AP Physics Syllabus

Physics Syllabus

Course Overview

Students are required to:

• Apply and demonstrate problem-solving and critical thinking skills through multimedia productions, design of projects, presentations, computer applications or other creative means.

• Participate in peer tutoring and cooperative learning groups.

• Understand, apply, and demonstrate mastery of concepts and methods through projects, assessments (formal and integrated), and class participation.

• Complete exploration units and Create exploration reports.

• Dedicate time and effort to assignments, learning center activities and daily review of notes.

• Perform all activities safely.

• Maintain their planner daily and assignment plan with graded assignments.

• Maintain a thorough and organized Binder with all science work.

Class meets every day for 85 minutes and for 180 days. The 2010-2011 school year starts August 23rd and ends June 10th. After the AP exam the students will work on a real-world application as a team and participate in competition. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning there will be a 30 minutes physics practice session.

Learning centers (Labs) provide hands-on and real life situations and are essential components of an effective curriculum and a high-quality learning environment. This Curriculum is Inquiry-Driven; thus, students participate in exploration units. Students develop a problem and hypothesis; clearly, identifying independent and dependent variables and constants. They follow laboratory directions with safety as a high priority, design experiments, write procedures, set-up experiments, and perform their investigation making thorough qualitative and quantitative observations. Then they develop their conclusions answering the problem, comparing the results to the hypothesis, making inference and being sure their inference is consistent with the data collected and listing possible limitations or errors. Finally, they must communicate their results through a neat and legible written report with accurate spelling and grammar. These reports will be kept as part of their portfolio in the science binder. The student’s final product will be evaluated using an experimentation rubric.

Consequently, students discover and form concepts; they analyze material, synthesize and evaluate ideas; they connect what they learn to societal situations; and they apply their knowledge and skills to solving problems. Learning centers require intense and focus study so encourage your child to be patience and follow directions carefully and take control of his or her learning. The students are provided time to complete exploration units in class; however, some students require additional time and elect to take home, stay after school or come in before school to complete. Process, product and performance assessments are used to evaluate the student’s laboratory investigation and cooperative activity. Integrated assessments develop a complete profile of the student’s performance and a comprehensive account of the student’s progress in learning physics. Learning center assignments are forty percent of the student’s grade.

Formal assessments will include program tests. These tests will measure a student’s retention and comprehension of specific content. Tests will be administrated after each chapter and unit. Each test includes multiple-choice questions and free-response problems. Integrated assessment will include product and performance assessment and portfolio assessment. Assessments are forty percent of the student’s grade.

Review assignments include class work and homework. Students will work in cooperative learning groups. Peer- coaching, peer teaching, and peer-review are an essential component of learning in the class and highly encouraged. Review assignments are twenty percent of the student’s grade.


Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1, Chapters 1-22: Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 2, Chapters 23-39: Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett

Physics, Hodder Education, Hachette UK company: Chris Mee, Mike Crundell, Brian Arnold, Wendy Brown

Physics with Vernier, Vernier; Beaverton, OR: Kenneth Appel, Clarence Bakken, John Gastineau, and David Vernier

Physics, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston; Austin, Texas: Raymond Serway and Jerry Faughn

Content Outline

I. Introduction

A. Scientific Process

1. Experimental Design

Learning Goals:

• Write a problem

• Make qualitative and quantitative observations

• Develop a hypothesis and procedures

• Identify variables and constants

• Establish experimental groups and controls

• Collect and organize data

• Analyze and graph data

• Make valid inferences

• Draw conclusions

• Identify limitation

• Generate new Questions

2. Writing in the Science of Physics

Learning Goals:

• Write a lab report

• Maintain a science notebook

• Take research notes

• Conduct interviews and surveys

• Plan, draft, and revise a research paper

• Document sources

• Create a science portfolio

3. Language of Physics

Learning Goals:

• Identify activities and fields that involve the major areas within physics

• Describe the process of the scientific method

• Interpret data in tables and graphs, and recognize equations that summarize data

