“If the Savior Stood Beside Me”

“If the Savior Stood Beside Me”

Sally DeFord

2008 CSMP

Some ideas to use in teaching the song to the Primary Children:

*As you listen to the song, see if you can hear phrases or words that are repeated/or the same.

• “Would I” – 7

• “Me/My – 8 and “I” – 17 total of 25

• “Savior” – 5 and “Him, He or His” – 7 total of 13

• “If the Savior stood beside me” - 2

• “If I could see the Savior standing nigh, watching over me” – 3

• “the things” – 2

• “true” – 2

• “do” -3

• “say” – 2

In this song there are two important people: the Savior -mentioned 13 times. Each time you sing Savior, you are singing about Jesus Christ. The other person is me/I -mentioned 25 times. Who is that person? Each time you sing me/I it is speaking about you!

The line: “If I could see the Savior standing nigh, watching over me” is repeated 3 times, but notice on the third time through the ending is different and the notes are held longer on each word: watch……..ing, o……..ver, me.

Things are repeated because they are important.

*Some words to know and think about :

• Savior What is a Savior? Who is He and why is He our Savior?

• Commandments

• Example (His)

• Reverently (speak)

• Righteously (live)

• Nigh

• Watchful

• Follow

• Harder (try)

• Never

* The use of Rebus: A rebus can be a method of helping involve young children in the act of reading, as well as two types of puzzle in which letters, words, and pictures are combined to convey a phrase or sentence. A rebus is a variation on a pun. In a pun, the sound and/or meaning of two words is made into a play on words. In a rebus, the pun is created by using pictures to evoke a sound that is identical or similar to a word or word part.

As the children become more familiar with the words you can wean them off using one page pictures depicting the meaning of the song.

*Questions are asked through the song to ask yourself. (make word strips).

“If the Savior were standing nigh, watching over me”:

• Would I do the things I do?

• Would I think of His commandments?

• Would I try harder to be true?

• Would I follow His example?

• Would I live more righteously?

• Would I say the things I say?

• Would my words be true and kind?

• Would I try to share the gospel?

• Would I speak more righteously?

Then there is a testimony:

• He is always with me, though I do not see Him there (shows faith).

• He loves me dearly

• I am in His watchful care.

Then because of the testimony there comes the change of heart required:

I’ll be the kind of person, I know I’d like to be, because I know the Savior is nigh and He is watching over me.

Concentrate on learning and understanding the words. As the children learn the words work on the tempo, etc.

This song has a wonderful and special message. What would we do, say, or how would we act differently if we truly believed that the Savior was standing beside us. Learn it so that you can bear testimony that the words they are singing are true.

Bear your testimony that you know that Savior is near and that He is watching over each of them. He does love them dearly. As they try harder each day to improve themselves in doing right; following the commandments; being true to His teachings, by following his example, it will help them to live more righteously. Let them know that by using the right words and doing the right things can influence others in wanting to know about the gospel, because others will want to know how to have what they have.

Have fun with your calling this coming year. Pray about this song and maybe some other ideas will come to you as you teach this song.


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