


An example of an average 25/50 assignment


The attached report is an overview of the marketing audit report of the E-Co fueling business, its environment, the industry that the firm is in as well as the issues and challenges that the firm faces in order to sell and market its products and services to its customers.

E-Co fueling has a technology that has been developed to meet one of the many demands for alternative sources of energy. The company provides energy solutions for diesel engines in transportation, agricultural, mining and power generation sectors by increasing their efficiency and lessening the impact of emissions, ensuring that the engines last longer and contributing to lessening dependence on fossil fuels. Viewed 28 July 2011

According to E-Cofueling, apart from the fuel efficiency and associated benefits, companies that will adopt and start utilizing this technology will have carbon trading credits that they can use to offset emissions, start a green company campaign or sell as they wish for cash. The firms’ next generation systems will also allow carbon tracking and will manage the process for clients. Viewed 25 August 2011

However the firm faces major challenges and issues in its quest to realize the dream of being a major player in the alternative fuels industry in both Australia and Brazil, where its based. Some of the issues include unproven technology, a marketing team that is not very strong, lack of financial resources to sustain their research activities as well as very strong competitors who are already rolling out similar products. The firm is also faced with product competition in the form of alternative products like electricity and hydrogen that might end up being a direct threat to the firm’s business model. The firms’ main challenge is to ensure that its technology stands out and is marketed as one of the main alternative products to fossil fuels.


This marketing plan and action planning report examines how the E co Fueling Company will market their product in order to penetrate their identified target market as well as counteract the business issues identified in the marketing audit, as summarized in the overview above.

The world is facing an energy crisis because of over reliance of fossil fuels and the emergence of and development of alternative fuels has become a matter of strategic importance for most governments in order to ensure economic as well as social stability in their countries.

The E-Co fueling Company technology is one of the many technologies that are being developed in order to meet the demand for alternative sources of energy. The firms’ main challenge is to ensure that their offering stands out and is marketed as one of the major alternative products on the market.

The report will focus on the following:

1) Background of the firm and industry

2) Situation analysis

3) The firms strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

4) Company and marketing objectives

5) Target markets

6) Marketing strategy

7) Marketing tactics and contingencies

8) Conclusion and recommendations





1. Introduction 5

2. Situation analysis 6

3. TOWS Analysis 8

4. Company and Marketing Objectives 9

5. Target Markets 10

6. Marketing Strategy 11

7. Marketing Tactics and Contingencies 14

8. Conclusions & Recommendations 17



This marketing plan examines the business potential of the E-Co fueling diesel engine retrofit kit technology in the Australian and Brazilian market where the company has its bases and makes recommendations on how best the company can go about marketing its technology in the most efficient and cost effective way.

The E-Co fueling company was formed with the aim of providing energy solutions for diesel engines through reducing fossil fuels, increasing efficiencies and lessening the impact of emissions. The firm is targeting companies, municipalities, agencies, farms, villages and individuals to install diesel engine retrofit kit in their equipment engines which will result in a number of benefits such as increased fleet fuel economy, horsepower and torque as well as a reduction in emissions depending on engine age and type. In addition, by utilizing this technology companies will have carbon trading credits that they can use to offset emissions, start a green company campaign or sell as they wish for cash.

E-CoFueling has evaluated numerous alternatives to achieve the benefits as outlined above. The development of the internationally patent pending EXD achieves these objectives while also operating a cooler exhaust that laboratory tests show can contribute to longer engine. Viewed 25 September 2011

There are so many alternative fuels technology companies in the industry, making it very competitive. Our TOWS analysis concluded that the market is very attractive, even though E-CoFueling is one of the weaker firms in the industry because of being a late entrant, unproven technology and having a weak marketing team. We will thus outline possible strategies that the firm could use to ensure its products gain a market share in this industry.


Market Analysis

In general there has been a trend and awareness the world over to reduce carbon emissions and because of this most people prefer to buy low carbon emission diesel cars. The Australian government passed a carbon tax bill in Parliament on the 12th October,2011 that will force 500 of the biggest polluters to pay for each ton of carbon dioxide emitted and will eventually turn into an emissions trading scheme when fully operational.

Viewed 17 October 2011

Competitor Analysis

E-CoFueling has a number of alternative fuel technology companies that are direct competitors. In Brazil for example, Iveco FPT Industrial and Bosch commissioned an Iveco Trakker Bi-Fuel Ethanol-Diesel vehicle that can run on an ethanol and diesel mixture with lower fuel costs compared to a conventional diesel engine. viewed 26 August 2011.