• Distinguish between conventions for abbreviating units and quantities

• Use dimensional analysis to check the validity of equations

• Perform order-of-magnitude calculations

B. Mathematics of Physics

1. Measurements in Experiments

Learning Goals:

• List basic SI units and the quantities they describe

• Convert measurements into scientific notation

• Distinguish between accuracy and precision

• Use significant figures in measurements and calculations

2. Scientific Notation

Learning Goals:

• Use positive and negative exponents

3. Fractions

Learning Goals:

• Use the rules for multiplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting fractions

4. Powers

Learning Goals:

• Use the rules of exponents

5. Algebra

Learning Goals:

• Use algebra to solve for unknowns

• Implement factoring to simplify equations

• Understand the quadratic and linear equations and solve problems using these equations

• Solve simultaneous linear equations

6. Logarithms

Learning Goals:

• Understand and use the properties of logarithms

7. Conversions Between Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages

Learning Goals:

• Use the rules for converting numbers from fractions to decimals and percentages and from percentages to decimals

8. Geometry

Learning Goals:

• Use geometrical equations for areas and volume to solve problems

9. Trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem

Learning Goals:

• Know and understand trigonometry functions

• Determine an unknown side

• Determine an unknown angle

• Convert from degrees to radians

• Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems

II. Newtonian Mechanics (Percentage Goal of AP® Physics B Exam- 35%)

A. Kinematics (Percentage Goal of Newtonian Mechanics- 7%)

1. Motion in one dimension

Learning Goals:

• Describe motion in terms of frame of reference, displacement, time, and velocity

• Calculate the displacement of an object traveling at a known velocity for a specific time interval

• Construct and interpret graphs of position versus time

• Describe motion in terms of changing velocity

• Compare graphical representations of accelerated and nonaccelerated motion

• Apply kinematics equations to calculate distance, time, or velocity under conditions of constant acceleration

• Relate the motion of a freely falling body to motion with constant acceleration

• Calculate displacement, velocity, and time at various points in the motion of a freely falling object

• Compare the motions of different objects in free fall

2. Motion in two dimensions

Learning Goals:

• Distinguish between a scalar and a vector

• Add and subtract vectors by using the graphical method

• Multiply and divide vectors by scalars

• Identify appropriate coordinate systems for solving problems with vectors

• Apply the Pythagorean theorem and tangent function to calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant vectors

• Resolve vectors into components using the sine and cosine functions

• Add vectors that are not perpendicular

• Recognize examples of projectile motion

• Describe the path of a projectile as a parabola

• Resolve vectors into their components and apply the kinematic equations to solve problems involving projectile motion

• Describe situations in terms of frame of reference

• Solve problem involving relative velocity

B. Newton’s laws of motion (Percentage Goal of Newtonian Mechanics- 9%)

1. Static Equilibrium (First Law)

Learning Goals:

• Describe how force affects the motion of an object

• Interpret and construct free-body diagrams

• Explain the relationship between the motion of an object and he net external force acting on the object

• Determine the net external force on an object

• Calculate the force required to bring an object into equilibrium

2. Dynamics of a single particle (Second Law)

Learning Goals:

• Describe an object’s acceleration in terms of its mass and the net force acting on it

• Predict the direction and magnitude of the acceleration caused by a known net force

3. System of two or more objects (Third Law)

Learning Goals:

• Identify action-reaction pairs

• Explain the difference between mass and weight

• Find the direction and magnitude of normal forces

• Describe air resistance as a form of friction

• Use coefficients of friction to calculate frictional forces

C. Work, energy, power (Percentage Goal of Newtonian Mechanics- 5%)

1. Work and work-energy theorem

Learning Goals:

• Recognize the difference between the scientific and ordinary definitions of work

• Define work by relating it to force and displacement

• Identify where work is being performed in a variety of situation

• Calculate the net work done when many forces are applied to an object

• Identify several forms of energy

• Calculate kinetic energy for an object

• Apply the work-kinetic energy theorem to solve problems

2. Forces and potential energy

Learning Goals:

