Exemplar assignment brief - Pearson

Exemplar assignment brief

|Centre | |

|Course title: Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Award/Certificate in Sustainability Skills (QCF) |

|Tutor name: |

|Assignment title: |Sustainable Community Cohesion |Ref: | |

|Learner name | | | |

|Start date: | |Hand in Date: | |

|Unit 26:The Changing Nature of Society in the United Kingdom |

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|Scenario |

|You have just completed your probation year working as a project development manager for a charity known as ‘Sustainable Cohesion in Communities|

|in the UK’. The charity has just received funding to carry out a project to research ‘Sustainable Community Cohesion in the UK’ and it was |

|decided at the charity projects committee to give the project to you to manage with support from your mentor. |

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|Your role is to investigate the concept and importance of identity, the changing nature of UK society and to encourage sustainable community |

|cohesion in a multicultural society. The charity wants you to produce a report for the fund raising department to use some of the information to|

|develop some individual case studies and posters about the importance of cultural identity and community cohesion in the UK. |

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|Assessment evidence: |

|Unit |Grading criteria | |

|U26 |The grading criteria that this assignment relates to: | |

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| |list factors which contribute to cultural identity | |

| |1.2 outline why identity is important | |

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| |2.1 outline reasons people migrate | |

| |2.2 identify changes in UK society | |

| |2.3 describe benefits of cultural diversity | |

| | | |

| |3.1 explain how to encourage community cohesion in a multicultural society | |

|Summary assessor’s feedback |

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|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources fully acknowledged. |

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|Learner signature: Date: |

Sustainable Community Cohesion

Unit 26 Learning Outcomes

LO 1. Know about identity

LO 2. Know about the changing nature of UK society

LO 3. Understand how community cohesion in a multicultural society can be encouraged

Task 1

Assessment Criteria

1. list factors which contribute to cultural identity

1.2 outline why identity is important

Using the information and notes from discussions with your tutor about cultural identity in the UK, work in your group to write notes about what is meant by identity and why it is important. Using this information, write down what you consider are the ingredients that make up your identity (on Post-it notes), make a comparison with others in your group and consider the ingredients of some other individuals in different cultural communities. You may then be asked to present your findings to the whole group for discussion.

The charity has asked you to produce a report that will go to its fund raising department where the information will be used to produce materials to distribute to new possible sponsors and donors. In the first paragraph ‘ The Importance of Identity’, the report needs contain the following two sections:

• a list of at least two examples of the factors that contribute to cultural identity

• an outline of why identity is important.

Task 2

Assessment Criteria

2.1 outline reasons people migrate

2.2 identify changes in UK society

2.3 describe benefits of cultural diversity

From the information your tutor has given you about the history of migration to the UK, work in a group to investigate the reasons why different groups of people have migrated to the UK.

Once you have finished, work in pairs to consider a range of statements that your tutor has given you about the effects of immigration in UK and decide whether you consider the effects to be advantages or disadvantages of living in a multicultural society.

Using your notes and information you have gathered, complete the second paragraph of your report ‘ The Changing Nature of the UK Society’ where you need to include three sections:

• outline reasons people migrate (giving at least two different examples)

• identify the changes in UK society (giving at least two changes and how these affect the future and sustainability)

• describe benefits of cultural diversity (give brief detail of at least two benefits).

Task 3

Assessment Criteria

3.1 explain how to encourage community cohesion in a multicultural society

For this task you will need to use the information from case studies and organisations that promote community cohesion in a multicultural society (where they are working towards building a fair, tolerant, stable and sustainable society) and from discussions in class with your tutor. Work in groups to investigate shared values that promote community cohesion.

Using your notes and information from your investigation, complete the third and final paragraph of your report ‘Community Cohesion in a Multicultural Society’, where you need to include one final section:

• explain how to encourage community cohesion in a multicultural society (give at least two examples that promote sustainable community cohesion).

Tutor Information

The assignment brief will need to be delivered within an assessment tutorial so the level of the learners is catered for in a full understanding of what is required to be presented as evidence for each assessment criteria. The key evidence presented must meet the short criteria that has been written into the end of each task as this is the criteria taken from the specification.

Access to IT facilities to undertake some research is required.

A range of sustainable material case studies would be useful to examine by learners.

Preparation for the assignment

Tutors should provide reliable resources of information or assist learners in their investigation to gather information. Tutors could also do this using a case study approach making use of articles in the media and leaflets from organisations.

Introduction to Task 1: Tutors may introduce this task with case studies and / or articles about the identity of different individuals from different communities in the UK. The tutor could then give students an activity that encourages learners to consider the ingredients that make up their own identity. Learners could write their ingredients on Post-it notes and work in groups to place them on flip chart paper, matching and grouping them together. Tutor led discussion could follow about similarities and differences in the groups. Tutors could pose questions about similarities and differences in different age groups.

Groups could present their ideas to the whole group for discussion about whose ideas best meet the diverse needs. Decisions have to be made about how to please as many people as possible and what can be done in situations where the identities of individuals and groups may clash.

Learners then need to complete the first paragraph of their report as shown in task 1.

Introduction to Task 2: Tutors may introduce this task by considering the history of migration of groups to this country. Learners could work in groups to research information about the reasons for different ‘waves’ of immigration to the UK for example: Vikings, Normans, Huguenots, Irish, European Jews and Commonwealth immigrants. Each group could write the reasons the group needed to leave their country onto a flip chart or board. Information collected by groups could be collated onto a timeline to display in the classroom. Learners could work in pairs to consider a range of statements about the effects of immigration in UK and decide whether they consider the effects to be advantages or disadvantages of living in a multicultural society. Discussion about this subject could be sensitive and can lead to disagreement. Setting ground rules and using distancing techniques are helpful ways to manage discussion and help learners to understand how to express and explain their own opinions to others.

Learners could then complete the second paragraph of your report ‘ The Changing Nature of the UK Society’ where they need to include the three sections shown in the task..

Introduction to Task 3: Tutor-led discussion could help learners to appreciate the values that are shared by different groups. The tutor could present learners with different scenarios which demonstrate prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping and pose the question ‘What would you do in this situation?’

Discussion and debate of issues raised will help learners to understand ways in which

individuals can take action to encourage community cohesion. Learners could work in groups to research information from different organisations and individual case studies of people who are working to build a more tolerant, fair and sustainable society.

Learners will then need to complete the third and final paragraph of your report ‘Community Cohesion in a Multicultural Society’ as shown in task 3.


Amnesty International site –information about taking action to

protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied


BBC site interactive resources, games, quizzes bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/11_16/site/


Channel 4 site resources for Citizenship education


Details of human rights cases in the UK cases

Employer and employee rights

workingrights.co.uk/Engauge engaugeonline.co.uk

Equality and Human Rights site – rights of citizens in UK

Ethical trade working on improving labour conditions

G-nation site – supports UK teenagers to get

involved in charity, community, social enterprise

and campaigning action


Magazine and research on social and environmental

records of companies and products


Site of Liberty – protecting civil liberties and

promoting human rights


Sustainable Communities Act 2007/2010


Totnes community group


United Nations site – overview of The Universal

Declaration of Human rights


World’s leading resource on the subject

business-human home





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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