1 - Chiropractic

|Massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and generalized edema are |Which of the following is primary mechanism of inflammatory |

|characteristic of |edema? |

|Nephrotic syndrome |( permiability of capillary wall |

| |( colloidal ommetic pressure |

| |Lymphatic obstruction |

| |Capillary obstruction |

| | |

|Who is considered the father of pathology? |A patient with a yolk cell tumor of the testes likely has an |

|Pasture |elevated blood serum? |

|Koch( one germ one diseases |Erythropotein |

|Lister( antiseptic |Calcium |

|Jenner( smallpox vaccine |Carcinoembrionic antigen |

| |Alphafetaprotien |

|Which characteristic is least suggestive of a malignancy in a | |

|growing tumor? |Tensile stretch is the proteinaceous deposition of what in wound |

|Local lymphatic enlargement |healing? |

|Anaplasia |Reticulein |

|Circumfacial erosion |Vit. C |

|Fibers capsule( benign tumor |Amine |

| |Collagen |

|Which of the following secrete both heparin and histamine? | |

|Mast cells( Basophils would be the next best answer |The most common site of cardiac valvular regurgitation are which |

|Esinophils |valves? |

|Monocytes |Aortic & pulmonary |

|Plasma cells |Mitral & tricuspid |

| |Tricuspid & aortic |

|Carcinoma is least likely to metastasize in the? |Mitral & aortic |

|Vertebra | |

|The lungs |Toxic megacolon is a complication of? |

|Liver |Regional enteritus |

|Skeletal muscle |Ischemic colitis |

| |Ulcerative colitis |

|A cancer that has not invaded the basement membrane or the tissue|Granulomatous colitis |

|of origin is called? | |

|Carcinoma in situ |Aschoff bodies are characteristic of which of the following? |

|Medullary carcinoma |Rheumatic fever |

|Broader’s grade 1 |Mononucleosis( downy cells |

|Leukopekia |Tuberculosis ( Gohn complex |

| |Rheumatoid arthritis ( Pannus formation |

|Vascular tumors originate in which cell type? | |

|Histocyte |In which of the following muscle disorders is pseudohypertrophy |

|Fibrinogen |most common? |

|Macrophages |Myasthenia gravis |

|Endothelial |Myotonic dystrophy |

| |Becker’s dystrophy |

|Sequestra frequently a company which of the following? |Duchenne’s dystrophy |

|Osteoarthritis | |

|Tenosynovius |The most threatening characteristic of Guillian-Barre syndrome |

|Rheumatoid arthritis |affects what muscles? |

|Pyogenic osteomyelitis |Myocardial |

| |Gastric |

| |Smooth |

| |Respiratory |

|Dry eyes and dry mouth with the symptoms of an autoimmune disease|Kaposis sarcoma occurs in 1/3 of patients with? |

|are characteristic of? |Tuberculosis |

|Rheumatoid arthritis |AIDS |

|Reiters syndrome |Lupus erythmatosis |

|Sjrogen’s syndrome |Dermatitis |

|Scleroderma | |

| |Which is not characterized by a granulomatous inflammation? |

|Which of the following is the type of cell which is predominantly|Tuberculosis |

|produced by inflammatory response to a Salmonella infection? |Candidiasis |

|Plasmocyte |Sarcoidosis |

|Esinophils( parasites/allergic |Actinoneycosis |

|Mononuclear | |

|Neutrophils ( bacteria |Which represents a type II Hypersensitive? |

| |Poison ivy rash |

|Which of the following organisms is the most common opportunistic|Rheumatoid arthritis |

|infection in AIDS patients? |Ragweed |

|TB |Erythoblastosis |

|Pneumocystis carinii | |

|Taxoplasmosis( second-best answer |X linked gamma globulinemia of Bruton is characterized by? |

|Pneumoccal pneumonae |T cell deficiency |

| |B. Cell deficiency |

|Which of the following presents with a positive HLA B-27 and an |Sexual transmission |

|increased risk of deformity? |Autosomal in males |

|Ankylosing spondylitis | |

|Rheumatoid arthritis |Which of the following develops from an ige mediated immune |