• Distinguish between kinetic and potential energy

• Calculate the potential energy associated with an object’s position

3. Conservation of energy

Learning Goals:

• Identify situations in which conservation of mechanical energy is valid

• Recognize the forms that conserved energy can take

• Solve problems using conservation of mechanical energy

4. Power

Learning Goals:

• Relate the concepts of energy, time, and power

• Calculate power in two different ways

• Explain the effect of machines on work and power

D. Systems of particles, linear momentum (Percentage Goal of Newtonian Mechanics- 4%)

1. Center of mass

Learning Goal:

• Determine an object’s center of mass

2. Impulse and momentum

Learning Goals:

• Compare the momentum of different moving objects.

• Compare the momentum of the same object moving with different velocities.

• Identify examples of change in the momentum of an object.

• Describe changes in momentum in terms of force and time.

3. Conservation of linear momentum, collisions

Learning Goals:

• Describe the interaction between two objects in terms of the change in momentum of each object.

• Compare the total momentum of two objects before and after they interact.

• State the law of conservation of momentum.

• Predict the final velocities of objects after collisions, given the initial velocities.

• Identify different types of collisions.

• Determine the changes in kinetic energy during perfectly inelastic collisions.

• Compare conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic energy in perfectly inelastic and elastic collisions.

• Find the final velocity of an object in perfectly inelastic and elastic collisions.

E. Circular motion and rotation (Percentage Goal of Newtonian Mechanics- 4%)

1. Uniform circular motion

Learning Goals:

• Solve problems involving centripetal acceleration.

• Solve problems involving centripetal force.

• Explain how the apparent existence of an outward force in circular motion can be explained as inertia resisting the centripetal force.

2. Torque and rotational static

Learning Goals:

• Demonstrate proficiency in solving problems involving banking angles, the conical pendulum and motion in a vertical circle

• Define and calculate the torque of a given force about an axis of rotation.

3. Rotational kinematics and dynamics/ Angular momentum and its conservation

Learning Goals:

• Demonstrate proficiency in solving problems involving banking angles, the conical pendulum and motion in a vertical circle

• Define and calculate the torque of a given force about an axis of rotation.

• State the two conditions of equilibrium (translational and rotational) and apply them to solve for unknown forces and/or distances in a variety of situations.

F. Oscillations and gravitation (Percentage Goal of Newtonian Mechanics- 6%)

1. Simple harmonic motion (dynamics and energy relationships)

Learning Goals:

• Identify the conditions of simple harmonic motion.

• Explain how force, velocity, and acceleration change as an object vibrates with simple harmonic motion.

• Identify the amplitude of vibrations.

• Recognize the relationship between period and frequency.

• Calculate the period and frequency of an object vibrating with simple harmonic motion.

2. Mass on a spring

Learning Goal:

• Describe and apply Hooke’s law and Newton’s second law to determine the acceleration as a function of displacement.

• Derive and apply the equation to obtain the period of a mass-spring system.

3. Pendulum and other oscillations

Learning Goal:

• Derive and apply the equation to obtain the period of a simple pendulum.

4. Newton’s law of gravity

Learning Goals:

• Explain how Newton’s law of universal gravitation accounts for various phenomena, including satellite and planetary orbits, falling objects, and the tides.

• Apply Newton’s law of universal gravitation to solve problems.

5. Orbits of planets and satellites

Learning Goals:

• Describe Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

• Relate Newton’s mathematical analysis of gravitational force to the elliptical planetary orbits proposed by Kepler.

• Solve problems involving orbital speed and period.

III. Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Physics (Percentage Goal of AP® Physics B Exam- 15%)

A. Fluid Mechanics (Percentage Goal of Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Physics- 6%)

1. Hydrostatic pressure

Learning Goals:

• Define a fluid.

• Define atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure, and absolute pressure, and the relationship among terms

• Define and apply the concept of fluid pressure.

• State and apply Pascal’s principle in practical situations such hydraulic lifts.

• Distinguish a gas from a liquid.

2. Buoyancy

Learning Goals:

• Determine the magnitude of the buoyant force exerted on a floating object or a submerged object.

