Sustainable Procurement 101 Definitions, Benefits & …

Sustainable Purchasing 101/102

Sustainable Procurement 101 Definitions, Benefits & Best Practices

Anne Jackson, DGS Mike Haifley, MDOT Maryland Green Purchasing Committee

Sustainable Purchasing 101/102

Project Partners

Sustainable Purchasing 101/102

What are Environmentally Preferable Goods & Services?

"...products and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared to competing products and services that serve the same purpose."

Green Maryland Act of 2010

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Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)

EPP = Environment +

Price + Performance

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Green Products are...

? Made with recycled content ? Highly energy efficient ? Designed to be long lasting ? Recyclable or compostable ? Made from renewable resources ? Less toxic than conventional goods ? Manufactured locally and responsibly ? Safely managed at the end of their life

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The 7 "Sins" of Greenwashing

Sin of Vagueness

"100% Natural"

No Proof "Just trust us"

Irrelevance "CFC-Free"

Hidden Trade-Off Compostable food containers

with "Teflon" coating

Fibbing "Non-Toxic"

Lesser of Two Evils

Hybrid SUVs

Worshipping False Labels

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Best Practice: Require Claims to be Verified

"A bidder or offerer for a procurement contract with

the Department of General Services shall certify in writing that any claims of environmental attributes made relating to a product or service are consistent with the Federal Trade Commission's Guidelines for the Use of Environmental Marketing Terms"

Source: Green Maryland Act (2010)

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Bid Specification Language

"Products/services purchased under this contract must be ________ certified or provide demonstrable proof of meeting the _________ standard and certification requirements.

The ____________ standard and certification requirements are available at ."


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