Roll 001 - A nationally ranked Texas law school

Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project

University of Houston

Carolina A. Villarroel, Ph. D.

Brown Foundation Director of Research

Alonso S. Perales Collection

Index to the microfilm

Reel 1

Boletín Informativo. Secretaría de la Presidencia Managua. Nicaragua Sept.1974-Marzo 1959

Noticias de Nicaragua. Revista de la Prensa Nacional. Enero 1953-Agosto 1955

Nicaragua. Bulletin of the Nicaraguan Embassy. June 1948-August 1948

Reel 2

El Mañana, Nuevo Laredo, Tam. 3 Mayo, 1977

Actividades. Órgano oficial de la Cámara Mexicana de Comercio, Inc. San Antonio, TX., Mayo 1940

El Demócrata. Periódico de Campaña Pro-Yarborough. Agosto 1954

El Porvenir. San Antonio, Texas. Mayo 28, 1934

La Razón. Del Río, Texas. Mayo 15, 1933

Actualidad. El Paso, Texas. Noviembre 18, 1936

El Mundo. Del Río, Texas. 22 Octubre 1936

El Defensor. Edinburg, Texas. Enero 31, 1930

La Voz de México. San Antonio, Texas. Ed. Rómulo Mungia. Octubre 15, 1947

Chicano Times. Texas. Febrero 14-Febrero 28, 1975

El Texano (The Texan). San Antonio, Texas. Julio 17, 1936

The Alice Echo. Noviembre 5, 1936

Latinos. Austin, Texas. Julio 10, 1937

Heraldo de San Felipe. Del Río, Texas. Diciembre, 1933

Justicia Social. San Antonio, Texas. Diciembre, 1940

El Dictamen. Brownsville, Texas. Mayo 9, 1930

El Cronista del Valle. Brownsville, Texas. Mayo 24, 1929

Notas de Kingsville. Kingsville, Texas. Agosto 4, 1949

Tiempo Laredo. Laredo, Texas. Enero 22, 1934

El Comercio (The Commerce). Harlingen, Texas. Agosto 12, 1927

Las Noticias. Laredo, Texas. Dir. Eduardo Idar. Octubre 1, 1927

Sun Valley News. June 14, 1978

El Internacional. Del Río, Texas. 1924

Acción, Semanario de Lectura Selecta y Amena escrito para los obreros. Diciembre 30, 1933

El Internacional. Del Río, Texas. Octubre 9, 1924

El Independiente. Río Grande, Texas. Enero 22, 1927. Diciembre 27, 1930

El Mañana. No date

Unión. Detroit, Michigan. Julio 12, 1952

Adelante. McAllen, Texas. Dir. José Ponce. Diciembre 31, 1966

Tiempo. Semanario de la vida y de la verdad. Julio 2, 1948. Junio 30, 1950

La Libertad. San Diego, Texas. Diciembre 10, 1938

Alerta (Por Politiquito). San Antonio, Texas. Abril 17, 1941. Mayo 1, 1941

The Dallas Morning News. February 16, 1944

El Fronterizo. Gran Diario de Juárez. Ciudad Juárez, Chih. Agosto, 9 1944

El Heraldo del Norte. Consagrado a los intereses de Coahuila. Saltillo, Coah. Agosto 28, 1944

Fort Worth Star-Telegram. April 24, 1944

Fort Worth Press. March 9, 1944

Beeville Bee Picayune. Beeville, Texas. April 6, 1944

Evening Valley Monitor. McAllen, Texas. April 18, 1944

New York World-Telegram. April 12, 1944

Evening Valley Monitor. March 30, 1944

La Prensa. San Antonio, Texas. Febrero 24, 1944. Marzo 8, 1944. Marzo 24, 1944. Abril 8, 1944. Abril 29, 1944. Abril 30, 1944. Agosto 29, 1944

El Taoseño. Taos, Nuevo México. Abril 27, 1944

El Oriente. Corpus Christi, Texas. Julio 16, 1927

Papá Grande. El semanario de los obreros mexicanos de San Antonio, Texas. Semana del 7 al 13 de Octubre, 1933

El Puerto. Semanario independiente de información general. Brownsville, Texas. Junio 4, 1955

La Avispa. Semanario chismoso, vacilador entrón y sostenedor de lo que se dice en cualquier terreno. Del Río, Texas. Agosto 6, 1927

Reel 3

Commissions and committees



Cox, Raymond, May 15 – June 20, 1925

Elias, Raymond, April 22, 1925

Kreger, E. A., June 19, 1926 – Dec. 12, 1928

Lessiter, W., March 27, 1926

Stabler, Jordan Herbert, April 26, 1926

Welles, summer, May 11, 1925

Arbitration Papers

Plebiscitary Commission TACNA ARICA Arbitration, Aug. 19, 1925 (3rd carbon)

Plebiscitary Commission TACNA ARICA Arbitration, Sept. 1, 1925 (3rd


Plebiscitary Commission TACNA ARICA Arbitration, Sept. 2, 1925 (3rd carbon copies)

Untitled Plebiscitary Commission TACNA ARICA Arbitration, Sept. 5, 1925 (3rd carbon)

Plebiscitary Commission TACNA ARICA Arbitration, Sept. 10, 1925 (3rd carbon)

Plebiscitary Commission TACNA ARICA Arbitration, Sept. 11, 1925 (3rd carbon)

Plebiscitary Commission TACNA ARICA Arbitration, Sept 12, 1925 (3rd carbon)

Speeches by General John J. Pershing

Reel 4

The Voting on the Motions

The Plebiscitary Commission Tacna-Arica Arbitration

Address of the Presidential at 16th meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, December 9, 1925

Remarks of General Pershing at the 15th meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, November 28, 1925

Registration and Election Law

Remarks of General Pershing at the 5th meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, October 8, 1925

Remarks of General Pershing at the 13th meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, November 12th, 1925

Remarks of General Pershing at the 14th meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, November 21, 1925

Remarks of General Pershing at the 10th meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, November 4, 1925

Remarks of the President of the Commission, November 2, 1925

Remarks of General Pershing at the 8th meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, October 26, 1925

Remarks of General Pershing at the 6th meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, October 10, 1925

Speech by General John J, Pershing at the meeting of the Plebiscitary Commission, October 10, 1925

National Foreign Trade Council.

Daniel A. Del Rio “Latin American Trade Potentialities.”

Daniel Roper “National Self-sufficiency of International Efficiency.”

Ernest V. Gent “After the N.R.A. –The Webb—Pomerene Act.”

James S. Carson “What’s ahead in Latin America Trade.”

John Garwod “Foreign Investments in Latin America and other factors influencing Inter-American commerce.”

Walter Parker “The Value of Cotton Exports to the Economic Life of the United States.”

Wm Holmes Davis “Some American Tobacco Export Problems.”

Henry A Wallace “The Reopening of Foreign Markets for Our Agricultural Products.”

Bernhard K. Schaefer “What Coffee Means to Latin-American Trade.”

Charles E. Spencer “American Corporate Investments.”

A.B. Cox “Cotton in Texas as a Factor in Foreign Trade.”

Ralph W. Close “The Growth of South Africa.”

Reel 5


Por mi religión 1951-1960

Reel 6


Por mi religión (1951-1960)

Reel 7


Arquitectos de nuestros propios destinos (1945-1959)

Reel 8


Arquitectos de nuestros propios destinos (1945-1959)

Reel 9


Arquitectos de nuestros propios destinos (1945-1959)

Por mi religión (1954)

Reel 10

Manuscripts by other authors:

“A guisa de prólogo,” unsigned prologue by an unknown author (perhaps C. Castañeda) for a book by Alonso Perales.

“A la muy amada memoria del Sr. Don Francisco Pérez,” by Melesio Pérez.

“A propósito de la condecoración Águila Azteca”…”, by C. K. Quin.

“A los ciudadanos del condado Hidalgo” by Joe Alamía.

“Acróstico” by José Lorenzo Ávila.

“All Americans” Olivia Pérez.

“All Chips Off Same Block Fermer Points Out” Olivia Perez.

“All Kinds of People” by Mrs. Santos Lozano

“Alonso S. Perales in the name…”

“Alonso S. Perales,” by Gilberto M. Hinojosa.

“Alonso S. Perales…” by Adela Sloss Vento.

“Alonso S. Perales” unsigned.

“Alonso S. Perales. Born…”

“Alonso S. Perales Precursor and founder of LULAC” by Adela Sloss Vento.

“Ambassador’s Edwards’ Speech…”

“Antecedentes de Alonso S. Perales.”

“Better School Committees” March 24, 1948.

“Biography of Alonso S. Perales.”

“The Bounds of State and Church in Education”, by Carlos Castañeda.

“Cachorros de León y aguiluchos de Anahuac en tierra de Texas,” by Carlos Castañeda.

“Los centros de vicio en los barrios latinoamericanos” by Adela S. Vento.

“The Circus Perales of San Antonio,” by the Committee.

“Comentarios acerca de la obra En Defensa de mi raza.” Unsigned.

“The Constitution” by L. G. Meza.

“Crucial Education Issues” by Edward Eyring et al.

“Debemos ser americanos” by María Pérez Perales.

“En defensa de mi raza” reviewed by Carlos Castañeda.

“Discriminación al latinoamericano” by F. A. Hernández.

“Discrimination” by Valdemar Gonzalez

“Discrimination Here Shouts Visiting Valley Teacher,” by Ava L. Humphreys.

“Discrimination Smacks of Nazis, Fireman Write,” Refugio Reyes.

Discurso del Presidente Coolidge…”

“En voz alta” by José Luz Sáenz.

“Era una trade…” (Story) by Martha Pérez Perales.

“España rinde homenaje al Lic. Alonso S. Perales,” by Edesio Pérez. April 1952.

“Facts of the Records of the Citizens that are Held by Suspicion in the Dobbs Brothers Murders Case” by Adela Sloss.

“Falsos apóstoles y malos políticos,” by Carlos Basáñez Rocha.

“Felicitaciones para el Lic. Alonso Perales” various authors.

“González Texas Hero, But Not about Self,” by Graham Hovey.

“He was good enough in Turret.”

Henry B. González Television program script.

The Home of Free Men” by Carlos E. Castañeda.

“Here is why Mr. Strickland”, by Felipe Garcia.

“Henry B González Television Program.”

“Homenaje” by Gilberto Díaz,

“Honorable Alonso S. Perales,” by Luis Alvarado, Sr.

“The Hope of Freemen” by Carlos Castañeda.

“I have been requested…” by José S. Garza Ramírez.

“Individual freedom, Social Justice and Peace.” (first page by Carlos Castañeda)

“Interesante conferencia sustentó el culto Lic. Manuel Pacheco Moreno.”

“An Invocation to Man.”

“Just Who is Discriminating Against Who, Asks Writer”, by Bean O. Jameton.

“Justa distinción al Dr. Carlos Castañeda,” by Manuel Pacheco Moreno.

“La labor cristiana de Sr. Lic. Alonso S. Perales” by Paulino E. Rubio.

“Labor Troubles, Chaotic World Memorial to FDR” by an Anglo-American.

“The Language of Barrier in Bilingual Schools,” by Theodore J. Brenner, S.M

“Lic. Antonio S. Perales.”

“El Lic. Antonio S. Perales nació…”

“El licenciado Antonio S. Perales nos hace declaraciones sobre el proyecto de ley antidiscriminatorio…”

“Liderismo colectivo.”

