; various Ontario mayors, and the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario.Among the numerous issues discussed between the three levels of government are: funding for the City of Windsor, public transportation, Windsor’s provincial courthouse facilities, sludge disposal, the city’s riverfront land, the area’s tourism industry, housing, and the city’s infrastructure.RG 11 H IIINTER-GOVERNMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE 1986 - 1988UnitDescriptionDate 1- Federal : Prime Minister Brian Mulroney1986 2- Federal : Department of External Affairs - Joe Clark[1987?] 3- Federal : Minister of Municipal Affairs - Bernard1987Grandmaitre 4- Federal : Minister of Regional Industrial Expansion1987 5- Federal : Minister of Transportation and Communication -1986 - 1988Ed Fulton 6- Federal : Member of Parliament Herb Gray1986 - 1988 7- Federal : Member of Parliament Steven Langdon1987 8- Federal : Member of Parliament Howard McCurdy1986 - 1988 9- Municipal : Mayor to Mayor1988 10- Provincial : Premier David Peterson1986 - 1988 11- Provincial : Minister of Energy - Robert Wong1988 12- Provincial : Minister of the Environment - Jim Bradley1988 13- Provincial : Minister of Government Services - Donald1986Davis 14- Provincial : Minister of Community and Social Services -1986John Sweeney 15- Provincial : Minister of Health - Murray Elston1986 16- Provincial : Member of Provincial Parliament Dave Cooke1986 - 1988 17- Provincial : Member of Provincial Parliament Bill Wrye1986 - 1988 18- Provincial : Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario1988RG 11 H 11REPORTSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1986 to 1988, and contains published reports used by Mayor David A. Burr. Although filed separately from the subject files and general correspondence, the material contained in the reports often complement topics contained in those files.Among the issues considered in the reports are: alternate truck routes for Sandwich Street, the area’s industrial development, the Tecumseh Road West-Wellington Street underpass, and promoting investment in Windsor. As well, the series includes reports from the University of Windsor’s Data Bank Research Group.For more information on trucks on Sandwich Street and alternate routes, consult the subject files of David A. Burr in the series Subject Files and General Correspondence (RG 11 H I/176) in the subgroup David A. Burr - Operational Records.RG 11 H IIIREPORTS 1986 - 1988UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- “Perspectives on Windsor 1985 - Report on a1986Survey of Windsor and Essex County” 2- “Sandwich Street Truck Route Alternatives1987See alsoStudy” - Summary ReportRG 11 H I/176 3- Data Bank Research Group “Annual Report”1987 4- Data Bank Research Group “Windsor and Essex1987County Input-Output Industrial Linkage Study” 5- “Labour Market Needs Survey”1987 6- “Preparing to Face the Future Through Economic1988Strategic Planning” 7- Meeting with Canadian National Railways -1988“Tecumseh-Wellington Grade Separation” 8- “Windsor : A Solid Community and a Secure[1988?]Investment”RG 11 IJOHN MILLSON - OPERATIONAL RECORDSSubgroup NoteDocuments withing this ninth subgroup span the years 1988 to 1991, and includes records received and used by Mayor John Millson during his term in office. The records reflect the more important issues faced by Windsor during Mayor Millson’s administration. The subgroup consists of correspondence, subject files, internal memoranda, reports, photographic material, and newspaper clippings.The subgroup is divided into three series: Subject Files and General Correspondence 1988 - 1991; Inter-Governmental Correspondence 1988 to 1991; and Reports 1989 - [before 1991].SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionThe series spans 1988 to 1991 and is comprised of subject files maintained by the Mayor’s Office and correspondence sent and received by Mayor John Millson during his mayoral administration. The records consist of correspondence, internal memoranda, photographic material, and newspaper clippings.The records reflect the numerous issues faced by Mayor Millson such as: the expansion of the Detroit City Airport and its impact on Windsor, the closing of Kelsey Hayes, the expansion of the Cleary Auditorium, developing a multi-use facility for Windsor, assembling an industrial park in Sandwich South, the future of the Norwich Block after fire destroyed the “White Building,” acquiring riverfront property from the Canadian National Railways, and improving services to the disabled.Photographs included in the series are removed to the Photograph Collection of the Municipal Archives. Newspaper clippings from the “Windsor Star” have been removed, consult Appendix I for article titles and dates. Microfilmed copies of the “Windsor Star” are available on the first floor of the Central Resource Library.Documents related to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Big City Mayor’s Caucus are also found in the series Federation of Canadian Municipalities (RG 11 D III) of the subgroup Mayoral Memberships. For more information on the expansion of the Cleary Auditorium, see Mayor Millson’s correspondence with the Minister of State, Small Business and Tourism, in the series Inter-Governmental Correspondence (RG 11 I II/8) of the subgroup John Millson - Operational Records. A report on a proposed multi-use facility for downtown Windsor is located in the series Reports (RG 11 I III/1) of the subgroup John Millson - Operational Records. Photographs depicting the events of the “Last Spike” Celebration form part of the Municipal Archives’ Photograph Collection (PC/7289 - /7321).RG 11 I ISUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1988 - 1991UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Advertising1990 2- Airport : Detroit City Expansion1989 - 1990 3- Airport : Detroit City Expansion -1989 - 1990Reports and Newspaper Clippings 4- Arts Council - Windsor & Region1989 - 1990 5- Automotive Industry : Siemens1990Limited 6- Automotive Industry : Kelsey1989 - 1991Newspaper Clippings HayesRemoved, See Appendix IUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 7- Automotive Industry : Ford Motor1989 - 1990Newspaper Clippings Company of Canada LimitedRemoved, See Appendix I 8- Bardwell International1990 9- Barge Transport1989Newspaper ClippingsRemoved, See