SIDEBAR: A sad note on ophthalmologists

Avoiding Visual Degeneration[1]

Joseph G. Hattersley – February 20, 2001

3,226 words

Index: Macular degeneration Pages 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

Cataracts 5, 7

Glaucoma 4, 7

Others 7


Part I. Do physicians really and truly want to help their patients, even if it might cost them a lot of business? Ophthalmologists withheld from two of my friends, information that might have saved their vision. (See two revealing anecdotes, pages 2 and 3.)

An article in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) November 2, 1994, sings the praises of spinach. People who ate Popeye's favorite daily suffered only one-tenth as much age-related macular degeneration (AMD) as those who seldom ate spinach. And for patients with the condition, eating spinach prevented worsening.[i] [2]

Research has now confirmed that three to four portions of spinach weekly can reverse at least early AMD. “Dr. Richer, chief of the optometry section at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs in North Chicago, recently tested 14 patients who were showing the first signs of AMD. After just 12 weeks of eating three to four portions of spinach a week, those in the study showed 60% to 80% improvement in their AMD tests. Among the eight who had either a hole or a distortion in their vision, for seven the problem either improved or disappeared completely.”[ii]

The macula is a light-sensitive part of the central retinal area near the optic nerve; it provides sharp central visual acuity. AMD is the leading cause of blindness among American, Canadian and English elderly, and it afflicts nearly 40 percent of the more than 10 million Americans with diabetes.[iii] AMD is a cousin of coronary heart disease, and shares with it a common ancestor: atherosclerosis.[iv] Free radicals promote and speed macular degeneration as well as aging, heart disease, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease, among others.

The benefits result largely from spinach's thousands of carotenoids, which are phytonutrients (plant nutrients) related to and including carotenes. “High concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin, both of them carotenoids, are found in [and so, presumably, required by] the retina of the eye, explaining why consuming them in diet protects against macular degeneration.”[v] [vi] New research finds that eggs may be an especially good source of lutein and zeaxanthin because substances in the yolk make it easier for the body to absorb these compounds.[vii] It is already known that eating eggs does not elevate risk of heart attack; in fact, published research found that those who ate more eggs had fewer heart attacks.[viii] So such findings strengthen our recommendation to eat whole, natural foods including all the eggs we want.

Besides AMD, many of these fight cancers and other afflictions; and they do it better than beta-carotene, the only carotenoid found in most vitamin supplements. Other dark-green leafy vegetables such as kale, collards, and Brussels sprouts offer much the same multiple nutrients/-vitamin/mineral benefits.

Note: Lightly steaming these vegetables can break the carotene-fiber bond and facilitate absorption.[ix] Unlike boiling or pressure cooking, the lower temperature during steaming spares at least some of the needed enzymes.[x] Also, kale tastes better when chopped up and stir-fried with a little extra-virgin olive oil over low heat for about 15 minutes. The still lower temperature of stir-frying should retain even more of the enzymes.

SIDEBAR: Organic really may be worth the extra price. Bob Smith of Doctor's Data, West Chicago, found organic fruits and vegetables offered up to 4 times more trace elements, 13 times more selenium, 20 times more calcium and manganese than supermarket foods. And organic contains 40% less aluminum, 29% less cadmium, 25% less lead, 28% less rubidium -- elements commonly associated with disease.[xi] [xii]

However, the claim of lower toxicity for organic food is misleading. Mr. Smith and Dr. Virginia Worthington’s confirming study[xiii] counted only a tiny fraction of the whole. “Amounts of synthetic pesticide residues on fruits or vegetables in a typical US supermarket are minuscule compared to the natural toxins these plant foods contain. If one extracted all the toxic compounds in a commercially grown vegetable and divided them into two piles -- natural and synthetic -- the natural pile would weigh, on average, several thousand times more than the synthetic pile.”[xiv] [xv] Renowned geneticist and biochemist Bruce N. Ames, PhD, concurs. “I see no reason to think synthetic toxins are any more dangerous than natural ones. The natural constitute at least 99.99 percent of all the pesticides we consume. Attention should go, instead to the chief culprits in human disease: smoking and bad diet. I regard talk about synthetic pesticides merely as a distraction.“ [xvi]

But no one has answered the critical question: are those nutrient levels in organic food still, say, 75 percent too low? Evidence from other sources suggests they indeed are.[xvii] [xviii] Unless raised on virgin soil, organic produce comes from soil that was long subjected to crop sprays and fertilized with only three nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, NPK). This explains both (a) the finding of “less” of dangerous substances in organic produce, but not “none” of them, and (b) the fact that organic produce doesn’t supply enough minerals. Veterinary nutrition is 50 years ahead of human nutrition,[xix] and so organic meat and, especially, eggs will help fill this gap. Organic food typically does taste better.


