The advent of the computer has done more harm than good

The advent of the computer has done more harm than good. Do you agree?

Since the turn of the later part of the 20th century, the computer has evolved from an industrial necessity to a household item. Due to its relative affordability, one can almost say that there is a computer in every household in any developed society. The advent of the computer into our daily lives has brought us many advantages such as conveniences in daily chores and giving never-before access to information, and also a multitude of other challenges as well as such virtual addiction and online crimes. All considered, the advent of the computer has brought more benefits than detriments.

Together with internet technology, the computer has brought us new forms of conveniences unprecedented in the generations before. Today, one can easily transfer funds around with internet banking without having to go to the bank in person. Also, one does not need to contend with the long queues at the supermarket, as grocery shopping has been made a breeze with online shopping. Such conveniences would not have been made possible if the computer was not made widely available in the first place.

With the computer, the world has also become smaller. It is no longer difficult to communicate with another at the other end of the globe. In the past, one could only depend on snail mail (which was slow) or the phone (which was extremely expensive when one needed to call abroad). Today, internet users can choose to communicate with their friends and loved ones through a host of technologies made available on the computer: Skype, MSN messaging and the e-mail are just a few examples.

Other than that, the computer has made it possible for everyone to have easy access to information. In today’s modern society, one just needs to have a computer and access to the web, and he will be able to surf for information anytime he wants to. In yesterday’s society, this access was only available to the privileged few, who either had the money or the power to warrant such access. In a way, the computer has become society’s great equaliser. It is no longer those with the resources who can access information.

Life has become easier as well. Take the simple task of typing as an example. In the 1970s, people depended on the now archaic typewriter to type documents. The problem with this device was that if one made an error, one would have to physically erase the error or type the whole document again. With the computer, this would not be an issue. One can preview the document before printing it out. In addition, spelling and grammar checks can also be done to minimise incidents of error.

Finally, the computer has provided another medium of information and entertainment. Today, one can choose to watch the television, listen to the radio, surf the net and play games on the computer. Thus, not only has the computer become an alternative medium of entertainment, it has also become a complement to the other mediums. Where choice is concerned, one more is definitely better than one less.

On the other hand, the computer has brought social ills unprecedented in the earlier times. Due to the pervasiveness of the computer in modern society, its advent has brought about effects that are more pronounced than other technological developments.

Increasingly, more youths are diagnosed with net and computer game addiction, something unheard of before the computer made its presence felt. These youths spend most of their time on the computer, either chatting with friends online or playing computer games. Due to the sensory stimulus that these games provide, youths without the self-discipline find themselves hooked on the computer for hours. There have even been reports of how some have died after playing on the computer for too long.

Then, those who prefer chatting online to playing games enjoy the safety and anonymity of socialising in a virtual world, an unhealthy phenomenon when one considers the fact that real social skills are needed to survive in the working world. These youths who grow up hooked to the computer fail to learn the critical skills of socialisation and communication, both of which were taken for granted before everyone knew what a computer was.

With the advent of the computer, there is also a new breed of criminals who prey on hapless victims on the Internet. These criminals look for their prey online, and through the sophisticated technology made available through the ubiquitous PC, they siphon money from their victims’ banking accounts, and spin elaborate scams to trick gullible people into their schemes. While such criminals have always existed, with computers, their reach has been extended further.

As with any other invention, the computer brings its own benefits and costs. However, if one were to weigh the costs and benefits properly, one would realise that the benefits computer has brought on are what make society today a better place to live in. Can anyone imagine living without these benefits today? The disadvantages, on the other hand, can be circumvented with a little education and caution. Therefore, the advent of the computer has brought more good than harm.

(855 words)

Adapted from essay published in O-Level English Guide, Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd


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