Appendix I 10- Barge Transport1990 - 1991Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 11- Big City Mayor’s Caucus1990See also RG 11 D III 12- Cable Television1989 - 1990 13- Canadian Auto Workers (C.A.W.)1989 - 1990Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 14- Capitol Theatre Building1990 15- Cleary Auditorium1988 16- Cleary AuditoriumJan 1989 - Jun 1989See also RG 11 I II/8Newspaper ClippingsRemoved, See Appendix I 17- Cleary AuditoriumJul 1989 - Dec 1989See also RG 11 I II/8Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 18- Cleary AuditoriumJan 1990 - Jun 1990See also RG 11 I II/8Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 19- Cleary AuditoriumJul 1990 - Dec 1990See also RG 11 I II/8 20- Conventions1989 21- Creative Organizational Design1991 22- Culture and Recreation : Master1989Newspaper Clippings Plan and Related CorrespondenceRemoved, See Appendix I 23- Detroit-Windsor Liaison1989 - 1990Photograph Removed,CommitteeSee PC/7391 24- Development Commission :1988 - 1989General Correspondence 25- Development Commission :1989Board of Directors - Agendas andMinutes 26- Disabled : Windsor Advisory1990Committee on the Disabled -Agendas and MinutesUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 27- Disabled : Windsor Advisory1991Committee on the Disabled -Agendas and Minutes 28- Disabled : General Correspondence1988 - 1989Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 29- Disabled : General Correspondence1990 - 1991Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 30- Drouillard Road : Improvements1989 31- Economic Development1989Photographs Removed,See PC/7392 - /7393 32- Executive Assistant to the Mayor1990 33- Freedom Festival1989 34- Gallagher, Bob1990 35- Grants : Resource Equalization1989Grants (R.E.G.) 36- Great Lakes United1989 - 1991 37- Greater Windsor Foundation1988 - 1990 38- Heritage Windsor1989 39- Heritage Day1989 40- Hilton International Hotel1988 41- Horse Drawn Carriages1989 42- Hospitals1988 - 1990Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 43- Housing1989 44- Human Rights1991 45- International Plowing Match1989Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 46- Jantree Growth Properties1989 - 1990See also RG 11 I I/89-/91, /100 47- Japanese-American Society[between 1988 and 1991] 48- Kennedy Collegiate Institute1988 - 1989 49- Kresge Building1990 - 1991Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 50- Letters Sent : Congratulations1989 51- Letters Sent : Regrets1989 52- Letters Sent : Religious1989 53- Letters Sent : “People” and1989 - 1991Related CorrespondenceUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 54- Letters Sent : Plaques and1989 - 1991Related Correspondence 55- Letters Sent : Sports1989 56- Letters Sent : “Thank You”1989 57- Liquor Licence Bureau of1989Ontario (L.L.B.O) 58- Mady, Charles N.1989Newspaper ClippingsRemoved, See Appendix I 59- Mandela, Nelson : Visit to Detroit1990Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 60- Mayor’s Resolution to Lower1990 Interest Rates 61- Mayor’s “Roast”1991 62- Media Concepts Communications1990 - 1991Inc. 63- Media Relations1989 - 1991 64- Mental Health Services[between 1988 and 1991] 65- Multi-Use Facility : General1988 - 1989See also RG 11 I III/1Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 66- “My Life Committee” : Charlie1989Reagan 67- New Windsor Committee1989 68- Norwich Block1988 - 1990Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 69- Nude Dancing1989 70- Ontario Arts Council1989 - 1991 71- Ontario Hydro1990 72- Pazner Scrap Yard1988 - 1989 73- Pêche Island1989 74- Persian Gulf Conflict1991 75- Planning1989 76- Pro-Am Golf Tournament1990 77- Public Works : General1989Correspondence 78- Public Works : Roads1989 79- Requests1988UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 80- Railways : Canadian National1989Railways - General Correspondence 81- Railways : Canadian Pacific1989Railway - General Correspondence 82- Railways : Riverfront Properties1989Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 83- Railways : VIA Rail1989 84- Riverfront Property : General1988 - 1991Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 85- Riverfront Property : “Last Spike”1990See also PC/7289 - /7321Ceremony 86- Rose City Athletic Organization1989 87- Royal Canadian Legion1989 88- Sandhu, Kirpal1989 89- Sandwich South : Industrial Park1989Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix ISee Also RG 11 I I/46, /100 90- Sandwich South : Industrial Park1990 - 1991Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix ISee also RG 11 I I/46, /100 91- Sandwich South : Boundary1989 - 1990See also RG 11 I I/46, /100 92- Sewers1989 93- Snow Removal1989 94- Sports Hall of Fame1988 95- Town Hall Meetings1989 96- Transit Windsor1988 - 1989 97- United Way1989Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 98- Vertech Proposal1988 - 1989 99- Victory Correspondence1988100- Vidican Property1988 - 1989See also RG 11 I I/46, /89 - /91101- Wayward Princess1990102- Welcome Wagon1989103- Willistead Manor1991104- Windsor Alliance of Mold Makers1990105- Windsor Logo1990106- Windsor Public Library1989UnitDescriptionDateRemarks107- Windsor Truck and Storage :1988 - 1989RelocationINTER-GOVERNMENTAL CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionSpanning 1988 to 1991, the series is comprised of correspondence between Mayor John Millson and members of the federal and provincial governments of Canada, as well as a United States Governor. Among the correspondents in the series are the Prime Minister’s Office; the Governor-General of Canada; federal Ministers of Finance, International Trade, Regional and Industrial Expansion, Multiculturalism and Citizenship, Science and Technology, and Small Business and Tourism; local Members of Parliament; Ontario Premiers David Peterson and Bob Rae; provincial Ministers of the Environment, Community and Social Services, Consumer and Commercial Relations, Municipal Affairs, and Transportation; local Members of Provincial Parliament; various Ontario Mayors; and the Governor of Michigan.Among the numerous issues discussed between the various levels of government are: the expansion of Windsor’s Cleary Auditorium, the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement, the nomination of Charles Clark for the Order of Canada, Mayor Millson’s efforts to