“Literatura mexicana” Manuel M. Fores.

“Los latinoamericanos son leales.”

“Los ‘mitos’ de Francisco de la Maza” by Alfonso Méndez Plancarte.

“Luis y Engracia” by María Pérez Perales?

“The Man We Honor.”

“Memorandum re Alonso S. Perales.”

Mi opinión acerca del libro En defensa de mi raza” by José de Luz Sáenz.

“A Must in New Books.”

“Native Latin American Contribution of the Colonization and Independence of Texas” by Eugene C. Baker.

“Oil on Troubled Water.”


“Our Own Backyard” By Jimmy Haynes.

“Our Personal Relations with Mexicans” by Malcom Ross.

“El paladín de la raza Lic. Alonso S. Perales fue condecorado,” by Benjamin F. Cuéllar, Sr.

“Palabras de Arturo y Fres en la velada con el motivo de la muerte del Lic. Enrique Loaiza.”

“Paper presented by Lick. Roberto Molina Pasquel…”

“Perales, Alonso S., Lawyer…”

Poems and lyrics: Diverse poetry and song lyrics signed and unsigned.

“Power at the Polls.”

“Price of Education,” by Valdemar González.

“Program de 15 Minutos…Srs. Olivares Perales y Rodríguez.”

“Protests to Continue until Discrimination is ended,” by Santos V. Lozano.

“Puntos de consideración relacionados con la finalidad objetiva que anotó el Sr. Lic. Alonso S. Perales en su indicación o consideración que en Laredo no gustaron al Sr. Don Eduardo Idar.” Fraga, Telésforo.

“Questions to be asked Mr. Perales.”

“Quit Gripping and Try to Get Along, Latin Youth Advises Nation of Nations’” by Martha S. Williams.

Reel 11

Manuscripts by other authors:

“Race Issue Arouses Ire of Mexicans,” by Curtis Vinson.

“Racial Discrimination,” by José de Luz Sáenz.

“Racial Discrimination Charged in Comal Co.”

“Respetables damas y caballeros…” by Jim Bates.

“Tinde Homenaje al Lic. Alonso S. Perales.”

“The second Rate Citizen and democracy” draft by Carlos Castañeda.

“The Seed is Still Alive.”

“The Segregation Problem: Latin-Americans Must Help Too,” by Pat Galván.

“Sic Transitt Glorias Mundi” by Paulino S. Rubio.

“La Sociedad LULAC” by Mrs. Santos V. Lozano.

“Solución al problema,” by Amado Vera Jr.

“Sombra o luz,” poem by José de Luz Sáenz.

“The Spanish Speaking People in the United States,” by Rev. John J. Birch

“Speech of Senator Dennis Chávez of New Mexico at the Convention of LULACS on June 4, 1838, at El Paso, Texas.”

“Statement of the Problem of Segregation,” by John L. McMahon.

“Statement of William R. Sinkin…”

“The Struggle of a Brave People” by Adela Sloss de Vento.

“Statement of Ernesto Galarza, Labor Section Pan American Union.”

“Statement of the Problem of Segregation” by John L McMahon.

“A Study of the Educational Opportunities Provided to Spanish-Name Children in Ten Texas School Systems,” by Virgil E. Strickland and George I. Sánchez.

“Ten Races Get Along” by Pfc. Joseph V. Delgado Jr.

‘Texas en el año 1916…” fragment by Kelley et al.

‘Texto del proyecto de ley Num. 68 conocido también con el nombre de proyecto de ley del buen vecino.”

“Their Best Friends.”

“The Triumph of a Lawyer of our Race.”

“To Our Guests” Unsigned June 7 1959.

“Two Men Fined after Guilty Plea to Assault Charge.”

Unsigned, untitled essay, missing first three pages.

Untitled (Title may be “The Problem as Seen by Others”) partial book manuscript, with essays by various authors, including Carlos Castañeda, José de Luz Saenz, Barnes, etc., pages 1-3, 19-37, 49-61, 77-130.

Untitled manuscript in Spanish, a collection of essays and reports to be published in book form, possibly a draft for En defensa de mi raza, Vol 1.

“Valley race Discrimination Appalling and Shameful” by Wayne Thomas.

“We have in San Antonio a young lawyer…” Jan 15, 1934.

“What is the fifth column? By C. E. Troutz.

“What Our Sons Fought For...” by Laureano Flores.

“Who set the Community’s Social Pattern? By rev. John J. Birch.

“What Would Our Owners do Without Wetback Labor? By Valdemar González.

“The Wishes of God,” by George Esqueda.

“A Word for Mexico,” by Mrs. Santos V. Lozano.

“Your Mind in Action,” by Fred a. Moss.

Reel 12

Manuscripts: Alonso S. Perales.

Radio Addresses and Interviews:

“A las colonias mexicanas y México-Texanas de Alice,” co-signed Perales and J. Luz Sáenz, undated.

“A propósito del problema artístico que se desarrolla…”

“A todos los patronos.”

“El abogado Alonso S. Perales se retira de todo movimiento panamericanista en Texas.”

“About a year ago, the San Antonio Board of Education…”

“Addresses delivered as San Benito, Texas, Oct. 25, 1951.”

“Además, la actitud firme…”

“Al margen de las propuestas reformas a la Constitución del Estado de Texas,” by Alonso S. Perales.

“Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo,” incomplete ms (p.2 only) Feb. 18, 1951

“Antes que te cases,” Oct. 1951, by Alonso S. Perales.

“Are We Good Neighbors?” two separate drafts, one dated April 1948.

“Army Returns Remains of South Texas Heroes for Burial in Cemeteries Near Homes.” Aug. 28, 1948. Alonso S. Perales.

“Arte de México, La Real Academia de San Carlos.”

“Carta abierta.”

“Citations to the Congressional Medal of Honor.”

“El Comité Presidencial de Prácticas Justas…”

“El Controlador General de los Estados Unidos dicta una interpretación…”

“Damas y caballeros…”

“Damas y caballeros, como abogado su servidor…”

“Datos para la prensa.”

“Declaraciones del Lic. Alonso S. Perales acerca del Proyecto de Ley Anti-Discriminatoria….”

“Democracy and Church Related Schools.”

“Democracy Will Be a Reality for Americans of Mexican Descent in Texas.”

“Derechos constitucionales.”

“Directo y gentil radio autitorio…”

“Discrimination against Persons…”

“El discurso del Lic. Alonso S. Perales en la Gran Fiesta de la Raza…” 1932.

“Discurso pronunciado por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales en favor de la candidature del Lic. James S. Bates.”


“Educational Opportunities of the Latin-American Child above the Elementary School Level…”

“Elección el martes.”

“La elección sobre el sistema de gerencia…”

“La evolución de la raza mexicana en Texas.”

“En defensa de mi raza.”

“En la primera parte…”

“¿Es debido a nuestra falta de aseo que se nos humilla?”

“España en San Antonio.”

“El estado de las gestiones encaminadas a acabar con la discriminación.”

“Ha presentado su renuncia…”

“Hasta qué grado puede el gobierno federal…” Oct. 21, 1944.

“Hermanos de la raza.”

“Los héroes México-Americanos.”

Los héroes México-Americanos.”

“His Excellency, The Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey…,” Speech on racial prejudice in Spain, given to the Knights of Columbus, March 20, 1952.

“Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners, Ladies and Gentlemen.”

“Honorable W. W. McCrory.”

“I Have No Personal Complaint.”

“Hoy es la gran velada.”

“Importante reunión de la Commisión de Salubridad.”

“El impuesto electoral y nuestra lucha en pro de justicia social.”


“Informe… acerca del estado de las gestiones encaminadas a terminar con la discriminación.”

“El intercambio universitario entre México y Estados Unidos…”

“Un interesantísismo ciclo de conferencias.”

“It is a great pleasure…”

“El joven Gonzalo Garza…”

“Juvenile Board Judges Refuse to Act in the Face of Rising Delinquency!”

“La juventud hispanoamericana de San Antonio…”

“La leyenda del conejo.”

“El Lic. Alonso S. Perales nos hace declaraciones sobre el Proyecto de Ley Antidiscriminatorio.” Jan. 12, 1945.

“El Lic. Alonso S. Perales renuncia…”

“El Lic. Alonso S. Perales ha presentado su renuncia”

“Lista de personas que asistieron al almuerzo…”

“Lista que contiene los nombres de las poblaciones en Texas en donde se le ha negado el servicio a los mexicanos…”

“El martes de la semana próxima…estuvo… Daniel Salinas.”

“Mexican Atmosphere.”

“The Mexican people also…”

“Un mexicano que defiende sus derechos y a nuestra raza.”

“Mis dignos conciudadanos.”

“Mis distinguidos conciudadnos de origen hispano.”

“Mis dignos conciudadanos y hermanos de raza.”

“Mis dignos conciudadanos de origen mexicano.”

“Mis dignos conciudadanos México-Americanos.”

“Mis muy estimados radio-escuchas:”

“Must in New Books,” by the American Progressive Association.

“My Fellow Americans of County Precinct No. 1,”

“El negocio del censo de Estados Unidos…”

“North St. Mary’s Street Skaitn Rink.”

“Nuestra juventud debe aprender lo que es el matrimonio antes de casarse.”

“Nuestro pueblo puede ayudarse a sí mismo.” Nov. 20, 1948.

“Nuestro pueblo sufre otra gran pérdida.”

“Numerosos jóvenes graduados de la escuela superior…”

“Oportunidades educativas que debemos aprovechar.”


“Over a century ago…” Essay on Texas Mexican founders of the Republic of Texas, English and Spanish versions.

“Perales, Alonso,” biography for “Who’s Who in the American Electoral Mission of Nicaragua –1930.”

“Perales, Alonso,” biography for “Who’s Who in the American Electoral Mission of Nicaragua – 1930.”

“El periódico es útil cuando sirve los intereses de la colectividad,” Feb. 13, 1946.

“El “Poll-Tax” o Impuesto Electoral.” Jan. 26, 1945.

“Por qué vote por el Gobernado Shivers.”

“El porvenir de los México-Americanos.”

“Power at the Polls.”

“Practically All Mexican Laborers are of a Racial Mixture….”

“Preguntas hechas por el Sr. J. L. Hidalgo al Lic. Perales.”

“Problemas del hogar.” Ms., Feb. 21, 1951.

“Problemas del hogar.” Ts.

“Problemas fundamentales de México.”

“La próxima conferencia de cancilleres y el porvenir de nuestros pueblos.”

“El proyecto de Ley Antidiscriminatorio fue aprobado.”

Reel 13

“Rambling Around.” No date.

List of courses taken at St. Mary’s Univ. School of Law

“… sus labores cívico sociales el concilio Num. 16 de la Liga de Leales Americanos.”

“El reciente fallo de la cuarta corte de apelaciones civiles y la doctrina del buen vecino.”

“…redondas panamericanas, clubes de rotarios, leones, y Kiwanis…”

“Resolution introduced by Alonso S. Perales Delegate to the Texas Bar Association.”

“Servicio especial para ‘La Prensa.’” May 3, 1933.

“Servicio especial para ‘la prensa.’” May 4, 1933.

“A mis conciudadanos Mexico-Americanos.”

“La situación de nuestra niñez escolar del lado occidental de San Antonio.” Nov. 9, 1947.

“Some Places where Mexicans are Discrimated against… by denying them service or by… “

“Speech to be delivered by Alonso S. Perales, local attorney, at 1:45 pm today, in behalf of the anti-Maverick ticket.”

