Course Design Guide (Tables Version)

|[pic] |Course Design Guide |

| |College of Humanities and Sciences |

| |POL/215 Version 5 |

| |State and Local Political Processes |

Copyright © 2014, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2005 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Course Description

This course provides students with an introduction to the organization, administration, and functions of American state and local governments. The relationship between state and federal governments is also analyzed.


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Course Materials

Bowman, A. O’M., & Kearney, R. C. (2014). State and local government (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

|Week One: Foundations of the U.S. Federal Government |

| |Details |Due |Points |

|Objectives |Identify the major components of the U.S. Constitution. | | |

| |Explain the role and function of the federal legislative, executive, and judicial | | |

| |branches. | | |

| |Define federalism. | | |

| |Summarize the role of federalism relative to the current U.S. political climate. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 1 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 2 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |

|Podcast |Listen to the Separation of Powers podcast. | | |

|Separation of Powers | | | |

|Simulation |View The American System of Checks and Balances simulation. | | |

|Checks and Balances | | | |

|Website |Access the U.S. Constitution website: | | |

|U.S. Constitution | | | |

| |Go to . | | |

| |Browse the Text resources under the section entitled The United States Constitution. | | |

|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |2 |

|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |2 |

|Individual |Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Foundations of the U.S. Federal Government | |5 |

|Foundations of the U.S. |Worksheet. | | |

|Federal Government | | | |

|Worksheet | | | |

|Week Two: Foundations and Institutions of State Governments |

| |Details |Due |Points |

|Objectives | | | |

| |Explain the role and function of state constitutions. | | |

| |Identify the role and function of the state legislative, executive, and judicial branches. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 3 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 6 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 7 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 9 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |

|Simulation |View the You are a Governor simulation. | | |

|You are a Governor | | | |

|Simulation |View the Comparing Judicial Systems simulation. | | |

|Comparing Judicial Systems| | | |

|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |2 |

|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |2 |

|Collaborative Activity |Work with a partner to complete the University of Phoenix Material: Rural, Suburban, and | |5 |

|Rural, Suburban, and Urban|Urban Issues Worksheet in preparation for your Local Government Issues Presentation, due in| | |

|Issues |Week Four. | | |

| | | | |

| |Submit your worksheets individually. | | |

|Individual |Locate your state’s constitution and examine the major elements and articles of the | |15 |

|Constitution and Systems |constitution. | | |

|of the State | | | |

| |Review its contents and functions. Search for information about the branches of government | | |

| |and the funding sources for your state government. | | |

| | | | |

| |Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following: | | |

| | | | |

| |How are the main components of government set up by your state’s constitution? | | |

| | | | |

| |Which branch of your state government seems the most powerful, on paper? What evidence do | | |

| |you use for your choice? | | |

| | | | |

| |Does the state constitution contain a Bill of Rights? If so, what appears to be the most | | |

| |important feature? | | |

| | | | |

| |Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. | | |

|Week Three: Political Processes of State Governments |

| |Details |Due |Points |

|Objectives | | | |

| |Analyze the function of political parties and interest groups in state politics. | | |

| |Summarize the state election process. | | |

| |Describe forms of citizen participation in state government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 4 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 5 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |

|Simulation |View the Voting Turnout – Who Votes in the United States? simulation. | | |

|Voting Turnout | | | |

|Video |View the “Green Party Candidates Stay on Ballot” video. | | |

|Green Party Candidates | | | |

|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |2 |

|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |2 |

|Individual |Consider this scenario: You are working as an aide for a representative in your state | |15 |

|Interest Groups and State |legislature, and he or she has asked you for a summary of information on a particular | | |

|Government Presentation |interest group. Use the following to prepare your Microsoft® PowerPoint® or Prezi | | |

| |presentation to the representative: | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify and provide a description of one interest group. | | |

| | | | |

| |Discuss its connection or relationship to each of the two major political parties in your | | |

| |state. | | |

| | | | |

| |Analyze the interest group’s relationship with the two major political parties by | | |

| |addressing these questions: | | |

| | | | |

| |How does the group influence the state government? | | |

| |What techniques does the group use? | | |

| |How important is the interest group to your representative? | | |

| | | | |

| |Summarize the information you found regarding this interest group and provide a | | |

| |recommendation to the representative for responding to the issue with which the interest | | |

| |group is most concerned. | | |

| | | | |

| |Include at least 8 to 10 slides. | | |

| | | | |

| |For Local Campus, deliver a 10- to 15-minute oral presentation accompanied by your slides | | |

| |or multimedia. | | |

| |For Online Campus, provide detailed speaker notes in the presentation file or in a separate| | |

