Weber Writes

Weber Writes – A Program for Untenured Faculty

Spring 2007

Deadline September 1, 2006

Research shows that regular, daily writing increases the scholarly output of University faculty.

To capture the benefits of brief, daily writing sessions for Weber State faculty, the Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth Committee administers the “Weber Writes” program.

Faculty will be given a one-course reduction in their teaching load to enable them to spend more time on scholarship.

A log of writing output and weekly strategic sessions are required.

Results will be tracked and used to drive program improvement, continuation, or discontinuation.

This program is for non-tenured faculty who are on the tenure-track and are full-time. If tenured and interested in a course reduction, please apply for an RSPG grant.

Decisions on Spring 2007 funding must be made before the spring schedule is finalized. The application deadline for the Spring 2007 round is September 1, 2006. Submit to RS&PG Chair Susan Matt (


Spring 2007

Due September 1, 2006

Submit 18 copies to Susan Matt, RS&PG Chair

Name:_______________ Title of Project: ________________________

Rank:________________ Department:______________ College:_____________

Extension:____________ Mail Code________________ Email: ______________

Yrs. at Weber State: ____________________

Signature of Dean _____________________________________________________________

Signature of Department Chair___________________________________________________

On the scale below, mark an X to estimate how many hours per week you currently spend writing or engaging in creative production:

zero 20

On the scale below, mark an X to estimate how many pages per week of typed, single-spaced scholarly writing (or the equivalent in your discipline) you have produced:

zero 20

On the scale below, mark an X to estimate how many manuscripts, monograph chapters or similarly sized scholarly works, or creative productions, you have produced since being at Weber State:

zero 10

Prior Funding: Describe prior funding from internal or external sources.

Project Description: In 250 words or less, describe the project you propose to work on during the semester of the award. What are the goals of the project? How will this program help you meet those goals?

Work Plan and Schedule: Describe your work plan and when you expect to have an article, book or creative production ready for submission.

List teaching load for the semester and any other work commitments you may have.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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