“Speech to be delivered by Alonso S. Perales, local attorney, at 4pm today, on Station KABC (hora nacional)

“Radio talk to be delivered by Mr. Alonso S. Perales during the “Hora Anahuac” program at 1:45 pm today.” Begins with, “Mis dignos conciudadanos y Hermanos de Raza..”

“Mis conciudadanos y Hermanos de Raza…” Begins with, “…tener la oportunidad…”

Untitled document… by Paul J. Kilday

“Muy estimados conciudadanos y hermanos de raza.” Begins with “Me congratulo de tener la oportunidad…”

Sample Ballot – Instructions for Voting the Anti-Maverick Ticket

Paragraph about earnings of garbage truck driver (with handwritten notes)

Two handwritten documents

“Speech to be delivered by Alonso S. Perales, Local Attorney at 4pm today, on station KABC (Hora Nacional).” Addressed to: “Mis dignos conciudadanos…” and begins with “Me congratulo…” (same speech as listed above but with handwritten notes on it)

“Speech to be delivered by Alonso S. Perales, Local Attorney, at 1:45, today, in behalf of the anti-Maverick ticket.” Addressed to “Mis dignos ciudadanos”… begins with “Celebro sobremanera tener nuevamente…”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Lonso S. Perales, a través de la estación radiodifusora KABC, El día 6 de mayo de 1941, en pro de la planilla encabezada por el Sr. Lic. C. K. Quin.” Addressed to “Mis dignos conciudadanos…” Begins with “Una vez más tengo la honra…” (contains handwritten notes).

“Radio Talk to be made by Alonso S. Perales Over station KABC, Friday, May 2nd, at 6:45 PM.” Addressed to “My fellow Americans.” Begins with “I am very happy to have…”

“Mis estimados radiooyentes.”

“El reciente fallo de la cuarta corte de apelaciones civiles y la doctrina del buen vecino.”

Letter to Coke R. Stevenson. Feb. 9, 1944.

“La respuesta del gobernador” Feb. 17, 1944 AND “La contestacion del Lic. Perales.” Feb. 25, 1944.

“El reciente fallo de la cuarta corte de apelaciones civiles y la doctrina del buen vecino.”

“El Representante Maverick hace declaraciones a la prensa.”

“Resume of Address Made by Alonso S. Perales Before the Pan American Round Table of San Antonio, TX, at the St. Anthony Hotel, on Nov. 16, 1936.”

“El … técnico Jesús C. Flores.”

“El Sargento Macario García…..” Sept. 13, 1945.

“Se establece en San Antonio una escuela de gobierno y ciudadanía.”

“Se nos ha oido en la conferencia de cancilieres.”

“Sentida defunción.”

“Será suficiente con que un candidato declare que es anti-comunista?” Sept. 19, 1954.

“Several leading Mexican-Americans met a San Antonio…”

Sra. Elsa Guerra de Bond, and Srita. Gloria Guerra. 6-7-53.

Handwritten notes

“Some places where Mexicans are discriminated against in Texas either by denying them service or by segregating them from anglo-americans.”

“Triunfo el Gran Maestro Carlos Chávez.” Begins with, “Nuestra raza está de…”

“Spanish Language and Politics in the Frontier States.”

“Un proyecto de ley que debe de ser desprobado.”

“No matter how brief nor how long a time it takes…”

Names of licenciados

One typed document (a continuation of other document?)

One handwritten document, addressed: “Mis dignos conciudadanos.”

“Speech to be delivered by Alonso S. Perales” Addressed “Mis dignos ciudadanos” and begins with “En primer lugar deseo saludar…”

“Speech to be delivered by Alonso S. Perales, Local Attorney, Over KABC and K?SA today (June 27, 1941)” Addressed “Mis dignos conciudadanos…”

“Statement Made by Alonso S. Perales, San Antonio Attorney, with reference to the Spears Anti-Discrimination Bill.” April 1945.

“To the Texas Pan American Round Tables, Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis Clubs…”

“Toma ímpetus la campaña contra las casas de asignación.”

“Translation of talk to be made by Alonso S. Perales over KABC on Saturday and Sunday, May 1st, 1943.”

“Translation of talk to be made by Mr. Alonso S. Perales at 7:15 pm, Sunday, May 9, 1943, over Station KMAC.”


“Viva la prensa – la tribuna de la raza!”

“A los votantes del condado de Hidalgo.” March 21, 1932.

“Western Hemisphere, Awake!”

“Ladies and Gentlemen: On the 11th day of the present month of May…”

“Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman: I am indeed very happy to have...” RE: “What kind of education do Latin-American citizens want for their children?”

“Sinopsis de la plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales ante la conferencia sobre la educación de la niñez hispanoamericana…”

“Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman: I am indeed very happy to have..” RE: “What kind of education do Latin-American citizens want for their children?”

“Mexicanos: Educad a vuestros hijos.”

Sample Ballot – “Test – I am a democrat.”

“Mexicanos, etc.” (part of other document?) May , 1923.

“Principios contraproducentes para la americanización en Estados Unidos.” Nov. 4, 1919.

“Para que el México-Americano pueda sentirse americano hay que tratarlo como americano.” May 16, 1920.

“Protesta contra lo aseverado por James E. Ferguson.” Jan. 3, 1921. Published in “La Prensa” of San Antonio, TX on Jan. 7, 1921.

“Jóvenes Mexico-Americanos, estudiad derecho!”

“Una presentación teatral que no hace justicia al pueblo mexicano.” May 15, 1923 Published in The Washinton Post in May of 1923.

Note to Edward F. Witsell

Continuation of “Una presentacion teatral que no hace justicia al pueblo Mexicano.” May 15, 1923. Published in The Washinton Post in May of 1923.

“La ignorancia como causa de los prejuicios raciales.” Aug. 20, 1923.

“El sufragio de los Mexico-Americanos.” June 25, 1924.

“Conferencias en pro del mejoramiento de los mexicanos.” Aug. 2, 1924.

“A las colonias mexicanas y México-Texanas de Alice, San Diego, Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Falfurri S, Cameron y El Valle bajo del Río Grande.” Sept. 1924.

“Dos ideales y un solo fin.” Editorial de “El Monitor” de Falfurrias, Texas. Aug. 28, 1924.

“El problema de los Mexico-Americanos.” Oct. 1924.

“La evolución de los México-Americanos” Oct. 1924.

“El ideal de los México-Americanos.” Oct. 1924.

“Calurosa defensa de los trabajadores mexicanos.” Published in “La Prensa” San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 9, 1926 and in “The Washington Post.” Washington, DC, Sept. 5, 1926.

“Se pide justicia en el caso de Raymondville.” Oct. 24, 1926. “La Prensa” in San Antonio on Nov. 3, 1926.

Traducción del inglés: letter to Miriam A. Ferguson, Oct. 24, 1926.

“Protesta en contra de una compañía de terrenos.”

Letter to McAllen Real Estate Board. Jan. 29, 1927.

“Carta enviada al Presidente Coolidge protestando contra los asesinatos de Raymondville.” Feb. 14, 1927.

“En defensa de los mexicanos” to Delta Development Co. Feb. 15, 1927.

“Una justa defensa de los mexicanos” March 1927.

“En defensa de la raza – una importante carta al Presidente Coolidge.” April 30, 1927.

Note: Re: Sept. 1927 “La Prensa”

“La juventud mexicana” Sept. 1929.

“Oportunidades educativas que debemos aprovechar.” Agosto 28, 1935.

“La convención de la Asociación Anti-Tuberculosis del Estado de Texas.” La Prensa, San Antonio, April 14, 1936.

“Honremos la memoria de los héroes de origen mexicano.” Managua, Nicaragua, June 30, 1928.

“Gestiones en favor de mexicanos que se hallan en la cárcel acusados de haber entrado a este país ilegalmente.” May 3, 1929.

Letter to Hon. John Garner. May 3, 1929.

“Fue un acontecimiento la convención de la liga de ciudadanos en Edinburg….”

“El discurso del Lic. Perales en la gran fiesta de la raza efectuada en el auditorio.” Oct. 15, 1933.

“Protesta contra la segregación de nuestra juventud en los campos del gobierno.” Aug. 27, 1935

“Se reunió la Commisión de Salubridad.” Nov. 3, 1935.

“Otra protesta con respeto a las pensiones.” Nov. 15, 1935.

“Defendiendo a unos mexicanos humildes ante el consejo de servicio civil de policía y bomberos de San Antonio, Texas, El día 13, de Noviembre de 1935.”

Article: “La Asociación de Padres y Maestros” Dec. 1935.

“Solicitando facilidades escolares para nuestra niñez.” La Prensa, San Antonio, Jan. 30, 1936.

“A propósito de un concurso para embellecer solares.” La Prensa, April 11, 1936.

“A las mesas redondas panamericanas, clubes de rotarios, leones, y Kiwanis…”

“Protesta contra unos versos ofensivos para el pueblo mexicano.” May 20, 1936.

“Por ejemplo, un representante oficial…”

“Nuestra próxima convención y el porvenir de nuestra niñez escolar.” June 2, 1936.

“Como pedir facilidades escolares para nuestra niñez.” Sept. 1936

“La verdadera misión de nuestra liga.”

“Inserción ‘A’”

“Resumen de las labores del Concilio No. 16 de San Antonio de la Liga de Ciudadanos Unidos Latinoamericanos desde junio de 1935 hasta junio de 1936.”

“Las próximas elecciones y el porvenir de nuestra niñez.” July 1936.

“El México-Americano y las recientes elecciones.”

“La educación de la niñez es obligatoria.”

“Dilecto y gentil radio auditorio, muy buenos días.” – Benjamín F. Cuéllar

“Estimados radiooyentes:” begins with “Recordaréis que os hablaba en mi última conferencia…”

“Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Affairs Forum takes pleasure…” KONO Broadcasting Station, March 3, 1941.

“Plática del Lic. Alonso S. Perales ante la Asociación Mexicana de Hombres de Negocios, la noche del 17 del actual.”

“Preguntas hechas por el Sr. J. L. Hidalgo Al Lic. Perales.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación KMAS, El día 4 de Mayo…”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de los micrófonos de “Hora Nacional” el día 22 del actual.” Jan 22, 1943.

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a traves de los micrófonos de la “Hora Nacional” el día 25 del actual.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a traves de los micrófonos de la “Hora Nacional.” El día 28 del actual.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a traves de los micrófonos de la “Hora Nacional.” El día 29 del actual.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales en la transmission de LA VOZ DE LA RAZA la noche del 23 de marzo de 1932.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales, en la transmission de LA VOZ DE LA RAZA, por la estación KABC, la noche del 10 del actual.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación Radiodifusora “KCOR”, durante la hora católica, el jueves, 7 de septiembre de 1950.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación Radiodifusora “KCOR”, durante la hora católica, el jueves, 28 de septiembre de 1950.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación Radiodifusora “KCOR”, durante la hora católica, el lunes, 2 de octubre de 1950.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales en favor de la planilla Maverick, el 20 de mayo de 1947, a través de la estación KCOR.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales en favor de la planilla Maverick, el 23 de mayo de 1947, a través de la estación KCOR.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales en favor de la planilla Maverick, el 27 de mayo de 1947, a través de la estación KCOR.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales en favor de la planilla Maverick, el 25 de mayo de 1947, a través de la estación KCOR.”

