Management Review

|Purpose: |To verify the continuing suitability (fits who we are), adequacy (lives up to any and all requirements), and effectiveness (driving the behavior of all personnel involved) of the management |

| |system, policy, objectives and targets/goals. Conclusions for each area involved or the cumulative conclusion of the items listed below, including any actions arising from this review, ensure|

| |the focus is on sustaining suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. The frequency of this review is at least once per year, with additional meetings (e.g., maybe once per quarter) based on |

| |management’s discretion. |

|Management Review Attendees: (check all who are present, with the GM or Engineering Manager and the Management System Representative considered to be the only required attendees) |

| |General Manager | |Management System Representative | | |Date of Review: |February 2014 |

| |Engineering Manager | | | | | | |

Considerations Related To Each Management Review


|need to obtain or conclude, typically before the meeting but may be done during the management |this topic |done & | |

|review, if appropriate. While this section may be closed out during the review, it may be | |reviewed | |

|closed out by the Management Representative before the meeting. | | | |

| |ϑ |Λ | | |

|Review data collected related to objectives and evaluate for trends (Big), making sure the |ϑ | |a |The goals data is trending in the right direction and Product Quality is excellent. |

|results presented are complete and include the basis for why the results are accepted as is or | | | |(see the Business Goals charts). Management will continue to review OTIF as we deal |

|identify actions taken to this point. | | | |with large orders from PTD. Currently, performance is acceptable. |

|Compile the audit results for this time period and produce a cumulative assessment for these |ϑ | |a |The October 2013 audit and the current processes and documents review have been assessed|

|results, while taking into consideration the results from the past, as appropriate. | | | |and considered for this management review. The quality, Environmental & Safety system |

| | | | |has been re-launched & results are acceptable. |

|Compile supplier performance information and work with Purchasing to come to a conclusion on |ϑ | |a |Suppliers have been evaluated; notes are in the Approved Vendor List. |

|any poor performers, noting any actions taken here. | | | | |

|Solicit feedback from areas where changes to processes may have taken place or new/updated |ϑ | |a |Review of the New Processes are acceptable and are at first benchmark with the Atlas |

|processes are needed to support current and future business needs. | | | |Copco purchase of Rapidtorc. |

|Verify all new employees and/or contractors working on site are trained/in training and |ϑ | |a |See Training Matrix – and the corporate online access training schedule |

|follow-up on training completed since the last review. | | | | |

|Evaluate regulatory compliance, reviewing applicable OSHA, EPA and DOT |ϑ | |a |The listing of applicable regulations and statutes is completed and reviewed. DOT |

|requirements/regulations, confirming existing requirements are in line with these regulations | | | |regulations no longer apply to Atlas Copco – RapidTorc since we have no field operations|

|and reviewing the regulation against current practices to verify all requirements are addressed| | | |nor do we deliver product. Trucks are being sold-off. |

|in the management system. | | | | |

|Evaluate any and all JSA documents and any new or changed processes or activities to ensure |ϑ | |a |The JSA documents no longer apply since we do not perform field operations. All field |

|they are an accurate reflection of current practices and the jobs completed during this time | | | |operations and references have been deleted from process documentation. All other |

|period, adjusting the hazard identification/risk analysis and/or environmental aspects/impacts | | | |processes and practices have been reviewed and approved by workers and immediate |

|tools as needed. | | | |managers / supervisors. |

|Evaluate the hazard identification/risk analysis and environmental aspects/impacts tools to |ϑ | |a |Environmental aspect/Impact and other risks and hazards were evaluated and any changes |

|verify it addresses any and all requirements, re-assessing safety risks/environmental impacts | | | |were noted. Management deems the current approach and risk mitigation acceptable. |

|as changes in conditions or improvement to processes are made. | | | | |

|Determine any new safety and/or environmental related objectives that may be needed, adjusting |ϑ | |a |Assessed, evaluated, adjusted to current operations and approved – see Business goals |

|targets/goals for existing situations and adding new targets/goals as needed. | | | |sheet. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Progressive Review Matrix With Conclusions

