Why Study - Quia

Why Study? Short Term Plan to get the Long Term Benefits

On a daily basis you need “TAPE” to make your plan stick


And a

Place to

Execute your plan

1. T: Write down your homework in your agenda book daily and schedule a Time

A: And a Place to complete the homework.

-Look beyond the current day/week when planning and be sure to prioritize!

-The Time should include your extended study-40 minutes to get things done!

2. P: The Place that you choose should be a quiet place away from any distractions (that means phone, TV, iPods, Computers-you know, “my space” kind of stuff)

3. E: To Execute the plan you have to ACTIVELY study: Remember, your brain is like a muscle-for it to get stronger, you have to get it moving!

[pic] Work that Brain and get it Moving! [pic]

Active vs Inactive studying

Inactive studying includes just reading a vocabulary list or even a chapter in a book! This type of studying is like trying to read a page from a book posted on a street sign going 65 miles an hour. All you saw was a bunch of words: none of the information went into long term memory!

Actively studying: It is like dipping a paper towel in a bucket of water…the more you dip it, the more likely the paper towel will stick when you throw it against the wall!


o, how can I actively study in Señor Gouldthorpe’s class? Just keep reading…

• GO TO AND PRACTICE VOCABULARY. There are a variety of activities on this site to help you memorize the vocabulary!

• GO TO WWW. AND COMPLETE 75-100 ROTATIONS for the vocabulary words (Spanish Vocab by book-Realidades 3) and/or verb conjugations (Click on Spanish Verbs and complete #8,9,10,11(Practice with the preterite) and #12 (Practice with the imperfect tense). Print out your results and place them in your notebook to keep track of your progress.

• COMPLETE PRACTICE EXERCISES FROM THE ONLINE TEXTBOOK! Many of these exercises will check your answers for you to give you instant feedback! Remember, to get to the online textbook, go to the e-learning page, go to the Prentice Hall Box, click on interactive textbook for students and select the appropriate level.

• COMPLETE THE PRACTICE EXERCISES FROM WWW. AND ENTER THE APPROPRIATE WEBCODE. These exercises will also check your answers for you! The webcodes for the the year are located at the bottom of this paper.

• GO TO WWW. AND FIND A RELEVANT GRAMMAR TOPIC WE ARE STUDYING. TRY THE FREE PRACTICE QUIZ AND PRACTICE TEST. This website also gives thorough explanations of almost every topic we study!



• GO TO OUR CLASS WEBPAGE AND TRY SOME OF THE ACTIVITIES LISTED UNDER “QUIA ACTIVITIES.” There is always an activity already there for what we are studying. Many times, I will create a new one just before the test! There are also many links to other websites at the bottom of the webpage for practice!

• WRITE DOWN vocabulary words 5 times each in English and Spanish and say them ALOUD as you do so. You can also do this with verb conjugations, grammar formulas, and key points from notes. Save the papers that you use and use them for your “What have I done to prepare for the quiz/test chart.”

• HAVE YOUR PARENTS CALL OUT THE VOCABULARY words in English and you spell the words back to them in Spanish. Have your parents sign the paper stating that you have successfully spelled out the words in Spanish and attach the paper to your “What have I done to prepare for the quiz/test chart.”

• WRITE DOWN THE VERB CONJUGATIONS IN FRONT OF YOUR PARENTS! They can hold the master copy of the conjugations to check your progress!

• WANT MORE? See Señor Gouldthorpe! (

Web codes for

Go to: and enter in the web codes

Español II-1st semester

“Para Empezar”

Jdd-0001: Practice with Adjectives (p.3)

Jdd-0002: Practice with “Ser” (p.5)

Jdd-0003: Practice with Nationalities (p.6)

Jdd-0004: Practice with Regular Verbs (p.9)

Question Words (p. 10)

Capítulo 1A

Jdd-0101: Review of vocabulary and grammar (“tener”, “go” verbs,

“tener que + infinitivo” p. 14 & 15)

Jdd-0102: Practice with vocabulary 1A (p.18 & 19-Entire list page 40)

Jdd-0104: Practice with stem-changing verbs (p.27)

Jdd-0105: Practice with affirmative and negative words (p.31)

