Weight Lifting Final Review


Physical Education Final Review

Physical Benefits of exercise

Disease Prevention

Weight Management

Decrease in Cholesterol

Decrease in Heart Rate

Social Benefit of exercise

Opportunity for interaction with others




Mental/emotional Benefits of exercise

Reduces anxiety/stress

Provides the person with a better body image

Improves self discipline and self respect

Muscular strength

More weight, less reps, Push ups=Muscular strength

Muscular Endurance

Less Weight, More Reps, Sit ups=Muscular endurance


Improves Flexibility

Reduces Soreness

Reduces Chance for injury

Pre Stretching

Stretching before the activity to improve flexibility and reduce the chance for injury

Post Stretching

Stretching after the activity to reduce soreness







The first thing that a doctor will prescribe for a person that is depressed is Exercise

Components of Fitness

Muscular Strength

Muscular Endurance

Cardiorespiratory Endurance


Body Composition

FITT Principle





Push ups-Bench Press


Sit Ups




In Baseball/Softball/WIffleball

6 outs per inning

Tagging up-When a ball is hit into the air, a person on base will stay on base until the ball is caught and then can proceed to the next base


A set is considered to be a pass

Ultimate Ball/Frisbee

You move the ball/Frisbee down the court, or field, by throwing it to your teammate, you cannot run with the ball

You are much more likely to stick to an exercise program if you exercise with a friend.

Weight Lifting Final Review

____ 1. If you are using light weights to complete an exercise which rules should you use?

____ 2. Pre stretching is

____ 3. Which class of nutrient is needed the most to help build and repair the body?

____ 4.Warming up, even before stretching, is beneficial because

____ 5. Stretching prior to physical activity

____ 6. The person who assists and helps protect the lifter when they are attempting a lift is

____ 7. Which of the following would be an example of a “free weight” lift:

____ 8. Which of the following is true about lifting weights:

____ 9. A physical benefit of exercise is

____ 10. Weight management is

____ 11. Which of the following exercises is considered a cardiorespiratory/cardiovascular exercise?

____ 12. Which of the following exercises is considered a cardiorespiratory/cardiovascular exercise?

____ 13. A social benefit of exercise is

____ 14 Which exercise works the Pectoral muscle best?

____ 15. Which exercise works the bicep muscle best?

____ 16. Which exercise works the Tricep muscle best?

____ 17. Which exercise works the Deltoid muscle best?

____ 18. Which exercise works the Ab muscles best?

____ 19. Which exercise works the quad muscle best?

____ 20. Exercise improves the ability of a person in the following ways

____ 21. When can a person begin a strenuous exercise program?

____ 22. People who are training for a specific sport must train a specific way in order to

____ 23. Physical activity can improve a persons life in many different areas, which of the following does physical activity improve?

____ 24. Of the following classes of nutrients, which is the most important (without this you would die soon)

25. In the area remaining describe a full body workout routine for a person that wants to improve overall health. You must provide a pre workout routine, an exercise routine and a post workout routine. Please include two different days for the workout (there should be some differences in the actual exercise routine).


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