Green tea (unprocessed, preferably organic) is thought to help slow or even halt progression of AMD,[xx] besides strong anticancer benefits.[xxi] [xxii] In an animal tumor model, green tea ingredients induced apoptosis (programmed cell death “for the good of the organism”) among cancer cells. Those cells are commanded to commit suicide, i.e. apoptosis. or be murdered.[xxiii] The bioflavonoids -- flavone compounds that accompany vitamin C in plant structures[3] -- in green tea help prevent keratoses, cancers, cardiovascular and liver diseases.[xxiv] And they explain why green tea is nearly 20 times stronger an antioxidant than vitamin E in the usual alpha-tocopherol form.[xxv] However, recent research has found that tea is typically high in toxic fluoride, and that people who are or might be hypothyroid would do well to find other preventives for cancer etc. Andreas Schuld’s research shows that tea grows best on fluoridated soil, and tends to suck up fluoride waste from under ground. Fluoride, besides its toxicity, also weakens thyroid function.

A recent addition to the arsenal of protection against cancers and infections is Microhydrin. This supplement supplies a huge number of negatively charged hydrogen atoms, providing an opposite “pole” for antioxidants. A capsule contains more of them than a roomful of vitamin C.[xxvi] It cooperates with antioxidants to make the internal biological terrain[xxvii] unfriendly to disease organisms.[4] Two capsules daily of Microhydrin for two months destroyed a lump in my right breast. My physician, Michael R Boyd, MD of Olympia, has seen two malignant breast lumps in males. For maintenance at age 79, I take three capsules daily.

Two anecdotes reveal the extent of the eye-specialist problem.

A few years ago a bridge-playing friend of ours went to his eye doctor with early macular degeneration. The doctor never mentioned kale, chard, spinach or green tea. And now our friend can no longer hunt deer, play bridge, repair things, read or engage in other much loved activities.

A neighbor’s mother had very advanced AMD; her eye doctor was using lasers on her and more, yet the condition was worsening. My friend noticed a huge bottle of aspirin in her mother’s house and suggested she stop taking it. After that, her eye condition stabilized. Why?

(a) A letter in New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 reported that aspirin can cause AMD. JD Kingham, MD, wrote, “Since 1983 at our clinic, many elderly patients who present with decreased central vision and macular hemorrhage [the most severe form of AMD] have a history of recent ingestion of aspirin and other drugs known to affect platelet function or the coagulation process.”[xxviii]

(b) And patients with blocked arteries to the brain (a dangerous stroke situation) have three times as many strokes from ruptured arteries if they are taking an aspirin a day.[xxix]

Dr. Kingham’s discovery and that reported in Medical Tribune have not been confirmed.[xxx] But a massive computer literature search by Kirk Hamilton, PA, publisher of Clinical Pearls News, Sacramento, CA, found no refutation.[xxxi] So there is at least a caution flag on long-term aspirin.

Fortunately, aspirin’s anti-clotting benefits in lowering risk of heart attack and stroke can be obtained without side effects in at least two ways. (a) White willow bark, which the Greek physician Dioscorides used in the first century AD. People with a headache long chewed white willow bark. Bayer Co. derived aspirin itself from the bark, modifying the molecule to make it patentable. This modification is the source of excess bleeding, digestive upsets, worsened gut permeability and 3,000 U.S. deaths a year from aspirin poisoning,[xxxii] as well as the risk of ultimate blindness.[xxxiii]

Jonathan V. Wright, MD, a leading alternative/integrative practitioner in Kent, WA has found that two 400-milligram capsules of the powdered bark provide about the same amount of salicin, the active ingredient, as a baby aspirin. Four such capsules thin the blood as effectively as an adult aspirin.[xxxiv] (See Part 2.)

