
BODY PARAGRAPH FORMATDIRECTIONSHighlight the topic sentence, or point of the paragraph, in yellow. (Two sentences is OK.) Highlight the last sentence that connects to this if one exists.In florescent blue, highlight evidence from experts (direct quotations or paraphrased information) used to support the point.In pink, highlight the facts of statistics from sources used to support the point.Underline the transition words/phrases used to connect ideas or connect the evidence to the point of the paragraph.Studies have shown many benefits to public school students who wear uniforms. One reason is that the number of bullying incidents and other troublesome situations decreases when everyone wears the same outfit. For example, the founder and director of the Center for Parent Education at the University of North Texas at Austin, Arminta Jacobson, says that school uniforms “put all kids on the same playing field in terms of their appearance. It certainly gives them a sense of belonging and a feeling of being socially accepted.” Jacobson isn’t the only one who believes that uniforms are good for students. In a recent survey of the leaders of schools that had formal dress codes or school uniform policies, nearly 90 percent said the policies had a positive impact on their students, and 64 percent said bullying was reduced at least by half. One of those leaders who is also the director of the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) said, “We know that a school uniform policy can help reduce instances of classroom discipline and bullying as well as improve student safety and attendance. The use of school uniforms . . . has a powerful influence on school culture, including student behavior and academic performance. When they wear uniforms, students seem to behave differently, and that leads to higher achievement overall.” After Sparks Middle School in Henderson, Nevada added uniforms, school police data showed that property damage, gang incidents, and student fights dropped by nearly 63 percent. Clearly, uniforms bring numerous benefits to students and their educational environment.Another reason why schools need uniforms is that they save money and time for students and families. Although some opponents have argued that uniforms themselves cost money, a survey of 517 U.S. school leaders in 2013 found that more than 90 percent of parents with children who wear uniforms agreed they are “more cost-effective than regular apparel,” and “close to 80 percent estimated that the average annual savings of school uniforms versus regular clothing per child was almost $150.” In today’s tough economic times, every penny saved can help families. In addition, not having to struggle with decisions about what to wear to school (or being punished for violating the dress code) also saves students precious time. For example, teens who wear uniforms are less likely to have many absences or tardiness in school. According to one study conducted by Professor Janet Ringo at the University of Southern California School of Education, “School uniforms have been shown to reduce stress levels on school day mornings across the country because students—especially those at middle and high schools—no longer struggle with decisions about their appearance; the uniform takes care of that for them.” ................

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