Authorised assignment brief - Unit 6 - Edexcel

|Assignment title |Development of Language, Reading and Writing |

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|Assessor | |

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|Date issued | |

|Final deadline | |

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|Qualification suite covered |BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Certificate in Children’s Play, Learning and Development |

|Units covered |Unit 6: Supporting Children’s Language and Literacy Development |

|Learning aims covered |Learning aim A: Understand how to support children’s language development |

| |Learning aim B: Understand how to support children’s reading development |

| |Learning aim C: Understand how to support children’s writing development |

|Duration (approx) |8 hours |

| |

|Scenario |You are about to start work in the reception class of a primary school and in preparation for this |

| |the higher level teaching assistant has asked you to look at how children’s language and literacy |

| |develops from birth to eight years. |

| |

|Task 1 |You have been asked to provide activity plans for a range of activities that support children’s |

| |language development for the following age ranges: |

| | |

| |Birth up to two years |

| |Two up to five years |

| |Five up to eight years |

| | |

| |The plans should identify how adults can effectively support children’s language development. |

| | |

| |Provide a written assessment of the suitability of support that is given to children for one of the |

| |planned activities by reviewing a case study or using examples from your placement setting. |

|Evidence |Activity plans and written assessment |

|Criteria covered by this task: |

|To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: |Unit |Criterion reference |

|Explain how adults support children’s language development using activities appropriate for|6 |2A.P1 |

|each age range, using examples. | | |

|Discuss how an adult can be effective in supporting children’s language development at each|6 |2A.M1 |

|age range, using appropriate examples. | | |

|Assess the suitability of support provided by adults for children’s language development, |6 |2A.D1 |

|for one activity at each age range. | | |

|If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met. |

|To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: |Unit |Criterion |

| | |reference |

|Identify two activities adults use to support children’s language development at each age range. |6 |1A.1 |

|Task 2 |You must provide a written report that gives examples of activities that support children’s|

| |reading development and how adults can support the development of children’s reading |

| |skills. |

| | |

| |You need to consider how the support may benefit the children’s reading development. |

| | |

| |Using case studies, consider how effective the adult’s support is for children’s reading |

| |development. |

|Evidence |Written report and case studies. |

|Criteria covered by this task: |

|To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: |Unit |Criterion reference |

|Describe how different activities support children’s reading development, using|6 |2B.P2 |

|appropriate examples. | | |

|Describe how adults can support children’s progress in reading. |6 |2B.P3 |

|Explain how adult support may benefit children’s reading development, using |6 |2B.M2 |

|appropriate examples. | | |

|Assess the effectiveness of adult support for children’s reading development, |6 |2B.D2 |

|using case studies. | | |

|If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met. |

|To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: |Unit |Criterion |

| | |reference |

|Identify how three activities may support children’s reading development. |6 |1B.2 |

|Outline how adults support children’s progress in reading. |6 |1B.3 |

|Task 3 |You must produce a set of information sheets that show examples of activities that would|

| |support children’s writing development. |

| | |

| |The information should include how adults can support writing development and the |

| |benefits of the examples used. |

| | |

| |Using case studies, consider how effective the adults’ support is in the development of |

| |children’s writing skills. |

|Evidence |Set of information sheets and case studies. |

|Criteria covered by this task: |

|To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: |Unit |Criterion reference |

|Describe writing activities for children and how writing development will |6 |2C.P4 |

|be supported, using appropriate examples. | | |

|Describe how adults can support children’s writing development. |6 |2C.P5 |

|Explain how adult support may benefit children’s writing development, using|6 |2C.M3 |

|appropriate examples. | | |

|Assess the effectiveness of adult support for children’s writing |6 |2C.D3 |

|development, using case studies. | | |

|If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met. |

|To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: |Unit |Criterion reference |

|Identify writing activities for children and the writing development that will be supported. |6 |1C.4 |

|Outline how adults can support children’s writing development. |6 |1C.5 |

|Sources of information |Books |

| |Bayley, R. (2003) Supporting Children’s Writing Development. London: Lawrence Educational Publications, |

| |ISBN 978 1 90367 025 5. |

| | |

| |Lindon, J. (2012) Understanding Child Development: 0-8 Years: Linking Theory and Practice. London: |

| |Hodder Education, ISBN 978 1 44416 718 4. |

| | |

| |Whitehead, M.R. (2004) Language and Literacy in the Early Years. London: Sage Publications, 978 0 76194 |

| |470 6. |

| | |

| |Whitehead, M.R. (2010) Language and Literacy in the Early Years 0-7. London: Sage Publications, ISBN 978|

| |1 84920 008 0. |

| | |

| |Websites |

| | |

| |Website for the BBC |

| |.uk |

| |Website for the Department for Education |

| |.uk |

| |Website for professionals working with children and families in the foundation stage |

| | |

| |Note to assessors |

| |  |

| |We are committed to ensuring that teachers/tutors and learners have a choice of resources to support |

| |their teaching and study. |

| |  |

| |We would encourage them to use relevant resources for your local area such as local employers, |

| |newspapers and council websites. |

| |  |

| |Resources from various publishers are available to support delivery and training for all Pearson and |

| |BTEC qualifications so that learners and teachers/tutors can select those that best suit their needs. |

| |  |

| |Above are some examples of textbooks and websites. Further useful resources may be found at: |

| |resources/Pages/default.aspx. |


This document demonstrates one way that you could write an assignment brief for this learning aim(s) around the suggested scenario from the spec. You are free to set your own scenario, and create an assignment brief that covers one or more learning aims from one or more units, so long as the assignment provides learners with opportunities to attain all of the assessment criteria listed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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