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Unit 9 Final ProjectWindy ImmerWimmer-HW420-03 unit 9 project 1.docI Introduction:Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically? What areas do you need to develop to achieve the goals you have for yourself? It is important for health and wellness professionals to have a full understanding of integral health and to be working toward developing themselves psychologically, spiritually, and physically. Without this understanding we as health and wellness professionals will not be able to properly guide our clients, and advise them on how to achieve a better level of wellbeing. We should be able to identify with our clients. As well as having said that we have tried certain types of meditation techniques or relaxation exercises to help our clients to develop a better mental, physical and spiritual happiness.It would be hard to say that an individual needs to improve only one aspect of integral health. These aspects of integral health all overlap in some form. For my own personal development I need to improve mostly on my spiritual wellbeing. Although I am comfortable where I currently stand on this particular aspect it could use some improvement. I would like to be more dedicated to finding a church that would fit with both my husband and my philosophy. II Assessment: How have you assessed your health in each domain? How do you score your wellness spiritually, physically, and psychologically?A-physical wellbeing-I would rate my physical welling being at a 7 1/2 because I feel great but, due to being a mom, wife a full time student and work part time it does take a toll on your body.? I find that I am over committed and don't get a whole lot of time to myself.? B-spiritual well-being-I would rate my spiritual wellbeing at a 5, I am comfortable where I am.? I know who I am and I don't feel that in order to be spiritually uplifted?that it must be done in a church environment.? I believe there a many things that an individual can do to boost their own spiritual well-being such as helping out non-profit organizations, a friend or neighbor. As well as communing with nature and getting to know your inner self as you walk and breathe?throughout?nature.? C-psychological well-beingI would rate my psychological well-being at an 8.? I feel mentally refreshed from a wonder once in a lifetime experience to go to Russia, Finland, and Estonia with my best friend/husband.? My husband and I were able to focus and concentrate on solely one another.? It has been good for both of us giving us a new start for when we came back home.? ? III Goal development: List at least one goal you have for yourself in each area, Physical, Psychological (mental health) and Spiritual. A-physical well-being ? I have trained for body-building before and absolutely loved it.? I think with my hectic schedule it would be difficult to start back full force so my goal is to watch my diet, and make sure that I am active in some way each day.? My husband and I have been walking 2-3x a week at least 2 miles.? I would like to incorporate weights and some cardio back into my schedule, but I won't beat myself up over missing a day.?I have been getting more sleep and need to keep up with getting enough sleep.? I was running on about 5 hours of sleep a night so my new goal is at least 7 hours of good solid sleep.? I think that these are very obtainable goals and will help keep me feeling good about my physical well-being. B-spiritual well-being- ? I would like to set a goal of going into nature more and becoming one with my inner self.? Look at my life and see what improvements I need to make and what has already been improved on.?In addition, I will continue to look for a comfortable religious setting where I feel that all of?our family?can go and feel comfortable with what is being said in the sermon.? Often times I feel in religious settings?I feel you are being talked to and not inspired or uplifted.??? C-psychological well-being- ? I would like to set the goal of doing something for myself every day.? This might sound selfish but, often times moms, dads, and professionals over look themselves. It can appear as though everyone else's goals and dreams seem more important.? It can be as little as taking a small walk, cuddling with my cat for a few?moments or chatting with a friend for a much needed break.??It just needs to be something that I would like and enjoy as a small distraction, then back to studying?or whatever else I was doing.? I think that if?we allow ourselves to have?a tiny bit of control in?life then it helps with your psychological well-being.?IV Practices for personal health: What strategies can you implement to foster growth in each of the following domains; Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual. Provide at least two examples of exercises or practices.A-physical well-being-Our family has joined a gym a few days ago. I am looking forward to having my husband and a few of my friends as workout partners. It makes it easier to work out when you have a workout buddy. We can help push each other, encourage and support one another. In addition to joining the gym I will continue to lift weights as well as cardio. Another idea that I have that will enhance my physical conditioning is trying some of the yoga and Pilate classes that the gym has to offer. This will help with the mind-body-spirit connection while also improving my physical strength. B-spiritual well-being-For my spiritual well-being to become enhanced I will continue to take walks and commune with nature on a daily basis. As fall and winter move in I will have to seek other ways to enjoy nature such as bird watching or going to a nature center and observing the animals in their own setting. In addition to becoming one with nature I will search for a church home for our family. I would like to find a church that our whole family feels comfortable in and one that has a big youth program for our children.C-psychological well-being-I think for the sake of my psychological well-being I will continue to meditate. I will check out some other types of meditation CD’s though the local library or look at the website which is filled with guided mediation and learning techniques. I will also do something every day for myself. I don’t believe that this has to be anything extraordinary it can be as simple as a hot bath with candles and incense to give me a chance to relax and regroup. It can be reading my youngest a book, and snuggling with her for a few minutes. I think it is important to do something for you every day. V Commitment: How will you assess your progress or lack of progress in the next six months? What strategies can you use to assist in maintaining your long-term practices for health and wellness?It should be easy to track my progress physically in the next six months. I should be able to see noticeable changes in my body from working out and eating a better diet. Whether I actually lose weight is not important to me however, I would like to be better toned and have my clothes fit better. I can decide after I have been working out for a while if I would like to try to and train for competition again or if being well toned is enough for me. My progress can be charted from the beginning of my training to the next 6 months. I can write down my improvements and see from measurements how I am doing in this particular aspect. Keeping track or assessing my progress though my spiritual journey will be harder to record. It will have to be up to me to continue on my spiritual journey. I shall remain hopeful for finding a church family that meets all of our needs as well as my daily solace that I receive while out in nature. All three of these aspects are all interconnected as we have learned in class. Our moods and goals are ever changing along with our physical, spiritual and psychological needs CITATION Das06 \l 1033 (Dasher, 2006) As for my psychological well-being I can keep a diary and record my progress as to which meditations I thought were easier and which ones I enjoyed most. By writing these down I can reflect back on what my mood was and how I handled certain stressful situations in my life. I will continue to focus on my breath when I feel overwhelmed. I have been looking forward to my meditation sessions and getting to know myself better. It goes along with doing something that I enjoy doing for myself every day. Knowing the benefits to meditation I believe it is an important part of integral health. References: BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Dasher, E. S. (2006). Integral Health The Path to Human Flourishing . Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, Inc. . ................

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