Jdd-0107: Practice test Ch. 1A

Capítulo 1B

Jdd-0111: Review of vocabulary and grammar (“ir” and “ir + a + infinitivo” p. 42 & 43)

Jdd-0112: Vocabulary practice (p.46 & 47)

Jdd-0114: Comparisons (p.53)

Jdd-0115: Saber y Conocer (p.56)

Jdd-0116: Practice with Hace and Time expressions (p.58)

Jdd-0118: Practice Test Ch. 1B

Capítulo 2A

Jdd-0202: Vocabulary practice 2A (p. 74 & 75-Entire list page 96)

Jdd-0204: Reflexive verbs (p. 80)

Jdd-0205: Ser y Estar practice (p.86)

Jdd-0206: Possessive Adjectives long forms (p.88)

Jdd-0208: Practice Test 2A

Capítulo 2B

Jdd-0211: Review of Vocabulary and Grammar (p.99 #s 0-1,000,000)

Jdd-0212: Vocabulary practice (p. 102-103-entire list p.124)

Jdd-0214: Preterite of Regular Verbs (p.110)

Jdd-0215: Demonstrative Adjectives (p.114)

Jdd-0218: Practice Test 2B

Capítulo 3A

Jdd-0301: Practice with review vocabulary, telling time (p.126-127)

Jdd-0302: Practice with vocabulary 3A (p.130-131-Entire chapter list p.152)

Jdd-0304: Practice with Direct Object pronouns (p.138)

Jdd-0305: Practice with irregular preterite verbs ir/ser (p.140)

Jdd-0306: Practice with irregular preterite verbs hacer, tener, estar, poder (p.142)

Jdd-0308: Test Preparation for 3A

• Vocab list for 3A:

Capítulo 3B

Jdd-0311: Practice with review vocabulary and go verbs (p. 154-155)

Jdd-0312: Practice with 3B vocabulary (p.158-159-Entire list page 180)

Jdd-0314: Practice with direct object pronouns (p.166)

Jdd-0315: Practice with affirmative “tú” commands (p.168)

Jdd-0704: Practice with negative “tú” commands (p.356)

Jdd-0616: Practice with present progressive (p. 171)

Jdd-0318: Test preparation for chapter 3B

• : Click on “Spanish Verbs” and do #28 (Tú commands)

• Vocab list for 3B:

Capítulo 4A

Jdd-0401: Review of vocabulary, “ito”; “ísimo” (p. 157)

Jdd-0402: Practice with vocabulary (p. 186-187-Entire list page 208)

Jdd-0404: Practice with imperfect tense (p.194)

Jdd-0405: Practice with imperfect tense-irregular verbs (p.196)

Jdd-0406: Practice with indirect object pronouns (p.199)

Jdd-0408: Test preparation for chapter 4A

• : Click on “Spanish Verbs”and do #12 (Imperfect tense-all verbs)

• Vocab list for 4A:

Capítulo 4B

Jdd-0411: Vocabulary practice 4B (p. 212-213-Entire list page 234)

Jdd-0413: Practice with Imperfect tense usage (p.219)

Jdd-0414: Practice with Reciprocal Reflexives (p.224)

Jdd-0417: Test preparation for chapter 4B

• Vocab list for 4B:

Capítulo 5A

Jdd-0502: Vocabulary practice (p. 240-241-Entire list p. 262)

Jdd-0504: More practice with Imperfect tense usage-LoWATERS (p.248)

Jdd-0503: Pretérito: er/ir verbs stem ends in a vowel-leer, oír, destruir:“Sandalias“ (p.250)

Jdd-0513: Irregular preterites venir, poner, decir, traer (p. 274)

Jdd-0604: Preterite of –ir stem-changing verbs-“Sandalias” (p. 302)

Jdd-0417: Test preparation for chapter 4B

• Vocab list for 5B:

For preterite and imperfect information, go to our webpage and look under the following date:

For vocabulary practice at click on Spanish vocab by book and complete the following:

What have I done to prepare for Chapter 1B? A parent signature is required until you have at least an 80 C average on quizzes and tests.

|Date |Assignment (quiz on___/test on___ |What I did |Parent Signature |

|EX: 11/7 |Quiz on vocabulary recognition p.70 |Wrote down words in Eng/Spa 5 times each |Señor Ciarochi |

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