Clean Flex Power Systems, based in Nebraska, USA but worth mentioning because of they produce similar technology and their prices are competitive developed a system for bringing a mixture of ethanol and water to a diesel engine just before the point of combustion, increasing the diesel engine’s efficiency and reducing emissions. The fuel and the retrofit are available for an estimated price of $5,000 to $7,500, depending on the vehicle and the engine. Viewed 29 September ,2011

One of the most competitive companies, also based in the US,H2Booster, claims that their technology can reduce emissions up to 50%, reduce gas mileage by 50%, horsepower by up to 15% and boost torque by up to 8%. Their prices range from USD 595 for an SUV to USD 2495 Viewed 17 October 2011

Another competitor, based in Australia is called Terra Fuel Technologies. They are also at a very advanced level in terms of testing and taking their technology to market Viewed 17 October 2011

Customer Analysis

E-CoFueling is targeting companies, municipalities, agencies, farms, villages as well as individuals in the list of its potential customers that will purchase its retrofit kit. Because of the type of market that the firm is playing in this would mostly fall into the category of benefit segmentation as their potential customers look more at the benefit that they will accrue from the product. It would also be beneficial for the firm if it could tie up a partnership agreement with a diesel engine manufacturer as ultimately this is the market that it is trying to service.

According to the International Atomic Agency renewable energy sources and alternative fuel sources will play a central role in providing a much more reliable and sustainable energy path in the world and will see market share increase globally to at least 8% in road transport fuel demand by 2035. The biggest challenge lies in the development of these fuel sources and alternatives as the processes are capital intensive. Viewed 25 August 2011, < >


The following TOWS table indicates strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and identified in E-CoFueling and their possible solutions


| |Strengths-S |Weakness-W |

| |1. New Technology |1.Unproven technology |

| |2. Ready availability of ethanol |2.Weak marketing team |

| |3.Carbon credit programs |3.Technology testing lagging behind |

| |4.Kyoto Protocol | |

| | | |

|O-Opportunities |SO-Strategies |WO-Strategies |

|1.Green technology easily embraced |Aggressive marketing (S1,O1) |Hire professional marketing team(W2,O1) |

|2.High fossil fuel costs |Take advantage of situation(S2,O2,O3) | |

|3.Finite fossil fuel resources | | |

|ernment support programs |Capitalize on carbon credit programs by signing|Capitalize on carbon credit program(W3,O4) |

| |up customers(S3,O4) | |

|5.International protocols | | |

| | | |

|T-Threats |ST-Strategies |WT-Strategies |

|1.Alternative products like electric and |Market technology better (S1,T1) | |

|hydrogen | | |

|2.Patents might not be granted | | |

|3.Main competitors already teamed up with big |Look for a partner in industry, maybe second |Find partners to test products with (W3,T3) |

|companies and already testing |largest producer ( S2,T3) | |

|4.Limited of R&D capital compared to | | |

|competitors | | |

| | | |


Company Objectives

E-CoFueling has successfully completed tertiary laboratory testing and infield trials in Michigan (USA), fleet trials in Australia, technical presentations at Caltech, USA and completed an Australian Government commercialisation grant. Through the Australian federal government-sponsored COALAR Clean Energy Trade Mission to Latin America, the firm finalised their corporate structure in Brazil. Investor discussions have taken place and alliance partners are keen to conduct the technology validation and scale ROI-based rollout plans on the current technology, alongside of accelerating the research and intellectual property pathways for the technology's next generation.

E-CoFueling acts on the premise that there is no single solution to the Diesel equation and that each will have their niche. It is the firms’ belief that its technology can play its part in a country's energy security platform by using home-made energy sources, such as Ethanol.

Marketing Objectives

Thus with the firm strategy of operating in a very attractive market but the firm itself being weak in terms of its marketing, still to be proven technology and technology testing which is lagging behind, the firms objective would be to capture at least a 10% market share in both the Australian and Brazilian markets by positioning itself as a cost leader. The firm will aim to do this by selling 9000 number of units and breaking even by the end of its first year of operations


The number of vehicles registered with diesel fuel in 2011 accounted for 14.7% (or 2.4 million vehicles) of the total vehicles in Australia. A greater numbers of Passenger vehicles and Light commercial vehicles registered with diesel fuel were the major contributors to this increase. While the number of Passenger vehicle registrations increased by 11.9% between the 2006 and 2011, the number of Passenger vehicles registered with diesel fuel increased by 102.2%.

