ERGO Tip: Use of Ball Chairs

Making a Difference Through Ergonomic Workstation Design

ERGO Tip: Use of Ball Chairs

Over the years, we have seen significant changes to office equipment and design of workspaces. The ball chair is one such ground-breaking invention. The thought on using ball chairs is that the dynamic nature of the posture on the chair will increase core or trunk strength, allowing you to get your exercise while sitting in front of the computer. The issue however, is fatigue. If you stay on these balls long enough, it leads to muscle fatigue and possible injury. Not to mention, folks have fallen off these types of chairs, causing injuries to the low back, knees, arms, and head/neck.

While the ball chair promotes a dynamic work situation using the muscles of the core, it does not provide lumbar support or any respite for the back or leg muscles. When we sit without lumbar support, we significantly increase the amount of force on our spines associated with keeping our bodies upright against gravity. The issue is, we cannot feel these forces on our body until we feel the pain or damage associated with it.

Compared to Standing: Sitting without back support produces almost double the amount of forces acting on the spine as compared to sitting with back support.

Sitting with back support significantly lowers the forces acting on the spine.

Wilke, H., Neef, P., Caimi, M., Hoogland, T., & Claes, L. E. (1999). New In Vivo Measurements of Pressures in the Intervertebral Disc in Daily Life. Spine,24(8), 755-762.

Simply put, when you use the exercise ball at the gym to strengthen your core, you stop exercising when your muscles are fatigued. You would never exercise for eight hours. If you replace your conventional chair with the ball, you do not allow rest for the trunk muscles. Fatigue, without recovery, leads to injury. Many ergonomists have weighed in with their opinions on ball chairs. The overall opinion is that any benefits from the ball chair do not outweigh the negative effects on muscle fatigue and discomfort at the workstation.

West Bend Mutual Insurance

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LC1531 Office Ergonomics_Use of Ball Chairs

Copyright ? West Bend Mutual this 20th day of March 2020. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the express written consent of West Bend Mutual Insurance Company. This is a Sample/Guideline and any policy developed should consider the unique circumstances of the particular policyholder's business.

Making a Difference Through Ergonomic Workstation Design

Recent studies show that sitting on a ball chair for as little as 30-60 minutes resulted in reports of fatigue and discomfort.1, 2

There are many different ways to promote wellness in the office: ? Free customizable apps can be placed on the computer to remind people to take breaks. ? Use of sit-to-stand workstations encourage change in positions. ? Collaboration areas where people can go for group projects or for a change of scenery promote movement. ? Encourage eating lunch away from the desk. ? Educate employees about the importance of movement throughout the day and use of micro-breaks.

These concepts have merit as they promote postural rest breaks, better blood flow, and less fatigue. This leads to better morale and productivity. Many office chair options provide adjustability, back support, and dynamic movement. Ask your Loss Control Representative for details on what to look for in an ergonomic chair.3

1 Gregory, D. E., Dunk, N. M., & Callaghan, J. P. (2006). Stability Ball Versus Office Chair: Comparison of Muscle Activation and Lumbar Spine Posture During Prolonged Sitting. Human Factors, 48(1), 142?153. 2 Mcgill, S., Kavcic, N., & Harvey, E. (2006). Sitting on a chair or an exercise ball: Various perspectives to guide decision

making. Clinical Biomechanics,21(4), 353-360. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2005.11.006 3 Look for LC document LC1550 Office Chair Selection on WBConnect for additional information.

West Bend Mutual Insurance

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LC1531 Office Ergonomics_Use of Ball Chairs

Copyright ? West Bend Mutual this 20th day of March 2020. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the express written consent of West Bend Mutual Insurance Company. This is a Sample/Guideline and any policy developed should consider the unique circumstances of the particular policyholder's business.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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