bring a proposed automotive research and development centre to Windsor, violence in El Salvador, Premier David Peterson’s Task Force on the Heritage Years, pollution levels, changes to Ontario’s social assistance program, and the expansion of Detroit’s City Airport. For more information on the expansion of the Cleary Auditorium, see Mayor Millson’s subject files in the series Subject Files and General Correspondence (RG 11 I I/16 - /19) in the subgroup John Millson - Operational Records. A report of the Premier’s Task Force on the Heritage Years is located in the series Reports (RG 11 I III/2) of the subgroup John Millson - Operational Records.RG 11 I IIINTER-GOVERNMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE 1988 - 1991UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Federal : Prime Minister’s Office1990 - 1991 2- Federal : Governor-General of1990 - 1991Canada 3- Federal : Minister of Finance -1989 - 1990Michael Wilson 4- Federal : Minister of International1989 - 1990Newspaper Clippings Trade - John CrosbieRemoved 5- Federal : Minister of Regional1989and Industrial Expansion - HarveyAndre 6- Federal : Minister of State,1991Multiculturalism and Citizenship -Gerry WeinerUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 7- Federal : Minister of State, Science1990and Technology - William Winegard 8- Federal : Minister of State, Small1989 - 1990See also RG 11 I I/16 - /19Business and Tourism - Tom HockinNewspaper ClippingsRemoved, See Appendix I 9- Federal : Member of Parliament1990 - 1991Herb Gray 10- Federal : Member of Parliament1989 - 1990Howard McCurdy 11- Federal : Secretary of State for 1989 - 1990External Affairs - Joe Clark 12- Municipal : Mayor to Mayor1988 - 1991 13- Provincial : Premier David1989 - 1990Newspaper Clippings Peterson - General CorrespondenceRemoved, See Appendix I 14- Provincial : Premier David1990 - 1991Photographs Removed,Peterson - Task Force on HeritageSee PC/7394 - /7396YearsNewspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix ISee also RG 11 I III/2 15- Provincial : Premier Bob Rae1990 - 1991Newspaper Clippings Removed, See Appendix I 16- Provincial : Minister of the1989Environment - Jim Bradley 17- Provincial : Minister of1989Community and Social Services -John Sweeney 18- Provincial : Minister of Consumer1989and Commercial Relations -Gregory Sorbara 19- Provincial : Minister of Municipal1989Affairs - John Eakins 20- Provincial : Minister of Municipal1989Affairs - John Sweeney 21- Provincial : Minister of1989Transportation - Ed Fulton 22- Provincial : Minister of1989Transportation - William WryeUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 23- Provincial : Member of Provincial1989 - 1990Parliament Mike Ray 24- Provincial : Member of Provincial1989 - 1990Parliament Bill Wrye 25- United States : Michigan Governor1989 - 1990James BlanchardRG 11 I IIIREPORTSSeries DescriptionThe series spans 1989 to [before 1991], and contains published reports used by Mayor John Millson. Although filed separately from the subject files and general correspondence, the material contained in the reports often complement topics contained in those files.Among the issues considered in the reports are: a proposed sports complex for downtown Windsor, Premier David Peterson’s Task Force on the Heritage Years, and regional transportation.For more information on the multi-use facility for downtown Windsor, consult the subject files of John Millson in the series Subject Files and General Correspondence (RG 11 I I/65) in the subgroup John Millson - Operational Files. Correspondence related to the Premier’s Task Force on the Heritage Years is found in the series Inter-Governmental Correspondence (RG 11 I II/14) in the subgroup John Millson - Operational Files.RG 11 I IIIREPORTS 1989 - [before 1991]UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- “Windsor’s International Trade1989See also RG 11 I I/65and Sports Complex” 2- “The Report of the Premier’s Task1990See also RG 11 I II/14Force on the Heritage Years” 3- “25th Annual Public Hearing on1990Parks and Recreational Services” 4- “Suburban Mobility Authority for[before 1991]Regional Transportation : FY 90Operating and Capital Budgets” - DraftRG 11 JMICHAEL D. HURST – OPERATIONAL RECORDSSubgroup NoteDocuments within this tenth subgroup span 1991 to 1993, and includes a portion of the records received and used by Mayor Michael D. Hurst during the first few years of his term in office. The records reflect some of the important issues faced by Mayor Hurst upon taking office. The subgroup consists of correspondence, subject files, and internal memoranda. Further accruals are expected.The subgroup contains the series Subject Files and General Correspondence 1991 to 1993.SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCESeries DescriptionThe series spans 1991 to 1993, and is comprised of subject files maintained by the Mayor’s Office and correspondence sent and received by Mayor Michael D. Hurst during the early part of his mayoral administration. Correspondence files, internal memoranda, and media releases constitute the records.Reflected in the records are some of the issues faced by Mayor Hurst, such as: the provision of services to the disabled, the development of a casino in downtown Windsor, establishing parkland along the waterfront, and the administration of social service programmes.Correspondence sent to Ontario Premier Bob Rae regarding the location of a casino in Windsor is only a sampling, as 1078 similar letters are removed from the collection.RG 11 J ISUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1991 – 1993UnitDescriptionDateRemarks 1- Disabled : General Correspondence1992 2- Essex County District Health Council1992 3- Gambling/Casino : General1992 – 1993 4- Gambling/Casino : Letters to Premier Rae1993Sampling only 5- Election Correspondence1991 6- “Filipino Day”1992 7- Hospice of Windsor1991 8- Invitations Mayor Accepts1991 – 1992 9- Invitations Mayor’s Representative Accepts1991 10- Invitations Mayor Declines1991 – 1992 11- King Edward School1991 12- Letters Sent : Congratulations1991 – 1992 13- Letters Sent : “People”1991 – 1992 14- Letters Sent : Response to Requests1992 15- Letters Sent : Sports1991 16- Letters Sent : “Thank You” and Related1991 – 1992Correspondence 17- Letters Sent : “Welcome”1991 18- Media Releases1991 19- Parking[1991?] 