Handwritten document

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de los micrófonos de la estación Radiodifusora “KCOR” a las 6:45 PM el día 3 de Julio de 1948.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación “KCOR” a las 6:30 PM el día 15 de septiembre de 1948.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación KIWW, a las 7 de la tarde, el jueves, 24 de agosto de 1950.

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de los micrófonos de “KCOR”, el día 24 de septiembre de 1948, a las 6:30PM.”

“Hora Católica – Septiembre 24, 1948”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de los micrófonos “KCOR”, el viernes, primero de octubre de 1948.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación KIWW, a las 6 de la tarde, el martes, 22 de agosto de 1950.”

“Declaración del Lic. Alberto A. Pena en favor de la candidature del Sr. Juez W. W. McCrory, expresada a través de la estación Radiodifusora KIWW, el 23 de agosto de 1950.”

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación KCOR, el 20 del actual, en favor de la candidatura del Sr. William Maldonado.”

“Mis muy estimados radio-oyentes.” Begins with “Hoy tengo el gusto..”

“Ladies and Gentlemen of the Radio Audience: I am indebted to Mrs. Munguia…”

“Mis muy estimados radio-oyentes.” Begins with “la opinion general entre las personas…”

“¿Quién es Dios?

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la Estación KCOR, a las 6:40PM, el día 25 de octubre de 1948.”

“Mis muy estimados radiooyentes” Begins with “mucho agradezco la oportunidad…”

“Entrevista entre el Lic. Alonso S. Perales y los licenciados Rubén R. Lozano, Alberto A. Peña, Abe San Miguel, Frank Alvarado y Carlos Albidress, hijo, celebrada a través de los micrófonos de la estación Radiodifusora KIWW, el día 23 del actual.”

“Spot Annoucements in behalf of the Candidacy of Judge W. W. McCrory.”

“Radio Talk to be made by Alonso S. Perales, local attorney, over station KABC, Friday May 2nd, at 6:45 PM.”

Handwritten note

“Plática sustentada por el Lic. Alonso S. Perales a través de la estación Radiodifusora , el día XX de mayo de 1950.”

“Talk to be made by Attorney Alonso S. Perales over Station KMAC on May 4, 1943.”

Etc. (Many more radio addresses in folder).

Reel 14


La Novedades, Kinsgville, Texas, 1936-1937.

La Voz, San Antonio, Texas, 1938-1960.

El Demócrata, San Diego, Texas, 1936-1939.

La Verdad, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1951-1960.

El Paladín, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1927-1938.

Diógenes. Por la patria y por la raza. Seminario Liberal Mexicanista, McAllen, Hidalgo, Texas, 1927-1931.

El Popular, Semanario informativo, Del Río, Texas, 1929-1931.

México en el Valle, Mission Texas, 1927.

La Verdad, Seminario de Información, Literatura y Anuncios, Falfurrias, Texas, 1929-1936.

Actualidad, LULAC, San Antonio, Texas, 1933-1935.

LULAC News, San Antonio, Texas, 1941-1943.

El Tiempo, Raymondville, Texas, 1958-1960.

Milicia Antes del Porvenir, Semanario Independiente del Pueblo, Kingsville, Texas, 1931.

El Latino, San Ángelo, Texas 1936-1937.

El Fronterizo, Rio Grande City, Texas 1927.

Reel 15

LULAC/Sons of America

Correspondence A-I


Allen, Federico, June 30-Nov. 9, 1927 (NOTE: this letter was written by Federico Allen Hinojosa... more of his letters are under H)

Anderson, Charles W., Oct. 6, 1941 – Oct. 10, 1941

Anonymous, no date.

Austin, Roberto E., Jan. 8, 1932 – Aug. 5, 1954


Barrera, Luis, Oct. 2, 1927 – June 19, 1933

Barrientes, Candelario U., May 31, 1933 – May 8, 1938

Basánez Rocha, Carlos, Aug. 10 – Sept. 17, 1927

Benitez, Joe, June 14 – 20, 1974

Bing Crosby Enterprises, Feb. 4, 1954

Brewster, D. W., Sept. 26, 1927

Brown, John W., Nov. 28-30, 1936


Calderón, Carlos A., Jan. 6, 1945

Canales, J. T., Sept. 1, 1927 – 1958

Castañeda, Carlos E., Dec. 24, 1943 – Oct. 25, 1957

Canamar, Henry, March 20, 1934

Carssow, William B., Jan. 14 – Feb. 17, 1937

Castro, Román, Oct. 23, 1927

Chávez, Luis M., Sept. 15, 1927 – Aug. 20, 1927

Cochran, J. C., May 4, 1934

Contreras, Hernán H., April 2, 1934 – Aug. 7, 1950

Cotton, Thomas L., March 30, 1931

Councils of the League of Latin-American Citizens, Dec. 3 – 23, 1927

Cruz, Alejandro, June 29 – Aug. 8, 1927


Davis, Herbert L., Nov. 29 – Dec. 15, 1933

Duran y Carbajal, A., Feb. 16, 1937

Dominguez, A. A., June 5, 1946

Dwyer, Pat, Mar. 21, 1941


Editor, San Antonio Express, May 1, 1931

Editor, San Antonio Express, May 3, 1933

Escobar, E., Aug. 24, 1927 – May 23, 1932


Fairbanks, Ellie S. (aka Mrs. R H Fairbanks), Nov. 30, 1939

THEN: letter, not signed. Rev. Neil Allis

Felty, Fred, May 1, 1939

Fern, George H., April 3, 1934

Flores, Isidoro, Mar. 15, 1936

Figueroa, Armando, Oct. 18, 1946


Galvan, Frank, J., Oct. 8, 1936

García, Felipe, Aug. 31 – Sept. 2, 1927

García, Gustavo S., Oct. 9, 1927 – July 23, 1927

García, Hector P., June 4 – Dec. 17, 1951

García, O. B., Oct. 8, 1933

García, R. G., no date

Gardner, Fletcher, May 11, 1934

Garza, Adolfo de la, June 18, 1937

Garza, Ben, May 22, 1928 – Aug. 11, 1933

Garza, Ben, July 8, 1927 – July 20, 1937

Garza, Pilar, Nov. 16, 1933

Garza, Richard M., no date

Garza, Valentina J., Mar. 10 – Apr. 4, 1940

Gerodetti, Orlando F., Jan. 15, 1935

Gloria, Valente H.

Gómez, Antonia, Nov. 30, 1933

Gómez, Antonia, Dec. 11, 1933

Gómez, José, Nov. 10 – 15, 1937

Gómez, Modesto A., Dec. 8, 1945

Gonzales, M. C., Apr. 14, 1932 – Oct. 3, 1933

Gonzalez, Enrique G., Apr. 26, 1933

Gonzalez, J. B., June 25, 1941

González, Jacinto Jr., Aug. 17, 1927 – Sept. 23, 1927 (continues after Eligio Garza)

Garza, Eligio de la. Aug. 20 – Sept. 2, 1927

González, Manuel, Feb. 6, 1945

González, Paul, Oct. 12, 1927 – Oct. 8, 1927

González, Sergio, Nov. 2, 1933

Gutiérrez, P., Nov. 11, 1936

Guerra, Diodoro, Sept. 22 – Oct. 1, 1927

Luna, A. de. (to DW Brewster) Oct. 1, 1927.

Guerra, Manuel, April 9, 1934


Herrera, Felipe A., July 20, 1927 – June 9, 1928

Herrera, I. D., no date

Herrera, J. A.

Herrera, John J., Jan. 19, 1952

Hinojosa, Federico Allen, Sept. 9, 1927

Hinojosa, Maximiliano, Aug. 10, 1928


Idar, Clemente N., Sept. 10 – Dec. 30, 1927

Idar, Eduardo, May 10, 1927 – June 6, 1951

Montalvo, N. R. Oct. 22, 1927, no signature

Landin, M. Dec. 12, 1927. Same letter sent to E. Idar.

Garza, Ben. Dec. 12, 1927

Canales, J. T. Dec. 23, 1927

Reel 16

LULAC/Sons of America

Correspondence J-Z


Johnston, H., June 16 – Oct. 17, 1933

Juárez, Francisco V., Feb. 29, 1944

Johnston, J. M. Oct. 2, 1933


Laurel, E. V., May 16 – June 12, 1932

Ledwig, F. J., Oct. 7, 1939

Leftin, J. C., Apr. 13, 1931

Legion Americana, Aug. 14, 1928

Leonard, Homer, Jan. 20, 1937

Liga de Ciudadanos Unidos Latinoamericanos, Jan. 15, 1935

Longoria, J. M., June 10, 1933

Lopez, Eduardo, Oct. 24, 1933

Lozano, Ignacio E., Jan. 4 – 10, 1935

Lozano, Esquire, Ruben R., Sept. 10, 1927 – Dec. 20, 1928

Lozano, Santos V. Jr., April 7, 1934

Luna, A. de, Oct. 14, 1927 – March 18, 1932

Longoria, Eugenio V., Nov. 20 – Dec. 9, 1927

Lucas, P. G., Oct. 15, 1936

Luz, Saenz, J. de la, correspondence 1927 – 1953

American Legion. Aug. 14, 1928


Machado, Mauro. M., Feb. 5, 1927 – Jan. 25, 1960

Machado, Mike M.. Jan. 25, 1960

Manuel, H. T., Feb. 15, 1933 – Oct. 24, 1938

Manuel, Dorothy B., Nov. 30, 1928

Maverick-Clarke Manufacturing Stationers, Jan. 15, 1945

McKnight, J. B., Aug. 2 – 25, 1937

McDaniel, C. C., Jan. 30, 1931

Menefee, R. S., Jan. 10, 1935

Mireles, E. E., Dec. 2, 1933

Montalvo, R., Oct. 19, 1927

Machuca, J. C., April 9, 1934 – Feb. 2, 1954

Shivers, Allen. “Proclamation of LULAC Week.”