Viewed 15 October 2011 < >. In general there has been a trend and awareness the world over to reduce carbon emissions and as a result of this most people prefer to buy low carbon emission diesel cars.

Using PESTEL factors identified in our marketing audit, which included the political will as seen from the passing of the carbon tax bill in Australia and the fact that Brazil is one the foremost countries in terms of renewable energy technology, the firm can now go ahead and position itself as a cost leader in order to penetrate the market and gain market share. The strategies used will be discussed in the following chapter.


Market Strategy

We have used Ansoff Matrix (below) to determine E-CoFueling strategy for growth

|  |Existing products |New products |

|Existing markets |Market Penetration |Product development |

|New markets |Market development |Diversification |

We have thus decided to focus on market penetration as our strategy. Our focus will be to ensure that we adopt an aggressive pricing strategy, increase customer awareness through increased advertising spend and strengthen our sales and marketing team. We are confident that by adopting this strategy we will eventually be the cost leader in the industry. We have deliberately adopted Cost leadership, one of Michael Porters three generic strategies for competitive advantage; because we know that we have a good quality product which we can market at a lower price than our competitors.

Marketing Mix

Now that we have decided our marketing strategy, our next step is complete our marketing objectives for each of the marketing mix primary elements, namely Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Our main driver here is to use market segmentation as a guiding principle.


Our product is being marketed as an emission reduction technology that has been successfully trialed infield and can be used with diesel or biodiesel, and has proved to be great alternative to other emission products Viewed 17 October 2011. While this is a good description, it lacks description of the features and benefits of the product. We have decided thus to add the following:

“Our customers who purchase the retrofit kit will experience increased fleet fuel economy, horsepower and torque as well as a reduction in emissions, demonstrated as a cleaner tailpipe exhaust. By utilising our technology they will have carbon trading credits that they can use to offset emissions, start a green company campaign or sell as they wish for cash”

We believe the above add will best describe our product to our potential customers.


Having decided to go with a market penetration strategy that involves pricing our product on the lower end of the scale in order to gain market share, our next step is to find a manufacturer that will assemble the units in a cost effective way. Our units will be manufactured in China. We believe we can manufacture the units at 50% cheaper to our competitors. We have signed a 3 year manufacturing agreement with a company in China that has agreed to keep the unit price fixed for a three year period. The import costs into Australia and Brazil of the assembled units will be minimal because of the of the carbon tax credit tax initiative attached to the project. We have thus set our pricing at A$499 for the cheapest unit to the A$1499 for the most expensive unit. Our aim is to sell 500 units every month in the first six months and increase that number to 1,000 units per month from month seven to twelve. We then forecast our sales to increase by 10% year on year from year 2 of operations.


We have decided on a very ambitious distribution strategy that will involve online sales, using signing up fuel service stations and garages as dealerships on a sales commission basis. Our aim is to make the retrofit kit as accessible as possible. We intend to pay our sales consultants a 5% sales commission on sale price, rising to 7.5% on a sale of 10 units or more. We believe this strategy will motivate them to sell more units.


Our promotion strategy is also going to be market savvy, brave and extremely ambitious. We intend to act like a global company while thinking local. We will advertise on an easy to use interactive website where customers can leave comments, we will advertise on face book, twitter, MySpace or any other relevant social media. We also intend to put out billboards in our target cities that will have localized adverts targeted at our customers. In short we want maximum visibility for our product. We have already appointed a leading marketing, advertising and public relations firm to lead us in this effort.



The following is the estimate of the budget required to implement the marketing plan.