• Demonstrate proficiency in accurately drawing and labeling free-body diagrams involving buoyant force and other forces.

• State and apply Archimedes’ principle to calculate the buoyant force.

• Explain why some objects float and some objects sink.

• Calculate the pressure exerted by a fluid.

• Calculate how pressure varies with depth in a fluid.

3. Fluid flow continuity

Learning Goal:

• State the characteristics of an ideal fluid

• Examine the motion of a fluid using the continuity equation.

4. Bernoulli’s equation

Learning Goals:

• Recognize the effects of Bernoulli’s principle on fluid motion.

• Demonstrate proficiency in solving problems involving changes in depth and/or changes in pressure and/or changes in velocity.

B. Temperature and heat (Percentage Goal of Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Physics- 2%)

1. Mechanical equivalent of heat

Learning Goals:

• Understand and apply the mechanical equivalent of heat.

• Relate temperature to the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules.

• Identify the various temperature scales, and convert from one scale to another.

• Apply the principle of energy conservation to calculate changes in potential, kinetic, and internal energy.

2. Heat transfer and thermal expansion

Learning Goals:

• Describe the changes in the temperatures of two objects reaching thermal equilibrium.

• Explain heat as the energy transferred between substances that are at different temperatures.

• Relate heat and temperature change on the macroscopic level to particle motion on the microscopic level.

• Perform calculations with specific heat capacity.

• Interpret the various sections of a heating curve.

C. Kinetic theory and thermodynamics (Percentage Goal of Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Physics- 7%)

1. Ideal gases (kinetic model and ideal gas law)

Learning Goals:

• State and apply the gas laws: Boyle’s, Charles’s, and Gay Lussac’s

• Apply the Ideal Gas law and the General Gas law to the solution of problems involving changes in volume, pressure, and temperature

• State the postulates of the kinetic theory

• Understand that the average translational energy of molecules in a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature

2. Laws of thermodynamics (First law and second law)

Learning Goals:

• Recognize that a system can absorb or release energy as heat in order for work to be done on or by the system and that work done on or by a system can result in the transfer of energy as heat.

• Compute the amount of work done during a thermodynamic process.

• Distinguish between isovolumetric, isothermal, and adiabatic thermodynamic processes.

• Illustrate how the first law of thermodynamics is a statement of energy conservation.

• Calculate heat, work, and the change in internal energy by applying the first law of thermodynamics.

• Apply the first law of thermodynamics to describe cyclic processes.

• Recognize why the second law of thermodynamics requires two bodies at different temperatures for work to be done.

• Calculate the efficiency of a heat engine.

• Relate the disorder of a system to its ability to do work or transfer energy as heat.

IV. Electricity and Magnetism (Percentage Goal of AP® Physics B Exam- 25%)

A. Electrostatics (Percentage Goal of Electricity and Magnetism- 5%)

1. Charge and Coulomb’s law

Learning Goals:

• Understand the basic properties of electric charge

• Distinguish between charging by contact, charging by induction, and charging by polarization

• Calculate electric force using Coulomb’s Law

• Compare electric force with gravitational force

• Apply the superposition principle to find the resultant force on a charge and to find the position at which the net force on a charge is zero

2. Electric field and electric potential (point charge)

Learning Goals:

• Calculate electric field strength

• Draw and interpret electric field lines

3. Gauss’s law

4. Fields and potentials of other charge distributions

• Distinguish between electrical potential energy, electric potential, and potential difference

• Solve problems involving electrical energy and potential difference

• Describe the energy conversions that occur in a battery

B. Conductors, capacitors, dielectrics (Percentage Goal of Electricity and Magnetism- 4%)

1. Electrostatics with conductors

Learning Goal:

• Identify the four properties associated with a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium

• Differentiate between conductors and insulators

2. Capacitors

a. Capacitance

Learning Goals:

• Relate capacitance to the storage of electrical potential energy in the form of separated charges

• Calculate the capacitance of various devices

• Calculate the energy stored in a capacitor

• Describe the basic properties of electric current, and solve problems relating current, charge, and time

