Calculate the momentum of

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. As the speed of a rolling ball is increasing, the increasing speed is accompanied by:

|a. |increasing momentum. |c. |decreasing momentum. |

|b. |increasing inertia. |d. |both increasing inertia and momentum. |

____ 2. To calculate momentum:

|a. |add the mass of an object to its inertia. |c. |multiply the mass of an object by its inertia |

|b. |add the mass of an object to its velocity. |d. |multiply the mass of an object by its velocity. |

____ 3. The impulse applied to an object is equal to the change in the object’s:

|a. |mass. |b. |inertia. |c. |momentum. |d. |height. |

____ 4. A piece of putty moving with 1 unit of momentum strikes and sticks to a heavy bowling ball

that is initially at rest. After the putty sticks to the ball, both move with a combined momentum

that is _________.

|a. |not enough information to say |b. |less than one unit |c. |1 unit |d. |more than one unit |

| | | | | | | | |

____ 5. If the momentum of an object changes and its mass remains constant, _________.

|a. |there is a force acting on it. |d. |all of the above. |

|b. |It is accelerating (or decelerating). |e. |none of the above. |

|c. |its velocity is changing. |

____ 6. While standing on a stationary skateboard, Jolene tosses a heavy ball horizontally toward one

end of her skateboard. The skateboard moves. Assuming there is no friction in the system

when the ball is tossed, which statement about the momentum of the heavy ball is INCORRECT?

| |The ball’s momentum has increased because Jolene has tossed it. |

| |The directions of the ball’s momentum and Jolene’s momentum are the same. |

| |The ball’s momentum plus the momentum of Jolene and her skateboard equals zero. |

| |The ball’s momentum is equal in size to the momentum of Jolene and her skateboard. |

____ 7. The impulse applied to an object is equal to the change in the object’s:

|a. |momentum. |b. |mass. |c. |inertia. |d. |height. |

____ 8. A massive SUV and a much smaller smart car traveling at the same speed have a head-on

collision. The vehicle to experience the greater impulse will be the _________.

|a. |SUV |b. |both the same |c. |Smart car |

____ 9. A massive SUV and a much smaller smart car traveling at the same speed have a head-on

collision. The vehicle to undergo the greater change in momentum will be the _________.

|a. |both the same |b. |SUV |c. |Smart car |

| | | | | | |

____ 10. A massive SUV and a much smaller smart car traveling at the same speed have a head-on

collision. The vehicle to undergo the greater change in velocity will be the _________.

|a. |SUV |b. |Smart car |c. |both the same |

____ 11. The impulse necessary to change the momentum of a 20-kilogram object by 5 kg·m/sec is:

|a. |4 kg·m/sec. |b. |5 kg·m/sec. |c. |15 kg·m/sec. |d. |100 kg·m/sec. |

Answer briefly

12. In order to have momentum an object must have both ____________ and ____________.

13. The metric units of momentum and impulse are ___________ and __________.

14. a. What does it mean to say that momentum is conserved?

b. What is an isolated system?

15. a. What is meant by the term “impulse?

b. What does an impulse do to an object’s momentum?


16. Calculate the momentum of an 80 kg go-cart moving at 5 m/s

| |Solution-(Show relationships, substitutions, solutions, and |

| |units) |

|Looking For | |

| | |

|Given (numbers, units, and symbols) | |

| | |

|formula | |

17. Calculate the velocity of a 15 kg beagle running with a momentum of -60 kgm/s

| |Solution-(Show relationships, substitutions, solutions, and |

| |units) |

|Looking For | |

| | |

|Given (numbers, units, and symbols) | |

| | |

|formula | |

| | |

18. A 5 kg cart moves at +6 m/s along a horizontal surface. It is about to encounter a 2 kg cart that is at rest. You may assume there is no friction.


a. What is the momentum of the 5 kg cart at this time? Show your work.

b. What is the momentum of the 2 kg at this time? Show your work.

The carts collide. Following the collision, the 5 kg cart is observed to be moving with a velocity of +2 m/s and the 2 kg cart is seen to be moving at 10 m/s.


d. What is the momentum of cart A (the 5 kg cart) after they collide? Show your work.

e. What is the momentum of cart B (the 2 kg cart) after they collide? Show your work.

f. If the 5 kg cart and the 2 kg cart are a system, what is the momentum of this system before the collision? Show work.

g. What is the momentum of this 2-cart system after they collide? Show your work.

h. Was momentum conserved in this collision? How do you know?

19. Which has more momentum (if either) and why?

a. A freight train (10 Million kg) at rest or an insect (0.00001kg) at rest?

b. A 100 kg linebacker moving at 2 m/s or an 80 Kg running back moving at 3 m/s?

20. Before a collision, Cart A has 50 kg m/s of momentum and Cart B has -10 kg m/s momentum.

Following the collision, Cart A has momentum of 30 kg m/s, Cart B is moving but you don’t know its momentum yet.

a. What is the total momentum of the 2 car system before the explosion? Show your work.

b. Assuming this system is isolated, what is the total momentum of the 2 car system after the explosion?

c. What is the momentum of cart B after the explosion?

d. If Cart B has a mass of 5 kg, how fast is cart B moving?

21. A 20 N force acts for 10 s on a skateboard.

a. What is the impulse imparted to the skateboard?

b. What is the skateboard’s change in momentum?

22. An impulse of 500 Ns acts on a car for 25 seconds. What is the force exerted on the car?


5 kg 6 m/s


2 kg 0 m/s


2 kg 10 m/s



5 kg 2 m/s


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