|Description |Cost |Quantity p.a. |Total |

|Staff expenses: | | | |

| Staff overtime |$ 2400.00 |12 |$ 28,800.00 |

|Staff training |$ 300.00 |10 |$ 3,000.00 |

|Total | | |$ 31,800.00 |

|Admin expenses: | | | |

|Printing forms |$5,000.00 |4 |$ 20,000.00 |

|Office expenses |$ 1,000.00 |12 |$ 12,000.00 |

|Total | | |$ 32,000.00 |

|Marketing expenses: | | | |

|Meals & entertain. |$250.00 |12 |$ 3,000.00 |

|Advertising |$ 1,000.00 |12 |$ 12,000.00 |

|Websites, internet etc |$ 500.00 |12 |$ 6,000.00 |

|Trade shows |$ 250.00 |4 |$ 1,000.00 |

|Travel costs |$ 2500.00 |12 |$ 30,000.00 |

|Accommodation |$ 2500.00 |12 |$ 30,000.00 |

|Promotional gifts |$ 3500.00 |4 |$ 14,000.00 |

|Total | | |$ 96,000.00 |

|Total Budget | | |$ 159,800.00 |


|Objective |Responsibility |Start date |Completion date |

|Staff recruitment |MD |01/11/11 |15/12/11 |

|Staff training |Marketing Manager |20/12/11 |30/12/11 |

|PR Consultants engagement |MD |15/01/12 |31/01/12 |

|Printing forms & brochures |Marketing Manager |15/01/12 |31/01/12 |

|Website/viral advertising |Marketing Manager |01/02/12 |28/01/12 |

|Advertising campaign 1 |MD |01/03/12 |30/04/12 |

|Austrade Green Expo |Team |15/04/12 |22/04/12 |

|Rio Diesel Machinery Expo |Team |09/07/12 |22/07/12 |

|Advertising Campaign 2 |MD |08/06/12 |23/06/12 |

Financial forecasts

The Profit and Loss statement below is based on E-CoFueling having two units costing A$499.00 for the lower end unit and A$1,499.00 for the premium unit (average A$999.00 per unit) . Our total forecasted sales units will comprise 50% of each product. Our aim is to sell 500 units every month in the first six months and increase that number to 1,000 units per month from month seven to twelve. Forecasted units for year 1 will therefore be 9000 units. We then forecast our sales to increase by 10% year on year from year 2 of operations. Forecasted units in year two will therefore be 9,900 units and year three 10,890 units. It will cost us 50% of the average unit sales price to fully manufacture the unit and another 7% combined for shipping, customs and other import costs from China to either Australia or Brazil. The assumption is all costs will increase year on year by 10%.

Profit and Loss Statement

|P&L Statement |Year 1,2011, ($) |Year 2,2011, ($) |Year 3,2011, ($) |

|Units sold |9,000 |9,900 |10,890 |

|Avg. sell price |A$999.00 |A$1,099.00 |A$1,209.00 |

|Sales |A$8,991,000 |A$10,880,100 |A$13,166,010 |

|Less cost of sales |A$ 4,495,500 |A$5,440,050 |A$6,583,005 |

|Less Duty &Customs |A$ 629,370 |A$761,607 |A$921,620 |

|Gross Profit |A$ 3,866,130 |A$ 4,678,443 |A$5,661,385 |

|Less Total Expenses | | | |

|Staff salaries |A$1,200,000 |A$1,320,000 |A$1,452,000 |

|Marketing costs |A$ 159,800 |A$175,780 |A$193,358 |

|Office rentals |A$ 144,000 |A$158,400 |A$174,240 |

|Sales commission |A$ 674,325 |A$741,758 |A$815,933 |

|Security |A$ 120,000 |A$132,000 |A$145,200 |

|Loan repayments |A$ 480,000 |A$480,000 |A$528,000 |

|Transportation |A$ 120,000 |A$132,000 |A$145,200 |

|Other expenses |A$ 100,000 |A$110,000 |A$121,000 |

|Total Expenses |A$ 2,998,125 |A$3,249,938 |A$3,574,931 |

|Net Profit |A$ 868,005 |A$1,428,505 |A$2,086,454 |


We believe that we have completed a proper market research and our plan will work accordingly. We have however factored in a contingency plan as a backup. Our plan may however not work because of the following factors:

• Failure by our suppliers to deliver on time

• Possible cancellation of manufacturing contract by our Chinese supplier

• Possible exchange rate differences may impact on final customer sales price

• Our competitors may react to our strategy and start a price war

We have developed some mitigating factors in case any of the above contingencies do happen. We are currently looking for an alternative supplier in India. We will also be taking a hedge on our foreign currency transactions and we are keeping most of our plans under wraps to keep them away from our competitors.


This report has found that E-CoFueling has a viable proposition to develop and market its retrofit unit and we are confident of gaining a 10% market share in both our target markets.

Our recommendation is that this plan should be accepted and executed as soon as possible, bearing in mind the implementation due dates.

There is very limited analysis and application in this assignment you have merely gone through the sections in a very simple manner the sequence and linking of these lacks depth and does not comprehensively justify the strategies that you have chosen.


Pride et al 2007, Marketing: core concepts and applications Wiley, Milton Qld

Viewed 28 July 2011

Viewed 3 August 2011

Viewed 4 August 2011

Viewed 25 August 2011, < >

Viewed 26 August 2011

Viewed 17 October 2011

Viewed 17 October 2011

Viewed 18 October 2011

Viewed 15 October 2011

Viewed 15 October 2011

Viewed 17 October 2011


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