(Not a decision to take action, but an assessment to determine if a decision to take further action is necessary)

Inputs 9001: 5.6.2 & 14001/18001: 4.6, decisions (which in some cases are the only actions needed), and a tie in to any necessary action items (based on those decisions) included in decisions 9001: 5.6.3 & 14001/18001: 4.6, where applicable.

|Follow-up of actions from previous meetings 9001:5.6.2e, 14001:4.6f & 18001:4.6g |Process Performance/Product Conformity and the extent to which objectives and goals or targets have been met)|

|The starting point for this meeting is the management system, policy and objectives are suitable, adequate, |9001: 5.6.2c, 8.2.3, 8.4b/c, 14001: 4.5.1(monitor), 4.6c/d, & 18001:4.5.1(monitor), 4.6d/e |

|and effective because: |The results (data/measurements with goals/targets included in or attached to this form), including those |

|Check one |associated with our objectives, and the reasoning provided for any actions taken to either sustain those |

| |results or right the ship: |

|All action items have been addressed and are seen as effectively implemented. |Check one |

| |X |

|X |Accepted as is because the results show the management system, policy, and objectives we have in place are |

|The action items we were able to address are seen as effectively implemented and the status of any still open|suitable, adequate and effective based on: |

|action items shows we are still on track or a justification has been provided to support closing them out |The way the results and any associated explanations for those results show we are meeting our targets/goals |

|without completion. |The way the results and any associated explanations for those results show we have handled or are handling |

| |the situation(s) identified in the results, including how the actions taken were supported by the systems and|

| |overall organizational direction we have in place. |

|The lack of action(s) or type of action/results of action items from the previous management review suggests | |

|the need for updates to the management system, policy, and/or objectives to achieve suitability, adequacy, | |

|and effectiveness. |Showing there is a the need for updates to the management system, policy, objectives and/or goals/targets to |

| |achieve or improve on Atlas Copco / RapidTorc’s suitability, adequacy, and/or effectiveness. |

| | |

|Use this area to describe the basis for the decision made above, including the need for any additional |Use this area to describe any objectives or measurements not included in other documents that will become |

|actions (when there is a need to do more) or a description of any actions from previous meetings that are |attachments/supporting information for this section or to reference/point to those attachments so we can |

|being carried over and why they are still open (may be all that are still open but will at least address the |maintain traceability of this information. Also include the basis for the decision made above, including the|

|ones that are past due): |need for any additional actions (when there is a need to do more): Data and results as of the end of |

| |January, 2014 |

|No previous management review meeting to review or to follow-up. This is the first Management Review | |

|meeting for the new company (Atlas Copco – RapidTorc) as it has “Re-Launched” its Quality, Environmental and |Our Customer Satisfaction Goal is a minimum of 87.5%. We are achieving 88.8%. This data is the average of |

|Safety system. |the Quality and Delivery metrics and other noted incidents on the O/I Log (passive feedback). Management |

| |considers our current performance of 88.8% satisfaction acceptable and sufficient. |

|The Current Action Items are listed on the O/I Log. There are 10 open Corrective actions and 10 Closed |Our Current % Deliveries On-Time and In Full (OTIF) Goal is achieve a minimum of 80% OTIF. We are performing|

|Corrective actions since September 2013. There are two open Preventive actions in this current timeframe. |at 81.3%. This data is from the PTD delivery Performance report. Management considers our current |

| |performance of 81.3% acceptable and sufficient. |

| |Our Current Quality Goal (external product acceptance) is to achieve a minimum of 95% external acceptance of |

| |all shipped product. We are performing at 99% This data is from the PTD quality performance report. |

| |Management considers our current performance of 99% acceptable, sufficient, and very good. |