|SLE |reaction? |

|Reiters syndrome |Tuberculosis |

| |Pernicious anemia |

|Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord is due to which|Acute gastritis |

|of the following? |Panacinar emphysema |

|Folic acid | |

|Megaloblastic anemia |Neonatal hyaline membrane disorder is due to? |

|Ca |Absence of surfactant |

|Thiamine |Presence of fluid in alveoi |

| |Abnormal elastic swelling |

|Which of the following syndromes is a form of polyposis |Aspiration of fluid |

|characterized by polyps in the intrinsic GI tract? | |

|Adenocarcinoma |Which of the following is a genetic defect that causes multiple |

|Chron’s disease |neruoams? |

|Ulcerative colitis |Von Recklenhausen’s disease |

|Peutz Jegher’s disease |Wilson’s disease ( copper metabolism |

| |Edwards disease ( trisomy 18 |

|Which of the following is not caused by pnumococcus? |Marfans disease ( araclodactyl |

|Bronchitis | |

|Atypical pneumonia |The primary biochemical requirement for the clinical diagnosis of|

|Lobar pneumonia |gout in the blood is? |

|Bronciopneumonia |Uric acid |

| |Ca |

| |P |

| |Alcohol |

| | |

|Vitamin C. Deficiency affects what? |Delayed healing of wounds and rapid mobilization of vitamin A. |

|Muscular tissue |And liver may be due to a deficiency of? |

|Dermis |Vitamin K |

|Connective tissue |Zn( vitamin A. |

|Nemopoietic |Copper |

| |Vitamin E. ( selenium |

|The corneal dislocation characterized by Kaysr Fleisher rings is?| |

|Picks |Avascular necrosis of the capital to femoral epiphysis is called?|

|Wilson’s |Osteoporosis |

|Lurin |Slipped capital epiphysis |

|O’malley |Legg calve perthes |

| |Osgood schlatters |

|Fine lateral webbing of the neck is characteristic of? | |

|Klienfelters |Which of the following is most likely to accompany otto’s Pelvis?|

|Downs |Osteomalacia |

|Turner’s |Gout |

|Marfan’s |Osteoporosis |

| |Hyperparathyroidism |

|Which of the following reactions is an example of type three | |

|sensitivity? |Which is characteristic of ostioid ostoma? |

|Local anaphylaxis |Pain which is most at night in relieved by aspirin |

|Systemic anaphylaxis |Painless swelling of joint |

|Delayed anaphylaxis |Pain localized at nocturnum |

|Arthritis |Increased localized heat |

| | |

|Antibodies against double strand DNA are most characteristic of? |Plasma cell neoplasms which occur as multiple diseases or called?|

|Hashomoto disease |Leukemia |

|Rheumatic fever |Megoblastic anemia |

|SLE |Multiple myeloma |

|Rheumatoid arthritis |Siderblastic anemia |

| | |

|Which class of immunoglobulin most commonly causes autoimmune |Bone spurs and lipping of the vertebral bodies is a |

|diseases? |characteristic of? |

|Iga and igm |Gout |

|Ige and iga |DJD |

|Igg and igm( GM makes autos |Rheumatoid arthritis |

|Igm and ige |Rheumatic fever |

| | |

|A protein deficient diet will produce? |The most common fracture of the wrist is? |

|Marasmus |Smith |

|Pellagra |Colles |

|Kwashinkor |Jones |

|Osteomalacia |Reverse colles |

| | |

|Which of the following deficiencies can lead to pellagra? |A common source of lytic metastasis to bone in a female is? |

|B12 |Stomach |

|Riboflavin |Colon |

|Niacin |Lung |

|Thiamine |Cervix |

| | |

|Which is most likely to develop into ankylosis? |Skip |

|Rheumatoid arthritis | |

|DJD | |

|Dramatic fever | |

|Ostius deformans | |

| | |

|Which is the most common benign tumor in the spine? |Muscle spasms which result from tetanus is due to? |