20- Riverfront1992 21- Social Services : Action Requests and Related1991CorrespondenceRG 11 J IMICHAEL D. HURST – OPERATIONAL RECORDSRG 11 J I SUBJECT FILES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1991 – 1993 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 22- Social Services : Action Requests and RelatedJan 1992 - Mar 1992Correspondence 23- Social Services : Action Requests and RelatedApr 1992 - Jun 1992Correspondence 24- Social Services : Action Requests and RelatedJul 1992 - Sep 1992Correspondence 25- Union Gas1992 26- Victoria Public School1991 27- Windsor Chamber of Commerce1991 28- Windsor Utilities Commission1992RG 11 KPHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALSeries NoteThe series spans [between 1976 and 1977] and 1991, and is comprised of photographic material removed from the Records of the Mayor’s Office. The material is composed of 273 photographs and 60 photographic negatives.Among the numerous topics documented by the photographic material are: Windsor’s twinning movement with its twin cities; riverfront development, the 1990 “Last Spike Event,” the 1984 Royal Visit of Queen Elizabeth II, the movement to save local broadcasting by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the “Pride in Windsor Clean Sweep” programme, and potentially unsafe railway crossings.RG 11 KPHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991UnitTitleDateRemarks 1- Windsor City Hall[between 1987PC/7138and 1990]Removed fromRG 11 A II/19 2- Windsor City Hall[between 1987PC/7139and 1990]Removed fromRG 11 A II/19 3- Aerial View of Windsor Looking North[between 1988PC/7140Eastand 1991]Removed fromRG 11 B I/4 4- Aerial View of Windsor Looking North[between 1988PC/7141and 1991]Removed fromRG 11 B I/4 5- Aerial View of Windsor Looking South[between 1988PC/7142and 1991]Removed fromRG 11 B I/4 6- Corner of Ouellette Avenue and Riverside[between 1988PC/7143Drive and 1991]Removed fromRG 11 B I/4 7- Channel 9 Billboard1990PC/7144Removed fromRG 11 B VIII/4 8- Channel 9 Billboard1990PC/7145Removed fromRG 11 B VIII/4RG 11 KUnitTitleDateRemarks 9- CBC Task Force Billboard1991PC/7146Removed fromRG 11 B VIII/4 10- Gerard Veilleux1991PC/7147Removed fromRG 11 B VIII/4See also RG 11 K/11 11- Gerard Veilleux1991PCN/1827Removed fromRG 11 B VIII/4See also RG 11 K/10 12- Gerard Veilleux and Unidentified1991PCN/1828IndividualsRemoved fromRG 11 B VIII/4 13- Corner of Riverside Drive and Bruce Ave.[between 1987PC/7148and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 14- Riverside Drive and Church Street[between 1987PC/7149and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 15- Riverside Drive, West of the Art Gallery[between 1987PC/7150and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 16- Art Gallery of Windsor[between 1987PC/7151and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 17- Entrance to the Hilton Hotel[between 1987PC/7152and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 18- Riverfront Railroad Tracks[between 1987PC/7153and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 19- “Spirit of Windsor” Locomotive[between 1987PC/7154and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 20- Riverfront Railway Tracks[between 1987PC/7155and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 21- Riverside Drive and Ferry Street[between 1987PC/7156and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 22- Western Section of the Norwich Block[between 1987PC/7157and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 23- Centre Section of the Norwich Block[between 1987PC/7158and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 24- Ouellette Avenue and Riverside Drive[between 1987PC/7159and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 25- Traveller’s Lodge Hotel Entrance[between 1987PC/7160and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 26- Cleary Auditorium[between 1987PC/7161and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 27- Riverside Drive East between Marentette[between 1987PC/7162and Louisand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 28- Canadian National Railway Riverfront[between 1987PC/7163Railroad Yard Aerial Viewand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16See also RG 11 K/49 29- Riverside Drive East between Hall[between 1987PC/7164and Pierreand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 30- Riverside Drive East between Parent[between 1987PC/7165and Marentetteand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 31- Riverside Drive East and Louis Avenue[between 1987PC/7166and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 32- Riverside Drive East between Louis[between 1987PC/7167and Aylmerand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 33- Riverside Drive East and Glengarry[between 1987PC/7168Avenueand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 34- Le Goyeau Apartments[between 1987PC/7169and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 35- Riverside Drive East between Mercer[between 1987PC/7170and McDougalland 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 36- Riverside Drive East and Goyeau Avenue[between 1987PC/7171and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 37- Le Goyeau Apartments[between 1987PC/7172and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 38- Riverside Drive East between McDougall[between 1987PC/7173and Goyeauand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 39- Ferry Building[between 1987PC/7174and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 40- Riverside Drive East between Aylmer[between 1987PC/7175and Glengarryand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 41- Riverside Drive East and Parent Avenue[between 1987PC/7176and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 42- Riverside Drive East between Langlois[between 1987PC/7177and Parentand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 43- Riverside Drive East between Pierre and[between 1987PC/7178Langloisand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 44- Riverside Drive East and Marentette[between 1987PC/7179and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 45- Riverside Drive East and Hall Avenue[between 1987PC/7180and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitTitleDateRemarks 46- Riverside Drive East between Pierre and[between 1987PC/7181Langloisand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 