Benefits Adviser/Caseworker Application Form

4686300274320Private and ConfidentialBenefits Adviser/Caseworker Application FormYou can download and complete this version of the application form and then email it to us at: info@.ukOr, you can complete our online application form here: can complete this form and return it by email or, you can complete our online application form insteadYou must complete one or the other. We will not accept a CV as a substitutePlease read the Person Specification and Job Description thoroughlyThe Person Specification identifies the skills, abilities and experience that we are looking for in a candidateThe Job Description identifies the key responsibilities of the role and an outline of the terms of employment Completed forms should be returned no later than:Sunday 14th February 2021 Please return the form by email If you have any questions please contact us at the email address above1PERSONAL DETAILSForename:Surname:Home address:Contact Number:Email address:NI Number:The Asylum, Immigration and Nationality Act 2006 makes it a criminal offence for employers to employ a person who is not entitled to work in the United Kingdom (UK). Applicants will be required to provide documentary evidence of their right to work in the UK as a condition of any offer of employment:Do you have a right to work in the UK:2EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLSPlease give brief details of the experience, knowledge and skills that you can bring to the post by addressing each of the criteria listed in the Person Specification (reproduced below) Note: each of the boxes below will expand as you typeExperience of providing good quality, effective benefits advice covering the broad range of benefits and including those related to disability, sickness, and in-work benefits (please respond in the box below):Ability and experience of assisting clients prepare for benefit appeals at Tribunal (please respond in the box below):Prepared to supervise and develop the benefits work conducted by a small volunteer team working within the Advice Clinic, an online service (please respond in the box below)Ability to be self-directing, manage and prioritise workload and meet any targets that may be set from time to time (please respond in the box below):Willingness to cascade skills and knowledge to other staff and volunteers through internal updates/training/workshops (please respond in the box below):Good time management skills and the ability to deal with a varied and busy caseload (please respond in the box below):Clear, professional, concise, written oral and interpersonal communication skills (please respond in the box below):Able and prepared to work flexibly, including working offsite/remotely and providing cover at other locations including outreach if necessary (please respond in the box below):Self-sufficient administratively and competent in the use of applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel, online calendars, and Gmail (please respond in the box below):An orderly approach to work and a willingness to follow agreed procedures, including those in relation to client care (please respond in the box below):Ability and willingness to work as part of a team including giving and receiving constructive feedback (please respond in the box below):A commitment in principle to the aims, principles, policies and procedures of Brixton Advice Centre, including its equality and diversity policy (please respond in the box below):3OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS Please feel free to provide brief details of any other experience or skills you have that you think are relevant to this post, including any of those identified in the Person Specification as ‘desirable but not mandatory’4YOUR WORK HISTORY AND EXPERIENCEProvide details of your three most recent employers and positions you held, including both paid and unpaid work, starting with your current or most recent position and working backwards Name of current or most recent employer:Location where you were based e.g. London:Job title:Brief description of your duties:Employed from/to (dates):Reason for leaving / considering leaving:Name of previous employer/organisation:Their address (where you were based):Job title:Brief description of your duties:Employed from/to (dates):Reason for leaving:Name of previous employer/organisation:Their address (where you were based):Job title:Brief description of your duties:Employed from/to (dates):Reason for leaving:Please feel free to provide us with any further comments on your previous work history and experience that you think we should know about below. This section is optional (it will expand as you type):5TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONSPlease list briefly any qualifications you have obtained or training you have attended that you think relevant to this post. Please start with the most recent activity and work backwards. Please include (approximate) dates:6OTHER INFORMATIONHave you any current disciplinary warnings outstanding from your current employment? Indicate below and provide brief details if yes:How much notice are you required to give to leave your current employer:Please let us know about any time that you would need to take off work over the next six months and how long you would need to take off:Please tell us of any specific request which you have regarding working hours. We will try to be flexible but we cannot guarantee that we can meet your request:If you wish, please tell us about any aids or assistance that might help you to do the job:Where did you find out about this recruitment? Please let us know below:7REFEREESPlease provide the details of two persons who can confirm your suitability for this position. We would expect you to include your present or most recent employer (paid or voluntary work). All appointments are subject to the receipt of satisfactory references. Please note, we will not seek references unless you have accepted a conditional offer of employmentFirst RefereeSecond RefereeName: Name: Position: Position: Organisation: Organisation: Address: Address: Telephone: Telephone: Email: Email: How is the referee known to you? How is the referee known to you? 8DECLARATIONI give my consent for the information contained in this form to be processed in accordance with the policies of Brixton Advice Centre for the purposes of recruitment and employment, including any defined as ‘sensitive personal data’. I understand that if I am appointed, the information I have provided in this form will be included in my personnel file and may be treated as part of my contract of employment. I understand that if I am not appointed it will be stored securely and confidentially for up to one year and then destroyed. I confirm that the information I have supplied on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate. I understand that deliberate misrepresentation or omission of pertinent factual information may lead to dismissal/legal action.Name:Signature:Date:9EQUALITY AND DIVERSITYPlease do not forget to complete our equality and diversity monitoring form online. All of the questions allow you to say ‘prefer not to say’ if you so wish and the only information that is visible to us until after our recruitment decisions are made is your name and when you completed the form: ................

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