• Distinguish between the drift speed of a charge carrier and the average speed of the charged carrier between collisions

b. Parallel plate

c. Spherical and cylindrical

3. Dielectrics

C. Electric circuits (Percentage Goal of Electricity and Magnetism- 7%)

1. Current, resistance, power

Learning Goals:

• Distinguish between electrical potential energy, electric potential, and potential difference

• Describe the basic properties of electric current, and solve problems relating current, charge, and time

• Distinguish between the drift speed of a charge carrier and the average speed of the charged carrier between collisions

• Calculate resistance, current, and potential difference by using the definition of resistance

• Distinguish between ohmic and non-ohmic materials, and learn what factors affect resistance

• Differentiate between direct current and alternating current

• Relate electric power to the rate at which electrical energy is converted to other forms of energy

• Calculate electric power and the cost of running electrical appliances

2. Steady-state direct current circuits with batteries and resistors only

Learning Goals:

• Interpret and construct circuit diagrams.

• Identify circuits as open or closed.

• Deduce the potential difference across the circuit load, given the potential difference across the battery’s terminals.

• Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit of resistors in series, and find the current in and potential difference across each resistor in the circuit.

• Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit of resistors in parallel, and find the current in and potential difference across each resistor in the circuit.

• Calculate the equivalent resistance for a complex circuit involving both series and parallel portions.

• Calculate the current in and potential difference across individual elements within a complex circuit.

3. Capacitors in circuits

a. Steady state

b. Transients in RC circuits

D. Magnetic Fields (Percentage Goal of Electricity and Magnetism- 4%)

1. Forces on moving charges in magnetic fields

2. Forces on current-carrying wires in magnetic fields

3. Fields of long current-carrying wires

4. Biot-Savart law and Ampere’s law

Learning Goals:

• For given situations, predict whether magnets will repel or attract each other.

• Describe the magnetic field around a permanent magnet.

• Describe the orientation of Earth’s magnetic field.

• Describe the magnetic field produced by current in a straight conductor and in a solenoid.

• Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction of the magnetic field in a current-carrying wire.

• Given the force on a charge in a magnetic field, determine the strength of the magnetic field.

• Use the right-hand rule to find the direction of the force on a charge moving through a magnetic field.

Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on a wire carrying current in a magnetic field.

E. Electromagnetism (Percentage Goal of Electricity and Magnetism- 5%)

1. Electromagnetic induction (Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law)

2. Inductance (LR and LC circuits)

3. Maxwell’s equation

Learning Goals:

• Recognize that relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field induces an emf in the conductor.

• Describe how the change in the number of magnetic field lines through a circuit loop affects the magnitude and direction of the induced electric current.

• Apply Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law of induction to solve problems involving induced emf and current.

• Describe how generators and motors operate.

• Explain the energy conversions that take place in generators and motors.

• Describe how mutual induction occurs in circuits.

• Describe what electromagnetic waves are and how they are produced.

• Recognize that electricity and magnetism are two aspects of a single electromagnetic force.

• Explain how electromagnetic waves transfer energy.

• Describe various applications of electromagnetic waves.

V. Waves and Optics (Percentage Goal of AP® Physics B Exam- 15%)

A. Wave motion (Percentage Goal of Waves and Optics - 5%)

1. Traveling waves

2. Wave propagation

3. Standing waves

4. Superposition

B. Physical optics (Percentage Goal of Waves and Optics - 5%)

1. Interference and diffraction

2. Dispersion of light and the electromagnetic spectrum

C. Geometric optics (Percentage Goal of Waves and Optics - 5%)

1. Reflection and refraction

2. Mirrors

3. Lenses

Learning Goals:

• Identify the amplitude of vibration.

• Recognize the relationship between period and frequency.

• Calculate the period and frequency of an object vibrating with simple harmonic motion.

• Distinguish local particle vibrations from overall wave motion.

• Differentiate between pulse waves and periodic waves.

• Interpret waveforms of transverse and longitudinal waves.

• Apply the relationship among wave speed, frequency, and wavelength to solve problems.