Moreno, L. P., Feb. 7, 1938 – March 8, 1938

Montemayor, F. I., Nov. 17, 1936


Neal, J., Jan. 20, 1937


Orozco, Alfonso A., March 4, 1945

Ortiz, Victor, May 2, 1933


Paz, Santos de la, March 10, 1952

Peña, E. E., May 16, 1930

Pérez, Francisco, Feb. 14, 1927

Pérez Alvarez, Casimiro, March 10, 1932


Quezada, Rubén G., Jan. 15, 1937

Quinn, C. K., Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 1936


Ramírez, Leobardo G., Sept. 6, 1928 – May 12, 1930

Reader, R. L., Jan. 7, 1937

Recio, Federico, Nov. 3, 1927

Reynolds, W. E., Jan. 5, 1934

Rico, Walter H., Aug. 23 – Sept. 20, 1940

Riojas G., R., Oct. 20 – Nov. 8, 1944

Rocha, C. B., Aug. 11 – 29, 1927

Rodríguez, Joe Q., Oct. 3, 1940

Rodriguez, Tomas M., March 24, 1937

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, March 10, 1944

Ross, Malcolm, Nov. 30, 1943


Saenz, Alfredo, Aug. 9 – 14, 1957

Scoy, L., Jan. 16, 1952

Sendejo, Jesús (no date)

Sexton, Harry L., May 30 – June 2, 1932

Sloss Vento, Adela, June 20, 1974

Stubsman, I. E., Apr. 20, 1940


Tijerina, Félix, Feb. 27, 1957

Treviño, Conrado N., Oct. 8, 1940

Troutz, C. E., Sept. 9, 1933

Treviño, Manuel G., Oct. 14, 1924

Tafolla, James, Aug. 25, 1927 – Oct. 12, 1927


Escuelas nocturnas, Nov. 27, 1934

Night School, Apr. 26, 1933

Order of Knight of America, Feb. 22, 1927


Vela, Luis, Oct. 11, 1927


Wassell, George W., Oct. 5 – Nov. 30, 1953

Welles, Sumner, Nov. 16, 1944

Winterich, John T., Aug. 14, 1928

Williams, Irene, Dec. 2, 1943

Woods, L. A., State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Feb. 18 – March 7, 1938


Ximenes, Fernando, March 10, 1932


Zamora, Arnulfo, May 24 – Dec. 27, 1933

Reel 17

LULAC/Sons of America

1. By-laws

2. History

3. Conventions

4. Manuscripts

5. Resolutions

6. Speeches

7. Council #16 – San Antonio

8. Ladies Councils

9. Legislative Bills

10. Miscellanea

Reel 18

Correspondence A-F


Acosta, Julio G., Sept. 19, 1945

Acuña, Victor, Dec. 2, 1957

Adams, John Q., Sept. 17, 1954

Adlamia?, J., May 2, 1934

Aguilar, Jesús, April 27, 1944

Aguilar, Nicanor, March 2, 1948

Alaniz, Brígido, no date

Alanís, Manuel, July 8, 1929

Alatorre, Francisco, March 27, 1942 (speech)

Alatorre, Francisco, Apr. 25-27, 1942

Albidress, Charles, Jr., Sept 14, 1943 (parents’ anniv. invitation)

Albidress, Chas., Jr., Aug. 8, 1950

Albion, Edouard, Feb. 17, 1927

Alfaro, R.J., June 28, 1946; Sept. 21, 1945

Allison, Guy P., Mar. 26, 1952

Alonzo, E.B., Feb. 18, 1945

Altamirano, Rafael Espinosa, Oct. 25, 1945

Alvarado, Felipa G., July 15, 1949

Alva, S., July 6, 1941

Alvarado, Luis, May 9, 1958

Alvarez, Victor, Dec. 25, 1957 (card)

Alvarez, Pablo, June 24, 1949

American Civil Liberties Union March 1, 1938

American Legion, Falfurrias, TX, Aug. 14, 1926

Anderson, Charles W., Aug. 1-2, 1940

Anderson, P.L., Apr. 5-9, 1941

Archer, William, May 5, 1936

Arias, Ramón J., Dec. 28, 1937

Ariaz, Juan, Feb. 3, 1944

Arneson, Edwin P., May 2, 1936

Arrólloz, Jacínto, March 5, 1944 – Feb. 16, 1946

Arredondo, F. J., Oct. 29, 1941

Arrowood, Mrs. C. F., March 16 – 18, 1940

Astonga, Amando, June 10, 1945

Astudillo, Luis G., May 24, 1939

Austin, R. E. Jan. 13, 1932

Austin, William L., Oct. 15, 1936

AVina, Victor V.?, (letter to Perez, Ramon V.?) Oct. 22, 1944


Babcock, John E., July 13, 1939

Baesa, J. S., Aug. 12, 1945

Balderas, Josías, May 26, 1949

THEN newspaper article

Barker, Mrs. W. H., no date

Barnes, Stuart J., Oct. 7 – 9, 1945

Barrientos, C. U., Dec. 31, 1939

Barrozo, Marcos, Sept. 22, 1943

Basánez, T., June 6, 1939

Bates, James S., Apr. 30 – Sept. 1, 1954

Becerra, Alfonso, request for reference, July 21, 1949

Beaseley, county Judge, no date

Beek, Joe L., April 25, 1953

Belt, Guillermo, July 28, 1945

Bell, Loyce M., Nov. 21, 1950

Bell, Sam, May 18, 1940

Beltrán, Pedro G., July 23, 1945

Beltrán, Vicente, April 23, 1949

Bennett, Sam C., April 5, 1941

Bentsen, Lloyd M., Mar. 12, 1949

Bentsen, Lloyd M. Jr., March 19, 1941 – March 11, 1949

Berle, A. A. Jr., Sept. 12, 1941

Beverly – The Secretary of State, Sept. 17, 1941

Bernal-Herrera, Atilano, Dec. 12, 1949

Bernal, Joe J., Nov. 21, 1974

Bingham, Hiram W., Oct. 31, 1927 – November 5, 1927

Birch, Father, May 10, 1947

Blocker, William P., Jan. 28, 1942

Blue Cross – Blue Shield of Texas, August 18, 1958

Board of Economic Warfare, Sept. 30, 1942

Borella, Victor, Feb. 5, 1943

Boyce, Pearle Marie, Sept. 11, 1938

Botello, Adelfa, Julio 11, 1939

Bowen, R. E., June 19, 1941

Bramble, Charline, Sept. 5, 1939

Branavo, Jaime, no date

Bravo Silva, César Augusto, May 28, 1959

Bravo, Manuel M., Mar. 21, 1932

Brewster, D. W., Esquire (from Guerra, Diodoro), Sept. 22, 1927

Bridgers, John C., Oct. 30, 1945

Bristow, María de, Jan. 23, 1950

Brothers, Sept. 15, 1943 – Nov. 8, 1939

Broughton, O., June 19 – Oct. 14, 1950

Brown, A. W., Jan. 7, 1958

Brown, Mrs. Leon H., Aug. 16 – 21, 1954

Brown, M., Jan. 27

Buitrón, no first name, no date

Bustos, Domino, Oct. 6, 1940

Butler, George A., Feb. 27, 1950

Byrne, Mrs. A., Mar. 20, 1952


Caballero, José, June 9, 1947

Caballero, Pedro, C. M. F., (no date)

Cabrera, Lorenzo, M., 1945

Correspondence, July 28, 1945

Calderon, Carlos A., Abril 5, 1948

Calhoun, Temple, Oct. 14, 1939

Camacho, Jose Angel, July 3, 1939

Campos, J. L., October 2, 1964

Canález, Gilbert R., Aug. 22, 1939

Cañas, G. N., Feb. 27, 1944

Cantú, A., Sept. 28 – Oct. 3, 1949

Canyes, Manuel S., November 10, 1945

Carlos y Elsa, March 6

Carlton, Leonard, to James, Floyd D., May 5, 1941

Carr, Wilbur J. August 2, 1930

Carrillo, Alejandro P. November 16 – November 23, 1926

Carrillo, Lira J., Feb. 17, 1941

Carssow, William B., Feb. 19 – March 24, 1937

Carvajal, Esther Perez, June 11, 1940

Casady, Si, Aug. 20, 1941

Casady, Simon. April 5, 1947

Casady, Si. April 9, 1947; April 24, 1984; May 10, 1947

Casanova, M. T., April 18, 1941

Casas, David, April 8, 1941 – April 14, 1941

Casillas, Luis, April 25, 1944

Cassidy, James R., Rev.. March 7, 1947

Cassin, John L., Nov. 4 – 22, 1926

Castañeda, Elisa, May 23, 1967

Castillo, J. J., April 18, 1938

Capiedra, Fraustino, and Castillo, Nasario, Feb. 17, 1944

Castro, Héctor David, May 13, 1946 – December 19, 1945

Cazares, Eduardo, July 15, 1941

Cazares, Roy. June 27, 1939

Ceballos, Francis, Sept. 12, 1940

Cedillo, Carmen, and Ancira, Jacobo M., Feb. 28, 1944

Cepeda, Eustasio, July 18, 1945

Cerda, Gilberto, April 12, 1944

Cervantes, Esther, May 29, 1950 – June 19, 1950

Chamber of Commerce, Castroville, Aug. 19, 1938

Beteta, Ramón. Aug. 19, 1938

Cónsul General de la Rep. de Nicaragua en el Estado de Texas. Aug. 19, 1938

Cónsul General de Nicaragua en Texas. July 27, 1938

Camacho, Manuel Avila, Gral. July 30, 1938.

Beteta, Ramón. July 29, 1938.

Chapa, José Elías, Sept. 1, 1945

Chapa, J. M. April 4, 1952

Champagne, N. (to Cervantes, Esther) June 19, 1950.

Chávez, Louis M., March 20, 1928

Charlie, Jan. 22, 1937

Chávez Saldaña, María Antonia, March 6, 1940

Cherrington, Ben M., Sept 12 – 21, 1938

Spaulding, E. Wilder. No date

Chávez, Alfredo, Apr. 10, 1941

Cervantes, Esther (to City Editor, S. A. Express). May 29, 1950

City Tax Collector, May 31, 1950

Clamp, H. L., May 26 – July 6, 1925

Clarkson, Anna L., March 8, 1939

Cobbs, T. D. June 2, 1941

Cocke, Emmett B., October 4 – October 22, 1959

Coit, Ruth, May 17, 1938 – April 16, 1943

Colina, Rafael de la, Nov. 24, 1934 – August 18, 1944

Connally, Tom, (also see Law Office file), May 31, 1933 to Feb. 14, 1945

Witt, Edgar A. (not signed) Aug. 26, 1935

Contreras, Hernán Abundio, April 29, 1933 – Jan. 26, 1954

Contreras, Hermán H., March 30, 1934 – Dec. 4, 1951

Cooke, F., March 4, 1952

Cook, Joe T., April 15, 1948

Cook, Robert L., Oct. 14, 1948

Coronel, Paul, Dec. 30, 1945 – Nov. 19, 1926

Corrigan, Bat. July 19, 1925; April 30, 1926; July 19, 1926; July 27, 1926; Aug. 2, 1926; Aug. 5, 1926 (telegram), Aug. 27, 1926 (Nite Message); Sept. 7, 1926; Sept 23, 1926; Oct. 18, 1925; Nov. 19, 1926

Cortéz, Raúl, Apr. 23, 1957

Costa, Octavio R., March 19, 1960

Craig, B. L. June 30, 1950 (Re: Erlinda Guerrero)

Craig, B. L. June 30, 1950 (Re: Rebecca Guerrero)

McCorkle, R. G., M.D. July 29, 1950

Craze, George H., January 8, 1934

Crockett, Frank H., Dec. 14, 1940

Cruz López, J., Sept. 21, 1937

Cuéllar, Benjamín F., July 21, 1948 – June 19, 1953

Culberson, George G., April 2, 1923


Daniel, Price, Mar. 10 –17, 1956

Davis, B. C., Jan. 16 – Jan. 24, 1951

Davis, Ray, January 30, 1940

Davis, ______, Feb. 27, 1948

Davis, D. F., Sept. 27 – Mar. 24, 1939

Davis, Herbert L., December 13 – December 22, 1933

Dees, Mrs. W. W. (aka Elsie L Dees). Jan. 28, 1939; Jan. 31, 1939; March 17, 1939; March 24, 1939

