20 SEP 08

1) Roll Call –

Listed below are those who attended the meeting and the team they represent:

Sean Fitzgerald Atlanta Rainbow Trout (ART)

Mke Hardin ART

Heidi Natkin Atlanta Water Jocks (AWJ)

Jenny Baldowski Augusta Masters Rip Tides (AMRT)

Neal Baldowski AMRT

Megan Fewks AMRT

Raymond Woller Classic City Masters (CCM)

Ed Saltzman Dynamo (DYNA)

Amy Grossman Georgia Masters Killer Whales (GMKW)

Cathy Jones GMKW

Walter Leen GMKW

Gary Vogin GMKW

Lisa Watson GMKW

John Zeigler GMKW

Rob Copeland Southside Seals (SSS)

Stephen Feilke SSS

Dave Miller SSS

Christian Porzio SSS

Karol Welling SSS

Lynn Beach unattached

Robert Lance unattached

Mark Schremmer unattached

2) Adoption of Minutes from 2007 Meeting

The minutes were approved and adopted.

3) Reports of Officers

Chair (Lisa Watson) – Lisa ran the meeting, presenting those reports that were submitted to her by officers who were unable to attend. She was excited about the USMS Convention being held here in Atlanta the following week, 24-28 Sep 09, at the Hyatt Regency. She said we still need volunteers to man the hospitality suite and circulated a sign-up sheet for anyone interested.

Vice Chair (Sean Fitzgerald) – The St. Nick meet at GA Tech will need to be early this year due to scheduling conflicts at the pool. He explained the Grand Prix format to those in attendance who were unfamiliar. It consists of 5 or 6 events, of which a swimmer must compete in at least 3. The events sample SCY, SCM, LCM and open water venues, encouraging swimmers to participate in multiple events and try new venues.

Secretary (Karol Welling) – no report

Newsletter Editor (Bob Kohmescher) – Please send Bob any interesting news concerning Masters swimmers and Masters swimming for inclusion in the newsletter.

Treasurer (Ed Saltzman) – 2008 YTD Georgia LMSC Expenses were presented in a full-color pie chart with the following breakdown by category:

USMS – 81% ($14,538)

Club Dues – 6% ($1,038)

Convention – 3% ($600)

Awards – 2% ($327)

Registrar Expenses – 2% ($397)

Newsletter Copies – 1% ($182)

Newsletter Postage – 1% ($116)

Miscellaneous – 4% ($708)

Registrar (Bill Lotz) – Bill submitted 2 reports, one as of 18 Sep, and one for 19 Sep. The latter registration report showed 755 swimmers registered, an increase of 12 from the day before. This reflects a decrease from last year’s number (770) at this time of year & but higher than that of 2006 (711).

Member-at-Large & Website (Jeffrey Tacca) – no report

4) Reports of Committees

Coaches Committee (Pat Frank) - Pat is moving to Colorado, so we will need a new Coaching Chair. Donna Hooe’s name was suggested.

Communications (Ed Saltzman) – All Georgia records (see Top Ten/Records below) were recorded and posted in the newsletter. The 2009 registration forms for individual swimmers will be sent out as soon as each team registers. Team registration forms are available now.

Fitness (John Zeigler) – John talked about Veteran’s Day.

Long Distance (Rob Copeland) – The Georgia Games Open Water competition was our sole long distance event this year. Participation was good, and we hope to continue having the Georgia Games as an Open Water competition in the future. The drought has made adding more open water events very difficult.

Officials/Sanctions (Ed Saltzman) – The Georgia LMSC had 6 SC meets, 1 LCM meet and 1 Open Water competition. He encourages more teams to host events. Brunswick is a possible LCM host. He then explained to those present the difference between Cat I (developmental, stop watches, no top ten times, no records) and Cat II meets (electronic timing, top ten times, records).

Safety (Rob Copeland) – Continue to be safe!

Top Ten/Records (Ed Saltzman) – Ed submitted all top ten times and records that he received. He emphasized that lead-off splits are only eligible for records under certain circumstances. Backstroke requires prior notification, and the event must be totally completed.

5) Unfinished Business

Remaining 2008 Events:

9 November – Collins Hill SCY Developmental Meet

20 November - St. Nicholas SCM Invitational @ Georgia Tech

USMS Convention – next week (Sept 24-28) at Hyatt Regency in downtown Atlanta

6) New Business

Georgia Aquatic Hall of Fame (Fred Stokes) – Herb McAuley (85) will be our first nominee for the Georgia Aquatic Hall of Fame.

Georgia LMSC Calendar 2009 –

Jan 1-31 Hour Postal Swim

Jan 24-25 Charlotte, NC SCY (assumed dates)

Feb 8 Marist SCY Developmental Meet

Feb 14-15 Auburn, AL SCY

Mar TBA St. Patrick’s Day SCY Invitational – Dynamo

Apr 24-26 Marist SCY Gary Eaton Invitational

May 7-10 Fresno, CA USMS SC Nationals

Jun 6 Classic City LCM – UGA

Jul 11 Georgia Games Open Water

Aug 6-10 Indianapolis, IN USMS LC Nationals

Aug 22 or 29 Mountain Park SCY Developmental Meet – Stone Mountain

Sep 19 Peachtree City Pentathlon SCY, & LMSC annual meeting

Nov 8 Collins Hill Veterans Day SCY Developmental Meet

Dec TBA St Nicholas SCM Invitational – Georgia Tech

2010 SCY Masters Nationals – Ed has put together a fantastic package to bid for the hosting rights for the 2010 SCY Masters Nationals (20-23 May) to be held at GA Tech. He showed us the video and everyone was very impressed! Bravo, Ed! The bid will be presented on Friday at the Convention with voting to take place on Saturday. We will need MANY volunteers to make this event a success. Business sponsorships will also be key.

Festivals – A new concept may be coming to swimming competition. Festivals combining NCAA, USA and USMS for a 2-week competition at a single venue are being discussed, perhaps by 2012.

8) Resolutions & Orders

We resolve to continue doing our best to promote Masters Swimming in Georgia!

9) Adjournment

MSA the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted respectfully,

Karol Welling


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