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Visa Platinum

Car Rental Insurance

Visa Platinum


Table of Contents

Section A. Introduction A.1. About this Guide ............................................................................................................ 03 A.2. Visa Platinum ................................................................................................................. 04 A.3. Definitions of the Benefits Described in this Guide....................................................... 04 A.4. General Provisions of the Program ................................................................................ 05 Section B. Car Rental Insurance B.1. General Aspects .............................................................................................................. 07 B.2. Car Rental Insurance ...................................................................................................... 07 General Exclusions to Benefits in Section B. ........................................................................ 15

Visa Platinum


Section A. Introduction

A.1 About this Guide

This document is intended to be used as a guide for quick reference on the Car Rental Insurance offered to the Visa Platinum Cardholders and their beneficiaries, as defined below.

Here, the cardholder will find information on Car Rental Insurance and coverage offered.

The full version of the insurance policy (SUSEP Process No. 08737100109690000043), executed between Visa International Service Association ("Visa") and AIG Seguros Brasil S/A, CNPJ/MF No 33.040.981/0001-50 (SUSEP code No. 15415.001459/2009-82 ? Civil Responsibility, 20-000391/2012 ? Special Condition: Auto Rental). Visa acts as merely the policyholder in the insurance agreement and acts before AIG Seguros Brasil S/A on behalf of the insureds, having no obligation to make any payments in their favor. The registration of the insurance policy referred to in this guide with SUSEP does not

imply, by the local authority, inducement or recommendation to its commercialization. Enjoy reading and refer to this guide whenever you have any doubts about the Car Rental Insurance offered by your Visa Platinum Card. Below you will find some information about this product.

If you want information about other benefits provided by Visa Platinum Card, visit the page .br/visaplatinum.

Visa Platinum


A.2. Visa Platinum

Visa Platinum is an exclusive card, developed for special customers. It is intended for affluent consumers who are frequently travelling abroad and require the full availability of services, insurance and credit.

Visa Platinum offers many important travel benefits.

The Visa Platinum Card is accepted in more than 30 million merchants, in 150 countries and territories, and can be used to withdraw cash in local currency in more than one million ATMs.

For more information on the benefits provided by your Visa Platinum Card, please access .br/visaplatinum, or contact by phone the following numbers through toll free: 0800-891-3679 (Brazil), 1-800-396-9665 (USA and Canada)1, or collect calls: 1-303-9671098 (other countries)1e2. 1 For calls made by mobile phone, all roaming charges are user responsibility. 2 Collect call through an international operator.

A.3. Definitions of the Benefits described in this Guide*

(* = specific restrictions may apply. Please refer to the specific section of the benefit in question)

BENEFICIARIES: The Visa Platinum CARDHOLDER, his/her spouse and children considered ECONOMICALLY DEPENDENT, minor of 23 years of age, subject to the provisions of applicable laws.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: Communication channel and available facilities (equipment, systems and staff) which purpose is to make the interface between Visa and customers. It can be accessed through the following telephone numbers: 0800-891-3679 (Brazil), 1-800-3969665 (USA and Canada)1, or collect calls: 1-303-967-1098 (other countries)1e2. 1 For calls made by mobile phone, all roaming charges are user responsibility. 2 Collect call through an international operator.

INSURANCE COMPANY: AIG Seguros Brasil S/A, CNPJ/MF No. 33.040.981/0001-50.

INSURED: An active CARDHOLDER, his/her spouse and unmarried dependent children under age 23, under the benefits provided for in Section B.

SPOUSE: person related to the CARDHOLDER by marriage or common-law marriage (uni?o est?vel), under the applicable laws in force.

Visa Platinum


ECONOMIC DEPENDENTS: CARDHOLDER's single children and under 23 years old who cumulatively: (a) reside with the CARDHOLDER or are under his/her responsibility; and (b) are financially supported by the CARDHOLDER. This definition includes the CARDHOLDER's stepchildren.

CLAIM FORM: document to be supplied by CUSTOMER SERVICE, upon notification of an incident or request for benefit, which must be filled out and returned together with the required documents within the deadlines for each of the benefits presented.

CARDHOLDER: individual who holds an active and valid Visa Platinum Card, issued in its name in Brazil, as holder or additional holder.



The CARDHOLDER, the one designated by the CARDHOLDER or the CARDHOLDER's representative, as applicable, should contact the CUSTOMER SERVICE immediately but, in any case, within the time limit established for each of the benefits provided, even if not yet in possession of the documents that will support the CLAIM FORM. Delayed communication may result in the loss of benefit.

The CUSTOMER SERVICE's operator will answer any of the CARDHOLDER's questions and send a CLAIM FORM.

Upon receiving the CLAIM FORM, the CARDHOLDER, the one designated by the CARDHOLDER or the CARDHOLDER's representative, as applicable, must fill out the form and return it along with the required documentation required for each offered benefit.

These documents must be submitted up to 90 days (depending on the program) from the initial contact with the CUSTOMER SERVICE to the addresses below:

Claims Administrator: Visa Card Benefits Administration (VCBA) Maip? 255- Piso 17 C1084 ABE, Buenos Aires, Argentina


The INSUREDS shall use their best efforts to avoid or reduce any loss or damage to the insured property under this program.


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