Delaney, T. A., Oct. 11, 1930 – Oct. 1, 1957

Delgado, Agustín, June 29 – July 5, 1944

Delgado, Francisco A., September 16, 1945

Deming, Ted Jr. Dec. 28, 1948

Dennis, William C., July 5, 1928 – July 23

Díaz, Juan, Feb. 9, 1940

Caballero, Jose. June 9, 1949

Díaz De Leon, Manuel, Oct. 13 – 16, 1940

Dickison, P. E., Jan. 21, 1937 – April 16, 1952

Dickison, Mrs. P. E., no date

Dickson, Fagan, Aug. 6, 1940 – Nov. 13, 1941

Dickson, Fagan, June 22 – 27, 1944

Lechuga, Gustavo. May 20, 1941

Division of Foreign Service Personnel, June 10, 1942

Division of Protocol and International Conference, Aug. 12, 1938

Dodson, John L., Jan. 15 – April 2, 1932

Domínguez, Efraín. April 13 – April 19, 1948

Donnell, J. W., May 18 – June 24, 1940

Donohue, Leo M., June 14, 1951

Dooley, Pat, April 8, 1935

Drivers License Division (Texas), Dec. 10, 1959

Domínguez, J. M., Oct. 17, 1949

“Don Político,” San Antonio Light, Feb. 25, 1939

“Don Político,” San Antonio Light, Feb. 4, 1943

Doyle, Henry Grattan, Dec. 20, 1921

Duggan, Laurence, Sept. 24 – Oct. 17, 1938

Duncan, Logan, August 10, 1954

Dunn, J. C., Nov. 13, 1929

Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation (Bolivia and Paraguay)

Durán y Carbajal A., Sept. 6, 1936 – Sept. 18, 1937

Duplan, Luis L., no date

Drury, Father Thomas J., 1952


Echevarría, Francisco, Feb. 18, 1944

Editor (Laredo Times). Nov. 5, 1936

Engleman, Allan, Feb. 11, 1947

Enríquez, Pedro, Sept. 27, 1949

Eisenhower, Dwight D., Oct. 1, 1957 – May 16, 1959

Eisenhower, Dwight D, no date, March 9, 1960

Elías, Antonio (Consul de España), Dec. 12, 1949 – Aug. 9, 1952

Elliott, Orlena, Oct. 1, 1937

Enriquez, Pedro. Sept. 27, 1949

Escamilla, John, Nov. 17, 1945

Ernesto, November 1, 1942

Escobar, Eleuterio, April 14, 1929 – October 31, 1950

Esparza, Manuel M. September 14, 1945

Espinoza, R. B., Apr. 21, 1949

Estrada, Leonor, Feb. 1, 1950

Estela, Apr. 10, 1951, and Sept. 16, 1952

Estrada de, Irene C., Mar. 29, 1953

Estrella, Fidencia, Feb. 16, 1944


Farley, James A., August 22, 1945

Farman, George R., February 1 – February 9, 1927

Fate, Frank L., no date

Fegan, Hugo J., Oct. 11, 1926

Felty, Fred, Jan. 13 – June 9, 1938

Ferguson, October 24, 1926

Mathews, E. J. (Re: Julio Cesar Cardoze), Aug. 10, 1953

Fern, George H., March 22, 1934

Fernández, A. C., Feb. 4, 1944 – Nov. 20, 1945

Fernández, Estella, May 28, 1941

Fernandez, Pedro, Nov. 30 – Dec. 11, 1936

Fierro, O. J., May 21, 1939

Figueroa, Virginia, July 10, 1949

Fiscowich, Florencio, April 8, 1954 – March 29, 1955

Fletcher, Joe S., Nov. 1, 1940

Flores, Isidoro, no date

Flores, Juan, and Garcés, Juan, Feb. 27, 1944

Flury, Enrique, January 17, 1922

Fournier, M. A., September 3, 1948

Fraga, Leo, Sept. 28 – Oct. 17, 1940

Friends, no date

Friends, Apr. 26, 1948

Reel 19

Correspondencia G-L


Galán, Eloísa, feb 14- feb, 28,1944

Galán, Eloisa, March 11, 1944

Galindo, Ramón, May 5, 1943- November 26, 1959

Gallardo, Albert V. from Cox, E. May 1, 1941

Galván, Frank J., March 24, 1937

Garcés, Virginia, J 9, 1949

García, A.B, May 10, 1949

García, Antonio R., Feb. 25, 1944

García, Carlos, January 6, 1932- Oct. 10, 1945

García, Elías, April 10, 1944

García, Félix H., sept 7, 1952

García, Godoy, Emilio, August 13, 1945

García, Gus C., Dec. 12, 1951

García, Leopoldo, March 22, 1932

García María C., no date

García, Octavio, junio 19

García, Pablo, Jul. 28,1954

García, Pablo, April 24, 1948

García, Reyes Fernando, jun 2,1945

Garibay, Francisco, Aug. 19, 1954

Garner, John N., January 13, February 15, 1927

Garriga, Rev. Mariano S., Mar 18- Aug 8, 1958

Garza, Adolfo de la, December 10, 1936

Garza, Esigerio, Nov. 2, 1937

Garza, Feliciano, Jan. 16, 1952

Garza, Félix Jr., Jan. 25, 1946

Garza, Hernán, November 3, 1948

Garza, Luis R., March 12-26, 1938

Garza, Osbaldo D., Feb. 24, 1950

Garza, Ramiro, Apr. 28, 1960

Garza, de la, Ramiro, no date

Garza, Richard M., March 17, 1943

Garza, Santos S., Mar. 20, 1934

Garza, Tomas m., November 21, 1944

Garza, Willie from Cox, E., May 10, 1941

Gibson, N.T., no date

Godínez, Dr. and Mrs. F.B. Godínez, Dec. 4, 1951

Goggans, J.L., June 17, 1925

Goggan, Thos. S., July 29, 1941

Golatka, Walter, March 18,, 1952

Gómez, Hilario, November 16, 1926

Gómez, Victorino, November 7, 1927

Gonzales, Rafael C., April 20, 1950

González, A. June 27, 1949

González, Agustín Ángel, May 12, 1939

González, Francisco, Sept. 22, 1941

González, G.O., Aug. 1, 1938

González, Henry B. February 28, 1947

González, Hesiquio., Aug., 27, 1945- Dec., 10, 1951

González, J.H May 8,1940

González, Jacinto, Aug. 15, 1949

González, José

González, Leónidas, Sept, 9, 1954

González, M.R., Feb. 26, 1944- Apr., 1945

González, Marta M., July 12- Jun 25, 1952

González, Martín, G., Feb, 16, 1946

González, Pablo, April 30, 1932

Government Printing Office, June 20, 1953

Granbery, John C., Apr., 5, 1947- March 2, 1950

Gray, Carl r., March 26, 1951

Gravis, Frank J. June 20, 1956

Greely, Major General John N., July 18, 1941

Griswold, Florence t., June 21, 1933- Dec. $, 1939

Groesbeeck, H.S., Nov 18, 1957

Grothaus, Julia, August 16, 1941

Guerra, A. G. October 2, 1944

Guerra, Adelino, Sept. 5, 1948

Guerra, Diódoro, September 22, 1927

Guerra, F.B Jr., Apr. 10, 1952

Guerra, Fernando, Jan. 26, 1947

Bates, James, October 7,1954

Guerra, Fidencio M., Apr. 2, 1952- Nov. 20, 1958

Guerra, Florentina, Feb. 1, 1946

Guerra, Viviano, Aug. 31, 1949

Guerra Reyes, Mercedes, no date

Gutiérrez, Alberto, Dec. 7, 1931

Gutiérrez, Amado, Aug. 5, 1927- Sept. 18, 1937

Gutiérrez, Armando, June 29, 1949

Gutiérrez, Cástulo, March 20, 1959

Gutiérrez, Isabel G de, Feb 5, 1944

Guzmán, Gregorio, Feb., 23, 1945

Guzmán, Vicente, Dec. 12, 1944


Hall, Marvin, July 28, 1936

Hamilton, John J. President’s Conference on Home Building and Home ownership, Jan 27, 1932- Apr 18, 1952

Harris, Grace G; Gonzalez, Lillie M; and Gonzalez, Maria M., March 13, 1944

Hayes, Rev, John M., May 27, 1953

Heard, Townsend, July 10, 1942

Hein, Henry F. January 11, 1940- December 3, 1944

Hendricks, Harold, September 23, 1954

Hernández, Ale, August 2, 1939

Hernández, María. De May 9 1939

Hernández, Pedro L. Jan. 22, 1940

Herrasti, Alicia, February 27, 1960

Heusinger, Edward W., Sept 30, 1939

Hijos de Texas, Aug. 1, 1923

Hill, P.B, Sept 20, 1939

Hill, Ricardo, Jan 8, 1937

Hinojosa, Apr. 16, 1959

Hinojosa, Federico Allen, January 13, 1927

Hinojosa, José. June 23, 1953

Hinojosa, Tomás, Nov. 4, 1953 –January 15, 1975

Hinojosa, Tomás

Hitchcock, C.H., March 15, 1949


Hopkins, Joe June 10- 11, 1946

Hoyo, John C. Mar 21, 1952

Hueck, Karl J.C.H., Mar. 23, 1960

Hudson, Estelle Ripley, Jan. 22, 19388

Hull, Wm. C., Apr. 28, 1941

Humphreys, Frank G. June 1, 1950

Huntress, Fred, Apr. 17, 1952


Ibarra, Alfredo M., Feb. 28, 1946- Dec., 29, 1952

Idar, Eduardo, Sept. 24, 1927- March 15, 1932

Ijams, George E., June 18, 1930

Iruegas, de Herlinda M. July 22, 1948

Irvin, Mrs. Harland, Aug. 10, 1938


J.J., no date

Jackson, J.E., Aug 13, 1936

Jaramillo, Alejandro, Feb. 16, 1944

Jasso, Frank R., Mar. 15, 1948

Jerome, Sister Francess, April 8, 1949

Jiménez, Cristino, Nov., 3, 1939

Jimenez, Francisco de P., March 9, 1944- march 15, 1946

Johnson, Alfred, Jan. 19, 1942

Johnson, Ano, Sept. 5, 1942

Johnson, Read, Dec. 3, 1931- Mar. 11, 1932


Kaler, Fr. November 24, 1927

Keller, Mrs. Charles, no date

Kellogg, Frank B. January 24, 1927

Kelly, Rev. Matthew H., June 16-18, 1952

Kennelly, Clyde B., June 30, 1954

Kerchevile, Ira J., June 19- Sept., 11, 1939

Kilday, Paul. April 19, 1927 –Oct 19, 1959

Kimball, E. Aug, 11, 1927

King, Toni & Loose, June 29, 1947

King. W.A. June 21, 1941

Kirgan, D.E., March 8, 1932

Knight, James W. Feb. 9-10, 1950

Kobler, Donald G. October 14, 1942

Korling, Bent Oct., 3, 1950- Nov. 28, 1959

Krock, T. April 27, 1950

Kuntz, Jack, Mar., 21, 1952


L, Elisa, January 25, 1942

Labrador, Reverendo padre pl., Sept. 8, 1951

Lafarelle, Lorenzo G., Sept 8, 1951

Landeros, Gavino, Sept. 14, 1949

Laredo Times, November 5, 1936

Lattimore, Honorable Hal S., Oct. 26, 1944

Laurel, Serbando C., Dec. 26, 1944

Leal, Armando, May 24-28, 1940

Leal, Antonio C. January 14- January 18, 1927

Leo (cousin), no last name, no date

Leonard, Homer, Apr23-26, 1941

Lequerica, José Félix de. May 21-May 24, 1954

Lesser Led, November 18-November 30, 1940

Lie, Trygvie Halvdan, October 18, 1951

Lighty, W.H June 16, 1923

Lila & Frances, Oct. 17, 1943

Lipscomb, Lois W. January 15-March 20, 1940

Literary Digest, Sept 6, 1934

Loftin, J.O., May 31, 1938- Aug. 12, 1938

Long, Howena S. June 9, 1950

Longoria, J.M., June 17, 1933

Longoria, P.H., Oct., 3, 1940

Loop, G.E. June 19, 1950

López, Elmo, April 5, 1952

López, José, Apr. 12, 1933

López, José Manuel, Nov. 3, 1947

López, Margil, Sept. 20, 1938

López, Miguel, aug. 19-22, 1953

López, Pedro, Feb. 27, 1944

Loughridge, Walter, March 17, 1952

Lozano, Sept 9, 1926

Lozano, Aseneth, no date

Lozano, Ignacio E., January 28, 1927- Dec. 7, 1951

Lozano, Rubén R., Sept. 12, 1927-June 30, 1928

Lozano, Mr. &Mrs., S, V Oct 17, 1943- Dec 4, 1951

Lozano, Mrs. Santos V. April 7, 1959.

