South Texas Marksmanship Training Center

South Texas Marksmanship Training Center

Box 692173

San Antonio, Texas 78269


The Newsletter of the South Texas Marksmanship Training Center

John W. Gaines, Scribe

MARCH 2017


We had our “stuffing party” at the March meeting. About 20 folks were there to pitch in. It was actually a lot of fun, swapping stories and talking about our favorite subject…guns! We got several hundred envelopes stuffed. Each had a letter, some tickets and a return envelope, then each envelope was addressed with an address label and postage applied. We worked for two hours on this but we are not finished. We still have about 300 more to do, and we will hold another mini-party soon. THANKS TO THOSE WHO HELPED.


Wayne Nunn

The February 11th match included an 80 Shot Conventional Prone Smallbore match followed by a CMP Rimfire Sporter Match. It was a really great day for a Match. Almost everyone had their scopes so we all put them on, and the scores showed it. The winds stayed pretty light most of morning and never really challenged even the faint of heart. Congrats to John McComb, he won prone with a 795-56X and to Jeff Huehn who won F Class with a 792-53X.

After the prone match, we got out the sporting rifles and shot a CMP Sporter Match. Bruce Finley won the match scoring 578-20X with his bolt rifle showing he can still crank a bolt. Great fun for ALL! Next match is March 11, NRA Approved 160 shot Match.

* * FYI * *

Your scribe made the trip to Blackhawk just to see the Sporter match. It’s really an interesting competition. It’s friendly, informal and fun. I didn’t shoot, but wished I had. Several folks had Ruger 10/22 rifles, but there were also some bolt action rifles on the line. Most shooters opted for ‘scope sights which is OK if they are 6X or less. Next month maybe I’ll dig out the wife’s 10/22 and give it a try.


Competitors who enter matches via Pay Pal must bring with them a copy of their email receipt to show the match director that they have paid the entry fees.


John Kelley

The High Power training match was held on February 19th. The rain held off, but the wind was blowing. We had some work to do on the 200 and 300 yard firing lines, which we finished up in about an hour. We also got targets pasted and ready. 

We had a 'new to us' shooter, Morgan Grover, a junior. This was his first match and he shot all positions. John Cholak had high score, shooting a 447-6. AJ Carr came in second with a 438-3. Harvey Dickens was third with a 414-2 shooting a nice Garand. The scope gremlins were out again, right Bruce?

The next training match will be the J.C. Garand match, on March 19th, at the CTSA Range, New Braunfels. Match fee is $20 for adults and $10 for juniors and active military. Surplus 30-06 ammo will be available for purchase at $10 for 35 rounds. Gate should be open by 0730, followed by sign-up. Fun begins at 0815 for set up and first rounds down range at 0900. I have two organizational Garands. If someone wants to shoot one, let me know and I'll bring it out. For this match, we will utilize the pits and fire from the 200 yard line. This will give us a chance to test everything out. Make sure you bring a stool or something to sit on.

  The next scheduled High Power training match, scheduled for Saturday April 29th, at the CTSA Range, New Braunfels. Match fee is $20 for adults and $10 for juniors and active military. Gate should be open by 0730, followed by sign-up. Fun begins at 0815 for set up and first rounds down range at 0900. The plan is to use the pits and fire from the 200, 300, and 500 yard lines.

* * FYI * *

Your scribe ventured out to the range with shovel, rake and hoe to help with the gravel work. We had about seven men there to rake the gravel around and fill in the low spots and level the high spots. Actually, Ken Schilling did a really good job of “rough grading” the firing lines with a tractor. He is a good man on that machine.

It took us about one hour to get the gravel spread out and nobody really worked up a sweat. It’s amazing what teamwork can accomplish. And we had a good time doing it.

