
| Unit: Nuclear |Assignment: Public Service Announcement (option A) |

|Enduring Understanding/ Essential Question: |

|How can nuclear energy affect society? |

|Do the risks of nuclear energy outweigh the benefits? |

|“Is the power offered by alpha, beta, and gamma radiation sustainable?” while addressing the benefits, risks, uses, advantages,and disadvantages of using these forms of nuclear energy. |

|TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement |

|C.12 The student understands the basic processes of nuclear chemistry. |

|C.3 The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions within and outside the classroom. |

| |

|Criteria |Exemplary |Proficient |Developing |Emerging |Teacher Comments |

| |(Exceeds Standard) |(Meets Std) |(Approaching |(Limited Knowledge of Std) | |

| | | |Std) | | |

|Describe the characteristics and |10 - Describe the characteristics|8 - Describe the characteristics |6 - Describe the characteristics |4 - Identify alpha, beta, or | |

|properties of: alpha, beta and gamma |and how they relate to the |of: alpha, beta and gamma |of: alpha, beta OR gamma |gamma radiation | |

|radiation in terms of mass, charge, and |properties of: alpha, beta and |radiation. May contain a few |radiation. | | |

|penetrating ability |gamma radiation |examples of how they relate to | | | |

| | |the properties. | | | |

|Using examples, balance, classify, and |10 - Classify a radioactive decay|8 - Classify radioactive decay |6 - Describe radioactive decay |4 - Describe a radioactive decay | |

|predict nuclear equations involving |process in terms of a balanced |process in terms of an unbalanced|process in terms of an unbalanced|process | |

|alpha, beta, and/or gamma decay if a |nuclear equation and predict the |nuclear equation and can predict |nuclear equation |(ex. student understands that | |

|parent or daughter nuclide is left out. |missing nuclide. |the missing nuclide. | |nucleus splits but can’t write a | |

| | | | |reaction) | |

|Using examples, predict the products of |10 - Predict the products of a |8 - Predict the products of a |6 - Describe a radioactive decay | | |

|alpha, beta, and/or gamma decay if given|radioactive decay process in |radioactive decay process in |process | | |

|the type of decay and the parent |terms of a balanced nuclear |terms of an unbalanced nuclear |(ex. student understands that | | |

|nuclide. |equation. |equation. |nucleus splits but can’t write a | | |

| | | |reaction) | | |

|Describe the relevance of these types of|10 – Discusses (in full) the |8 - Discusses availability of |6 - Discusses availability of |4 - Discusses availability of | |

|decay to the sustainability of our uses |availability of nuclear sources, |nuclear sources, containment, and|nuclear sources, containment, and|nuclear sources, containment, and| |

|for alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. |containment, and waste disposal. |waste disposal. Detail is evident|waste disposal. Too brief, or has|waste disposal. One or more | |

| |Detailed, thorough investigation |but tends to summary. |too few detail. |topics absent. Too brief, or too| |

| |is evident. | | |few details. | |

|Using evidence gathered from multiple |20 – Multiple credible sources |17 – Multiple credible sources |14 – Some credible sources are |10 – A few credible sources are | |

|credible sources, and acknowledging |are used to effectively and |are used to answer the Guiding |used to answer the Guiding |used to answer the Guiding | |

|information from all sides, effectively |thoughtfully answer the Guiding |Question. The Question is |Question. The Question is |Question. The Question is not | |

|and thoughtfully evaluate “Is the power |Question. All perspectives are |answered in detail, but is not |answered, but it is not |answered, or the answer is vague | |

|offered by alpha, beta, and gamma |considered. |sufficiently convincing. |convincing. Too brief, or has too|or off-topic. Too brief, too few | |

|radiation sustainable?” while addressing| | |few details. |details or is absent. | |

|the benefits, risks, uses, advantages, | | | | | |

|and disadvantages of using these forms | | | | | |

|of nuclear energy. | | | | | |

| Unit: Nuclear |Assignment: Public Service Announcement (option B) |

|Enduring Understanding/ Essential Question: |

|How can nuclear energy affect society? |

|Do the risks of nuclear energy outweigh the benefits? |

|“Is the power offered by nuclear fission and nuclear fusion sustainable?” while addressing the benefits, risks, uses, advantages, and disadvantages of these forms of nuclear energy. |

|TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement |

|C.12 The student understands the basic processes of nuclear chemistry. |

|C.3 The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions within and outside the classroom. |

|Criteria |Exemplary |Proficient |Developing |Emerging |Teacher Comments |

| |(Exceeds Standard) |(Meets Std) |(Approaching |(Limited Knowledge of Std) | |

| | | |Std) | | |

|Describe the nature and properties of |10 - Describe and compare the |8 - Compare fusion AND fission |6 - List similarities OR |4 - List the characteristics | |

|nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. |properties of fusion and fission |reactions |differences between fusion and |of fusion and fission reactions| |

| |reactions | |fission reactions | | |

|Using examples, describe what half-life |5 - Using an example describe |4 - Describe half-life and how to |3 - Define half-life and provides|2 - Define half-life. | |

|is and how it is calculated |half-life and how to calculate |calculate, but cannot provide an |an explanation of half-life. | | |

| |half-life. |example. | | | |

|Using examples, balance and predict |10 - Classify a radioactive decay|8 - Classify radioactive decay |6 - Describe radioactive decay |4 - Describe a radioactive | |

|nuclear equations involving nuclear |process in terms of a balanced |process in terms of an unbalanced |process in terms of an unbalanced|decay process (ex. student | |

|fusion or nuclear fission if a parent or|nuclear equation and predict the |nuclear equation and can predict |nuclear equation |understands that nucleus splits| |

|daughter nuclide is left out. |missing nuclide. |the missing nuclide. | |but can’t write a reaction). | |

|Calculate the original amount of isotope| |5 - Calculate how much isotope |3 – Describe that half of the | | |

|or the amount of isotope remaining after| |originated or how much remains |amount would remain but cannot | | |

|a specific length of time using | |after a specific length of time |calculate. | | |

|half-life. | |using half-life. | | | |

|Describe the benefits, risks, uses, |10 - Can explain benefits, risks,|8 - Can describe benefits, risks, |6 - Describes 4 of the 5 aspects |4 - Missing 2 or more aspects | |

|advantages, and disadvantages of using |uses, advantages, and |uses, advantages, and |with no errors. |or has errors. | |

|these forms of nuclear energy. |disadvantages accurately and |disadvantages all discussed | | | |

| |comprehensively. |accurately and comprehensively. | | | |

|Describe how a nuclear reactor works, |10 - Describe in detail how a |8 - Describe in detail how a |6 - Describe how a reactor works,|4 - Describe how a reactor | |

|how nuclear waste is generated, and what|reactor works, the waste |reactor works, the waste |the waste generated, and what |works, the waste generated, and| |

|happens to it. |generated, and what occurs to the|generated, and what occurs to the |occurs to the waste after |what occurs to the waste after | |

| |waste after production. |waste after production. Detail is |production. Too brief, or has too|production. One or more topics | |

| |Detailed, thorough investigation |evident but tends to summary. |few detail. |absent. Too brief, or too few | |

| |is evident. | | |details. | |

|Using evidence gathered from multiple |20 – Multiple credible sources |17 – Multiple credible sources are|14 – Some credible sources are |10 – A few credible sources are| |

|credible sources, and acknowledging |are used to effectively and |used to answer the Guiding |used to answer the Guiding |used to answer the Guiding | |

|information from all sides, effectively |thoughtfully answer the Guiding |Question. The Question is answered|Question. The Question is |Question. The Question is not | |

|and thoughtfully evaluate “Is the power |Question. All perspectives are |in detail, but is not sufficiently|answered, but it is not |answered, or the answer is | |

|offered by nuclear fission and nuclear |considered. |convincing. |convincing. Too brief, or has too|vague or off-topic. Too brief, | |

|fusion sustainable?” while addressing | | |few details. |too few details or is absent. | |

|the benefits, risks, uses, advantages, | | | | | |

|and disadvantages of these forms of | | | | | |

|nuclear energy. | | | | | |


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