| |Our Current Safety Objective is to prevent accidents and to have “0” reportable incidents annually. We are |

| |currently performing at “0” reportable incidents annually. Management considers our current performance |

| |acceptable and sufficient. |

| |Current Environmental Objective is to have ‘flat’ or steady water consumption at 4,500 gal/mo. We are |

| |performing at 4,500 gal/mo. Management considers our current performance acceptable and sufficient. |

|Note: At the point we can close out everything from the last meeting (may involve moving open items to this | |

|record), be sure to close out that record. | |

Progressive Review Matrix With Conclusions (continued)

|Customer & External Party Feedback/Complaints 9001:5.6.2b, 8.4a, 14001:4.6b, & 18001:4.6c |Status of Incident Investigations, Preventive Actions, & Corrective Actions 9001:5.6.2d, 14001:4.6e & 18001: |

|While considering the results from the Process Performance/Product Conformity section of this meeting (and |4.6f |

|any other that may be part of this management review cycle), the included or attached results and actions |While considering the results from the Process Performance/Product Conformity and Customer/External Party |

|taken/justifications for taking no action related to customer/external party feedback/complaints: |Feedback/Complaints sections of this meeting, the status (may be state of affairs or a recap/theme of main |

|(Check one) |issues) of incident investigations, preventive actions, and corrective actions: |

|X |Check one |

|Are accepted as is because the results and/or action taken show the management system, policy, and objectives|X |

|we have in place are suitable, adequate and effective based on: |Status (may be the actual results or how well we are managing the issues identified) shows the management |

|The way the results show the situations identified in the results were handled and |system, policy, and objectives we have in place are suitable, adequate and effective because: |

|How the decisions and any actions taken were supported by the systems and organizational direction in place |The types of issues included are in line with decisions made when considered along with process |

|at Atlas Copco / RapidTorc. |performance/product conformity and customer/external party feedback. |

| |The way we manage issues shows we are staying on top of everything and the systems and direction we have in |

| |place appear to be effective. |

|Showing there is a the need for updates to the management system, policy, objectives and/or goals/targets to | |

|achieve or improve on Atlas Copco / RapidTorc’s suitability, adequacy, and/or effectiveness | |

| |Status/results suggest the need for updates to the management system, policy, and/or objectives to improve |

|Use this area to provide additional details to support the conclusion given above or to reference the details|our suitability, adequacy, and/or effectiveness. |

|included in any supporting documentation. If further action is deemed necessary (e.g., updates to process | |

|documents, changes to the policy, etc.), those actions items should also be referenced are included herein. |Use this area to provide additional details to support the conclusion given above or to reference the details|

| |included in any supporting documentation. If further action is deemed necessary (e.g., updates to process |

|The aggregate of the O/I Log data, CS emails and the calls to the office show these trends: |documents, changes to the policy, etc.), those actions items that should also be referenced are included |

|Over the last three months, the approximate % of events/calls or complements & Complaints dealt with these |herein. |

|categories -- 1) Compliments @ 5% of items; 2) Complaints or problems @ 25% of items; 3) Ask product | |

|information @ 30% of calls; 4) Discuss or confirm ship method @ 5% of calls; 5) Environmental or safety @|1) There have been no Environmental or Safety incidents or reportable accidents since the last surveillance |

|0% of calls; 6) and “other” or Regular Product calls @ 30% items. |audit (9-2012). |

| |2) The Bankruptcy and the subsequent Purchase of the Rapidtorc product line by Atlas Copco in the spring of |

|Local management is using the “problem/Issues” and the “regular product calls” to improve our tools (see the |2013 have placed a new management team in place and reduced environmental hazards and exposure by selling off|

|closed CA’s Dated 12/30/13) (and the Open CAs – left open for monitoring of problems from the field). |the SpeedOrange services. |

|Management also uses sales debriefing’s and the calls and to learn new applications of our products. |3) After training on root cause and CA / PA, the team ‘went back’ and recovered known issues and placed them|