Stewart, J.A., June 28, 1954

Reel 20

Correspondence M-R


M.A.C., Dec. 7, 1959

Maldonado, F. M., et al, Feb. 3, 1950, see Francisco Múzquiz, Feb 6, 1950

Manuel, Dorothy B., Aug. 5 – Oct. 15, 1938

Manuel, H. T., June 30, 1931 – December 6, 1944

Martin, D. W., March 29, 1952

Martínez, Benito, June 10, 1958

Martínez, Mary L, no date

Martínez, Paz G., June 29, 1948

Martínez, O. J., July 16 – July 25, 1952

Maruca, no date

Mauermann, Bus, June 11 – 17, 1946

Maus, L. M., March 21, 1927

Mayor, San Angelo, Texas, April 30, 1937

McBain, Harry A., Aug. 14, 1941

McCormick, Hart, May 18, 1940 – April 22, 1952

McCoy, H. L., July 23, 1928

McCracken, O. A. Jr., Jan. 13, 1937

McGown, Floyd, Oct. 14 – Nov. 4, 1939

McGraw, William, March 20 – 26, 1935

McGroarty, C. N., April 2, 1923

McGire, Mrs. E. E., Jan. 15, 1932

Meadows, Oliver E., Jan. 31, 1945

Medellín, Pedro, April 8, 1946

Meeks, Hon. S. M., May 18, 1940

Melo, Maria, no date

Méndez Pereira, Octavio, October 19, 1945

Méndez, Serafio, Dec. 12, 1944

Mendez, Lic. Vicente. March 29, 1960 – April 15, 1960

Menchaca, Zeferino, no date

Mendoza, Felipe, Feb. 25, 1944

Menefee, Mr. Selden C., Feb. 24, 1939

Merl, L. F., March 25, 1947 (draft)

Merl, L. F., March 25, 1947

Miller, K. B., November 1, 1935

Miller, Oscar E., March 28, 1952

Miller, Mrs. Grace Ann, Nov. 30, 1947

Mireles, E. E., Apr. 7, 1952, plus Jovita González and Celia Mireles documents.

Mireles, Fernando L., no date

Montañez, María G., no date

Montague, Brian, from Sheppard, M., re: Garza, John H. (see Law Office file), March 13, 1933

Montague, Brian, on behalf of Garza, John H. (see Law Office file), March 14, 1933

Montague, Brian, from T. Connally (see above) re: Garza, John H. (see Law Office file),

March 14, 1933

Montemayor, F. I., October 12 – October 16, 1936

Montero, F., April 27, 1944

Montiel Olvera, Genaro, March 29, 1945 – Aug. 30, 1949

Montoya, A. D., Feb. 2, 1944

Montoya, Amparo, July 21 –23, 1949

Moore, Nellie G, Feb. 19, 1943

Mora, Calixto, April 10, 1952

Mora, Marcial, July 25, 1945

Morales, Dionicio

Moreno, Aristides, March 16 – March 20, 1935

Moreno, L. P., March 14, 1938

Morris, Grover C., June 10, 1938 – Oct. 14, 1959

Munguia, Manuel, Aug. 17, 1939

Murray, Luis G., Feb. 19, 1938

Muñiz, Leopoldo Jr., Jan. 9 – 13, 1951

Murray, Sid, May 6, 1955 – Sept. 10, 1956

Taylor, Judson L.. Dec. 4, 1942.


Nevárez, Guadalupe, Feb. 29, 1944 (also signed by Villarreal, Jesús)

Noble, Fred W., June 21, 1938

Noreen, Sister, no date


Oftedal, Agnes H., January 20, 1944 – January 25, 1944

Ogas, Ricardo, Sept. 18, 1943

O’Neill, Thomas P. (Tip), June 18, 1984

Orta, José G., Feb. 28, 1950

Ortiz, Arturo, June 16, 1936 – Mar. 1, 1946

Ortiz, David M., Nov. 14, 1946

Ortiz, Simón, April 6, 1942

Oviedo, Telésforo, no date

Ozuna, George, Aug. 18, 1941


Pacheco Moreno, Manuel, Feb. 10, 1944 – Feb. 26, 1960

Padilla, A. R., and Guerra, J. R., 1922

Padilla, Ismael, April 21, 1960

Pampín, María, 10, 1942 – April 14, 1949

Parellada, Juan R., May 26, 1954

Parish, James Jr., Oct. 29, 1953

Parker, January 17

Paul, April 14, 1927 – April 19, 1927

Payssé Reyes, Héctor, December 30, 1945

Paz, Santos de la, Dec. 31, 1951 – July 7, 1958

Paz, Frank X., Sept. 15 – Oct. 3, 1949

Peña, Nieves, and Rodríguez, Feliciano, Dec. 7, 1944

Peña, Nieves, and Rodríguez, Feliciano, Dec. 7, 1944

Peña, Nieves, Dec. 14, 1944

Peña, Nieves, Dec. 12, 1944

Perales, Emilio S. (Brother), June 12, 1933

Perales, Louis S., Dec. 27, 1933 – Nov. 5, 1936

Garcia, Teodosio, postcard, no date

Pérez Contreras, Estela (Sister of Marta Perales – wife), Oct. 9, 1949 – Jan. 26, 1951 Pereyra, Carola, Feb. 6, 1954

Pérez, Christine D., May 5, 1943

Pérez, Melesio, April 7, 1952

Pérez, Julio, April 22, 1940

Perales, Louis S. (Brother) (two letters, continued from above)

Perez, Frank, April 1, 1952

Pérez, Alvarez, C., April 18, 1928

Perez, Celia, Nov. 27, 1929

Perez, Francisco, April 4, 1952 and April 5, 1952

Pérez, T. C., Feb. 2, 1960

Phillips, W. M., November 23, 1923

Pimentel, Roberto B., Jan. 13, 1952

Pinkerton, Robert N., no date

Pinto de Vidal, Isabel, January 15, 1946

Plazo, Galo, July 28, 1945 – March 14, 1946

Ponce, Gilbert, Feb. 22, 1950

Porter, H. J., Feb. 26, 1953

President, Poteet Council, October, 1936

Prentice, Paul R. (two letters, from Prentice Hall, Inc.)

Prentice Hall, the Lawyer’s Weekly Report

Price, F. B., May 12, 1932

President, The, Feb. 14, 1927

Presidente, Señor, April 30, 1927

President, The, April 30, 1927

President, The, (of the University of Texas in Austin) Dec. 3, 1951

Price, Chas, F. B., Apr. 21, 1932 (Secretary of State)

Primo de Perea, Pilar, January 8, 1954

Prince, James Logan, Sept. 30, 1950

Propper de Callejón, Eduardo. February 19 – March 1, 1952

Puchett, Blondie, Oct. 8, 1944

P______ de Vidal??, ??abel. Jan. 15, 1946 (difficult to read signature)

Purnell, Mrs. Locke, Aug. 3 – Dec. 3, 1938


Quin, C. K., December 21, 1933 – November, 21, 1941

Quirós, Carlos A., July 12, 1946


Randolph, Philip, February 12 – February 21, 1946

Rangel, Music Co., Nov. 22, 1954

Ramirez, Conrado P. October 20, 1943

Ramírez, Ernestina E, no date

Ramírez, Oswaldo V., March 16, 1938

Ramírez, Oswaldo V., October 2, 1939

Ramírez, O. V., Aug. 26, 1942

Ramírez Pérez, Manuel, Feb. 13, 1944

Ramírez, Ramiro. April 9, 1945

Ramos, José, March 7, 1944

Raymond, Manuel J. Dec. 13, 1951; and Dec. 19, 1951

Reid, George, Feb. 16, 1941

Rembao, Alberto, April 4, 1949

Renter, Maurice, November 20, 1945

Reyes, Carlos B. April 17, 1943; April 28, 1943 (another letter)

Reyes, George, May 11, 1936

Reyes, Jose M. March 22, 1944

Reyna, Rebeca P., Jan. 16, 1940

Ridgway, Matthew B., Sept. 26, 1930 – May 6, 1952

Riklin, Sam. December 4, 1952

Ring, L. J. (to Editor of The Star) Nov. 1, 1947

Riojas, R., Feb. 16 – 28, 1944

Rivera, Alfonso, Feb. 10, 1950

Robbins, Edward H., Oct. 3, 1942

Rocha, Samuel, Aug. 14, 1943

Rocha, Samuel, Organizaciones Mexicanas del Estado de Texas, Aug. 10, 1939

Rockefeller, Nelson A., March 25, 1941

Rockefeller, Nelson A., Sept. 30, 1942

Rodríguez, Amado, April 6, 1942

Rodríguez, C. A., Dec. 11, 1951

Rodríguez, Edna, May 13, 1948

Rodríguez, Filiberto R., Dec. 13, 1951

Rodríguez, Eulalio, Jan. 25, 1949

Rodríguez, Graciela, Feb. 2, 1944

Rodríguez, José G., Nov. 25, 1948 – Aug. 2, 1949

Rodríguez, Sra. Jacob I. (to Jesús Martindale) Jan. 22, 1940

Rodríguez, Jacob I. (to Editor of S.A. Express), Feb. 6, 1944

Rodríguez, Jacob I. (to De Casseres), no date

Rodríguez, Jacob I. (to De Casares), April 11, 1944

Rodríguez, Jacob I., Jan. 22, 1940 – March 25, 1952

Rodríguez, Refugio, no date

Rodríguez, Robert, no date

Rojas García, Fernando, “Cosa de Ud.,” Jan. 29 – Feb. 3, 1945

Romeyn, Nina, May 16, 1933

Romeyn, Nina, October 27, 1933

Romeyn, Nina, April 19, 1935

Romo, Jesus G. no date

Romulo, Carlos P., Aug. 6, 1945

Rose, Anna L, Jan. 11-12, 1923

Ross, Malcolm, April 7, 1944

Reel 21

Correspondencia S-Z


Sáenz, Adan, September 4, 1954

Sáenz, Alfredo, Jan. 20, 1957

Sáenz, Pablo A., January 18, 1951

Sáenz de Acosta, Florencia, October 7, 1940

Sailen, F. January 31, 1929

Salas, Eugenio, April 27, 1940

Saldívar, Eva, Octubre 10, 1940

Salinas, Daniel, Feb. 12, 1938- Feb. 14, 1946

Salinas, E., June 10, 1933- June 2, 1956

Salldery, Frank. April 18, 1918

Sampelayo, Maruja. December 12, 1953- February 1954

San Antonio drug Company, June 12, 1950

“San Antonio Light” Dec., 12, 1937

Sánchez, George I., April 7, 1943

Sánchez, Navarro, Pedro, May 20, 1960

Sánchez, Petronilo, April 22, 1940

Sánchez, R., Feb 23, 1954

Sánchez, Raymundo, October 19, 1944- August 2, 1950.

