San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation


Request for Proposals

Investment Consulting Services

|1. How many community foundation clients do you currently have? | |

2. Please list the returns (net of all fees) for two actual community foundation clients for the following

periods ending 12/31/14. If you have no community foundation clients, another nonprofit that has a

long-term investment strategy may be used. For purpose of selecting the representative client, use

the best and poorest 5 year number but include the other trailing returns.

|Client |1 Year |3 Year |5 Year |Asset Allocation |

|Best Performance | | | | |

|Poorest Performance | | | | |

|3. Total assets under management are: | |

|4. At December 31, 2014, our endowment pool was valued at $33,350,000. Utilizing the actual |

|investment vehicles involved in the response to question 2, best performance, the actual fees assessed |

|to our account for the calendar year would have been as follows : |

| Investment Management Fees | |

| Underlying Mutual Fund Fees | |

5. How many endowment and community foundation clients has your firm gained and lost in the past

five years:

|Year |Accounts Gained |Value Gained |Accounts Lost |Value Lost |

|2014 | | | | |

|2013 | | | | |

|2012 | | | | |

|2011 | | | | |

|2010 | | | | |

|6. Please indicate if you are able to provide the following services: |Yes |No |

| a. Investment of Gift Annuity Pool and Charitable Remainder Trusts Assets | | |

| b. Payments (including Direct Deposit) of Gift Annuity Distributions, | | |

|Trust Distributions and related expenses. | | |

| c. Creation of additional investment pools with differing investment | | |

|objectives and asset allocations. | | |

| d. Electronic gathering of all PCCF accounts managed by others for | | |

|purposes of reporting to the Finance Committee. | | |


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