47- Riverside Drive East and Pierre[between 1987PC/7182and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 48- Riverside Drive East and Goyeau[between 1987PC/7183and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 49- Canadian National Railway Riverfront[between 1987PC/7184Railroad Yard Aerial Viewand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16See also RG 11 K/28 50- Aerial View of Dieppe Park[between 1987PC/7185and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 51- Riverside Drive East between Glengarry[between 1987PC/7186and Mercerand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 52- Proposed Riverfront Development[between 1987PC/7187and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 53- Proposed Waterfront Condominium[between 1987PC/7188Developmentand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 54- South Side of Riverside Drive [between 1987PC/7189Development Potentialand 1988]Removed fromRG 11 C I/16 55- Granby’s Rose Garden Park1981PC/7190Removed fromRG 11 C II/6 56- Granby’s Rose Garden Park1981PC/7191Removed fromRG 11 C II/6 57- Rose Garden1981PC/7192Removed fromRG 11 C II/6RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 58- Entrance to Granby’s Rose Garden Park1981PC/7193Removed fromRG 11 C II/6 59- Granby’s Rose Garden Park1981PC/7194Removed fromRG 11 C II/6 60- Granby’s Rose Garden Park1981PC/7195Removed fromRG 11 C II/6 61- Rose Garden1981PC/7196Removed fromRG 11 C II/6 62- Granby’s Rose Garden Park1985PC/7197Removed fromRG 11 C II/9 63- Granby Rose Garden Fountain1985PC/7198Removed fromRG 11 C II/9See also RG 11 K/64 64- Granby Rose Garden Fountain1985PCN/1829Removed fromRG 11 C II/9See also RG 11 K/63 65- 500 Roses Commemorative Marker1985PC/7199Removed fromRG 11 C II/9See also RG 11 K/66 66- 500 Roses Commemorative Marker1985PCN/1830Removed fromRG 11 C II/9See also RG 11 K/65 67- Granby’s Rose Garden Park1985PC/7200Removed fromRG 11 C II/9 68- Granby’s Rose Garden Park1985PC/7201Removed fromRG 11 C II/9RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitTitleDateRemarks 69- Granby Rose Garden Park Dedication1982PC/7202Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 70- Granby Rose Garden Park1982PC/7203Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 71- Gathering at Granby Rose Garden1982PC/7204DedicationRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15 72- Granby Rose Garden Park Dedication1982PC/7205Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 73- Unveiling of 500 Roses Commemorative1982PC/7206MarkerRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15 74- Unveiling of 500 Roses Commemorative1982PCN/1831MarkerRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15 75- Unveiling of 500 Roses Commemorative1982PC/7207MarkerRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15See also RG 11 K/76 76- Unveiling of 500 Roses Commemorative1982PCN/1832MarkerRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15See also RG 11 K/75 77- Mayors Patrick, Weeks, and Boivin at the1982PCN/1833500 Roses Commemorative MarkerRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15 78- Mayors Patrick, Weeks, and Boivin at the1982PC/7208500 Roses Commemorative MarkerRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15See also RG 11 K/79 79- Mayors Patrick, Weeks, and Boivin at the1982PCN/1834500 Roses Commemorative MarkerRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15See also RG 11 K/78RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 82- WindsorGranby Twinning Charter1982PC/7209Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 83- The Mayors in the Granby City Council1982PC/7210ChambersRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15 84- Michael Patrick Delivering a Speech1982PC/7211Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 85- Michael Patrick Signs Twinning Charter1982PC/7212Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 86- Horace Boivin Signs Twinning Charter1982PC/7213Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 87- Albert Weeks Signs Twinning Charter1982PC/7214Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 88- Paul Trepanier Signs Twinning Charter1982PC/7215Removed fromRG 11 C II/15 89- Celebrating the Signing of the Twinning1982PC/7216CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C II/15 90- Granby Cosmos Soccer Club1979PC/7217Removed fromRG 11 C II/16 91- Granby Cosmos Soccer Players1979PC/7218Removed fromRG 11 C II/16 92- Granby Cosmos Soccer Game1979PC/7219Removed fromRG 11 C II/16 93- Presentation of a “Sunshine Coach” to1979PC/7220the Robert Burns SchoolRemoved fromRG 11 C III/1 94- Presentation of the “Spirit of Windsor”1987PC/7221Collector PlateRemoved fromRG 11 C III/4RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks 95- Coventry’s Lord Mayor McKernan1985PC/7222Accepts a Photograph of Windsor’sRemoved fromCoventry GardensRG 11 C III/4 96- Coventry’s Deputy Lord Mayor Welcomes1985PC/7223 the University of Windsor Performing ArtsRemoved fromGroupRG 11 C III/6 97- The Deputy Lord Mayor Pours Tea1985PC/7224Removed fromRG 11 C III/6 98- Deputy Lord Mayor Lakin1985PC/7225Removed fromRG 11 C III/6 99- University of Windsor Performing Arts1985PC/7226GroupOversizeRemoved fromRG 11 C III/6100- Presenting a Gift to the Lord Mayor of1985PC/7227CoventryOversizeRemoved fromRG 11 C III/6101- Ljuben Batkoski Signs the WindsorOhrid1981PC/7228Twinning CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2102- Albert Weeks Signs the WindsorOhrid1981PC/7229Twinning CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2103- Ceremonial Signing of the WindsorOhrid1981PC/7230Twinning CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/104104- Ceremonial Signing of the WindsorOhrid1981PCN/1841Twinning CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/103105- WindsorOhrid Flag Exchange1981PC/7231Removed fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/106RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks106- WindsorOhrid Flag Exchange1981PCN/1837Removed fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/105107- Ljuben Batkoski and the Flag of1981PC/7232YugoslaviaRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/108108- Ljuben Batkoski and the Flag of1981PCN/1838YugoslaviaRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/107109- WindsorOhrid