Washington Department of

Washington Department of

Fish and Wildlife


Vehicle Mileage Tracking System

Users Manual

Updated May 19, 2004

Welcome to the WDFW Vehicle Mileage Tracking System (VMTS). This online data entry and reporting system is designed to improve the speed and accuracy of the collection of monthly mileage reports. Agency employees use a web-browser to submit their monthly reports and send them directly to a central agency database. Built-in data checks will help ensure that the data is accurate and complete. This will reduce the time and cost of collecting the data, and improve financial reporting. Built-in reporting tools will provide easily accessible reports about vehicle usage and credit card charges that can be compared directly with monthly AFRS reports.

Why do we need vehicle reports?

OFM regulation # 70.40.10 requires state agencies to maintain a record of all state-owned vehicle usage in a log on a regular basis. WDFW has determined that a mileage report will be submitted on a monthly basis. Vehicle mileage reports provide a number of benefits. They are used to keep track of the status of our overall fleet. This is critical information for demonstrating the need for replacement vehicles and additional resources. This information is necessary for recovering the cost of vehicle operations from federal and local contracts, and provides a way of tying the cost of vehicle operations to the activities that use them. Accurate mileage reports are needed to justify to OFM and the State Auditor certain types of vehicle usage, such as personally assigned vehicles.

Who needs to report?

Mileage reports are required for all agency-owned licensed vehicles and equipment such as cars, pickups, flat beds, dump trucks, boom trucks, graders, dozers, and excavators. Every vehicle, including those not used in a month, must be reported on each month.

Any authorized employee operating a licensed vehicle or equipment is responsible for recording the daily vehicle usage.

All licensed vehicles/equipment are assigned to an individual who is responsible for:

• ensuring the mileage report has been summarized and filled out properly

• input of summarized mileage information into the Vehicle Mileage Tracking System (VMTS)

• notifying Purchasing when a vehicle has been transferred or surplused

• notifying General Accounting when there is a change in vehicle assignment or contact responsibility

When do I need to report?

• Mileage reports are to be entered in VMTS by the 3rd working day of the month.

• An e-mail reminder will be sent to the vehicle contact on the 6th working day of the month if a vehicle report has not been received.

• Employees responsible for WDFW vehicles need to maintain the original mileage reports for each of your assigned vehicles and have them readily available if requested by a Federal, State, or Internal auditor or a member of the Fiscal Office staff. The record retention period for the Monthly report of Daily Vehicle Usage form is seven years.

How do I submit a report?

1) Fill out the paper mileage report with each usage as you have previously.

2) At the end of the month summarize the number of miles (or hours/days) by master index at the bottom of the paper form (as you currently do).

3) Go to your computer and use your web browser to go to the WDFW Intranet Home Page:

• If you are on the agency network (NRB, Regional Office, Brinnon, LaConner) open your web browser, enter inside.dfw. in the address box, and hit enter.

• If you are a remote user use the dial-in procedure for getting access to the agency network. Once you are on the network enter inside.dfw. on the address line of your web browser and hit enter.

4) Scroll through the Intranet Home Page and look for the link to VMTS. Single click on it. The VMTS Home Page will open. Click on the link that says “Login to VMTS”. A window will open to allow you to enter your User Name and Password. Use the same User Name and Password that you use when getting on the agency network (your User Name is typically the first five letters of your last name followed by your initials). Click OK. You are now at the VMTS Main Page (Figure 1). You have a number of choices listed on the left side of the screen. You may enter a new monthly report, review a previous monthly report, or run one of several summary reports. If you have questions about what to do on any screen simply click on the Help link found on the screen.


Figure 1 VMTS main Page

Enter a New Report

5) Click on New Report. The New Vehicle Usage Report screen will appear (Figure 2). Enter the license number of the vehicle you are reporting on, the month and year you are reporting for, and click on Next. You must enter any leading or trailing zeros and letters in the license number and enter a four digit year.

The system will verify that this is a valid license number and month and take you to the next screen. If it is not valid, or you are missing the previous month’s report, error messages will be displayed and advise you on the next steps.


