
9TH Std. PHYSICAL EDUCATION NOTES OF LESSONCATEGORY& PERIODLEARNING POINTSFORMULATED ACTIVITIESTEACHING AIDSEVALUATIONTECHNIQUE TOOLTEACHER’SSELF ANALYSISDATEPET SIG.HM SIG.Practical06PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST-1BOYS1. 50 Met. Run(Speed)2. Standing broad jump(Strength)3. 6x10 M. Shuttle run(Endurance)GIRLS1. 50 Met. Run(Speed)2. Standing broad jump(Strength)6x10 M. Shuttle run(Endurance)Conduct the test and enter the obtained data in FORMAT-1STOP WATCH MEASURIN G TAPETECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-1Conducting efficiency test separatelyFor boys andGirlsTheory02Development of Physical education in India after independence: Development of physical education during the post- independence period Appointment of various committeesRecommendations & policies of various committees.Learning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionPracticalBasket ball1. Dribbling2. Overhead pass3. Shooting4. Jump shot5. Layup shotTo learn these skills Five stages should be followed:1. Entry2. Stance3. Execution4. Contact5. Follow through Provide the opportunity to the students to practice individually or in groupsCourt Skill BasketballPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sTheoryBasket ball04Tactics in BasketballPerformance in basketballLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionPracticalHandball051. Passing (Wrist pass)2. Catching the ball3. Shooting4. DodgingGoalkeepingTo learn these skills Five stages should be followed:6. Entry7. Stance8. Execution9. Contact10.Follow through Provide the opportunity to the students to practice individually or in groupsCourt Skill BasketballPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’s1.TheoryHandball041. Tactics in Handball2. Performance at the stateand national levelTournaments and awardeesLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionFormativeAssessment103Group GamesHand ball1. Passing (wrist pass)2. Catching the ball (below the knees)To evaluate the learnt exercises five stages should be followed, and allow the students to demonstrate the skills.CourtTECHNIQUE: Observation TOOL:Check listFORMAT-2Each student should undergo evaluationHindiLeziums071. Dahine baaye haath ki harkat2. Dahine baaye paav ki harkat3. Age ki harkat4. Juknaa harkat5. Aage ki juknaa harkat6. Harkat bharat maatha7. Chakkar aur baitne-utne kiharkat8. Chakkar aur baitne utne ki harkatTo learn these skills Five stages should be followed:2. Stance3. Execution4. Contact5. Follow throughProvide the opportunity to the students topractice individually orin groupsLeziumTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sDrill and marching071. Quick march in threes2. Change in step3. Right turn in quick march4. Left turn in quick march5. About turn in quick march6. right saluteTo learn these skills Five stages should be followed:1. Entry2. Stance3. Execution4. Contact5. Follow throughProvide the opportunity to the students to practice individually or in groupsText bookTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’s1. EntrySocialHealth021. Meaning of social health and its importance2. Necessity of social healthLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookpicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudent would participate interestingly provided the subject is taught through discussionUses of healthy environme nt041. Health is wealth - How2. Exercise in openenvironment3. Gymnasiums and aerobic centers4. Swimming pool and sports training centersLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText book picturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudent would participate interestingly provided the subject is taught through discussionImportanc e and uses of raw vegetables011. Uses and importance of raw vegetables2. Nutritious qualities of fruits, tubers and rootsLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookpicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudent would participate interestingly provided the subject is taught through discussionFirst Aid041. First aid essential2. Applying bandages indifferent situations3. Snake Bite4. Drowning5. Animal bite6. Bandages used for differentsituationsLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionFormativeAssessment203RHYTHMIC ACTIVICTY1. March forward and backward2. Steps to the sideTo evaluate the learntexercises five stages should be followed, and allow the students to demonstrate the skills.LeziumTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Each student should undergo evaluationsummativeAssessment -103summative Assessment -1summativeAssessment -1TECHNIQUE:EvaluationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-3Each student should undergo evaluationTriple jump practical041. Check mark2. Approach run and take off3. The first leap – Hop4. The second leap – step5. The third leap – jumpLandingTo learn these skillsFive stages should be followed:1 Entry2. Stance3. Execution4. Contact5. Follow throughProvide theopportunity to the students to practiceindividually or in groupsCourt Lane SkillpicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sTriple jump Theory041. History of Triple jump2. Jumping arena andmeasurements3. Rules of triple jump Records in triple jump and athletesLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionJavelin practical061. Marking the check mark2. Grip3. Initial