Screening for birth defects

• Pregnant patients have the opportunity to assess risk factors for birth defects and genetic disorders. ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) recommends all patients be offered the opportunity to be screened for certain conditions, specifically carrier screening for cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy.

• Some patients with a specific family history or ethnicity may be offered additional carrier screening. Please notify your provider if there is a family history of a specific disease or condition so that we can assess the need for further testing. More extensive carrier screening is available but is not routinely recommended.

• ACOG also recommends that all patients be offered the opportunity to be screened for spina bifida using the Alpha-fetoprotein blood test in the second trimester.

• Chromosomal screening is also offered. There are two screening methods, the Quad screen and the newer cell free DNA (NIPT). More practitioners are recommending the cell free DNA test. It detects fetal DNA in maternal blood through a simple blood test and tends to be more sensitive and accurate. All screening tests have some degree of uncertainty, the potential for false positives, false negatives, and the need for further evaluation or referral to a specialist. Possible recommendations from the specialist may include invasive testing like amniocentesis.

• The cost of carrier screening for an individual condition may be higher than the cost of testing through available commercially-bundled expanded screening panels. When selecting a screening test the cost of each option should be considered. Even though these tests are offered to all patients, insurance coverage is not guaranteed and the testing may incur additional costs.

• Our physicians here are neither recommending nor discouraging testing but want our patients to be informed so they can make their best decisions. It is your choice to have prenatal testing. Your personal beliefs and values are important factors in the decision about prenatal testing.

• Please indicate if you would like carrier screening or genetic testing by marking the boxes below. If you decline testing please make that selection as well.

( Carrier Screening for Cystic Fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy

( Alpha-fetoprotein (screening for spinal bifida)

( Tay-Sachs Screening (patients who have a Cajun, French Canadian, Ashkenazi

Jewish, Irish or Pennsylvania Dutch Ancestry)

( Chromosomal screening with cell free DNA (NIPT)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

( Decline all carrier and genetic screening

Name: _____________________________________ Date:_____________________

SETX 0012 rev.1/20


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