GUIA DE APRENDIZAJE DE INGL?S- SEGUNDO MEDIONOMBRE:CURSO:2do____PJE. TOTAL:55 puntos.PJE. OBTENIDO:OBJETIVO:Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explicita en textos adaptados.CONTENIDOS:The mysterious friendship between Britain and ChileHABILIDADES:Identificar. Discernir.INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: Responder guía de estudio, la cual tiene un enfoque formativo con ítems de selección completación, verdadero o falso , redacción y una reflexión personal final.CORREOS ELECTR?NICOS PARA RECEPCI?N DEL MATERIAL DE ESTUDIOProfesor Enrique Cornejo Sánchez: enriquecornejocovid19@FORMAS DE ENV?OSe recibirá el material de estudio en los siguientes formatos: Microsoft Word, PDF, fotografías del cuaderno o el material de estudio.FECHA DE ENTREGA28 de Agosto de 2020INSTRUCCIONES ESPEC?FICAS: Responda el material de trabajo respetando: espacios asignados para las respuestas, prestando atención a la ortografía y redacción. Si desarrollas el material en tu cuaderno: pulcritud, NITIDEZ de las fotografías, nombre completo y curso.P?GINAS DEL TEXTO ESCOLAR A UTILIZARPáginas 106 del texto escolar Teens in motion.VIDEOS DE APOYOPara complementar el material de trabajo y a modo de motivación continuación, se presenta el texto titulado “The mysterious friendship between Britain and Chile”. Lee con atención su contenido y desarrolla las actividades propuestas mas adelante.The mysterious friendship between Britain and ChileAn interview with William Edmundson, author of A History of the British Presence in Chile By James Fowler, Santiago Times. In this interview with the Santiago Times, Edmundson talks about the history of Anglo-Chilean relations. Question: What do you think will interest our readers about your book?WE: This is the ? rst comprehensive and accurate history of the British presence and legacy in Chile; I hope it will be held up as a reference for years to come, for those who are students of Latin America in general and Chile in particular. Readers can see by themselves that this book is really history of Chile. Q: So you feel the British were an intrinsic part of the development of Chile?WE: It is remarkable that Britain or British visitors were present at every important turn and twist of Chilean history. The British were, in general, eyewitnesses of events of great importance in Chilean history. Q: Can you give us some examples? WE: Well… let’s start with the war of independence. The Navy commanders were all British. Look at the naval list: they were all Scottish, Welsh and English names, led by Lord Cochrane, the ?rst admiral. Lord Cochrane arrived in Chile at the end of 1818 and helped organize and lead the Chilean Navy. There were a lot of courageous British soldiers as well.Q: You also write about Darwin and the importance of Chile in his work... WE: Darwin spent 17 months in what is now modern-day Chile. His "On the Origin of the Species" begins with the quote “As a naturalist in South America, I was much impressed by the peoples that I met.” This is what he met in Chile, nowhere else. The Fuegian aborigines made him ponder on the species of mankind. They helped him realize that culture was just a veneer over humanity. He noted by himself that these people’s (savages, as he calls them) could adopt manners and customs, and learn other languages.Q: Do you mention any English women?WE: You have the case of Maria Graham. She was the widow of an English captain and lived among Chileans for a whole year. “Journal of a residence in Chile” is a remarkable work that shows her perception of the diverse aspects of the public and private life of Chilean society in the nineteenth century. As a historical source, it is a fundamental document that depicts Chilean life during the ?rst years of Independence. In 1822, she experienced one of Chile’s worst earthquakes in history, and recorded its effects in detail in her book. As this was one of the ?rst detailed eyewitness accounts by “a learned person” of an earthquake, it was published in London in 1823. Her description started a heated debate in the Geological Society. Her observations were later backed by Charles Darwin, who had observed the same land rising during the earthquake which occurred in Concepcion during his visit in 1835. In recognition of her services to Chile, as she was one of the ?rst persons to write about Chile in the English language, the Chilean government appointed her “a friend of the nation” in 2008.Q: You speak with a lot of passion about Chile…WE: I love the country. I wandered around yesterday, and everyone I talked to in Santiago was very engaging. Very friendly, but very respectful.ILee atentamente las preguntas y responde en los espacios correspondientes EN INGL?S de acuerdo con el texto. No se admiten borrones ni enmendaduras . (2 PUNTOS CADA UNA).1Who is the interviewer?2Who is the interviewee?3Who do you think may be interested in a book like this?4Who said “As naturalist inSouth America…”?5Where was the interviewpublished?6Who is the man in thepicture?II Responde en los espacios correspondientes EN INGL?S de acuerdo con el texto y lo que has aprendido en otras asignaturas. Justifica si se te solicita. No se admiten borrones ni enmendaduras . (3 PUNTOS CADA UNA).7How did C. Darwin feel when he arrived in Chile? Why?8What did C. Darwin mean when he said “culture is just a veneer over humanity”?9Why is this part between quotation marks in the interview?10Was M. Graham’s report on earthquakes well received in the academic world? Why? Why not?11What connection can you identify between Maria Graham and Charles Darwin?III .VERDADERO O FALSO.Lea atentamente los enunciados y responda en los espacios correspondientes si es verdadero (T) o falso (T). En caso de que sea Falso se debe JUSTIFICAR en inglés, de lo contrario no se considerará puntaje. (2 PUNTOS CADA UNA).NoT o FENUNCIADOJUSTIFICACI?N (En caso de Falso)12Famous sociologist Isabella Lynton shares her refl ections about this current and controversial topic.13Globalization reflects somewhat the theory of convergence and hegemonic control14Indigenous peoples are not affirming and defending their cultural and social identities in the new global era15People become much more concerned about the richness and particularity of their own culture16Balancing the benefits of integrating into aglobalized world against protecting the uniqueness of local culture requires a careful reflection.IV. REDACCI?N.Redacta un resumen del texto en espa?ol con tus propias palabras.Si desarrollas el trabajo en formato digital, usa solamente la mitad del recuadro disponible utilizando letra Times New Roman tama?o 12. Si desarrollas la actividad a mano usa el recuadro completo (10 Puntos).-6357112100VI. REFLEXI?N PERSONAL: (8 PUNTOS).INDICADORES DE DESEMPE?Osí / noJustifica tu respuesta sea sí o no, para lo cual argumenta completando todo el espacio asignado?Comprendí los contenidos y procedimientos desarrollados en la guías??Para realizar las Actividades Propuestas, consulté al profesor, a mis compa?eras, familia, diversas fuentes??Di solución adecuada a las Actividades Propuestas??Sugeriría adecuaciones al profesor respecto al trabajo remoto realizado, en cuanto a: guías, apoyo audiovisual, retroalimentación virtual, etc.?1143000335915 ................

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