(b) Another alternative: three glasses daily of purple grape juice can reduce platelet aggregation as much as a daily aspirin. “Blood platelets floating in a juice solution clotted about 30% less than platelets not in the juice, and released three times more chemicals that widen blood vessels and inhibit clots.” [xxxv] And unlike aspirin, the flavonoids in purple grape juice remain effective when adrenaline levels rise.[xxxvi] In another test, purple grape juice lowered susceptibility of LDL-cholesterol to oxidation.[xxxvii]

Also, a published clinical test showed melatonin lowers eyeball pressure in glaucoma patients. The insomnia age group — for whom its use is safe and appropriate at 1 to 5 milligrams before bedtime -- is the same as the glaucoma age group.[xxxviii]


SIDEBAR: All this is complicated by an absurd theory, propounded by the antediluvian American Heart Association, crediting the dramatic decline in American heart attacks since 1965 to massive ingestion of artificial flavors in processed foods.[xxxix] [xl] The artificial flavorings in everything from barbecued potato chips to toothpaste, all contain salicylates, aspirin-like chemicals. The typical American diet includes processed foods to provide the equivalent of more than one baby aspirin daily.[xli]

“So, if you consume such foods and have also been prescribed an aspirin daily, you are now getting the equivalent of nearly two aspirin daily.” [xlii] In fact, the people eating that kind of junk diet are the most susceptible to heart attacks.


Dr. John N. Ott, the greatest authority on the subject of light showed that depriving ourselves of ANY ultraviolet greatly worsens risk of macular degeneration.[xliii] For the cells of the macula to remain healthy, periodically they need to divide; but they will not do so without full-spectrum light.[xliv] Well, how does light enter the picture?

“Scientists” shined intense UV light into animals' eyes, mechanically holding their eyelids apart. Damage resulted. So they concluded that "UV is dangerous" and we must protect ourselves from any of it. By the same reasoning, we should not breathe air or drink water. The EPA (Environmental “Protection” Agency) wants us all to “protect ourselves from ultraviolet whenever we can see our shadow.” That is a prescription for long-term sickness and bad behavior, as well as ultimate blindness.[xlv] [xlvi] [xlvii]

Why the quotation marks around “scientists”? Just this: nearly all such technicians are out to prove something. And if they do not find what their benefactor wants in order to make more money, a “scientist” is soon out on the street looking for a new career. The only true science, then, can come from the precious few investigators who are not beholden to anyone. The author of the present paper fills that bill. Who can get rich promoting sunshine?

Dr. Ott showed that a little UV is necessary as a nutrient for health. Installing radiation shielded full-spectrum lights in the home for daily living, he said, should at least prevent the macula from continuing to degenerate. He didn’t say that would cure AMD, but it might in some cases.[xlviii] Those selling health equipment and products have to be careful in telling their benefits, at risk of being put out of business by the FDA.

Manufacturers of “ethical” drugs, in contrast, are permitted to promote those drugs’ benefits, and they spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year doing so--both through multicolor, multi-page ads in medical journals and to physicians through “detail people.” More and more, they promote their drugs directly to consumers through television and print media. All this despite the fact that their drugs, even when used according to label directions in hospitals, kill hundreds of thousands[xlix] [l] [li] every year -- in large part because many of them were fraudulently tested.[lii]

SIDEBAR: Even low exposure to UVB might significantly increase risk of cataracts. But that afflicts principally, if not exclusively, people consuming a nutrient-depleted Western processed diet rich in unsaturated fats and loaded with excitotoxins (next section).[liii] Those who eat more sensibly and supplement antioxidants such as vitamins C and E develop cataracts much more slowly, if at all, even from lengthy sun exposure.[liv] In the Nurses’ Health Study, women who supplemented vitamin C for 10 years or longer had 77% lower prevalence of early opacities and 83% lower prevalence of moderate opacities, compared with those who consumed little of the vitamin.[lv]