| |document. | | |

|Individual |Perform an analysis of your state’s last gubernatorial election. | |5 |

|Elections and Voter | | | |

|Turnout |Use the University of Phoenix Material: Elections and Voter Turnout Worksheet to complete | | |

| |your analysis about the election and voter turnout. | | |

|Week Four: Organization and Functions of Local Governments |

| |Details |Due |Points |

|Objectives | | | |

| |Analyze different forms of local governments. | | |

| |Describe current public policy issues and challenges in local governments. | | |

| |Describe the relationship between state and local governments. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 10 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 11 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 12 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |

|Video |View the “Battling City Corruption” video. | | |

|Battling City Corruption | | | |

|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |2 |

|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |2 |

|Individual |View the You are the Mayor and Need to Get a Town Budget Passed simulation. | |5 |

|You are a Mayor Simulation| | | |

| |Report your score and describe what you learned from the simulation about the political | | |

| |forces that drive the policy-making process. | | |

| | | | |

| |Write your response in 350 to 400 words. | | |

|Individual |Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Rural, Suburban, and Urban Issues Worksheet | |15 |

|Local Government Issues |completed in Week Two | | |

|Presentation | | | |

| |Select a local government within your state to analyze. You may select either an urban, | | |

| |suburban, or rural government to review. | | |

| | | | |

| |Prepare a presentation addressing the following: | | |

| | | | |

| |Describe which area you chose: urban, suburban, or rural. Briefly describe the area’s | | |

| |demographics and characteristics. | | |

| | | | |

| |Describe the local form of government and identify the major elected officials of your | | |

| |selected area. | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify the major public policy issues, current events, and challenges this government | | |

| |faces and analyze one in depth. | | |

| | | | |

| |Discuss how the state government is addressing the issue you selected. | | |

| | | | |

| |Provide at least two potential, realistic solutions to the public policy issues, current | | |

| |events, and challenges this government faces. | | |

| | | | |

| |Include 8 to 10 slides and speaker notes to provide more in-depth information. | | |

| | | | |

| |Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. | | |

| | | | |

| |For Local Campus students, these are 10- to 15-minute oral presentations accompanied by | | |

| |Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations. | | |

| |For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with| | |

| |notes. | | |

|Week Five: How Do Governments Work Together? |

| |Details |Due |Points |

|Objectives | | | |

| |Differentiate between the powers and functions of state and local governments. | | |

| |Identify advantages and disadvantages of intergovernmental relationships. | | |

| |Analyze current issues involving multiple governments. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 15 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 16 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 17 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read Ch. 18 of State and Local Government. | | |

|Reading |Read the “Hydrofracking” article located on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page. | | |

|Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |

|Podcast |Listen to the Multiple Governments podcast. | | |

|Multiple Governments | | | |

|Simulation |View the You are the Head of FEMA simulation. | | |

|You are the Head of FEMA | | | |

|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |2 |

|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |2 |

|Individual |Read the “Hydrofracking” article on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page. | |15 |

|Multiple Governments and | | | |

|Intergovernmental |Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper based on the Hydrofracking article. Include the following| | |

|Relationships |points in your paper: | | |

| | | | |

| |Describe the ways in which different levels of government interrelate. What solution are the| | |

| |different governments trying to achieve? | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify the advantages and disadvantages in the ways that the governments involved work | | |

| |together. | | |

| | | | |

| |Provide a possible solution to the current way of hydrofracking that would be better by | | |

| |having different levels of government work together. Include ways in which communication | | |

| |between the governments might be improved. | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify a way for local and state governments to both stimulate their economies while being| | |

| |respectful of the environment. | | |

| | | | |

| |Provide an example of a current issue near your home that involves multiple governments and | | |

| |the ways in which they do or do not work together effectively. Examples could include | | |

| |environmental, educational, or technological issues. | | |

| | | | |

| |Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. | | |

Optional Discussion Questions

Week One Discussion Questions

• What different roles do the judicial, executive, and legislative branches of the U.S. government play in governing? Can you provide at least one example of one branch taking over the duties or responsibilities of another? Do you think this takeover is just or necessary, or do you think that the power should be reverted to the appropriate branch of government? Why?

• Identify all of your state’s delegates (senators and representatives) to Congress by name and party affiliation. Do you think that the overall party affiliation of your delegates reflects the feelings of people in your state accurately? Why or why not?

• Federalism can be defined as the distribution of power between a central government and constituent units—in the case of the United States, between the federal government and the state governments. Do you think the current balance of power between these entities is appropriately balanced, or is it imbalanced in one way or the other? Explain why you think so, and, if you think they are imbalanced, explain in which direction you think they are imbalanced.