Figure 2 New Vehicle Usage Report Screen

You must have completed the previous month’s report before you can enter the current month. Make any necessary changes and click Next again or hit the Back arrow to go back to the main screen.

VMTS Data Entry Tips

1) Vehicles with license plates ending in “E“ have exactly six characters - you may need to add a leading zero to make the work.

2) Follow the date format described on the screen. You must enter two digits (01 not 1) for month and day, and four digits for the year.

If your vehicle is tracked using hours or days use the appropriate boxes for those. If you track mileage in addition to hours or days you may enter the ending odometer reading as well as the hours or days. For the remainder of this guide you may substitute hours or days where this guide says mileage.

Vehicles Tracked With Hours or Days

6) Next is the Vehicle Monthly Usage Report Screen (Figure 3). First carefully review the information at the top of the screen to confirm that this is the vehicle you wish to report on. Enter the ending mileage for the month in the appropriate box. The default is the ending mileage the same as the beginning mileage. If your vehicle was not driven during the month you do not need to enter anything. See below if you report hours or days for your vehicle. Tab to leave the ending mileage box. As you do, the total miles driven for the month will appear in the Usage column.


Figure 3 Vehicle Monthly Usage Report Screen

Next you will enter the master index and appropriate mileage in the pairs of boxes in each row (Figure 4). This is the summary information from the bottom of the paper mileage sheet. Enter only the summary data. The system will automatically insert Master Indexes used in previous months so some may already be entered for you. If you do not need them leave them blank or enter 0. If you want to remove a master index click on the checkbox next to it. It will be deleted when you save. The “Total“ entry at the bottom keeps a running total of the mileage that you have entered. The mileage you enter in the usage boxes must add up to the total miles the vehicle was driven for the month.

If you need more than the three rows that are first displayed on the screen, click on the Save button. The information you have entered will be saved and three additional rows will be created. Continue the data entry process until you have entered all your information. Click Save.


Figure 4 Entering data on the Vehicle Monthly Usage Report Screen.

7) The system will check the master indexes and total mileages to make sure they are valid and correct. If there are problems, information screens will be displayed describing the error. You can then make any corrections as needed.

1) If the data is correct the Report Status at the top of the screen will change from Incomplete to Complete. If you wish to enter another report follow the steps described above. To exit the system simply close your browser or go to another site.

Retrieve Report

You may retrieve a previous report to review it. Follow the same initial steps for creating a new report. A previous report can be edited, but may not be changed once it has been processed and sent to the state accounting system. Changes after that point can only be made by the General Accounting staff in Olympia (360-664-4986).

VMTS Reports

These are a series of reports that are available to every user of the VMTS system. These reports are designed to help project leaders and people responsible for vehicle operations better understand the charges and mileage trends of their vehicles and budgets. There are three general types of reports:

• Vehicle Reports - these allow you to view summary information on vehicle(s) over a specified time period. The Vehicle Owner report allows you to specify vehicles to include in the report by license number. The Project Leader report summarizes vehicle usage by Master Index for comparison with AFRS reports etc.

• Credit Card Reports - The Project Leader Credit Card Report summarizes credit card usage by Master Index.

The reports can be selected by clicking on the report title on the left side of the screen. You will be asked to enter date information, and then one or more master indexes or license numbers depending on the specific report. See figures 5 and 6.



Figure 5 Vehicle Owner Report Figure 6 Project Leader Vehicle Report

Who do I call if I have problems?

• If you are having trouble within the application click on the Help button on each page for an explanation of that page and its contents.

• If you are having problems with your web-browser, finding the VMTS application, running a report, or entering data call the WDFW Help Desk at (360) 902-2378.

• If you are a remote user and you are having trouble dialing up or connecting to the Internet contact your local ISP.

• If you are having problems with the VPN and connecting to the agency network contact the Help Desk at (360) 902-2378.

• If you are having problems with vehicle license numbers, ending mileages, or missing reports contact General Accounting at (360) 664-4986.

• If you are having trouble with Master Index values contact your program budget person.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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