• Relate energy and amplitude

• Apply the superposition principle. Differentiate between constructive and destructive interference.

• Predict when a reflected wave will be inverted.

• Predict whether specific traveling waves will produce a standing wave. Identify nodes and antinodes of a standing wave.

Learning Goals:

• Explain how sound waves are produced.

• Relate frequency to pitch.

• Compare the speed of sound in various media.

• Relate plane waves to spherical waves.

• Recognize the Doppler effect, and determine the direction of a frequency shift when there is relative motion between a source and an observer.

• Calculate the intensity of sound waves.

• Relate intensity, decibel level, and perceived loudness.

• Explain why resonance occurs.

• Differentiate between the harmonic series of open and closed pipes.

• Calculate the harmonics of a vibrating string and of open and closed pipes.

• Relate harmonics and timbre.

• Relate the frequency difference between two waves to the number of beats heard per second.

Learning Goals:

• Identify the components of the electromagnetic spectrum.

• Calculate the frequency or wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. Recognize that light has a finite speed.

• Describe how the brightness of a light source is affected by distance.

• Distinguish between specular and diffuse reflection of light.

• Apply the law of reflection for flat mirrors.

• Describe the nature of images formed by flat mirrors.

• Recognize how additive colors affect the color of light.

• Recognize how pigments affect the color of reflected light.

• Explain how linearly polarized light is formed and detected.

Learning Goals:

• Recognize situations in which refraction will occur.

• Identify which direction light will bend when it passes from one medium to another.

• Solve problems using Snell’s law.

• Use ray diagrams to find the position of an image produced by a converging or diverging lens, and identify the image as real or virtual.

• Solve problems using the thin-lens equation.

• Calculate the magnification of lenses.

• Describe the positioning of lenses in compound microscopes and refracting telescopes.

• Predict whether light will be refracted or undergo total internal reflection.

• Recognize atmospheric conditions that cause refraction.

• Explain dispersion and phenomena such as rainbows in terms of the relationship between the index of refraction and the wavelength.

Learning Goals:

• Describe how light waves interfere with each other to produce bright and dark fringes.

• Identify the conditions required for interference to occur.

• Predict the location of interference fringes using the equation for double-slit interference.

• Describe how light waves bend around obstacles and produce bright and dark fringes.

• Calculate the positions of fringes for a diffraction grating.

• Describe how diffraction determines an optical instrument’s ability to resolve images.

• Describe the properties of laser light.

• Explain how laser light has particular advantages in certain applications.

VI. Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Percentage Goal of AP® Physics B Exam- 10%)

A. Atomic physics and quantum effects (Percentage Goal of Atomic and Nuclear Physics - 7%)

1. Photons, the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, x-ray

2. Atomic energy levels

3. Wave-particle duality

B. Nuclear physics (Percentage Goal of Atomic and Nuclear Physics - 3%)

1. Nuclear reactions (conservation of mass number and charge)

2. Mass-energy equivalence

Learning Goals:

• Explain how Planck resolved the ultraviolet catastrophe in blackbody radiation.

• Calculate energy of quanta using Planck’s equation.

• Solve problems involving maximum kinetic energy, work function, and threshold frequency in the photoelectric effect.

• Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Rutherford’s model of the atom.

• Recognize that each element has a unique emission and absorption spectrum.

• Explain atomic spectra using Bohr’s model of the atom.

• Interpret energy-level diagrams.

• Recognize the dual nature of light and matter.

• Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of matter waves.

• Distinguish between classical ideas of measurement and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

• Describe the quantum-mechanical picture of the atom, including the electron cloud and probability waves.

Learning Goals:

• Identify the properties of the nucleus of an atom.

• Explain why some nuclei are unstable.

• Calculate the binding energy of various nuclei.

• Describe the three modes of nuclear decay.

• Predict the products of nuclear decay.

• Calculate the decay constant and the half-life of a radioactive substance.

• Define the four fundamental interactions of nature.

• Identify the elementary particles that make up matter.

• Describe the standard model of the universe.


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