| |into a track-able log – The re-launch of the O/I Log. Several CA’s (11) for 2013 and 2014 remain open due to|

| |implementation of the Atlas Copco systems and the need to keep looking for evidence of any repeat issues with|

| |a 2 tool manufacturing suppliers, 2 seals providers, 2 pump providers, and the dedicated drawings provider. |

| |4) The PA for the RT-3 Drive Sleeve and for the for the monitoring of continued additions of drawings in the|

| |WindChill database show management commitment to preventing propagation of drawing tolerance |

| |errors/confusion. |

| | |

|Results of Audits & Compliance Evaluations 9001:5.6.2a, 14001:4.6a, & 18001: 4.6a |Changes/Changing Circumstances in Our Business 9001: 5.6.2f, 14001: 4.6g & 18001: 4.6h |

|While considering the results from the Process Performance/Product Conformity, Customer/External Party |Acknowledge changes in the way we do business (may have already taken place or the plans are in the works) or|

|Feedback/Complaints, and Status of Incident Investigations, Preventive Action/Corrective Action sections of |changing circumstances that will lead to changes in the way we do business, noting any consider to be |

|this meeting, the audit results/compliance evaluations included (may be actual results or a summary of those |significant enough to lead to updates in the management system, policy, objectives, hazards/risks, and/or |

|results): |goals/targets. |

|Check one |Check one |

| | |

|The results or a summary of those results taking place since the last management review show the management |No changes to acknowledge; or, those in process were previously acknowledged at a previous management review|

|system, policy, and objectives we have in place are suitable, adequate and effective because: |and were discussed as part of the follow-up section, earlier in this review. |

|The results and any actions taken are in line with decisions made when considered along with process | |

|performance/product conformity, customer/external party feedback, and the status of incident |X |

|investigations/corrective and preventive actions. |Changes to support new or updated business activities or changing circumstances in existing business |

|The way we assess the effectiveness of the management system, policy, and objectives through the |activities, including safety and environmental compliance considerations, suggest the need for action to |

|audits/evaluations shows we are staying on top of everything and the systems and direction we have in place |ensure these changes are effectively managed. |

|appear to be effective. | |

| |Use this area to provide additional details to support the conclusion given above or to reference the details|

|X |included in any supporting documentation. If further action is deemed necessary (e.g., updates to process |

|The results or a summary of those results taking place since the last management review suggest the need for|documents, changes to the policy, etc.), those actions items that should also be referenced are included |

|updates to the audit schedule, management system, policy, and/or objectives to improve our suitability, |herein. |

|adequacy, and/or effectiveness. | |

| |1) No changes to report beyond those discussed in the Oct. 2013 Internal Audit. New Ownership, new |

|Use this area to provide additional details to support the conclusion given above or to reference the details|corporate resources and a new management team are now in place. This is the first Management review of the |

|included in any supporting documentation. If further action is deemed necessary (e.g., updates to process |new team—and, of the just Re-Launched Quality – Environmental – Safety system. It serves as the benchmark |

|documents, changes to the policy, etc.), those actions items that should also be referenced are included |from which we will evaluate future performance and changes. |

|herein. |2) The Oct. 2013 internal audit discussed the change of abandoning all field services offerings and dropping |

| |(selling off) the SpeedOrange services. |

|New Ownership, new corporate resources and a new management team are now in place. This is the first |3) One of the changes to the Rapidtorc business line management is the Atlas Copco periodic review; formally|

|Management review—of the just Re-Launched quality – Environmental – Safety system. |known as the BBM; the Business Board Management Meetings. These P-D-C-A like reviews of each business line |

| |(including the RapidTorc Business line) are improving the measuring of what is really important – financial |

|The prior internal audit findings and the AJA Surveillance audit findings of 9-2012 are closed out with the |and quality and environmental goals. The BBM presentation is available for inspection. |

