Somerset Academy Canyons

AICE LanguageResearch PaperMr. PerryPaper 2—Writing For an AudienceChoose ONE of the following prompts:1. You and your family have lived in the same house for 15 years, but now the city wants to build a new highway that will necessitate the removal of your entire neighborhood. Though you will be fully compensated for your home and moving costs, you do not want your house or neighborhood to be destroyed. You have been asked to speak in a courtroom to a judge who will decide whether or not you will be forced to move. Write the text of the speech you will deliver to the judge. 2. Should Americans be forced to have health insurance coverage? Write two letters (300-450 words each) to the editor of a major newspaper presenting both sides of the argument. 3. UPFRONT Magazine has asked for student submissions to be published on the debate page at the end of the publication. You have been asked to write two editorials on the topic: Should college athletes be paid? Each article should be 350-400 words.4. A magazine aimed at teenagers publishes an article called “Stress – What Stress?” The article offers guidance to its readers on how to cope with preparing for different situations in life (for example, coping with schoolwork or getting a job for the first time). Write the text for the article. In your writing, create a sense of practical advice and positive thinking. 5. Your school’s librarian gives a speech at the school board meeting called “The Joys of Reading” as part of a campaign to promote the activity. Write the text for the speech. In your writing, create a sense of the pleasures and benefits that reading can bring.6. Your school/college is keen to reduce waste. Write a letter to your principal suggesting ways in which this could be done. You could include: examples of waste at the moment and your ideas about how the situation can be improved.7. An article has appeared in your local newspaper which argues that the voting age should be substantially lowered. Two readers write letters to the newspaper, one agreeing with the article, the other disagreeing. Write the two letters (between 300-450 words each). 8. You are a student and the child of a teacher and you have been invited to speak at an upcoming school board meeting regarding teachers’ raises. Write the text of your 3-minute speech that will convince the school board members to approve raises for your parent and all teachers in the district. 9. You have been asked to write an article for a fashion magazine titled “Men have much easier lives than women.” Write the article paying close attention to audience and voice. 10. A national newspaper aimed at a family audience publishes a feature called “Why Young People Need to Do Military Service”. Two readers write letters to the newspaper, one agreeing with the article, the other disagreeing. Write the two letters (between 300-450 words each).11. A travel magazine invites you to contribute an article called “Scenes You Must See” in order to encourage local people to take a greater interest and pride in their environment and history. Write the article. In your writing, create a sense of enthusiasm and interest.12. A newspaper aimed at a family readership publishes a feature called “The Rise and Rise of Social Media. The article explores the pros and cons of their use and the effects on those who have access to them. Write the article. In the article, create a sense of a balanced and even-handed approach to the topic.13. A magazine aimed at teenagers publishes an article called “Skin Deep”, which assesses the arguments for and against cosmetic surgery. Write the article. In your writing, create a clear sense of both viewpoints. 14. In class, you have been discussing the problems caused by the amount of plastic that people throw away. Write an article for your school magazine called No More Plastic! In your writing, create a sense of the scale of the problem and the importance of action.15. A new TV series about cooking has just ended. Write two contrasting reviews (300-450 words each), which will be published on a website called Your TV. One of the reviews is positive about the series, the other is critical of it. 16. A young teacher* is going to give a talk to a group of 16-year-old students who are interested in teaching as a career. Write the script of the talk. In your writing, create a sense of the rewards and challenges that this type of work can bring.*you may choose a different profession to write about.ORChoose a controversial issue and write two letters to the government; one letter in favor of the issue and another letter opposing it. Your topic must be approved by the instructor.MLA Requirements:Printed on standard 8.5 x 11-inch paperLegible text (Double-Spaced; Times New Roman, 12 pt. font)1 inch margins on each side of the documentThe first line of each paragraph should be indented a half inch (MLA recommends using the TAB button rather than the space bar)Italicize or underline larger works referenced throughout the essay; put smaller works, such as journal article titles, in quotations; poems and other short works should be placed in quotations as wellDo not include a title page or images.Include a header in the upper right hand corner of the page, listing your last name followed by a space with the page numberSpecifics for this assignment:The paper should be 3-4 FULL PAGES typed in Microsoft Word or Google Docs.The paper should include a minimum of 3 sources. More may be included, but remember that most of the paper should be in your own words.Credit must be given to all sources. All information that is not your own ideas or common knowledge must be listed as a source.This assignment will count as a test grade. Per the Language Arts Department policy stated in the syllabus, plagiarizing this assignment will result in an automatic zero and a conduct grade of 1 for the quarter. ................

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