Twinning Ceremony1981PC/7233Removed fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/110110- WindsorOhrid Twinning Ceremony1981PCN/1839Removed fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/109111- Council Chamber Audience1981PC/7234Removed fromRG 11 C V/2112- Windsor Councillors at the Windsor1981PC/7235Ohrid Twinning CeremonyRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/113113- Windsor Councillors at the Windsor1981PCN/1836Ohrid Twinning CeremonyRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/112114- Weeks and Batkoski Shake Hands1981PC/7236Removed fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/115115- Weeks and Batkoski Shake Hands1981PCN/1835Removed fromRG 11 C V/2See also RG 11 K/114RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks116- WindsorOhrid Flag Exchange1981PC/7237Removed fromRG 11 C V/2117- City Officials at the WindsorOhrid1981PCN/1840Twinning CeremonyRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2118- Weeks and Batkoski Standing in Front of1981PCN/1842the Twinning CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C V/2119- Detroit’s Waterfront at Night1980PC/7238Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/120120- Detroit’s Waterfront at Night1980PCN/1849Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/119121- Mannheim Flag at Windsor’s City Hall1980PC/7239Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/122122- Mannheim Flag at Windsor’s City Hall1980PCN/1874Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/121123- Mannheim Flag at Windsor’s City Hall1980PC/7240Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/124124- Mannheim Flag at Windsor’s City Hall1980PCN/1875Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/123125- Mayor Weeks Accepts the Flag of1980PC/7241MannheimRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/126RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks126- Mayor Weeks Accepts the Flag of1980PCN/1868MannheimRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/125127- Ceremonial Signing of the Windsor1980PC/7242Mannheim Twinning CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/128128- Ceremonial Signing of the Windsor1980PCN/1865Mannheim Twinning CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/127129- Mayor Weeks and Oberburgermeister1980PC/7243 Ratzel at the WindsorMannheimRemoved fromTwinning ReceptionRG 11 C VI/2130- Mayor Weeks’ Address at the Windsor1980PC/7244Mannheim Twinning CeremonyRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2131- Mannheim Flag at Windsor’s City Hall1980PC/7245Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2132- Mannheim Flag at Windsor’s City Hall1980PC/7246Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2133- Hiram Walker & Sons Limited1980PC/7247Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/134134- Hiram Walker & Sons Limited1980PCN/1864Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/133135- Oberburgermeister Ratzel Accepts Gift1980PC/7248Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/136RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks136- Oberburgermeister Ratzel Accepts Gift1980PCN/1859Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/135137- Oberburgermeister Ratzel Presents the1980PC/7249Flag of MannheimRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/138138- Oberburgermeister Ratzel Presents the1980PCN/1861Flag of MannheimRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/137139- Oberburgermeister Ratzel Accepts Gift1980PC/7250Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/140140- Oberburgermeister Ratzel Accepts Gift1980PCN/1862Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/139141- Reception for Oberburgermeister Ratzel1980PC/7251Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/142142- Reception for Oberburgermeister Ratzel1980PCN/1858Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2See also RG 11 K/141143- Mayor Weeks and Oberburgermeister1980PC/7252Ratzel Shake HandsRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2144- Detroit’s Waterfront1980PCN/1843Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks145- Detroit’s Renaissance Centre1980PCN/1844Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2146- Assumption Park1980PCN/1845Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2147- Assumption Park1980PCN/1846Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2148- Detroit’s Waterfront1980PCN/1847Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2149- Detroit’s Waterfront1980PCN/1848Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2150- The University of Windsor1980PCN/1850Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2151- The University of Windsor1980PCN/1851Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2152- Detroit’s Waterfront1980PCN/1852Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2153- Detroit’s Waterfront1980PCN/1853Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2154- Assumption Church1980PCN/1854Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2155- The Ambassador Bridge1980PCN/1855Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2156- Assumption Church1980PCN/1856Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2157- Oberburgermeister Ratzel Accepts Gift1980PCN/1860Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2158- Hiram Walker & Sons Limited1980PCN/1863Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks159- Ceremonial Signing of the Windsor1980PCN/1866Mannheim Twinning CharterRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2160- Oberburgermeister Ratzel Accepts the1980PCN/1867Flag of WindsorRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2161- General Motors Trim Plant Office Building1980PCN/1869Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2162- General Motors Trim Plant Office Building1980PCN/1870Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2163- Gathering at the University of Windsor1980PCN/1871Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2164- Gathering at the University of Windsor1980PCN/1872Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2165- Luncheon for Mannheim Visitors1980PCN/1873Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2166- Oberburgermeister Ratzel, Mayor Weeks,1980PCN/1876and the Flag of MannheimRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2167- WindsorMannheim