Thirty years ago an ophthalmologist detected incipient cataracts in my eyes. He predicted they would worsen inexorably and would require ultimate surgery; nothing could be done to prevent this. But I changed my diet to include more raw, organic fruits and vegetables, less MSG, zero aspartame and zero Olestra; I exercised more and made other sensible changes in my life. I included and continue to include frequent moderate sunlight exposure. Sherry A. Rogers, MD, suggests 30 minutes a day, adjusting to individual needs.[lvi] I take 20 minutes, when possible without clothing. There has been hardly any progression in those incipient cataracts.[5]

Macular degeneration and diet. (1) In rats, excitotoxins rapidly damage the macula, offering a new slant on burgeoning AMD. They wreak many other ill effects on people consuming processed foods. Monosodium glutamate (MSG),[6] aspartame (Nutra-Sweet®) and nearly all processed foods contain dangerous quantities of glutamate, aspartate, cysteine and related compounds. These excitotoxic drugs, added to foods, discharge nerve cells in the mouth to augment the sensation of flavor. Addictive[lvii] Aspartame breaks down into carcinogenic, eye-destroying formaldehyde and deadly methyl alcohol.[lviii] [lix] [lx]

The public long ago began to be aware of some of the risks of MSG; and so, to hide the deadly character of their products, food processing companies adopted a laundry list of innocent-sounding labels. Avoid all diet foods, diet drinks, and such products as Accent, autolyzed yeast, HVP, hydrolyzed or texturized vegetable protein -- especially bad because they contain three excitotoxins -- hydrolyzed plant protein, Kombu extract, Chinese seasoning, gourmet powder, RL50, broth, bouillon, caseinate, flavoring and natural flavoring. (It doesn't have to be labeled when it's in ice cream.)[lxi] [lxii] [lxiii] Any of these are even more dangerous when heated.

"Natural"? MSG is found in, e.g., tomatoes and mushrooms -- but at about 1,000th of the concentration used in food processing. Incredibly, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules permit processed foods to contain large amounts of MSG but be labeled "no MSG added."[lxiv] [lxv] [lxvi] [lxvii]

(2) Eating one ounce of Olestra (Olean®)-containing chips daily for two weeks lowered vision-protective carotene levels by 50 percent.[lxviii]

The eye specialists could perhaps be excused for not knowing about how full spectrum light helps the eyes, and for not knowing that MSG- and aspartame-polluted foods and Olean promote macular degeneration. But both of them probably subscribe to JAMA and New England Journal of Medicine, and so they had no excuse for keeping quiet about kale, spinach and aspirin except their own financial self-interest. They were wrong to deprive their patients of that healing news and should be held responsible. Class-action lawyers might look into this.

Ophthalmologists may complain that telling patients these truths could put them out of business. But after cars replaced buggies, buggy-whip makers couldn’t force people to buy buggy whips. They learned new trades, and so can those eye specialists.

Part II. A. Dr. Jonathan V. Wright’s treatment. Dr. Wright said to take selenium, taurine, vitamin E and zinc. And put DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide, a solvent obtainable at health food stores and paint stores) on any part of the skin. The DMSO, which itself offers powerful healing features,[lxix] is a necessary part of the procedure: it strongly increases absorption of these nutrients.[lxx] [lxxi] Some patients of his recovered from macular degeneration using this therapy and have stayed clear of it for as long as four years. The method works better in some cases than others.

The quantities, written on a prescription form:

Zinc, preferably picolinate, 30 mg x 2 = 60 mg/day;* zinc is best absorbed when taken half an hour before breakfast; in a few, this timing may cause nausea. The eye contains more zinc than any other part of the body.

Vitamin E, 800 mg/day

Selenium, 500 micrograms/day

Taurine: 620 mg x 2 twice a day = 2+ grams/day. The label instructions say not to use this amino acid when taking aspirin or any product containing aspirin; take between meals or before a meal.

* Taking zinc supplement of this magnitude, you should have a red-blood-cell copper blood test ($40, not paid by insurance) every two months; and 500 mcg of selenium daily cannot continue for a long time.