| |Excess release of ACH |

| | |

|Hemangoma | |

| | |

| | |

|Neopathic joints secondary to diabetes mellitus usually occur in |Upper and lower motor nonimpairment is present in? |

|the? | |

| | |

| | |

| |Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |

|Foot | |

| |Which is a viral condition in which negri bodies are located in |

|Which is the primary site of pathology and osteoarthritis? |the CNS? |

| | |

|Articular cartilage |Rabies |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|The presence of synovitis joints and pannus formation are |Episodes of temporary blindness and weakness of the dorsiflexors |

|characteristics of? |is characteristic of? |

|Rheumatoid arthritis | |

| |Multiple sclerosis |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Excess released of ACH causes? |Aneurysms can be due to bilateral lesions of the? |

|Tetanus |Ventromedial nucleus |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Weakness in the ability of the formation of the antibodies which |Which as the greatest potential of degeneration to the dorsal |

|block the formation of ACH receptors after myoneural junction are|columns of the spinal cord? |

|characteristic of? | |

| | |

| |Tertiary syphilis |

|Myasthenia Gravis | |

| | |

| |Which is a poly neuropathy that follows a viral infection? |

|Which of the following is the most common benign brain tumor in | |

|the adult? | |

|Astrocyoma | |

| |Giullian Barre |

| | |

| | |

|Coagulation necrosis results from? |Esinophils are increased by |

|Ischemia |Viruses |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Amylordosis is characterized by? |Severe generalized edema is known as? |

|Interstitial Glycogen deposits | |

| | |

| | |

| |Anasaica |

| | |

|Which is a reversible cell change? |Which cell is present in an area of chronic inflammation and has |

| |many nuclei scattered in cytoplasm? |

| |Foreign body giant cell |

|Metaplasia | |

| | |

| | |

|The absence of ganglion cells of the mesenteric plexus is | |

|characteristic of? |A patient who presents with a severe headache and hard painful |

| |superficial temporal arteries probably has? |

|Congenital megacolon( AKA hirshprungs disease | |

| | |

| |Temporal arthritis |

| | |

|Which occurs when histamine is released in the scan as a result | |

|of Cutaneous tumor? |Which tumor is characterized by excess production of |

|Vasodilation two affected area |catacholamines? |

| | |

| |Neuroblastoma of adrenal medulla |

| | |

| | |

|The periphery of a hematoma is infiltrated by new capillaries by | |

|producing collagen during a process known as? |Which condition is dilated, elongated, torturous alteration of |

| |superficial veins? |

| |Varicosity |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|The circulatory level of which blood cells is increased during | |

|the body’s response to bacterial infection? |Which is the most common area of the brain to find an aneurysm? |

|Neutrophils | |

| | |

| |Prearachnoid |

| | |

| | |

|A classic example of pseudomembranous inflammation reaction is |Acute coronary pulmonale is most frequently a consequence of? |

|called? | |

| |Massive pulmonary embolism |

| | |

|Cory bacterium dipthena | |

| | |

|Myostitis ossificans is an example of what type of hemorrhage in |Pneumoconosis an infection of of the lung most often lead to? |

|the muscle after trauma with calcium deposits? |Emphysema |

|Metaplasia | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Post mortem exam of stomach of a 54 year old man reveals |

|Which does not often accompany acute inflammation? |thickened rigid walls with evidence of ? Described as leather |

| |bottle stomach? |

| | |

| | |

|Formation of granulation tissue |Adinocarcinoma of stomach |

| | |

|An absence of an appendicular head generally contains which type | |

|of exudates? | |

| | |

| | |

|Pyogenic | |

| | |

| | |

|SI joints are usually affected in what condition? | |

|Ankylosing spondylitis | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Which inner cranial neoplasm does not originate in the uesigals | |

|of embryonic tissue | |

|Globlastoma mulliforme | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Which is the most common Hepatic malignancy? | |

| | |

|Metastasis from breast or lung | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Which is the most common clause of nutmeg liver? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Passive congestion of liver | |

| | |

|Which is the most common Histologically pattern bronchogenic | |

|carcinoma? | |

| | |

| | |

|Squamous cell | |


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