run and carrying thejavelin4. Five step rhythm5. Follow throughTo learn these skills Five stages should be followed:1. Entry2 Stance3 Execution4 Contact5 Follow throughProvide the opportunity to the students to practice individually or in groupsCourt Lane SkillpicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sJavelinTheory041. History of Javelin throw2. The rules of Javelin throwsector3. Famous Javelin throwersLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionVolley ball practical061. Tennis serve2. Setting the ball (upper handpass)3. Straight smash4. Receiving the ball androllingTo learn these skills Five stages should be followed:1 Entry2 Stance3 Execution4 Contact5 Follow through Provide the opportunity to the students to practice individually or in groupsCourt Lane SkillpicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sVolleyballTheory051. Some tactics in Volleyball2. The achievements of thestate in Volleyball at thenational level3. The achievements in Volleyball at the international level4. Performance in Asian games and awardsLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionBadminton031. Placing2. Backhand service3. Backhand receive / return4. Overhead forehand returnTo learn these skillsFive stages should be followed:1. Entry2. Stance1. Execution2. Contact3. Follow through Provide the opportunity to the students to practice individually or in groupsCourt Lane SkillpicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sBadminton021. Tactics of badminton2. Achievements at the state,national and internationallevel3. Competitions and awardsLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionFormativeAssessment303ATHLETICS TRIPLE JUMP:1. Approach run & take off2. Hop- Step-JumpTo evaluate the learnt exercises five stages should be followed, and allow the students to demonstrate the skills.CourtLane Finishing lineTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Each student should undergo evaluationPractical06PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST-1BOYS4. 50 Met. Run(Speed)5. Standing broad jump(Strength)6. 6x10 M. Shuttle run(Endurance)GIRLS3. 50 Met. Run(Speed)4. Standing broad jump(Strength)6x10 M. Shuttle run(Endurance)Conduct the test and enter the obtained data in FORMAT-1STOP WATCH MEASURIN G TAPETECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-1Conducting efficiency test separatelyFor boys andGirlsYogasana08Standing position Asanas1. Hasthapadangushtasana2. Uthanasana3. Urdhva hasthothanasana4. Uthitha ekapada badhapadmasanaSitting position Asanas1. Badhakonasana2. Gorakshasana3. Kukkutasana4. KurmasanaLaying down position1. Halasana2. Ekaika pada halasana3. Navasana4. chakrasanaTo learn these skills Five stages should be followed:1. Entry2. Stance3. Execution4. Contact5. Follow through Provide the opportunity to the students to practice individually or in groupsMatPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sYogasana031. Meaning of Ashtanga and its importance2. Benefits of yoga practice3. Types of pranayamaKapalabhatiLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudentswould participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionPranayama04PRANAYAMA1.Chandrabhedana pranayama2. Suryabhedana pranayama3. Nadi shodhana (nadicleansing) pranayamaUjjayi pranayamaMake the students to sit in any meditative posture practice pranayama and mudra’s on instructions.MatPicturesTECHNIQUE: Observation TOOL:Check listFORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sHockeyPractical041. Straight Hit2. Scoop3. Aerial stop4. Passing – Diagonal pass5. The Goalkeeper’s stanceTo learn these skillsFive stages should be followed:3. Entry4. Stance4. Execution5. Contact6. Follow throughProvide the opportunity to the students to practice individually or in groupsCourt Lane SkillpicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Check list FORMAT-2Completion of learning and practicing process in the allotted period’sHockeyTheory051. Tactics in hockey2. State and national level achievements in hockey3. Tournaments and awardeesLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents wouldparticipateinterestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionNational integration031. National Integration2. National flag andguidelines3. Communal harmony Programs of develop national integrationLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionRecreational games071.Locking the chain and unlocking it2. War of the walls3. Shoulder lock4. Multiples5. Sum of jumps6. Potato race7. Race in pairs8. Steal the flag9. Chess10. Khayenge11. Kangaroo relay12. Dodge ballLearning points have to be explained descriptively through discussionText bookPicturesTECHNIQUE:ObservationTOOL: Self- reflectionStudents would participate interestingly provided the subject in taught through discussionFormativeAssessment403Yogasana1. Urdhva hasthothanasana2. ChakrasanaTo evaluate the learnt exercises five stages should be followed, and allow the students to demonstrate the skills.CourtLane Finishing lineTECHNIQUE: Observation TOOL:Check listFORMAT-2Each student should undergo evaluationsummativeAssessment202Blue print & question paperEvaluationTECHNIQUE: Evaluation TOOL:Check listFORMAT-3Each student should undergo evaluationPHY.EDU.TEACHER’S SINGNATURE HEAD MASTER’S SIGNATURE ................

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