A Community based Social support program for 224 Teen Mothers and their Malnourished Kids.

224 teen mothers in machakos county, Eastern province of Kenya will be trained on sunflower production, fish farming, honey production, goats milk production, aloe production and moringa planting. sales from the farming of this nutritious plants will be vital for fighting malnutrition of the poor kids. The program will also include supply of sanitary towels and basic healthcare to their kids.

Thematic areas

Teen mothers economic empowerment, environmental conservation, climatic change, food security, poverty eradication, healthcare, malnutrition, education and training.

Donation options

1 $10 will help to immunize one malnourished kid against TB,MEASLES,TETANUS AND POLIO.

2. $15 will help to buy a mosquito nets for one kid and mother to protect them against malaria.

3. $ 20 will buy sunflower , moringa and aloe vera seedlings ready to plant for one teen woman in the group.

4. $ 50 will help to construct a beehive for one teen mother of the group.

5. $ 100 will assist to train the 224 teen mothers on honey harvesting, processing ,packaging and marketing methods.

6. $ 150 will help to buy one beekeeping outfit-gloves, veils, bee brushes, comp cutters, overall and boots for the teen mother.

7. $ 200 will buy a goat for one teen woman in the group for milk production to fight malnutrition in children.

8. $520 will be a kind contribution to buy edible sunflower oil and honey processing machines for the 224 teen mothers.

The problems which your donations will be used to address

Approach centre for community development has identified 224 teen mothers in Machakos County who are in need of support to take care of their very youth kids. These young (teen) mothers have either become pregnant while in school or immediately after school. They have been abandoned by their boy friends that impregnated them because the boy(s) could not support them economically.

This NGO has come up with two programs that will help these young mothers to take care to their kids to become responsible human beings in future. The Teen mother’s program is designed to economically empower these youth parents “girls” by introducing them to better farming of :-sunflower for extraction of edible oils, honey production for fighting malnutrition to kids, fish ponds farming for food and sales, aloe production for medicinal production and export, moringa planting for food and conservation of environment and dairy goats farming for milk to the kids to fight malnutrition. Sanitary towels supply and training.

The Kid’s program will include healthcare to kids:-basic medicines, immunization against TB, Tetanus, Measles, Diphtheria and Polio, Mosquitoes nets supply for fighting malaria and dental attention. Hygiene and nutrition, balanced diet and child care and basic education.

How these programs are interdependence on each other

The integration of beekeeping, sunflower farming and dairy goats farming for teen mothers will help the teen mothers to get edible oil for cooking from sunflower, honey from beehives will be used as food to fight malnutrition to their young kids, and the cake made from the sunflower will be used to feed the goats for more milk production for sale. Bees will get nectar from the sunflower for more honey production. Sun flower will also prevent soil erosion thus more soil fertility. Sunflower leaves and stalk will be used as composite manure in the farms. Honey comb (wax) will make candles to light at night. Fish harvested will be used for food; Moringa production will supply food for the youth family. Money gotten from sales of surplus fish, honey, aloe, sunflower and milk will be used for basic education for their kids.

What is the issue, problem or challenges?

Many females in Kenya are single teen mothers, most of them they become pregnant when they are in school and after school .after giving birth these girls are left by their boy friends to who impregnated them to pursue very hard life without any support from them. Most girls end up committing suicide and others die in their attempts to carry out abortions. Also many kids are either thrown into pit latrines, killed or abandoned on the road sides and public places by these young parents in order to avoid the agony of bringing them up. This practices results into many street children’s in the big cities and also many kids become thugs/thieves/killers when they grow up in order to get their daily bread.

On the other hand the Teen Mothers of these kids they turn into prostitutes, drug dealers/peddlers/transporters, slum dwellers, and human traffickers, spies for thieves, assassins and street beggars. The world known assassins, suicide bombers and child abusers are either drug dealers or has origins from single mother’s backgrounds.

To avoid all this it is in order for people to try and find ways how to solve this world calamities by going down to the root cause of all this.

This NGO has identified 224 Teen Mothers whom we are requesting for finance to help them in medical, social, agricultural and economic assistance to empower them to bring up their recently born kids to better responsible human beings in future. We will also train/capacity build all the single teen mothers in machakos county on the dangers of abortion, drugs abuse and prostitution.

How this project will solve this problem

By providing beehives, goats milk, seedlings of moringa, sunflowers, aloe to each of the 224 teenage mothers and Two fish ponds to be managed by all of them, the following will be achieved:-

1. Edible cooking oil will be produced from sunflower.

2. Milk produced from dairy goats will be sold for school fees and surplus as food.

3. Honey produced for food to fight malnutrition and surplus sold for basic school fees

4. Fish will be sold to local market to get money for other domestic needs and fees.

5. prostitutions, drug abuse, street children, abortion, human traffickers, slum dwellers

6. Better responsible human beings in future because of education.

Long term impacts

1. Empowering the women /economically will transform themselves and the community at large. This will also reduce malnutrition from their children. Prostitution will be stamped out and spread/ infections of HIV/AIDS will be minimized. Educated families led by teen mothers will be achieved.

2. Candles made from honey wax will reduce dependence on fire woods for lighting thus saving forests depletion.

3. Prostitution minimized

4. Reduced malnutrition in children

6. High levels of education among the children.

7. Good health to the children

8. Empowered economic status of teen women is raised

9 .Reduced cases of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

10. Soil conservation realized

11. Forests conservation practiced

12. Reduced child mortality rate.

Project message

By empowering 224 young(teen)mothers economically through introducing sunflower, fish ponds, aloe Vera, dairy goats and beekeeping we will help them to fight malnutrition to their young and vulnerable kids.-John Kitunda – Projects director

Funding information

Total funding received $0

Remaining goal to be funded- $ 62,838

Total funding goal- $ 62,838


1. Sunflower production benefits

a) Edible cooking oil for children malnutrition

b) Cake from sunflower will feed the goats for milk production

c) Sunflower stalks, leaves are used for composite manure, for soil fertility and also threads for basket weaving

d) Sunflower production prevents wind erosion on soil.

e) Sunflower oil sold in the market for school fees for children

f) Bees get nectar from sunflower.

2. a) Honey is used as food to fight malnutrition in children and sunflower sold to pay school fees.

b) Honey combs (wax) to make candles for lighting at night to save depletion on trees instead of firewood.

3. Dairy goat farming

a) Produced milk to fight malnutrition

b) Sunflower sold to pay school fees and other family necessities

c) Goat dropping used as manure for soil fertility

4. Aloe Vera production

a) Aloe Vera will be used in making soap for washing and cleaning.

b) Surplus aloe Vera will be sold for medicine production

5. Fish ponds will ensure a constant supply of fish to 224 teen mothers for food with

Their young kids


Projects Director

Email: approachcentre@

+254 722 719 007


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