Full-spectrum light is also effective against seasonal depression ("SAD"). Nonseasonal depression benefits too,[lxxii] but not as much.[lxxiii] It has other major health benefits including reduction of tooth decay.[lxxiv] It has also greatly improved behavior of previously UV-deprived children.[lxxv] [lxxvi] For full-spectrum light fixtures, consult . Cheaper equipment is inferior.

Vitamin D and calcium. Arthur A. Knapp, MD, used 50,000 units of vitamin D and one gram of calcium on intermittent days. These helped against eye conditions including myopia, keratoconus, cataract, optic nerve atrophy and retinitis pigmentosa.

A related problem affects people with asthma. Inhaled steroids, intended to block or reduce inflammation, were long claimed not to circulate throughout the body. Yet for many older patients they promote glaucoma, the leading cause of blindness in the population. The risk appeared to be elevated by 44 percent compared to matched patients not using inhaled steroids. Lea Davies of Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC, adds that inhaled steroids may cause about one-third of the 3,000 glaucoma cases developing each year among Americans over 65.[lxxvii] Inhaled steroids reduce bone density in the spines of women with asthma. The greater the cumulative dose of inhaled steroids, the greater the reduction in bone mineral density of the spine in women.[lxxviii]

“The drugs commonly used in the treatment of allergic conditions, including asthma, have many potentially harmful and dangerous side effects. These antihistamines, steroid hormones, or xanthine derivatives have side effects that may be merely annoying to a child but in many instances are dangerous. For example, steroid treatment of asthmatic children has been demonstrated to retard lung maturation and physical growth[lxxix] and to cause a higher incidence of cataracts in children receiving long-term steroid therapy.[lxxx]

The way out of that dilemma is to find a treatment for the asthma other than inhaled steroids. Suggestion number one: Joseph G. Hattersley, MA and Kevin J. Treacy, MBBS. Overbreathing: Its Evils and What You Can Do About it. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients 1998;Jan:92-95. An update will appear on Hattersley’s web site.



[1] Most of Part I was published. Hattersley JG. Suggestions for avoiding macular degeneration. Townsend Ltr Doc/Patients 1999;Feb/Mar:122-123 (ltr).

[2] Strangely, Dr. JM Seddon, the principal author, tried but could not repeat the finding. Personal communication, 1998.

[3] Examples include grape skins, grape seeds (if chewed up) and the tasteless white pulp inside citrus peels.

[4] Source of supply: Royal BodyCare (800) 722-0444; 972 893-4000.

[5] Examination by Rodger Bodoia, MD, of Olympia, WA in June 2001.

[6] Supplements of vitamin B6 protect many people against effects of MSG. Gaby Alan M, MD. B6. The Natural Healer. New Canaan, CT: Keats Publ, 1987.


[i] Seddon JM, Ajani UA et al. Dietary carotenoids, vitamins A, C, and E, and advanced age-related macular degeneration. Eye Disease Case-Control Study Group. JAMA 1994; 272:1413- 1420.

[ii] Williams DG. Everyday habits to improve your life… and your life span. Alternatives for the Health Conscious Individual 1999;7;22:169-176.

[iii] Lucidi EA. Cataracts, macular degeneration, blindness ---Focus of eye research. Jour Longevity 1998;4;1:24-26.

[iv] Vingerling JR et al. Age-related macular degeneration is associated with atherosclerosis. Am J Epidemiology 1995; 142;4:404-409.

[v] Martin S. Is this the most powerful antioxidant yet found? Int J Alt & Comp Med 1996;14(5):11-12.

[vi] Seddon JM, Ajani UA et al. Op. cit.

[vii] Blumberg J et al. Amer Jour Clin Nutr 1999;Aug.

[viii] Hattersley JG. Eggs are great food! Townsend Ltr Doctors and Patients 1996;Jan:46-49.

[ix] Hattersley JG. The sunny side of eggs. What Doctors Don’t Tell You. 1999;10;2:12.

[x] Williams DG. Alternatives for the Health Conscious Individual. Supplement research update, 1999;Feb.

[xi] Lee L. Radiation Protection Manual. 3rd ed., 1990.

[xii] Smith BL. Organic foods vs. supermarket foods: Element levels. J Appl Nutr 1993; 45:35-39.

[xiii] Smith BL. Personal communication, 1995.