Twinning Ceremony1980PCN/1877Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2168- WindsorMannheim Twinning Dinner1980PCN/1878Removed fromRG 11 C VI/2169- Oberburgermeister Ratzel and Grete1980PCN/1879Ratzel at the WindsorMannheim TwinningRemoved fromDinnerRG 11 C VI/2170- Mannheim Representatives at the1980PCN/1880Windsor-Mannheim Twinning DinnerRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2171- Mayor Weeks and Oberburgermeister1980PCN/1881Ratzel at the WindsorMannheim TwinningRemoved fromDinnerRG 11 C VI/2RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks172- Mayor Weeks and Oberburgermeister1980PCN/1882Ratzel Exchange GiftsRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2173- Mayor Weeks Introduces1980PCN/1883Oberburgermeister RatzelRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/2174- Mayor Weeks and Representatives from1982PC/7253the Mannheim Flying Club Planting aRemoved fromTree at Windsor’s City HallRG 11 C VI/4175- Mayor Weeks and Mannheim Flying Club1982PC/7254Members with the WindsorMannheimRemoved fromTwinning CharterRG 11 C VI/4176- Mannheim Flying Club Members Outside1982PC/7255Windsor’s City HallRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/4177- Mannheim Flying Club Members Outside1982PC/7256Windsor’s City HallRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/4178- Mannheim Flying Club Members Outside1982PC/7257Windsor’s City HallRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/4179- Mayor Weeks and Mannheim Flying Club1982PC/7258Member Planting a Tree at Windsor’sRemoved fromCity HallRG 11 C VI/4180- “Die Sandhase” Marching Band1984PC/7260Removed fromRG 11 C VI/17181- “Die Sandhase” Marching Band1984PC/7261Removed fromRG 11 C VI/17182- Mayor Millson in SaintEtienne1990PC/7262Removed fromRG 11 C VII/2183- Mayor Millson in SaintEtienne1990PC/7263Removed fromRG 11 C VII/2184- Mayor Millson in SaintEtienne1990PC/7264Removed fromRG 11 C VII/2RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks185- Mayor Millson in SaintEtienne1990PC/7265Removed fromRG 11 C VII/2186- Mayor Millson with SaintEtienne Official1990PC/7266Removed fromRG 11 C VII/2187- Windsor Exhibit in the Foire Economique1989PC/7267de SaintEtienneRemoved fromRG 11 C VII/3188- Walter Manzig at Windsor’s Exhibit in1989PC/7268 the Foire Economique de SaintEtienneRemoved fromRG 11 C VII/3189- Fujisawa Mayor Hayama with Members1987PC/7269of the World Association of CooksRemoved fromSocietiesRG 11 C IX/2190- Gifts from Windsor to Fujisawa Officials1987PC/7270Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2191- Mayor Hayama and Dr. Kubota Exchange1987PC/7271GiftsRemoved fromRG 11 C IX/2192- Mayor Burr1987PC/7272Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2193- Mayor Burr1987PC/7273Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2194- Mayor Burr1987PC/7274Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2195- Mayor Burr Accepts Gift1987PC/7275Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2196- Mayor Burr1987PC/7276Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2197- Mayor Burr and the Flag of Windsor1987PC/7277Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks198- Mayor Burr with Gift1987PC/7278Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2199- Fujisawa Mayor Hayama1987PC/7279Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2200- A Building in Japan1987PC/7280Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2201- Fujisawa Station1987PC/7281Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2202- Fujisawa Mayor Hayama and Dr. Kubota1987PC/7282Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2203- Fujisawa Mayor Hayama1987PC/7283Removed fromRG 11 C IX/2204- Maple Leaf Pin1984PC/7284Removed fromRG 11 E II/11205- Proposed DetroitWindsor Aerial[between 1977PC/7285Tramwayand 1981]Removed fromRG 11 F I/1206- The Peace Fountain at Coventry Gardens[between 1976PC/7286and 1977]Removed fromRG 11 F I/44207- Construction of Coventry Gardens[before 1978]PC/7287Removed fromRG 11 F I/44208- The Floating Platform of the Peace[before 1978]PC/7288FountainRemoved fromRG 11 F I/46209- Canadian National Railway Engines on1990PC/7289the Waterfront210- Windsor Canoe Club on the Detroit River1990PC/7290211- Bagpiper on the Canadian National1990PC/7291Railway Riverfront LandRG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks212- Historical Reenactors on the Canadian1990PC/7292National Railway Riverfront Land213- The “Last Spike” Event Banner1990PC/7293214- A.E. Deegan Speaking1990PC/7294215- Mayor Millson and A.E. Deegan Shake1990PC/7295Hands216- Mayor Millson1990PC/7296217- A.E. Deegan1990PC/7297218- Mayor Millson onboard a Canadian1990PC/7298National Railway Engine219- Mayor Millson, A.E. Deegan, and Chief1990PC/7299Williams onboard Canadian NationalRailway Engines220- Onstage at the “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7300221- Tom Porter at the Podium1990PC/7301222- Historical Reenactors on the Canadian1990PC/7302National Railway Waterfront Land223- Historical Reenactors on the Canadian1990PC/7303National Railway Waterfront Land224- “Indian Village” at Great Western Park1990PC/7304225- Performing a Drum Song1990PC/7305226- A Town Crier1990PC/7306227- Dr. Pemberton and Dr. Kulisek1990PC/7307228- Dr. Kulisek Delivers a Speech1990PC/7308229- Pulling up a Spike1990PC/7309230- Mayor Millson Holds a Rail Spike1990PC/7310231- Mayor Millson Holds a Rail Spike1990PC/7311232- Removing a Section of Railroad Track1990PC/7312233- Bagpiper at The “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7313234- Bagpiper Leads “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7314Dignitaries in a Walk235- Mayor Millson Waves from a Canadian1990PC/7315National Railways Engine236- Canadian National Railways Waterfront1990PC/7316Land237- Spectators at The “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7317238- Wayne Lessard Delivers a Speech1990PC/7318239- Gisele Seguin Delivers a Speech1990PC/7319240- George Dadamo Delivers a Speech1990PC/7320RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks241- Tom Porter1990PC/7321242- Mayor Millson at the “Project Red1990PC/7322Ribbon” Ceremony243- Tying a Red Ribbon to a Transit Windsor1990PC/7323Bus244- “Project Red Ribbon” Ceremony1990PC/7324245- Participants in the “Project Red Ribbon”1990PC/7325Ceremony246- Red Ribbon tied onto