Sandoval, Carlos, April 19, 1940

Sauzeda, Vicente, Feb. 23, 1954

Secretary of the Texas Senate. November 20, 1950.

Session, Bill

Sheppard, George H. April 3, 1935

Sheppard, Morris, letter on behalf of Garza, john H. (see Law Office file), March 9, 1933

Shivers, Allan. December 20, 1950

Sihras, Julio, February 16, 1944

Silvas, Julio, Feb. 16, 1944

Smith, R.E., April 17, 1947

Sokol, Mary. December 12, 1953

Speegle, Paul L. October 20, 1943

Stahl, Elmer Wars. September 2, 1954

Steer, O. April 30, 1932

Stephenson, Floyd A., Jan 12- Feb 19, 1932

Stewart, J.A., June 17, 1954

Strauss, George, Lt. Governor, March 26, 1949

Sunders, Lyle, December 3, 1951 9


Talbott, Russell, May 2, 1956

Tejeda, T.S., March 21, 1944

Texas Education Agency. Jan. 13, 1951

Thurston, Walter. August 2—December 4, 1930

Tomás, no last name, July 27, 1953

Torrance, V.H April 27, 1959

Tovar, Elena, June 10, 1954

Tranchese, August 21, 1948

Trevino, Carlos, Feb. 16, 1944

Trevino, Fortino, Nov 8, 1928-Sept 4, 1969

Tripton, Van C. September 29, 1939

Turner, P.L May 29, 1958

Tynan, Walter, May 17, 1932


Unsigned letters, April 23, 1934-september, 1954


Valadez, Joel, Feb. 22, 1944-April 17, 1944

Valadez, Petra (Mrs. Joel Valadez) no date

Valdez, Alfredo, May 31, 1950

Valadez Saldaña, Miguel, April 24, 1940

Vale, Arnoldo S., March 4, 1951

Vale, Oscar T., August 28-September 1, 1954

Vargas, D., Feb 16, 1944

Vega, Manuel. Janaury 30.

Velázquez, E., October 4, 1937

Velloso, Pedro Leao, September 21, 1945

Villarreal, Bertha, no date

Vera, Amado, April 29, 1934

Verduzco, Rafael, October 7, 1954

Vernor, J.W., June 18, 1941

Von Hoover, Carlos Emmanuel, February 4, 1949.

Wotaw, William I., June 7, 1919


Wanamaker, Temple. March 29, 1960

Winchell, Walter

Washer, Nat m., November 4, 1919

Weber, John, June 26, 1933

Welles, Sumner. February 11, 1942- February 24, 1945

West, Milton H. Dec5, 1944

White Francis, October 12, 1953

Wilkins, J.E. September 24, 1954

Williamson, W.A March 11, 1943

Winterich, John T., Aug, 14, 1928

Witsell, Edward, F., July 16, 1945

Woodhut, Frost, June 26, 1933

Wood, Will. W., March 18, 1940

Wurzbach, Harry M., January 18, 1927


Ximenes, Fernando, April 20, 1933


Yager, Henry, June 25, 1946


Zamarripa, José, March 3, 1955

Zavala, Dámaso v., March 11, 1940

Zapata, Candelario, Dec. 10, 1951

Zappolo, Fred, September 7, 1939

Zepeda, S.M., Feb. 19, 1944

Zertuche, Marcos, March 21, 1952

Zimand, Gertrude Folks October 18, 1939

Zittell, Edwin K., March 5, 1951

Zorrilla, E., Dec 5, 1944

Reel 22

Anglo-Latin Good Relations Committee

American G.I Forum

Association of Independent Voters

Bexar County Council on Juvenile Delinquency

Campaign for School Board, San Antonio

Comité Contra El Racismo

Committee on Housing for Bexar County

Comité Patriótico Mexicano

International Commissions, Committees, Appointments

Pan American Optimist Club of San Antonio

Pan American Round Table

Tuberculosis Control Council


Reel 23

Alonso Perales


Birth, wedding, death documents, passports, including wills and biographical statements, also including: “Antecedentes de Alonso Perales” and the speech given at the Dedication for the Alonso s. Perales School. Income tax forms

Letters Recommending Perales for Employment and for Law License

Brizuela, Adolfo, Feb. 19, 1924

Brown, John W., Nov 28, 1936

Corrigan, Bat, April 17, 1924

Fensch, Albert, Han 6, 1920

Keller, Edwin, Oct. 16, 1918

Kelso, Winchester, Feb. 19, 1924

Morrison, G W., Woodson, April 8, 1924

Paris G.W., April 17, 1928

Paris, G.W., June 3, 1925

Robertson, Sam, Sept. 16, 1924

Yandell, C.B., Nov. 17, 1922

Wallach, A., April 16, 1918

Wurzbach, Carl C., April 8, 1924

Military Service

Honorable discharge certificate

Special orders and travel orders

Veteran’s benefits

U.S. Civil Service Commission

Correspondence and forms

Mensaje de Perales a los ciudadanos

Political Campaign Lists, materials, etc.


Reel 24



University Study Materials

Biological sciences Notes

Economics Notes 1930

English Literature Notes

French Notes

Law School Notes

Social Psychology Notes 1930

Sociology Notes 1930

Blue Book exams with grades

Class schedules

Cancelled checks for tuition

“Discovery of Silver in Perú” unsigned essay


Numerous other essays, including essays for Rhetoric class

Report cards

Shorthand note books

Reel 25

Committee of One Hundred Citizens and League of Loyal Citizens

Correspondence Part 1

Including Carlos Castañeda and Dennis Chávez

Reel 26

Committee of One Hundred Citizens and League of Loyal Citizens

Correspondence Part II

Reel 27

Committee of One Hundred Citizens and League of Loyal Citizens

Correspondence Part III

Including Adela Sloss de Vento

Reel 28

Committee of One Hundred Citizens and League of Loyal Citizens

Press releases, manuscripts, etc.

Reel 29


Monthly Bulletins

LULAC News. San Antonio, Texas. September 1931, October 1931, November 1931, February 1932, April 1932, May 1932, October 1932, January 1933, March 1934

LULAC News. El Paso, Texas. December 1936, March 1937, October 1937, June 1938, August 1938, August 1939

El Paso LULAC Council No. 132. Monthly Bulletin. February 1951.

LULAC News. Official Organ of the League of United Latin-American Citizens. September 1953, November 1953, January 1954, August 1954, March 1956, February 1955, March 1958, No date Thanksgiving Issue

LULAC News. Laredo, Texas. June 1947, December 1955.

LULAC News. Houston, Texas. July 1957.

Pan-American Optimist Club of San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio, Texas. February 4, 1948; February 25, 1948; April 1948; March 10, 1948; March 24, 1948; March 31, 1948; March, 1948; May 12, 1948; May 19, 1948; April 7, 1948; April 22, 1948; August 5, 1948; February 24, 1949; April, 1949

Reel 30

Ledger books and agendas (1952-1960)

Reel 31

Ledgers and appointment Books

Reel 32

Law firm cases, correspondence and documents

Legal cases A-K

Reel 33

Law firm cases, correspondence and documents

Legal cases L-R

Reel 34

Law firm cases, correspondence and documents.

Legal cases S – V

Reel 35

Law firm cases, correspondence and documents

Legal cases W-Z

Correspondence A-M

Reel 36

Law firm cases, correspondence, and documents.

Correspondence N – Z

Reel 37

Law firm cases, correspondence and documents

Affidavits and Deeds A-Z

Reel 38

Law firm cases, correspondence, and documents.

Alien registration forms

Real Estate

Receipts and Miscellaneous

Reel 39

Law firm cases, correspondence and documents

State Bar and San Antonio Bar

Wills A-W

Reel 40


Passport Records


Tuberculosis Control Council:


Reports, press releases, misc.

Reel 41


Consular Circulars


Government Press Releases

Reel 42

Marta Pérez Vda. de Perales



Casimiro Pérez Alvarez: biographies, correspondence, and other

Reel 43

Religious Activity


Handbills, pamphlets, other printed matter


Theology class

Reel 44

Magazines A – B

Actividad. Revista Mensual para el hombre de negocios. Monterrey. Febrero 1950 – Octubre 1959; Diciembre 1, 1950, Abril 1960.

Alma Latina. San Antonio, Texas. Abril, 1932.

Almanaque. Inter-Nos. Santiago, Chile, 1951.

Azul. Nicaragua. Octubre, 1956; Marzo-Abril, 1957

Boletín (The Municipal Digest of the Americas) La Habana, Cuba. Junio, 1944; Agosto, 1944.

Boletín Hacendario de Nicaragua. Nicaragua, D. N. Noviembre, 1952; Diciembre,


Reel 45

Magazines C-Ni

La Calavera. San Antonio, Texas. Noviembre 2, 1942; Noviembre 2, 1945; Noviembre 2, 1949

Cifras y Comentarios. Managua, Nicaragua. 1959

Comercio Interacional. Órgano oficial de la Asociación de Importadores de la República Mexicana. Octubre, 1954

Commerce & Industry Magazine. New York, N.Y. Reprint November 1934

Cultura Biblica. Madrid. Diciembre 1949, Enero 1950, Marzo 1950

El Desarrollo Económico Nicaragüense. Managua, Nicaragua. Agosto, 1954

Reel 46

Magazines Nu – V

Nuevos Rumbos. Nicaragua. Agosto, 1956.

Overseas Graphic. Detroit, Michigan, 1952.

Pan-American. San Antonio, Texas. September, 1944; April 1946.

Secretaria Privada de la Presidencia de la República de Nicaragua. Departamento de

Información. Boletín No. 6. Managua, D. N., 30 junio, 1948.

The Pan American Magazine. Panamá, Colón. December, 1928.

Raíz. España en América. La Habana. Enero-Febrero, 1949.

Revista Comercial de Nicaragua. Una Revista para el Comercio y la Producción.

Nicaragua, Octubre, 1942.

Revista de Filosofia. Madrid. Julio-Septiembre, 1949.

Revista Latino-Americana. Mission, Texas, Mayo, 1951; Abril, 1952; Agosto 1952;

Diciembre, 1952; Mayo 1953.

Revista Mensual para el Hombre de Negocios. Monterrey, México. Diciembre 1, 1950.

Revista Trimestral del Banco Nacional de Nicaragua. Julio-Septiembre/Octubre-

Diciembre, 1947.

Saludos. Revista de Buena Voluntad. New York. 1 abril, 1948.

Speakers Magazine. December, 1950.

Telégrafos. Revista Mensual Literaria Gráfica Social. Managua, Nicaragua. Abril,


Las Tremendas Calaveras. Suplemento Anual de la Revista Cultural “Common”. San

Antonio, Texas. Noviembre, 1976.

La Verdad. Falfurrias, Texas. Junio 1, 1935.

Vida del Alma. México, D. F. Marzo, 2, 1958.

Reel 47

Folletos E.V.C 1 (Nos. 4-1168 scattered issues)

La Iglesia de Cristo. Editorial Revista Católica, El Paso, Texas (1940)

Reel 48

Folletos E. V. C. 2 (Nos. 4 – 1168 scattered issues)

La Iglesia de Cristo. Editorial. Revista Católica, El Paso, TX (1940)


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