|implementation of the new management team and the new or “re-Launched” quality-environmental and safety | |

|system. | |

| | |

|For further details see the O/I Log and the October 2013 Internal Audit report. Management will continue to | |

|correct issues and prevent issues with the use of the O/I log and the regular quarterly BBM meetings. | |

|Final Thoughts & Conclusions/Recommendations For Improvement 9001: 5.6.2g, |Use this area to provide additional details to support the conclusion given above or to reference the details included | |

|14001:4.6h, & 18001: 4.6i |in any supporting documentation. If further action is deemed necessary (e.g., updates to process documents, changes to | |

|(including those related to the management system, policy, and our |the policy, etc.), those actions items that should also be referenced are included herein. | |

|objectives/goals or targets) |New Ownership, and the implementation of new goals and the abandoning of field services have been accomplished by the | |

|While considering everything else already discussed in this management review, |Atlas Copco purchase of Rapidtorc and the installation of its new management team. | |

|including the effect each area of discussion had on and related to the other areas|The Management team is beginning to see the fruit of their changes in the midst of the ramp-up with more orders from | |

|(sections), show discussion of: |PTD and the adoption of the new or “re-Launched” quality-environmental and safety system. It will continue to be | |

|any improvement opportunities not already discussed (may include employee |monitored by the management team. | |

|suggestions |The closure of several Corrective actions and the continued practice of pursuing solutions to root causes for other | |

|An overall conclusion for the entire management review, leading to a decision that|open corrective actions will continue to improve the system and will enable the team to adjust the OTIF goal upward. | |

|the management system, policy, objectives, goals/targets, and OHS performance: |At present, with the future closing of CA’s and PA’s, the Management team places high value on follow–up to continually| |

|Check one |improve and reviews these items in the regular BBM meetings with the president of Atlas Copco. With this improvement | |

| |focus, local management considers the current system and practices to be adequate, sufficient, and effective. | |

|No changes to acknowledge or those in work were previously acknowledged at a | | |

|previous management review and were discussed as part of the follow-up section, | | |

|earlier in this review. | | |

| | | |

|X | | |

|Changes to support new or updated business activities or changing circumstances in| | |

|existing business activities, including safety and environmental compliance | | |

|considerations, suggest the need for action to ensure these changes are | | |

|effectively managed. | | |

| | | |

|Decisions Involving Actions (action items) 9001: 5.6.3, 8.2.3, 14001:4.6, & 18001: 4.6 and Continuing Suitability, Adequacy, and Effectiveness 9001: 5.6.1, 14001:4.6, & 18001: 4.6 |

|The Management Representative works with management to acknowledge issues raised during this management review and identifies the action(s) to be taken and when it will be done, so effectiveness can be |

|re-evaluated. The types of actions are: CA = corrective action, PA = preventive action, and OI = opportunity for improvement. Correction/corrective and preventive action as called for by 9001:8.2.3 (actions |

|to ensure conformity), 9001:8.5.2, 14001:4.5.3, & 18001: (actions to prevent recurrence), and/or 9001:8.5.3, 14001:4.5.3, & 18001: (actions to prevent occurrence) are achieved through this |

|process in conjunction with processes described in Improvement Systems. If there are no action items, the system (including the policy and objectives) is suitable, adequate, and effective. If there are |

|action items, they demonstrate what we are doing to make the system more suitable, adequate, and effective. Actions are entered and tracked in the Opportunities & Incidents Log (OI Log). |

|Management Representative | |Date: | |

|Sign-off: | | | |

| |Signifies required attendees were present and these results were reviewed and accepted as the management review, with actions assigned as necessary. |

| | |

| |Closed by: | |Date: | |

| | | | | |

|Action Items Closure: | | | | |

|The Management Representative signs off after all issues have been closed out. This record (this form and any attachments) is maintained per the Master Control Plan. |

The back of this form or attachments to it can be used for additional questions and/or inputs or to identify issues, etc.


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