an Ambulance1990PC/7326247- “Project Red Ribbon” Cake1990PC/7327248- Musical Band at the “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7328249- Historical Reenactors Fire Muskets1990PC/7329250- Town Crier at the “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7330251- Mayor Millson at the “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7331252- Canadian National Railways Engines1990PC/7332253- The Windsor Canoe Club1990PC/7333254- Gisele Seguin Delivers a Speech as Mayor1990PC/7334Millson Looks On255- Mayor Millson with Canoe Paddlers1990PC/7335256- Canadian National Railways Engine1990PC/7336257- The Windsor Canoe Club Arrives at The1990PC/7337“Last Spike” Event258- Alan Deegan Presents Mayor Millson with1990PC/7338a Ceremonial Piece of Rail259- Mayor Millson Holds up Railway Spike1990PC/7339260- Alan Deegan Delivers a Speech1990PC/7340261- Historical Reenactors in the “Voyageur1990PC/7341Village” During The “Last Spike” Event262- Canadian National Railways Engines1990PC/7342263- Arrival of the Windsor Canoe Club at The1990PC/7343“Last Spike” Event264- Canadian National Railways Waterfront1990PC/7344Property265- Historical Reenactors in “Voyageur1990PC/7345Village” at The “Last Spike” Event266- Performing a Drum Song1990PC/7346267- Cam Gardner Delivers a Speech1990PC/7347268- The Town Crier at The “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7348269- “Indian Village” at The “Last Spike” Event1990PC/7349RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks270- Canadian National Railways Waterfront1990PC/7350Property271- Canadian National Railways Engines1990PC/7351272- Mayor Millson and Bob Pedler1990PC/7352273- Windsor Canoe Club on the Detroit River1990PC/7353274- Windsor Canoe Club on the Detroit River1990PC/7354275- Mayor Millson with Canoe Paddlers1990PC/7355276- The Last Train1990PC/7356277- Gary Parent Delivers a Speech1991PC/7357278- Gary Parent1991PC/7358279- Protester Holding a Sign1991PC/7359280- Unidentified Speaker1991PC/7360281- Coalition to Save Public Broadcasting1991PC/7361Public Meeting283- Protester Holding a Sign1991PC/7362284- Unidentified Speaker1991PC/7363285- Mayor Millson Delivers a Speech1991PC/7364286- Mayor Millson Delivers a Speech1991PC/7365287- Stephen Langdon Delivers a Speech1991PC/7366288- Audience at the Public Meeting in Support1991PC/7367of the C.B.C. in Windsor289- Mayor David Burr[between 1985PC/7368and 1988]See alsoRG 11 K/290 /293290- Mayor David Burr[between 1985PC/7369and 1988]See also RG 11 K/289,/291 /293291- Mayor David Burr[between 1985PC/7370and 1988]See alsoRG 11 K/289 /290, /292 /293292- Mayor David Burr[between 1985PC/7371and 1988]See alsoRG 11 K/289 /291, /293293- Mayor David Burr[between 1985PC/7372and 1988]See alsoRG 11 K/289 /292RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks294- Cable Television Junction Box in1987PC/7373 FountainbleuRemoved fromRG 11 H I/12295- Cable Television Junction Box in1987PC/7374FountainbleuRemoved fromRG 11 H I/12296- Pride in Windsor “Clean Sweep”1987PC/7375Programme VolunteersRemoved fromRG 11 H I/121297- Pride in Windsor “Clean Sweep”1987PC/7376Programme VolunteerRemoved fromRG 11 H I/121299- Pride in Windsor “Clean Sweep”1987PC/7377Programme Boy Scout VolunteerRemoved fromRG 11 H I/121300- Pride in Windsor “Clean Sweep”1987PC/7378Programme VolunteersRG 11 H I/121301- Weaver St. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7379Removed fromRG 11 H I/144302- Sprucewood St. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7380Removed fromRG 11 H I/144303- Hall Ave. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7381Removed fromRG 11 H I/144304- Hall Ave. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7382Removed fromRG 11 H I/144305- Hall Ave. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7383Removed fromRG 11 H I/144306- Hall Ave. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7384Removed fromRG 11 H I/144307- College Ave. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7385Removed fromRG 11 H I/144RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks308- Parent Ave. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7386Removed fromRG 11 H I/144309- Hall Ave. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7387Removed fromRG 11 H I/144310- College Ave. Railroad Crossing1986PC/7388Removed fromRG 11 H I/144311- Windsor Raceway and Surrounding Area[between 1986PC/7389and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 H I/169312- Ojibway Industrial Park[between 1986PC/7390and 1988]Removed fromRG 11 H I/169313- Councillor Gamble at the 10th Annual1990PC/7391Women and Poverty WorkshopRemoved fromRG 11 I I/23314- Windsor Waterfront1989PC/7392Removed fromRG 11 I I/31315- Proposed Freedom Tower and Pedestrian1989PC/7393ConveyorRemoved fromRG 11 I I/31316- Mayor Millson at Reception for Premier’s1990PC/7394Task Force on the Heritage YearsRemoved fromRG 11 I II/14317- Mayor Millson at Reception for Premier’s1990PC/7395Task Force on the Heritage YearsRG 11 I II/14318- Gathering at Reception for Premier’s Task1990PC/7396Force on the Heritage YearsRemoved fromRG 11 I II/14319- Ceremonial Tree Planting in Mannheim,1982PC/7397GermanyRemoved fromRG 11 C VI/4320- Queen Elizabeth II with Mayor Kishkon1984PC/7398321- Queen Elizabeth II Accepts Flowers1984PC/7399322- Queen Elizabeth II Greets the Crowd1984PC/7400323- Prince Philip1984PC/7401RG 11 KRG 11 K PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL [between 1976 and 1977] – 1991 con’dUnitDescriptionDateRemarks324- Royal Signatures in the Ceremonial Guest1984PC/7402Book325- Lord Mayor of Coventry, Councillor1985PC/7403McKernanRemoved fromRG 11 C III/4326- Fountain in SaintEtienne1989PC/7404Removed fromRG 11 C VII/3327- SaintEtienne1989PC/7405Removed fromRG 11 C VII/3328- SaintEtienne1989PC/7406Removed fromRG 11 C VII/3329- View of Rivers from a Mountainside1989PC/7407Removed fromRG 11 C VII/2330- Mayor Weeks Accepts Cheque for the [between 1977 PC/7408Peace Fountain from the Mayor of and 1978]Removed fromGranby RG 11 F I/51331- Ceremonial Tree Planting at Coventry[between 1977PC/7409Gardensand 1978]Removed from RG 11 F I/51332- Charles Brooks[between 1977PC/7410and 1978]Removed from RG 11 F I/51333- The Peace Fountain During Construction[between 1977PC/7411and 1978]Removed fromRG 11 F I/51 ................

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