While we were spreading gravel, Wayne Nunn and a junior were building targets back at the 500 yard line. Later Jon Ussery and Bill Huddleston pitched in and that team pasted a couple of dozen targets. It won’t be long until we can shoot a true National Match Course at 200, 300 and 500yards. That is, by the way, recognized by the NRA as an official course of fire, and should eventually attract shooters from Austin and the Valley…maybe even Houston.


* * * * *

TSRA has published the following: Dates for 2017 TSRA Championships, Regionals, and F Class qualifiers have been set.  TSRA will again have separate Service Rifle and High Power State  Championships.  The Service Rifle Championship will be at Camp Swift.  There will also be a separate F Class Mid-Range Championship. Note there is a Mid-range Championship Oct 6-8 at Bayou Rifles. This is the sling shooters championship, however, F Class shooters are welcome.  The F Class (only) Mid-range Championship will be Oct 20-22 at Panola Gun Club near Carthage.  As always, the TSRA Long-range Championship and the Long-range Regional are for sling shooters and F Class.  

Bayou Rifles Regional     March 24-26; Bayou

F Class Qualifier   March 25-26; Panola

TSRA Long Range Championship   April 27-30; Bayou

Panola Regional    May 5-7; Panola

Service Rifle Championship  May 19-21; Camp Swift

F Class Qualifier   Sept 9-10; West TX Long Range Association, Midland

High Power Championship  Sept 29-Oct 1; Panola

TSRA Mid-range Championship (Sling Shooters) Oct 6-8; Bayou

TSRA Mid-range F Class Championship Oct 20-22; Panola


Jim Ford

The STMTC Pistol Division will have a Bowling Pin Training Match on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 08:30 at our Black Hawk Range. Full details of the course of fire may be found by clicking the “details” button on the calendar/date information.

Time and weather permitting, we will also demonstrate a new defensive training/practice system with a special target that George Becquet brought back from Huntsville, Alabama for those who might want to more finely hone their shooting skills.


Chris Rabago

On Feb 4th, Braun 4H had a new family attend practice at Blackhawk with their 13 year old son. This young man was able to practice alongside our other prone shooters by the end of practice, and was excited to take home his first scored target. His family enjoyed their time and immediately joined Braun 4H.

Braun 4H spent February getting ready for this season’s first match, Travis County’s March Madness on March 4, 2017. This match had multiple events that the 4H kids were able to compete in including: Small-bore 50ft 3-position Rifle, Small-bore Rifle Silhouette, and Light Rifle. Our goals for this match were that the youth: 1) understood and followed all range commands for each event: 2) understood and felt comfortable with the courses of fire for each event, and 3) had confidence in their ability to operate and handle their equipment during each event. To get ready for this event, new shooters practiced 3P and standing light rifle.

Braun 4H had 3 youths register and compete at March Madness. The event was well attended with approximately 200 shooters from a dozen counties. The day was very wet with youth shooting in the open pouring rain. Despite a few low scores, all Braun 4H youth scored their personal best in at least one event. The top 3 of each event brought home medals with Braun 4H receiving 2 individual medals for a 2nd and 3rd place finish. Of all events and despite never practicing for it, the kids loved the Light Rifle Silhouette. Braun is hopeful to discuss the possibility of creating an animal Silhouette shoot lane at Blackhawk. Braun 4H results follow:

|Name |Division |3P Place (Score) |Light Rifle |Light Rifle Silhouette |

|Carissa Rábago |Intermediate |3rd (102/300) |4th (307-2X/400) |12th (4/30) |

|Analyssa Del Toro |Senior 1 |6th (381/600) |9th (281/400) |2nd (16/40) |

|Tino Escareno |Senior 1 |10th (216/600) |7th (297/400) |16th (3/40) |

|(new shooter/1st match) | | | | |

Next on the Braun 4H calendar will be a Light Rifle postal match to be fired in March at Blackhawk, and 3P practices to prepare for the District 10 3P match in April. If there are yooungsters ages 8-19 interested in the shooting sports please have them contact me at braun4h@satx..



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