Anti-Inflammatory Food List plus Meal Plan

[Pages:13] One of the most potent inflammatory sources can be the food we eat. And on the other hand we can do a great deal to help reduce inflammation by eating more antiinflammatory foods.

I came across a couple of good research studies that classified food into an antiinflammatory index. To bring this great reference guide together I have used those studies to make up this very detailed list of anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients that you can include more of in your everyday diet.

I have also included detailed food lists to help you work out which foods have high amounts of these nutrients. And of course, I like to make things practical so I have included a 3-day meal plan that you can apply straight away.

The Anti Inflammatory Index

First let's start with the anti-inflammatory index.

The foods/ nutrients are listed in descending order from the most anti-inflammatory. For example, magnesium is the most anti-inflammatory nutrient.


Magnesium Turmeric Beta Carotene Vitamin A Tea Fibre Quercetin Wine Luteolin Vitamin E Omega 3 fats Vitamin D Vitamin C Zinc Vitamin B6 Garlic Niacin Folate Ginger Saffron Daidzein Riboflavin Cyanidin Epicatechin Thiamin Protein Caffeine Iron Selenium

Inflammatory Weight

-0.905 -0.774 -0.725 -0.580 -0.552 -0.520 -0.490 -0.480 -0.430 -0.401 -0.384 -0.342 -0.367 -0.316 -0.286 -0.270 -0.260 -0.214 -0.180 -0.180 -0.170 -0.160 -0.130 -0.120 -0.50 -0.50 -0.35 -0.29 -0.21



The types of tea that have been shown to exhibit effects include black tea, oolong and green tea. I do think drinking green tea is better for you as it doesn't contain as much caffeine and is very high in antioxidants as well. @"E1*")(1%*'""2*(1%F3*?1913%=(1%>*@#13A1%6***B""2*C""2*D3)&5'6="E*


Luteolin is another type of flavonoid. These are just a few of the foods that have been studied for luteolin levels.

Food Lemon grass Broccoli French beans Carrot Bell pepper White radish

Mg/kg 178mg 74.5mg 35-42mg 37mg 13-31mg 9mg

Vitamin E

Amount equivalent to 1 cup of each food. Seaweed ? spirulina Tomato puree Frozen spinach Taro Spinach Tinned tomatoes Turnip greens Lambs quarters Chard Red bell pepperd Sweet potato ? boiled Canned asparagus drained Butternut squash Mustard greens Broccoli

5.60mg 4.92mg 4.70mg 4.03mg 3.74mg 3.74mg 3.47mg 3.36mg 3.31mg 3.22mg 3.08mg 2.95mg 2.64mg 2.49mg 2.48mg

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