• Federalism, the distribution of power between the federal government and the states, was originally implemented to keep both in check. It is another of the Constitution’s checks and balances. What current issues demonstrate either that the balance is working, or there is a need to restore balance so that it can work? Why did you select the issues you did?

• Some people believe that the U.S. Constitution should be followed exactly as written, and only modified by amendment as provided in the Constitution itself. Others consider the Constitution somewhat dated, and thus inadequate to govern a modern country with modern issues and problems, so flexibility of interpretation is necessary to properly govern. On which side of this issue do you lean and why?

Week Two Discussion Questions

• Do you think there are some basic components that all state constitutions must have to be functional? What are they? Why did you select the ones you did?

• Review the information in the text about amending constitutions. It identifies two principal methods for changing state constitutions: by legislative action of some sort or by citizen initiatives. Which methods does your state allow? How important is it to be knowledgeable about your state’s constitutional amendment process? Why?

• In your state of residence, does the governor or the state legislature wield the greater power? You can check this by looking up their state constitutional powers and their current procedural powers online. What have you noticed about the political roles they each play in your state?

• In some states, the lieutenant governor—which may be called by some other title—is important to state politics; in others, his or her only importance is as a replacement in case the governor’s office is vacated. Which is it in your state? Do you think that is appropriate? Why or why not?

• Briefly describe the structure of the judicial system and court system of your state or another state of your choosing. With which, if any, of the levels of the state’s judicial system do you have experience? Are you satisfied that they are mostly just? Why do you think so?

• Locate a copy of your state’s financial documents for the last completed fiscal year, including budgets, funding sources, and major expenditures. Were the documents easy or hard to find? Is there any danger or harm in making them easily accessible or hard to obtain? As you look over your state’s budget and revenue sources, does anything surprise or concern you?

• If there were a conflict between a state’s constitution and the U.S. Constitution, should the U.S. Constitution always take precedence? If there were a conflict between a state’s constitution and a federal law enacted by the U.S. Congress, should the federal law always take precedence? Why or why not?

Week Three Discussion Questions

• Identify an interest group in your community and its noteworthy stand on a local issue. How wide is this interest group’s support and influence? How might it increase its support and influence?

• Research your state government’s conduct of elections. Who is in charge of ballots? What kind of voter information is provided? How are ballots laid out? How is counting conducted, and so on? Is there potential for fraud or discrimination with elections in your state? How might you improve the situation?

• Is the Tea Party an interest group, a political party, or something else? Do you think its influence is more or less than it should be in your state? Why?

• Which party dominates politics in your state, the Republican party or the Democratic party? Or is your state a swing state that sometimes votes in the majority for one party and sometimes for another?

• How influential are third parties in your state? Do they ever win elections, either state-wide or in local contests?

• What does the term voter turnout really mean? How can one explain the lowered voter turnout for state and local elections than for national elections? Wouldn't you expect that governments closer to home would get more attention from the voters?

Week Four Discussion Questions

• The terms strong mayor and weak mayor refer to different systems of city government. Which of these systems reflects how your local city government is run? Which form do you think is better overall? Why?

• How is a council form of government different from one with an elected mayor? Is a council form better than having an elected mayor? Why or why not?

• What is the latest crazy thing your city council has gotten involved in? (That is the language citizens often use when describing local government. There is often little respect shown for these public servants.)

• What are some examples of metropolitan government authorities that affect you professionally and personally, such as police, fire, water, transportation, zoning, schools, parks and recreation? Describe your use of these services, and how your life would be different without them.

• National events often affect state and local governments, especially in budgeting. How have national events affected your local government? Have your local officials handled these challenges well or poorly? Why do you think so?

Week Five Discussion Questions

• What differences between state and local governments sometimes cause conflict? What might be done to alleviate this conflict?

• How do state and local governments work together to achieve the shared goal of providing quality education? Rate, from 1 (very poorly) to 10 (very well), how well you think your local and state governments are doing at providing education. Why did you give them that rating?

• In your opinion, what are the biggest problems or challenges facing state and local government these days? What do you see happening in the future regarding these problems? Will they get worse? Or will the states create solutions for them?

• Using Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Sandy as an example of intergovernmental relations, what are some advantages and disadvantages of local, state, and federal governments working together? How efficiently did the various levels of government work during Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Sandy? What could have been done differently?

• Select a current issue in your local community in which the local, state, and federal governments are involved. What are some benefits of this collaboration? What are some drawbacks?


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