Allison Long - Weebly

Music Education Philosophy

Why All Students Deserve a Music Education

Music is an emotional outlet, a means of expression, a therapy form, and a mechanism to aid social interaction. Music can be tied to a culture, region, or simply an individual identity. Every student should be able to experience the power of music and the benefits of music making. All students should be provided with musical instruction throughout school so that they can gain the tools necessary to appreciate a musical experience. Not all students will be drawn to the typical school music setting, but through classroom music all students should gain awareness for music and the different ways in which it can be practiced and appreciated. Only with this understanding can students have access to all of the benefits music can provide.

More than any other element, music brings people together. Students struggling to find their niche in society can rely on music as a constant in their lives. By connecting familiar cultural ideals with music, students feel more community and cultural presence, and develop a strong identity with their roots. Once students are connected to their roots they begin to discover who they are as individuals. Music can be used personally and community-wide to cope with emotional struggles. Whether students are singing out of a hymnal at church or participating in an African drum circle, music plays an integral role in developing both a sense of community and an individual identity. This idea applies for all individuals K-12 and extends into adulthood.

Not only does music serve as a therapy, but it also teaches students many life skills that will aid in the success of their future endeavors. Qualities such as determination, drive, persistence, time management, and creativity are obtained through participation in musical activities. Through many hours of practice, long days of rehearsing, and paying close attention to details, students pick up on skills that will apply to all aspects of their lives. It is very rare that so many key qualities can be gained from one school subject.

School music programs of today touch on a wide variety of musical subjects (and non musical subjects) in order to be considered complete and worthwhile. First, teachers must address the basics of music such as notation, rhythm, and time. Music is similar to learning a language in that you must know the written notation in order to fully understand the concept. The basics of western musical notation must be addressed in order for students to fully understand their musical experiences. They must also provide historical background to their students so that they fully understand the music they are performing. Beyond that, teachers must give their students the confidence to form their own opinions and connections to the music that they are performing. They must also teach life lessons through musical experience so that the students are better equipped to handle the world beyond high school. Students need to know the value of hard work, the importance of determination and drive, and the benefits of stepping out of their comfort zones to explore creativity. The teachers overall goal is to release proficient musicians and quality human beings into the “real world” once they have made it through the school music program.

Today, students have easy access to all kinds of music. Many students are incredibly excited about musical experiences and eager to participate. Through the methods listed above, teachers can take such an integral component in the life of a school-age child, and use it to teach both musical and life lessons. Although the power of music cannot be assessed on a standardized test or a college entrance exam, there is no other subject that can address so many topics at once. Once graduated from a K-12 music program, students will be equipped with tools to deal with the many challenges that life may throw at them.


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