Down The Barrel

Down The Barrel

Newsletter of the Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club

September 2009


The Annual meeting is on Wednesday September 23rd. 7:30 p.m.

Mark your calendars & please plan to attend.

There are to be some changes for the 2009/10 year, in particular with regards to an initiation fee and orientation requirements for new members. Details will be printed in the next newsletter, however that is not scheduled until some time in December. Advise any prospective members they are welcome to attend the annual meeting, keeping in mind only current members in good standing will have voting privileges.

If you are not mailing an application back in, please use the membership form included with this newsletter, either at the annual meeting or Gobles. They are expensive to produce and mail out, and will be in short supply by years end if not used.


Phil Eatoch and Ken Lazenby are the primary contacts for sporting clays, Francois Deschenes the executive representative.

Phil would like to pass on the following;

“As Bill Partington & Grandsons couldn’t make it to our B.B.Q. I would like to say from all of us – Thanks for your hard work and experience, keeping Sporting Clays a part of O.V. all these years. Sorry you missed it.”

Also, “Lets not forget our trap boys, some have been pulling targets longer than I have been a member. Thanks for all their good manners, patience, and hard work! Thanks for putting out, cleaning up, and pulling targets. Your experience and devotion are truly appreciated”

Sincerely, Phil Eatock

Remaining 2009 schedule as follows

Oct 4, 18 Nov 1, 15, 29 Dec 6, 20


Attendance remains steady; this section of our club continues to thrive. For those wishing to meet some of these fine folk, the regular designated practice time has changed from Thursday evening to Wednesday mornings, 10:00 – 12:00 a.m. (All these cowboys must be retired!)

Future scheduled shoot dates remain on the 4th Sunday of each month. Remember, the Saturday before these shoots the outdoor handgun range is not available as the cowboy action section requires this time to set up the targets for the next days shoot.

Remaining Schedule; Sept 27 Oct 25

Contacts - Slick Sid 519/842-2142 or 519/842-3118

Aberdeen Slim 519/866-5771


Practice has shifted to Sundays as of September 20th. – except for those Sundays already reserved for the Cowboy Action shoots (see the calendar in the clubhouse if in doubt).

Bill Toronyi passes on the following trap report;

Summer Interclub


Oxford Sportsman Club

Otter Valley Rod & Gun club “WON”, 15 pts vs 5 pts

High 16 yd, - Randy Swartz, OSC 193/200

High Handicap - Bill Malcalm, OSC 176/200

High Over All - Germain Spriet, OVR&G 362/400

High 5 Man Team - OVR&G Germain Spriet 362/400

Gary Seitz 352/400

Francois Deschenes 352/400

Bill Harris 351/400

Bill Partington 350/400

Congratulations go out to our own George Jonkhere of OVR&G on his 300,000th. A.T.A. registered target!


Henry Atkinson is our handgun chairman, and as we get closer to fall, most Tuesday evenings will find Henry and 4 or 5 other shooters out. If you need to contact Henry, it is suggested you call him first, as if the weather is good, the plane usually flies!

Outdoor members in good standing can shoot indoors for a $5.00 per night range fee. Dust off those ATT’s and come on out.

*** ATT’s expire on your PAL / POL expiry date and will require 6 – 8 weeks lead-time to renew. It’s up to you to monitor your own expiry date and notify Henry.

I just found my own PAL & ATT will expire in 10 months – time to check yours!

A final observation – the small fan at the target end of the indoor range has been left on a few times and will run continuously until noticed. It is very quiet and there is no “in use” indicator light. Please check this fan when preparing to leave for the night.


Section contacts are as follows;

Mark Hopper - archery,

Dean Moore – rifle


The Trillium foundation projects are now complete and the final report in and accepted. Thanks to Mark Hopper and committee for a job well done. Any volunteers to take on another application?


There are now 2 first aid kits in the clubhouse. One is available in the kitchen area, the other will be located in the indoor range section. Take note of the exact location next time your in the building.

O.V.R.& G. executive 2008 / 2009

President Emil Hartmann (519) 765-3121

Vice President Mark Hopper (519) 866-5440

Secretary Dean Moore (519) 863-1118

Treasurer John Peazel (519) 688-2062


Glenn Foster (519) 842-2142 Henry Atkinson (519) 842-2118

Bill Toronyi (519) 842-4360 Francois Deschenes (519) 539-2899

Gary Ramsey (519) 842-9536 Keith Van Haverbeke (519) 875-4792

Phil Eatock (519) 773-7177 Tania Van Haverbeke (519) 875-4792

Tom Davis (519) 652-3134

It is our intention to continue development of the Otter Valley web site. We are currently posting the newsletter, and starting to post section news, events, schedules, work party information, and so on. NOTE THE CHANGED ADDRESS LINK - Otter Valley Rod and Gun Club. (, or ,)

Section newsletter information, dates, items for sale, awards, news, etc. please contact me. To receive the electronic newsletter instead of the printed version, remember to send me an email from the correct address and I’ll add you to the list.

Tom Davis - email at

This info is to be saved and not printed this time – will reprint in the next newsletter with updates re: the 2-way radio communications to be used for multiple range use.

In order to improve the appearance of the electronic version of the newsletter, I have sent it as an attachment in Microsoft Word format. When cut and pasted into an email body, the formatting of columns, line feeds, spacing of graphics, etc. has been inconsistent, time consuming to correct, and in some cases dependent on the resolution of your monitor. If you have problems opening the attachment send me an email and I’ll send you a cut and paste version.

Tom Davis - email at

There are some new rules in place regarding the bench rest ranges – it is important we follow them, as they are required to maintain our approval, and keep the range open. A complete list is posted at the range as well as in the clubhouse, take the time to locate and read them.

A few key points;

• The Range in Use sign must be open when shooting on any of the ranges, trap, sporting clays, cowboy action, or bench rest.

• Paper targets only on the bench rest range – no 3 position shooting

• Targets to be placed only on the provided target boards at 50, 100, & 200 yards – no temporary target holders at intermediate ranges or heights.

• The gate is not to be used for changing targets; it is intended for range maintenance only. Passageways through the berms have been provided to walk down to change targets.

• A communication system will be provided in the future to allow notification when a cease-fire is in effect on the trap range and targets can be changed. Until then, there will be no bench rest range use when the trap range is open.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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