[xiv] Worthington V. Effect of agricultural methods on nutritional quality: A comparison of organic with conventional crops. Alternative Therapies 1997;4:58-63.

[xv] Profet M. Protecting Your Baby-to-Be. Preventing Birth Defects in the First Trimester. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publ, 1995.

[xvi] Lendon H. Smith, MD, with Joseph Hattersley, MA. THE INFANT SURVIVAL GUIDE. Petaluma, CA: Smart Publications, 2000: Chapter 9.

[xvii] Ames B. Interview on Bland JS, Funct Med Update 2000;Nov.

[xviii] Wilcox A. As I see it. Australasian Health & Healing 1995;Aug/Oct:43-45.

[xix] Gemmer E. Who stole America’s health? Lecture, 1995.

[xx] Wallach JD. Dead doctors don’t lie. Lecture, 1995.

[xxi] Opara EC. Antioxidants -- The latest weapon in the war on smoking, Part 2. VRP Nutritional news 1997;11;8:4,10.

[xxii] Wang ZY, Huang MT, Lou YR, et al. Inhibitory effects of black tea, green tea, decaffeinated black tea, and decaffeinated green tea on ultraviolet B light-induced skin carcinogenesis in 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-initiated SKH mice. Cancer Res 1994; 54:3428-3435.

[xxiii] Conney AH, Wang Z-Y, Huang M-T et al. Inhibitory effect of green tea on tumorigenesis by chemicals and ultra violet light. Prev Med 1992;21:361-369.

[xxiv] Ahmad N, Feyes DK, Nieminen A-L, Agarwal R, Mukhtar H. Green tea constituent epigallocatechin-3-dallate and induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in human carcinoma cells. J Natl Cancer Inst 1997;89:1881-1886.

[xxv] Imai K, Nakachi K. Cross sectional study of effects of drinking green tea on cardiovascular and liver diseases. Brit Med J 1995;310:693-696.

[xxvi] Opara EC. Antioxidants-—The latest weapon in the war on smoking, Part 2. VRP Nutritional news 1997;11;8:4,10.

[xxvii] Flanagan M. Interview, 1998.

[xxviii] Hume ED. Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology. London: CW Daniel, 1923.

[xxix] Kingham JD. Macular hemorrhage in the aging eye: The effects of anticoagulants. New Eng J Med 1988;318:1126-1127 (ltr).

[xxx] Medical Tribune 1992;June 25.

[xxxi] Allison, Stanley C., MD. Eye Physicians of Olympia, Inc. PS. 420 Lilly Rd NE, Olympia, WA 98506. Lecture, 1999.

[xxxii] Hamilton K. Personal communication, 1998.

[xxxiii] Scheer J. Health Freedom News 1999;Jan/Feb.

[xxxiv] Hattersley JG. Gain the benefits of aspirin without going blind. Health Freedom News 1998;Spring:34.

[xxxv] Wright JV. Interview, 1996.

[xxxvi] Chester R. The Courier-Mail 1998;Nov 13, p. 11.

[xxxvii] Mann D. Purple grape juice, wine and beer all cardioprotective. Med Tribune 1997;May 1:26.

[xxxviii] Circulation 1999;100:1050-1055.

[xxxix] Wright JV. Interview on Bland JS. Funct Med Update 1997;Apr.

[xl] Sci News 1993(Nov 6);144:19.

[xli] Douglass WC. Second Opinion 1996;March:3.

[xlii] West B. Healthy hearts and artificial flavors. Health Alert 1996(May);13;5:6-7.

[xliii] Idem.

[xliv] Ott JN. Light, Radiation and You: How to Stay Healthy. Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair Publishers, 1990.

[xlv] Ott JN. Interview on Bland JS, Prev Med Update. 1991;Jan.

[xlvi] Ott JN. Light, Radiation and You: How to Stay Healthy. Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair Publishers, 1990.

[xlvii] Hattersley JG. Full-spectrum light: Energy and health builder. PPNF Health Journal 1995;winter:3-5.

[xlviii] The healing power of full-spectrum light. Nexus New Times 2001(July/Aug) 8;4:31-34,73-74 (complete paper with references on .)

