Personal Fitness Worksheet #1

Worksheet #1

Name:_______________________________ Period:________ Date:___________

1. List and Define the 5 Health-Related Fitness components:

1. Cardiovascular Endurance – the ability of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles.___________________________________

2. ________________________--____________________________________________

3. ________________________--____________________________________________

4. ________________________--____________________________________________

5. ________________________--____________________________________________

2. Choose one health-related fitness component and explain how you can effect a positive change for that component.

3. List some major benefits of good Physical Fitness:

_______________________________ ______________________________

_______________________________ ______________________________

_______________________________ ______________________________

_______________________________ ______________________________

4. List six skill related components of fitness:



A risk factor is a major factor in your life that would increase your risk for a premature death.

List the primary risk factors and put a star before each risk factor that you can control.

*1. Inactivity – only 40% of U.S. adults get the recommended amount of physical activity

2. _________________________________________________________________________






5. What is meant by “The Law of Use?”____________________________________________


Hypertrophy is muscles increasing in size due to physical activity.

Atrophy is muscles decreasing in size due to physical inactivity.

6. What is meant by the term “Lifetime Activity?”


7. List some examples of Lifetime Activities:


Goals should be written, realistic, challenging yet obtainable, and measureable.

8. Write two health-related fitness goals that you would like to achieve.



9. Write one risk factor reducing goal that you would like to achieve.



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