[xlix] Ott JN. Interview on Bland JS. Prev Med Update 1991;Jan.

[l] Lazarou J, Pomeranz BH, Corey PN. Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients. JAMA 1998; 279;15:1200-1205.

[li] Bates DW. Drugs and adverse drug reactions. How worried should we be? JAMA 1998;279; 15:1216-1217.

[lii] Bland JS. Funct Med Update 1997;June.

[liii] Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research. The Pharmaceutical Drug Racket. PO Box 234, Lawson, NSW 2783, Australia.

[liv] Black HS et al. Relation of antioxidants and level of dietary lipids to epidermal lipid peroxidation and ultraviolet carcinogenesis. Cancer Research 1985;45:6254-6259.

[lv] Leske MC Chylack LT Jr., He Q et al. Antioxidant vitamins and nuclear opacities. Ophthalmology 1998;105:18-36.

[lvi] Beebe DC. Nuclear cataracts and nutrition: Hope for intervention early and late in life. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1998(Aug);39;9:1531-1534.

[lvii] Rogers SA. Total Health in Today’s World. 1997;1;2:2.

[lviii] Roberts HJ. Aspartame (NutraSweet®) addiction. Townsend Ltr Doc/-Patients 2000;Jan:52-57.

[lix] Schwartz G. In Bad Taste: The MSG Syndrome. Albuquerque, NM: Health Press, 1988.

[lx] Blaylock Russell L, MD. Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. Albuquerque, NM: Health Press, 1995.

[lxi] Lee, Lita, PhD. Radiation Protection Manual, 3rd edition 1990. PO Box 516, Lowell, OR 97452 (541) 937-1123.

[lxii] Schwartz, George, MD. In Bad Taste: The MSG Syndrome. Albuquerque, NM: Health Press, 1988.

[lxiii] Blaylock RL. Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. Op. cit.

[lxiv] Lee L. Radiation Protection Manual, 3rd edition 1990.

[lxv] Lee L. Radiation Protection Manual. Op. cit.

[lxvi] Schwartz G. In Bad Taste: The MSG Syndrome. Op. cit..

[lxvii] Blaylock RL. Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. Op. cit.

[lxviii] Laura Lee's revealing 1995 interviews with both doctors (nationwide radio, Saturdays 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Pacific time, KVI 570).

[lxix] Williams DG. Mailbox. Alternatives for the Health Conscious Individual. 1998;June:95-96.

[lxx] Williams, David G, DC. Miracle Healer: DMSO. Sixth Ed, 1997. Ingram, TX: Mountain Home Publ, 1997.

[lxxi] Wright JV. Lecture in Pasadena February 21, 1993.

[lxxii] Wright JV. March 4, 1993, phone conference with Dennis and with Terry, physician's assistant at Dr. Wright's Tahoma Clinic dispensary.

[lxxiii] Kripke DF. Light treatment for nonseasonal depression: Speed, efficacy, and combined treatment. J Affective Disorders 1998;49:109-117.

[lxxiv] Thalen B-E et al. Light treatment in seasonal and nonseasonal depression. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1995;91:352-360.

[lxxv] Ott John N, ScD (Hon). Light, Radiation and You: How to Stay Healthy. Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair Publishers, 1990.

[lxxvi] Ott JN. Light, Radiation and You: How to Stay Healthy. Op. cit.

[lxxvii] Hattersley JG. Full-spectrum light: Energy and health builder. PPNF Health J 1995; winter: 3-6. An expanded, updated write-up will be on his web site.

[lxxviii] Sternberg S. Breathing freely threatens seeing clearly. Sci News 1997 (Mar 8);151:143; see also JAMA March 5, 1997.

[lxxix] Inhaled steroids cause spinal osteoporosis. What Doctors Don’t Tell You 1998;8;12:11. And JAMA 1998;279:255.

[lxxx] Taylor DR, Sears MR, Herbison GP, et al. Regular inhaled beta agonists in asthma: Effects on exacerbations and lung function. Thorax 1993;48:134-138.

[lxxxi] Mendelsohn, Rpbert S, MD. How to Raise a Healthy Child… In Spite of Your Doctor. NY: Ballantine Books, 1984.


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